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Aula 1 - Nice to meet you!

1. Quadro 1 - Good morning!

Quadro 2 - Hi!
Quadro 3 - My NAME IS Martha.
Quadro 4 - How ARE VOU?
I'm fine, thanks. AND VOU?
2. Logo depois do almoo, voc diz: Good aftemoonl
Quando est anoitecendo, diz: Good evening!
a) My name is Virginia.
b) He is a student.
c) I am Bob's mother.
d) She is a secretary.
e) It is a ticket.
f) I am the boss.
g) Julio is Virginia's co-worker.
h) I am her assistant.
i) Tom is American.
j) David is a technician.

Aula 2 - What is your name?

1. O zero
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
2. a) 5502 6703
b) 91387640
c) 2295 4670
d) 41235706
3. My name is Mark Simpson.
I'rn a teacher.
Rua Grcia, 32.
4. b) My name is _
c) My address is _
d) My telephone number _
S. a) Fine, thanks, How are you?
b) Fine, thanks. How are you?
6. a) Nice to meet you, Antnio.
b) Nice to meet you, Beatriz.

Aula 3 - Helio!
L Who is it?
What is your telephone number?
2. a) Could you speak a little slower?
b) Pardon me? ou
Could you repeat that, please?
c) Hold on, please. ou
[ust a moment, p/ease.
d) She/He is not here rght now.
3. a) 1 AM a teacher.
b) This is Martha. She IS a secretary.
c) ]ohn 15 rny co-worker.
d) You ARE my friend.
e) It 15 a book.
4. Virginia/isn't.

Aula 4 - May I help you?

1. a) $79.95 (plus $2.00 shipping)
b) 800-432-5407
c) 24 hours a day; 7 days a week.
2. Sugestes: Balconista em loja. Recepcionista para pessoa que chega. Pessoa em balco de informaes. Guias tursticos.
3. a) Ths s a book.
b) This is a telephone.
c) That is a ball,
d) That is a house.
e) This is a tree.
f) That is a bike.

Aula 5 - Manuais
L Nome dos botes:
a) - ON/OFF
b) - REW
d) - FF
e) - volume
f) - REC
g) -OGM
2. a) on/off ( 1 ) fechar a porta
b) stop ( c) tocar
c) play ( i) usar o cabo
d) record (g) volume
e) fast foward (f) voltar
f) rewind ( a ) ligar/desligar
g) volume ( h ) pr e tirar da tomada
h) plug in/out ( j ) conectar
i) use the cable (b) parar
j) connect ( k ) pressionar
k) press (d) gravar
I) dose the doar (n) remover
m) table of contents ( e ) rpido para frente/avanar
n) remove (m) ndice

3. a) Come here.
b) Repeat the filmo
c) Connect the cable to the machine.
d) Read the instructions.
e) Run fast.
f) Play the filmo
g) Stop the filmo
h) Rewind the filmo
i) Fast forward the filmo

Aula 6 - Entender algumas instrues

a) Resposta pessoal. Sugestes: nas instrues de manual, nas receitas, nas placas de sinalizao, etc.
b) 1) Fold it diagonally.
2) Fold it in the middle.
3) Unfold it.
4) Fold it like this.

Aula 7 - Instrues
1. Verbos no imperativo:


When yourTV is not equipped with audio/video 1. Plug in - Plug in a properly grounded
inputs: electrical outlet.
1. Remove the VHF/UHF TV antenna coaxial 2. Press Stop/Reset Pad - Vou may set the
cable from the TV receiver and connect to clock instead of pressing this pad.
this unit. 3. Press Door Release Button - Open the
2. Connect this unit to the TV receiver using door and place a cup of water on the qlass
the supplied 75 ohm antenna cable (a) tray in the oven. Then close the doar.
which is also applicable to the 300 ohm 4. Press Power levei Pad
connector. If the TV receiver has a 300 ohm 5 Press Time Pad
connector, pull out the ends for the 300 6. Press Start Pad
ohm connector at the rear of the plug. The next operation for you to press is indicated
3. Connect the supplied powercord (b) to the by the blinking mark.
AC inlet of this unit and to a wall outlet.
Now the TV receiver isready to receive TV broad- Ib/kg Converslon: The oven automatically displays the lbs/oz symbol
when using Auto Defrost feature etc.
cast as well as video programs from this unit. II you wish to use de kglg, ~ Start Pad directly alter plugging
lhe oven in but belore setting lhe clock.


Remove - remova; tire Use - use
Connect - faa a conexo; junte Plug in - ligue
Pull out - puxe para fora; retire Press - aperte; pressione
Open - abra
Place - coloque; ponha
Close - feche

Aula 8 - let's work! Follow me!

A) fax machine
B) computer

1. I c); II a); III b).

2. Sugestes para as respostas:
a) Yes, I cano ou No, I can't.
b) Yes, I cano ou No, J can't.
c) Yes, I cano ou No, I can't.
d) Yes, I cano ou No, I can't.
e) Yes, I cano ou No, J can't.
3. a) She can't use a computer.
b) They can't speak French.
c) Marcos can't swim.

Aula 9 - That's a dictionary

1. Including - incluso (no preo)
Breakfast - caf-da-manh
City - cidade/city tour - visita aos pontos tursticos da cidade
INGL[S 163

Aula 10 - What is your occupation?

1. a) I am a doctor.
My office is big.
b) You are a tax driver.
Your car is yellow.
c) Ricardo is a firefighter.
His uniform is red.
d) This is our supermarket.
Its name is Braga.
e) Cristina is a singer.
Her voice is beautiful.
f) We are magicians.
Our names are Dee and Cee.
g) They are soccer players.
Their teams are Brazlan.
2. a) What's bis occupation?
He is a carpenter.
b) What's her occupation?
She is a cook.
c) What are their occupations?
They are secretaries.
d) What are your/our occupations?
We are painters.
e) What is your occupation?
I am a student.
3. a) - Is this your book?
- No, it isn't. My book is that.
b) - Is this hs pencil?
- o, it isn't. His pencil is that.
c) - Is this her pen?
- No, it isn't. Her pen is that.
d) - Is ths our c1assroom?
- No; it isn't. Our classroom is that.
e) - Is ths my book?
- No, it isn't. Your book is blue.
4. a) - Este o seu livro?
- No, no . Meu livro aquele.
b) - Este o lpis dele?
- No, no . O lpis dele aquele.
c) - Esta a caneta dela?
- No, no . A caneta dela aquela.
d) - Esta a nossa sala de aula?
- No, no . Nossa sala de aula aquela.
e) - Este o meu livro?
- No, no . Seu livro azul.
S. a) My name IS Michael.
b) We ARE doctors.
c) Vou ARE my friend.
d) They ARE brothers.
e) She 1Sthe boss.
f) He IS a technician.
g) I AM a student.

Aula 11 - Where do you work?

1. a) I WORK at Sunshine Travei Agency.
b) He WORKS in a hospital.
c) They WORK at F1ESP.
d) She WORKS in an office.
e) We WORK in a circus.
2. a) 1N an office
b) AT Tropical Hotel

c) IN a store
d) IN a circus
e) 'AT Sunshine Travei Agency
f) AT Doceria P-de-Moleque
3. a) This is A table.
b) Mary is A secretary.
c) That is A computer.
d) We work in A store.
e) They are technicians.

Aula 12 - O que voc faz?

1. Q dia de Nei
I WORK at Sunshine TraveI Agency. I TAKEphotocopies. I GO to the bank. I ANSWERthe telephone at Beth's lunch
hOUI. I SEND letters. I STUDY at night.
2. a) They type letters at that office.
b) The mother and the father feed the baby.
c) Virginia is the boss at the Sunshine TraveI Agency.
d) We like to use OUIfax machine at the office.
e) You study in a very good school.
3. a) I type letters (ou faxes).
b) I study English.
c) I feed the baby.
d) I send faxes.
e) I work at Sunshine Travei Agency.

Aula 13 - Aes habituais

1. a) I get up at 7 o'clock every day.
b) I have breakfast with my family.
c) I go to work.
d) I take the bus.
e) I have lunch at 12 o'clock.
f) I work in the afternoon until o'clock.
g) I go back home.
h) I have dinner with my family.
i) I do the dishes.
j) I watch TV.
k) At 10 p. m. I go to bed.
2. b) She has breakfast with her famly,
c) She goes to work.
d) She takes the bus.
e) She has lunch at 12 o'clock.
f) She works in the afternoon until 6 o'clock.
g) She goes back home.
h) She has dinner with her family.
i) She does the dishes.
j) She watches TV.
k) At 10 p. m. she goes to bed.
3. a) does;
b) kisses;
c) works;
d) has:
e) uses;
f) wakes;
g) lives;
h) sIeeps;
i) teaches;
j) passes.

Aula 14 - It is easy if you try

1. I c)
Il a)

III e)
IV b)
V d)
2 a) He WORKS here.
c) He WAKES UP at 6 a.m.
d) She STUDIES English.
e) He WALKS to work.

Aula 15 - I am not [ohn

1. (c)
2. a) They DO NOT WORK in So Paulo.
b) They ARE NOT teachers.
c) She DOES NOT WAKE UP at 6 a.m.
d) She IS NOT a secretary.
e) (DO NOT HAVE breakfast at 7 a.m.
3. a) Mary ISN'T here right now.
b) She DOESN'T WORK at Sunshine Travei Agency.
c) They AREN'T secretaries.
d) That ISN'T a radio.
e) I DON'T WAKE UP at 6 a.m.
f) She ISN'T my wife.
4. (d)

Aula 16 - Be careful
1. a) Don't walk.
b) Don't plug it in.
c) Don't run.
d) Don't press the black button.
e) Don't wake up before 7 a:m.
2. Afirmativa Negativa
Be carefu!. Don't smoke.
Feed the baby. Don't run.
Read a story to the baby. Don't stop.
3. a) don't stand up;
b) don't feed;
c) don't go;
d) don't press;
e) don't open;
f) don't run;
g) don't dose;
h) don't eat.

Aula 17 - What is this?

1. a) Nei WORKS AT Sunshine Travei Agency.
b) J WAKE UP at 6 o'clock. I GO to work. I WORK IN a house. I TAKE care of Bob.
2. READ a story to the baby.
FEED the baby.
TAKE the baby to the park.
PUT the baby to sleep at 80'dock.
3. a) They aren't soccer players.
b) She doesn't wash cJothes on Monday.

C) They don't come to class on Tuesday.

d) Bob doesn't go to bed early.
e) David can't play the piano.
f) Don't turn on the lights.
g) Don't turn off the lights.
h) Don't come here now.
i) She can't speak two languages.
j) Maria isn't my sister.
4. 1 balo: THIS is a lollypop. 2balo: THAT s a telephone.

Aula 18 - Help! Help! Pedindo ajuda

1. Vrgrua diz: HELP! HELP!
2. Jlio diz: I NEED SOME HELP.
3. I) (b) lI) (a) III) (d) IV) (c)
4. a) DO you need help? b) How DOES it work?
c) DO they go to school? d) DOES she like pop music?
e) What DO you need? f) DOES Diana work at Sunshine Travel Agency?
g) DO you love me?

Aula 19 - As mquinas do escritrio


G 8 a) ligar
r. REC

3. 'TO' 4. REW S. FF

2. 12 balo: THESE ARE books.

22 balo: THOSE ARE ice-creams.
3. a) These are houses.
b) Those are dogs.
c) These are my teachers.
d) Those are my cars.
e) These are pencils.
f) Those are elephants.

Aula 20 - Recebendo fax

1. No fax:
a) Quem enviou: Mrs. Longlegs.
b) Para quem : Mrs. Carter.
c) A data: May Ist, 2007.
Na carta:
a) Quem enviou: Leonor da Silva
b) Para quem : Ms.Virgnia Corre a
c) A data: March 14th, 2007.
2. a) twenty-second; b) thirty-first; c) forty-fourth d) fifty-sixth e) eghty-nnth f) sixty-first g) ninety-fifth.
3. a) August 12th, 1943.
b) October 25th, 1987.
c) May 9th, 1982.
d) Iuly 23rd, 2006.
e) Ianuary 2nd, 2005.
f) February 21st, 1977.
g) March 29th, 1993.

Aula 21 - Best before ...

1. a) Sunday
b) Monday
c) Saturday
d) Tuesday, WEDNESDAY, Thursday
2. Cozinhe as batatas e descasque-as. Amasse-as. Despeje 112 xcara de leite e mexa. Tempere com 1 colher de sopa de
manteiga e sal.

3. a) Best before the 1st of September, 2007.

b) Best before the 2nd of August, 1995.
c) Best before the 5th of February, 2001.
d) Best before the 9th of March, 1998.
e) Best before the 4th of October, 1986.

Aula 22 - Recipes
1. Os ingredientes so os da opo (B): egg, oil, milk, mix.
2. a) Water, butter, salt, rnlk, potato flakes.
b) Heat water, butter and salt in saucepan; add cold milk and potato flakes; stir.
c) Heat, add, stir.
3. I (c)
II (e)
III (a)
IV (d)
V (b)

Aula 23 - Would you like some coftee?

1. I (c)
II (a)
III (b)
2. a) Yes, please.
b) Yes, please.
c) No, thanks.
d) No, thanks.
3. a) A: Would you like some chocolate?
B: No, thanks.
b) A: Would you like a cup of coffee?
B: Yes, please.
c) A: Would you like a pancake?
B: o, thanks.
d) A: Would you like an ice-cream?
B: Yes, please.

Aula 24 - I am working
1. a) He is cooking dinner.
b) She is studying english.
c) We are working.
d) They are watching tv.
e) Iam eating pancakes.
f) You are sleeping.
2. a) Cidinha is writing a book.
b) Neli is eating lunch.
c) Martha and Vitor are going to the cinema.
d) Ulisses and Penelope are havng dinner.
e) The bus is stopping.
f) Miriam and Valda are running a marathon.
g) Adriana is taking her daughter to school.
h) Francisca is swimming at the gym.
i) Beatriz is teaching a class.
j) Monica is lyng on the beach.
3. a) Is Pedra frying a steak? Pedro sn't frying a steak.
b) Is Ana writing at the computer? Ana sn't writing at the computer.
c) Are Frida and Bob talking on the phone? Frida and Bob aren't talking on the phone.
d) Are they having breakfast at home? They aren't having breakfast at home.
e) Are you turning the pancake? You aren't tuming the pancake.

Aula 25 - Reviso 1
1. a) Hi! I AM Tom. I AM at Sunshine Travei Agency.
b) We ARE students.

C) ARE you a doctor? No, r AM OT a doctor, I AM a drver.

d) ARE you tired? Yes, We ARE very tired.
te . IS it a paperclip? Yes, it IS.
t) We ARE Spanish.
2. a) SHE is a secretary.
b) THEY are Americans.
c) THEY are at Sunshine TraveI Agency.
d) WE are tired.
e) VOU are happy.
3. a) MY name is Nei.
b) What is YOUR occupation?
c) It's HIS book.
d) What is HER address?
e) What is THEIR telephone number?
4. a) I WORK in a hospital.
b) Mary and jlia LIVE in New England.
c) He FIXES the answering machine.
d) Beth TAKESthe bus at nine o'clock.
e) Diana SruDIES English.
S. a) She DOES NOT GO to school in the morning.
b) Vou and I DO NOT WORK at Boo Moda Infantil.
c) Clara DOES NOT SPEAK French.
d) The boy DOES OT KISS his mother,
e) Washington DOES NOT FIX the machine.
6. I) (c)
lI) (d)
IlI) (a)
IV) (b)
V) (e)
7. A cat AN office-boy
A secretary AN airplane
A boss AN elegant person
A hospital AN hour
8. a) AT Sunshine TraveI Agency
b) IN a hospital
c) AT Hotel Torro
d) IN a coffee shop
e) IN a supermarket

Aula 26 - Are you having a good time?

1. a) Mario IS NOT eating a hamburger.
b) Lilian and]os ARE NOT dancing.
c) We ARE NOT resting.
d) Washington IS NOT fixing a machine.
e) I AM NOT working today.
2. Today is Sunday. Nei IS NOT WORKING. He IS NOT GOING to school. He IS OT READING a newspaper. He IS
NOT SLEEPING. He is resting.
3. a) IS Jlio TYPING a letter?
b) IS Martha DOING the exercises?
c) ARE you TAKING photos?
d) ARE you dancing?
e) ARE you sleeping?
4. I (b)
II (c)
II (d)
IV (a)
S. a) The girl is studyng.
b) The man is running.
c) The boys are playing.

Aula 27 - I usually go to school, but today ...

1. a) Jlio takes a bus every morning, but this morning he 1STAK1NG a taxi.
b) Martha cooks cakes every week, but this week she IS COOKING pies.
c) Nei usually goes to work by bicycle, but today he 1S GOING by bus.
d) Diana READS the news to Bob every afternoon, but t h is afternoon she is reading a comi c book.
e) Virginia DRINKS a cup of coffee every morning, but today she is DR1NK1NG a cup of tea.
2. a) She USUALLY takes a bus to go to work.
c) They OFTEN eat a green salad, but NOW they are eating a hamburger.
d) He fixes machines EVERYDAY,but TODAY he is watching TV.
e) Vou wrte a letter to your friends EVERYMONTH.
f) They run at Parque do Ibrapuera EVERYMORNING.
g) I FREQUENTLY read the newspaper.

Aula 28 - Reviso das estratgias de leitura

1. a) Rio de Janeiro.
b) US$ 999,99.
c) Rio Maravilha.
d) 7 days.
e) Sailing, [ishing, sports so as atividades oferecidas.

Aula 29 - Reviso 2
1. a) TH1S is a catalogo
b) TH1S is my penei!.
c) THOSE are my newspapers.
d) THOSE are answering machines.
e) What is TH1S?
2. Read a story to Bob.
Feed Bob at eleven o'clock.
Don't take Bob to the park (it s raining).
Don't let Bob watch TV for more than two hours,
Make Bob sleep at two o'clock.
3. a) Quem enviou o fax foi Mrs. Carter.
b) O ax para Mr. Richards.
c) A data August 16th, 2007.
4. a) 22 de agosto de 1957.
b) 31 de maio de 1992.
5. a) CAN you read ths manual in English?
b) I CAN'T stop watching TV.
c) CAN he use ths camera?
d) They CAN cross the street.
e) She CAN'T stand much nose.
6. a) Martha 1SVISITING her mother.
b) Ian 1SNOT DR1NKING milk.
c) ARE they HAVING a good time?
d) I AM NOT PLAYING chess. I am playing cards.
e) ARE you GOING to the party?

Aula 30 - Atividades extras

1. (A)rS
2. (C) AN officer and A gentleman.
3. (B) We ARE the champions, my friend.
4. (D) GO to school!
BE a good boy!
WASH your hands!
5. (C) DO you know Carla?
DOES he sleep ali night?
DO we go together?
DOES she work in a hotel?

6. (D) He IS SINGING in the rain.

We ARE SINGING in the rain.
You ARE SINGING in the rain.
7. (C) Name: DAVID CARTER.
Occupation: TECHNICIAN.
Address: PERDIZ STREET, 432.
'Ielephone number: 234-5678.
8. (A) WOULD YOU LIKE some coffee?
9. (C) He DOESN'T DO the dishes - We DON'T WORK at Sunshine Travel Agency-
I DON'T GO to school every day.
10. a) Tuesday, November 14th, 1995.
b) Wednesday, November 14th, 1995.
c) Friday, November 14th, 1995.

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