International Negotiations On Climate Change:: Key Questions & Answers

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International Negotiations on
Climate Change:
Key Questions & Answers
The United States signed on to Why is an international climate Why is U.S. leadership critical?
the most universally supported agreement important? No single country can solve the climate change
treaty on climate change, the The impacts of climate change do not respect problem alone. As the largest per capita
1992 UN Framework Convention borders all countries will experience the greenhouse gas emitter, U.S. participation and
impacts. It is therefore in the interest of all leadership is needed to achieve meaningful
on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
nations to control greenhouse gas emissions global action. The type of actions taken by
which was designed to protect
such as carbon dioxide, HFC refrigerants, other countries will be influenced by the level
the world from the dangerous and methane. It is also important for the U.S. and type of commitments taken by the United
effects of climate change. and other wealthy countries to help emerging States.
Although the U.S. did not ratify countries de-link rapid economic growth from
the Kyoto Protocol, the next greenhouse gas emissions.
round of negotiations on a
follow-up treaty are currently
underway and the U.S. must
consider how to re-engage in
the international climate change

World Resources Institute

10 G Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002

10 G Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 | p 202-729-7600 | f 202-729-7610 | | December 2008
As the worlds technological powerhouse, the
U.S. can offer innovative energy and technology
International Climate Change Processes: A Timeline
solutions to help address the climate change
Adoption of the Kyoto Copenhagen meeting of
problem. A clean energy technology revolution U.S. and 153 Protocol, which set UNFCCC signatory coun-
led by the U.S. will create opportunities for U.S. other countries GHG emissions caps on Bali Action tries, including the U.S.,
businesses in times of economic challenges, sign the developed countries; Plan agreed by will seek to conclude the
and a global climate change agreement would UNFCCC. Today since ratified by 179 192 countries, negotiation of a post-
there are 192 countries, but not the including the 2012 global climate
create new markets for U.S. products and signatories. United States. U.S. change agreement.
energy solutions around the world.

Driven by increased energy consumption, China, 1992 1997 2007 2009

India and Brazil are among the top 10 emitters
of greenhouse gas emissions (see graph). By
2050, developing countries will account for Where are we in the international developing country actions to mitigate fossil
around eight billion of the worlds projected negotiation process? fuel emissions. The U.S. can take a lead in
nine billion people. An effective global climate In 2012, the first phase of the Kyoto Protocol turning these agreements into action.
change agreement will contribute to more sus- will be concluded. In the next two years a Technology: Developing countries such
tainable development for billions of people. follow-on treaty will be negotiated. This process as China and India seek climate-friendly
was started in earnest in Bali in 2007, with technology to meet their growing needs for
Why should the U.S. act when other the agreement of the Bali Action Plan, and will energy. The UNFCCC technology funds are
major polluters are not? conclude in Copenhagen in December 2009. The available to help countries move toward
There is a common misconception that emerg- Bali Action Plan makes provisions for develop- low carbon economies through developing
ing countries, including China whose total ing countries to take nationally-appropriate and deploying renewable, non-fossil fuel
greenhouse gas emissions are now beginning mitigation actions that will help advance their technologies such as wind and concentrated
to mirror those of the U.S. and India, are national development goals while address- solar power. The U.S can play a major role in
not concerned about climate change and are ing climate change. The Plan also adds that helping to deploy such technology through
unwilling to curb their domestic emissions. In developed countries will provide technology, fi- innovative public-private sector partner-
fact: nance, and capacity to support their mitigation ships. This provides an opportunity for
actions. Determining how these actions and the U.S. to be the leader in low carbon use
Despite the fact that it is a rapidly grow-
support will be measured, reported and verified around the world.
ing country with substantial poverty, China
is a key part of the current negotiations.
reduced energy use per unit of GDP by 20%
Financing: Developing countries need
from 2006-2011 and almost reached its
What can we do to encourage the financial support to implement programs
goal of 10% renewable energy by 2011. In
rest of the world to reduce their GHG to deploy technology and investment in low
2007, China shut down around 1000 cement
emissions? carbon infrastructure, technology develop-
plants and many other polluting factories.
Developing countries are seeking partnerships ment and adaptation. Aid channels already
India and Brazil published national climate and assistance for climate change adaptation, exist, as described above. However, only a
plans in 2008, and Brazil has also enacted mitigation, technology and financing. The UN- small fraction of what is needed has been
an oil tax. FCCC already coordinates international action pledged.
in these four key areas, making U.S. participa- Adaptation: Adaptation funds managed
Mexico initiated a program on climate
tion through this channel an easy option: by the Global Environment Facility and the
change in 2008 and South Korea will set a
greenhouse gas reduction goal in 2009. Mitigation (Nationally Appropriate Mitiga- World Bank channel aid to developing coun-
tion Actions): The Bali Action Plan agreed to tries to pay for specific activities to reduce
by the U.S. created the negotiating space for their vulnerability to climate change (for
developing and developed countries to take example, coastal management planning).
nationally-appropriate mitigation actions These are grossly under-funded and need
to reduce greenhouse gases. It provides a U.S. leadership.
framework for technology transfer, capacity
building and financial assistance to support

10 G Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 | p 202-729-7600 | f 202-729-7610 | | December 2008
If the U.S. would release the $1.6 billion prom- Notes and Sources: For more information please contact:
ised to the World Bank for clean technology de- 1. Key Elements of a Global Deal on Climate Change, Sir
Nicholas Stern, 2008: 3. Hilary McMahon
velopment and adaptation programs, it would
2. US Metro Economies: Current and Potential Jobs in the
support developing countries in reducing their US Economy, US Conference of Mayors, October 2008.
greenhouse gas emissions. These funds could 3. The Convention enjoys near universal membership, with
192 countries having ratified.
also help stimulate private sector investment
and can be leveraged by businesses around items/2627.php.
the world. By taking advantage of technology
development and partnership opportunities, the
U.S. can recapture international leadership on
clean technology development and production
while helping emerging economies reduce their


Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (CAIT)

CAIT is an information and analysis tool on global climate change developed by WRI.
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10 G Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 | p 202-729-7600 | f 202-729-7610 | | December 2008

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