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Quality Management Document No.



CHEC Quality Management Guidance QA-GD-03

Guidance for Sub-Contract

Management Plan

0 01-12-12 Initial Issue

Rev. Date Status Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

Wang Jiakai Yang Biquan Mo Wenhe

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Guidance for Subcontract Management Plan CHEC


1.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................3
1.1 Purpose...............................................................................................................................3
1.2 Description of Works..........................................................................................................3
2.0 Scope Of Sub-contract Works............................................................................................3
2.1 Identification of Sub-Contract Works................................................................................3
3.0 Sub-contract Agreement and Program...............................................................................4
3.1 Sub-Contract Initiation.......................................................................................................4
3.2 Content of Sub-contract Agreement...................................................................................4
3.3 Execution of Sub-Contract Agreement..............................................................................5
3.4 Commencement of Sub-Contractor Works........................................................................6
3.5 Program..............................................................................................................................6
4.0 Selection Of Sub-Contractors............................................................................................7
4.1 Issue of Invitations to Price................................................................................................7
4.2 Choice of Favored Sub-Contractor....................................................................................7
5.0 Supervision of Sub-Contractors.........................................................................................8
5.1 Individual Supervision Responsibilities.............................................................................8
5.2 Prohibition of Contractors Management Team...............................................................10
5.3 Sub-contractors Surveillance Audit................................................................................10
5.4 Sub-contractors Meetings...............................................................................................10
6.0 Control Of Multi-tiered Subcontracting...........................................................................11
6.1 Sub-Contract Agreement Constraints...............................................................................11
6.2 Performance of Sub-Let Works........................................................................................11
6.3 Payment for Sub-Let Works.............................................................................................11
6.4 Payment of Wages of Site Personnel................................................................................12
7.0 Monitoring Of Sub-contractor..........................................................................................12
7.1 Progress of the Sub-Contractor........................................................................................12
7.2 Quality of Sub-Contracted Works....................................................................................13
7.3 Sub-Contractor Safety & Environmental.........................................................................13
7.4 Sub-Contractor Plant & Equipment.................................................................................13

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7.5 Review of Sub-contractor Performance..........................................................................13

8.0 Industrial Disputes And Complaints................................................................................14
8.1 Communication of a Potential Sub-Contractors Dispute................................................14
8.2 Sub-Contractors Workers and Sub-Let Works................................................................14
9.0 Attendance And Access....................................................................................................15
9.1 Attendance Requirements................................................................................................15
9.2 Records of Attendances....................................................................................................15
9.3 Access Requirements.......................................................................................................15
9.4 Records of Access............................................................................................................15
10.0 Management Review and Improvement..........................................................................16
10.1 Management Review and follow-up action on matters arising...................................16

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Sub-contractor Management Plan is to outline the manner to be employed
in the selection of sub-contractors ensure that only those sub-contractors that have the
capability to complete the Works assigned to them in accordance with the requirements of
both the Client and China Harbour Engineering Co., Limited (CHEC).

This plan also set the mechanism of monitoring, supervision, management, and control
adopted to ensure that all sub-contractors achieved the required quality standards.

1.2 Description of Works

The Contractors scope of work includes: (to be specified as per individual project, the
following may be used as guidance only)
Excavation of the trench for the quay walls as required for quay wall construction
Off-site disposal of unsuitable material
Backfill works using excavated material including placement of engineered fill up to the
Site formation level for the entire Site, including ground improvements
Construction of breakwater
Construction of quay walls including capping beams
Procurement and installation of fenders and other quay furniture
Construction of revetments
Construction and maintenance of Engineers site offices
Construction and maintenance of temporary gates, fences and site access roadways

2.0 Scope Of Sub-contract Works

2.1 Identification of Sub-Contract Works

Upon award of the Contract, a Project Manager shall be immediately appointed in accordance
with the requirements of CHECs Quality Management System. The Project Manager shall
then formulate a Project Quality Plan for the management of the Works and accordingly
appoint his project team. After appointment of the project team, all tendering and bidding
documents and information will be handed over to the project team and a series of meeting
will be held prior to the commencement of the project.

The purpose of these meetings is to transfer knowledge from the tender team to the project
team. During these meetings the sub-contract packages envisaged during the preparation of
the tender will be identified. The scope of sub-contracted works may subsequently be

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amended as required by the project team.

Arising from discussions held at the meetings, a sub-contract schedule will be prepared by
the project team. This schedule will identify the dates by which the sub-contracts have to be
procured in order to meet the Initial Works Program. After liaison with senior management
staff, the Project Quantity Surveyor will allocate budget allowances to the packages and send
out enquiries based on the dates identified in the schedule.

The enquiry documentation shall include but not be limited to the details:

the scope of the works to be sub-contracted

submissions, method statements etc. to be provided
in respect of safety, quality and the environment to be complied with
the attendances to be provided by the Contractor (materials, plant and equipment,
scaffolding, temporary works, power & water etc.)
the Main Contract drawings and specifications applicable to the sub-contract scope
the Main Contract and CHEC safety and quality requirements
the insurances and excesses provided by the Main Contractor
the insurances to be provided by the sub-contractor
the proposed sub-contract agreement
site working hours and procedures; and
any other matters that may affect the sub-contractors pricing

Other than in exceptional circumstances at least three quotations must be obtained for each
sub-contract package.

3.0 Sub-contract Agreement and Program

3.1 Sub-Contract Initiation

Upon the Project Manager obtaining approval to award a sub-contract, all correspondence,
minutes of meetings and other documentation will be handed over to the Project Quantity
Surveyor. The Project Manager will brief the Project Quantity Surveyor on the finally agreed
basis upon which the sub-contract is to be let.

3.2 Content of Sub-contract Agreement

The Project Quantity Surveyor should then immediately draft the sub-contract in accordance
with Companys Procedures. Typically the sub-contract should include the details:

The precise scope of the sub-contract works that bind the sub-contractor into the Main
Contract provisions
A summary of the finally agreed terms and conditions (rather than incorporating all the

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correspondence with the sub-contract)

A summary of any attendances (special or shared) and the conditions under which they are
A summary of all materials and plants to be specifically supplied and the conditions under
which they are supplied i.e. ownership etc
the sub-contract price (typically a priced Bill of Quantities) and its basis
the payment terms and conditions (monthly, weekly, milestones etc)
the basis for dealing with variations and claims
standard procedures and submissions to be made (safety, quality, environment reports,
programs, organization charts etc. to be provided)
records to be maintained (staff, labor, and plant returns etc.)
insurance requirements and procedures
any bonding requirements
the program requirements
the procedures associated with contra charges
coordination requirements
the approval procedures for sub-letting parts of the sub-contract scope
the evidence to be provided to substantiate payments to labor, staff and sub-contractors
any special requirements (certificates, special licenses etc)
any warranties required under the Main Contract
any Liquidated Damages applicable to the sub-contract and their limit
Clauses that state that the sub-contractor is not allowed to sublet the whole of the works and
a signed declaration to this effect

3.3 Execution of Sub-Contract Agreement

After the sub-contract agreement is drafted it will be reviewed by the Project Manager prior
to discussions with the sub-contractor. A meeting will then be held with the sub-contractor to
review the drafted document and obtain his acceptance of its contents.

Concurrent with the drafting of the sub-contract, an application will be made to the Engineer
seeking permission to sub-let the relevant part of the Works and also to gain approval of the
choice of sub-contractor.

Where necessary the Engineers approval is obtained prior to the sub-contract will be
formally awarded and the sub-contractor requested to execute the sub-contract document.
Upon execution, the sub-contractor will be asked to produce powers of attorney and details of
the companys articles of association to ensure that the signatory to the sub-contract has the
necessary legal capacity. Two originals of the sub-contract will be signed. One will be
retained by the sub-contractor and the other will be retained by CHEC. After site copies have
been made of the signed sub-contract document and distributed amongst the project team,
CHECs original copy of the Sub-Contract will be sent to Head Office for safe keeping.

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In the event that it is not possible to conclude the sub-contract documentation prior to the
commencement of the sub-contract on site, a Letter of Clarification or Letter of Intent
will be drafted detailing as much of the agreement as possible. The Project Quantity Surveyor
will draft such letters.

3.4 Commencement of Sub-Contractor Works

Prior to the sub-contractor commencing works on site a kick off meeting will be held
amongst the project team to pass on details of the agreement to the site staff who will be
working with the sub-contractor on a day-to-day basis. This meeting will typically identify
the team members responsible for the control of the sub-contractor, availability of areas for
offices, workshops etc., access requirements and the attendances to be provided. Any
problems with the details of the agreement and what can actually be provided by the sub-
contractor, should be identified for discussion in subsequent meetings with the sub-
contractors senior management.

3.5 Program

The terms and conditions of the sub-contract will state that the sub-contractor is bound by
and shall follow the Contractors Working Programs. Details of these Programs will have
been given to the sub-contractor in the discussions leading up to the award of the sub-contract
and the sub-contractors specific Program requirements will have been identified. The
concluded sub-contract document should therefore include a brief summary of these

Prior to formally instructing the sub-contractor to commence, the sub-contractor will be

contacted to discuss the current programming requirements and the sub-contractors
availability. These may differ from what was envisaged when the sub-contract was awarded.
Based upon these discussions a current working Program will be agreed.

Records will be kept of all Programs issued and the changes made to the Programs together
with a summary of the reasons for the changes.

Having commenced work, regular meetings (frequency will be determined by the Project
Manager) will be held with the sub-contractor to review progress and Program. Based on the
discussions held in these meetings revised Programs will be issued and the following
Programs established and regularly updated:

3-week rolling Program

3-month rolling Program
Sub-contract Program to completion

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A record will be made of the reasons for the changes to these Programs on a week-by-week
basis and details circulated to the project team. Records will also be made of the affect of the
changes in the sub-contractors working Programs on other Programmed works. These may
subsequently be used to form the basis of any claim and entitlement or contra charge.

4.0 Selection Of Sub-Contractors

4.1 Issue of Invitations to Price

The following steps will be taken to decide which sub-contractors to obtain quotations:

The company list of approved sub-contractors will be accessed to obtain a list of sub-
contractors that carry out the work detailed in a proposed sub-contract scope
A check will be carried out to ensure that the sub-contractors qualifications meet the
requirements set out in the Main Contract documents
Enquiries will not be sent to sub-contractors who have not performed satisfactorily on
previous projects (safety, quality, environmental, contractual, Program etc.)
A new sub-contractor will be considered subject to satisfactory references
Enquiries will be sent to at least three sub-contractors but not more than eight.

4.2 Choice of Favored Sub-Contractor

The following steps should be followed in the selection of a sub-contractor:

A financial comparison will be made of all the sub-contract quotations received and of the
budgeted allowances for the sub-contract works
Where necessary adjustments to the financial comparison will be made for qualifications and
omitted items
Clarifications will be sought from the sub-contractor for any exceptionally high or low rates
that have a significant bearing on the price quoted
A final financial comparison will then be drawn up for discussion by the project team
A technical review will be carried out on any submissions (method statements, procedures,
Programs, quality, safety, environment etc.) made by the sub-contractors to ensure they
comply with the Main Contract and CHECs requirements
The technical review and financial comparison will be discussed by the project team.
The project team will then select at least two potential sub-contractors for interview
Interviews will involve the Project Manager, relevant Section Manager, Project Quantity
Surveyor, Planning Manager, Quality Manager and Safety Manager
The interview will cover all aspects of the works that the sub-contractor is required to carry
out and the methods and resources that the sub-contractor proposes to use. It will also cover
financial and commercial aspects.

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Upon completion of the interviews and after checking out job references, the Project
Manager will make a recommendation to the Supervisory Board in respect of the award of
the sub-contract.
Upon receiving Supervisory Boards approval the Project Manager will instruct the Project
Quantity Surveyor to award the sub-contract on the agreed terms and conditions.

5.0 Supervision of Sub-Contractors

5.1 Individual Supervision Responsibilities

5.1.1 Project Manager

Responsibilities with regards to supervision of sub-contractors are:

Establish contacts with senior staff members of the sub-contractors organization.

Regularly review progress and performance (frequency to be determined by Project
Manager) with the project team and / or the sub-contractor.
Early identification of problems and development of solutions to the problems
Review and signature of all sub-contract correspondence and submissions
Approval of all sub-contract payments
Negotiation and settlement of sub-contract claims / disputes in conjunction with the Project
Quantity Surveyor.
Preparation of a close out report on completion of sub-contract.

5.1.2 Construction Manager

Responsibilities with regards to supervision of sub-contractors are:

Establish contact and working relationship with sub-contractors site manager and meet with
him on a daily basis to identify, discuss and resolve problems.
Agree and provide working areas and access requirements.
Agree and provide attendances
Agree daily staff, labor and plant returns
Agree records of any additional attendances, labor, equipment and materials (over and above
those detailed in the sub-contract) provided to the sub-contractor
Agree and monitor weekly working Programs
Meet weekly with the Project Manager and Project Quantity Surveyor to advice on any sub-
contractor problems, delays and variations and jointly agree on records to be maintained and
correspondence to be initiated.

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5.1.3 Quality Engineer

Responsibilities with regards to supervision of sub-contractors are:

Provide advice as required on the specification and technical requirements for the Works.
Ensure all materials are correctly and adequately approved.
Provide assistance to the relevant Project Manager to allow adequate management of the
to liaise as necessary with the engineers and foremen to ensure that the sub-contractors
works are satisfactorily executed and inspected to confirm compliance with requirements
to review the sub-contractors method statements for the works
to ensure all non-conformances relating to the sub-contractors works are addressed

5.1.4 Safety Officer

Responsibilities with regards to supervision of sub-contractors are:

Jointly develop safety plan and agree safety procedures.

Ensure all of the sub-contractors operatives have the correct safety equipment and have
green cards.
Hold safety induction courses with the sub-contractors employees and hold regular tool box
Jointly review with the sub-contractor details in respect of his site working procedures and
operations on a weekly basis.
Immediately notify the sub-contractor of any breaches of the safety procedures and
implement corrective action as appropriate.
Maintain records of all procedures issued, equipment issued, tool box talks, breaches of
safety procedures and corrective actions.
Report on all accidents to the Project Manager and the relevant authorities.
In conjunction with the Project Quantity Surveyor prepare insurance details relating to any

5.1.5 Environmental Officer

Responsibilities with regards to supervision of sub-contractors are:

Jointly develop environmental plan and agree environmental procedures.

Jointly review with the sub-contractor details in respect of his site working procedures and
operations on a weekly basis.
Immediately and notify the sub-contractor of any breaches of the environmental procedures
and implement corrective action as appropriate.

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Maintain records of all procedures issued, trainings, tool box talks, breaches of
environmental procedures and corrective actions.
Report on all breaches to the Project Manager.

5.1.6 Project Quantity Surveyor

Responsibilities with regards to supervision of sub-contractors are:

preparation and agreement of interim payments including setting-up a cost code for each
sub-contractor and ensuring costs are correctly allocated
preparation and agreement of contra charges
preparation and agreement of final measure and accounts
report on any commercial difficulties being experienced with the sub-contractor to the
Project Manager
agree site records
ensure individual daily attendance sheets are maintained of all the sub-contractors labor and
staff on site and the staff of sub-sub-contractors working for the sub-contractor
obtain records from the sub-contractor of proof of payment of its staff and labor and those of
its sub-contractors (the sub-contract provides for such records to be produced)
advise the sub-contractor on the insurance procedures and ensure that they are followed in
the event of any incidents or accidents

5.2 Prohibition of Contractors Management Team

It is the Companys policy that all members of the supervision and management team are
prohibited from undertaking any sub-contract to any part of the Works or to have a vested
interest in any of the sub-contractors irrespective of tiers. The Company will take serious action
to all members of supervision and management team including all operatives who are found to
have breach of this condition.

In addition, the Company may dismiss any Employee without notice or payment in lieu of
notice if the Employee, in relation to his / her employment guilty of fraud, willfully disobeys a
lawful and reasonable order, misconducts and disobedience of regulations in project sites.

5.3 Sub-contractors Surveillance Audit

Where required under the contract, the Project Manager will determine a schedule of audit
and/or surveillance to be conducted to all sub-contractors at appropriate stages. A qualified
internal auditor will be arranged to conduct such audit /surveillance at appropriate time intervals
which will be agreed by the sub-contractors. Corrective and preventive actions are prepared and
followed up.

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5.4 Sub-contractors Meetings

A regular meeting with the sub-contractor shall be held to provide a forum for the review of the
project progress and the resolution of issues in Program, progress, design (if any), safety issue,
quality matters, etc. The Project Manager shall identify and determine the frequency of meetings
to be conducted throughout the project. Copies of all correspondence, minutes of meeting, etc.
shall be filed and maintained.

6.0 Control Of Multi-tiered Subcontracting

6.1 Sub-Contract Agreement Constraints

The standard sub-contract agreement will contain clauses that prohibit the sub-contractor from
sub-letting parts of its scope to others without first having obtained consent. This matter will be
raised during the negotiations with the sub-contractor and at the kick-off meeting. Any
elements that the sub-contractor proposes to sublet will be identified early and changes will not
be accepted unless there is good reason. Generally the sub-contractor will execute most of its
scope directly.

If a sub-contractor wants to sub-let part of the sub-contract scope, full details and particulars will
be required of the potential sub-sub-contractor prior to approval being given. Also details will be
obtained of the basis upon which the sub-contract works will be sub-let (copies of written
agreements will be required). The Project Manager acting on the advice of the site team and the
Project Quantity Surveyor will then decide whether or not to approve the sub-let.

6.2 Performance of Sub-Let Works

Once approval has been given the performance of the sub-sub-contractor will be monitored
closely by the site team. Also the sub-sub-contractor will be made to follow all of the site
procedures as if it were a sub-contractor.

Any failure by the sub-sub-contractor to perform in accordance with the agreed works Program,
quality, safety and environmental performance will immediately be brought to the attention of
the Project Manager and the Project Quantity Surveyor who will decide on an appropriate course
of action.

For the avoidance of doubt sub-sub-sub-letting should not be allowed except in exceptional
circumstances with the consent of the Project Manager. No unauthorized sub-sub-sub-contractor
should be allowed access to site and any found working on site shall be removed by the site
security staff and the incident immediately reported to the Project Manager.

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6.3 Payment for Sub-Let Works

Payment for sub-let works will be made strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of
the sub-contract. The Project Quantity Surveyor will prepare and issue sub-contract payment
certificates. These certificates will incorporate an up-to-date schedule of contra charges, details
of which should have been discussed with the sub-contractor before the certificate is raised. The
sub-contract payment certificates will be approved by the Project Manager before the payment is
processed. Sub-contract payment will be processed on a monthly basis.

In certain instances the sub-contractor may seek differing payment terms, advance payments or
purchases on their behalf of materials and or equipment. Only the Project Manager is
empowered to approve any deviation from the payment terms and conditions contained within
the sub-contract. Any request from a sub-contractor for differing payment terms and conditions
will be communicated to the Project Manager who shall decide on an appropriate course of
action in conjunction with the Project Quantity Surveyor.

6.4 Payment of Wages of Site Personnel

Before payment certificate is prepared and submitted by the sub-contractor, the sub-contractor
shall pay to all his site personnel. The sub-contractor site personnel acknowledges payment by
signing the payment form before the sub-contractor submits his payment application to CHEC.

Upon receipt of the sub-contractor payment application, the Quantity Surveyor Department will
process the payment certificates and obtain approval from the Managing Director.

The Financial Department issued a cheque and send to the Project Quantity Surveyor. The
Project Quantity Surveyor will issue the cheque to sub-contractor. Upon receipt of the cheque,
the sub-contractor acknowledges receipt by signing a photocopy of the cheque and returns to
Project Quantity Surveyor.

In certain instances, Project Quantity Surveyor sends the cheque to sub-contractor by post. Upon
receipt of the cheque by post the sub-contractor acknowledges receipt by signing photocopy of
the cheque. CHECs measures for ensuring timely payments to sub-contractors are also
implemented by sub-contractors to subcontractor of lower tiers.

7.0 Monitoring Of Sub-contractor

7.1 Progress of the Sub-Contractor

The progress of works undertaken by each sub-contractor is to be closely monitored by the site
team and weekly meetings will be held with each sub-contractor to discuss progress and

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Progress shall be monitored against the following Programs:

Three week rolling Program

Three month rolling Program
Current Working Program

Any significant deviations in sub-contract progress will be immediately reported (together with
reasons for the deviations) to the Project Manager, who will decide on an appropriate course of
action in conjunction with the Project Quantity Surveyor.

7.2 Quality of Sub-Contracted Works

The quality of the works will be inherently recorded by site inspections. Should non-
conformances become apparent the sub-contractor will be required to propose remedial
measures for approval prior to making good.

If the intensity of non-conformances is considered to be too frequent the sub-contractor will be

required to provide improved supervision of the works until the daily quality is deemed to be of
a standard compliant with the Specification and the Contractors quality system.

7.3 Sub-Contractor Safety & Environmental

The sub-contractor will be required to comply at a minimum with all the requirements of
CHECs Site Safety Plan and Site Environmental Plan. The sub-contractor will also be
encouraged and aided by the relevant Section Managers to produce his own safety and
environmental operating procedures specific to the activities being performed.

7.4 Sub-Contractor Plant & Equipment

All plant and equipment supplied by the sub-contractor will be required to be in good working
order and compliant with all contemporary safety requirements. The equipment will be regularly
inspected by the site foremen and any unsatisfactory items will be reported to the relevant Site
Agent who will instruct the sub-contractor to replace/repair such item to a satisfactory condition.

7.5 Review of Sub-contractor Performance

The sub-contractors will be required to achieve the required performance of progress, quality,
safety and environmental. This sub-contractors performance will be reviewed by the Project
Manager on a weekly basis. If the sub-contractors fail to achieve the required performance, they
will be required to propose action plan to improve their performance. If no improvement will be
taken within a reasonable time, the Project Manager will issue warning letter. If after the issue of
warning letter still no improvement, the Project Manager will recommend to determine the sub-

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contract work.

8.0 Industrial Disputes And Complaints

8.1 Communication of a Potential Sub-Contractors Dispute

Any member of the site staff who becomes aware of any evidence or rumour of an industrial
dispute problem will immediately make the Project Manager aware via the site reporting
hierarchy. The Project Manager in conjunction with the Project Quantity Surveyor will further
investigate the potential problem and decide on an appropriate course of action.

8.2 Sub-Contractors Workers and Sub-Let Works

In the event that the sub-contractors staff and / or workers (or those of its sub-contractors) stop
work and demand payment from CHEC the following actions will be taken:

the sub-contractors manager or owner will immediately be contacted and required to come
to site to meet with the workers

If agreement is reached between the sub-contractors manager and the workers over
outstanding payments, the sub-contractors manager will issue the cheques for the workers
to CHECs Project Quantity Surveyor who will then issue the cheques to the workers
directly (and obtains their signatures to confirm and record receipt).

To fund the above payment a further payment may have to be made to the sub-contractor.
The amount and timing of this payment will be agreed between the Project Manager and
Project Quantity Surveyor prior to agreement with the sub-contractor.

If the sub-contractors manager refuses to attend a meeting with the workers or refuses to
make payments to the workers then the Project Quantity Surveyor will immediately arrange
for a meeting between the workers, the sub-contractor and the labor department.

At this meeting the workers will have to produce evidence that they were employed by the
sub-contractor and working on the site for the period they are claiming (daily site attendance
records maintained by the Project Quantity Surveyor can be used to refute unsubstantiated

Agreement will be reached between the labor department, the sub-contractor and the
workers over the amounts to be paid. If no agreement can be reached the labor department
will decide the amounts to be paid by the sub-contractor and issue an order to that effect. The
sub-contractor will then make payments via the labor department.

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If the sub-contractors manager disappears the Project Quantity Surveyor will immediately
arrange for a meeting between the workers, CHEC and the labor department. At this meeting
the workers will have to produce evidence that they were employed by the sub-contractor
and working on the site for the period they claim (daily site attendance records maintained
by the Project Quantity Surveyor can be used to refute unsubstantiated claims).

Agreement will then be reached between the labor department, CHEC and the workers over
the amounts to be paid. If not the labor department will decide the amounts to be paid by
CHEC and issue an order to that effect. CHEC will then make payments via the labor
department. CHEC, as the Main Contractor, will only be responsible for the first 60 days of

9.0 Attendance And Access

9.1 Attendance Requirements

The attendance requirements for each sub-contractor will be detailed in the sub-contract
agreement. These details will be circulated to the site team at the kick off meeting. If sub-
contractor requests further attendances the Project Manager and the Project Quantity Surveyor
will immediately be advised and a decision made and communicated to the site team.

9.2 Records of Attendances

Records will be kept of all attendances provided and the sub-contractor will be required to sign
the records weekly (this will be done at the weekly meetings with the sub-contractor). Copies of
these records will be sent to the Project Quantity Surveyor who will raise contra charges, if
applicable, based on the agreed records. It is essential that these records be signed off on a
weekly basis. If a sub-contractor refuses to sign off such records it will immediately brought to
the attention of the Project Manager who will decide on an appropriate course of action.

9.3 Access Requirements

Details of the access requirements for a sub-contractor will be discussed and agreed during the
negotiations leading up to the award of the sub-contract. They will also be identified during the
kick off meeting with the sub-contractor. If the sub-contractor requests further access
requirements the Project Manager and the Project Quantity Surveyor will immediately be
advised and a decision made and communicated to the site team and the sub-contractor.

9.4 Records of Access

Records will be kept of all access provided. Copies of these records will be sent to the Project

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Quantity Surveyor. If additional access is required the reasons for it will be established and a
decision will be made on who is responsible for the cost. Records will be kept of the resources /
costs of providing the additional access and these will be passed on to the Project Quantity
Surveyor and the sub-contractor. If additional access is required as a consequence of delay on
the part of the sub-contractor it will be contra charged. If the additional access is required as a
consequence of non-performance or delay by others, the Project Manager and Project Quantity
Surveyor will agree on an appropriate course of action. The cost may be recoverable from the
Employer under the Main Contract or may need to be offset against the account of another sub-
contractor or the cost may be non recoverable. In all instances records will be maintained and

10.0 Management Review and Improvement

10.1 Management Review and follow-up action on matters arising

Review of the sub-contractors works shall be carried out through the Weekly Contract
Review or Weekly Progress Review Meeting of the Main Contractor. This review is chaired
by Project Manager and attended by management and supervision staff and other staff of
CHEC at which the overall effectiveness of the management and the progress of the Contract
Works shall be reviewed.

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