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1. We scored a last-minute goal to ______________ the match.
2. The gymnast couldnt keep her ________________ and fell off the bar.
3. Lucy hits the ball with a great ________________ and it always goes
where she wants it to.
4. Sean practises his throwing every day because he really wants to
_______________ at basketball.
5. Mark used all his ________________ to lift weights.

Speed: Beat:
Compete: Stamina:
Take the lead: Accuracy:
Improve: Save up:
Can/cant afford: Be worth it:
Waste: Lend:

Match the verbs with the situation

Afford Be worth it Lend Save up


-Mary spent all her money in sweets _____________________________________

-Frank puts 100 a month in the bank
-I will let you the money for a new mobile
- You should go to see the film! Its great!
-Jane has enough money to buy a new Tablet.

Past simple and present perfect
1. Tom (live) in Zaragoza for the past 15 years.

2. Claire (work) for S&B before she came to work for us.

3. Tom, (you/finish) reading the paper yet?

4. I would love to visit Paris. I (be/never) there.

5. Luis (play) tennis for five years when he (be) at

6. Can you help me? I (finish) my homework, but I still don't

understand this exercise.

7. He (work) in Germany for 3 years. He (begin)

work as soon as I arrived.

8. I'm not hungry, I'm afraid. I (eat/already).

9. When Claude was at school, she (learn) to play the

saxophone. She (play) it ever since.

10. My brother (grow) a moustache since I last saw him.

Choose the correct answer

1. We've visited Nancy in Sussex three times ____________she got married

A. ? since

B. ? ever

C. ? for

2. They've lived in Denmark___________many years

A. ? since

B. ? already

C. ? for
3. Have you turned off the lights________ ?

A. ? already

B. ? yet

C. ? ever

4. I have____________seen her so angry

A. ? yet

B. ? just

C. ? never

5. David is 15 and he has______________seen the sea.

A. ? ever

B. ? just

C. ? never

6. I've_________seen that film. It's beautiful.

A. ? already

B. ? just

C. ? never

7. He has worked in the same office ____________he started his career.

a. Sally always .. (have) a shower in the morning.
b. What .. (you/do)?. Right now I . (read) a book.
c. Madonna and her husband (live) in England.
d. We .. (travel) to Italy once a month.
e. The students (not understand) the question.
f. This year you . (do) Technology.
g. Martha (not be) alright. She .. (sleep) now.
h. . (Peter/speak) French?. No, .
i. Michael . (not do) his homework every afternoon.
j. Listen! The boys .. (sing) but they .. (not like)
a) Cant*2
b) Able to
A) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals in the box.
c) Could
d) Must be
1) My mother is at home although it is Monday. She ---------- ill.
e) Would
2) The babies ---------- sleep regularly.
f) must
3) You ---------- enter the room without permission.
g) Should
h) Shouldnt
i) Dont have to
j) Can*2
k) May
4) You ---------- wear school uniform in this school.
There isnt an obligation.
5) ---------- you help me please?
6) ---------- you mind opening the door?
7) I ---------- swim but my brother ---------- swim well.
8) I ---------- be careful while driving .It is foggy.
9) You ---------- drink cold water. You ---------- get ill.
10) Were you --------- finish the book?
11) I ---------- swim when I was four.

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