Nutritious Meal Rubric

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Nutritious Meal on a Budget Co-Created Rubric

Beginner Developing Accomplished Advanced

1 2 3 4
Presentation of Presentation of Presentation of Presentation of
final product is final product is final product meets final product is
not appealing missing some of basic requirements exceptional in
in many the basic of meal appeal. all aspects of
aspects of meal requirements of Room for meal appeal.
Meal Appeal appeal. Lacks meal appeal. improvement. Looks and
the basic Basic tastes like a
understanding understanding of professional
of meal appeal. meal appeal but product.
not executed
Went overtime Went over time Created a meal Efficiently
by more than 5 by ~ 5 minutes. with very little time created a meal
minutes. Meal Meal cost was to spare. Meal cost in the allotted
cost was over over the budget $10.00 give or take time and meal
budget by more by over a dollar. 99 cents (fit within was well within
than $3.00. budget). the budget.
Meal is missing Meal is missing Meal includes all Meal includes
more than one one food group. food groups. Meal all food groups
food group. Meal is includes a limited and is
Meal shows moderately high amount of added comprised of
Nutrients X 2
very little in calories/sugar/ sugar and fat. nutrient dense
nutritious fat/ sodium. foods. No
value. empty calories.
Reflection is Incomplete Complete reflection Very concise
incomplete and reflection. which includes a reflection.
vague. Shows Missing a few general Includes in-
no connection key areas of acknowledgement depth analysis
to learning reflection. of; thoughts about of; thoughts
objectives. Shows some meal, lesson about meal,
connections to learned, ways to lessons learned,
Reflection X 2 learning improve, relation to ways to
objectives. real life. Shows a improve,
connection to relation to real
learning objectives. life. Shows and
connection to

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