Iosh and Nebosh Course Contents

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NEBOSH International General

Certificate Syllabus
Course duration : 10 days

The NEBOSH International General Certificate provides a broad

understanding of key health and safety issues, covering the legal
requirements for health and safety in the UK and the identification and
control of workplace hazards.

The course is split into 3 units which are assessed individually - 2

taught units and a work-based assignment.

Course Summary
Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:

Assist in the planning, implementation and review of an

organisations health & safety policy.

Understand the requirements of HSE legislation, codes of practice

and the prosecution process.

Undertake risk assessments and recommend suitable action.

Investigate accidents and prepare reports in line with HSE


Identify common hazards in the workplace and recommend suitable

corrective measures.

Full course syllabus

Unit IGC1: Management of Health and Safety

This unit provides the foundation of Health and Safety knowledge,

covering HSE legislation and the key elements of an effective Health and
Safety Management System.

Element 1: Foundations in Health and Safety

1.1 Scope and Nature of Occupational Health and Safety

1.2 Moral and Financial Drivers for Health and Safety Management
1.3 The Legal Framework For Health and Safety Regulation

1.4 Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974

1.5 The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

1.6 Client and Contractors

Element 2: Health and Safety Management Systems - Plan

2.1 Key Elements of a Health and Safety Management System

2.2 Purpose and Importance of Setting Policy for Health and Safety

2.3 Key Features and Appropriate Content of an Effective Health and

Safety Policy

Element 3: Health and Safety Management Systems - Do

3.1 Roles and Responsibilities of Employers, Directors and Managers

Health and Safety Culture

3.2 Human Factors That Influence Behaviour at Work

3.3 Improving Health and Safety Behaviour

3.4 Principles and Practice of Risk Assessment

3.5 General Principles of Control

3.6 Sources of Health and Safety Information

3.7 Safe Systems of Work (SSW)

3.8 Permits-To-Work (PTW)

3.9 Personal Protective Equipment

3.10 Safety Signs and Signals

3.11 Emergency Procedures and Arrangements

3.12 First Aid in the Workplace

Element 4: Health and Safety Management Systems - Check

4.1 Active and Reactive Monitoring

4.2 Investigating incidents

4.3 Recording and Reporting Incidents

Element 5: Health and Safety Management Systems - Act

5.1 Health and Safety Auditing

5.2 Reviewing of Health and Safety Performance

IGC2: Controlling Workplace Hazards

GC2 covers a wide range of common hazards from various working

environments and the appropriate control measures required to minimise

Element 1: Workplace Hazards and Risk Control

1.1 Health, Welfare and Work Environment Requirements

1.2 Violence at Work

1.3 Substance Misuse

1.4 Safe Movement of People

1.5 Working at a Height

1.6 Excavations

1.7 Temporary Works

Element 2: Transport Hazards and Risk Control

2.1 Safe Movement of Vehicles

2.2 Driving at Work

Element 3: Musculoskeletal Hazards and Risk Control

3.1 Work-related Upper Limb Disorders

3.2 Display Screen Equipment

3.3 Manual Handling

3.4 Manually Operated Load Handling Equipment

3.5 Powered Load Handling Equipment

Element 4: Work Equipment Hazards and Risk Control

4.1 General Requirements For Work Equipment

4.2 Hand Tools

4.3 Machinery Hazards

4.4 Control Measures for Machinery Hazard

4.5 Specified Equipment

Element 5: Electrical Safety

5.1 Use of Electricity at Work - Hazards and Risks

5.2 Control measures When Working With Electrical Systems or

Using Electrical Equipment in All Workplace Conditions

Element 6: Fire Safety

6.1 Fire Initiation, Classification and Spread

6.2 Fire Risk Assessment

6.3 Fire Prevention and Prevention of Fire Spread

6.4 Fire Alarm and Fire-Fighting Equipment

6.5 Evacuation of a Workplace

Element 7: Chemical and Biological Health Hazards and Risk


7.1 Forms of, Classification of, and Health Risks from Hazardous

7.2 Assessment of Health Risks

7.3 Occupation Exposure Limits

7.4 Control Measures

7.5 Specific Agents

7.6 Safe Handling and Storage of Waste

Element 8: Physical and Psychological Health Hazards and Risk


8.1 Noise

8.2 Vibration

8.3 Radiation

8.4 Stress

GC3: Health and Safety Practical Application

The aim of this unit to assess your knowledge and understanding gained
from Units IGC1 and IGC2 in a practical environment by successfully
completing two activities:

A safety insepction of a workplace, identyfing common hazards and

suggesting approptiate and cost effective control measures

A written report detailing your findings from the inspection and

persuasively urging management to take appropriate action

Course Assessments
All units are compulsory and assessments must be passed to gain the full

Units IGC1 and GC2 are each assessed by a 2 hour exam consisting of 10
short essay answers and 1 long essay answer.

GC3 is a practical assessment which must be completed within 14 days of

sitting the IGC1 and GC2 exams.

Further information on the NEBOSH


Choosing to study for your qualification with Astutis means you can

undertake the NEBOSH International General Certificate course in either

of the following ways:

Online whenever you want - with our guided multimedia-rich e-
learning course

In a classroom - structured learning with fellow professionals

At your place of work, for multiple staff members


Duration 4 days

Aims & Objectives

To enable delegates to understand health
and safety legislation and
its implication to them and to identify,
review and manage risk
effectively within their own organisation so
that they can manage and
improve health and safety within their

Course Content
The course consists of the following 8
Introducing Managing Safely
Assessing risks
Controlling risk
Understanding your responsibilities
Identifying hazards
Investigating accidents and incidents
Measuring performance
Protecting our environment

Target Audience
Designed for Managers, Supervisors and any
personnel who are required to manage
health, safety, risk and resources within
their organisation in order to be compliant
with legal requirements and their own
organisational policies and procedures
Pre-Course Preparation None required
Certification Delegates who successfully
complete a short answer test and practical
assessment will receive an IOSH accredited

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