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feos, ij ‘1A te fic: Ts RK ce u Falla Pc Te Ken Wilson aT) Units ma student. 2 What's your phone number? 3 My famity Review & Check units1-3 4 Doyou ike hip-hop? 5 What do you do for fun? G Can you play the guitar? Review & Check units4-6 7 Whatis she wearing? 8 stherea desk? 9 The bank is on the comer. Review & Check units 7-9 910 dowe have any milk? 11 Where were you all day? 12 what did you do? Review & Check units 10-12 u 16 0 a 5 39 49 54 8 B Berm cis Vocabulary A Look at the pictures. Find seven more jobs in the puzzle. falalcitlele|s|s| uffcfolrlele[s[eln sllele|ylalwlelelr iffelulo[c|s[i[x[m PE Teleletel [ele effxfelolelelelHla slulelwielilrfele s|lolw/«]slilelele Iwllafalc[m[wlolela ofeli fwlelele[rle ulle[a[tlulv[xfy[z allalelt[ felt lela x{xfele[m[y[olole vizisl{ul[t[s[elele@ D Write the words for men. 1. actress Ir 4. student 2. teacher 5. waitress 3. businesswoman 6. chef Unit 1 * I’m a stupenr. Language Practice 1 complete the sentences. Use am, are, or i. 1. Angela__is from Tokyo. 5. You and Paul in my class. 21 a chef. 6. Michael in my clas 3. John and Dan__waiters. 7. Susie and I ___artsts. 4. You from London. 8. Lena a writer, suerte te cnkeeen Use’mse 1. Lama writer. 4, They are from Chicago. tmawriten — ncaa . She is a businesswoman. 5. He is from Canada, 3. You are an actor. 6. We are teachers. 3 Read the information on the tag. Complete the sentences. 1. _My name is _ Greg Smith 2 from waiter. - Name Greg Smith | From Dallas Job waiter Q Read the sentences in Activity 3, Write similar sentences about you. My nam | )1. | | T'wa stupenr. © Unit 1 BF seas escent 1. He's from Seoul 4. You're in my class. He ien't from Seoul. 2. I'man artist 5. Beth and Lare singers. 3. His name is Hiroshi, 6. Mara and Charlie are from the US. G Waite questions and answers about the people in the photos. Use the words in parentheses. 1. (waiter?) 2. (singer?) Is he a waiter 2 2 No, he isn't He's a chet 3. (writer?) 4. (artist?) 7 1. Fateacher. X 4. I ne-am from London. X fm a teacher. _ 2. Bill am from the US. X 5, Ae he a singer? X 3. Shetsstudent. X 6. ¥ow from Toronto? X Unrr 1 © I'w a stuoenr. ‘Are you from San Francisco Vm a teacher {'m from Chicago 'm Sue Ce Mark Hi, My name is Mark Sue Hello, Mark. Nice to meet you. Mark > __ Sue Yes, Iam. How about you? Mark ¢ Sue No,! & complete the conversation. Use the sentences in the box. _, Sue? Are you a student here? Read the conversation in Activity 8 again. Write a similar conversation. Use the information on the list. Yukio Akioshi Laura Amaral Tom Anderson ¥ ‘Sally Atkins Tom Hi.! My name is Tom. singer writer writer actress Sally Hello, Tom. ? ['m Salk Tom Canada? Sally * Tom + How about you? _a writer? Sally No,” ‘| | Twn stupenr. © Unt 1 Reading Match the photos (1-4) and texts (A-D). HL ths Photo 3- Text Photo 4 ~ Text _ Young-hee kim is from Seoul in Korea, This is Atasuke Nakamura He’ fom Nagasaki Sheisa teacher ina lange school in Japan. Atasuke isa chef in a sushi restaurant. This is Fernanda Leal. She's a singer from Brazil. Fred Bevan is a businessman. He's from Toronto in Canada. neaae oy D Read the texts again. Correct the sentences below. 1. Young-hee is from Taiwan. x ‘Young-hee isn't from Taiwan She's from Korea 2, Fernanda is a businesswoman. X 3. Fred is from Montreal. X 4, Atasuke is an actor. X 5, Fernanda is from Mexico. X 6. Young-hee is a writer. X eo What's your phone number? Vocabulary AL complete the sentences, Use the words in the box. address birthday e-mail address major ~_ favorite food fame nickname phone number —_sign__favorite singer ‘ 1. My name 2. My | 3. My __ is 105 Main Street, is 583-8710. je My 5. My is 4 5. a 7. My 8 ___is Ricky Martin. is Gemini, 1 My name is .2 7 Gg 7 rol Waar’s YOUR PHONE NUMBER? © UNIT 2 Language Practice Put the words in order to make sentences. 1. Harry's / is / 11 Lark Avenue. / address Harry's address is 11 Lark Avenue. 2. e-mail / His / / address / is 3, number / Their / 298-8514. / is / phone 4. singer. / Robbie Williams / is / favorite / our January 5. / is / Monica's / birthday 6. is / My / Scorpio. / sign 7. food / sushi. / favorite / is / Her BD Look at the pictures and business cards. Complete the sentences. ee ae ; Peter Gear MaryGordon writer: I 3% Oak Steet eh 555.1 | * Syiney2010 ggg * | — J Vm. 1. _His name is Peter Clark. 4. 14 Sandford Square. 2 Mary Gordon. 5. 555-8714. 3. 555-1474. 6. 36 Oak Street. B complete the chart. Use the words in the box. her his its your their = your your y = Urt 2 © Whar’s YOUR PHONE NUMBER? A complete the questions. Use what, when, where, or who. 1. What__’s your nickname? 4 are you from? 2 ‘s your sign? 5. 's your birthday? 3. ’s your favorite singer? 6. ‘s your favorite actress? Now answer the questions with information about you. 1. _My nickname io > Waite questions and answers about Elijah Wood. Use the information in the profile and the words in parentheses. 1. (nickname) What's his nickname i Hio nickname ie 2. (birthday) 3. (sign) — Birthday: | January 28 CO) eae 2 | Sm: | Aquarius From: | Cedar Rapids, 5. (favorite food) > [eae Favorite food: artichoke 6. (favorite actress) 2 Favorite actress: | Ura Minne G correct the sentences. 1, What-your telephone number? X 3. Who are your favorite actor? X What's your telephone number? 2. What's your birthday? X 4, What's you're sign? X War's Your PHONE NUMBER? © Unit 2 9D copie ne orryetan Uae Ie questions fh How about you When's your birthday How about you What's your sign Who's your favorite singer Rita So,' where are youfrom = Dave? Dave I'm from California. ? Rita I'm from Ohio. Se ge nF Rita ma Leo. Dave Me, too! * Rita July 29. Dave Really? My birthday is July 29, too! Rita Wow!® Dave Beyonce, Rita My favorite singer is John Legend. Read the conversation in Activity 7 again. Write a Use the information in the chart. conversation. Julia fi From Taipei, Taiwan leveland, US Sign Taurus Taurus Birthday May 18 May 18 Favorite singer ‘ Robbie Willams Eminem Tim So, where are you from ___, Julia? (alegre Tim > Jl el Tim {ma Taurus. Julia Me, too!$ Tim © ete a 1 Julia? How about you? Wm Bo iti. Unrr 2» Wuar's you PHONE NUMBER? 10 Reading 1 Read the text quickly. Complete the sentences. 1. The e-mail is from 2. The e-mail is to Rosana Gomes_ How are you? Hey, I'm in Los Angeles! 'm an English major at UCLA now. The university is very interesting, and my teachers are great. One of my teachers is a famous writer! ‘What's your address? Isit 314 Jackson Avenue, Los Angeles? By the way, ‘my phone number is 555-7825 and my e-mail address is Let’s meet up! Rosana Baad the tec-tgsn. antwerthé questions |. Where is Rosana? She's in Los Angeles. 2. Is Rosana a teacher? 3. What's Rosana’s major? 4. Are Rosana’s teachers great? 5. What's George's e-mail address? . What's Rosana’s phone number? Vocabulary | complete Rob's family tree. Use the words in the box brother mother daughter father — sister. son wife Gavin + father Oe Margaret, Felicia FAMILY TREE D Complete the sentences about Rob’s family with the correct names. 1. His father’s name is __Gavin 4. His mother’s name is 2. His brother's name is, 5. His wife's name is 3. His daughter's name is _ 6. His son’s nam SB Read the sentences in Activity 2. Write similar sentences about your family. il Unit 3 © My FaMaLy Language Practice AZ Unuertine the correct words. 1. Is this / these your camera? 4, That / Those is her husband. 2. Are that / those your grandparents? 8. This / These is my cell phone. 3. This / These are my cats 6. Are that / those your daughters? BD Complete the sentences. Use this, that, these, or those, and is or are. 1. Those are___ my parents, 2 my brother. 3. iy grandparents. my sisters. 6 my camera. My Famaiy © Uni 3 ‘@ Pat the words in the correct order to make questions. 1. that / husband / your / is /? 4, car / is / your / this / 2 Is that your husband? 2. your / pictures / are / these /? 8. this / who / is /? 3. she / old / is / how /? 6. cats / are / your / those / ? complete the answers. LA Spore h oh pe ° Is this your wife? Yes, tig __. This _ie__my wife. ‘Are those your parents? No, they aren't _. Those are _ my teachers. Is that your daughter? Yes, This my daughter Liz, Are these your children? No, .These__my students Is this your brother? No, -This__ my husband. Are those your friends? Yes, ‘Those ___my friends Beth and Larry. B correct the sentences 1, Ate this your camera? X 5. A Are these her parents? his your B Yes, these are. X 2. Is these your cake? X 6. A Is this your brother? 3. How old heis? X B Yes, eis. X 4, Fhis your car? X 13 Unrt 3» My FaMnty GG cernplese in conversation. Use th vide fie bi are those Isthat_ It's it isn't © That's _that isn't Louise This is a photo of my family. Kevin Great! Who's that? Louise ! That's __ my sister Lynn. And that’s her daughter, Sarah. Kevin? your brother? Louise No, * That's my husband, Pete. Kevin And‘ your parents? Louise Well, that’s my mother, Laura, but ®___ my father with her. & her brother Leo. J Look at Henry's picture. Read the conversation in Activity 6 again. Write a similar conversat Molly aa Henry This is a photo of my family. Sharon Oh,! who'sthat fe Luke. And? Edward, Sharon‘ ister? Henry No,? fs _ Tessica Sharon And? pe grandparents? Henry Well,’ Jeremy, but? grandmother with him. = Molly. 14 My Famaiy © Unit 3 Reading Read the texts quickly. Who can say that? Write the correct name next to each sentence below. 1. Tina “Vm a waitress.” : “m2” ‘ma chemistry major.” ly parents are from Italy.” “My nickname is Buzz.” “Beyonce is my favorite singer” e 2. Thisis Rose. His nicknames B She's an artist. Shes He's 21, and he's | n Rose is 22, and her University in birthday isin July. But he isn't fro York—he's fro His major is ch His sign is! @ Read the text again. Complete the chart. Job? Fro: fee student 15 16 Review & Check Units 1-3 Vocabulary 4 ct My name's Roberto Diaz. U'm \_ at Yale Univesity. Houston, Texas. My 2 singer is James Blunt. My‘ is March 24. . a student . student chef |. an actress pose - about of from poge . at name . favorite nickname |. major . birthday . sign address peg | e-mail . number >. address type i. name pege D Circte the best answer to complete each sentence. 1. Bill Gates is__. a. an actor b. a businessman . astudent d. a chef 2. Brad Pitt a. a student b.achef ©. awriter 4. an actor 3. KK. Rowling is__. a waiter . a writer a chef |. an actress What's your _? 14 Fast Street. . e-mail address . birthday address . sign wb poe poge 5. My mother and father are my a. grandparents b. parents «. brothers 4. children 6. My sons are my __ a. grandparents b. parents . sisters d. children 7. My father’s mother is my daughter . mother grandmother |. grandfather peg Language Circle the best answers to complete the text, Toit From: sath | suvject:" Hl Loo. 2 e ] Hi, Ted! || Im in England! !__ at the Thames Language | || School. It’s a great school. My teachers | name is Thomas, and? _ really nice. | | | 2 _is a photo of me and my friend Julia. She's from Sweden, * _ favorite singer is Beyonce, too. in London? * _ your phone number? Let's meet up! Mathias l L Lal bom < Am d. My a. her b. he ©. he's d. his 3a. It b. This ©. Those d. These 4. a. His b. He's c. Her . She's, 5. a. You are b. You « Is you Are you 6. a, What What's Where's Who's Revrew £ Cueck © UnrTs 1-3 PD Circle the best answer to complete each sentence. 1 AI a. those b. this . that Lit ‘re __ your parents? Are these your pictures? No,__. they are . they aren't itis . itisn’t 3. __ Matthew? a. Your name b. You name c. Name is Is your name oe Yes, she is. Is she a teacher? b, Isshe teacher? ‘c. She teacher? d. Is her a teacher? 5. A Are you from Taiwan? ae a. Yes, I'm, b. Yes, Lam. ©. No, Inot, d. No, I'm. 6A B I'm from Ecuador. a. Where are you? b. You from where? © Where are you from? d. Where is you from? 7 Review & Cueck © Units 1-3 Conversation Circle the best sentence to complete each conversation. 1. A Nice to meet you. B a. Yes, Lam. b. Nice to meet you, too. . Great, thanks, . How about you? 2A B Canada. a. Where are you from? b. How are you? «. Nice to meet you, . What's your sign? 3. A How are you? B a. No, I'm not. 'b. Great, thanks. «. How are you? d. I'm Tom. A B Yes, Lam. a. Are you a student here? b. Is this your camera? ©. How are you? d. What's your name? 5. A Is your name Calvin? B a. No, it’s not, It’s Dave. b. No, it’s Calvin. ©. Yes, it’s d. No, my sign is Pisces. 6A B It’s Martha Black. a. What's your address? b. What's your name? ¢. I'm not Martha. . Are you Martha Black? 18 7A B No, it’s 589-4344, a, What's your phone number? b. My phone number is 589-4344. «. Is your phone number 589-4345? d. Where’s your phone number? 8A No, they’re my grandparents, . Is he your husband? . Are those your parents? ©. Are they your brothers? d, Is he your father? B b. oA B Yes, it a. Is that your sister? b. Are these your parents? d ©. Are those your children? . Are these your photos? 10. A B I'ma Gemini. a. What's your name? b. What's your nickname? ©. What's your major? 4, What's your sign? 11. A Ima Leo. B a. My name is Alan, . Me, too! c. Yeah, it is. Help yourself. d. Nice to meet you. 12. A How old are you? B a. June 24 1, 555-3427, © 21 4. Fine, thanks, Reading Read the conversation. Circle the best answers, Where is Meg’s family from? a. New Hampshire, b. New Jersey. «. New Orleans. . New York. . Who is in the photo? a. Meg, her parents, and her brother b, Meg's parents, brothers and sisters. ©. Meg's father, her mother, her brother, and her sister. 4. Meg, her father, her mother, her sister, and her brother James . What is Meg's father’s name? a. James. b. Joseph . Glenn. 4. Henri. Review & Cueck © UnrTs 1-3 The actress Meg Flynm and her family in their summer house inNew Hampshire. (The family is from New Jersey.) FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Meg’s brother James; Meg and her sister, May; her parents, Marion and Joseph. Her brother Glenn isnot in the photo. He’ a singer and he was on tour in New Orleans at the time. Henri Lucien, Meg’ favorite photographer, took the photo. ‘Meg's new movie, June 2006, opens in New York on July 6, the actress’ birthday. . Who is a singer? a. James. b. Meg, . Who is Meg’s favorite photographer? a. James. b. Marion, ©. May. 4. Henri . When is Meg's birthday? a. In May. b. InJune. . InJuly. d. In August. 19 a Do you like hip-hop? Vocabulary A] What kind of music is it? Complete the label under each picture. RRR RRS 1. My favorite kind of music is, 2. My_ 's favorite kind of music is 3. My favorite kind of music is ee y 20 Do vou urke Hip-Hop? © UnrT 4 Language Practice 1 complete Don’s sentences. Use is, the words in the box, and the information in parentheses. amazing notbad OK OK good __terrible 1. Classical music is OK Okie) 2. Rock music (0 innate I), | 4. Latin music OR) | 8. Dance music ek) | 6 Pop music.) | 5D ied say estncerig Achy 4. lai entesen wth yor ce aptlon samt the kinds of music below. Use the words in the box. "amazing notbad OK — good _ terrible 1. Classical music____. 4 Rock music 2. Latin music : 5. Jazz 3. Hip-hop 6. Pop music B unsertine the correct words. 1. We like / don't like hip-hop. It’s amazing! 4. A I don't like Latin music. 2, Mike (don't like jazz. It's terrible, B_ Really? We like don’t like it. 3. A What kind of music does she like? 5. AI like rock music. What about you? B She likes / doesn't like electronica, B Yes, I like / don't like it, too. | complete the sentences. Use the correct negative (—) or affirmative (+) forms of like. 1. Helen and Simon don't like _(—) pop music. They like (+) rock, 2. My brother —) electronica. He (+) Latin music. 3. Paula and I (—) hip-hop. We (+) electronica, 4. Ryan (—) rock music. He (+) jazz, 5. You ) classical music. You (+) Latin music. 6. Susanna ) dance music. She (+) classical music. a Unit 4 * Do you LiKe HIP-HOP? 22 write questions. Use like and the words in parentheses. 1. (Steve | Latin music) lke Latin music? 2. (Carla j dance music) (Steve and Carla { classical music) (Steve and Carla / rock music) 5. (Steve / pop music) 6. (Carla | jazz) BOTS Kind of musi Carla @ classical music 8 @ dance music © 2 @ electronica © © hip-hop © ® jaz ® ' @ Latin music @ ) pop music © © rock music @ 1. _Yes, he does 4. jill 2 5 3. 6. 7 waite questions and answers about the people in parentheses. Use What kind of .. ? and the information in the chart in Activity 6. 1. (Steve) What kind of music does Steve like 2 He likes hip-hop, jazz, Latin music, and rock music. 2. (Carla) ao 3. (Steve an Carla) 2 Do vou uke HIP-HOP? © Unit 4 & correct the sentences. 1. Like pop music. X 5. A Do you like Latin music? like pop B Yes, Like. X 2. L net like jazz. X 6. A Do you like electronica? 3. Eike-you pop music? X B_ No, [tkenet. X 4. What kind of masieyou like? X complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. Be-youtike don'tlike — Idon’t Me, too What about _— What kind of Matt Let's listen toa CD. * Do you like hip-hop? Jackie No,? Matt What about rock music? Jackie No, 1? rock music. : dance music? Matt No, Idon’t like dance music. is music do you like? Jackie I like jazz and Latin music. Matt ¢ ss Let's listen to Shakira. AIO ez tne conversation in Activity 9 again. Wit asimiar conversation, Use your own ideas. Ellen Let's listen to a CD. Do you like ! ? Bruce No,? Ellen What about ? Bruce No, ‘What about > 2 Ellen No,* What kind of music do you like? Bruce 17 and! Ellen ? Let's listen to ® B Unit 4 © Do you LIke HIP-HOP? Reading Read the text quickly. Match the two parts of the sentences. 1. Akiko is from __ a. England. 2. Cathy is from __ b. Japan. 3, Ben is from __ the US. ‘A Forums >> [nenstopmusicne!] >> What is your favorite music? Page: (1 007 9.5637 AM q cathyaa Hi, my name's Cathy. 'm 22, and I'm from Los Angeles. | ike hip-hop and dance music. | love the Black Eyed Peas. | hate jazz Posts: 117 and classical music. Do you like hip-hop and dance music? Joined: 1/31/05 ined. /3V05 Please e-mail me: for ger ee | Re: wate yourfovrte muse -3/5/2007 S0RI2PH Akko Hi, Cathy. My name's Akiko. I'm from Kobe in Japan. | love hip- hop, but ! don’t like dance music. My favorite singer is Eminem. Posts: 36 Do you like Eminem? My e-mail is Jone 729/06 Stats otire | (ay eae pote ae | TE What le your Tova mai? - 31672007 81207 AN | ‘ben.smith Hello. I'm Ben. I'm from London. Dance music is OK, but | hate Q hip-hop. My favorite kind of music is rock. Franz Ferdinand is my Posts: 237 favorite band. They're amazing. Soined 572/06 Sans ofr [Cent comers Poa 83% © Read the text again. Complete the chart. Corny ror Ben Favorite kind of mu: of dance music | Favorite band/singer_ Doesn't like. 24 5 : What do you do for fun? Vocabulary 1 complete the activities with the verbs in the box. collect do go have play play read rent —_ watch a. play videogames d. tennis g. yoga b. shopping e comics. ___ books « movies fi Vv 1, coffee with friends Unat 5 © WHAT Do You Do FoR FUN? 26 Language Practice A underline the correct words. . Vicky play / plays tennis on Mondays. .. My wife and I go / goes shopping on Fridays. . Jim have | has coffee with friends on Thursdays, . You do / does yoga . Twatch / watches TV on Saturday night. . Amy and lan collet / collects comics D Complete the sentences. Use the simple present affirmative form of the verbs in the box. dogo have play vent watch 1. I__rentt__ movies on Friday night, 2. Phil yoga. 3. We tennis on Tuesday night. 4, Eve__ TV with her friends. 8. You shopping on Mondays. 6. They coffee with their friends on Sunday. B Mate these sentences negative. 1. Jennifer plays tennis. 4, You and Liz like shopping. lennifer doen't play tennis. 2. Our children read books. 5. Ido yoga. 3. Josh plays video games 6. Andy and I collect comics. Write true sentences about you. Use the affirmative or negative form of the simple present and the words in parentheses. 1. (read books) | read book ead books, (collect comics) Goatch movies) (play video games) (have coffe with friends) (do yoga) Waar po you bo For FUN? © Unit 5 5 Read the survey forms. Write questions and answers. Use the words in parentheses. Name: Amanda Lewis Name: Diege Villa Hobbies: Hobbies: [Z1g0 shopping play video games Cigo shopping _[_]play video games Ceottect comics Creottect comics [71 play soccer [Z)read books (read books WV play tennis [Z)rent movies [rent movies do yoga. i (lw [watch Tv 1. (Amanda | do yoga?) Aman owa z Yes, she does 2 (Diego / read books?) ren es 4. (Diego / watch TV?) Se 5. (Amanda | play soccer?) a ? 6. (Amarida and Diego j collect comics?) 2 G Pur the words in order to make questions. 1. When / Diego / does / watch TV /? When does Diego watch TV 2 2. Diego / Where / play soccer / does / ? 3. does / Amanda / play / What / ? 4. go shopping / does / Amanda / Where / ? 7 Match the questions in Activity 6 and the answers below. 4 a. Atthe mall. __ & Tennis, __ b. Atnight. 4. Atschool. a UnzT 5 © Waar Do you Do FoR FUN? & correct the sentences. | 10 28 1. She ge shopping on Saturdays. X 4, Wheryou play soccer? X She goes shopping on Saturdays. 2. They dees play tennis. X 5. What de-he-dees on Fridays? X 3. He doesn’t dees yoga on weekends. X 6, Be she read books? X Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. Beyorpky | Ido I play —_youplay | Chris Do you play soccer? | Anita How about you? | = soccer? Chris No, but I play tennis. And‘ ei __like video games. Anita Really? Chris Yeah, * video games ery night Anita Wow! You really like video games! Read the conversation in Activity 9 again. Look at the chart, Write a similar conversation. Poe Mei-ling, Gabriel x v v Gabriel ‘Do you read books? Mei-ling Yes,? a 7! books? Gabriel No,*_ magazines. And ¢ comics. Mei-ling Really? Gabriel Yeah, __ every day. Mei-ling Wow! * __ comics! Reading 1 Read the text quickly. Check (/) the activities mentioned. 1. Y] read books 4. C0 play tennis 2. ] have coffee 5. _] play video games 3. L] play soccer 6. LJ do yoga Dear Melissa, How are you? Monica and I are in Chicago. We're at & language schoo! The school is OK, but our teacher is really great. His name's Andy, and he's From Michigan. He's amazing. He likes all kinds of music and knows a lot about then. We don't have classes on Saturdays and Sundays, $0 we have some time for our hobbies. On Saturdays, we 440 shopping and have coffee with some classmates. On Sundays, | play tennis with a friend from school. Monica dotsn't like tennis, 50 she stays home and reads books or watches TV. Sometimes we go dancing or go to the movies See you soon Love, Antonella Waar D0 You bo FoR FUN? © Uni S 7. C] go shopping 8. CJ watch TV 9. [J rent movies © Read the text again. Complete the sentences with the correct names. 1. Monica and Antonella are in Chicago. yee is from Michigan. a likes all kinds of music. 4, have coffee with classmates. & plays tennis on Sundays. 6. reads books on Sundays. 2 G Can you play the guitar? Vocabulary | Look at the pictures: Complete the crossword with the corréct activities fe] @ Answer the questions with information about you. Do you use a computer in class? _Yes, | do. / No, | don't. Do you drive to school? Do you play the guitar? Do you cook every day? Do you swim on Sundays? 30 CAN You PLAY THE GUITAR? * UNIT 6 Language Practice complete the labels. Use can or can’t and the words in the box. cook dance play soccer ride abike sing swim 1, Raul and Dora__can dance well. 2. Donna very well. 5. Lisa at all. 6. Jodie very well, ‘Complete the sentences with information about you. Use can or can’t and well, very well, or at all. fang, 41 play video games at __ swim 51 play the guitar 31 dance a ride a bike 31 Unrt 6 © CaN you PLAY THE GUITAR? Write questions and answers about Stan and Laura. Use the information in the chart and the words in parentheses. v ‘cook? v sing? play the guitar? play chess? ride a bike? SIN IN|] NIN fx fe] s drive? 1. (Laura and Stan { cook?) n Laura and Stan cook 2 Yes, they can _ : 2. (Stan | sing?) pcanstiecerteresemcemannrmmmneenenes, 3, (Laura and Stan / play the guitar?) 4, (Laura / play chess?) 5. (Stan / ride a bike?) 6. (Laura | drive?) 1 | correct the sentences. 1. Tecan te-play chess. X 4, They denttean swim. X I can play chess. = 2, He can't dances. X 5. What you-ean do? X 3. She can wery-weltdeive, X 6. A Can he sing? B Yes, hede. X 32 CAN You PLAY THE GurTaR? © UnzT 6 5 complete the conversation. Use the sentences in the box. Can you play chess? Can you swim? Yes, can, What-conyoude,Kylie? Brett + What can you do, Kylie? Kylie [can ride a bike. Brett Really? ? Kylie No, Ican’t. Brett? Kylie Let's play a game. Brett Uh, sorry. I can’t play chess at al G Read the conversation in Activity 5 again. Answer the questions below. 1. Can Kylie ride a bike? Yes, she can : 2. Can Kylie swim? 3. Can Kylie play chess? 7 Read the conversation in Activity 5 again. Write a similar conversation. Use the information below. Martin can swim and play tennis, but he can’t play soccer. Sophie! What: can you do, Martin ? Martin Ian? Sophie Really? ? ? Martin No,* Sophie * 7 Martin Yes, ¢ . Let's play a game Sophie Uh, sorry. can’t play tennis at all 33 Unrt 6 © CaN you Puay THE GUITAR? Reading 1 Read the text quickly. Answer the questions. 1. Does Marina like pop music? 2. Does Marina like Carlos Santana? 3. Does Marina like cars? 4, Does Marina like Ferraris? AND SHE CAN PLAY Se GUITAR, TOO! @:-: ‘School, the famous music | Friday. She can't drive, so she rides a rina Sanchez is a student at the | Marina has classes from Monday to sschool in New York. Marina can play the | bike to school. “I can’t drive, but I ike guitar very well. And she can sing very well, | cars. My favorite cars are Porsches and too. "But can't dance," she says, "so! | Ferraris.” On Saturdays and Sundays, she don't think I can be a pop singer, right? | plays tennis, “! can't play tennis very Well | don't like pop music very much, well,” she says, “s0 I need to practice.” anyway. But | like Latin music. Carlos ‘Santana is one of my favorite musicians.” © Read the text again. Complete the sentences about Marina. Use can or can’t, 1. She _can play the guitar. 2. She ___ sing. 3. She dance, 4. She drive. ride a bike. play tennis. 4 Review & Check Units 4-6 Vocabulary 1 Circte the best answers to complete the text. Come to the \ J East Vill \ Activity Center! PPorioniays, we play! On Tuesdays, we? yoga On Wednesdays, we * bikes On Thursdays, we play * On Fridays, we dance and sing Can you play *_? 1. a. shopping b.TVv ©. tennis + dyoga 2a. do b. go can dare 3. a. cook b. play « do d. ride 4. a, dance b. chess yoga d. bike 5. a. the comics b. the movies ¢. the books . the guitar 2D Circle the best answer to complete each sentence. 1. I don't like jazz. Wt a. terrible b. OK ¢. not bad d. amazing 2. Ireally like electronica. It's! a. terrible b. OK © not bad . amazing 3. Can you _a computer? a. ride b. use «. play do 4. Let’s_amovie. a. have b. read © rent d, collect 5. Idon’t watch _. a TV b. video games . comics d. books 6. Can you __? a. French b. play French ¢. speak French . rent French 7. Lean sing __. a. amazing »b. terrible «. atall . very well 35 Review & CHeck © Units 4-6 36 Language A Circle the best answers to complete the text. For fun, Judy Wiliams * soccer on Fridays and tennis on Sundays, Her sisters, Pam and Lara, _ sports, Pam + music. She can * the guitar very ‘well. And Lara > books. She * _ every ‘ay. But they all love shopping. They go shopping together every Saturday. 1. a. play b. plays «. is d.can 2. a. does . doesn’t like d. don’t like a. like ©. likes 4d. doesn’t play . plays does | do pose 5. a. like b. do & likes d. does a. do b. does «. read d. reads ccircte te best anwerto complete ease e 1. She __ soccer on Saturdays. a. not play b. doesn’t plays «. doesn’t play d. don't play 2. I__like pop music. a. no b. am not © doesn’t d, don’t 3. What _ do on Sundays? a. do you b. you « do d. are you 4. A Do you rent movies? B a. Yes, | rent. b. Yes, Ido. «. Yes, I does. . Yes, Lam. 5. __use a computer? a. Can you to b. Are you can © Do you can 4. Can you 6. What__? a. cando. b. can she do can she to do d. can she does Conversation Revrew & CHeck © UnrTs 4-6 Circle the best sentence to complete each conversation. 1. A [don't like jazz. B a. Me, too. [ike jazz. b, Really? I like jazz. ¢. Well, let's go toa concert 4. No, not really. 2. A Latin music is amazing. B a. Yeah, it's great. b. Yeah, it’s terrible. ¢. Pretty good, thanks. a. Yes, she is 3. A Let's go toa concert. B a. It's OK, b. Not bad, thanks. ©. Great ideal . Great, thanks. 4. A Llike rock music. B a. No, Idon't. b. Great idea! ©. How about you? 4. Me, too, 5A B [play soccer a. Do you like music? . When do you play soccer? What do you do for fun? |. Do you play soccer on Fridays? peg 6. A When do you play video games? B a. Do you like video games? b. Yes, Ido. ¢. At the Internet cafe. 4. On Mondays. a 10. 1, 2. A Can you drive? B a. No, Idon't. ». Yes, you do. . Yes, Fean. 4. No, you can’t. A B No, not really. a. What can you do? b. What's your favorite kind of music? © What's your address? d. Can you dance? ). A What can you do? B . Lean play the guitar. b. No, I can't © Yes, Ido. 4. To yoga on Fridays. A Can you sing? B a. Yes, you can. b. No, but [can sing. © No, I can’t sing at al. d. No, you can't sing. A B [like pop. a. Can you dance? b, What kind of music do you like? © Me, too. d. Really? A Do you like classical music? B a. Let’s go toa concert. 'b, No, not really. © Ican sing, too. d. Yes, Ican. 7 Revrew E Cueck © UnrTs 4~6 Reading Read the text. Circle the best answers. Q Friends Net = [Go UN eA autora ee mata oS | a All Forums >> [friends-netnet] >> Hello Page:t1] : 2/08/2007 95:37 AM een (}eamat | |T Hi, 'm Emily. 'm from Los Angeles, but I'm sow tis ro a student in Ithaca, | really like music. | can ‘Suesente a play the guitar and | can sing. | don't like ee soccer, cae Statue offing : 2/08/2007 150825 AN Cie romans | | My name's Ken. I’m from Hong Kong. I'm an Hee q artist. | do yoga and tae kwon do. | love ae : Chinese food and | can cook very well Fate suaus:otting || Howaiz | INvCracy 2/09/2007 13633 PH esr [>] Eormact : Hello! I'm Tracy. I'm from New York. I'm an ' actress. | like classical music and tennis. | q can't drive, but I can ride a bike. c 1. Where's Emily from? 4. What kind of food does Ken like? a. Los Angeles. a. Chinese, b. Ithaca. . Spanish ¢. Hong Kong. «. Italian. d. New York. 4. French. 2. What can Emily do? 5. Tracy a. She can sing and dance a. is a student. b. She can drive D. likes tennis. © She can sing and play the guitar. ©. doesnt like musi 4. She can cook. d. doesn’t have an e-mail address 3. What is Ken’s job? 6. Tracy. a. He's a student. a. can drive. b. He's a teacher, b. can’t drive. ©. He'sa chef. ©. drives to work. 4. He's an artist. . rides a bike every day. 2 Brace wearing? Vocabulary Look at the pictures. Find seven more clothing items in the puzzle. kK} 0 \G@[H[o[r{t F tlo[wleluli[ifa [oly s|nielalx s|a|J a[wlalulelelelilils tfe{t{o{als|{«lifelr rjufela[n|s E|R tlifefx{r}a fe | ; / 6/5/e|t|e| | & aw | a i @ Write sentences about you. Use wear or don’t wear and clothing items from Activity 1. 1. _Lwear pants. /| don't wear pants. a S 4 5 6 39 Unit 7 © WHAT Is SHE WEARING? Language Practice Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous affirmative form of the verbs in parentheses. 1. Jake is playing ___ the guitar. (play) 21 (dance) 3. You to-music. (listen) 4, Joel and Adam (swim 5. Pat a blue skirt (tea) 6. Janetand |__ pizza. (ent) D Make these sentences negative. 1, Jeffs cooking, 4. Ray and David are doing yoga. left int cooking, 2. You're reading 5. Diane is riding her bike 3. Nick and I are talking. 6. Im using the computer. 'B Wirt sentences about Jon. Use the present continuous and the words in parentheses. 1. (Jon | wear a T-shirt) merece n ien't wearing a T- 2. (He | eat pizza) 3. (He | watch TV) 4, (He j drink water) 5. (He | talk) 6. (He | listen to music) 40 WHAT IS SHE WEARING? © UNIT 7 4 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1. playing / you / are / chess / ? playing cheoo? 2. Keith and Nadine / on the phone / talking / are /? 3. are / what / you and Scott / watching / ? 4. skirt / wearing / what kind of / Carol / is / ? 5} Match the answers (ad) and the questions (1-4) in Activity 4. 1 a. No, we're not. Amovie. __ c. Yes, they are. ___ . Along, pink skirt. Look at the picture. Write questions and answers. Use the words in parentheses and the present continuous. 1. (what { Teresa j do 2) 4. (what / Joe / wear 2) What is Teresa doing? 2 2 She's reading a magazine. 2: : 2. (Joe {ent | hamburger 2) 5. (what / Beth and Doug / do ?) 3. (Beth and Doug { read ?) 6. (Teresa | wear | jeans ?) 4t Unrt 7 © Whar Is SHE WEARING? 7 correct the sentences. 1. Leading X 4. Imeem playing soccer. X im reading, 2. Wes watching TV. X 5, Is she weae a sweater? X 3. Alex don’t using a computer. X 6. What de you doing? x & complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. am having eee Se see ‘sdrinking “stalking ’s wearing James Hi, Eric. This is a great party! Are you ! having fun? Eric Yes, 1? Hey, where? Harry? James Hal Ra Eric Oh, yes. Ian? him, James Who! that girl over there? Eric Which girl? James That girl. She ? jeans and a red sweater. And she * soda. Eric Oh, that? Christina. She ! in my class. James She really cute, Read the conversation in Activity 8 again. Write a similar conversation. Melinda Hi, Jonathan. This a great party. Are you having, fun? Jonathan Yes,tlam _.Hey,2_— Vicky? Melinda She? Martin, Jonathan Oh, yes. + het. Melinda boy over there? Jonathan * ? Melinda That boy. ? jeans and fa green shirt, And * pizza Jonathan Oh, Tom, He ® Melinda He ™_ 42 Reading Waar 1s sHe werRING? © UniT 7 ON eg et rc pre 1. Vince | Wendy is at home. 2. Vince / Wendy is at the Internet cafe. Hi, Vince. Are you at home? Yes, lam. What are you doing? “lim chatting with some friends and ‘re Debbie and Ed there? Yes. Debbie is cooking tonight and Edis helping het. Where (06:35:48) Wend | (06:35:54) Vince says: No. He's reading comics. They have some cool comics heres} [And were listening to this guy, James Blunt. Hea great singer. Do you know him? :_No,I don't she from the US? No, he's from the UK. Check out his songs on his website, (OK. Thanks forthe tip. Time to go. Talk to you later. lim at the internet cafe with Louis. Ishe online? you? What are you doing? © Read the text again. Answer the questions, 1. Is Vince writing e-mails? Yes, he is. 2. Is Debbie chatting with friends? 3. What's Ed doing? 4, Is Wendy cooking? 5. What's Louis doing? 6. Who's Wendy listening to? 43 s Cir CE eg Vocabulary Look at the pictures. Complete the crossword with the names of the household items. c H A R Inthe bedroom ee ani Inthe 44 Is THERE @ DESK? © UniT 6 Language Practice Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. behind in on under | 1. The cell phone is the bag. 2. The bag and the T-shirt are the bed. 3. The T-shirt is the bag, |. The bag is the woman. D waite sentences. Use there’s / there are (/) or there isn’t / there aren't (X) and the words in parentheses. 1, (a cell phone | on the table) X The fl hi 2. (any windows | in the bedroom) K 3. (a chair | behind the desk) 7 4. (a stereo / on the table) X 5. (CDs / under the desk) 7 6. (pictures | in the living room) J B Mate these sentences negative. 1. There are chairs in the kitchen. 3. There are curtains in the bedroom. —Thete aren't atly chaire in the kitchen. 2. There's a computer on the desk. 4. There’s a bag under the table. 45 Unrt 8 © Is THERE A DESK? 4. Gah bal ree apteaee 1. (a stereo | om the table?) 4. (sofa | in the living room?) Yeo, there is 2. (a lamp | on the table?) 5. (a chair {in the living room?) 3. (any CDs | under the table?) 6. (any curtains / behind the sofa?) 5 Read the questions in Activity 4 again. Write similar questions with the word parentheses, Then write true answers about your bedroom. 1. (any curtains / on the window?) 3. @TV {in the bedroom?) 2. (a dtesk | in the bedroom?) 4. (any shoes / under the bed?) 46 Is THERE @ DESK? © UnrT 8 G correct the sentences. 1. There's CDs on the desk X 3. Hea table in the living room? X There are CDs on the desk 2. There aren'ta books in the drawer.X 4, Awe any windows in your bedroom? X 7 complete the conversation with the questions in the box. Is there alamp? is there a table? Where's the chair? Where’s-the-desk? Man This is the bedroom, Jung-soo ! Where's the desk? Man There isn'ta desk Jomo, ORE Man (Of course! There's a table in the kitchen, Jung-soo 2 Man Yes, there is. It’s behind the chair. Jung-soo * Man It’s right behind you! & 100k at the picture below. Read the conversation in Activity 7 again. ‘Write a similar conversation. Woman This is the living room. +) Tonya 1 WherlstheTy Woman There isn't a TV. Tanya Oh, = : Woman Ofcourse! ___alampin the bedroom. Tanya * a stereo? Woman table. Tanya 7 Woman It's right behind you! 47 Unrr 8 © Is THERE A DESK? Reading {Read the texts quickly. Which bedroom does the picture show? Text Apartment Studio to rent, there’s a bed, a sofa, a desk, and a chair. with four chairs. $1,000 a month Call Kim at 435-7698. In the bedroom / living room, In the kitchen, there’s a table @ Which text do these sentences describe: A, B, or C? 1. There is a table. ode 2. There isn’t a sofa. . There are two desks. 3. 4. There aren’t any chairs 5. The room is in a house. 6 . There are five chairs. 48 | ROOM TO RENT Large room in an apartment near city center. There are two beds and two desks. | There's also alarge closet and asofa.$700/month | Call julian at 356-7287. j Bedroom ‘Nice room in house in city center. ‘There's a bed, a desk, and two chairs. $350 a month. Call Mike at 933-7261 after 6pm ‘Monday to Friday. LS SC eC RTDs Vocabulary wnat places do the signs show? Complete the labels with the place words. BD Write true sentences about places near your school. Use some of the words in Activity 1. There's a park, / There isn't a park, a bs 4 5. 6. 49 UNIT 9 © THE BANK IS ON THE CORNER. 50 Language Practice Look at the map. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. across from between extte on the corner of Main Street 1. The post office is next to the bank. 2. The drugstore is Center and Main. 3. The bank is the department store and the post office. 4. The subway station is the post office. D Look at the map. Complete the sentences. Write the letter of the correct building (A-E) in the parentheses. 1. The public restrooms (_A_) are next to the convenience store. 2, The department store (__) is across from the subway station. 3. The bank (__) ison the corner of First and East. 4, The drugstore (___) is between the post office (__) and the park. First Street THE BANK IS ON THE CoRNER, © UNIT 9 3 cock tne amp in Acti 2 opal, Weta questioned anwers Use where and the words in parentheses. 1. (convenience store) _Wh he convenience store 3 it’s ____ 2. (subway station) a 2 3. (park) = @ Look at the map in Activity 2 again. You are at the %. Follow the directions. Where are you now? 1. Go straight on Second Street and cross West and East Avenue. They're next to the convenience store, public restroom: 2. Go straight on Second Street and turn left on West Avenue It’s across from the department store. 3. Go straight on Second Street and turn right on East Avenue It’s on the comer of Second and East, next to the drugstore Look at the map in Activity 2 again, Read the directions in Activity 4. Write similar directions to the places below. 1. (bank) 2. (drugstore) G correct the sentences. 1. It’s acrose-the bus station, X It's across from the bus station, 2. Turn right és the corner. X 3. The bank is is the corner of East and First. X 4, The park is sextthe department store. X 5. Excuse me. Fhere a post office near here? X 51 UNrT 9 © THE BANK IS ON THE CORNER. 52 7 complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. Alex is at the % on the map. across from gostright istheree on the commer ‘onthe corner of right on Straight on turn right Eim Street ‘Aspen Street (ak Street J Willow Street drugstore / x ‘Alex Excuse me. le there a___ subway station near here? Man Asubway station? Yes, it's * __ Elm and Oak. Alex Elm and Oak? Man Yes,?___on Aspen Street, and *__on Elm Street. Alex 3 Aspen and $I, Man That's right. The subway station is ” £ the drugstore. Alex Thanks a lot! Man You're welcome. & Read the conversation in Activity 7 again. Write a similar conversation. Use the map in Activity 7. Denise Excuse me.‘ |e there __bank>_____? Woman > 2 Yes, it's¢_____ Elm and Willow. Denise > and ¢ Woman Yes, Aspen Street, and turn Elm Street Dene ge Woman That's right. The bank * a Denise Thanks lot! Woman THE BANK IS ON THE CORNER. * UNIT 9 Reading Read the text. Which places are mentioned? WZ) bank 1 arugstore C1 post office C1 convenience store 0 mat (J public restrooms (1 department store DO park CA subway station Review by Larry Indiana, March 15, 2006 Rating teckok Great location! The hotel is very simple (there are only 20 bedrooms, only 10 of, them with @ bathroom), but its very wel located. I's right in the city ‘center, so you have all the services you need. There isa large ‘department store on State Avenue (Maximus Department Store) ‘and lots of small stores near it. There is also a convenience store just across from the hotel, on ‘the comer. For those postcards you are sending your family and friends, there isa post office next tothe convenience store. And if you need money, there is a bank next to the post offic. ‘The subway station is ust afew blocks from the hotel, on the corner of State and First. There are pay phones inthe station. And if you just want to relax, go to the park on State Avenue, just across from Maximus. Its beautifull @ Read the text again. Are the sentences below true or false? Correct the false sentences. True False 1. There are 10 bedrooms in the hotel. oO wm _ othe 6 in the hotel 2. The department store is on First Avenue. Oo 3. The hotel isn't in the city center. Oo 4, The post office is between the convenience store and the bank. 5. There is a department store across from the park. 6, There is a subway station on the corner of Maximus and First He oe @ el i tel 7. The pay phones are next to the subway station. 53 AUC a8 Tl 74 Units 7-9 Vocabulary 7 Circte the best answers to complete the text, I'm sending you a photo of me and my sister. Yes, I'm wearing my new + and ?__. Do you like then? We are in my dorm room. You can’t see it, but it’s a big room, There are two beds, a2, and a‘. There isn’t a2, but T can watch movies on my computer. It's not bad for a dorm room. \- sweater . T-shirt aboot . curtains pose 2. a. skirts a pant a short . jeans poge . windows . park desk |. drugstore pege | curtains indows ©. chair d. bed av b. lamp ©. stereo d. sofa D Circle the best answer to complete each sentence. 1. Alice is__ a blue skirt a. riding b. looking . wearing di drinking 2. Rick is wearing a cool __ a. shirt b. sneakers © pant 4. jeans 3. There’s a___on the desk. a. park b. window . convenience store d. stereo, 4. Your T-shirts are__ the drawer. b. in . under d. behind 5. The convenience store is__ the corner. aon b. next ©. across d. between 6. Is there a public__near here? tion b. office . restroom, d. store 7. Thomas plays tennis in the. a park b. department store . subway station 4. post office Language Circle the best answers to complete the phone conversation. Bob: Hello. Bob. I'm in the apartment for rent. There aren’t many things in it. For example, in the living room, 1a sofa and?__ two chairs. ‘There's also a table. 9: That’ it?!? lamps? *_TV? x: No,>__ lamps or a TV. But there's astereo * the table. 1. a. are b. there are cis d. there's 2. a. are b. there are cis d. there's 3. a, Is there a b. Are they . Are there any di. Isit 4, a. Is there a b. Are they ¢. Are there any di Isit 5. a. there isn’t b. there isn’t a . there aren't any 4. aren't 6. a. on b. between ¢. next in Review & CHeck * Units 7-9 D Circle the best answer to complete each sentence. 1. Jack __ tennis. a. playing b. are playing ©. play . is playing 2. A Is she watching TV? Bie, \- she does . she is . she watches . she watching poor 3. 1__ wearing boots. a. am not b. don't . notam 4. aren't 4, What __ doing? a. does he is heis ishe pegs 5. There’s a bank across __ the convenience store. ato b. next . from 4. of 6. Turn __on First Street. a. straight b, right . across 4. cross, 55 Review & CHECK © UnITs 7-9 Conversation Circle the best sentence to complete each conversation. LA B She's wearing a long red skirt. a. What kind of skirt is she wearing? 'b. What does she wear? . What is she doing? . What kind of skirt does she like? 2. A Look at that boy. Isn’t he cute? B a. Which cute? b. No, he doesn’t. &. Yes, he does. . Which boy? 3. A Where's the TV? B a. It’s right there! b. There's a TV. «. They're right here! d. That's right! 4, A Isthere a kitchen? B a. It’s in the kitchen. b. Nice place! . Welcome! . Of course! 5A B It’s next to the public restrooms. a. Where are the drugstores? 'b. Excuse me. Where's the drugstore? ¢. Where's the public restroom? . Where are they? 6. A Where are the pay phones? B a. On the corer of Main and First. b. It's on the desk c. Yes, there are. 4d. Thanks a lot! 7. A Thanks a lot! B a. Of course! b, That's right! . Excuse me! d. You're welcome! 8A B Yes, it’s across from the park a. Is there a park across from the bank? . Where is the bank? . Is there a park near here? di Is there a bank near here? 9. A Where's the subway station? B a. There's one in the kitchen. b. It’s under the desk. ¢. Cross First Street. It's next to the bank. i. Yes, there is. It's across from the park. 10. A B No, she’s talking to her friend. a, Is she dancing? b. Is he wearing a white T-shirt? ¢. Isn't she cute? . What's she doing? 1. A Who's that girl? B Which girl? A a, Those over there, b. Wait: . Can't you see her? 4. Oh, her? 12. A Go straight on First and turn left on West. B Staight on First and left on West: A a. Thanks. b, That's right. «. You're welcome. 4. OF course. Review & Cueck © UnrTs 7-9 Reading Read the text. Circle the best answers. Hi, Andrew! |im having a great time here in Amsterdam. tm with my friend ‘Chris. (Do you know Chris? She's in my class at college.) We're inan Internet cafe right now. Chris is writing an e-mail to her mother, and I'm writing this e-mail to you. ‘Amsterdam is beautiful. You can rent bikes here and ride around the city. It's a lot of fun. There are lots of great stores and coffee shops. Chris and | go shopping every day! There's a park near the hotel. We play tennis there in the afternoon, then in the evening we go to the night club in the hotel.The music is great. We dance all evening, There's also a karaoke bar. Chris likes karaoke, and she sings all her favorite songs. But I don't ike karaoke because | can't sing! Love Grace 1. Chriss 4. Chris and Grace play tennis a. Grace's brother a. in the hotel. b. Andrew's friend b. in the park c. Grace's sister. «in the club, 4, Grace's friend. di. in the karaoke bar. 2. In the Internet cafe 5. In the evening, they a. Chris and Grace are writing e-mails a. go to the park b. Chris and Grace are having coffee. b. ride bikes around the city. ¢. Grace is sending an e-mail to her dance in the karaoke bar. parents 4. go toa club, 4. Chris is writing an e-mail to her fond 6. Grace doesn’t like karaoke because a. she can’t sing, 3, According to the text, there are lots of fe chemists Gabe. great . «there isn'ta karaoke bar. a. parks in Amsterdam. 4. she doesn’t have favorite songs b. clubs in Amsterdam. . stores in Amsterdam 4. hotels in Amsterdam. 7 Vocabulary Look at the picture. Check (/) the things you see on the shopping list. ae _| Now write a description of the other basket. a Do we Have ANY MILK? © UNIT 10 Language Practice 4] Write the words in the chart apple banana_—_bread cookie fish juice potato. rice erat cacti apple BD Look at the picture. Write « / an for count nouns or some for noncount nouns. 1. There's _an apple. 2. There’s__pasta 3, There's __tea. 4. There's juice. 5. There's potato, 6. There's tomato. 7. There's lettuce. 8. There's rice, 3 waite sentences. Use there's or there are and the words in parentheses. 1. (Some cookies | on the plate) There are some cookies on the pl 2. (some bread / in the kifchen) 3. (some ice creamt | in the freezer) 4. (some bananas / on the table) 8. (some fist jin the refrigerator) 6. (some potatoes jon the stove) & Undertine some or any. 1. I need some /any tea, Do we have some / ay? 2. We have some / any coffee, but we don’t have some / any milk. 3. There aren’t some / any tomatoes, but Ican buy some (any. 4. A. Are there some Jany grapes? ——-B._Yes, there are some / any on the table. 5. A Do youhave some /any bread? B_ No, but [have some / any pasta. 59 UnrT 10 © Do We HAVE ANY MILK? complete the lines. Make A’s sentences negative. 1. A We need some bread. B _We don't need any bread - We have some in the kitchen. 2. A. She wants an apple. B . She wants a banana. 3. A. There's some juice in the refrigerator. B There’s only water. 4. A We have some tomatoes. B But we have some lettuce. 5. A We need some rice. B We need some pasta 6. A. There are some cookies on the table. 4 B And there isn’t any cake, either. G wat food and drink do you have at home? Write true sentences. Use the words in parentheses. 1. (rice) have some rice. / | don't have any rice. 2. (coffee) 3. (fish) 4. (grapes) 5. (lettuce) ——$_____ 6. (potatoes) —— 7 correct the sentences. 1. We don’t need seme bread. X 4, There isn’t any cookies in the kitchen. X We don't: need any bread 2, There's a bread on the table. X 5. There are ice cream in the freezer. X 3. want some snack. X 6. Idon’t have seme juice. X 60 Do WE HAVE ANY MILK? © UnrT 10 & complete the conversation. Use some and any. Derek I'm hungry. Is there! any _ food? Holly There are® cookies, Derek Hmm. What else? Holly There's? ice cream. Derek Is there * pasta? Holly No, there isn’t. But I can go shopping, Derek Great! Do we have ® chicken? Holly No, but I can buy ¢ Derek We don't have? lettuce, either. Holly OK. So pasta, chicken, and lettuce. Derek That's right. Thanks! Read the conversation in Activity 8 again. Write a similar conversation. Use your own ideas. Terence Michelle Terence Michelle Terence Michelle Terence Michelle Terence Michelle Terence I’m hungry. Is there any food? Hmm. What else? That's right. Thanks! 61 Unit 10 © Do We HAVE ANY MILK? Reading 4] Read the text. List the food and drink items mentioned. Welcome! The food in the apartment ip for you. There are apple and bananas on the table in the living room. There's rice, pata, tea, and coffee in the cabinet in the Kitchen. There's water in the refrigerator, but there von't any juice. IF you need anything, there's a 24-hour convenience store on Fark Street. Go a traight on Main Street and turn left on Fark. Hs acrony from the cubway otation. The convenience store ir not cheap, but there aren't any supermarkets near here Any probleme, call my cell phone: 634-2728. Enjoy your vacation! et Careandra There are some on the table in the living room. Yes, there is. It’s in the cabinet in the kitchen, Yes, there is. It’s in the refrigerator. 4 z No, there isn’t, but there's some water. fos ei uae ese oe gem, No, there isn't. There's only a convenience store. 6 2 It’s on Park Street. It’s 654-2728. 62 _ | Where were you all day? Vocabulary Unscramble the letters of the place words. mys terinten/face 99 & 1 gym 5. ee barrliy s dramalunot , 6. caieaae aaa <4) e closho = smekupretra a pe cA cease krow z omeh D Look at Susan's calendar. Complete the sentences about her week. Use the words in Activity 1. fea eee ge ee ae 1. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Susan goes to work, and then she goes to the ay. 2. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3. On Saturdays, Susan ily eat um sec B Read the sentences about Susan’s week in Activity 2 again. Write similar sentences about your week. Use the words in Activity 1 or your own ideas. 63 Unrt 11 © WHERE WERE You ALL DAY? Language Practice 4] complete the sentences. Use was or were and the correct adjective from the box below. great (@@) — good (9) OK (@B) _—awful (@) 1. Dana_was at the park this morning, It was _great_! (@@) 2. Jenny and Emma at the mall yesterday. It was__. (@@) 3.1 ata rock concert last night. The music was 1@) 4, Ricky and 1 at the library on Saturday. It was ©® 5. Keith at the Internet cafe last night. It was ) 6.1 ata party on Friday. Itwas__!(@@) PD Complete the sentences with wasn’t or weren't 1. T___wagn't___ at the gym last night. I was at home. 2. We at the park on Saturday. We were there on Sunday. 3. You___ at school all day! Only in the morning. 4, Karen and Max at the Internet cafe last night, but Chloe was 5. Pam at the supermarket on Saturday. Pat was there. 6. Oliver at work on Friday. He was at school. SB complete the text. Use was, were, wasn't, or weren't. Yesterday? waa Sunday, so! at work. I was at home. ‘My husband goes to the gym on Sundays, but he? at the gym yesterday. He was at home with ‘me. But our children * at home. They were at the park all day. allat ‘good. Inthe evening, we > ‘a concert. But it ¢ It was awfull WHERE WERE YoU ALL ORY? © Unit 11 complete the questions and answers. Use the information in the chart, Ly Een supermarket park gym laundromat laundromat park Internet cafe ‘mall 1. Was William at the laundromat last Sunday? he we William and Brenda at the park last Sunday? Brenda at the supermarket last Saturday? William at the laundromat last Saturday? Brenda and William at the Internet cafe last Sunday? 6 Brenda at the Internet cafe last Saturday? 5} waite true answers about you. 1. Were you busy on Friday morning? 3. Where were you on Saturday night? 2. How was your day yesterday? 4. Were you at home on Sunday afternoon? G correct the sentences. 1. We was at the mall last night. X 4, Where yourvere all day? X We we he mall last night. 2. Joe were at the gym yesterday: X 5. A. Wore they at the bank? B_ Yes, were. X 3. Tne-wwas at the park. X 65 Unrr 11.» WHERE WERE You ALL DAY? 66 T corte the conversation. Use the sentences in the box. You were busy! Where were you on Saturday? Were Adrian and Elaine there? Was it good? Hows yourweckend? Amber — } How wae your weekend? — Claudia Tt was OK. I was at Fred’s party on Friday: Amber Claudia Yes, it was great Amber > Claudia Yes, they were, Amber = Claudia Iwas at the supermarket, then I was at the Iaundromat, then I was at the gym Amber + = Claudia Yes, I wast & Read the conversation in Activity 7 again. Write a similar conversation. Use the information in the chart. | Friday Saturday Natalie Charles Natalie Charles Natalie Charles Natalie Charles Natalie Charles at the concert. Julie and Craig were there. at the gym, at the library, at the mall How was your weekend? Tt?___was OK ee Friday. Yes, they were Yes, I was! WHERE WERE YOU ALL DAY? © UnzT 11 Reading A] Read the text quickly. Circle the correct sentence. wasn’t. a. Jerry was at the concert, but Lu b. Lucy was at the concert, but Jerry wasn’t. ©. Jerry and Lucy were at the concert. Mariah Carey (02:33 PM: jerryMM: | was at Mariah’s concert in New York last night. It was amazing. She's so cool! She's my favorite! :-) 02:35 PM; lucy32: Yes, she’s really cool. | was at the concert, too, with some friends. The concert wasn't great. It was OK. :-( (02:37 PM: jerryMM: OK217! How can you say that? lucy32O1'S7PM || 02:38 PM: lucy32: The songs weren't very good :-( jerryMM 02:19 PM (02:40 PM: jerryMM: The songs from her new CD Paul0O7 = 02:27 PM | ae _ were great. Do you like her new CD? (02:42 PM: lucy32: No, | don't. | don't like her new songs. | like her old songs. “Vision of Love" is my Beyonce —-10.users || favorite song, and I like “I Don’t Wanna Cry,” too. James Blunt Busers |] 23.1007 has joined th Eminem 12users | Jennifer Lopez 15 users | Ricky Martin 7 users Robbie Willams users || Send ee Reconnect |p [Cans @} Make true sentences. Complete the sentences with Jerry, Lucy, or Jerry and Lucy. 1. Jerry and Lucy __ were in New York last night, 2 was at the concert with some friends. 3. Mariah Carey is ___'s favorite singer. 4. doesn’t like Mariah’s new CD. 5. likes Mariah’s new CD. 6 like Mariah Carey. et Vocabulary A] complete the activities. Use the words in the box. clean do go go_shangout © see stay take — visit 1. hang outwith friends 4. __atrip 7. __hiking dy to the beach home 8 ___ homework 3. my room 6. a movie 9. _ family D Label the pictures, Use some of the activities from Activity 1. 1. take a trip iz 3. from Activity 1 or your own ideas. ‘On weekends, [like to and I don’t like to [re 68 Language Practice AZ Write the simple past of the verbs. 1. watch _wattched 2. play 3. cook 4. cat 5. have Waar DrD You po? * Unrr 12 6. like 7. swim 8. read 9. drink 10. listen Oe Use the simple past. 1. He didn’t go hiking. z 3. —— 4. 5 6 2 8 1. go hiking 2. hang out with friends 3. see a movie 4. take 4 trip 5. do homework: 6. visit family 7. dean the house | | Ae oamey NPs PS IS fe 1 Ie le SB Waite sentences about your last weekend, Use the activities in Activity 2 and the simple past. + | 4. Lwent hiking, / | didn't go biking. 2 3 4. 69 Unt 12 © Wxar p10 you 0? G complete the e-mail. Use the simple past. How are you? Ralph and |? {have} a great weekend, On Friday night, we? (go) to a great party at Maria's house. Saturday was really nice, so we ? (go) to the beach with fre In the evening, we + - (hang out) in a club called Tropicana, We’ (not go) out on Sunday; we * (stay) home. n the afternoon, |? (read) a book and Ralph Satchmo TY How was your weekend? kelly 5} Write questions about Kelly and Ralph’s weekend, Use the words in parentheses and the simple past of the verbs. Then read the text in Activity 4 again and answer the questions. 1. (they / have / a great weekend) 4. (ofere | they | hang out [on Saturday evening) Did they have a great weekend __? 2 Yes, they did 2. (twhat | they / do j on Friday night) 5. (Kelly | go out / on Sunday) ? 2 3. (when | they | go / to the beach) 6. (tohat / Ralph do / or Sunday afternoon) 2 2 G correct the sentences. 1. I goed hiking this weekend. X 3. We didn’t visited family on Saturday. X went hiking this weekend, 2, What de-you-sid this weekend? X 4. Did you teek a trip? X 70 Wunr orp you 00? ® Unit 12 7 complete the conversation. Use the questions in the box. Did you go to the beach? what did you do then? Bid you hae good weckend? What did you do? Was it good? Where did you go? Alison Hi, Simon. ! Did you have a good Simon Yes, I did. Alison 2 Simon I took a trip. Alison > Simon I went to Cape Cod Alison Nice place. * Simon No, I didn’t. I don't like beaches. Alison Oh, > Simon I went hiking. Alison « Simon Yes, it was great. & Read the conversation in Activity 7 again. Write a similar convers Use the information below. Daniel took a trip. He went to New York. He didn't go to Central Park because he doesn't like parks. He went to a party. It was OK. . lydia Hii, Daniel. ' Did you have a good weekend? Daniel Yes,? lydia? ? Daniel ¢ = lydia sy Daniel * a New York. Lydia Nice place.” a Central Park? Daniel No,* 2 = lydia. Oh,” then? Daniel” eeees Lydia fs 2 Daniel Well, it was OK. n Untt 12 © WHat orp You Do? Reading Read the postcard. Answer the questions. 1. Who is the postcard from? 2. Where is she on vacation? 3. Who is the postcard to? Dear Barbara, Jimm and | are having a great week in Hawai The weather is fantastic! { On Monday, we visited Honolulu ‘the morning and visited a museum in the afternoon. On Tuesday, we wert: to the be Nednesda we took a trip to the mountains, We went hiking during the day and stayed ata emall hotel at ight 526 East St. On Thursday, we went to a party at a club Today, Jim went to the beach, but hotel because | wanted to write po rent: shopping in Barbara Knight See you next weekend, D Read the text again. Answer the questions. 1. When did Leah go to the beach? She went to the beach on Tueeday Did Jim go to the beach on Tuesday? Did Leah and Jim go hiking? What did Leah and Jim do on Monday? Where did Leah go on Wednesday? Did Jim go to a party on Tuesday? 2 Review & Check Units 10-12 Vocabulary AL Circie the best answers to complete the text, Eien We asked Josie DeFranco. Tim a teacher at a large 1. Last week was a very busy one, so I tried to relax last weekend. ‘On Saturday morning, | did yoga at the 7. In the afternoon, I went shopping at the 2. In the evening, ‘__ with friends. On Sunday, 1? _ home in the morning and afternoon, but I__a ‘movie in the evening. Well, think you can say it ‘was a busy weekend... But very relaxing, too. . laundromat . supermarket school |. Internet cafe pegPe . home - library supermarket gym ve ae mall 9. library laundromat poge |. Internet cafe went - took hung out I saw poop 5. a. visited ». stayed « did di. saw a. visited b. went «. took d. saw D ciccuateteene boosie each sentence. 1. There isn’t any ___in the refrigerator a. cookies b. bananas ©. apple 4. milk 2. Do you want a__? a. bread b. cookie d. potatoes 3. There's some __ in the kitchen. a. coffee b. apples . potatoes d, banana 4. We went to___ on Sunday. a. hiking b.atrip . shopping d. the beach 5. Iwent toa great ____on Saturday. a. homework b. friend c. weekend 4. party 6. Do you want to take a__ this weekend? a. hotel b. trip . party d. beach 73 Review & CHeck © UnrTs 10-12 Language A] circle the best answers to complete 2D Circe the best answer to complete 74 the text. each sentence. ———— 1, Please buy some juice. We don’t have aa Good morning, Audrey! b. some Can you go to the supermarket | & any Ino | today? We don't have 1 site | We need? bananas, too. 2. We ___at school on Friday. And do we have 2 apple for a. didnt the cake? Maybe you can b. weren't tay, tno. . wasn't By the way, Fran 2 here last oe night. Where * _ 3. They ___ their room this morning. o) yea y | See you tater! a. cleaned | ». clean |, cha, c cleans —— d. were 4. __ heat the gym last night? a. Was b. Did els 4. Does 2. a. some Bieny: 5. __a trip last week? ea a. Did you dan b. You take ©. Did you take S: s:iocme d. Did you took b. any ca 6. 1__a movie last weekend. dan a. didn’t 4. a. some on ©. didn’t see pany d. didn’t saw ca dian 5. a. was b. did cis 4. went 6. a. were b. did ©. are 4. g0 Conversation Review & CHECK © Units 10-12 Circle the best sentence to complete each conversation. LA 7. A Were you at school all day? B Yes. It’s on the table. 7 a. Do we have any cookies? a. Yes, Iwas. b. Do we need any food? b. Sorry, Mom. ¢. Dowe have any juice? ©. No, you weren't. . Where's the bread? d. You were at home. 2. A Where's the coffee? 8. A Where were you this morning? B B a. They're in the fridge. a. No, wasn’t. b. Yes, we do. It’s on the stove. b. Sorry! ¢. We don’t have any. ¢. We were at the gym. d. No, we don't. d. You weren’t at home. 3. A We need some juice and some A apples. B Yeah, it was OK. B a. What did you do this weekend? a. We don’t have any juice. b. Where did you go? b. OK, What else? c. It'sin the fridge. ¢. Did you have a good weekend? d. When did you do your homework? 4. Tcan’t 10, A What did you do on Friday evening? 4. A Do you want to go shopping? B Becca a. They saw a movie, a. Tean buy some. b. Yes, I did. b. Yes, Ican, c. It was great! ¢. We don’t have any bananas, either. d. We went to a party. 4. Lcan’t. I'm bus ee 11. A When did you visit family? 5. A This kitchen is messy! It's your job B to clean it a. On Sunday. B b. Yes, I did. . At the Internet cafe. d. I was so busy! a. [don’t know. b. No, I wasn’t! c Well, I was just there. d. Sorry! I was too busy. = B Yes, we did. 6. A T wasn’t at home this morning. a. Did he hang out with friends? B a b. Where did you go on Saturday? a. No, I wasn’t. ¢. When did you clean your room? b. Where were you? 4. Did you take a trip? . Twas at home, too. 4. Were you at home? 15 Review & CHeck * UnrTs 10-12 Reading Read the text and circle the best answers. Dear Jorden, How are you? Tm having a great time at college. I'm living in a house with four other students, We have a lot of fun! The hawse is big: there are five bedrooms, tne bathrooms, « kitchen, and a living reom. The kitchen ic always mesey, In fact, Um in the kitchen now, and there’ sonte milk on the floor! | Tim busy every day. We have dasses from Monday #8 Friday, and we have a | lt of homework, On Saturdays, I 90 shopping or hang out with friends. On. | Sundays, I don'e usually 56 out. I clean my room, read, watch TV, or write to my family and friends. But last weekend, the weather was great, s0 we went 0 the beach! Yesterday, I went to an interesting Internet cafe, They have delicious coffee, tea, cookies, and cake, and of course, you can access the Internet from there, But they also have great magazines, camics, movies, and video games. We “spent the evening there, My friends played videa games, but I don't like video games, 50 I read lots of comics. Write soon! 1. Megan is a 4. Megan goes shopping teacher. a. every day. b, student. b. on Saturdays. . waiter. ©. on Sundays, d, doctor. 4. on Fridays 2. Megan lives in .. 5. Last weekend, Megan .. a. a big house. a. went to an Internet cafe. b. a small house. b. played video games. . an apartment, . went to the beach, d. an Internet cafe. 4. stayed home, 3. Megan goes to school . 6. Megan doesn''t like . a. every day. a. video games. b. on Saturdays. b. Internet cafes. ©. on Sundays. . her friends. d. from Monday to Friday. d. tea or coffee. 76 bia (O(a See ee Seed Seed bier oh ee eu ey ‘Smart Choice is a four-level course for adult and young adult learners of American English. From beginner to intermediate OR aa re) enjoyable and gets students to “smile in English.” EGC BUELL Student Book with Multi-ROM Sg i ne | a ey a | ac So ee eal with video | Seed Pee aL (ree) A cae no -AStudent website: i¢] fee emia Pieeares pe Peete ene bee’ Sooo assessment package on CD-ROM ed Piet ee worksheets es = Se iar CEO aed ied ath Cy a ISBN 976-0-1 OXFORD LLianneeaceds please see our latest catalog or co nes esas ene 30) Rett

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