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Krishna Dwaipayana


From a practioners view point who has hands on-experience in the developing world in the field of energy
The Journey Towards Energy For All

When I was a high school going child, sometimes my headmaster, Sri Chadalavada
Jagannadham(won best teacher award from President of India) used to call those
students(whose class period could not be conducted due to leave/absence of a teacher) to
sit under the cool shadow of a tree near his room. During this period, if he was busy, he
used to ask the leader of the class to manage those students and if he was free, he used
to come and try his level best so as at least one of us understand/realise (by showing a
Rickshaw Puller) on how he had been contributing taxes due to which we could have decent
education at an affordable price! I am not sure how many of his students really
understood but that incident had been imprinted in my mind like anything from those days
and when I started my career in 1997, since then I have been very deeply thinking how can
I payback this Rickshaw Puller!

Globalisation gave me a nice slap by saying that it is not only that you can hardly see a
Rickshaw Puller on streets any more in cities, towns and villages, who are fighting on
right to work Read about how Rickshaw pullers win right to work on Delhi streets at but also you need to
pay from your nose very heavily for your children's studies! Not just this now I pay
Education Cess apart from that I pay for water, land, energy, toll, income and what not!!

I am yet to realise my dream of bringing back this Rickshaw Puller in the form of
Rickshaw Driver (whose Rickshaw runs on Electricity) in most parts of this planet. This is
not impossible as I could see such transformation even in so-called less developing
country "Bangladesh". Read more about Electric Rickshaws in Rangpaur at with the help of
Chinese (who have been thinking beyond communism and capitalism-I call it as sharing and
caring (but no more isms!)...Also look at the spirit of these tiny countrymen to use
solar energy to run an electric rickshaw at Rickshaws That Run On Solar Power. Read more
about this at http://ep-
ory&Itemid=103. Of course India also has done some face saving work like Now Solar
Rickshaws on Delhi Roads. Read more about this at

During my in-depth investigation for this fate, I realised that some of us consuming
excess energy is the route cause and unless and until, we ensure energy for all human
beings, it is impossible to have a social balance in the society. Hence I started working
in this direction and penning down a small book called "The Journey Towards Energy For
All". By the way, I stopped blaming politicians any more as corporate has become the
powerful institution like a Church/Mosque/Temple

This is just the beginning of my journey and humbly requests all like-minded human beings
(including politicians) to support this initiative!

So we will start from the beginning days of civilization in a very simple tabular form as
following for better understanding!

Living Example Form of Form of For What Prominent

Organism Energy Energy Purpose Persons

Vegetari(an) Plants Light Chemical to build its Aristarchros

cells needed to
grow and
sustain its
body structure

Herbi(vore)- Animal, Chemical Kinetic to build, grow Darwin, Alfred

Meat Bird, and Heat and maintain Russel, Greger
Insect its body Mendel
Carni(vore)- Human structure

Veg & Meat

Burni(vore) Human Same as Omnivores; with the Theophrastus(Coa

difference that the Burnivore uses 10 l), Benjamin
up to 1million times more energy than Franklin(Wood),
its own body is able to use. The Rudolf
Burnivore accesses an energy flow
through a process of burning all
kinds of Chemical Energy (Wood, Coal,
Oil, Gas) to release Heat Energy and
sometimes a tiny bit of Light.

Electri(vore) Newman By tapping energy from a higher level Thomas Alva

energy carrier one can automatically Edison, Maurice
develop a higher quality of life. Raymond Adema,

These new species have developed a

fully electrical energy based
lifestyle; It uses electricity to
propel its bikes, cars and trains and
maybe even airplanes in the future
for its transport and cooks its food
with electric cooking devices and
uses numerous highly efficient
electrical devices for communication;
information and entertainment.

Sir Arthur Cotton believes that a nation should give top priority for inland water
transport and agriculture rather than rail and road network

I have been utmost cautious for negligible usage of words Power, Grant, Subsidy which
have been grossly misused in Energy Wars! It is often difficult to remove bugs, improve
quality, and make products and processes more user-friendly without a more profound
understanding of the natural processes involved.

The first effective application of electricity was not in electricity transmission, but
in communication.

The use of electricity as a prime means of transmitting and using energy was technically
even more difficult than the development of the telegraph. Before it could be made to
work, an efficient way had to be devised to generate electric electricity using other
sources of energy; devices to transform electricity back into kinetic energy, light, or
heat at the receiving end had to be created; and a way of transmitting current over large
distances had to be developed. In addition, electricity came in two forms, alternating
and direct current and a decision had to be made regarding which of the two forms was to

DC-AC Current War is nothing less popular than India-Pakistan War!

Edison (Rural)s View: Generate Electricity close to where it is consumed is gaining

acceptance today like he had said once A good idea is never lost. Even though its
originator or possessor may die without publicizing it, it will someday be reborn in the
mind of another....

1. Direct-current systems could be directly used with storage batteries, providing

valuable load-leveling and backup electricity generator during interruptions of
generator operation.

2. Direct-current generators could be easily paralleled, allowing economical operation

by using smaller machines during periods of light load and improving reliability

Edison was a brute-force experimenter, but lacked formal training in mathematics and
physics. Tesla, by contrast, had his education, which was needed to understand AC
electricity. Now imagine what could have happened if Bill Gates was born when Edison was
born and Edison in the later period when Bill Gates was born!!!

Westinghouse (Urban)s View: Alternating current could be transmitted over long distances
at high voltages, using lower current, and thus lower energy loss and greater
transmission efficiency, and then conveniently stepped down to low voltages for use in
homes and factories. But in practice we all know how a metal hook can be put on electric
wire and do electricity theft, which is a very big menace even today for many
distribution companies across the developing world! This is where Edisons view counts!!

Many house dwellers around all major coal, hydro, nuclear electricity generating plants
in the developing world still have negligible access to electricity, which is a hard
reality to be witnessed and these kind of practical problems were very clearly envisaged
by Edison and with such a foresight he had said in 19 century it self Someday, man
will harness the rise and fall of the tides, imprison the energy of the sun, and release
atomic energy which is becoming true in the 21 century

Why Edison was ignored then like Indian Government had ignored Anna Hazare initially?
Probably because of raising his voice like "The terrible thing about interest is that
those people who will not be turning a shovel full of dirt on this (Muscle Shoals Dam
Project. Read more about this at or be
contributing a pound of material towards it will collect more money from the United
States than will the People who supply all the material and do all the work on it" many
urbanites got irked with him and hence made us to fool around AC distribution network.
Imagine what could have happened if media was so active as on date on Edisons time?

Now lets have a look at some strong recommendations of Global Environment Fund to USA:-

The era of cheap, abundant petroleumthe cornerstone of the 20th century American
way of lifeis over, even if in coming months or years oil prices fall back to more
reasonable levels. After 60 years of economic policies and international diplomacy
favoring free trade in and high consumption of oil, the country must now reckon
with the fact that our high dependence on oil for transportation, in particular,
poses serious national security threats, exacerbates the trade imbalance, and has
massive negative environmental consequences at the local and global levels

Aside from threatening to levy windfall profit taxes on oil companies and trying to
persuade producer countries to pump more oil, the primary policy response has been
the promotion of large-scale subsidies for production of ethanol and biodiesel. The
initial euphoria over agricultural-based fuels as the holy grail of American energy
strategy has given way to concerns about the ensuing worldwide disruptions in the
agricultural sector, the economic viability of corn-based ethanol and unintended
environmental problems. The debate on biofuels will continue, no doubt, but it is
difficult to make the case that biofuels are the pillars of a long-term energy

In Jan2008, Craig Venter- Human Genome sequencing fame was sequencing thousands of
living organisms around the planet which he finds in the oceans, looking for the best
energy conversion mechanism. His hope is to find the most optimized way nature converts
CO2 and sunlight into chemical bonds, make those chemical leftovers float to the surface
as a collectable gas and generate a living refinery that can make liquid/gas energy by
use of "living solar collectors". The question that was left unanswered was posed by
Peter - whether the physicists or the biologists will solve the energy problem for all of
us. I believe the problem is so large that all scientists will have their place in the
sun (pun-intended)--As narrated by Shai Agassi in January 2008 on his blog at

In response to the above Shai Agassis great initiative, Mr. Maurice Raymond Adema,
inventor of Electrivore behavior of human beings passionately shared the following in

I see it as a start of a much needed energy revolution which in turn will trigger
the 3rd industrial revolution.

One important factor to make the revolution even faster is to start working on
eradication of "energy illiteracy" which can be done very fast through introduction
of the "Joule Standard"

It cannot be denied that the world's population and even energy experts and policy
makers are in fact "energy illiterate". That's why you see corn being turned into burn it...Human being are used to burn things to get access to their
energy (they burn on average 30x more energy than that they consume for food; and thus
we should call human being "Burnivore") see

The reason why people are energy illiterate is that when we talk about energy we never
talk in the correct units. Oil guys talk in barrels, gas-guys in cubic feet, coal guys
in metric tons and electricity guys in Watt and kilowatts and alternative fuel guys in
Mtoes Mboes, solar guys in Watt-peaks and the list goes on.

Why don't we just start using the unit of energy that was already agreed as the unit
for energy 100 years ago? This unit is in fact already widely used in electricity world
but strangely nobody knows that.... (or have forgotten)

Why are electricity consuming devices the only consumers that consume something without a

A lamp consumes 100 Watt (why don't people ask per what....???

Every other type of consumption always is accompanied by a "per"...A household

consumes 100 liters of water per day, 20 liters of milk per month and 2 kg of sugar
per day.....there is always a per.

Why not with electric devices? Because per is undercover of Watt. Watt means Joule per
second! But who is interested in what a device consumes per second? We need to know
how much it consumes per hour, per day per month or per year; because that is what we
pay for.

People think that what they pay for is how many kilowatts per hour they use....??? But a
kWh does not mean kilowatt per hour but kilowatt x hour which is simply 3, 6 MJ....It is
Joules that you pay for, and Joules that you use!

It is high time to implement the "Joule Standard" for all energy generators, storage
and consuming devices so that we finally become energy literate.

Nobody has a problem to visualize a 3 meter tall person with a bodyweight of 40kg...Why?
because most people are weight and length literate simply because the units meter and kg
are used for everything. You don't measure the height of a door with a different unit
that the length of a table.....logic right? why don't we use this logic with
energy as well?

A fuel burning car consumes between 3 and 10 MJ (Mega-Joule) per km while an electric
car of even better performance consumes only 0.3 to 0.5 MJ per km.....these are
interesting numbers!

Solar panels Wind generators and all other generating devices should also be rated
in MJ/day, per month or per year instead of a number in theory in a lab under ideal
conditions. (those numbers are for engineers)

If you want to drive an electric car for 50km per day you need 25MJ of electricity. A
Solar panel (1,5sqm) can generate 2,5MJ per day so your car needs 10 of those panels
to provide the energy that your car would consume.

This is what the Joule Standard is about making things easy and transparent.

I hope that those future electric cars are going to have energy meters that tell you how
much energy is left in your battery let's say 50 MJ and how much at present speed you
are consuming let's say 0,5MJ/km and tells you that you have a distance balance of 100km

Aired were similar views by Jeffry Leonard, CEO, Global Environment Fund in his foreword
of The Electricity Economy in Aug 2008:-

After 30 years studying, debating and investing in challenges at the complex interface of
energy use, environmental problems, technology development and economic prosperity, I
have come to the conclusion that America needs a clear, bold energy strategy to guide it
through the next four decades. The strategy must prioritize policies, public
infrastructure investments and long-term technology development around one central theme.
The theme is electrification the pervasive use of electricity throughout the economy,
and particularly the substitution of petroleum-based fuels with electricity as the core
energy supply for transportation uses.

Centralised or Decentralised Electricity Grid

Our electricity system is a huge system of interconnected parts, and if one of the pieces
is not synchronized or breaks, the losses can be massive or even grind the entire system
to a halt

Factors like antiquated electricity grids, the destabilizing effects of deregulation in

the electric industry, demand for real time pricing, and the pressing need to increase
efficiency are all encouraging innovation in the electrical sector. It is estimated that
60% of the current electrical equipment needs to be replaced in the coming decade.

Unnoticed by most, the developed world has become utterly dependent on electricity, for
its lifestyle, its security and its prosperity. This dependence forces us to rely on:

Dirty, coal-fired electricity plants - Mercury, which occurs naturally in the

earth, is released into the air when coal is burned in electricity plants. The
gaseous mercury can drift hundreds of miles before settling back to earth,
sometimes along with rain. The mercury can be absorbed by tree leaves; when they
fall to the ground they are swarmed by bacteria and other organisms that convert
the mercury to its organic form. The organic form, methyl mercury, is a neurotoxin
that can enter the food chain. Small insects, worms and snails that feed on forest
litter absorb the mercury. In turn, they are eaten by birds and other small
animals, and so on through the food chain. Ever said levels of contamination were
highest in habitats like marshes and beaver ponds that go through cycles of wet and
dry, even if they are far from electricity plants..Read more about this study
Hidden Risk, by the Biodiversity Research Institute, a nonprofit organization in
Gorham, Maine, that investigates emerging environmental threats
Aging, outmoded grids that are stretched to the limit

Regulated monopoly utilities with few incentives to innovate or modernize

Our accidental addiction also makes us susceptible to many risks, including:

Severe weather and natural disasters

Terrorist attacks on vulnerable centralized facilities

Small mistakes that can ripple into major outages (as occurred in the Northeast
Blackout of 2003)
Market manipulation (as made infamous by Enron)

Politics of

Comparing Per Capita Energy Consumption of developing countries with developed

countries to push the demand for oil and gas with Burnivore attitude: - They should
rather focus on energy conservation first!

Fuel Crisis hinders ambitions of captive electricity

o In India where people & policy makers are more familiar with oil and coal,
economic hit man advices to invest in gas for transportation and gas, nuclear
fuel for electricity generation! Read this story Fuel Crisis hinders
ambitions of captive electricity at
You can even notice how strong these fuel lobbies who will even influence
media to deny the access for such (objectionable for them) content and this
is where you should appreciate Google for its open-access policy!

o In Bangladesh another economic hit man advices them to invest in oil for
transportation and electricity generation where people & policy makers are
more familiar with gas! Read this story Govt at risk of paying large
compensation to RPPs at http://www.thefinancialexpress-

Even though many countries on this earth have got freedom on paper, many of us do not
have energy freedom and still we depend on centralised electricity generating stations!

Before Modernisation/Globalisation:-

1. Used to eat whatever nature gives-Food For All-Modern needs also mostly fulfilled
2. Used to wear whatever nature gives-Clothing For All- Modern needs also mostly
3. Used to live with natures support in the form of rock, plant, etc-Shelter For All-
Modern needs also mostly fulfilled

After Modernisation /Globalisation:-

4. Used to consume whatever nature gives-Energy For All-Aspiration needs yet to be

5. Used to drink whatever nature gives-Water For All-Desired needs yet to be fulfilled

Having understood the above, its high time that we look at population of Top.10
countries(in millions) who are still lagging in basic energy needs like, cooking and
access to electricity

Africa Without access to electricity

Share of
Rank Asia Population* Population
DR of
1 Cango 59 89%
2 Myanmar 44 87%
3 Tanzania 38 86%
4 Kenya 33 84%
5 Ethiopia 69 83%
6 Bangladesh 96 59%
7 Nigeria 76 49%
8 Pakistan 64 39%
9 Indonesia 82 36%
10 India 289 25%
These are out of country's population only and as per
data shared officially!!!
Source: Special early excerpt of World Energy Outlook 2011 as per IEA

Relying on traditional use of
Africa biomass as fuel
Share of
Rank Asia Population* Population
1 Myanmar 48 95%
DR of
2 Cango 62 94%
3 Tanzania 41 94%
4 Ethiopia 77 93%
5 Bangladesh 143 88%
6 Kenya 33 83%
7 India 836 72%
8 Pakistan 172 72%
9 Nigeria 104 67%
10 Indonesia 124 54%
These are out of country's population only and as per
data shared officially!!
Source: Special early excerpt of World Energy Outlook 2011 as per IEA

When a doctor hesitates to reach out country side whose services are in dire need, what
about any other professional to reach out country side for providing energy, water, etc.
For this very fundamental reason, country side still depend on nature as we call

1. naturopathy for meeting health related needs

2. natural energy resources for meeting energy related needs

But the crux in the later part unlike in the first part is, energy for cooking, lighting
(fire), entertainment (play), comfort (clean air) aspiration needs are yet to be properly
met. Having understood about these, we should now focus on

What can be centralised:-

1. Research in Field:- Through individuals, institutions

2. Regulation in Field:- By creating awareness, establishing & renewing quality

standards, dispute resolution through local/state/national bodies

3. Recognise both good and bad practices and then share with masses as they can learn
from those and improve accordingly

What can be de-centralised:-

1. Spread:- Encourage more and more decentralized energy conversion devices meant for

2. Support:- With local credit through Co-op society, Co-op Bank, MFI, RRB, Commercial

3. Supply / Sales:- Through Skilled / Unskilled Labor(say for logistics) in and or

around Post Office / Bank / Society / MFI / PDS Shop / Fuel Station

4. Service:- Through Skilled Labor-Mechanics / Plumbers / Electricians

Prominent energy sources which are widely available in nature:-

1. Solar

a. Electricity

b. Heat-Hot Water, Cleaning, Drying, Air-conditioning

2. Motion

a. Electricity

3. Biomass

a. Electricity

4. Waste-Biogas, etc

a. Heat-Cooking

b. Electricity

5. Wind

a. Electricity

6. Hydro

a. Electricity

5(or 6) simple steps that we can follow to ensure sustainable journey of energy for all:-

1. Start switching (using) induction stove that run on electricity...I know that some
of us will immediately complain about smart power-cuts during wee-hours of the day
and they can use biomass stove as back-up for all our bed-coffee or breakfast kind
of needs. A word of caution, we should totally stop use of any burning of
fuel/consumption of electricity for hot water meant for bathing(we will discuss
about the right solution in the next step)

2. Just switch on the sun by using solar water heater to get hot water for all our
bathing needs. Again a word of caution before implementing the same is get your
needs surveyed by a professional, check water quality, construction/modifications
in the over head tank to support natural flow of water rather than using
circulation pump for every damn thing, etc!

3. Now 2 or 3 more family members (children, wife and husband-since we are part of a
selfish nuclear family concept, which is another side effect of globalisation!) can
come out of home and leave for school/work by using Electric Vehicles(EVs), in case
Public Transport is a second option (If anybody still believes myths such as
electric vehicles neither have nice speeds nor can use for long distances, etc,
then they can cry at themselves for being still in B.C time period as why cant we
question cartels/corporate by showing on how Trains of Indian Railways, the worlds
largest railway system have been running on DC electricity so fast! Do you know
that just by paying charge for 1unit of electricity, you can drive an electric 2-
wheeler for 70km! Unbelievable! Not just this Delhi Metro Ex.MD E Sridharan says
The cost of carrying a passenger per kilometre in a metro system is one-sixth or
one-fifth the cost of a road transport system . A rail-based system is fast, viable,
safe and comfortable in an interview, which can be read at . Not just this
look at great speeds of Metro Rail in Kolkata/Delhi/Bangalore which run on DC
electricity? We just need more Sridharan kind of personnel to realise the full
potential of EVs as the most preferred transport mode! Indians can visit Indias largest electric vehicle portal and global citizens can visit for switching over to EVs) If not convinced then at least learn from
Bangladesh than from developed world on using EVs for most of their public
transport even in upcountry as we have noticed in the content of the 1st page of
this book! If we dont question our system, we might be even paying for incoming
calls of our mobile! If we dont question our systems, we might never reap the
benefits of number portability in mobile, bank account, insurance! I am very sorry
to say when tiny countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Srilanka have been reaping the
benefits of VOIP Phone, 4G Technology, poor IDEAT (IT savvy, Disco savvy,
Entertainment savvy by excess exposure to TV & Movie, Alcohol savvy, Tax savvy)
Indians still digest 2g/3G scams! Start questioning corporates and stop questioning
politicians as we hardly come out to vote a good politician!
4. Now look at what farmer/parents/children or youth should do at farm-land/work
place/educational institution(in rural for farming/non-farming income generation
activity/ education and in urban for non-farming income generation

Farm Land Educational Institution Work Place

Water Pump:- 1. Start demanding e- 1. Work any where and

books from institution show results in time
1. By using least and tablet PCs from policy can ease lots
possible electricity parents (If of burden on employers
consuming Pump which institutions demand to and employees in terms
can run on DC current buy these also from of huge savings on
preferably them bargain for a electricity and water
2. By using drip good price-Never fall bills as long as
irrigation system (No into cheap traps of discipline is
need to go to Israel free-laptops/tablets maintained...One shot,
any more who cannot as nothing is free on two birds! Isnt
believe! Just can even this earth except it!!(Use simple
go to Kolar, water those given by nature. common-sense but not
deficient district of I do not see anything Wi-Fi B-School
Karnataka in India wrong in farming Economics(Hope you
where farmers are student cooperatives will remember how the
reaping benefits by for meeting all their king of good times
using this in tomato needs-Let educational enjoying bikini shows
crop institutions just beach side is now
focus on quality of facing the bad times
3. By using PVC/CPVC education!) on the hot streets of
Pipes & Fittings, Delhi as our
electricity bills can 2. Those who are lucky politicians and policy
not only be saved but can still explore makers have been truly
can also ensure less studies under trees! understanding the real
water contamination If this looks too face of corporate
witty, then at least culture)
On the lighter side: Instead bring back old and
of blaming our farmers for traditional day 2. If you are one of that
their illiteracy, Cable TV lighting concept re- kind who copy with
guys can also make money in launched in the modern high-tech gadgets in
creating awareness about form of skylights, exam hall / cross
these in the open farm light-pipes, etc traffic signal if
fields as they do so nicely there is no police,
to bring awareness about how 3. Use DC fans as much as better you work from
to enjoy pleasure and sex in you can since they office by exposing
closed doors!!! Please meet consume less yourself to sound and

me and I will share a nice electricity air pollution while
business plan which can not commuting, please
only improve your TRPs but 4. Use solar/wind ensure that you at
also can make you and your electricity as least use Net-book /
employers rich! electricity source/ at Tablet PC! I dont
least as back-up understand why still
A word of caution: No body source and please ask some bosses maintain a
can satisfy the greedy! your head to meet me desktop and laptop to
along with his CA if show-off unless and
he/she needs to be until they are so
convinced on shrewd fascinated with a wife
investment logic, etc at home and with
myths which they feel a/more girl friend(s)
still exist in tapping at work place!
such energy sources!
3. Stop Light Pollution
A word of caution: No body and start using
can satisfy the greedy! natural day-light or
modern day-light as it
fits the budget of
your employer

5. Now look at what farmer/parents/children should do once they are back home!

Farmer Children or Youth Parents

1. Sit back, relax and 1. Reduce watching games 1. Sit back, relax and
enjoy nice sun-set and start playing enjoy by spending time
games(When a parent with family especially
2. Use LED lights, watch can find a separate children
LED TV, use DC Ceiling room for children, why
Fan consuming not many parents 2. Use LED lights, watch
electricity generated together can at least LED TV, use DC Ceiling
from solar / wind / find a playground for Fan consuming
hydel energy-Do you you-Start demanding electricity generated
know that expenditure such as your parents from solar / wind /
of solar home LED demand for more perks hydel energy
lights are equal from their bosses who
3. Say good bye to night
to/less than what some can find horse-race
life unless and until
farmers spend on course, golf course,
you would like to see
kerosene in remote spacious club,etc)
your photo, name with
villages of the
2. Watch news on TV/Read a story like the one

developing world? good ePapers for of some of our
improving your GK and bollywood heroes who
channels meant for had been arrested for
children in developing hit & run cases as
countries involve more they drink & drive
fights than killing some of those
morale!(Hope you will innocent/poor guys
do something for sleeping on pavements
having seen the TV AD
of THE HINDU wherein a 4. You may enjoy during
kid could tell whether week-ends along with
Aishawarya Roy had family-Please be aware
male/female child but that there is piracy
could not tell who is in private life but
our PM) not privacy!

3. Relax, have dinner and

go to bed sharp by 9PM
so as to wake up at
4AM and do you know
that reading between
4-6AM is equivalent to
reading for 4hrs as
your mood as well as
weather will be very

6. Last but not least for those house-wives who will gun at me for not envisaging
anything in the above for them, I will ask Sri Mantena Satyanarayana Raju garu to
keep them engaged in his TV shows if they are in house and in his awareness camps
if they are out on streets leaving some time for them to shop, which is also very
essential to take care the needs of their family in true/good spirit and also to
ensure good business for the entrepreneurs! Ideal house wives can do weekly
shopping, which might even save more energy and more money too!

Author of this book, Krishna Dwaipayana can be contacted on Email: or
Krishna Dwaipayana
26-34-34, 7th Lane
A.T Agraharam
Andhra Pradesh, India

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