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Fill in the spaces with one word.

1. I didnt drive to work yesterday. Jennifer ________________me a lift in her car.

2. He earned 200 last month. He __________________it all on clothes.

3. Dont disturb him. He __________________working.

4. This cake _________________delicious. What is in it?

5. We go _________________every winter. I love snow.

6. Hurry up! The train is _______________in twenty minutes.

7. She worked until she was so, _________________retired.

8. Dont forget your umbrella. It is _______________outside.

9. I ________________my shirt because it was dirty.

10. I dont _______________those people. What language are they speaking?

11. Im sorry. I dont _______________the answer.

12. Lisa cant answer the phone. She is having a _________________ .

13. I am vegetarian. I _______________ eat meat.

14. I bought ________________cheese but I didnt buy any fruit.

15. There arent any benches in the park, so people are _________________on the grass.

16. Alan can __________________six languages.

17. I dont write to my parents but I often _______________them.

18. Im busy at the moment. Im __________________my bicycle.

19. He made so many _________________in the exam so he failed.

20. The vegetables are very ___________________because they picked them this morning.

21. The baby is sleeping. You ________________ shout.

22. The weather is very _____________________ . Lets go swimming!

23. Today is a holiday so I ___________________have to go to school.

24. __________________you answer the phone? Im in the bath.

25. Im going to bed. I _________________to get up early tomorrow morning.

26. I ___________________near very well because we were at the back of the classroom.

27. I cant windsurf now but I __________________to when I was young.

28. I ____________________come to the meeting. I have to go to the dentist this afternoon.

29. I ____________________to take a taxi to work yesterday because I was late.

30. I _____________________go to Johns party last week because I was ill.

31. ____________________you watch television very often?

32. What time do you have _______________________breakfast in the morning?

33. Your bed is ______________________ . Take out some of the fruit.

34. I cant believe he is only 30, he looks __________________ .

35. Im not going into the sea. The water is ____________________cold.

36. These trousers dont _______________________ . Theyre much too loose round the waist.

37. The road was not wide _______________________ for two cars to pass.

38. She drove ___________________and almost had an accident.

39. She didnt buy the coat. It was ___________________expensive.

40. I always sit in the old armchair. Its the most ___________________armchair in the house.

41. He is a ___________________pianist. He plays the piano well.

42. Raphael isnt ____________________home. He is on the beach.

43. Dont go near the dog. It __________________ bite you.

44. We are going to the cinema tonight. _____________________you like to come with us?

45. It may be a very fast and comfortable car, but it __________________a lot of petrol.

46. His ____________________is 2,000. He has a good life.

47. Our teacher is ___________________. He is always joking.

48. Jenny had a haircut this morning, and her hair __________________lovely.

49. You can _________________my camera, but I must have it back tomorrow.

50. I waved at my sister, but she didnt __________________me.

51. Look at this ____________________! Its very important.

52. She turned the ___________________and opened the door.

53. This jacket is too tight. I cant ___________________the buttons.

54. I went shopping __________________my lunch break.

55. Why dont you ___________________for the job? You can do it.
56. I ________________a lot of money from my aunt when she died.

57. Dont go too near the edge or youll ___________________in the water!

58. This sweater is too big. Perhaps the shop will _____________________it.

59. Ive got an exam tomorrow. I really must do some _________________ .

60. Come close! I want to tell you ___________________ .

61. You shouldnt shout! Im not ____________________.

62. Havent you ___________________your tomorrow yet?

63. You shouldnt walk home _______________at night. Its not safe.

64. It was s clear night and the stars were shining _________________.

65. Shes changed a lot __________________ I last saw her.

66. Wait a minute! I havent paid the bill _____________________.

67. I ________________Steven when I was in Manchester.

68. You mustnt blame __________________. Its not my fault.

69. If you do that again, Ill never __________________you.

70. If that letter arrives tomorrow, I ________________let you know.

71. Where did you buy those flowers? I grew _________________in my garden.

72. I saw Steven when I was _______________Manchester.

73. Ive got a terrible headache. I think I ______________take an aspirin.

74. If I have some free time next weekend, I ________________go fishing.

75. Im a silly person, _________________ I?

76. If you grow your own vegetables, you will __________________a lot of money.

77. The ice-cream is in the freezer. Can you take it __________________?

78. __________________you have a driving license, you cant drive.

79. I couldnt find my keys so I had to climb _________________ the window into the kitchen.

80. If those flowers ________________get enough sunlight, they will die.

81. _________________are you running? Are you in a hurry?

82. I have got a letter for your mother. Could you _________________it to her, please?
83. _______________is the nearest bank? Its in High Street.

84. Its a personal matter and I dont __________________to discuss it with you.

85. I am taller than you __________________ .

86. Did you _________________the news on television last night?

87. _________________ I leave class at 10.30? I have a dentist appointment.

88. Richard is flying to London next week. He has ________________bought his ticket.

89. I have been to that new restaurant a ________________times.

90. Can you help me with the cooking? Im sorry, I cant. I _____________ cooking.

91. Ive always been bad at sport but my sister is even _______________than me.

92. I __________________my car to the garage today. There is something wrong with the brakes.

93. I cant come with you. I _____________ finished my homework.

94. I am very _______________at the moment. Can I call you back later?

95. Youll get stomach-ache if you eat those apples. They arent ripe ______________to eat yet.

96. Sometimes I cant understand my English teacher because she speaks very ________________ .

97. I work ________________before the exams, and I usually get good marks.

98. Tarkan is very popular. ______________ likes him very much.

99. Im learning English to ________________a better job.

100. Its my birthday next week. Im going to give a _______________ .

101. He was ________________a blue jacket when I saw him.

102. Sally said that she __________________be late.

103. They only got married two weeks ago and they havent got _______________furniture.

104. Mary __________________to study a lot because her grades are low.

105. We are playing tennis this afternoon. We have booked the ________________ .

106. This jacket doesnt fit me. Have you got a larger _________________?

107. Can I borrow 20? I will ________________you back next week.

108. She is very upset. Leave ___________________alone for a few minutes.

109. I ______________smell properly because Ive got a cold.

110. Id like to be a pop-singer, but I dont think Ive got a good __________________ .
111. When they said they were getting married, I just couldnt_______________ it.

112. Im a bit confused. Could you __________________it again?

113. You have _________________on some weight. You look fat.

114. I am really ________________ . My boyfriend forgot my birthday.

115. Jennifer told us a very ________________story. We laughed and laughed.

116. Would you like to listen to ___________________music?

117. I always put ________________in my car before I go for a drive.

118. I am not going out tonight. I want to ______________ at home and study.

119. I love doing _______________activities in my free time.

120. Dont ________________time watching TV in Turkish. Study English.

121. The customer talked to the _________________of the restaurant because the food was bad.

122. I wanted to save some money for a computer, so I opened a bank _____________ .

123. It is good to make a _______________before you write a composition.

124. Alice got a good _________________on her exam. Everyone was happy.

125. The hotel ________________us a lot of money. We wont stay there again.

126. Drive carefully to _______________accidents.

127. My bed is _________________, so I cant sleep well.

128. My brother __________________playing football.

129. Its not ___________________to swim here. Its very deep.

130. My friends gave me a lot of _______________for my birthday.

131. I lived in France for more than 20 years, so I can speak French ________________ .

132. I have a very ______________classroom. There are 35 students.

133. You cant smoke in here. There is a NO SMOKING _____________on the wall.

134. I usually _____________several e-mail messages every day and I reply to them as soon as possible.

135. Can you please ______________this letter for me? I cant go to the Post Office today.

136. Dont buy anything from this shop. They always ________________ people. They sell low quality
things but they say our products are high quality.

137. He _____________at the disco last night and he came back late.
138. I like this meal very much. Can you give me the ______________?

139. Yesterday it was _______________so we couldnt go out all day long.

140. Whats the _________________of the book you are reading?

141. My brother is _______________ . He is looking for a job at the moment.

142. She was very _______________when she saw a snake in the garden.

143. I want to be healthy so I am going to _____________smoking.

144. I dropped my gold ring yesterday. ______________, my boyfriend found it.

145. Some people dont eat animal _________________. They only eat fruit and vegetables.

146. I think you _____________apologize when you see her.

147. I _____________her a month ago but she hasnt answered yet.

148. The last day of the holiday ______________spoilt by rain.

149. Every half hour he stops work to ________________a cigarette.

150. The doctor advised me to _______________in bed for a few days.

151. The teacher was very angry ________________me.

152. I am not good ________________learning to drive.

153. The film was based __________________a novel by Hemingway.

154. He is not dependent ______________________his parents for money.

155. Im so tired _______________________your complaints.

156. She punished the child for ____________________lies.

157. She told him not to _______________________so much noise.

158. Can you tell me ________________________to get the bank?

159. They dont allow ____________________in the hall, so you must smoke outside.

160. Can you give me ______________________lift to the station?

161. My sister is __________________________married in September.

162. How much ________________________you normally pay for a newspaper?

163. Chris is _________________________with some of his old schoolmates on Saturday.

164. I __________________________my husband ten years ago.

165. My brother is thinking of applying for that _______________________ .

166. My plane _____________________at 8.00 tomorrow morning, so I must be at the airport at around
6.00 at the latest.

167. Many people are _____________________danger of losing their jobs because of the economic crisis.

168. Latisha was feeling ill this morning, but she is much ___________________now.

169. How _____________________species of tiger have become extinct?

170. Jenny gave me ___________________useful advice on how to edit my essay.

171. What _____________________the weather like in London last weekend?

172. Would you like _____________________coffee?

173. There isnt ____________________food left in the fridge.

174. _____________________chocolate cake I made I made is in the kitchen.

175. My sister always ____________________money from me at the end of every month.

176. Eric cant _______________________people speaking with their mouths full.

177. If I __________________________you, I would stay at home tonight.

178. If Brandon ______________________helped me, I would never have finished on time.

179. If you break it, you ___________________have to pay for it.

180. Theres the caf _________________we will meet Jane.

181. The meal ______________________they served us was cold.

182. The boy ___________________________is walking down the street is my brother.

183. All the documents must ____________________sent to night.

184. Mr Walker ___________________ Richard that those papers had to be filed.

185.The restaurant ________________________we had lunch last Tuesday closed down yesterday.

186. My father asked what ______________________happened to Laura.

187. A new camera is ___________________________installed at the bank now.

188. We are flying _________________________Hamburg on 11 th August.

189. Im having problems with my computer. It wont shut ________________ .

190. Is there anywhere near here where I can ____________________ the internet?

191. I prefer to shop ___________________because I can do it from the office.

192. I dont see him very often, but we _________________in touch by e-mail.

193. When actors are given voices in a foreign language, the film is __________________ .

194. The main course was delicious, but the __________________was too sweet.

195. I prefer ___________________holidays because the hotel and transport are organized for you.

196. We need to take a map; in Venice its easy to get ___________________ .

197. I was brought ___________________to respect other people.

198. _____________________has become an important issue since the terrorist attacks.

199. I dont understand these instructions. They are too ___________________ .

200. We got lost, so we had to _________________for directions.

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