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1 Seating Arrangement The process of making a group of people to sit as per a prefixed manner is called Seating Arrangement. In these questions, some conditions are given, on the basis of which students are required to arrange objects, either in a row or in a circular order. While making arrangements, it should be noted that all the conditions given are compiled with ‘These type of the questions are most common that are asked in various examinations like CAT, XAT, IFT, FMS and Bank PO, These type of questions generally involve five to eight individuals arranged in a certain fashion, They may have to be arranged in a row or in a circle, Sometimes these questions are made more difficult by allowing an individual to a particular position with some conditions General Guide Lines to Solve ‘Seating Arrangement’ Questions Guide Line 1 Fist of all take @ quick glance an the given information. After performing tis step, you would get an idea of the situation of peogie or objects Guide Line 2 Next, determine the informaton’ and "negar Guide Line 3 When the Guide Line 4 When the place of any person or object isnot mertianed definitely but mentioned nly in the comparison of another petson or object, then we say that ts 2 comparative information tin, “comparative ness of each informations and cassiy them accordingly into ‘defrite infer 1 information ace of any person of objec is definitely mentioned then we say that it ia definite information, eg, Ais sting ri of the bench, eg, Ais siting second to the right af. Tis typeof information can be heloful when we can get the definite information about € Guide Line 5 A part of definite information may consist of negative information. A negative information does not tellus anything efitely but it gives an idea to im nate a possi. £20, is nat siting on the immediate left ofA Types of Questions Asked in Different Examinations There are multiple types of questions which are asked from the chapter ‘Seating Arrangement’, so it is quite dillicult to predict exact type of questions that are asked, but on the basis of Observation, Analysis and Experience, here ‘we are giving different types of questions that are usually asked in the examination. Almost all the questions at this, chapter can be categorized into these types. Also, this description of type will make your study easy and streamline, 4 The Hand on Guide to Analytical Reasoning & Logical Reasoning Type! Linear Arrangement In this typo of arrangement, wo arrango people or objects in a lino or row. The arrangoment is done only on ‘one ‘axis’ and hence, the position of people or objects assumes importance in terms of order like first position, second position... last position. In this type of arrangement, we take directions according to our deft and right. ‘There are few words which must be paid adequate attention, ie,, ‘between’ means sandwiched, ‘immediate Jeft’is different from ‘to the left’. To understand it let us see some pictorial representation, One Row Sequence (A) When direction of face isnot clear, then we take ourselfas base and then the diagram wil be as follows foe ten fa am FP TS ; From the above diagram, it is clear that (B,C, D,E are right of A but only B is the immediate right of A (4) D, CB, Aare left of but only D is the immediate left of E (ii) C, D, Bare right of B only Cis the immediate right of (iv) CB, A areleft of D but only Cis the immediate left of D. (W) D and E are right of C but only Dis the immediate right of C (4) Band A are left of C but only Bis the immediate left of C (vii) Ais the immediate left of B while E is the immediate right of D, (B) When direction of face is towards you, then the diagram will be as follows a From the above diagram, it is clear that () Left of A=B, CD andE (a Right of E= D.C, Band A (ji) B is immediate left of A; Cis immediate left of B; Dis immediate left of C and E is immediate left of D. (iv) D is immediate right of E; C is immediate right of D; B is immediate right of C; and A is immediate right of B. Two Rows Sequence Let ws se 6 persons satin in two rows From the above diagram, it is clear that () Pis siting opposite S (Gi) Q is sitting opposite T (ii) Ris sitting opposite U (iv) P and U are sitting at diagonally opposite positions. (¥) Sand R are sitting at diagonally opposite positions Seating Arrangement 5 Solved Examples (Based on Type |) Example 1. A, 8,C,D, FG and Hf are siting ina row facing North, (i) Ais fourth to the right of (i) His fourth to the left of D (ii) Cand F which are not atthe ends, are neighbours of Band E respectively (iv) His next to the left of A and A isthe neighbour of B, ‘Who ate sitting a the extreme ends? Solution From information (i), we get that there are thee persons between A and F EXXXA Im the information (iv), it is given that His next to the let of A and B is the neighbour of A, Using the information ‘with (), we get E XX HA B By the information (i), EXXHABXD By the information (ii), So, E and D at siting at the extreme ends Directions {éample Nos 206) Read the following information carefully and answers the questions given below. Six people : C, D, E, F, G and If are standing in a straight line facing North not necessarily in the same order. D is, standing second to the right of F. C is standing fourth to the left of H and H is not standing on the extreme end of the line. E is standing second to the right of D. (Union Bank of India PO 2011), 2, What isthe position of G with respect to B? (@) Immediate let () Second tothe let (©) Third tothe left (€) Third tothe right (6) None ofthese 3, Which of the following pairs epretents the people standing atthe extreme ends of the line? (@ FT @)cE (ODE (ocr (6) None of these ‘Who is standing second to the right of C7 @F oD (os WE (6) None of these 5. Four of the following five are alike ina certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and go form a group. Which of th following does not belong to the group? (@cG (@)GE (oon (ope (FD 6. 1Fall the people are asked to stand in an alphabetical order from left to right, the positions of how many will main unchanged? @) One () Two (Three (@) Four (e)None of these Solutions {2 106) Dis standing sevond to the right of F. ie,, FD. E is standing second to the right of D ie., F* D* B. His not standing on the extreme end of line and C is standing fourth to the left of H. So, H must be standing between D and EB. Final position will be as following ceo freee Nore 6 The Hand on Guide to Analytical Reasoning & Logical Reasoning 2. Gisstanding third tothe left ofE. Hence, correct answer is(¢). and E are standing on the extreme ends of the line. Hence, correct answer ie (b), 4, Gis standing second tothe right of . Hence, correct answer is (¢) 5. GE does not belong to that group because there are two people between G and B while in others there is only one person. Hence, Present order Alphabetical order So, position of C will emain unchanged. Hence, correct answer is (2) Intro Exercise 1 (asedon type 1) Directions (0. Nos. 1:03) Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. (@ A.B, C.D, B, F, G and H are standing in a row facing North, (i) Bis not neighbour of G. (Gi) F is to the immediate right of G and neighbour of E. (iv) G is not at the extreme end, () Ais sixth to the left of E. (vi) H is sixth to the right of C. 1, Who among the following are neighbours? 3. Which of the following is true? (a) AB wcG (FH (ayca (a) Cisto the immediate eft of A (© None of these (b)D is neighbour of B and (0) G isto the immediate right of D 2. Mich one among the flowing defines the position of (0G oe immedi rant (o) None ofthe shove (a) Fourth tote right of Hb) Third tothe ng of A (©) Neighbour of Band ¥ —_(@) To the immediate let of B {e None ofthese Directions 0. Nos. 4108) Study the following information to answer the given questions. A,B,C, X,¥ and Z are seated in a straight line facing North, Cis third to the right of Z and BB sits second to the right of C. X sits to the immediate right of A. Undian Bank PO 2011], 4, Which of the following represents the pair of persons arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one sitting exactly in the middle of the line? that does not belong to the group? (a XB by 28 (BX axe (a2, 0») wo ays foxy fo XA 5. What is X's position with respect to 2? 7. How many persons are seated between A and C? {a} Immediate right of 2 b) Second to the let (One) Teo) Three) Four (o) Thin to the right (@) Second to tie right, (©) None of these {e) None of these 8. IFA: XandZ: A, then ¥:? 6. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way wy 8 fa @x based on their sitting positions in the above (6 None ofthese Directions (0 Nos 81013) study the following information carefully and answer the given questions following it (@ Bloven students A, B,C, D, E, F,G, H, I, J and K are sitting inthe first row ofa class facing the teacher, Gi) D, who ison the immodiate left of F, is wocond tothe right of C. (iii) A is second to the right of E, who is at one of the ends. Gv) Jie the immediate neighbour of A and Band third tothe lef of 6. (v) H is on the immediate left of D and third to the right of I. Seating Arrangement 9. Who is siting midway between E and H? fas 8B wr oo ( None of these 10. Which of the following statements is not true in the context of the above sitting arrangements? (a) There ae seven students siting between K and D (b) G isthe immediate neighbour of Tand C (@ His the immediate neighbour of D and F (@ Kisbetwwen E and A (©) Fis third tothe right of 11, To obtain the respective seats ofall the persons which statement given above is not required? @t It om av (@) None ofthese 12. Besides E, who among the following is at the extreme end? @K oF os (a) Can't say (0) Noneof these 13. Which of the following groups is at the left of I? (a) AB (©) GCH (o HDF (@) GCH (eo None of these Directions (0. Nos. 141016) Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. () There are five friends, (Gil) Jayesh is to the immediate right of Alok, (W) Subodh is between Jayesh and Pramod. 14, Who is at the extreme left end? (a) Alok 0) Bhagat (© Suboah (@) Data inadequate 15, Who is in the middle? (0) Bhagat (b) Jayess (©) Pramod (@) Suboan 16. To find answers of the above two questions, which of tthe given statements can be dispensed with? Gi) They are standing in a row facing South. Gv) Pramod is between Bhagat and Subodh. (a) Only (©) Onty 6) (©) Oniy ip (@) Onis i 17, Six students are sitting in a row in an examination hall. Kis sitting between Vand R. Vis sitting next to M. Mis sitting next to B. Bis sitting on the extreme left and Q is sitting next to R. Who are sitting adjacent to V? (FMS 2010) (@ MadR 0) MadK (@KaxdR (@) MandQ Directions (2 Nos. 18102) Study the following information to answer the given questions P, Q, R, 8, T, V, X and Y are seated in a straight line facing North. P sits fourth to the left of V. V sits either sixth fom tho loft end of the line or fourth from the right end of tho line. 8 sits second to right of RR is not an immediate neighbour of V. T and @ are immediate neighbours of each other but neither T nor @ sits at extreme nds ofthe line. Only one person sits between T and XX does not sit at the extreme end ofthe line 18. What is the position of Q with respect to P? (a) Fits tothe right (©) Immediate neighbour 21. IfPis related to Q and Sis related to Tin a certain way, to which of the following would V be related to {6 Seoand to right (@) Third to let following the same pattern? (© None of these wy oP oR (as 19. Which of the following represents persons seated at (Xx tthe two extreme ends of the line? 22. Who amongst the following sits exactly in the middle EV bY, ORV @yP of the persons who sit second from the left and the ORY person who sits fifth from the right? 20. How many persons are seated between R and T? fav mg (ajOne Two |e) Three) Four wr os (9 Noneot these oP Directions (0. Nos. 2310 25) Read the following information casefully and answer the questions given below. Six girls A, B, K, D, B and P are standing in a row. Bis between D and P. A does not stand next to either P or D. K does not stand next to D. E stands between A and K. 23. P stands between (a) Band @) Band (©) Cane determined 24, Who occupy the extreme ends of the row? fo) DandE @)DandA () AandP — (@) Bande (9 None of these 25. K stands between (0) Pad B (Pande (© None ofthese ( DandB (@) Aan @PandD (@) Band a 8 The Hand on Guide to Analytical Reasoning & Logical Reasoning Directions (0. Nos. 260 30) Study the following information carefully to answer these questions. Hight members P, Q, R, 8, T, V, H and L are si ting in two rows with equal number of members in each row. Members of one row are facing North and those in the other row are facing South. Each member in one row is, sitting exactly opposite a member in the other row. P sits in the row facing North, to the immediate right of H who is exactly opposite of R. L is to the immediate right of R and S is exactly opposite of T who is to the immediate right of P. V does not sit at any of the ends of any row. 26. Which of the following members sit at the ends of the 28, Which of the following members sit exactly opposite fame tow? each other? (TH (Sk ©) ¥Q ew Oe ay (ou own ow None of these (©) None ofthese 27. wo ts opposite of 2 29. Who is tothe left of V2 aL "1 ‘ eT ws oR we mg {© None ofthese © 30. Who sits to the right of a? (@) Cannot be determined ft tI ov wR (6) None ofthe above {e) None ofthese Directions (2 Nos.31 1035) Study the following information to answer the given questions Seven friends T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting in a straight line facing North. W sits fifth to the right of T. W does not sit at any of extreme ends, Two people sit between Z and X. Y sits third to the left of U. Y sits exactly in the middle. Z is not an immediate neighbour of Y. [PNB PO 2010] 31, What is Z's position with respect to W? UW XY @ zr @w (a) Second to the let (@) Third to dhe right fe Wx (© Fourth tothe left () Thi to the et 34, If all the seven friends are made to sit alphabetically (©) Fourth tothe right from right to left, positions of how many will remain 32. Who is second to the right of 7 unchanged? wy wx wu av fa) Nore 8) One) Two (Taree (6) None of these fe) Four 33. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way 35, Who sit at the extreme ends of the line? based on their sitting positions in the above line and so (0) XZ vx form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to fo Ye (@ xT the group? ow Directions (0. Nos. 61040} study the folowing information carefully and answer the questions that follow. ( Seven members of a family J, K, L, M, N, O and P are to be seated in a row from left to right. (Phe one standing at the left end will be called the Tat; the one standing at the right end, the 7th.) i) Their professions are lawyer, accountant, social worker, IAS, housewife, commissioner and student, though not necessarily in that order. (ii) The third person is the housewife Gv) M, who is not the commissioner, will stand after the person who immediately follows N. (@) Js the social worker. (vi) The lawyer stands sixth. (vii) The accountant stands to the immediate left of the commissioner, (vii) P stands to the immediate right of O and to the immediate left of K. (Gx) N, the student, stands fifth Seating Arrangement 36. The person standing first from left is fo (b) the social worker @P (@) the commissioner 37. The person standing to the immediate left of M is (a) the bousewite >) (9 Delavyer OK 38. Which of the following correctly matches a person with his/her profession? fa) O1S () Khousewite (©) Lecommissoner () Prhwyer (©) Meaccountant 39. Suppose, P has to go on account of an emergency and the family brings in the family servant Q, who stands to tthe immediate right of L. The sixth person from the left is now fk ws ON me eM 40. If in addition to the changes described in Q. 39 the housewife and her husband, the IAS, agree to interchange places, which of the following will be true? (a) Mw stand af (b) K wil be the only penn to Use right of L Out before J () Tere will bean equal number of persons to the left and to the nit of J (@ There will be only one person to the letof kK (©) The first and lat person willbe the same as here ight of N and to the 41. In a college party, 5 girls are sitting in a row. P is sitting to the left of M and to the right of 0. Ris sitting to the right of N but to the left of 0. Who is sitting in the Middle? ssc 2010] a0 OR oP @M 42. Six persons M,N, 0, P,Q, Rare sitting in two rows. Each row has three persons Qis not at the ends of any row. P is second to the left of R. 0 is the neighbour of @ and diagonally opposite to P. Nis the neighbour of R. Who is opposite of N? AS 2010) (aR we oP OM 43. From A to E, five buildings are in a row. Ais to the right of B;Eisto the left of Cand to the right of A; Bis to the right of D. Which building is exactly in the middle? [ssc 2008) (we OA oR @D Answer with Explanations Solutions (9. Nos. 1 t0 3) According to the given information, the final arrangement is as following 1. (@) Cand A are neighbours, 2. (b) Dis third to the right ofA, 3. (9 Gis to the immediate right of D. Solutions (a. Nos. 4 t0 8) According to the given information, the final arrangement fas following 4. Xand Care siting exactly mid ofthe line 5.) Xie socond to th right of 6 () XA doesnot belong to that group because inthis pai, while in othrs fist peson‘eiting othe immodiate right of iat person, (a) Only Kissing between A and 18 () In the given two pairs, second person i sitting tothe ‘immediate right first person, Bi aitting immediate right of y. Solutions (c Nos. 9 10 13) From (i), Nis socond to the right of E, who is at one of ‘he enda. So, Bis at the left end, From (iv), J ie the immediate neighbour of A and Bit implies thet J is siting on the immodiato right of A and B is sitting immediate right of J ETAJB*G rom (i) and (), we got the following arrangement ICHDF © From the arrangements (a) and (®), we ean get the final arrangement BKAJBIGCHDF 8. (b) There are seven persons which are sitting between E snd H. Dis in the midway of them, 10, (¢) His not the immediate neighbour of D and F 11. (@) To get the final arrangement, we require all the 12, () Fist the extreme ond 18. (@) A.J and B are atthe lft of L 10 The Hand on Guide to Analytical Reasor Solutions (<2, Nos. 14 to 16) According to the given information, the final arrangement is as following Sea Bias waar wa |e 14, (a) Alok it at the extreme left end, (@) Subodh is in the middle, 16. (a) ent Tis superfluous. 17. (®) According to the given information, “arrangomnet is as following mos So, Mand K are sitting adjacent to V the final Solutions (0. Nos. 18 10 22) According to the given Janformation, the final arrangement is as following 18. ©) a is second tothe right of P. 19, (¢) Rand Y are sitting on the extrome ends of line 20. (¢) Three persons P, S and Q are seated between R and T, 21. (a) In the given pairs, second porson is seated second to tho right of first person. So, V he related to Y as Y is sitting second to the right of V. 122, (@) Second from the lft is P and fifth from the right is@. 8 is sitting betwoen P and Q, Solutions (2, os, 24 0 25) B is between D and P. So, DBP or PED, E stands between A and K. So, AEK or KEA. ‘A doos not stand next to either P or D and K does not stand ta next D, So, the final arrangement will be as following: 19 & Logical Reasoning Solutions (2. Nos. 31 to 35) According to given information, the final arrangement is as following. 1. (©) Zi fourth tothe left of W, 482. (@) Vis socond tothe right of V. 8. (b) XV doce not belong tothe group there are not immediate neighbours while other pairs are immediate neighbours, 34, (a) Actual position TZVYXWU Alphabotical position ZY XWVUT So, the position of none of 1 unchanged, 35, (0) Tand U sit at the extreme ends of Tine 10 friends will romain Solutions (Nos. 36 t0 40) From statements (ii, (vi) and (x), we can get the following arrangement Postion [if2] 3 [4] 5 6 |? Name N Profession House | | student | Lawyer wife Now, from (iv) and (vii) statements, postion | 1 | 2 [| 3 [4] 5 | 6 Name N M Profession | Ace. | Comm, | Fouse wile Student | Lawyer ‘T must be at position 4 and from statement (vii), O, P and K are together. So, they are at positions 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The final arrangement will be as following positon | 1 | 2 [3] 4 | 5 | 6 [7 name [o| e [x [sa | w [tf 23. (a) Patands between B and K. 24. &) Dand A occupy the 25, (0) K stands between P and E, Solutions (2. Nos. 26 t0 30) According to given information, the ral arrangement is as folowing | { j j {rear | ee 5. (@) LS and QT sit atthe ends of same row. 27, (¢) V sits opposite of P. 28, (d) V and P sit exactly opposite to each other. 28. (b) Sisto the lof of V 0, (a) H sits to the right of @ Profession | Ace. [Comm, [Hous] Socal |Studene|Lawyer] TAS le wife| worker 86. (a) The person standing first from left is 0. 87, (0) The person standing to the immediate left of Mis the 38. (&) Kis the house wife. 89. () The new order will be as following OKINLQM So sath psn ome lo 40, Thon ote il bas lloving OMJNLQK So Mil tant ator bu re oo tot ft tit ne i 4 Middle Seating Arrangement nN 2.0 5 a so 8 x § wh i 3 $ Type Il cular Arrangement In this type of arrangement we arrange people or objects around a circle or a table, In case of people sitting around a table, the table could be of any shape i.e, rectangular, square, circular ete. Circular Sequence In this arrangement, sime persons are sitting around a circle and they are facing the centre. Right. +4 Lot 1. Left movement is called clockwise rotation. 2. Right movement is called anti-clockwise rotation. (i) The above presentation i for 4 persons but for any number of persons, the direction is taken in the same manner. (i) For rectangular and sequence arrangement, directions are taken as discussed in two rows sequence. ‘The information given in questions specify the position of some or all the persons in the arrangement. The positions are specified through conditions like a particular person is sitting right or left of another person. After reading the given information, you should draw the shape specified in the question. Following two shapes are of six and eight persons sitting around a circle. OO Sixporson gh porsone 12 The Hand on Guide to Analytical Reasoning & Logical Reasoning Solved Examples (Based on Type I) Directions tGxanple Nos.7t08) Read the following information and answer the questions based on it Bight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a circle facing the centre. B is sitting between G and D. His third to the left of B and second to the right of A. C is sitting between A and G and B and E are not sitting opposite to each other. 7. Who te third to the left of D? @eE OE a (@) Cannot be determined (6) None of these 8 Which ofthe following starements is not correct? G@) Dand A are sitting opposite to each other () Cis tied to the right of D (©) Eis siting between Fand D (€) Ais sting between Cand F (¢) Band Care sitting opposite to each other ‘Solution {7 to8} First of all draw a circular figure having eight persons. Now, B is sitting between G and D. His third to the left of B and second to the right of A. ‘Now, C is sitting between A and G and B and E are not opposite to each other, So, the final arrangement will be a following O 7. Bis third tothe left of D. So, correct answer is (2). E is not siting between F and D. So, correct answer is (0 Direc Six girls are sitting in a circle, Sonia is sitting opposite to Radhika. Poonam is sitting right of Radhika but left of Deepti. Monika is sitting left of Radhika, Kamini is sitting right of Sonia and left of Monika. Now, Deepti and Kamini, Monika and Radhika mutually exchange their positions Ns [Gxample Nos 810 11} Read the following information and answer the questions given below. 9, Who willbe sitting opposite to Sonia? (@) Radhika () Monika (©) Karsini (@) Sonia (e) None of these 10. Who will be sitting left of Kamins? (a) Poonam () Deepti (o) Radhika (@) Sonia () None of these Seating Arrangement 13 11, Who wall be sitting left of Deepti? (@) Sonia (@) Monika (6) Cannot be determined (©) Radhika (@ Poonam ‘Solutions (21011) From the given information, initial arrangement will be as following Sop af Now, Deepti and Kamini, Monika and Radhika mutually exchange their positions. So, final arrangement will be as following mi Up 9. Monika ie sitting opposite to Sonia, So, the correct answer is (b). 10. Poonam is sitting left of Kamini So, the correct answer is (3. TA. Soniais siting left of Deepti So, the conrect answer i (a) Intro Exercise (sased on Type 2) Directions (0 Nos. A.B, C.D, E, F, G, Hand K are sitting around a circle facing the centre. B is fourth to the left of G who is second to the right of C. F is fourth to the right of C and second to the left of K. A is fourth to the right of K. D is not immediate neighbour of either K or B, H is third to the right of B. Undian Bank PO 2010) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. 1, Who is fourth to the right of D? @K oH OE @B (@ No 2. In which of the following combinations is the third person sitting in between the first and second persons? (@) EKB (>) CHB, (Aci (@FGD (e None of these 3. Who is thitd to the right of H2 on D we (or (©) None of these ofthese 4, Who is the fourth to the left of E? GA fc 6 (@) Data inadequate {e) None ofthe above 5. Who is second to the right of ? we tH © Wwe (e) Data inadequate 14 The Hand on Guide to Analytical Reasoning & Logical Reasoning Directions (0. Nos Bight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre, B is third to the right of A, who is third to the right of C. F is second to the right of E who is not an immediate neighbour of B. D sits second to the 10 10) Study the following information carefully to answer these questions, left of H, who sits second to the left of G. 6. Who sits second of the left of A? fac ®D oH @eE (6) None of these 7. Who sits to the immediate left of B? 1G (P oD (ae (©) None of these 8, What is the position of H with respect to F? (a) To the immediate right) Third to Wee {e) Second to the lel (@) Second tote right (©) Third to the right Direc LABCD, (Mur CieT 2008) 9. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the given arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group? aya HG ORE (aa 10. Which of the following pairs has the first person sitting to the immediate right of the second person? @Bt DF CF EA (e None of these Ms [0. Nos. 1110 15} Study the following information and answer these questions. 2, F, G and H are eight friends sitting in a circle facing the centre, IL Fis on the immediate right of D while B is on the immediate left of E. IIL. Ais sitting opposite neither C nor H. And A is not the neighbour of H. IV. Eand H are sitting adjacent to C. 11, Which of the following is wrong? L Fis to the immediate left of 6. IL Ais to the immediate right of D. ILL H and D are sitting opposite each other. {@) Only (b) Oniy I (©) Only m1 (@) Hana 1 (@ ALL Tana mt 12, Which of the following are two pairs of adjacent members? (0) AP and BC. (b) FH and BG (@ AG and CE. (@)BG and AG (©) None ofthe above Directions (0. Nos. 16 to 20) 13. What is the position of 6? (a) Fourth to the let of F (©) Thindto ther {e) None ofthese 14, Which of the following is/are correct? I. Dis third to the left of E. IL Dis fifth to the right of E. IL A and F are adjacent to each other. (Only!) Only (@) Land (e) AUT I and I () ‘Third to the let of B YB (6) Second tothe let of D (@ Mand tn 15. If A and £ interchange places and so do F and H, then (a) G and Careadjacent oF) D and Bare adjacent to A (@ Elsnot siting opposite A (2) Hisnot sitting opposite F (@ His fourth to the left of C Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. A.B, C, D, E, F, G and Hare sitting around a square table facing the centre in such a way that four of them sit at four comers of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides, () Asits second to right of F. F sits in the middle of one of the sides of the table. (i) G who does not sit at any of the comers of the table sits second to the right of D, (Gil) Only two people sit between D and B (taken from one side). Gv) Cis not an immediate neighbour of G (¥) His sit second to left of B, (vi) Eis not an immediate neighbour of G or F. 16. Who sits exactly between F and A? @e we Er @ (©) None of these 17. How many persons sit between A and H when counted in anti-clockwise direction from A? (a)None—(b) One) Two (e) Foor @ Three [Rajasthan Grameen Bank PO 2011] 18. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their sitting positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? fa) D oF wa @E wo Seating Arrangement 15 19. What is the position of F with respect to C? 20. What will come in place of the question mark (2) based (0) Third tothe let upon the given sitting arrangement? {b) Immeiate to the right AEEH HE? {© Second tothe et (FE ) He (@) Third to the ight (orp (DB (©) Immediate to the eft (oF Directions (0. Nos.21 025) Study the folowing information carefully and answer the questions given below. P,Q, R, S, T, V, W and Z are sitting around a circle facing the contre. Tis second to the right of R who is third to the right of PB. $ is second to the left of P and fourth to the right of Q. Z is third to ‘he right of V who isnot an immediate neighbour of P. srporation Bank PO 2010] 24. In which of the following combinations is the first 23. What is Ps position with respect to S? person sitting in between the second and the third (a) Fourth to te let. {) Fourth tothe gst persons? (o Fifth ta tbe it (@) Sixth to the eR fa VIS, 72s. (e) Thindto the right fo anv Pwo 24, Who is the immediate left to Z? (RT fT oP os ay 22, Who is second to the right of T? (©) None of these fas oz 25. Who is second to the right of W? oP @R fk wQ oz ws (e) None of these (©) None ofthese Directions (2 Nox. 2510 30) Study the folowing information carefully and answer the questions given below: A.B, C, D, B, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. B is second to the right of D who is third to the right of F. Cis second to the left of A who is second to the left of F. G is third to the right of B. Allahabad Bank PO 2010) 26. In which of the following combinations is the first 28, Who is to the immediate right of A? person sitting between the second and the third on hE OF a) Data persons? inadequate e) None ofthese f@oco ()FGH 29. What is H's position with respect to B? (oEFH (ABE, (a) ith tothe right () Third to the et (None of these (¢ Bith to beet (q) Third othe right 27. Who is third to the right of H? (@) Fourth othe left @G wD 30. Who is to the immediate left of G? wc (@) Data inadequate (aH E (© None of these @D (6) Data inadequate (0) None ofthese Directions (0. Nos.31 1035) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: A.B, C, D, B, F, G, H and Kare sitting around a circle facing the centre. F is fourth to the right of A who is third to ‘the right of B. Kis fourth to the left of B and third to the right of D. C is third to the right of H. E is second to the left of [SBI PO 2010), 31, Who is to the immediate tight of F? 34, Who is fourth to the left of G? fae Gc OE fac DA wD aK (a) Data inadequate (© None of tse (6) Data inadequate 32. Who is third to the right of K? 35. In which of the following combinations is the third ar BE (OG (Data inadequate person sitting between the first and the second (© None of these persons? 33. What is I's position with respect to B? (0) CFB Bor (a) Second to Ue el (@) Third to the ight abe f@ KEC (© Fourth othe right () Third to the et (o EGF (e Fit to the right 16 Directions (0. Nos. 36 to 40) The Hand on Guide to Analytical Reasor 19 & Logical Reasoning Study the following information to answer the given questions. () Hight persons E, FG, H, 11d, K and L are seated around a square tuble-two on each side, (ii) There are three lady members an ii) J is between Land F. Gv) Gis between I and F. (¥) H, a lady momber is second to the left of J. (vi) F, a male member is seated opp. (vil) There is a lady member between F and L 436. Who among the following are the three lady members? (@)EtandJ () E,Gand J (oGHanas (@) Cannot be determine (6) None ofthese 37. Which of the following is true about J? (a) Jisa male member (b)Jis a female member (6) Sex of J cannot be determined (@) Postion of Jeannot be (o) None ofthe shove 38. Who among the following is seated between E and H? on tos or (@) Cannot be determined _(@) None ofthese 439. Who among the following isto the immediate left of F? fc 3 lt (@) Cannot be determined _(e) None ofthese ined Answer Solutions (2. Nos. 1 to 5) According to. given information, the final arrangement is as fllowing oy |. (@) Bis ourth tothe right of D. 2. (@) Dis sitting between Fand G. (©) Gis third tothe right of H I. (a) Ais fourth tothe left of B 5. (b) His socond to the right of K they are not seated next to each other. ‘ite to H, a lady member. 40. How many persons are seated between K and F? {a} One (© The (@) Cannot be determined (@) Nase ofthese 44. Six friends are playing cards sitting around a circle and facing the centre. Kanny is sitting to the left of Danny; Michel is sitting between Boby and Johny Rozer is between Kanny and Boby. Who is sitting to the left of Michel? [ssc 2007] (@)Danny 2) Jommy (Canny ——_—(@) Boby Radha, Sheela, Mahima and Seeta are sitting around a rectangular table. Radha is sitting to the right of Sheela. Mahima is siting to the left of Seeta. Which of the following pair is sitting opposite each other? [SSC 2006] 42. (0) Sheela Soa (©) Rachs Stools (©) Radha Seta (@) Maima-Radia Explanations Solutions (0. Nos. 6 to 10) According to the given information, the inal arrangement i as fllowing (a) G sits socond to the loft of A (0) Dasits to the immediate Iet of B. (6) His third to the right of F 1. (@) BE does not belong to that group because inthis pair, second person is sitting second to the left of fist peraon ‘while in other pairs, second person is sitting second to the Tight of first person, 10. (&) D is sitting to the immediate right of F. Seating Arrangement 7 Solutions (0, Nos. 11 to 15) According to given Solutions (2. Nos. 21 to 25) According to given information, the ral arrangement is as following information, the final arrangement is as folowing 11, (@ All the three statements I, Il and III are wrong. 21, (©) Vis sitting between R and T. 12, (9 AG and CE aro two pairs of adjacont mombers. 22, b) Zs second to the right of 18, (d) G is seeond tothe let of D 23, (@) Pis sixth to the let of 14. (9 Diathird tothe leftof Band heisalsofifthtotherightof 24, (¢) Sisto the immediate left of Z E. So, Statements [and Il are correct, 25, a) Bin second tothe ight of W 15. (@) The now arrangement will be as following Solutions (Nos. 26 to 30) According to given information, the final arrangement is as following Solutions (@ Nos, 16 to 20) According to given information, the final arrangement is as following 4 2 E 26, (d) As sitting between Band E, 21, (@) Cis third to the right of H. 28. (b) Bis to the immediate right of ol nN 28. (@) His fourth tothe left of B 80. (a) His tothe immediate left of G Solutions (2. Nos 31 to 35) According to given information, the final arangement i as following 16. () Cin between Fand A o—t 17, () Thoroare two peaona Band D that ao sitting betwoon ‘Nand H. wen counted in antvlochwse direction from A 1. ( dove not bolong Lo thi group bocaus Bie iting ona omer wile allothorsae sitting inthe mile of each side. 18. (0) Pinto themmodiate lf fC “ 20, (0 One more petvn sitsin each suceossive puro persons. Hence, three persons (C, A and E) are sitting between Pand D. 18 The Hand on Guide to Analytical Reasoning & Logical Reasoning 131, @) Ginto tho immediate right of F 36, () By and are ndy member. (6) Gis third tote sight of K 37. @ Jisa male member 38, (@ Ein tied tothe lot of B 438.) Ki siting between E and TL 34, (@) Cis fourth to tho Io of G 88. @) Jis tothe immediate let oH 435. ©) Fis siting between Band 6 40, () Tareoporsons (I, L and) ar seated betwoen Kana. . Le Me Solutions (2. os. 36 to 40) According to given os © fon ut (en Sern ne 7 aw Shela = v Z o atin

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