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MM5005 - (People in Organization)



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Table of Contents
1. Mission of SBM ITB ......................................................................................................................... 3

2. Learning Goals and Objectives of MBA .......................................................................................... 3

3. Course Description .......................................................................................................................... 4

4. Learning Outcomes of Operations Management ........................................................................... 4

5. Reading Material ............................................................................................................................. 6

6. The Course Schedule/ Plan ............................................................................................................. 7

7. Assessment Summary ................................................................................................................... 11

8. Grading Policy ............................................................................................................................... 11

9. Course Policy ................................................................................................................................. 11

10. Lecture(S)/ Facilitator(S) Profile ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

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1. Mission of SBM ITB
SBM ITB has mission as follows:

To educate students to be innovative leaders with an entrepreneurial mindset and to

develop and disseminate knowledge of business and management for the betterment
of business, government, and society

2. Learning Goals and Objectives of MBA

MBA has learning goals and objectives as on Table 1 below. Third column shows the
LG/LO of study program attached to courses.

Table 1. Learning Goals and Objectives of MBA

LG 1: Integrative Thinking 1. Identify and analyze central problems of a business case 1.2
2. Construct multiple perspectives that integrate different factors or
aspects, other related business functions and relevant contextual
3. Create recommendation based on the constructed perspectives and
the companys strategic objectives
LG 2: Team work 1. Understand how to collaborate with others
2. Apply the concept of managing conflict to resolve problem in small
group learning environment
3. Demonstrate constructive feedback in small group learning

LG 3: Communication Skills 1. Present information in an organized and concise manner
2. Demonstrate skill to persuade others in persuasive manners
3. Demonstrate listening skills

LG 4: Ethical Responsibility 1. Recognize ethical issues in business context
2. Assess the impact of ethical issue toward various stakeholders
3. Systematically analyze the pro and cons of any decisions related to
ethical issues
LG 5: Leadership 1. Demonstrate the propensity to take initiative
2. Bring influence toward other people in her/his team
3. Inspire and empower others by evaluating, analyzing, and providing
critics on how leadership behaviors and characteristics affect
employees and businesses outcomes

4. Demonstrate an ability to manage change
LG 6: Global awareness 1. Identify global issues that may affect the industry (Global Intellectual
2. Develop understanding toward global cultural aspects that affect
business operations
3. Develop business recommendations based on understanding about

the global aspects

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3. Course Description

People in Organization Course was designed to provide business student an appropriate

and excellence understanding the principles of Organizational Behavior and its role in
managing people to boosting organizational performance. By understanding the
important role of Organizational Behavior, we may expect that business student will be
able to manage himself as well as other people effectively within the organization by
practicing OB theory in managing Human Capital. The main goal of operations
management is to provide student with an integrated understanding people as an
individual, as team member and how these understanding impact business or
organizational performance. Part A of this Course will focus on Organizational Behavior
from individual level analysis, group level analysis and organizational level analysis. Part
B will focus Human Resources Management and applying all Organizational Behavior
theory and practices on how organization or leader of the organization manage its people
to perform better to achieve best performance

4. Learning Outcomes of People in Organization

Learning outcomes along with its map to LG/LO of this course can be seen in table 2

Table 2. Learning Outcomes of People in Organization

No Learning Outcomes Course LG/LO
1 Student are aware about him or herself (behavioral 2.1
2 Students will be able to identify role of individual 2.1
understanding and its role in managing people 3.1
3 Student will be able to increase his or her ability in dealing 2.1
with other people 2.2
4 Students will be able to improve his or her effectiveness 2.2
with other people and to increase team effectiveness to 3.2
business performance using appropriate Organizational
theory and tool

5 Student will be able to analyze people problem in 4.1

organization and propose solution to increase business 4.3
/organizational performance by embedded organizational 3.3
behavior theory to human capital

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6 Students will be able to integrate all OB theory to human 5.1
capital management that relate to several HR 5.2
management decisions particularly to increase Human 5.3
Capital Management 5.4
7 Students will be able to integrate several decisions 1.2
particularly relate to HCM to increase business
8 Students will be able to generally integrate several aspects 4.1
or concepts in HCM with other functions in management
(i.e., marketing, finance, HR, etc) during case discussion,
homework and exam
9 Student will be able to propose specific Human Capital 1.3
solutions and recommendations during the case
discussions, homework and exam
10 Student will be able to integrate Human Resources 6.1
Management or Human Capital Management Initiatives 6.2
and recommendations with strategic and tactical (in the 6.3
global context) during the case discussions, homework
and exam
11 Student will be able to perform a good team work and 2.1
accomplish group assignment during in-class simulation

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Reading Material
1. Organizational Behavior : either John Schermerhon, Mc Shane, Stephen Robbins.
2. Noe, Raymond A., et al: Human Resource Management Gaining a Competitive
Advantage, 9th Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2015
3. Ulrich, Dave: Human Resource Champions The Next Agenda for Adding Value and
Delivering Results, Harvard Business School Press, 1997.
4. Spencer, Lyle M., Spencer, Signe M: Competence at Work Models for Superior
Performance, John Wiley & Sons, 1993
5. Milkovich, George T., et al: Compensation, 10th Edition, McGraw Hill International
Edition, 2011
6. Ingham, Jon: Strategic Human Capital Management, Butterworth-Heinemann. 1st
Edition, 2007.
7. Evans, Paul., et al: The Global Challenge Frameworks for International Human
Resource Management, McGraw Hill, 2006.
8. IBM Article: A New Approach, A New Capability, 2005.
9. HBR Article: Maximizing Your Return on People, (HBR Reprint )
10. HBSP Case: JetBlue Airways: Starting from Scratch
11. HBSP Case: United Parcel Service (A)
12. HBSP Case: Rob Parson at Morgan Stanley (A)
13. HBSP Case: The Royal Bank of Scotland Group: The Human Capital Strategy (HBSP #
14. SHRM Article on HR Strategy

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5. The Course Schedule/ Plan
Table 3 present the class activities that are required to achieve the learning objectives of this course.

Table 3. Weekly Class Activities of People In Organization

Week/ Module Activities Other Activities/ Notes
1 Topic : Introduction to PIO Role of OB and its relation to Human Capital /HR Bring printed report on
Management SBM ITB Behavioral
Sub-topic/ Issue covered : Assessment
Introduction to Organizational Behavior Self Understanding Summit your individual plan
Behavioral Assessment EQ based Behavioral Assessment based on BA result
MBA Learning Goals Lecturer: Yuni Ros Bangun
Report on BA
Activity : Lecturing, students business Case discussion
Learning Outcome : LG 1,2,3,4,5,6 brief case
Reading/ References : 1 (Ch. 1 and Ch. 4); Stephen Robbins or Mc Shane or Schermerhon
on Organizational Behavior
2 Topic : People Individual to Other People : / Interpersonal effectiveness Case analysis life stories of
Communication or Self Defense Mechanism recent MBA
Sub-topic/ Issue covered What make them good or
MARS model bad in your perspectives
FIRO B Lecturer:
Case discussion
Activity : Lecturing, in class exercise and case discussion
Case : Life Stories of Recent MBA
Learning Outcome : 2, 3
Reading/ References : 1 (Ch. 3) and 3 (pg. 145)

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3 Topic : TEAM and Business Performance Lecturer:
Sub-topic/ Issue covered : understanding belbin model
Reading : Chapter Team
Managing your team
The team that was not
LO : 2.3.4
4 Conflict Management Lecturer:
Case : The Road To Hell or individual case
LO 2
5 Power and Politics in Organization Case discussion
Rizal Case Lecturer:
LO : 3

6 Leadership Culture Change Management Lecturer:

Case : GE's Jeff immelt: the voyage from MBA to CEO
LO 4

8 Lecture: Introduction to Human Capital Management Interactive class discussion

Students must read and
Sub-topic/ Issue covered : prepare all the readings
The Evolution of People Management before joining the class
Human Capital Roles
Class facilitator:
Competency-Based Human Capital Management

Activity: Watching Modern Time The Factory Scene, Class Discussion

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Reading: A New Approach, A New Capability (IBM Article - 8); SHRM article on HR Strategy (14);
Noe at al Ch. 1 (2); Dave Ulrichs Human Resource Champion Chapter 2 (3) and Chapter 1 & 2 (2),
and Spencer & Spencer (Competence at Work) (4)

9 HBSP Case (10): JetBlue Airways Starting form Scratch Case on Strategic Human Capital Interactive class discussion
Lecture: Human Capital Practice: Job Analysis (Including defining core competencies)
Reading: Noe at al Ch. 1 (2) ; SHRM article on HR Strategy (14); and Spencer & Spencer
(Competence at Work)(3); Noe at al Ch. 3 (2)

10 HBSP Case (11): United Parcel Service (A) Case on Job Design Interactive class discussion
Lecture: HC Practice: The Pay Model

Reading (8): Noe et al PART 4 (2), Milkovich (Compensation)(5)

11 Case (12): Rob Parson at Morgan Stanley (A) Case on Internal Recruitment and Career Interactive class discussion
Management System Facilitator:
Lecture: HC Practice: Job Evaluation Process

Reading: Noe et al ch. 6 and PART 4 (2)

12 Lecture: HC Practice: Competency-Based Job Evaluation Interactive class discussion

Activity: Exercise on Competency-Based Job Evaluation
Reading: Noe et al PART 4 (2)
13 Reading (9): Maximizing Your Return on People Interactive class discussion
HBSP Case (13): The Royal Bank of Scotland Group: The Human Capital Strategy (HBSP # 9-408-060)

Reading: Paul Evans: International HR Management Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 (6)

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6. Assessment Summary
Table 4. Assessment summary and weight of Operations Management
Homework Week 1-11 20%/ 100
Week 1,2,4,6,
In Class participation 20%/ 100
8, 9, 10, 11
Mid Exam Week 7 30%/ 100
Final Exam Week 14 30%/ 100

7. Grading Policy
Grading for this course is based on whether or not a students performance meets the
module standards for completion and proficiency in the subject materials.
Grading weight follows table 4
Student will fail (grade D) when the attendance rate is <80% or find cheating in class

8. Course Policy
Students are required to bring a laptop every time is present in class, however it
can only be used according to lecturers instruction
Lecturer will not accept delays in the homework submission

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