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Modern Language Centre

Summer Language Courses

Course Description

Hindi Intensive Level 1 Part 3

How long does the course last?
15 hours of tuition in 1 week. 5x3 hour sessions in the evenings from 69pm.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for students who have already completed Level 1 Term 2 of the Evening Language
Courses. Intensive Level 1 Part 3 will cover the same content of a Level 1 Term 3 course but it will be taught
intensively over 1 week instead of a 10 week term.

What are the objectives of the course?

To acquire basic language skills and to achieve the equivalent of A1 level of the CEFR, entry level of the
By the end of the course you will:
be able to communicate in very basic everyday-life situations, including greetings, daily activities, finding
your way, telling the time and date, making simple purchases, ordering a meal, etc.
be able to understand very simple oral and written texts and ascertain specific information on simple topics
have developed an insight into Hindi-speaking life, culture and society

How is the course taught?

A communicative approach is used. All four skills (speaking, reading, listening and writing) are practised,
with the main emphasis on speaking.
Students engage in interactive language activities, participating in group and pair work according to a
syllabus based on systematic grammatical progression.
Students will also be offered guidance in self-study and set optional homework tasks.

What course can I do next?

Students who have completed the course should join a Level 2 class.

Course outline
Daily routine and weekends
Short telephone conversations
Comparisons: smaller and bigger size
At the hotel
Places and location
Health and diet
Numbers up to 100

Asking and talking about health
Buying tickets
Describing a place
Offering, accepting and refusing offers
Answering the telephone
Making comparisons
Describing past events
Asking for things
Giving simple opinions
Talking to children

Past continuous tense
Relative pronouns
Simple Future tense

Learning resources
Textbook and exercise book:
Teach Yourself Complete Hindi, by Rupert Snell, 2003, ISBN-10: 0071420126

Students are expected to purchase their own textbook. An exercise book may also be recommended. The
teacher will supply additional material, both tailor-made and taken from other sources (textbooks, newspapers,
and new media).

Recommended additional material:

Hindi An Essential Grammar by Rama Kant Agnihotri, Routledge

For a list of bookshops where you may be able to purchase text books please see our web page:

Online language learning resources:

Independent Study
Research indicates that successful language learners revise new material and review their progress on a regular
basis. The Language Resources Centre (LRC), situated in room K-1.072 in level minus one of the Strand
Campus, houses a wide collection of learning material including text and grammar books, magazines and
newspapers, CDs, DVDs, satellite television and self-access e-learning language programmes.

For details on LRC opening times, please see our website:

Date of last revision: May 2016

Hindi Intensive Level 1 Part 3 Page 2

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