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Modelling 2, MENG21712 Dr Kazem Alemzadeh, room 2.52, int 15908,

Amphibious Vehicle Project

The Assignment
You will normally work in groups of four and you must design, build and test an amphibious vehicle
to traverse the obstacle course shown in Fig.1 less than 40 sec. There will be a competition (for
prizes!) for the fastest vehicle to complete the course unaided on the final workshop session. You
are timetabled for an introductory lecture/design class, followed with four workshop sessions on Monday
or Thursday according to the Mechanical engineering laboratory timetable. Each group must complete
a number of tasks before actual building the vehicle and these are basic mass, force, torque, gear
ratio and grounding calculations, produce three conceptual designs on paper with one engineering
drawing for each chosen design (wheel and chassis). The outlined tasks (1-6) on pages 3 & 4 should
be completed during the introductory design lecture. If not they should be completed by the end of
week and submitted electronically by emailing them to me. In the 1st workshop session each group will
be given a box containing general components (including gearbox parts & instruction sheet), a key
for a locker to be stored in the workshop until completion of the project. A deposit of 5.00 is required.
In this session tasks 7-10 (specifically 10) outlined on pages 3 & 4 must be completed; if not continue
with them in the 2nd session with the aim of building your vehicle (task 11). In the 3rd workshop session
the obstacle course will be available to you for preliminary testing. You can still continue with
building and improvement of your vehicle if necessary. During this session your vehicle must be
completed, tested and ready before competition day/4th workshop session. In addition to timetabled
workshop sessions, you have access to the Student Bay in the Faculty central workshop to continue
building your vehicle in your own time between weeks (13-16).

For each workshop session, you must sign in and it is very important that your group clean the space
allocated to you during each workshop session. Return all the tools you have used in the correct place
and put away your box including components 10 minutes before the end of your session. Marks will be
deducted from the groups who are failing to achieve this.

The use of Student Bay in the Central Workshop & ACT Lab. East for AVB activities during weeks 13-15,
you are allowed to use the S.B. between 8.30-19.00 & ACT Lab E.(8.30-16.00) in your own time as long
as you;

1. Return all the tools you have used in the correct place in the cupboards before you leave.
2. Clean the area & machine/s that you have used & Make sure you have your locker key.

Peer Assessment, Group projects such as AVB require vital teamwork skills therefore individuals must
engage fully and equally to reach a successful outcome for the group. Peer assessment will be used
to distinguish between individual team members. Individual marks will then be adjusted.

Each group will be given a number of parts:

bag containing components to make a gearbox, including an electric motor

batteries, a battery box with leads & an on/o switch
a selection of PVC gears and metal chain
lengths of metal rod/shaft for axles and drive shafts
3.00 mm thick MDF sheets, Styrofoam sheets & balsa wood pieces

You are free to use other materials in the construction of your vehicle but I expect to see evidence
that you have designed and built the vehicle yourselves rather than merely modified proprietary items.
You can use any type of energy storage device in your design, a spring for example, as long as the
electric motor supplied to you provides the principal drive.
You must not use expanded polystyrene for your design.
It is your responsibility to look after materials between sessions. Use the locker provided
for you in the workshop.
The technical specification for the motor is given in Fig. 2. Be careful not to burn the motor out.
It is against the rules to use more than 3V to drive your motor.

As you cut the rods into lengths remove burrs from the end so that the rod will slide more easily
through the holes in the gears.
The rods might be a loose fit in some of the gears or wheels. To avoid loss of drive you should
find some method of fixing the wheels securely to the rods before you complete your vehicle.
Make sure you have good quality fresh batteries for the assessment and competition.


g = 9.81 m/s^2

TBA = 150 mm

Fig. 1: Details of Obstacle Course

NOTE: water level will be approx. 5 mm below the highest point of the ramp

Motor given is not efficient

Efficiency = (Power
Output)/Power Input

Consider your application

and decide which type of
gearbox you should design
(i.e. for maximum power or
efficiency) to win the

1 g-cm = 0.0000980665Nm

Fig. 2: Motor characteristics graphs, (%), Power, P (W), Current, I (A), Speed, N (rpm) vs torque (



Tasks to be completed as a group

General Specification

a) The overall time for the vehicle to complete the obstacle course unaided should be 40 sec or less.

b) The permitted range of the vehicle mass (350-550 gm) and the wheel diameters (70-140 mm) having
a maximum 240 mm distance between the wheel centres.
- Total weights of a (Gearbox & motor = 84 gm), battery Holder with 2 x AA Batteries = 55 gm
- Dimensions for assembled gearbox (60 mm x 30 mm x 30 mm), assembled battery & holder(58 mm x
30 mm x 18 mm)
- Weight of 3.00 mm diameter metal axle 500 mm length = 26 gm
- Weight of metal chain 450 mm length = 12 gm (case of 4 wheel drive)
- Wheels should be made of foam. There are two types of foam with following dimensions: Choose
as you wish; (opportunity for weight reduction)
o (200mm x 200mm x 50mm) at 75 gm (4 wheels x 75 = 300 gm)

o (200mm x 200mm x 25mm) at 40 gm (4 wheels x 40 = 160 gm)

- Chassis design; assembly technique using 3 mm MDF sheets weighing 60 gm or less with interlocking
features having provision to attach axles to chassis. MDF sheets available are; (opportunity
for weight reduction)
o Chassis length (250mm x 60mm x 3mm) = 32 gm] & Chassis width(200mm x 30mm x 3mm) = 12 gm
o Platform/s for assembled gearbox and battery holder (200mm x 90mm x 3mm) = 36 gm

Equipment available: General workshop tools, Hot wire foam cutter and laser cutting machine.

1) Produce a list of specific/technical requirements that the vehicle must satisfy, including any
assumptions made (i.e. 2 or 4 wheel drive, rear/front wheel drive, etc.)
2) Sketch three concept designs for the 2/4 wheel drive vehicle (chassis & wheel) indicating the
features in each design that satisfy the requirements identified in task 1.
2a) Wheel design; the shape of the wheels at the front and rear for climbing on the ramp
& propulsion when the vehicle is in the water. (Cut-out sections from wheel will lighten
the weight)
2b) Chassis Design; assembly technique using 3 mm MDF sheet weighing 60 gm or less with
interlocking features having provision to attach axles to chassis. Having cut-out
sections will lighten the chassis structure.
3) Select one design from each (wheel & chassis). Draw an engineering drawing with dimensions
showing side and plan view.
4) Calculate the total mass of vehicle (i.e. chassis = 60 gm, wheels and others using given general
5) Use Fig. 3 as a guideline assuming identical wheels that only roll with constant velocity without
slipping and also the vehicle centre of gravity is at the centre of wheel base and only rolling
friction with coefficient of 0.01 between the wheel and the surface of slope.
5a) Sketch a free-body diagram for a wheel having the vehicle total mass (calculated
in task 4) showing forces acting on it while climbing the approach ramp.
5b) Calculate a minimum drive torque required for the vehicle to climb up the approach


Tasks to be completed Cont.

6) Write down the formulae and calculate the compound overall gear ratio of given sample gearbox
in Fig. 4. Reference: 1st year, Dynamics of Machines, Lecture note: MENG 10200, Handout 3, pages
1-17. Or Google search. (Your answer should be above 1000, if not then revise the subject area)
7) Look at the motor characteristics in Fig. 2. Identify the motor rotational input speed, current,
torque, power & efficiency, in particular maximum torque required in term of power and efficiency
(as indicated the given motor is not efficient). Consider your application and decide which
type of gearbox you should design (i.e. for maximum power or efficiency) to win the competition?
Identify the minimum motor torque required in either case and write down the formula and
calculate the compound overall gear ratio of the gearbox.
8) Having calculated overall motor gear ratio in task 7, select the nearest gear ratio from the
range of 12 different gearbox ratios can be produced by sample gearbox parts (see the note).
Design a compound gearbox using the given gearbox and PVC gears parts if necessary. Sketch your
2D plan view of the gearbox design similar to Fig. 4

Single gear (Motor drive gear): Diameter. 5mm, Teeth 10, shaft diameter = 2.00 mm
Double gear: Diameter. 25mm, Teeth 50/10, shaft diameter = 3.00 mm
Double gear: Diameter. 15mm, Teeth 30/10, shaft diameter = 3.00 mm

Note: Sample gearbox parts given in Fig. 3 can have up to 12 different gearbox ratios (i.e.
5, 15, 25, 45, 75, 81, 125, 243, 625, 729, 1125 & 3125). Selecting a gear ratio from this range
with prefabricated holes in chassis helps the correct meshing.
9) For a vehicle with wheels at the front and rear, calculate and show, with aid of scaled figures
the geometrical requirements that will prevent the vehicle from grounding (i.e. the chassis
of the vehicle touching the ground) when the vehicle climbs into/out-of the water.
10) Convert your paper engineering drawings (i.e. chassis & wheel) carried out in task 3 into CAD
files (i.e. DXF) for the laser cutting machine.
10a) Wheel 2D CAD file; the shape of the wheels can be printed and then attached on the
foam sheets before cutting with a hot wire foam cutter.
10b) Chassis 2D CAD files; to be given to technician to cut out the 3 mm MDF by week
11) Construct and build your amphibious vehicle

Assemble the gearbox you have designed in task 8 using the given instruction.

Connect your gearbox to (battery pack & switch) and test it (for example correct meshing
without slipping).

Fabricate the wheels.

Assemble the laser cut chassis & attach it to the fabricated wheels

Test your assembled vehicle

Table 1: General PVC Gear Information for 4 wheel drive or other use

Gear Size Weight Number of Teeth

(Diameter, mm) (gm)
15 0.8 13
20 1.2 18
40 4.3 38
60 7.7 58
All gears fit to a shaft of 3.00 mm diameter



Amphibious Vehicle Project

Competition, poster submission & marking scheme

1. Competition will be on THURS 18 FEB 09.00-13.00 in week 16. Your vehicle must be ready for preliminary
testing on Monday 15 FEB 9.00 Oclock, when you will have access to the obstacle course in the ACT
Lab. East & also Tuesday and Wednesday from 09.00-16.00.(50% of total mark, see next page for break
down marking scheme)

2. You must submit your groups A3 printed poster by Friday 3.00 pm the day after the competition
via the School Office (0.16 QB) and email me an electronic version in the PDF format using your group
number as the file name. You must also email me a photo (in the png format) of your completed vehicle
showing your group number and the vehicle weight in gm using provided scale. An A3 printer can be
found in the computer lab. 1.07(MVB). (25% of total mark)

The poster design must include:

A prominent legend "University of Bristol, Mechanical Engineering Department", then "Year 2,

Amphibious Vehicle Project".
Names of all people in the group.
A list of technical specifications for your vehicle,
Three alternative design sketches (vehicle & wheels), including features, advantages &
Gearbox ratio calculation with all assumptions stated and figures showing the forces acting
on a single wheel, graphs of torque (Nm) vs speed (rpm) & power (W) vs speed (rpm).
Grounding calculation with all assumptions stated and scaled figures when the vehicle climbs
into/out-of the water.
A drawing or a good photo of your vehicle, with pointers to specific features and how these
features address the specification requirements.

The design quality and innovation marking scheme for the project (Build 25% of total mark)

Numerical mark & Degree class Verbal description

4 /4 1 Excellent: exceptionally well built, ample evidence of critical

thinking, design is balanced, i.e. no part is under or over
designed. Multiple interesting design ideas, or a completely
innovative approach.

3 /4 2.1 Good: well built, substantial evidence of critical thinking about

the necessary and auxiliary features, the overall balance of design
features is lacking, more than one innovative design idea.

2 /4 2.2 Ok: reasonably well built, some evidence of critical thinking about
the necessary features, one interesting design idea of feature.

1 /4 3 Poor: poorly built, little evidence of critical thinking about the

necessary features, no interesting design ideas.

0 /4 fail Fail: very poorly built, no evidence of critical thinking about the
necessary features, no interesting design ideas.

Note: that the total mark contributes only 20% of the total marks for Modelling 2. Peer Assessment,
this is a fair way of checking student engagement and distinguishing between individual team members.
If you wish to state your opinion on the performance of your project colleagues you can email me the
name and percentage of the mark out of 100 including yourself at the time of poster submission. It
is worth noting that I must receive 2 or more emails from each group in order to apply any reduction
or enhancement otherwise I will presume that each member has undertaken an equal division of work.
Safeguarding all students only maximum cap of 15% will be applied to any reduction/enhancement of
marks applied following peer feedback. This document can be found on Blackboard (Modelling 2, Course



Amphibious Vehicle Project

Competition Testing Obstacle Course

Amphibious Vehicle Project Competition & Marking

GROUP TESTING OBSTACLE COURSE (50% of total mark) DESIGN (25%) BULID (25%)
0, 1, 2, 3 15/15 0,1,2,3,4 - 4/4 0,1,2,3,4 - 4/4

Marking for testing obstacle course 0, 1, 2, 3, where 0 being the vehicle cannot complete the obstacle
course at all & 3 is being the vehicle can complete the obstacle course unaided.

Marking for design & build 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, where 0 being failed & 4 is being excellent.

Testing Obstacle Course (50% of total mark)

Numerical mark Verbal description

3 /3 When the vehicle can complete the obstacle course unaided.

2 /3 When the vehicle requires a little help to complete the obstacle

course, e.g. a vehicle is steering off course and needs to be pushed
back on. Typically "a little" help means one touch only.
1 /3 When the vehicle needs a lot of help to complete the obstacle course,
e.g. a vehicle with the wrong gearbox ratio that gets stuck on the
way up the ramp.

0 /3 When the vehicle cannot complete the obstacle course at all.

Fig. 3- Task 5
Fig. 4- Task 6
Past amphibious vehicles

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