Digital Drafting and Design

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THTR 320

Digital Drafting and Design

Department of Theatre & Dance, Western Washington University

Location: Haggard Hall 112

Time: M, W 3:00- 4:50 pm

Instructor: Spencer Potter

Office: Performing Arts Center 383
Phone: 360-650-6862
Open Office Hours: M-W 10:00 am 12:00 pm or by appointment

Course Value: 3 Credits

Course Prerequisites: THTR 210, THTR 212 or instructor permission

Course Description
In this course, students will learn how to create professional level construction documents for the theatre.
Students will do so using a variety of Computer Aided Design (CAD programs) to develop drafting
packets which include ground plans, sectionals, elevations and details. Students will also experiment with
using CAD software to create digital models and renderings.

Course activity will include lectures, demonstrations, studio/lab time, group discussions, and group
critiques. Students will first familiarize themselves with Vectorworks and use the program to complete a
series of exercises that will teach them USITT and other industry graphic standards and drafting techniques
Students will then apply these graphic standards and drawing techniques to produce a standard 2D drafting
packet for an existing scenic design of their choosing. After the 2D drafting unite, students will learn the
basics of Vectorworks 3D modeling tools culminating in a 3D white model from which they will also build a
full drafting package.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

Objective Assessment Method

Demonstrate the means by which theatrical by creating and generating scenic construction
productions are realized documents.
Function effectively as a member of a by building communication visual communication
collaborative team in the preparation and skills needed to communicate with crews,
realization of a public performance. designers, technical directors, and directors.
Precisely describe formal principles of design in by memorizing and using industry standard terms
technical or theoretical terms and enlarge that and graphic standards.
Communicate with an audience through at least by using drafting to assist with the creation of
one of the components of the theatrical arts. scenery.
Examine the tools of design communication and by using and experimenting with various CAD
expression software.

In addition to the above listed learning outcomes, students will also achieve the following departmental
learning outcomes:
1. Gain knowledge of major works of dramatic literature representative of diverse cultures
2. Gain knowledge of the history of theatrical production its styles conventions and social context
from the ancients to present day
3. Gain knowledge of the role of theatre in shaping our past, present and future
Instruction Materials

To successfully complete this course, students will need:

REQUIRED A computer with the most current version of Vectorworks installed. Free
student licenses are available courtesy of the software developer.
o See to obtain your free yearlong student license.
o Two Computers in the design lab in the PAC have Vectorworks installed as well.
REQUIRED Vectorworks 2015 Tutorials for the Theatre by Kent Goetz
o Download at
o Cost is a $5 donation purely based on the honor system.
Recommended texts
o Designer Drafting and Visualizing for The Entertainment World 2nd Edition. Patricia
Woodbridge & Hal Tine. Focal Press.
o Drafting for the Theatre 2nd Edition. Dennis Dorn & Mark Shanda. Southern Illinois
University Press.
o Vectorworks for Entertainment Design. Kevin Lee Allen. Focal Press.
o Vectorworks 2016 Getting Started Guides FREE

All other handouts and tutorials will be distributed to students via Canvas.

Consistent attendance is expected. 3 absences will result in a full letter grade drop. Every 2 absences after
3 will be a full letter grade drop. This class begins promptly at the scheduled time. Reasonable
accommodations will be made for emergencies and school excused absences. Accommodations are not
exemptions. For school excused absences, please contact me at least two weeks prior to make

Late Work
Assignments are due on the date specified in the class schedule, and late assignments will have a grade
reduction of points at the instructors discretion. Please note that assignments are due in class; if handed
in later in the day, they are still considered late. For an excused absence, assignments are due prior to
absence for full credit. Exams may be made up only if the absence is excused by the professor and will
require documentation.


Assignments grades will be based on the following criteria on a scale of 1-5 from extremely effective to
not effective.
General Assignments
o Clear organization
o Overall neatness
o Correct use of terms and graphic standards
o Clarity of detail
o Clarity of instructions
Grading scale
A 100 - 94% B+ 89 - 87% C+ 79 - 77% D+ 69 - 67% F 59% or lower
93 - 90% B 86 - 83% C 76 - 73% D 66 - 63%
B- 82 - 80% C- 72 -70% D- 62 - 60%

Unit Assignments Points Weighted %

Intro to Vectorworks
Allen Ch. 9 Tutorial 25 5%
Goetz Pp. 2-6 Prepare Drawing 25
Environment for a new Project
Unit Total 50
Graphic Standards
Alphabet of Lines 25 5%
USITT Standard Ground Plan 25
Unit Total 50
Orthographic Worksheets 25 15%
Lamp Post Drawing (Dorn p.82) 25
Dimensions Worksheets 25
Lamp Post notation worksheet 25
Drafting the Front Elevation 25
Tutorial Pt.1 2D
Unit Total 125
Project One: 2D Drafting Packet
Full 2D Packet 100 20%
Unit Total 100
3D Modeling
Allen Ch. 7 Tutorial 25 15%
Drafting the Front Elevation 25
Tutorial Pt.2 3D
3D view Ports 25
Unit Total 75
Project Two: 3D Model
Full 3D Model 100 20%
Unit Total 100
Final Project
3D Model Drafting Packet 200 20%
Unit Total 200

Course Total 700 100%

Class Schedule

Date Topic Lecture Assignments due next class

unless otherwise noted.
W 9/21 Course Syllabi, About Mes, Scale, CAD Programs, CAD Download and install
Introduction, Standards, Vectorworks. Watch The Basics
Drafting Intro video tutorials.
M 9/26 Intro to Review Videos, Vectorworks Drafting Concepts, Allen Ch. 9 pp. 123-138 follow
Vectorworks Vectorworks Screen, Workspaces, Drawing and chapter tutorial.
W 9/28 Setting up your document: initial set up, scale, Goetz Pp. 2-6 Prepare Drawing
pages, title blocks, layers. Environment for New Project
Doc Org and Stationary Allen Ch. 3 pp. 24-47. Read Drafted Lines
Woodbridge Ch. 3 pp.21-8.
M 10/3 Graphic Purpose of Graphic Standards. Line weights, Replicate Dorn p16 Alphabet of
Standards USITT Graphic Standards symbols, Drafted lines, Lines p19 USITT Standard
Ground Plan Symbols
W 10/5 Drawing Orthographic Projections, work on orthographic Finish Orthographic worksheets,
worksheets in class. draw Dorn p. 82.
M 10/10 Dimensions, notes, labels, disclaimers, Start Finish Dorn Worksheets pp. 73-6,
dimensioning worksheets in class. Dorn Worksheet pp. 81-2
W 10/12 Sections, GPs, Simplified Drafting, Goetz Drafting Finish Tutorial
the Front Elevation tutorial pp. 1-32.
M 10/17 Draft a full Orthographic drawings of a unit set. Setting up a Finished Packet due 10/16
packet plates, packets, Dorn Ch. 18
W 10/19 Lab Read Labeling, coding, and Multi-
sheet sets- Woodbridge Ch. 10 pp
123 131
M 10/24 Discuss Labeling and coding, lab time. Finish drafting packet
W 10/26 Present Present and critique packets. Read Digital Set Modeling and
Packets Rendering - Woodbridge pp. 239-
M 10/31 3D modeling Quick Start Overview Allen Ch. 7 pp 77-93 Follow Allen Ch.7 as a tutorial in
intro Vectorworks.
W 11/2 Goetz Drafting the Front Elevation: Build 3D Finish Goetz 3D Tutorial
walls tutorial pp. 32-56
M 11/7 Documentation and Publication Allen Ch. 19 Apply Viewports to 3D Goetz
tutorial. Find set for 3D model.
W 11/9 3D Model Lab 3D Model Due end of Class 11/21
M 11/14 Lab
W 11/16 Lab
M 11/21 Intro to final/Lab to finish 3D model or start final. Find 3rd set for 3D model packet
M 11/28 Final Project Lab Final Projects Due at Final Exam
W 11/30 Lab
T 12/6 Final exam 3:30-5:30 pm


Changes will be announced either in class, via email, and/or via Canvas. When possible, syllabus
will be updated to reflect changes and updated on Canvas

Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty, as defined in Appendix D of the Western Washington University Catalog, is not
tolerated in any WWU class. Students are responsible for reading, understanding, and adhering to WWUs
Academic Dishonesty policy and procedures. Academic dishonesty is subject to disciplinary action
pursuant the policies and procedures outlined in Appendix D of the Western Washington University Catalog.
See for full detail.

Reasonable Accommodation Policy

It is the policy of Western Washington University to provide reasonable accommodation to the known
physical, sensory, or mental limitations of qualified individuals except where such accommodation would
impose undue hardship on the institution. To request accommodation, students must contact WWU
Disability Resources for Students at 360-650-3844 or In addition to the DRS, there are
many resources on campus to assist students and encourage their success such as the Student
Counselling Center, Student Health Center, Diversity and Inclusion offices, and the Queer Resource

Student Rights and Responsibility

During this course, students are expected to uphold Westerns Academic Honesty Policy and Procedure
and the Students Rights and Responsibility Code.

Equality and Disability Statements

We in the Department of Theatre and Dance are dedicated to establishing a learning environment that
promotes diversity including race, culture, gender, sexual orientation, and physical disability. It is important
that this is a safe classroom environment. We will practice being generous and respectful members of our
classroom community. In regard to Title IX, I am classified as a responsible employee. This means, should
you bring anything to my attention that is a Title IX violation, I am required by federal law to report it to the
Title IX Coordinator.

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 regulates the maintenance, confidentiality, and
accessibility of students educational records. This Act protects the privacy of students by providing them
with certain rights regarding specified records. Western Washington University is committed to
safeguarding appropriate access to student education records and maintaining individual student privacy.
Student records and information cannot be shared with third parties (e.g. a students parents, family,
guardian or friends) unless written permission is granted by the student through the University Records

Email and Canvas

Every student is issued a WWU student email account which will be the courses official means
communication. It is the responsibility of each student to maintain and check their WWU email account
regularly. Canvas is the primary instruction tool of this course. All relevant information and supplemental
materials will be accessible there. Assignments due through electronic submission on Canvas will not be
accepted via any other means. Canvas will be regularly updated and is the best way for students to monitor
grades and attendance records. Please consult Canvas before making inquiries about grades.

Inclement Weather
In the event of the university closing or class cancelations, lecture notes, assignments, and any other course
materials normally distributed in class will be sent via Canvas. Students are expected to read notes,
assigned readings, and complete assignments in order to be adequately prepared for the next class. Unless
weather warrants emergency preparation or evacuation, students should consider weather days as days
Ethical Computing
Students responsible for knowing and adhering to WWUs standards for ethical computing. Please see: for full details.

If there is a campus emergency during this class, the instructor may inform you of actions to follow to
enhance your safety. As a student in this class, you are responsible for knowing emergency evacuation
routes from this classroom. Know which of Westerns three major disaster meeting locations is closest to
this building (Old Main green, grassy oval at Communications facility, or tennis courts). Watch emergency
training videos and information at If police or university officials order the class to
evacuate, do so in a calm and orderly manner. Assist those who might need help in reaching barrier-free
exit. You may receive Western Alert emergency information via the building enunciation system or by text
message, email, Facebook, or Twitter.

Student Feedback Process

All students will be given the opportunity to evaluate the instructor and the content of the course at the end
of the quarter.

Photo and Portfolio Disclosure

I will be taking pictures and samples of student work for use in my teaching portfolio. Allowing me to
feature images of you and your work is voluntary. If youre uncomfortable with you and/or your work being
photographed, please let me know. Participation has no positive or negative impact on student grades.
The purpose of my teaching portfolio is to document teaching effectiveness for my teaching portfolio.

Please detach the below section and sign.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------

I have received, read, and understand the nature of and requirements for:

THTR 320 Digital Drafting and Design

Name: (please print) ____________________________________________________________


Date: _________________________________________________________________________

Please check the box reflecting your preference below.

I permit/ do not permit images of my work or myself to be photographed or otherwise documented

and archived in Professor Potters teaching portfolios.

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