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Indian Medical Gazette DECEMBER 2014 453

Comparative Study

Comparison of Single Layer Versus Double Layer

Continuous Anastomotic Technique for Small
Bowel Resection and Anastomosis
P. K. Baviskar, Professor and Head,
G. J. Jorwekar, Associate Professor,
K. N. Dandekar, Associate Professor,
B. A. Shah, Professor,
Paresh Jain, Resident in Surgery
Department of Surgery, Rural Medical College, Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences,
Loni, Rahata, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra.

Abstract Keywords
Introduction : Small intestinal resection and anastomosis methods and complications of resection and anastomosis
is an important surgical procedure. Aims and Objectives : of small intestine
To study efficacy and safety of single layer intestinal
anastomosis using non absorbable suture material against
conventional double layer anastomosis. Single layer The basic principles of intestinal suture were established
anastomosis will decrease surgery time and minimize more than 100 years ago by Travers, Lembert and Halsted,
incorporation of foreign body [sutures]. Materials and have since undergone little development14. Development
Methods : Present study carried out in Pravara rural hospital, of stapling instruments added new dimension to intestinal
Loni. It is a prospective study of 50 patients who underwent surgery with advantage of short learning curve. Use of
elective and emergency resection and anastomosis of small single or double layer hand-sewn anastomosis always
intestine from May 2004 to Oct 2006. Observations : Majority remained a controversial issue. Historically, double layer
of patients were in the age group of 40-50 yrs and children. method of intestinal anastomosis has been standard for
Intestinal obstruction with gangrene was the most common most surgical situations. Several recent reports have
indication for anastomosis. Significant difference was found advocated use of single layer method for intestinal
in recovery and complications between two methods after anastomosis with advantage of shorter time for
applying Z-test. Discussion : Forty seven patients required construction, lower cost and lower complications of
resection and anastomosis and 3 patients operated for anastomotic leakage2. Many surgeons probably now use
ileostomy closure. Single layer anastomosis has superior single-layer suturing due to reductions in ischemia, tissue
results as compared to double layer anastomosis of small necrosis or narrowing of the lumen compared to the two-
intestine. Conclusion : Arithmetical means of these endpoints layer method. This has lead us to critically evaluate these
suggest that single layer method offers same or better results two methods applied for intestinal anastomosis at our
than double layer method. institution.
Address for correspondence: Dr. P. K. Baviskar, Professor and Head, Department of Surgery, Rural Medical College, Loni, Rahata, Ahmednagar
413 736, (M.S.). E-mail :
454 Indian Medical Gazette DECEMBER 2014

Aims and objectives

Table 1
To study efficacy and safety of single layer intestinal Age and sex wise distribution of the cases
anastomosis using non absorbable suture material against Age in years Male Female Total
conventional double layer anastomosis. Single layer
0-10 8 2 10 (20%)
anastomosis will decrease surgery time and minimize
incorporation of foreign body (sutures). 10-20 0 3 3 (6%)
20-30 4 3 7 (14%)
Materials and methods 30-40 3 4 7 (14%)
Fifty patients who had undergone resection and 40-50 5 5 10 (20%)
anastomosis of small intestine at Rural Medical College and
50-60 2 2 4 (8%)
Hospital, Loni between May 2004 and Oct 2006, were
included in the study. All the patients who were required 60-70 7 0 7 (14%)
resection and anastomosis were included in the study. Two >70 0 2 2 (4%)
groups were randomly formed taking care to avoid any Total 29 (58%) 21 (42%) 50
bias. Details were recorded according to the predesigned
proforma. Double layer anastomoses were constructed Table 2
using 3-0 silk using standard continuous suture technique. Clinical presentation
Single layer anastomosis was performed comprising single
row of full thickness sutures through the posterior wall Symptoms No. of cases (%)
and Gambee sutures for anterior layer using 3-0 silk. Patients Pain 40 (80%)
were monitored postoperatively for temperature, pulse,
Vomiting 23 (46%)
blood pressure, intake and output charts, distension of
abdomen, time of return of peristalsis, signs of peritonitis Constipation 38 (76%)
and external or internal fistula. Observations were tabulated Distension 39 (78%)
and analyzed.
Bleeding per rectum 08 (16%)
Patients were taken up for either single layer or double Table 3
layer anastomosis according to protocol. Table 1 shows Distribution of signs
majority of the patients belonged to age group 40-50 Signs No. of cases (%)
years and 0-10 years. Males outnumbered females in
Tenderness 25 (50%)
the most of age groups. Pain in abdomen was the
most common presenting symptom in 39 patients, Distension 27 (54%)
followed by constipation and abdominal distension in Bowel sounds 16 (32%)
38 and 39 cases respectively (Table 2). Distension of
abdomen is the most consistent sign in 54% of cases, Empty per rectum 26 (52%)
followed by tenderness in 22% cases (Table 3). Out
of 50 patients of resection anastomosis, 32 patients Out of these 18 cases, 7 cases were of single and 11
had intestinal obstruction, 11 patients had perforation, of double layer technique. Out of 50 cases, 7 patients
4 patients had carcinoma (Table 4). It has been had postoperative anastomotic leak (Table 6). Test of
observed that bowel sounds returned earlier in those significance revealed significant difference in favour of
who underwent single layer anastomosis resulting into single layer.
early oral feeding thus avoiding complications related to
parenteral nutrition. Tests of significance revealed
significant difference in favour of single layer (Table 5). Study included 50 patients who underwent resection
Out of fifty cases, 18 cases showed wound infection. and anastomosis at Pravara Rural Medical College and
Indian Medical Gazette DECEMBER 2014 455

22% cases, carcinoma in 8%. McEntee et al in 1987

Table 4
Indications for resection and anastomosis
observed obstruction in 34% cases, perforation in 18%
cases and malignancy in 26% cases9 Nelson Ellis et al
Indications Resection and anastomosis in 1962 noted obstruction in 36% cases and 30%
Intestinal obstruction 32 cases showed malignancy.[10] High percentage of intestinal
obstruction leading to gangrene is due to late referral of
Perforative peritonitis 11
patients from primary or secondary care centers.
Malignancy 04
Postoperatively, return of bowel sounds was seen early
Closure of ileostomy 03 in single layer group allowing early start of oral feeding. In
Total 50 a study by Jennings et al, they demonstrated distinct
advantage of single layer method over double layer, like
Hospital, Loni from May 2004 to Oct 2006. Two increased blood flow, bursting strength, tensile strength,
groups were randomly formed having similar clinical, decreased collagen resorption, decreased inflammation and
socioeconomical and anthropometrical profiles to avoid decreased anastomotic leak5. Further, mucosal continuity
bias. Twenty five patients underwent single layer was restored earlier in single layer anastomosis, as early
anastomosis and 25 patients underwent double layer as seven days. In a study by Jon Bursh et al in 2000, 132
anastomosis. Male to female ratio was 1.3:1. There patients were studied which concluded that a single layer
was even distribution of cases at all ages. Pain and anastomosis can be constructed in significantly less time
distension of abdomen was present in almost 78% and with similar rate of complications compared to double
cases followed by constipation in 76% of cases and layer anastomotic technique, with less cost6. In our study,
vomiting in 46% cases. Agrawal et al reported distension wound infection was the most common complication
in 96% cases1 Silen et al reported 52% incidence of (single layer 28% and double layer 44%). Goligher et al in
vomiting.13. Tenderness as a clinical sign was found in 1970, observed wound infection of 51% and 37% in double
50% cases. Lasalle D Iefall et al reported tenderness layer and single layer methods respectively3. Lower
in 82% cases7. infection rate in the present study may be due to better
antibiotic cover and improved operation theater and ward
Intestinal obstruction (congenital malformations, conditions. Higher incidence of wound infection in double
intussusceptions, post radiation enteritis, and volvulus) layer group may be attributed to more time taken to
leading to gangrene was a major indication for resection construct anastomosis and excess soiling of the wounds
and anastomosis in 64% cases, followed by perforation in with fecal contents.

Table 5
Distribution of postoperative findings in single and double layer techniques
Single layer Double layer
t value p value Result
Mean SD Mean SD
Bowel sounds 3.68 0.61 3.79 0.54 1.02 p<0.05 significant
Oral feeding 3.96 0.66 4.08 0.79 0.76 p<0.05 significant

Table 6
Distribution of complications in single and double layer techniques
Complication Single layer Double layer Total p value Result
Wound infection 7 (28%) 11 (44%) 18 (36%) p<0.05 significant
Fistula 2 (8%) 5 (10%) 7 (14%) p<0.05 significant
456 Indian Medical Gazette DECEMBER 2014

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