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Original Research Article

Genetic Heritage of Croatians in the Southeastern European Gene PoolY

Chromosome Analysis of the Croatian Continental and Island Population


Institute for Anthropological Research, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Institute for Historical Sciences, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia
Occupational Health Clinic, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
Department of Pathology and Pathological Anatomy, School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Department of Biology and Medical Genetics, School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Dubrava University Hospital, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, School of Medicine, Osijek, Croatia
Estonian Biocentre and Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology, Department of Evolutionary Biology, , University of Tartu,
51010 Tartu, Estonia
Anthropological Center of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Objectives: The research objective of this study is to enlarge and deepen the Y chromosome research on the Cro-
atian population and enable additional insights into the population diversity and historic events that shaped the cur-
rent genetic landscape of Croatia and Southeastern Europe (SEE).
Materials and Methods: A high-resolution phylogenetic and phylogeographic analysis of 66 biallelic (SNPs) and 17
microsatellite (STRs) markers of the Y chromosome was performed using 720 Croatian samples. The obtained results
were placed in a wider European context by comparison with 4450 samples from a number of other European
Results: A high diversity of haplogroups was observed in the overall Croatian sample, and all typical European Y
chromosome haplogroups with corresponding clinal patterns were observed. Three distinct genetic signals were identi-
fiable in the Croatian paternal gene pool - I2a1b-M423, R1a1a1b1a*-M558, and E1b1b1a1b1a-V13 haplogroups.
Discussion: The analyses of the dominant and autochthonous I2a1b-M423 lineage (>30%) suggest that SEE had a
significant role in the Upper Paleolithic, the R1a1a1b1a*-M558 lineage (19%) represents a signal from present day
Slavic populations of Central Europe in the Croatian population, and the phylogeography of the E1b1b1a1b1a-V13
clade (around 9%) implies cultural diffusion of agriculture into Europe via the Balkan Peninsula. Am. J. Hum. Biol.
00:000000, 2016. C 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Southeastern Europe (SEE), has been inhabited since are to: (i) assess the genetic structure and variability of
the Middle Paleolithic according to prehistoric archaeo- Croatian paternal genetic heritage; (ii) depict the phyloge-
logical findings of Proto-Aurignacian culture in the Bul- netic and phylogeographic relationships inside the three
garian cave Bacho Kiro 3743 kya (Kozlowski et al., 1982; dominant Y chromosome haplogroups (hgs) in Croatia,
Kozlowski and Otte, 2000; Teyssandier et al., 2006; Hof- and (iii) place the Croatian paternal genetic heritage into
fecker, 2009). A considerable number of mtDNA and Y a wider European context.
chromosome population-genetic studies of the SEE region
reflect the turbulent and complex demographic history of MATERIALS AND METHODS
this region, influenced by gene flow from various parts of Sample
Eurasia and a long history of intermixing. It has been sug-
gested that SEE has played a key role in the Upper Paleo- The sample consists of 720 randomly chosen male indi-
lithic recolonization of the wider European area, as well viduals; 336 coming from the continental part of Croatia
as in the Neolithic spread of agriculture from the Near
East, serving as a gateway between the Middle East and Contract grant sponsor: the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
the rest of Europe (Battaglia et al., 2009; Forenbaher and of the Republic of Croatia; Contract grant number: 196-1962766-2751;
Miracle, 2005; Kovacevic et al., 2014; Marjanovic et al., Contract grant sponsor: the European Union European Regional Develop-
ment Fund through the Centre of Excellence in Genomics, Estonian Basic
2005; Mellars, 2004; Primorac et al., 2011; Semino et al., Research; Contract grant number: SF 0270177s08; Contract grant spon-
2000, 2004). sor: Estonian Science Foundation; Contract grant number: 7445; Contract
grant sponsor: Institutional Research Funding from the Estonian
Croatia, as a SEE country, has been subject to extensive Research Council; Contract grant number: IUT24-1.
multidisciplinary anthropological researches for over four *Correspondence to: Jelena Sarac; Institute for Anthropological
decades (Rudan et al., 2004 and the references therein) Research, Gajeva Street 32, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia. E-mail: jelena.sarac@
and is situated in a key region between the rest of Europe Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version
and the Near East (Kovacevic et al., 2014). The research of this article.
objective of this particular study is to better characterize Conflict of interest: None to declare.
the Y chromosome diversity of the Croatian population Received 24 August 2015; Revision received 22 March 2016; Accepted 10
and enable additional insights into the genetic specifics May 2016
and historic events that shaped the current genetic land- DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.22876
Published online 00 Month 2016 in Wiley Online Library
scape of SEE and Croatia. The specific aims of this study (

C 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


Fig. 1. Map of Croatia with exact location of all the sampled subpopulations within the sample.

TABLE 1. Genetic diversity, mean number of pairwise differences and average gene diversity over loci

Haplogroup N No. of haplotypes Haplotype diversity 6 SD MNPD Average GD over loci

I2a1b-M423 57 56 0,999 6 0,003 5,514 6 2,690 0,324 6 0,175

R1a1a1b1aa-M558 48 44 0,995 6 0,005 5,895 6 2,864 0,310 6 0,167
E1b1b1a1b1a-V13 21 17 0,981 6 2,580 5,109 6 1,627 0,268 6 0,151
TOTAL (STRs) 126 114 0,998 6 0,001 10,833 6 4,961 0,637 6 0,323
TOTAL (SNPs)a 720 0,993
Nei genetic diversity measure

and 384 from eight Croatian islands (Fig. 1 and Support-

ing Information Table 1). Samples were taken from the Genotyping
DNA bank of the Institute for Anthropological Research, The samples were surveyed for a total of 66 different
Zagreb. The blood for DNA analyses was collected during biallelic markers using either restriction fragment length
fieldwork carried out by the Institute for Anthropological polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, in/del assays or direct
Research over a 12-year span (19972009), following the Sanger sequencing (Fig. 2). The nomenclature used in
approval of the ethical committee of the Institute for this study is adopted from the International Society of
Anthropological Research and School of Medicine, Uni- Genetic Genealogy (2015). Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2015,
versity of Zagreb, Croatia. Participants gave their Version: 10.102, Date: 9 December 2015, http://www.
informed consent to participate in the research. Siblings[Date of access: December 9th, 2015].
and male relatives were avoided in the selection of the The order of marker genotyping was based on the known
samples for DNA analysis based on obtained genealogi- haplogroup hierarchy (; Karafet et al.,
cal data, as well as examinees without at least two gener- 2008) and previously observed haplogroup composition and
ations of ancestors living in the sampled subpopulation. frequencies in this part of Europe. Each sample was tested
All of the subsequent laboratory and molecular analyses for SNPs after the initial amplification using polymerase
were performed at the Institute for Anthropological chain reaction and primer sets designed for each marker.
Research in Zagreb and at the Estonian Biocentre Tartu, List of sequences and primers for each marker are listed in
Estonia. Supporting Information Tables 2 and 3.

American Journal of Human Biology


Fig. 2. Phylogenetic tree with all the tested markers and haplogroup frequencies.

A subset of 126 samples designated as haplogroup lack of haplogroup defining SNPs, which makes compari-
I2a1b-M423 (N 5 57), R1a1a1b1a*-M558 (N 5 48) or sons difficult.
E1b1b1a1b-V13 (N 5 21) was typed for 17 short tandem
repeats (Y-STRs) using the Applied Biosystems Statistical analyses
AmpFlSTR Yfiler Kit and according to manufacturer rec- A pairwise difference method based on molecular differ-
ommendations (Supporting Information Table 4). The ences between the haplotypes was used for calculating
named three haplogroups were chosen for further STR pairwise Fst genetic distances between populations. They
analysis, because they harbored > 60% of the total pater- were obtained from Y-STR haplotypes using Arlequin 3.5
nal genetic varation in Croatia. For the multicopy STR software (Excoffier and Lischer, 2010). Principal Compo-
DYS389I,II the DYS389b value was DYS389I subtracted nent Analysis (PCA) and Multidimensional Scaling
from DYS389II (Cooper et al., 1996). The fragments were (MDS) were used for visual representation of genetic dis-
run on a ABI PRISM 3130xl Genetic Analyzer (Applied tances and differences in haplogroup diversity and fre-
Biosystems) and the results were analyzed using the Gen- quency between the populations. PCA plots were
eMapper 4.0 program (Applied Biosystems). constructed using the free software POPSTR (http//har-
Phylogenetic analyses based on biallelic
markers and MDS plots using the program XLSTAT 2013.
Y-STR haplotypes were used to construct phylogenetic 5.06 software ( Spatial fre-
networks for haplogroups I2a1b-M423, R1a1a1b1a*-M558 quency maps were obtained by using the hg frequencies
and E1b1b1a1b-V13, using the program Network reported in Figure 2. The frequency data were converted
and Network Publisher program (Fluxus-Engineering, into isofrequency maps using the Surfer software (version
Suffolk, England, UK) and applying the median-joining 8, Golden Software, Golden, CO), following the kriging
algorithm (Bandelt et al., 1999). STR loci were weighted algorithm.
according to Helgason et al. (2000) and the sizes of the
nodes are proportional to the number of individuals. The RESULTS
networks were performed utilizing eight STR loci to ena-
NRY haplogroup composition and frequencies
ble comparisons with a significant number of published
data collections. After reviewing the currently published A high level of haplogroup diversity was observed in the
literature, we found that the Battaglia et al. (2009) paper sample (Fig. 2) and the Croatian genetic profile corre-
was still the most relevant source of comparable South- sponds to its geographic position and to the previously
eastern European datasets (eight STR loci) for I2a1 and reported patterns of Y chromosome diversity in SEE (Bat-
E-V13 clade. Although there are studies with a higher taglia et al., 2009; Kovacevic et al., 2014; Marjanovic
number of STRs available, there are often problems with et al., 2005; Pericic et al., 2005; Regueiro et al., 2012).
the compatibility of STR sets used across studies or with a Some 36 different subhaplogroups were present in the

American Journal of Human Biology


sample, and are shown in detail in Figure 2 and Support- reflected the European geographic architecture, and
ing Information Tables 5 and 6. The most common hgs that most of Croatian samples fit into the wider SEE
were I, R, E, J, and G, which encompass 96% of the total region. The first principal component encompassed 20%
sample and only three subclades I2a1b-M423 (33.2%), of the observed variance and sharply distinguished
R1a1a1b1a*-M558 (19.3%), and E1b1b1a2a-V13 (8.75%) Northern and Central European populations from the
harbored > 60% of the total paternal genetic variation in others, based on the frequency of R1a individuals,
Croatia. while the second one accounted for about 23% of the
When compared to a larger population dataset com- total variance and was a clear dividing point between
prising 4459 samples from other European populations Southeastern and Southern Europe and other European
(Balanovsky et al., 2008; Battaglia et al., 2009; Karana- populations, based on the increased frequency of I2a2-
chak et al., 2013; King et al., 2011; Kushniarevich M423.
et al., 2013; Regueiro et al., 2012), it was observed in It was observed from spatial gradient maps (Figs. 46
the PCA plot (Fig. 3) that the formed clusters clearly and Supporting Information Table 7) that haplogroups
I2a1b-M423 and E1b1b1a1b-V13 both exhibited high den-
sities within SEE populations. For example, I2a1b-M423
had a frequency peak in present-day Bosnia and Herzego-
vina and in Southern Croatia, and E1b1b1a1b-V13
peaked in southern parts of the Balkan Penninsula,
namely in Greece and Albania, as suggested in previous
studies (Battaglia et al., 2009; Marjanovic et al., 2005;
Rootsi et al., 2004; Underhill et al., 2007). R1a1a1b1a*-
M558 reaches its frequency peak in the area of todays
Belarus and Ukraine and decreases to the south, but
more prominently to the west of Europe, as noted in
Underhill et al. (2015) study. Nevertheless, its percentage
in northern Croatia and Central European populations
was still considerable.
NRY haplotype diversity
Visual representation (PCA plot) of major (sub)haplogroup
Fig. 3.
frequencies in European populations and Croatian samples. Green Phylogenetic relationships within the three dominant
diamond: North and Eastern Europe, Orange diamond: Central Croatian NRY were evaluated by analyzing eight STR loci
Europe, Purple diamond: Southern Europe, Red diamond: Southeast- on 126 samples and compared to over 500 samples from
ern Europe, Yellow diamond: Western Europe. Abbreviations: CRO, different European populations (Supporting Information
Croatia; BOS, Bosnia and Herzegovinia; SRB, Serbia; HUN, Hunga-
ria; UKR, Ukraine; POL, Poland; SLO, Slovenia; CZE, Czech Repub- Figs. 13, Supporting Information Table 8). The diversity
lic; BLRUS, Belarus; RUS, Russia; BULG, Bulgaria; MAC-G, of I2a1b-M423 haplotypes was high and mirrored by the
Macedonian Greeks; ALB, Albania; MAC-A, Macedonian Albanians; widespread distribution of haplotype clusters, most of
GRE, Greece; ITAL, Italy; FRA, France. which originated in south/southeastern European

Fig. 4. Spatial gradient map illustrating clines in frequency for I2a1b-M423. Comparative population data has been taken from Battaglia
et al. (2009), Regueiro et al. (2012), Underhill et al. (2007), and Varzari et al. (2013).

American Journal of Human Biology


Fig. 5. Spatial gradient map illustrating clines in frequency for R1a1a1b1a*-M558. Comparative population data has been taken from
Underhill et al. (2015).

Fig. 6. Spatial gradient map illustrating clines in frequency for E1b1b1a1b-V13. Comparative population data has been taken from Batta-
glia et al. (2009), Cruciani et al. (2007), and Regueiro et al. (2012).

populations. Two dominant star-like clusters were evident shortness of the branches and observed frequency pattern
with a major portion of south/southeastern European in Europe were consistent with a model of recent hg R1a
samples placed within them, indicating a rapid expansion diversification followed by range expansions and subse-
from a common founder. Unlike for hg I2a2, the prevailing quent population growth across Europe. The dominant
diversity of R1a1a1b1a*-M558 was among the Northern, portion of the E1b1b1a2a-V13 haplotype diversity
Eastern and Central European populations. One major occurred among southern and Southeastern European
cluster was evident, with only a minor presence of South/ countries, in line with the previous findings that indicated
Southeastern Europeans. Its star-like form, relative Southeastern/Southern Europe as the geographic source

American Journal of Human Biology


of this particular E-subclade (Battaglia et al., 2009; glia et al., 2009; Kovacevic et al., 2014; Marjanovic et al.,
Semino et al., 2004). One dominant cluster was evident, 2005; Mirabal et al., 2010; Regueiro et al., 2012). A previ-
with most of its representatives belonging to Balkan pop- ous high-resolution analysis of the maternal heritage of
ulations and Croatia. 
SEE (Sarac et al., 2014) based on mitochondrial DNA
It is important to stress that the proposed old age of the SNPs is also consistent with the results of the paternal
I2a1b-M423 and R1a1a1b1a*-M558 lineages obtained in lineage analysis. Three NRY haplogroups that account for
previous studies (Battaglia et al., 2009; Pericic et al., the majority of Croatias paternal gene pool have been the
2005; Rootsi et al., 2004; Underhill et al., 2007, 2015) has focus of this study, namely the I2a1b-M423, R1a1a1b1a*-
been based on STR analysis (8 and 10 loci, respectively) M558, and E1b1b1a1b1a-V13 haplogroup, which we view
and recent studies clearly indicate that the STR-based as representing a Balkan, a Central-European and a Neo-
age calculations tend to yield overestimated dates (Batini lithic input into the Southeast European genetic
et al., 2015; Hallast et al., 2015; Karmin et al., 2015). For landscape.
example, the expansion time estimates of R1a lineages in
Europe have been dated much later, about 5 kya, based on The Balkan I2a1b-M423 haplogroup
70 complete NRY sequences collected worldwide (Karmin One of the foci in this study was a I-M438 lineage with
et al., 2015). a downstream mutation M423a marker most common
Some 56 different haplotypes were detected in the in Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Russia.
I2a1b-M423 clade, congruent with its high haplotype It is characterized as a European-specific, SEE autochtho-
diversity (0.999 6 0.003) and a scattered distribution in nous paternal lineage and a genetic signal of the re-
the phylogenetic network. The distribution of 44 different colonization process of Europe after LGM in the Early
haplotypes within the R1a1a1b1a*-M558 lineage, also Holocene (Rootsi et al., 2004). More recent studies indi-
illustrated in the network projection, similarly correlated cate that it most likely spread following the post-Younger
with the high diversity observed within this haplogroup Dryas recovery (Karmin et al., 2015, Fig. Suppl. 25). It is
(0.995 6 0.005). The most haplotype sharing and slightly now known that the M423 SNP accounts for the majority
lower diversity values were evident within E1b1b1a1b- of the Eastern/Southeastern European hg I chromosomes
V13 lineage (0.981 6 2.580), suggesting a somewhat (>75%) and virtually all I-P37.2 Y individuals in SEE
reduced degree of gene flow within the Balkan popula- (Battaglia et al., 2009). The results of our study show a
tions for this clade (Table 1). considerable frequency of I2a1b-M423 (>30%) in Croatia
Genetic distances obtained by the pairwise difference and its phylogenetic network also shows high haplotype
method using eight STR loci (Supporting Information diversity, mirrored by the widespread distribution of hap-
Table 9) were visualized in form of multidimensional scal- lotype clusters. The elevated frequency and high diversity
ing plots for three major hgs (DYS19, DYS389I, of I2a1b-M423 lineages among different SEE populations
DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, and shows a genetic signature of their common paternal his-
DYS439) (Supporting Information Figs. 46). As expected, tory over a long period of time. The PCA plot clearly
the obtained genetic distances between Croatia and other shows a SEE cluster comprised of Bosnian and Herzegovi-
European populations for hg I2a1b-M423 place Croatia nian, Serbian and Croatian samples based predominantly
close to its geographic neighboring countries. The on the I2a1b-M423 component. As shown in the I2a1b-
observed peak frequency of this lineage in Bosnia (Marja- M423 spatial gradient map, a clear cline of this clade is
novic et al., 2005) could be responsible for its slightly out- evident inside Europe, spreading from the area of South-
lying position in the plot. Slovenia is the only SEE ern Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina mostly north-
country in the plot that doesnt show affinity to this ward and eastward. Although the initial STR-based time
region, which coincides with previous findings based on estimate for this clade gave support for a Upper Paleo-
mtDNA analyses (Sarac  et al., 2014). As for the lithic origin (Pericic et al., 2005), new studies based on
R1a1a1b1a*-M558 lineage, most SEE populations (Cro- whole Y chromosome sequencing suggest a somewhat
atia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro) are positioned rela- younger age of this clade, between 5 and 7.5 kya (Batini
tively close to each other, indicating their genetic, as well et al., 2015; Karmin et al., 2015). In addition, the high
as geographic closeness. The only surprising result is the haplotype diversity of this lineage in Croatia reveals its
E1b1b1a2-V13 plot, since the Croatian population does significant expansion only after the adoption of agricul-
not cluster tightly with the rest of the SEE ones. This ture by Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in SEE (Battaglia
result could possibly be explained by a maritime influx et al., 2009).
into Croatia through the Mediterranean Sea, which More evidence of its autochthonous European origin
brought some untypical E1b1b1a1b-V13 haplotypes into also came recently from European aDNA studies. Lazari-
the genetic structure of Croatia and caused its alienated dis et al. (2014) sequenced nine ancient genomes (with
position. age estimates of cca 8 kya) and analyzed the complete
NRY sequence of five male individuals (one from Luxem-
burg and four from Sweden). Their results showed all five
Our results indicate that a high level of haplogroup and of them belonged to the I haplogroup. The authors warned
haplotype diversity exists in the Croatian sample set, sug- that, at present, the limited number of ancient samples
gesting a dynamic gene flow in the SEE region throughout for which Y chromosome data are available makes it diffi-
history. Y chromosome haplogroup frequency distribu- cult to assess how statistically surprising it is that this
tions in the Croatian population correspond to the previ- NRY haplogroup occurs in all five of the ancient Meso-
ously reported results for the Croatian population (Barac lithic males but in only a quarter of present-day males
et al., 2003; Pericic et al., 2005) and they fit within a from that geographic area. They appear to argue that the
Southeast European paternal genetic landscape (Batta- haplogroup I today is found in a wider European area at a

American Journal of Human Biology


much lower frequency than it occurred around 8 kya. This 2014). Such recent episodes could be the proposed Indo-
haplogroup has also been found and described in a Scandi- European migrations from the Pontic steppe associated
navian Neolithic hunter-gatherer from Sweden (Skoglund with the Yamnaya and Corded Ware cultures in Late Neo-
et al., 2014), as well as in Neolithic remains from southern lithic/Bronze Age and massive Slavic migrations in a
France and northern Spain (Lacan et al., 2011a). The fact more recent history (3rd 6th century), together with
that a significant portion of investigated Mesolithic males smaller ones that most probably occurred repeatedly since
belonged to haplogroup I suggests that this paternal line- Paleolithic times and are associated with specific histori-
age might represent a major pre-Neolithic European cal events (Haak et al., 2015; Pericic et al., 2005; Regueiro
clade, and the results obtained in this study support this et al., 2012).
The Mesolithic E1b1b1a1b1a-V13 foragers
In situ European diversification of the Several theories about the origin of E1b1b1a1b1a-V13
R1a1a1b1a*-M558 clade and its spread have been proposed, and all are, in a cer-
The R1a-M420 clade arose in Western Eurasia and tain way, linked to the Neolithic farmers. Early studies
today it is most frequently observed in Eastern Europe, suggested that the mutation was brought to the Balkans
Western and Central Asia and southern Siberia. The together with early farming technologies (Semino et al.,
recent, highly detailed phylogeographic analysis of 2,923 2004). Battaglia et al. (2009) proposed an earlier arrival of
R1a-M420 Y chromosomes revealed two geographically this lineage in Europe (during the late Mesolithic period),
divergent new mutations the European Z282 and the followed by its Neolithic dispersal into Europe with the
Asian Z93 SNP, which defined major opposing clines. The spread of farming. Most recently, King et al. (2011) sug-
Middle East (most probably present-day Iran) has been gested that E1b1b1a1b1a-V13 may trace the demographic
proposed as the plausible geographic center from which and socio-cultural impact of Greek colonization.
Z282 and Z93 chromosomes spread towards Europe and Researchers still debate the fate and interplay between
Asia, respectively (Underhill et al., 2015). This study pro- pioneering farmers from the Near East and local Meso-
posed the M558 marker, which defines a sister clade to lithic societies and search for the clearest signal of their
the already defined M458 lineage, with high frequencies interaction. However, the phylogeography and temporal
in central/eastern Europe. Its prevalence drops drastically evidence supports the idea that E1b1b1a1b1a-V13 arose
towards Western Europe, and it occurs at lower but in Southern Europe, with peak frequencies among the
informative frequencies in Balkan populations with Albanians and Greeks (Semino et al., 2004) and with
known Slavonic heritage. This finding raised the possibil- declining patterns towards the north. The lack of any
ity that the wide and rapid spread of the M458 and M558 plausible Middle Eastern source of E1b1b1a1b1a-V13 dur-
lineages was associated with an autochthonous Bronze ing the Early Neolithic or Bronze Age, together with the
Age Proto-Slavic culture that arose in Central Europe low STR variation observed in the Middle East, addition-
near the Vistula river, the Corded Ware culture. ally bolsters this view (Battaglia et al., 2009; King et al.,
The age of R1a1a1b1a*-M558 obtained by Underhill 2008).
et al. (2015) placed this lineage in the Holocene period We support the scenario proposed by Battaglia et al.
(about 9 kya), based on STR data analysis. However, a (2009) and additionally strengthened by two recent stud-
more recent study conducted by Haak et al. (2015) sug- ies that the Mediterranean route has had a pronounced
gests that the previous time estimates were significantly role in the spread of farming (Lacan et al., 2011b;
overestimated and that the Yamnaya culture, a cultural Paschoua et al., 2014) and that local South European pop-
complex that spread across the Pontic Caspian-Ural ulations adopted the new technology through their con-
steppes (beginning around 3,3 kya) brought the R1a clade tact with Near Eastern migrants and spread it further
into Europe in Late Neolithic. Two additional aDNA stud- into the European area. The high diversity of the
ies analyzing the Y chromosome showed that R1a individ- E1b1b1a1b1a-V13 obtained in this study supports the cul-
uals are absent or rare in sites dating before 5 kya (Batini tural diffusion theory that the clade originated in the
et al., 2015; Haak et al., 2008), an observation consistent neighboring area of Southern Europe and spread only
with the R1a age estimate published by Karmin et al. after populations adopted farming from Near Eastern pio-
(2015). In this study, the R1a1a1b*-M458 lineage is not as neers using leapfrog colonization in the Aegean/Adriatic
frequent as its sister clade R1a1a1b1a*-M558, which is (Richards, 2003; Forenbaher and Miracle, 2005). Lacan
five times more common. This finding suggests that cer- et al. (2011b) and Paschoua et al. (2014) also concluded
tain Central-European migrations left a more pronounced that the Mediterranean route had even greater influence
impact on the Croatian genetic landscape, especially the on the peopling of Southern Europe during the Neolithic
islands where the pronounced influence of genetic drift transition than the Central European one, based on auto-
somal, mitochondrial and Y chromosome DNA analysis,
most probably pushed this particular R1a lineage to
giving even more importance to this lineage.
higher frequencies.
Its high prevalence in our total sample (almost 20%),
together with a high haplotype diversity, speaks in favor
of several episodes of gene flow from Central Europe that The genetic structure of modern SEE has been shaped
occurred during prehistory and history in SEE, which is by the complexity of human movements through the Pale-
also evident in haplotype clusters depicted in the hap- olithic, Neolithic, the Bronze Ages and the most recent
logroups phylogenetic network. These episodes were, as history of the last two millennia (involving the overlap-
seems, male-specific, rapid and relatively recent (5 kya ping of different cultural and demic expansions). Molecu-
and younger), which makes any strong inference about lar genetic analyses of the modern Croatian paternal
older demographic events questionable (Hellenthal et al., genetic pool performed in this study confirm the

American Journal of Human Biology


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