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Criteria B -Developing Ideas

Design brief:
I am going to make and design a magazine called The Foodie. Many people
like me and some of my friends love to cook and experiment with food.
However there are so many recipes and many of them dont work out well.
So we thought it would be a good idea to make a magazine that gives people
tips and alternatives for expensive materials. Also it will include recipes that
we find quite easy to follow. Our magazine is going to be big, bold and
colorful and informative as well.

Design Specifications:

Aspect Requirements

Aesthetics (Consider The magazine should be

appearance, style, color, beautiful and bright so that it
shape/form, texture, pattern, attracts an audience. The fonts
finish, layout) and colors should be legible and
easy to read.

Cost (Is there a maximum We will be using online tools

cost? Is this a material that dont cost anything. They
cost/time cost/selling cost?) are very pocket friendly and

Customer (Who it is for? What For our groups magazine, The

is the target users age, Foodie we are targeting people
gender, socio-economic who are interested in cooking
background?) and beginners who already

Function (What it must do? The purpose of our magazine is

What is its purpose? Where will to help people who want to
the product be stored? How pursue their passion of cooking
easily can it be but dont have simple recipes
used/maintained?) that taste delicious and are very
easy to follow.

Content(Writing the content - The content in our magazine will

Deciding on the design and be cooking recipes along with
images - Proofreading and relevant pictures of that
checking) Include the main particular dish or item. We will
relevant points also put some facts in the
magazine to make it interesting
Use (relevant) pictures and different from other

Safety (What safety factors We must make sure that we

need to be incorporated into write certain disclaimers in our
the design?) magazine, especially for recipes
that involve the use of sharp
objects such as knives.

Accessibility (where it will the Our magazine will be available

magazine be available-Online, in a hard copy and booklet form.
in the form of poster, website

Format (suggest how the On each page there will be 4

magazine will be designed ) things. The materials you need,
the method, a picture of the
dish and a fun fact on a
particular ingredient that is in
the dish.

Manufacturing (What resources Our only limitation is paper. We

are available? Are there need to be clever so that we
limitations as to how this can minimize the amount of paper
be created? How much time is and save more. I feel that the
needed to create the design?) magazine will take 3-4 weeks to
be complete.
List a range of feasible design ideas for the solutions based on the data
Design idea development
Strategies and techniques to communicate and develop ideas:

Technique/Strategy Product Design

Data Flow Diagram or mind map Pen,pencil,paper

Data Flow Diagram : Describe and paste

Design Sketch 1: paste sketch, write design specifications and write brief.
Design Specification Yes/No

Appearance of the magazine (Color, YES

font, relevant images and pictures,
size, spacing, use of bullet points
and tick boxes)

Clear and positive title YES

Specific to comments NO

Style (Language) (Easy to YES

understand, check for jargon, check
for wordiness, check for formality)

Purpose (Audience of the magazine; YES

what level of information will be

Involvement of service-users (Who NO

and how; discussed potential
barriers; discussed format, content,
style and accessibility)

Examples (if relevant), to explain YES

what you mean
Design Sketch 2: paste sketch, write design specifications and write brief.
Design Specification Yes/No

Appearance of the magazine (Color, YES

font, relevant images and pictures,
size, spacing, use of bullet points
and tick boxes)

Clear and positive title YES

Specific to comments YES

Style (Language) (Easy to YES

understand, check for jargon, check
for wordiness, check for formality)

Purpose (Audience of the magazine; YES

what level of information will be

Involvement of service-users (Who YES

and how; discussed potential
barriers; discussed format, content,
style and accessibility)

Examples (if relevant), to explain YES

what you mean
Selecting and justifying the chosen design:
Final Design Sketch:
Design Specification Yes/No

Appearance of video (Color, font,

relevant images and pictures, size,
spacing, use of bullet points and tick

Clear and positive title YES

specific to comments YES

Style (Language) (Easy to YES

understand, check for jargon, check
for wordiness, check for formality)

Purpose (Audience of video; what YES

level of information will be provided

Involvement of service-users (Who YES

and how; discussed potential
barriers; discussed format, content,
style and accessibility)

Examples (if relevant), to explain YES

what you mean

Presenting the chosen design

We chose the second Design Sketch because it contains more information
and it looks more attractive. Sketch 1 was very plain and it only had the
recipe, ingredients and some pictures. However Sketch 2 has the top 10
restaurants in Hyderabad and it has famous cuisines. I feel that the second
Sketch is more informative and more interactive with the readers.

Write the steps you will follow to create your solution. Include the
materials, drawing/diagrams/target diagram/cycle diagram and the
technology you will use
1. We will refer to the research that we did in Stage 1 so that it can
be implied in our magazine to make it attractive for the targeted
2. Then we will observe the final design sketch that we made and
use that as the base of our magazine.
3. We will collect and research recipes, pictures, facts and other
information (famous restaurants and facts about different cuisines)
and modify them to our liking so that they are easy to follow and are
fun to read.
4. Then we will collate everything into a single magazine using
MadMagz (an online tool).
5. Last but not least we will edit and design the magazine so that it
looks attractive and interested.

Understanding of Developing Ideas


I think I should get a 7 because I submitted the doc on time and I filled out
everything properly however I could have done more and added more

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