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2017. 2. 17.

Gmail - (no subject)

Pii Tii <>

(no subject)
8 messages

Pii Tii <> Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 11:26 AM

To: Tatiana Miller <>, "Politis, Ted" <>, "Saijen W."
<>,, "Politis, Carol" <>, Joan Phillips
<>, aznah moen <>, Aishah Moen <>,
Reshad Amini <>

what's with tatiana being dolloped with minced garlic to the face every time we meet because i'm crazy afraid
of vampires?

what's with the pretty much unanimous seoul store employees' / hotel workers' / everyone who has seen me
deal for two months now position here that you're a bunch of fatasses (specially saijen) with character
deficiencies or whatever the "mental" term like fuck off this is really fucking stupid no one knows why i am still
here nOt EvEn TaTiAnA, hEr GrAcE

"Right now Peter Im trying to find someone. The other option is you flying on your own."

tatiana's excuse: "it's too long"

can you check my facebook now? kind of informs the situation...a lot...there is no one

tatiana: "i don't have" [time?] [know-how?] [stambat inclination?]

anyone see the need for more than 35 dollars a day?

like 600 and i'm good in tokyo for a month...we can wait for me to heal there...

this is about money, you are acting about me being "crazy", exact situation 3 years ago...i could wait...there is not even a response..."we will send someone" i will not be found...

why go home, with this money pouring in, $35 dollars a day, wow, so like do i have to earn prison next
time...? sophia being a good daughter and writing just like this- wa wa wa wa wa wa i am the mom from
snoopy wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa

only thing mom actually said was "i dont like giving my employee passes" and "we share a bond"

check the facebook. reshad even going to talk to me? probably not right until i make money for society? what
a philosopher, silent in his desert castle (reshad gets offended) i get it...really depressed for the world (reshad
indignant)...still sober (reshad really doesn't care, i know)...probably wants to avoid this mess after reading
my facebook...(tatiana hint hint)

steph is growing? wow

saijen is like...hurt...for now...

aznah is advocating north korea, for the kids

aishah knows no one so yeah 1/4
2017. 2. 17. Gmail - (no subject)

aunt joan is like a hustler who owes me something "get somewhere then!"<<<you are contingent on this, that
why? "you need a loan!" yeah thanks. like here's some social pressure dad she said i need a loan. good for

tatiana is saying stuff like 'within reason we will let you live somewhere of your choosing' like realize i live in
airbnbs pretty much just give me money oh wait i'm not really with the family huh i know they're bad huh asia
basically has to yell at me constantly for me to rewake up about their...uh..position..., against my actual
memories of them...

can i go ahead with the police father that's going to be great..

more endless churches scrolled through on facebook

what's with tv informing your decision making more and more like reshad they read this shit watch the videos
on facebook and then crack gluten free beers to the bachelor to relax from the trouble.

computer just shut off #4 in 30 min this is hotel property i can't really do much with it.. and like no money, are not disproving my point that you can give me money dad... 50 x 15 + 35 x 15 or whatever =
more than i have been requesting in one sum, untrustworthy peter, like monthly seoul is maybe 400 rent...a
fucking house in tokyo is 600

again just piss you off slightly with the police or whoever like rights groups now i guess ooo social

self immolation in the dmz with big painted banners and URLs, just go theatre in like 5 days, probably the
more korean addendum to this problem heh

just know laura doesn't want to talk with laura either joan

yeah we're distant about "the sitch" *seinfeld laughtrack*, mutual youtube check and 5 text messages is ok
for the year not really but better than this bitchness

new york is dealing with antsy cops... and snitches to the max or whatever should i just fly there mentally

or just sit in party central here seoul and literally get told i'm a rape victim or something like this is flattering

Pii Tii <> Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 11:57 AM

To: Tatiana Miller <>, "Politis, Ted" <>, "Saijen W."
<>,, "Politis, Carol" <>, Joan Phillips
<>, aznah moen <>, Aishah Moen <>,
Reshad Amini <>

*dad now reads this. is grieved. deposits some more.*

*50 dollar peter spends it on philandering or like shitloads of food or like $2 vinegar to pour on my tongue
fungus it's actually kind of working reshad like better than the toxic shit just chew some garlic too* (spits at
tatiana) wadeye beckons bitch

see how i never hear about how the house is going, see how crafty i am

you see how i can scream in this hotel when i need to and not take so much shit because it's incheon...and
then get ejected from the hotel in minnesota for the same shit by the cleaning crew (we laugh, we cry, it's on
univision in three hours) because it's taking 3 weeks to find an airbnb tatiana... 2/4
2017. 2. 17. Gmail - (no subject)

a house takes like 5 days to move into i have done this before tatiana you are...discriminating and a hater to
hookers actually from what i see

again this startling level of communication will see great results in just the hospital...*peter gets
drugs again. robotically kills everyone in this email and the order of their dying, the first letters in their names,
forms a code...serious threats comin atcha

police online are offended....kind of at dad mostly...again..they deleted the thread for me swearing at them or
whatever after advising suicide, like cops dude reshad you are a profession

the one female cop from texas keeping her head down with the guys :-/ "shee-it i have a headache" probably
sees me really getting into guns in mn huh..

want a list guys

it goes to sophia afterwards i want my guns to stay in the family this america


check the kamchatka roundup

Pii Tii <> Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 11:59 AM

To: Tatiana Miller <>, "Politis, Ted" <>, "Saijen W."
<>,, "Politis, Carol" <>, Joan Phillips
<>, aznah moen <>, Aishah Moen <>,
Reshad Amini <>

everyday with us, tatiana, it's going to be like a wedding *randomly fires gun into the air*
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Pii Tii <> Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 12:08 PM

To: Tatiana Miller <>, "Politis, Ted" <>, "Saijen W."
<>,, "Politis, Carol" <>, Joan Phillips
<>, aznah moen <>, Aishah Moen <>,
Reshad Amini <>

yo what's with natives inventing these things because they pretty much needed to there's no fucking reason to
throw a knife...

at like an animal? probably scare a squirrel...we had a...special relationship...*peter's tent lines are
chewed through and the oats are scattered everywhere* whatup ho
[Quoted text hidden]

Pii Tii <> Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 12:10 PM

To: Tatiana Miller <>, "Politis, Ted" <>, "Saijen W." 3/4
2017. 2. 17. Gmail - (no subject)

<>,, "Politis, Carol" <>, Joan Phillips

<>, aznah moen <>, Aishah Moen <>,
Reshad Amini <>

btw even if you put in a full 5 hour work day you can't defend yourself with a hatchet there's no room to swing
go fuck yourselves
[Quoted text hidden]

Pii Tii <> Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 12:12 PM

To: Tatiana Miller <>, "Politis, Ted" <>, "Saijen W."
<>,, "Politis, Carol" <>, Joan Phillips
<>, aznah moen <>, Aishah Moen <>,
Reshad Amini <>

at least set up autopay so i can embezzle the funds dad this is important
[Quoted text hidden]

Pii Tii <> Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 12:20 PM

To: Tatiana Miller <>, "Politis, Ted" <>, "Saijen W."
<>,, "Politis, Carol" <>, Joan Phillips
<>, aznah moen <>, Aishah Moen <>,
Reshad Amini <>

i'd like to walk around nepal probably healthy can i no must get ejected from hotels in st paul again for yelling
constantly i have been in a room smaller than my parent's bathroom for four months...requesting money for
most of it this is like...nada legal issue now? steph want a real black case raid my house bitch...we
[Quoted text hidden]

Pii Tii <> Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 12:21 PM

To: Tatiana Miller <>, "Politis, Ted" <>, "Saijen W."
<>,, "Politis, Carol" <>, Joan Phillips
<>, aznah moen <>, Aishah Moen <>,
Reshad Amini <>

sorry meant mongrel steph buuuuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu

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