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TR ia a ab Wornenern OF MATERIALS Parr IL Advanced Theory and Problems Br S. TIMOSHENKO Pfc of Phar and Bgincring Meanie, ‘Snr Unity SECOND EDITION—NINTH PRINTING D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, Ive. ‘TORONTO NEW YORK LONDON , Van Nostrand Company, Ine. 250 Fourth Avenue, New York 3 D. Van Nostrand Company, (Canada), Ld, 225 Bloor Steet, Toronto 8 Macnuillan & Company, Lu, St, Mastias Street, London, W.C: 2 Copyright, 100, 100 by D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPAR Ise. sos ABO a ‘mini fo ear and he pa Reprint, Maro 198, Fvary 1090 Peéraary 1988 Second Baton, Jane 190 Rapin Otero Daly 1068 ania 1045, Angad 10, May 1966 May 1046, Feesary 107, Aap 1947 yy PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION In the preparation of the new edition of this volume, the general character of the book has remained unchanged; the nly effort being to make it more complete and up-to-date by including new theoretical and experimental material repre- senting recent developments inthe felds of stress analysis and. experimental investigation of mechanical properties of struc tural materials. "The most important additions to the first edition include: 1, A more complete discussion of problems dealing with bending, compression, and torsion of slender and thin-walled structures. This kind of structure finds at present a wide application in airplane constructions, and it was considered desirable co include in the new edition more problems from that field. 2. A chapter on plastic defor mations dealing with bending land torsion of beams and shafts beyond the elastic mit and, also with plastic fow of material in thick-walled cylinders subjected to high internal pressures. 3. A considerable amount of new material of an experi- ‘mental character pertaining to the behavior of structural ‘materials at high temperatures and. to the fatigue of metals lunder reversal of strestes, especially in those cases where fatigue is combined with high stress concentration. 4 Important additions to be found in the portion of the book dealing with beams on elastic foundations; in the chap. ters on the theory of curved bars and theory of plates and shells; and in the chapter on stress concentration, in which some recent results of photoelastic tests have been included. Since the appearance of the first edition of this book, the Author's three volumes of a more advanced character, “Theory Of Elasticity,” “Theory of Blastic Stability,” and “Theory of Plates and Shells” have been published, Reference to these iv PREFACE. TO THE SECOND EDITION books are made in various places in this volume, expecially in those cases where only final results are given’ without © complete mathematical derivation Icis hoped thar with the additions mentioned above the book will give an up-to-date presentation of the subject of strength of materials which may be useful both to graduate students interested in engineering mechanics and to design engineers dealing with complicated problems of stress analysis. Srepuen P, Tawostexo Taw get ¥ PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION ‘The second volume of Tux Staeworit or MareRtats is written principally for advanced students, research engincers, and designers. The writer has endeavored to prepare-a book which contains the new developments that are of practical importance in the fields of strength of materials and theory of, elasticity. Complete derivations of problems of practical interest are given in most cases. In only a comparatively few cases of the more complicated problems, for which solutions ‘cannot be derived without going beyond the limit ofthe usual standard in engineering mathematics, the final results only are given. In such cases, the practical applications ofthe results are discussed, and, at the same time, references are given to the literature in which the complete derivation of the solution ‘can be found. In the first chapter, more complicated problems of bending of prismatical bars are considered. The important problems ‘of bending of bars on an elastic foundation are discussed in, detail and applications of the theory in investigating stresses in rails and stresses in tubes are given. The application of trigonometric series in investigating problems of bending is also discussed, and important approximate formulas. for combined direct and transverse loading are derived, In the second chapter, the theory of curved bars is de- ped in detail. ‘The application of this theory co machine design is illustrated by an analysis of the stresses, for instance, in hooks, fy wheels, links of chains, piston rings, and curved pipes. ‘The third chapter contains the theory of bending of plates. ‘The cases of deflection of plates to a cylindrical shape and the symmetrical bending of circular plates are discussed in detail and practical applications are given. Some data regarding the bending of rectangular plates under uniform load are also given, ¥ PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION In the fourth chapter are discussed problems of stress distribution in parts having the form of a generated body and symmetrically loaded. These problems are especially important for designers of vessels submitted to internal pressure and of rotating machinery. Tensile and bending stresses in thin-walled vessels stresses in thick-walled cylinders, shrinkfit stresses, and also dynamic stresses produced in rotors and rotating dises by inertia forces and the stresses due to non-uniform heating are given attention. ‘The fifth chapter contains the theory of sidewise buckling of compressed members and thin plates due to elastic in stability. These problems are of utmost importance in many modern structures where the cross sectional dimensions are being reduced to a minimum due to the use of stronger ma- terials and the desire to decrease weight. In many cases, failure of an engineering structure isto be atributed to clastic instability and not to lack of strength on the part of the material. In the sixth chapter, the irregularities in stress distribution produced by sharp variations in eross sections of bars caused by holes and grooves are considered, and the practical sig- nifcance of stress concentration is discussed. ‘The photo- elastic method, which has proved very useful in investigating stress concentration, is also described. The membrane anal- ‘ogy in torsional problems and its application in investigating stress concentration at reentrant corners, as in rolled sections and in tubular sections, is explained. Circular shalts of variable diameter are also discussed, and an electrical analogy is used in explaining local stresses at the fillets in such shaft. In the last chapter, che mechanical properties of materials are discussed. Attention is directed eo the general principles rather than to a description of established, standardized methods of testing materials and manipulating apparatus. The results of modern investigations of the mechanical properties of single crystals and the practical significance of this information are described. Such subjects a8 the fatigue of metals and the strength of metals at high temperature are - decided practical interest in modern machine design. STaae probleme are tented more partly with reference to new developments in these fields. Tn concluding, various strength theories are considered. ‘The important subject of the relation of the theories to the method of establishing working stresses under various stress ‘conditions is developed. ‘Te was mentioned that the book was written partially for teaching purposes, and that itisintended also to be sed for ade vanced courses, ‘The writer has, in his experience, usually divided the content of the book into three courses as follows: () A couree embodying chapters 1,3, and § principally for ad- vanced students interested in structural engineering, (2) A course covering chapters 2, 3, 4, and6 for students whose chief interest isin machine design. (3) A course using chapter 5 a8 a basis and accompanied by demonstrations in the material testing laboratory. The author feels that such a ‘course, which treats the fundamentals of mechanical proper: ties of materials and which establishes the relation between these properties and the working stresses used under various conditions in design, is of practical importance, and more attention should be given this sore of study in our engineering curricula, ‘The author takes this opportunity of thanking his friends who have assisted him by suggestions, reading of manuscripe and proof, particularly Messts. W. M. Coates and L. I Donnell, teachers of mathematics and mechanics in’ the Engineering College of the University of Michigan, and Mr. E, L. Everett of the Department of Engineering Research of the University of Michigan. He is indebted also to Mr. F. C. Witharm for the preparation of drawings, to Mrs. E. D, Webster for the typing of the manuscript, and to the D. Van Nostrand Company for their care in the publication of the book. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION vi S. Tmosnenke ‘Axe Ansos, Micntons May e936 E. @. 4 K. M, M v, 4 Tn 1. sytenn 5 NOTATIONS Normal stresses on planes perpendicular to sy y fand 2 axes. Normal stress on plane perpendicular to direction Normal stress at yield point. Normal working stress Shearing stress Shearing stresses parallel tox, y and z axes on the planes perpendicular to y, 2and x axes Working stress in shear ‘Total elongation, total defection ‘Unit elongation Unit elongations in x, y and = directions Unit shear, weight per unit volume ‘Modulus of elasticity in tension and compression ‘Modulus of elasticity in shear Poisson's ratio ‘Volume expansion Modulus of elasticity of volume ‘Torque Bending moment in a beam Shearing force in 2 beam Cross sectional area ‘Moments of inertia of a plane figure with respect toy and 2 axes Radi of gyration corresponding to Jy. Polar moment of inertia Section modulus ‘Torsional rigidity Length of a bar, span of « beam Concentrated forces ‘Temperature, thickness i NoratioNs Serain Ene Distance, a length [Load per nie length v CONTENTS: T, Spscuan Prosueus 1 Bewoine or Beams . . 1 1 Beams on Elastic Foundation 2. The Semi infinite Beam os an Biatic Foundation 3. Beams of Finite Length on Elastic Foundations 1 4 Combined Divece Compression and Lateral Load | 3§ ££ Continuous Struts a nel 8 TeeRod with Lateral Loading | > 7. Representation ofthe Destin Care by & Trig, rometical Series 8, Bending of Beams in'a Principal Plane which is hot ‘Plane of Symmetry. Center of Twist » «ss $0 9. Bferive Width of Thin Flanges rete 18, Limitations of the Method of Superposition © 1&5 TL Curve Bans 7 6s 11, Bending Stresses in Curved’ Bars 6s 12, Parscular Cases of Curved Bars 6 13, Deflection of Curved Bare ov = 2 221221) oy 1h. Arch Hinged ae the Ends) 2 Doe 18, Stresses in'a Flywheel fof 16. Deflection Curve fora Bar with # Circular Center ine rot 17, Deflection of Bars with # Small Initial Carvature | tog 18, The Bending of Curved Tubes 1 19, The Bending of a Carved Bar Out of ies Plane of Trivial Curvarsre Sana HE Tay Puares avo Suess 19 420, Bending of Plate 0 a Cylindsieal Surface 19 26 Bending of Lang Unilorly Loaded Rectanguar Plate nt 22, Deflection of Long Rectangular Plates Having a Small Tnitial Cylindrical Curvature 136 23. Combination of Pure Bending in Two Perpendicular Directions». + 139 24. Thermal Stresses in Plates ny 25, Rending of Circular Plates Loaded Syimmeteealy ‘with Respect tothe Center a5 36, Uniformly Loaded Cirelar Plate oo 133 wW. vi. CONTENTS 27. Circular Plate Lond at the Center 16 a8, Gircular Plate Concentriclly Loaded 29, Dflestion of a Symmeticlly Loaded Cireiar Plate witha Circular Hole ae the Center, ast 430. Bending of Rectangular Pater is 1H. Thin-alled Vesela Submited to cern Prewine 155 52: Local Bending Stresses in Thin Verse ee 133: Thermal Serewes in Cylindrical Shel 211) 388 34: Twisting of a Circular Ring by Couples Unifienily Distributed along tts Center Line ” Bocruve op Baan Parts ayo Suns ie 235, Lateral Buckling of Bars, Compressed within the “Haste Limit a Se 36. Energy Method of Clelting Critiesl Compresive Toads ae 199 137. Buckling of Prismaieal Bars under the Aévion'of Uniformly Distributed Axial Forces, 05 438. Bucking of Bars of Variable Crost Section = 3g. Eee of Shearing Fore on Crtieal Load pd $B. Buckling of Eateced State a 4% Buckling of Cirular Rings and Tubes under Ex: ternal Presure «= = a6 42, Buckling of Rectangular Patcs Lill ay 43: Buckling of Beams without Lateral Supports: | 339 Drrontarions Sruneraicat, Anovr Axis x6 44 Thicewalled Cylinders ne 48. Stresses Produced by Shrink Fics a 46. Rotaeing Diseof Uniform Thickness as 47, Rotating Disc'of Variable Thickness 48. Thermal Stresses in a Long Hollow Cylinder 4 Silt of Non Circa Coss Secon $2. Membrane Analogy 51; Torsion of Relled Proie Sections §2. Torsion of Thin Tubular Members oe §9. Torsion of Thin-Walled Members it which Some Cross Sections are Prevented fom Warping 282 54. Torsional Buckling of ‘Thin-Walled. Compression Members“. . s : 206 Longitudinal Normal Srcasesin Twisted Bars |) 398 ss $6. Open Coiled Helical Spring v VIL. Sem sr ss se 6. br o 6. CONTENTS “Tension ‘or Compression Photoii Seth of Sess Neasirements 6f, Sens ae the Pont of Lond Application 6&, Contact Sere Balls and Relies eronnanions Brvoxo Eussne Lowe Ve Pe Rare Bening of Beams she Material of Which Doct Not Fullow Hooker Law ss 66, Banting of Rene by Transvene Loads Beyond ElasteLinits » 66, Resiual Stores Prodced by Tnlaine Beading 58. Tomson Beyond the Elase Line : Fe Pei Deformation of Tick Cynder odes che ‘Actin af Internal Preseore TK, Mecyameat Provesries or Maraiiats ju Tension Tee Fe Compresion Tes fe Sean Hasterng Lt TE. San Hardening nd eis! Sress 38 Type Fart ‘i 1. Tie Bet and Hist Fh The Fatigue of Metals 4. Various Facer Afesting Endranee Lint &5, Fatigue and Stes Concentration Causes of Fatigue 4 Mechaal Proper of Meta a High Taper 85, Varios Sneath Theis Be Working Suess, HONE MOK event eee ae ae 33 ant a4 39 335 ae ue 352 355 oe a7 a9 3a 389 : x i a 435 39 4 a e 19 CHAPTER I ppCiAL PROBLEMS [00 BENDING OF BEAMS 1 Beams on Blast Foundation.—Let us consider & Prt snacl beam svrported alongits ecire lenge bya consn ons matic ndaton, such that when ce beam is deflect, he cast of the continuously. distributed reaction &¢ 6°67) inten proportional tthe deflection at chat secon’ io Conditions the reaction per unit length of the Dar Under sfoprevented by the expression By, in which 7 i he a dating Eis a constant usally called che moduli of eandasion. ‘Thin constant denotes the reaction Pep anit fon hon the defection i qual to nity. The smal ae lene rthat she continuous reaction of the foundations surircona to the defection ia satisfactory approxitoy Peeparpracicl cases. For instance, inthe ese of riway in many Pe“solution obtsined on this assumption is in good eectrent with actual measurements? Tn studying Oe oe qe tanve of the beam we use the differential equations? “ EL Ga" @ in which g denotes the intensity ofthe load a fon the beam, The beam ir nbedic jn « material eapble of exerting downward sas well as gpaedforees on 1 a ee ori, E, Lange, Trans AS. ME Vol fey ST cry of ning be no ea unde 2 ite ile Di Eclvev- ¢ Blau o. Fike oped by Weeesp As Zimmermay Die Beech de Be eer eee asin, hls Further devlopment ofthe teary Eat era ing plications: layaes, Theore dey Tage Til Foun aa pen, aoaug Wigghard, Zetec (ar ange suf latcher Unta§ Va y (oasis Kev Sanden and ScHlehen Bee MAIN fuse ileft gy Pasternak, Beton 0, Bien 1996 G69 cern a Eee eshte angewandte Math o Mesh Vol. 7+ Sabo WPS oe Journal Apel Mech Vol te P 1. 1937 SUSE tht of Materia” PAE Tsp 137 RENGTHT OF MATERIALS For an unloaded portion the only force on the beam is the continuously distributed reaction from the side ofthe founda, tion of intensity Ay. Hence q = — ky and equation (o) becomes B1b om — hy, w Using the notation i SET, the general solution of eq. (1) can be represented as follows: J = (4 oon Be + B sin Bs) + M(Coos be + Dsin as). (b This can easily be verified by substituting (6) in eq. (1). In particular cases the arbitrary constants , B, C, and D of the solution must be determined from the known conditions at certain points, Let us consider, a an example, the case of a single concen- ‘rated load acting on an infinitely long beam (Fig. 1), eaking the origin of coordinates at the point of application of the force. From the condition of symmetry, Srrmezmm.—+ only that part of the beam to the ight of re oe ad ged tea (gt, 3). cee In applying the general solution (8) t0 Tir” thiscase, the arbitrary constants must frst if be foyind. Tris reasonable to assume chat Fro. at points infinitely distant from the force P the deflection and the curvature are equal to zero. This condition can be fulilled only if the constants 4 and B in eq. (8) are taken equal to zero.” Hence the deflection curve for the right portion of the beam be. Y= (Cos Be + Dain os), © ‘The two remaining constants of integration Cand D must be found from the conditions atthe origin, = 0. At this poine, PROBLEMS IN BENDING OF BEAMS 3 ie save a horizontal tangents therelore the deflection curve must have a h 1 eangen a) or substituting expression (¢) for y e-(C cos bx + Dsin x + Csin ax ~ Deos xls = 0 from which Equation (¢) therefore becomes 9 = COM (c0s Be + sin Bx). @ ‘The consecutive derivatives of this equation are Bo — s80e-* sin Br, a $y» apce-*(sin Bx — c08 82), oe Fa = 2eCe*(sin Bx — c08 Bs), 22. p'Ce* cos Ba. © BE = 4pCe cosa J contane © can ow be determined fom the fact hat 25 othe le repre ea naan EH The nis aign flows fom on tonvetion for sign of shearing foresee PJ Part D Then Ore ~ (42), - 21.(B)_~ or using ea. () Etesgc =2, ‘rom which - C= SREr, Substicuting this in eqs. (2) and (@), we obtain the following 4 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS PROBLEMS IN BENDING OF BEAMS ‘equations for the deflection and bending moment curves: remo me tas oer renaetna) = — Pemente + inte, oft beeaea ae Mm ~ B18» —Pewtinge ~ ct, ia | 7 Sieh) Sto Both expressions (3) and (4) have, when plotted, a wave form with gradually diminishing amplitudes. "The length a of 3 ame these waves i given by the period ofthe fanctions ses ae and oe ceteet sin Bs, ie, Ee coat oe a= a oe ED 6 ae Seon | Sout | -sestt ‘To simplify the determination ofthe deflection, the bending ne = moment, and the shearing force the numerial rable belon con Biven, in which the following notations are useds 9 = (cos Bx + sin 8x); ¥ = — (sin Be — cos ax); 6 Bm meas ies T= eM sin Be In Fig. 2 the functions @ and ¥ are shown graphically s | Y 1 const 0059 =e | eon 6 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Using the notation (6) and equations (d)~(f) we obtain i i ~ 21,5 = Even, a ty P vm ~ £1,593 = ~P ase) By using these equations together with table I, the deflection, the slope, the bending moment, and the shearing force for any cross section of the beam can be readily calculated. The maximum deflection and maximum bending moment occur at the origin and are, respectively, @ ©) Using the expressicn (3) for a single load and the principle of superposition, the deeion produced in an intl long yeam on an elastic foundation by any other type of loadin can be readily obtained. * * a an example let us consider the cate of yy ‘a uniform load distributed over a lengeh J of fad” an intely long beam (Pig. 3). Consider FATT] ny pone 4 and it cand epitocnt the di Fon 1 ancl fhm this polo fo the ends of the Headed part ofthe team, The defection af, produced by an clement ga of the load, is obtained by subst Toeing gs for Pino. Gy which gives 98 aia, ¢7 os bs + sind ‘The deflection produced at 4 by the loudng distributed over the PROBLEMS IN BENDING OF BEAMS 7 length Zthen becomes go f Barer ooert sina) + [SE = fe — PM eastb— eho). Ue cand are lag, the values and ei be sal andthe ‘Last ll ceualspprosimacly offiey septs Fe eet th bade yr the athe bang the ae fm etd and an fesse tu the fo gg SeePanmied wees ludston, Taking te pot gre We oad part ofthe bar, we aver 9, = Fer Tse Et Fae ae te oy co tNca ym gr tes the dehctee’ now hs ony one ball Gite tle dae above ie atest anes by sng equation (she expen for sending omen ten be vse TE Ghe pine en SSCS TR ated eytin of te eam ant the quan Sante etn epee he rer andthe sae dant fem tpi iol eds the el par of the beam Scone a= fpr cote + ing ‘ghee = fret conte + inte bctrem te emcosth. 0) When lange quanttys we obtain for oy, {he acheston the value fab, stich conde with ou prev? fous conclusion. “As the dis- The cae of a couple ating Fae nan infinitely long beam, da, can alco by anlyned by using the solution 3 fra singe load ‘The tion of the couple is equivslene to that of the two Torces P shown in Fig. ay f Pe approaches Me while ¢ approaches zer. 8 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS = saa aoe eon Mos o(8s) = ofste +0] _ _ Made aE ° 7 Since, fom equations (7), de ae, wwe obtain for the defection eurve produced by the couple Mg the following equation M = ME rip. re) By difeeniatng this equation, we obtain 2 Me F=ME vo0, (10) Using these equations tether with Table 1, one can realy eleu- late he defection the spe, the bending moment, and the shearing force for any cross stow of the beam ‘We shal now comder the cave of several loads acting on a team,” Asancrarple beading ofr produced by wheel: pressures td's locomotive wl beacuse The allowing method of ana Iyzing stress in ral i based upon the sssumpion that there Ba Santinuous clare support under the ral.”‘This anumpdion good approximations sie the datencehetween the te sal jntCompatton fo the wave length a of the defection curve, given by en. Invorder to obtain the magne ofthe modulus 1 fottion the load roquired to depres one te unit distance fnust be divided by the te spacing. Tris asumed that the te is Snmetialy loaded by two loads corresponding tothe Fall pres strn Sapte insane tat the fe ped 09 Bich Suet each of the two los of 10200 pounds And that the Ce PROBLEMS IN BENDING OF BEAMS 9 pacing is 22 inches; chen tr ooxe = 1,500 Ibs, por square inch For the case of single wheel load P, eqs (8) and (9) aze wed forthe maximum defection and maximum bending moment. The ‘asimam stres duc tothe bending of the rail will be Moe sath aa NE @ where Z denotes the section modulus of the rit Tn onder to compare stresses in rails the eros sections of which are geometrically sila, eq,() may’ be put inthe fellowing forms a in which i che area of che crows sition of the rail. Since the cond factor on the right side of eq. (J) remains constant for {eomevically similar eros sections and since the third factor does fr depend on the dimensions of the ray the masimum stress inversely proportional to the atea of the cross section, i, inversely proportional tothe weight of the Fall per unit length Pan approximate value of the maxitmam pressure Rg on ate is cbtained by muleplying the maxinsum depresion by the He spacing ‘and by the modulus of the foundation. From eq. @) Pay Pal PE Rae = ig = PE ® le may be seen from this that the pressure on the tie depends prin Cipally on the te spacing Te should be noted also that occurs inboth eqs () al () a8 a fourth root. Hlence an errr in the fletermination of will introduce @ much smaller etror in the magnitude of enue and Rew ‘Sez authors paper on “Stength of Rall” Transactions of the Insewee of Way Of Communications, St, Petersburg, Russa (1010), tnd author's paper in Brac. of the Second Tacernational Congrest for [Applied Meehan Zisich, 1436. See lao reference 2 in writing eG) ie wis ansumed that the clementary beam formule can be wged at the crow section where the load P is applied, More ‘Eieled investigations show thaty due to local stresey considersble ‘eviation fom the elementary eq () should be expected 0 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS When several loads are acting on the rail, the method of super. position muse be used. To illustrate the method of ealelation we Shall discuss a numerical example. Consider a too rl section with Z, = 44 int and with a te spacing such thae f= 1,500 lbs, per aq. in then from . (2) [e_ fifoe NGEL.~ Nex x a and from 69. (5) en tawain We take, as an example, aystem of four equal wheel loads, 66 inches apart. If we fx the origin of coordinates at the point of contact ofthe first whee, the values of Be for other wheels will be ‘those in the table 2 below. The cortesponding values of fonctions vv and y taken from the numerical table om p. § are aso given. | T oe o | oe | os | on : 1 | cea | Teas | ace Now after superposing the eet ofall the four load acting om the rail the bending moment under the frst wheel iy rom 69. Gy 2 2 My ~ B= 0207 ~ 051 + 9008) = 095%, iy the bending moments a5 per cent les than that produced 1 sng load Pe i eee Proceeing in the same manner for the point of contact ofthe second wheel we ota vier > mak Ie may be seen that due othe ation of adjacent whecs the bending tmoment under the second wheel i such smaller than under the frst. "This fact waa proved by numerous experimental esr: rents of track stesies. Using ey (3) and the values in the lat 2 X 01207 — cost ae 53535 PROBLEMS IN BENDING OF BEAMS n line ofthe numerical table 2, we find the following deflection under the first waeel The defections at other points can be obtained ina similar manne. Te will be aen thatthe method of superposition is easily applied to determin the let of «combination of laads having any arrange- ment snd any spacing, "The analysis is baaed on the assumption that the rail support is capable of developing negative reactions. Since there is Play between the ral and the spikes, there is ite resistance to. the "upward movement ofthe ral and this tends to increase the bending Iement in the rail under the frst and the last wheels. Osher Clements enter into the problem and these may affece the acuracy (Of the analysis," Nevertheless, i general, the above theory forthe fending of the ral, caused by static loading, is im sasfactory Agreement with the experiments which have been made. Problems 1. Using the information given in Table 2, constr the bending rmament dag othe il suming a he wheel esas ae {ual to 40,00 Ibs. Such a diagram shoul show that the moments re nogative in sections midway beoncen the wheds, whch ind ‘ater that during lecomocive motion the ral is submiteed to the Section of reversal of bending stresses which may finally resale in Fatigue eck. 3 Hind the bending momenta che mide ofthe loaded portion of the beam shows in Fig.) and the lope of the deflectin carve tthe ee cad of the same portion 3 Bind the defection ae any point under the trangulat lad {eting on an infinitely Tong beam fon casi foundation, Fig ZA “Amar. Proceeding. a8 in the derivation of equation Ds Po eben = F199 = 40h 2 = Sy l00 — via ~ 291000 + 48. 2 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 2, The Semi-infnite Beam on an Elastic Foundation —If Jong beam on an elastic foundation is bent by a force P and a mo sent My applied at the end as shown in Fig 6, we again can use the general solution (b) of the preceding article ot _,_ Since the deletion and the bending mament » lpproach zeros the distances from the loaded nd increases, we must take in ot that colton and we obtain y= (Coon fe + Dein gs). (a) For determining the constants of integration C and D we have the conditions at the origin .e, under the load Ps ou(),, (2) 2 rer ttuting expression (a i ehese equations, we obtain two linear Suations Gd D, om which ~My (P-pMo; D Substituting in equation (a), we obtain “ff oxse— scene sine) = 2 puso — eden) — roe. 0 ‘To get the deflection under the load we must substitute in (18) ete. Then per, ? ~ 230 ow Bo Glee “The exprestion forthe slope is obtained by diferentiating eq (1). At the tnd (6) this becomes (B)_- - we? - oan. Using thee equations in conjunction with the principle of super pesition, more complicated problems can be seved iz If uniformly ded long beam on an laste foundation has 2 PROBLEMS IN BENDING OF BEAMS 8 simply supported end, Fig. 72, the reaction R is found from the SE on hae deletion athe support s2er. Observing that alge dance om, the Sippore bending of the beam sMeligible and. that its de- ssn into the foundation can [Staten equal to gif ve cal cae the ale of by Sitting aso and , sanee dn. one mec A iat cs nema fad 00 E peers eee wep” adc ae a fecions given by equation (1) ESP Bh 2 Som the riform depresion gt of the beam, which give conse = J — A coshs). (14) the cae of a builtin end Fg, 7h the magnates of the react it an of the moment hare btned fom the eptans ran a tet defccton andthe slope are ero” Observing dae OTP ce othe suppor he detection is oa © TE citetona tr) and Ga), we obtain the following Gunns forcing Rand Bs? eo PET, (RBM) and aer, R +980, from which Mn = 90, ELt=1 wel gm h as) “The minus sign of Me indicates thatthe moment has the direction shown by the arrow in Fig. 7 on Re “in equations (ii) and (32), aieated, wince the positive fection forthe renetion fe taen upwards “ STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Problems 1, Find the deflection curve for a semi-infinite beam on an clastic foundation hinged at the end and acted upon by » couple Ma Fig 8 ae ‘Solution. "The reaction at the hinge’ is obtained from equation is (11) substituting =, which gives Fat P= BM Substituting this value of P in equation (11) we obtain po glbgerinar= linea. 00 ee ea B50, wan sdtemenn, | a 4 Ym ~ EL = ~ obo). | 2, Find the bending moment My and the force P acting on the end of a semi infinite beam on an clastic foundation, Fig ifthe Aetection 8 and the slope fat the end are given Saluion. The values fy and P are obtain from equations (ax?) ‘and (ea) by sobetituting the piven quits for 9 and Glebe Tay itl the defstion cuve for a sminnite beam onan clastic foundation prouced by a load P applied at 2 datance from the free end 4 of the beam, Fig. ic. PROBLEMS IN BENDING OF BEAMS 5 tes pcan etal aur! Sean sete eases ST cap wesepesie bet eaten SS. -G Se cree ey Lunes » a= Fy, v 2089. (0 “Tocbtain the roqired defection (Gp favve forthe sominfite beam, ice athe end me ciety cs the set nfinite beam produced Pe 1 by forces shown in ig rod on the defection uf the Betisios infinite beam, By sing equations {G) (rd sed (inthis way we obtain for > 0° 2 rane od + aise +o} —sbetne Hon = ey +E wgosiie+ 0) + WMste# 01 Hesse + 8 ‘This expression can algo be used for = ¢ 5. ee a reine 7 yo ae eee a ee Se git Rie 9 > 385 El, ~ BET” wa ‘A yey complete scusion of sch problems i given by LG. Boobsov Se Thbey of Structure of Sipe” vol 3 2944 5. Betesburs PROBLEMS IN BENDING OF BEAMS a she Ais the preston hort eam 40 of the vera Teendertndinton”ivop enon ork ne anf ae ‘ae ortanptal bean 8 sue the scion of eoncenraced fore Fig. 174, the magnitude of which is : Eh Rofo —8EL, © Anning at etn bene eve a olin Seyun nhe egh ofthe boar beam nd soe the soncentrated orcer by the equivalent uniform load, se'dhows ETc wc a ele he cpneoad debe, ded abet # Poo in the figure by the dotted lines, by a continious lad distribution ofthe intensity f where fae és ai? BEL, -i 0 ‘The diferential equation ofthe defection curve forthe beam ay So mo — by im eis seen thatthe horizontal beam is in the condition ofa uniformly 2 ‘STRENGTH OF MATERIALS loaded beam on an clastic foundation. ‘The intensity of the load find the modulus of foundation are given by the expressions (0) in discussing the defection ofthe beams we can use the method of siperposition previously explained or we ean directly integrate lation (n)- Using the latter method, we may write the general integral of the equation {m) in the following form ya$4 oinseishoet Conaronbar| + Gvemsesinhbe + Chom rent Thing he rg of eee a he ey Fe 7 3 Target Gatysoaomds ae e suing hin se on) ing henna the Siiyemtads 2), Ode = Be a asin — beoaal + cook” Gane wwe find jroo! Com — con Al + coah pi “The deflection curve then is in Bx sinh acon cosh ~ cour ewwan gh Om Beco Be J CO) “The defection at the middle is obtained by taking x = © which oe soon! ome he » PROBLE! 1S IN. BENDING OF BEAMS 23 Substituting this value im equation (4), we find the reaction at the Snide support ofthe vertial beam, which merece he beam 1B eins milpuine It je inoresing to note that thireacton may iecome nine which ines that che bata cal apport the yerdcl beams only fs suBiendly rigid otherwise sEiay actually increase the bending of some of the vertical beams Problems 1, Find a general expression for the defection curve for the ease ‘asteted in Fig, 12. ‘Answer ‘PA cosh Be cos sl — 3) + cosh t ha + sin 4 Find the deflections atthe ends and the bending moment at ‘the tile of the beam bene by ewo equal and opposite couples Ma Figs 18. conse | Fl coat int 7 Boat + cosh Hsin ‘sink al anal Find the efeson and the bending momenta he mile of the beam with hinged ends and on an elastic foundation, the load being applied atthe middle ofthe bears, Fig. 1. inser. PB sich pl — sin a! 3E cosh Al-+ eos," eee 98 conh Bl + cos M, 4 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 4. Find the deflection and the bending moment atthe midale of the tniformly loaded beam with hinged ends on an elastic founda- eee #UE 7 Goal + cos at |? sol al “3g coahal + es 5. Find the bending moments a¢ the ends of the beam with builtin ens and om an elastic foundation. The beam is carrying 2 uniform load and a load at the middle, Fig. 28 : my aby M, sr p tian sin pt ~ Bain BYE ain il ~ 35 sinh a sin 6, Find the deflection curve forthe beam on an clastic founda- tion with the load appli at onc end, Fig. 23. Mem LOTTI, OTTO say inh A eo cosh t— 2) = sin Bl cosh Bx cos Bll — 2) Bl = si PROBLEMS IN BENDING OF BEAMS 2s 7, A beam on an clastic foundation and with hinged ends is bene by a couple My applied atthe end, Fig. 23. Find the deflection curve ofthe beam “answer Ceosh a sin sinh a — 2) ~ con sinh sin a= 39}. ‘4. Combined Direct Compression and Lateral Load.— Let us begin wich the simple problem of a strut with hinged ‘ends, loaded by a single force P, and centrally compressed by toro equal and opposite forces S, Fig. 24. Assuming that the ies 7) Pate force P acts in one of the principal planes of the strut, we see that the bending proceeds in the same plane. The differ tential equations of the deflection curve for the two portions of the strut are: erft—— 55 Pe, rm ~ a) @) * (7) we represent the slutons ofthe equations (e) and (inthe faowing form: " = Creos pe + Crsin pe — Fh, © 9 = Choos pr + Crsin pe — PSO d-9. @ % STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Since the deflections vanish at the ends of the strut, we con- clude that G=6, C= = Cytan pl ‘The remaining two constants of integration we find from the conditions of continuity at the point of application of the load P, which require that equations (¢) and (d) give the same deflection and the same slope for x = /-— ¢; we obtain: Coin 9 = Clin p= 9 = unpleos pl ~ cpenpt=9 = Coteeepl— 9 + unplsinpt— 0 +, fom wich P sin pe Ps Pin pl) Spain p? Span pl Substituting in equation (¢) we obtain for the left portion of the strut: c Pain pe Pe Spann oe — SF as) ‘om this, by differentiation, we find: dy _Psinge 4, Pe E> sang — SP a By Ppsin.b in py [ a> ~ Sangre ‘The corresponding expressions for the right portion of the strut are obtained by substituting (J — x) instead of x and (= 0) instead of ¢, and by changing the sign of 4 ‘equations (18) and (ig). ‘These substitutions gi Pain pl) g, POG», (20) ~ Peel inp 9 ~ PEP G— a, (20) PROBLEMS IN BENDING OF BEAMS 27 singl= 9 F = Piet emp 959, on ey 2 Posepe2 2 sin pll — 2), @ In a particular ease, when the load P is applied at the middle, we have ¢ = //3, and, by introducing the notation st By 0 8-4 ce) we obtain from equation (18) 2 (und! - dow = deve = PP tana —u Bel 9) ‘The first factor in expression (24) represents the deflection produced by the lateral load P acting alone. ‘The second factor indicates in what proportion che deflection produced, by Pis magnified by the axial compressive force 5. When 8) is small in comparison with Euler load (S. = EZw'/P), the quantity 1 is small and the second factor in equation’ (24) approaches unity, which indicates that under this condition the effect on the deflection of the axial compressive force is, negligible. When $ approaches the Kuler value, the quantity, 1 approaches the value 3/2 (See eq. 23) and the second factor in expression (24) increases indefinitely, as should be expected from our previous discussion of critical load (sce p. 244y Pare). "The maximum walue of the bending moment is under the load and its value is obtained from the second of equations (49), and es) ‘Aguin we see thatthe frst factor in expression (25) represents 8 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS the bending moment produced by the load P acting alone, while the second factor isthe magnification factor representing the action of the axial force 5 on the maximum bending moment. “Having solved the problem for one lateral load P, Fig. 24, we can readily obtain the solution for the case ofa strut bend by a couple applied at the end, Fig. 25. It is only necessary to assume that in our previous discussion the distance ¢ is indefinitely diminishing approaching 2ero, while Pe remains a fonstanccqual to Me. Substituting Pe = Mandan ke = he fn equation (18), we obtain the defection curv (Ges -7): 9 from which &-'8(Gee-7) “The slopes ofthe beam at the ends are S(shp-1) bet (ssn & (aia-i) Me 1 3 o(sramaa~ ar) [Again the first factors in expressions (27) and (28) taken ‘with proper signs represent the slopes produced by the couple PROBLEMS IN BENDING OF BEAMS » ‘Me acting alone (see p. 158, Part I), and the second factors represent the effect of the axial force S. ‘Considering equations (#8) and (26), we se that the lateral force P and the couple Mo occur in these expressions linear! while the axial foree $ occurs in the same expressions in a ‘more complicated manner, since p also contains S (see eq. 17). From this we conclude that if at point C, Fig. 24, two forces P and Q are applied, the deflection at any point may be “obtained by superposing the deflections produced by the loud @ and the axial forces Son the deflection produced by the Toad P and the same axial forces. A similar eonclusion can be reached regarding couples applied to one end of the beam. ‘The conclusion regarding superposition can be readily generalized and extended to cover the case of seve al loads, Fig. 26. For each portion of the strut an equation similar to =a equations (a) and (2) can be written, and solution similar to those in (@) and (2) can be obtained. The constants of integration can be found from the conditions of continuity at the points of losd application and from the conditions at the ends of the strut. In this way ie can be shown that the ellction at any point of the strut isa linear function of the loads Py Ps, =" and that the deflection at any poine ean be obtained by superposing the defections produced at that Point by each of the lateral loads acting together with the fal force. Let us consider a general case when 1 forces are acting and m of these forces are applied to the right of the croc section for which we are calculating the defection. ‘The expression for this defection is obtained by using equation (8) forthe forees Py, Pay = Pa and equation (2) for the 30 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS forces Pass, Pas ++ Pm In this way we obtain the requited deflection y= SOB E posing - HE Pe inp) pring —e inal psing —0) af Ero. 9) 1 instead of concentrated forces, thee isa uniform lad of intensity acing om the strat ech element gd of this Tandy taken ae a ditanc ¢ from the ght end can be con sSheted aa eonentated force. Substistng instead of Piinequaion 39) and replacing summation signs Dy intege- Tin obtain te following expression for the defection Spang al we in pl ~ =) 1 BALE? f gaingttmae 55 Integrating the above gives singe pin gede~ and Onn = S6(ate- 1-5 on PROBLEMS IN BENDING OF BEAMS n By differentiating equation (30), we readily obtain the ex: pressions for che slope and for the bending moment. The slope at the left end of the strut is | @) ‘The maximum bending moment is at the middle where de wht 8) _ gn 20 = con BR wesw” 3) S008 By using solution (26) for the case of a couple together with solution (29) for lateral loads, and applying the method of superposition, variousstatially indeterminate eases of bending of struts can be readily solved, 2 fos ‘Taking as an example the case 7” zn, of a uniformly loaded strut buile in at one end, Fig. 27, we find the bending moment Me at the built-in end from the condition chat this end does not rotate during bending. By using equations (28) and (32) this condition is found to be ~tpet+d- (ak MED We ET (satan “rom which 4 tan2u(an ~ 0) Mam ea Ge _In the case of a uniformly loaded strut with both ends built-in the moments My at the ends are obtained from the 3 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ar] equation: P tanune ~hlweane {9 is seen from expressions (34) and (35) that the values of the statically indeterminate moments in the case of struts are ‘obtained by multiplying the corresponding moments caleu- lated from the beam formulas by certain magnification factors. All necessary calculations etn be greatly simplified by using the prepared numerical cables for determining magnification factors.” ‘When the maximum bending moment for a strut is found, the numerical stress maximum is obtained by combining the direct stress with the maximum bending stress, which gives © where 4 and Z are, respectively, the cross-sectional area and the section modulus for the strut. Taking, as an example, the ease of a uniformly loaded strut wich hinged ends, we ‘obtain from equation (3, 5 gh 201 — eons) a Fae o In selecting the proper crosssectional dimensions of the struc it is necessary ¢0 consider chat the right side of the equation (f) is not linear in S'since the quantity w also de- pends on 5, as may be seen from expression (23). Owing to this fact the maximum stress increases at a greater rate than coms PU Be Ha Baa ge ae Re PACE mien’ PROBLEMS IN BENDING OF BEAMS 3 the force §, ‘Thus the wsual method for determining the proper dimensions by taking!™ lemox| = 5 @ where 1 is the factor of safety, fils in this case Tr che strut must he designed co that it will begin to yield when the forces & and q increase m times, the eross section fnust be selected 20 that [enue will be somewhat smaller than ey in order to satisfy the equation: en 5, gh ot — cos) athe atom o in which wy = 9 Te is apparent that if we proceed in this manner we satisfy the requirement regarding the beginning of yielding; by multiplying both sides of the equation (2) by 2 we find nS gl cos on pe c) which indicates that the maximum stress reaches the yield ppoine stress when J and g have been increased m times ‘Similar procedure in the design of strats can be applied in ‘other cases of loading. We can conclude from the above discussion that to ascertain a factor of safety m in the design fof struts,!! we must use instead of equation (g) a modified equation similar to equation (h), in which the parameter 1 is replaced by a Problems 1, ind the slope at the Ie ed of» stot wth hinged ends which is loaded at the middle by the load P. a Te is asumed that material of che wrut ha & provwanced yield PSS this method of dvign of sloped by K. 8. "This method of design of strate was developed Dawson sce Memes ofthe Trae of Engncers of Ways of Communion, ig 8 Peeabang rn STRE? NGTH OF MATERIALS Anawer, dy) Pim conu_ PR 1 cosw {B )oa "35 conn GET ah con 4. Find the slopes at the ende ofa strut carrying 2 triangular load, Fig. 28 Solution. Substituting in equation (29) gedell instead of Po and replacing summation by integration we Bd apt Pag 8 fg yess Pinna 5 Ma Sapa 9 [a ing — ode GE [ME Uae Dicniing hs dh epee wom we nd hat Spsinpl by 4 (2)_.-gfne-9 (4)_.--afige-» a) na” ~ per where and are functions given hy expeasions (36) (ep 38) Find the des the ends of srt symmetaly loaded by So londs Py a show sin ig 39 eG) 4. strat with builtin ends is loaded a8 shown in Fig. 25 Find the bending moments, Mo, atthe ends PROBLEMS IN BENDING OF BEAMS 3s Solution. ‘The moments My are found from the conditions that the ends of the srut do not rotate. By using the answer of the preceding problem and alo equations (27) and (a8), the following {quation for calculating is obtained va, Psd wn Pat) fd = 0, we obtain the case ofa load 2P concentrated at che mile from which Pe oS fy x Re ” 1 — ; Hr . 5 Comtnuoas Stuts—In the case of a continous stat we proceed atin the ese of comtinuoor eam ose pr aot, Pare) thd consider two ajsccnt spun Fig. go" Using equations Cay {G7),and Gy and ntedacng mvt forthe mb pan Site thang & dee A. Zimmermann, Seungihy Akad. Wi Resins tt and eee 36 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS oo co) We conclude thatthe slope at the right end of the nth span, Fig. 308, produced by the ead moments Mass and Aly is ‘The slope produced at the left end of the w + t span by the mo. ments My Sd Mayas Marinas 4g, Males con ee + bene If there is no lateral load acting on the two spans under considera. tion, the expressions (a) and (2) must be equal, and we obtain: ® tesa (f+ font) audit 60 Te. “This is the three moment equation for continuous strut if there is no lateral load on the two spans under consideration Tf chee is lateral load actin, the corresponding slopes produced by this load must be added to expressions (e) and @). Taking, for example, the case of uniform load qu and gyay acting onthe spans rand» + tina downward ditetion, we obtain the corresponding Slopes frou equation (33) and, instead of expressions (2) and (By swe obesis sole Eh! © Bquating these ewo.expresions we obtain us Tes, = att tele. G9) se nat 2 (Baft+ Bon PROBLEMS IN BENDING OF BEAMS 7 This the tres moment equation fo a srt wih uniform Jad Meath 'span ies tins to the cere moment equator er catnuots bam snd cinhes witht when 3 = ond el enetons eoyy booms equl nie be any othe Mn of ltr! load we have to change only the fight side the quan {aps whch depends on the Svan oF fe djs ends the Spas road by Ine! adn ‘Taking. for compl the case os topetidd ad Shown i ye at T and dividing the load into two parts, T rT ‘uniform loals and triangular loads, e tre se for the wsiform loads the Terme which we alrealy have on DP DSO ehh tue of cqutson Oh a tos crop nthe angular loads, Using the exresion Sarcoma ihe elle, Using he pre the two terme which we have to ad to the ight side of equation (G9) inthe case of the load shown in Fig. gt are 1 ph 21go~ gaan ae hay = 1) Mec pety, 9, in which ag and fas are defied by exprenions (3) If concen- rated force are acting onthe eps Under conaderation the {ied expen for hens are ely canbe fom the Earl expresso free Sefecton etre 3. “The ealslation of moments fromthe three moment equations (9 eon be comieraly spied by ung nama ier of anon 3 and Tn the derivation of equation (5) ie wat agumed that the sonia the th support had he tame tae for both adjcene fpara Thre arcanca Romeverin whan eters nome iPro ac the ppt a shows in Bg yxy noch esse ue distngseh between the value the bending moment thelcheond tothe righ of the support, “The raion between these tom tent ven by she Sno fees ™ MyM = Men, ach tlles ean be found fp the bok by AS. Nis and J. S Novel eptang Seucarey” Vol 138) be ato wets Wok, sty of Hee Scher se sacethetn eft tn inthe. aken a sie

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