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Software Engineering Team Project, Spring 2017 Project title: Test Case Generator

Team Name: Team Ace

Group Members:
H M Raine Ahmed - K00396254
Use Cases Rushil Thakkar - K00398613
Abhishek Kulkarni- K00402373


Use Case Title Login

Primary Actor Users (Software testers)
Preconditions The user is existing
Main Success Scenario User provides credentials to login. Systems validates the user and logs
in on successful attempt. Shows appropriate error message if the
credentials are incorrect.


Use Case Title Choose source code file

Primary Actor Users (Software testers)
Preconditions The source file needs to be written in java
Main Success Scenario User clicks the browse button and can select the source file for which
test cases need to be generated


Use Case Title Paste/Write source code

Primary Actor Users (Software testers)
Preconditions The source code needs to be written in java
Main Success Scenario User can paste or write the source code in the text field of the software
for which test cases need to be generated


Use Case Title Generate test cases

Primary Actor Users (Software testers)
Preconditions The source code/ source code file needs to be provided
Main Success Scenario User clicks the Generate button. The system analyze the provided
source code and generate test cases automatically and shows the
generated test cases in a separate section of the software.


Use Case Title Save/Export test cases

Primary Actor Users (Software testers)
Preconditions The test cases needs to be generated already
Main Success Scenario User can save/export the generated test cases by clicking the
export/save button.

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