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Introduction to Digital Technology

Standard: IT-IDT-5: Understand, communicate, and adapt to a digital world.

Emerging Technology Project

Emerging technology is technology that is fairly new and has not yet been adapted by the
mainstream public. Examples in the past have included. TOPIC MUST BE APPROVED BY
Oculus Rift Drones
Cicret bracelet Biomedical inventions
iWatch Mobile Wallet
Fuel Cell vehicles Apple Pay
Self-driving/parking cars GPS apps
3-D Printers RFID
New generation of Robots QR codes
Artificial Intelligence

Review these websites:

1. Research an emerging technology and give a presentation on the following:

a. Describe technology and how it works

b. Describe what need this technology is fulfilling
c. Describe how this technology can be used to help businesses
d. Describe how this technology can be used to help humans
e. Describe the safety concerns of this technology from multiple points of view
f. Your thoughts on the life of the technology (how long will it last- when will it
become obsolete?)
g. What is the cost of the technology? (Dollar amount, privacy, social cost,
psychological, etc.)
h. Include a Works Cited slide with your references for this project

2. Create an infographic (Magic Piktochart) with the answers to the questions above and
meets the following criterion: You should already have an account set up.

a. You will need to present your poster to the class.

b. Be prepared to answer questions
c. Provide appropriate labeling
d. Appropriate graphics
e. Be attractive
f. Has no grammatical/spelling errors.

3. You will also evaluate each class members presentation.

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