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Multiple perspectives were

presented and addressed as the
beginning of the lesson
activated their prior knowledge
and they were able to speak of
their own experiences with
INTASC Standard #2:
Learning Differences
The teacher uses
understanding of individual Students were asked to talk
differences and diverse about any encounters they
cultures and communities to have had with snakes and
ensure inclusive learning what those experiences were
environments that enable each like for them before reading a
learner to meet high fictional story on snakes, as
standards. well as an informative article.

2d: The teacher brings multiple perspectives to the discussion of

content, including attention to learners personal, family, and
community experiences and cultural norms.

Reflection Narrative
This will help me in my future As a teacher, it is important to activate students prior
classroom because I fully knowledge, as each of them will have varying experiences.
understand that without When teaching in a diverse situation, the range can be even
background knowledge and
more varied. Without activation, students are learning
hooking the students into the
lesson, the lesson will fail. about a topic that they might not have any real life
In the future, I could add extra connection to.
extensions to lessons. For
example, in this situation, I It is important to allow the students to engage in a class
could allow students to write discussion about a certain topic, as this fosters students
about any experiences with growth on a certain subject. It is also a great opportunity
snakes. Students could do for students to learn the kinds of experiences their
projects on experiences that classmates have had if they have never experienced it
are unique to them and their
culture. themselves.
By activating prior knowledge and engaging students in
topics that are relevant to their lives, students are able to
learn in a more fun way and are more likely to retain the
Allowing students to talk about their personal experiences
brings a wide variety of perspectives into the classroom,
thus making the classroom a diverse, safe environment for

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