Agenda 4 Mar 17

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THE MEETING OF THE HEREFORD DIOCESAN Proclaiming Christ Growing Disciples

BOARD OF FINANCE Spiritual & Numerical Growth
Contributing to the Common Good
A GENERAL MEETING OF THE Reimagining Ministry for Mission

1. A meeting of the Diocesan Board of Finance and of the Diocesan Synod will take place on
Saturday 4 March 2017 at the Bishop of Hereford Bluecoat School commencing at 1000
2. Please note that Synod/DBF members have a right, at least 7 days before the meeting,
under SO 43 to raise any motions and amendments arising from the agenda and under SO 65
any questions up to 7 days in advance of the meeting. Please send any such items to the
Diocesan Secretary if you wish to do this. Due to the motions already put forward it would be
very helpful if you could notify the Diocesan Secretary if you know in advance that you intend
to contribute to the debate so that we can ensure enough time is allowed.
3. Tea and Coffee will be available on arrival and please do visit The Childrens Society stall and
meet Roseann Thompson (Regional Manager covering the Diocese of Hereford). Book a talk
in Church and/or Deanery, pick up Theology resources, discover materials for mission and
outreach including Christingle & Youth Resource, perhaps sign up to receive local poverty data
or their prayer email to support their work..
Sam Pratley

Enclosures 2.1 Minutes of the Meeting: 20 Oct 16

5.1 Growing Through Intergenerational Mission Across our Diocese

1000 Opening Worship - Led by Clun Deanery

ITEM 1 Apologies and Welcome

ITEM 2 Minutes of the Last Meeting (20 Oct 16)
2.1 Notes: Previously disseminated to members.
2.2 Action: Members to approve.

ITEM 3 Presidential Address

3.1 Notes: Bishop Richard to address Synod.
3.2 Action: Members to note.
1025 ITEM 4 Making the most of Life Events
4.1 Notes: Sandra Millar will present to the Synod
4.2 Action: Members to note.

1120 ITEM 5 Strategic Development Match Funding Application for Intergenerational Mission
5.1 Notes: +Alistair and Lizzie Hackney will update the Synod on stage 2 of the strategic
development fund bid
5.2 Action: Members to note.

1140 ITEM 6 Prayer for our Diocese to Proclaim Christ and Grow Disciples & Thy Kingdom Come

Notes: Led by Brian Chave

1200 ITEM 7 Motions from Deaneries

7.1 Notes: Motion from the Leominster Deanery

7.2 At the meeting of Leominster Deanery Synod held at Kingsland Church September 29th
2016, the following motion was proposed by The Reverend Matthew Burns and seconded
by The Reverend Kirsty Clarke. Mrs Lydia Davies, Lay Co-Chair, was in the chair.
7.3 That this Synod requests the House of Bishops to commend under Canon B4 an Order
of Prayer and Dedication after a Civil Partnership or Same-Sex Marriage, indicative of no
departure from the doctrine of the Church of England on any essential matter, and
furnished with ample safeguards that no parish should be obliged to host, nor minister
conduct, such a service.
7.4 The Motion was accompanied by the following notes:
Prayer & Dedication, not Blessing, deliberately following that often used after
commend under Canon B4, like Promise of His Glory, Lent, Holy Week & Easter,
and much of Common Worship - and so not needing Synodical approval.
indicative of no departure - this is the language of Canon B4, but also in this context
assists the idea that this is a pastoral response, not a change in marriage.
furnished with ample safeguards - i.e. we would need to accept a triple veto, so that
the PCC would be able to object (like women's ministry) AND the incumbent AND
officiant would be able to refuse (like remarriage).
7.5 When the Motion was put to a vote of those present and eligible, the voting figures were
17 in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention.
7.6 At the recent meeting on December 5th 2016, of the Ross and Archenfield Deanery
Synod, exactly the same motion was voted on and was passed by a vote of 22 in favour, 6
against with no abstentions. In Kington & Weobley Deanery, exactly the same motion was
voted on and was carried with no votes against or abstentions.

ITEM 8 Any other business & close

0 ITEM 10 Dates of Future Meetings
Meeting Date of Meeting Time Location Notes
B Council Thurs 9 Mar 17 1900 Hereford
B Council* Weds 26 April 17 1900 Hereford Additional Meeting sign off SDF Bid
DBFX Tues 16 May 17 1400 Hereford
B Council Thurs 15 Jun 17 1900 LMC
DBFX Tues 20 Jun 17 1400 Ludlow
DBF/Synod Thurs 13 Jul 17 1900 Ludlow Ludlow Assembly Rooms
DBFX Tues 25 Jul 17 1400 Hereford
DBFX Tues 5 Sept 17 1400 Ludlow
B Council Thurs 12 Oct 17 1900 LMC
DBF/Synod Thurs 19 Oct 17 1900 Ludlow School
DBFX Tues 7 Nov 17 1400 Hereford
B Council Thurs 16 Nov 17 1900 Hereford

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