Parashah 17 - Yethro 5777

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Parashah 17: Yithro

Parashah 17: Yitro (Jethro), Exodus 18:1 through 20:23

Haftarah (Writings and Prophets): Isaiah 6:1 through 7:14
B'rit Hadasha (New Testament): Matthew 5:21-30; 15:1-11;
19:16-30; Mark 7:5-15; 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30; Acts 6:1-7;
Romans 2:17-29; 7:7-12; 13:8-10; Ephesians 6:1-3; 1 Tim 3:1-14; 2
Tim 2:2; Titus 1:5-9; Hebrews 12:18-29; James 2:8-13; 1 Peter 2:9-

Summary & Overview

Exodus 18:1 | Jethro's Advice
Exodus 19:1 | The Israelites Reach Mount Sinai
Exodus 19:9 | The People Consecrated
Exodus 20:1 | The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:22 | The Law concerning the Altar
Jethro vrty (Yitro), was derived from the word rty (yeter)
means "abundance". This Torah Portion is called Abundance and is linked to
the major event that happened at Mount Sinai where Israel received the Ten
Commandments. This is the Mountain experience that forms part of the steps
a new convert needs to take to be prepared to face the Wilderness. This will
take them from a life of slavery to a new life of abundance.

Strife Among the People

Exo 18: 13-15 And so it was, on the next day, that
Moses sat to judge the people; and the people stood
before Moses from morning until evening. 14 So
when Moses father-in-law saw all that he did for
the people, he said, What is this thing that you are
doing for the people? Why do you alone sit, and all
the people stand before you from morning until
evening? 15 And Moses said to his father-in-law, Because the
people come to me to inquire of Elohim. 16 When they have a
difficulty, they come to me, and I judge between one and another;
and I make known the statutes of Elohim and His laws.
What is Moses judging? Jetro was a priest of Midian. Midian ]ydm means
strife. It comes from the root word madon that means strife, discord and
contention. This word is first used in Scripture in Ps 80:6 where it says that
there is strife amongst the people and their enemies laugh at them. This gives
us the insight that Moses had to deal with a lot of strife and contention among
the people, and the advice Jetro gave Moses, was on how to address the
contention among the nation of Israel. A very important fact we need to
understand, is that YHVH hates it when brethren causes discourse among
HVHs people.

Prov 6:16-19 These six things YHVH hates, yes, seven are an
abomination to Him: 17 A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed
innocent blood, 18 a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in
running to evil, 19 a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows
discord among brethren.

Q What causes strife among YHVHs people?

No Common Foundation: The first thing that jumps to
mind, taking the Ten Commandments as the context in
this situation, is that strife and contention exist because
of the lack of understanding of the fundamental truth
regarding the Ten Commandments. If YHVHs people do
not share the same foundation, how can the House of
YHVH be built without any cracks in the walls? It is
impossible for YHVHs House to be perfect if some of
YHVHs people reject or modify the Foundation of the
Ten Commandments. The issue with this is that the enemy sits and laughs at
YHVHs people who are so diverse in their beliefs and we become each others
enemies because of these misunderstandings and differences in doctrines that
relate to the Ten Commandments. The purpose of this study is to look at and
study the Ten Commandments so that a common foundation can be laid and
YHVHs House can be restored in its glory.
Q What else can cause strife among YHVHs people?
We have touched on the first reason why there is discourse among YHVHs
people; the fact that there is no common foundation or differences in doctrines
because of the simplifying or different understanding of the Ten
Man-made Traditions are also something that will cause division. There will
always be people who seek the Truth and base it
only on the Scriptures. Some people love traditions
and want to include different ways people worship
YHVH. Its not bad to follow a tradition, as long as
its Scriptural. A Tradition is basically the way
someone interpreted the Word, and that became
their way of worshipping or serving YHVH. In
Judaism, they call it the halakha of the Rabbi and
is the walk or way the Rabbi interpret and apply
the Torah in his life. This halakha is then taught to that Rabbis disciples, and
they become like the one who teaches them. Different Rabbis have different
halechahs, and this will cause division among their followers.
The Word teaches us to call no man a Rabbi because Yshua is our Rabbi, we
follow His halakha, the way He acts and interprets the Torah, so that we can
learn from Him, and become like Him. It also states in the Word (Matt 23:8, 1
John 2:26) that no one should teach you because His Spirit will teach you in all

This does not mean that the Teaching Gift of the Spirit is now irrelevant, it
actually supports this gift, because the Teacher will be led by the Spirit and not
follow their own wisdom, but rather the wisdom of Messiah Yshua.
When you follow an earthly Rabbi, one who were taught by other Rabbis and
who have not received YHVHs Holy Spirit, they are the ones you should not
call Rabbi, implying that you should not follow them. Their wisdom might be
Scriptural, but their halakha will come from the traditions of the line of Rabbis
that preceded them, and that is the issue because it is the traditions of man.
Isa 29:13 The sovereign Master says, These people say they are loyal to
me; they say wonderful things about me, but they are not really loyal to
Me. Their worship consists of nothing but man-made ritual.
Matthew 15:3 But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also
transgress the Commandment of God by your tradition?
We are not to add to YHVHs Word or take away from it and these traditions
cause people to disobey YHVHs Commandments by replacing them with man-
made rituals. Examples of these are the handwashing ritual required to make
the food clean, and if you do not wash your hands, reciting the blessing, the
food will be unclean, breaking YHVHs Commandment This is not correct,
they added to YHVHs Word yet another fence to try and protect the actual
Commandment of eating clean food as stipulated in Scripture. Another is the
Erev Shabbat blessings that have to be recited in order to obey the
Commandment to keep the Sabbath. This is man-made as well and not in
Scripture. You can do it if you like, but not a requirement; it is the halakha of
the Rabbis, not the halakha of Yshua.
Interpretation of Scripture: In real estate, three things are crucial, location,
location, location. When you study the Scripture, three
things are paramount; context, context, context. Many
believers can quote Scripture and verse but take these
verses out of context, that gives them a different
meaning to the original intent. The other aspect that
most people do not understand is that when Paul made
a statement, He usually quoted a small part of a well-
known passage to reference it because there were no
chapter and verse references in the Torah. The one
reading his letters had to be acquainted with the Torah or the prophets to
understand the context he quoted from, to fully appreciate what he was
teaching. Many believers in Messiah do not read or understand the TaNaK (OT)
and therefore misinterpret Pauls letters, and different people get a different
message based on their own understanding. This causes disputes and even
splits in Congregations.
2 Pet 3:15-16 Consider also that our Lords patience brings
salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote you with the
wisdom God gave him. 16He writes this way in all his letters,
speaking in them about such matters. Some parts of his letters are
hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as
they do the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction.

The Commandments and the Spirit Connection
The receiving of the Commandments and the
receiving of the Holy Spirit both happened on the
same day or appointed time on YHVHs Calendar.
The first event of the receiving of the Ten
Commandments on Mount Sinai is celebrated on the
Feast of Shavuot, the Feast that is connected to the
first three Festivals through the counting of 50 days
called the counting of the Omer. Shavuot was the
appointed time the Spirit of YHVH came to the people
of YHVH as tongues of fire, similar to the tongues of fire that came on the
Mout Sinai. The outpouring of YHVHs Spirit is therefore the next step a new
believer in Messiah will take, after he/she received the Commandments of
YHVH at the Mountain.
This connection is confirmed when we look at the names found in this Torah
Portion; Moses, his wife Zipporah, their son Elizar as well as Aaron, with his
son, Elazar.
Elazar rzila is the son of Aaron that means, God helps. Elizer rziyla
is the son of Moses that means, my God is help. Both names are spelled
exactly the same except for Elizer has an inserted Yod y (hand or Spirit of
YHVH). Elazar (God helps), seem to be impersonal compared to Elizer (my
God helps) that is more personal.
Personal Application: Aaron represents the High Priest that represents
Yshua in the Spiritual, that makes Him impersonal compared to Moses,
who represents Yshua as the Torah, that is more personal and tangible in
our hands. The inserted yod represents the Spirit of YHVH Who makes the
Word of YHVH alive and real in our hands. Studying the Living Torah with the
help of the Spirit of YHVH is the foundation of having a personal relationship
with YHVH through Yshua and His Spirit. This relationship with the Father is
based upon the Commandments and His Spirit that makes us one with Him.
Moses or Moshe hsm means drawn from the water and the same way the
dry land was separated from the waters that formed the foundation for physical
life, so we see Moses being drawn or separated from the water becoming the
basis for spiritual life. The name Moses is synonym with the Commandments of
YHVH and even used in the Berit Chadashah (NT) in this way, substituting the
word Law with Moses. Moses name when reading from left to right creates
the word HaShem or the Name, that is the way our Jewish brothers refer to
YHVH. Zipporah hrvpo Mosess wife is derived from rvpo (tzippor) that
means "bird".
When we combine all these meanings of all the names and put them together,
we see the connection between the Commandments and the Spirit of YHVH.
The first event is the science where John the Baptist immersed Yshua and the
Spirit of YHVH came upon Yshua in the form of a Dove (bird Zipporah -
mother). Yshua is represented by Elizer, who is Elazar with the Yod (Spirit)
inserted, represented by the dove (bird) coming down on Him.

Moses name backwards, is HaShem that
represents the Father that said, this is my
Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased,
listen to Him.
The second event this picture connects with
is where YHVHs Presence descended upon
Mount Sinai and where YHVH spoke the Ten
Commandments over His people. The Yod
previously represented the Dove / Spirit that
descended upon Yshua; now it represents
the Commandments that descended from
above (the Mountain) upon Israel. This
makes the Dove / Spirit and the
Commandments / Word echad or one. The
mistake some people make is to think that
the outpouring of the Spirit of YHVH is
replacing the Commandments, but this is the
wrong interpretation that contradicts
Jer 31:33 "But this is the covenant which I will make with the house
of Israel after those days," declares YHVH, "I will put My law within
them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their Elohim,
and they shall be My people.
These two events are connected by the Feast Of Shavuot, also known as
Pentecost, the celebration of the receiving of the Commandments at Mt Sinai,
as well as the celebration of the outpouring of YHVHs Spirit. The Spirit of
YHVH writes the very same Commandments on the tablets of our hearts so that
we can have a new nature and a new life in Abundance (Yetro) following Him to
the Land of Promise.

Facts Regarding Commandments/Laws

Everything YHVH created in the Heavens and on the Earth is governed,
controlled and sustained by His Commandments. Yes, everything He created
came into existance and through speaking Commandments and are governed
through Commandments, to sustain and maintain its balance in relation to
everything else in His Creation. Without Commandments, there would be no
Creation. When YHVH Created, we read; And Elohim said
Said is the word amar rma that means said, speak, call, tell and command.
When He spoke, He commanded everything into existence. This word is also
used in Exo 20:1; And Elohim spoke all these words saying (amar) The Ten
Commandments are words of Creation spoken over the nation of Israel.
YHVH spoke creative words over the water that was without form and
that was void. In the same way, He spoke over Israel, who was
without form and was void, words containing spiritual, creative
power. These words are known as the Ten
Let's look at natural laws to see why laws are needed to
sustain YHVHs Creation.

Gravity can be perceived as a bad thing, especially from a childs point of view
when he just fell with his bike and experience pain. But we as adults see gravity
as a good thing because we understand the importance of gravity and how its
existence sustains life on earth. In the same way, YHVH gave all His
Commandments or Spiritual laws to ensure life in this world. Believers without
this understanding see the Commandments as bad, that takes away our liberty
and freedom, but the more you learn about Him, the more you understand how
His Commandments liberates us from the consequences of sin. Every
Commandment exists because of a sin in order to keep that sin from spreading.
If there was no sin, then there would have been no Commandments.
There are over 40 000 Commandments or laws in Australia that you need to
obey as part of your privilege to live in this land. The purpose of
Commandments is to govern the nation as well as to protect the people.
Commandments are therefore good in their purpose and function and not
necessarily a bad thing. Imagine Australia without Laws or Commandments
where people do whatever they want, living lawless lives. There will be murder;
rape, looting and no one will be safe.
There are 1,050 commandments in the New Testament and due to repetitions can
be grouped under about 800 headings or Commandments. Most of these
Commandments are references back to the Torah that came about through the
teachings of Yshua, Paul, John, Peter ect., explaining and interpreting the
Commandments (found in the Torah) to the new Believers in Messiah. If you
compare the Commandments that we can keep today, found in the Torah vs. the
Commandments the majority of Christian believers keep today (even when they
say the Law is abolished), then there is only a small difference in the order of 2-3%.
They that say and teach that the Torah is done away with, but they do keep the
Commandments, because it is in the New Testament and written on their hearts
through the Spirit of YHVH.
The only Commandments the majority of Christians do not follow, are the visual
reminders called Ordinances which are; the Tzittzits, Mezuzah, the Sabbath,
Festivals as well as the food laws. Before we continue, we need to look at the
meanings of a few terms in order to have the right meaning and understanding of
what the Torah is and how sin is defined.
Torah translated as Law in the English Bible, it actually means Instructions. In
the Scripture it is also referred to as the writings of Moses and consists of the
first five books of the Bible. It comes from the root word yarah which means;
to flow like water and to learn how to shoot.
Sin - This is interesting because sin is defined as missing the mark. Paul
refers to the Torah as the knowledge of sin,
and we need the Torah to help us to hit the
mark every time, so that we will not sin. The
concept of water is also found in the New
Testament where the Word is referred to as
water (Eph 5:26). To wash with the water of
the Word (Torah) is to cleanse yourself from
sin by applying His Commandments. This will
help us not to miss the mark or to sin, but live
holy righteous lives unto Him. (2 Tim 3:16)

One, Two, Ten or 613 Commandments
Many people believe that the Torah (613 Commandments) has been replaced
by two Commandments namely, love God and love your neighbour as yourself.
Others think that it has being replaced by one Commandment, namely love.
Mat 22:36-40 Teacher, which is the great Command in the Torah? 37
And Yshua said to him, You shall lov
e your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with
all your mind. 38 This is the first and great command. 39 And the
second is like it, You shall love your neighbour as yourself. 40 On these
two commands hang all the Torah and the Prophets.
Matt 5:17-18 Do not think that I came to destroy the Law (Torah) or the
Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfil. 18 For assuredly, I say to
you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no
means pass from the Law (Torah) till all is fulfilled.
If Yshua said that the Torah is abolished and replaced by two Commandments,
then He would have contradicted Himself with what He said in Matt 5:17. He
stated that He came to fulfil and not abolish the Commandments. What you
need to understand is that the Ten Commandments consists of two parts; the
first half; how to love YHVH, doing this will and having a relationship with Him,
and the second half is about your relationship with other people, how to love
and get along with our neighbours. Y'shua underlined these two headings of
the Ten Commandments that forms the headings from which the two sets of
Five Commandments hang. If you do not grasp this concept, then it is like
taking a book and only read the title, abolishing everything that is contained
between its covers. How silly is that?
The Ten Commandments then make up the
index for the 613 Commandments. We
approach the Commandments from the title
which is Love. This is the primary motive or
reason the Commandments exist. This Title of
Love is then divided up into two categories, or
Two Commandments; Loving YHVH and Loving
People. These two subheadings or Two Commandments from the Two Sets of
Five Commandments that divides each into five subheadings, that creates an
index, giving you more detail on how to love YHVH and how to love your
neighbour. The Ten Commandments are now the main Index for the 613
Commandments that covers all aspects of a Believers life in the Kingdom under
King Yshua. Just like a citizen of a Country have to abide by the rule and Laws
of the Land, must the people of YHVH abide under His rule and
Commandments in the Kingdom.
Psa 111:7-8 The works of His hands are truth and judgment; all His
Commands are true, (8) standing fast forever and ever; they are done in
truth and uprightness.

Consequences of Breaking the Commandments
There are consequences for engaging with YHVHs Commandments;
they can be either positive or negative. If you obey His
Commandments, you will be blessed (positive), but if you break
His Commandments, you will be punished
Deut 28:1-5,15-19 Now it shall come to pass,
if you diligently obey the voice of YHVH your Elohim, to observe
carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that
YHVH your Elohim will set you high above all nations of the earth. 2 And
all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you
obey the voice of YHVH your Elohim: 3 Blessed shall you be in the city,
and blessed shall you be in the country. 4 Blessed shall be the fruit of
your body, the produce of your ground and the increase of your herds,
the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks. 5 Blessed shall
be your basket and your kneading bowl. 6 Blessed shall you be when you
come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out. 15 But it shall come to
pass, if you do not obey the voice of YHVH your Elohim, to observe
carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you
today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:
16 Cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the country.
17 Cursed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. 18 Cursed shall

be the fruit of your body and the produce of your land, the increase of
your cattle and the offspring of your flocks. 19 Cursed shall you be when
you come in, and cursed shall you be when you go out.
From our point of view, we see the blessings as good and the punishment as
bad. From YHVHs point of view, they are both the same, namely positive and
both are good and given in love to promote and sustain life.
Q How can bad consequences or punishment be good?

Punish is the Hebrew word onesh spelt sni Ayin, Nun Shin.
i Ayen means eye and sn nun-shin is the word nash that
means fallen back. Punishment or consequences of sin are
YHVHs way to wake us up to say see (ayin), you have fallen back
or backslidden (nush). Pain can be a good thing if it has a purpose.
A pleasant feeling is not necessarily good, and a bad,
uncomfortable situation is not necessarily bad. What determines
good or bad is found in its application.

The Ten Commandments Found in the New

Since this Torah Portion is about the Receiving the Ten Commandments at
Sinai, we will look at the Ten Commandments from The Berit Chadasha or NT
to show that they are still applicable to believers in Yshua today.

1. Exodus 20:1-3 - The First Commandment
Then Elohim instructed the people as follows: "I am YHWH your Elohim,
who rescued you from slavery in Egypt. "Do not worship any other gods
besides me.
The first Commandment is to have faith in YHVH your Elohim and acknowledge
Him as the only God. He is the One who led you out of Egypt, and this relates to
the fact that believers are actually part of Israel and that they are brought out of
Egypt (sin and bondage), to be a light to the nations in the
Eph 4:5-6 There is only one YHWH, one faith, one
baptism, and there is only one Elohim and Father, who
is over us all and in us all and living through us all.
1 Cor 8:6 Yet for us there is but one God, the Father,
from whom all things came and for whom we live.
Rom 11:17 And if some of the branches were broken
off, and you (Gentiles becoming believers), being a wild olive tree, were
grafted in among them (Israel), and became a sharer of the root and the
fatness of the olive tree with them (Israel),

2. Exodus 20:4-6 - The Second Commandment

"Do not make idols of any kind, whether in the shape of birds or
animals or fish. You must never worship or bow down to them,
for I, YHWH your Elohim, am a jealous Elohim who will not
share your affection with any other gods! I do not leave
unpunished the sins of those who hate me, but I punish the
children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth
generations. But I lavish my love on those who love me and
obey my commands, even for a thousand generations.

This is one of the most severe Commandments because of its consequences

when someone breaks it. Breaking this Commandment caused Israel to be
scattered throughout the nations, and YHVH said that He would punish their
children up to the 3rd and 4th generations.
Q - What is Idol Worship?
Idol worship is bowing down to a physical idol, but there is no real Hebrew word
for Idolatry other than avodah zerah that means, foreign service. Anything
you do as worship unto YHVH that is not prescribed or commanded by Him, is
seen as foreign service or idol worship, even if it is done with a sincere heart. A
good example of avodah zerah is the golden calf worship Aaron introduced to
Israel when Moses went up the Mountain.
Aaron, the High Priest of YHVH created an image of YHVH that looked like
one of the gods of Egypt and they had a celebration in honour of YHVH. YHVH
did not command this kind of worship; on the contrary, He forbid the making of
any image of things He created, let alone worshipping these images.
We see another example of avodah zerah or foreign service where the
children of Israel were punished to the 4th generation. According to Gen 15:16,
a generation is 100 years and Israel went into slavery for 400 years, or 4

generations, because of what Simeon and Levi did
after their sister got raped. They defiled YHVHs sign
of the covenant as a means to revenge their sisters
defilement and thus committed foreign service unto
YHVH. They sinned by connecting something foreign
zerah, by allowing Shechem, the Hivite, to be
circumcised as punishment.
Hivite is the word chevey yvx that comes from the
root word chavah; that means to live and also means wickedness. The
Scripture refers to wicked people as someone without faith.

Wicked is the word "ra-ah" hir that also means to shepherd, giving us the
meaning of evil shepherds or false teachers and prophets. If you follow a
false teaching, you are engaging in foreign service and fall into the same trap
as committing in Idol worship in the eyes of YHVH. That is why you need to
make sure if you are worshipping YHVH in Spirit and in Truth, the truth
regarding the way He wants to be worshipped. If not, then you are exposing
yourself and your childrens children to the consequences of breaking this
Gal 5:19-21 The fruits of the sinful nature are obviousidolatryI warn
you as I did before that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom
of Elohim.
1 John 5:21 Dear children, keep yourselves free from idols.
John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him
in spirit and in truth.

3. Exodus 20:7 - The Third Commandment

You shall not misuse the Name of YHWH your Elohim, for YHWH will not
hold anyone guiltless who takes His Name in vain.
Q - What does it mean to take YHVHs Name in vain?

Vain is the word shav avs that means, empty, worthless,

having no substance, evil, vanity, falsely and to lie. If you connect
anything to YHVHs Name that is false or do things in YHVHs
Name that causes vanity, then you are taking His Name in vain.
The simplest example of taking His Name in vain is to say that you
follow Messiah but live a worldly life, connecting fleshiness to His
Name, talking the talk but not walking the walk. He is Holy, His
Name is Holy and so must His followers be, Holy!
Matt 6:9 "This then is how you shall pray: Our Father, who is in
heaven, Holy is Your Name.
1 Peter 1:14-16 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires
you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is
holy, so be holy in all you do for it is written: Be holy, because I am

4. Exodus 20:8-11 - The Fourth Commandment
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
Six days shall you labour and do all your
work. But the seventh day is a Sabbath to
YHWH your Elohim. On it you shall do
any work, neither you nor your
manservant, nor your maidservant nor
your animals nor the alien within your
gates. For in six days YHWH made the
heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that
is in them, but He rested on the seventh
day. Therefore YHWH blessed the seventh
day and made it holy.
This was the Second Commandment YHVH gave man in the Garden of Eden,
not eating from the Tree of Knowledge was the First Commandment. The
Sabbath day rest is intended and created for the purpose so that YHVHs
people can spend time with Him, eating from the Tree of Life and learning about
the Way of the Tree of Life. This day is set apart and different to the other
days where you normally work to earn a living. The Sabbath is also a prophetic
foreshadow (just like the Festivals that also have Sabbaths), of the Second
Coming of Yshua, where we as His Bride will enter into His rest during the
Seventh Millennium.
Gen 2:2-3 And on the seventh day Elohim ended His work which He had
done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had
done. 3 Then Elohim blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it
He rested from all His work which Elohim had created and made.
Luke 4:14-16 He (Y'shua) went to Nazareth, where he had been brought
up, and on the Sabbath day went into the synagogue, as was his custom.
Acts 18:4 Each Sabbath found Paul at the synagogue, trying to convince
the Jews and Greeks alike.
Heb 4:9 For there remains a Sabbath day of rest for the people of Elohim.

It was Yshuas custom to go to the Synagogue on a Sabbath, and Paul taught

the Jews as well as the Gentiles (Greeks) about Messiah from the Scriptures on
the Sabbath. The Sabbath existed from Creation, before the giving of the
Commandments at Sinai, and is a sign between you and YHVH of your
relationship with Him.

5. Exodus 20:12 - The Fifth Commandment

Honour your father and your mother, so that you may
live long in the land YHWH your Elohim is giving you.
This is the first Commandment that you will encounter
as a child and the only Commandment with a promise.
This Commandment is the transition between the first
four Commandments, loving your Father, and the
second set of Commandments, on loving your

Firstly, this Commandment relates to YHVH, where we as Believers, who are
His Children of YHVH, need to honour our Father. Secondly, this
Commandment relates to family, where children need to learn to respect, love
and honour their parents. You will not be able to do the next 5 Commandments,
loving your neighbour, unless you have come to respect other people. It all
starts with the family, having a good relationship with your parents. Then it
extends outside of the family circle, where you learn to respect and have
relationships with people outside your family. This Commandment is also about
respecting authority, and as a child, you must learn to respect your parents and
Matt 15:3-6 And He answered and said to them, "Why do you yourselves
transgress the commandment of Elohim for the sake of your tradition?
"For Elohim said, `HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER,' and, `HE
Eph 6:1-3 Children, obey your parents in our Master (Y'shua) 45 for this is
right. HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER (which is the first
commandment with a promise), SO THAT IT MAY BE WELL WITH YOU,
Col 3:20 Children, be obedient to your parents in all things, for this is
well-pleasing to Our Master (Y'shua).

6.Exodus 20:13 - The Sixth Commandment

You shall not commit murder.
This was the Third Commandment YHVH gave as a result of
Cain killing his brother Abel. This is the first Commandment
heading up the second set of 5 Commandments, loving your
neighbour as yourself. Being the first of the five underlines
its importance, and yet we dismiss it thinking that we will never break this
Q How can a follower of Messiah kill someone?
There is a deeper meaning to killing someone; you can kill someone if you
destroy someones reputation through speaking evil words about that person.
Gossip will cause others to avoid that person, and he or she will become dead
to the community.
Psa 64:3-4 who sharpen their tongue like a sword, they tread their
arrows, even a bitter word, (4) so that they may shoot at the blameless
one from a lurking place; suddenly they shoot at him, and fear not.
Psalm 64 describes words of slander as arrows that are shot from a hidden
location, and the person that is hit, will not know where the arrow came from.
Mat 5:21-22 You have heard that it was said to the ancients, "You shall
not kill" --and, "Whoever shall kill shall be liable to the judgment." (22)
But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause
shall be liable to the judgment. And whoever shall say to his brother,
Raca, shall be liable to the Sanhedrin; but whoever shall say, Fool! shall
be liable to be thrown into the fire of hell.

Another form of murder we can commit is if we are angry with your brother or
sister without a cause.
James 3:14-15 - But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in
your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom
that comes down from above but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.
James 3:16 - For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be
disorder and every vile practice.
Bitterness, jealousy and selfishness are the roots or origins of murder where we
do vile practices against our fellow man due to the evil that lurks in our hearts.
This was the reason Cain killed Abel, and his death was the consequences and
outflow of these grievous things in Cains heart. Yshua underlined this fact that
the sin of murder starts with anger in the heart towards your neighbour and that
in itself, weigh just as much as the sin of physically killing someone.

7. Exodus 20:14 - The Seventh Commandment

You shall not commit adultery.
This Commandment is linked to the 2nd
Commandment; not to commit Idolatry. The
Second Commandment is to guard and
protect your relationship with YHVH and the
seventh Commandment is to safeguard and
protect your relationship with your spouse.
Both these Commandments protect Covenant
relationships; one is spiritual, and the other is
Rom 13:9 You shall not commit adultery.
James 2:11 For He who said, "DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY," also
said, "DO NOT COMMIT MURDER." Now if you do not commit adultery,
but do commit murder, you have become a transgressor of the Torah
Matt 5:27-28, 31-32 "You have heard that it was said, `YOU SHALL
NOT COMMIT ADULTERY'; but I say to you that everyone who looks at
a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his
Yshua raises the standard again; He takes the sin back to its origin and calls
that the breaking point where the Commandment is violated, namely the heart.
This teaches us that we should guard our hearts because that is that place
where we commit the sin before it manifests in the physical.

8. Exodus 20:15 - The Eighth Commandment
You shall not steal.
Matt 19:17-18 And He said to him, "Why are you
asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is
good; but if you wish to enter into life, keep the
commandments." Then he said to Him, "Which ones?" And
Y'shua said, "YOU SHALL NOT STEAL."
Rom 2:21 You, therefore, who teach another, do you not teach yourself?
You who preach that one shall not steal, do you steal?
Eph 4:8 He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor,
performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have
something to share with one who has need.
To steal is defined by the act of taking something of value that belongs to
someone else without permission. This was the first sin that was committed in
the Garden of Eden. YHVH placed restrictions on the Trees to show He is the
Owner, mad did not respect that and lost their place in the Garden. You should
respect other peoples property.

9. Exodus 20:16 - The Ninth Commandment

You shall not give false testimony against your
Matt 19:17-18 And He said to him, "Why are
you asking Me about what is good? There is only
One who is good; but if you wish to enter into life,
keep the commandments." Then he said to Him,
"Which ones?" And Y'shua said, "YOU SHALL NOT BEAR FALSE
Matt 15:19 "For out of the heart come evil thoughts false witness,
Col 3:9 Do not lie to one another since you laid aside the old self with its
evil practices.
To lie is to conceal something we do not want other people to know, for
example, our weaknesses and failures. You can mislead someone through
words that are not true in order to manipulate someone. Satan is the father of
lies and lies causes false doctrines that keep people in bondage. The first sin
that was committed in the garden was a lie when Satan told Eve she would not
die when she takes the forbidden fruit. Lies are very powerful and the only
power Satan has over us after Yshua defeated Him on the Stake.
Mat_12:36-37 And I say to you that for every idle word men speak,
they shall give an account of it in the day of judgment. (37) For by your
words you shall be declared righteous, and by your words you shall be
declared unrighteous.
Lies, false witness and slander are all related and fall into the category of idle
words because they originate from Satan, the father of lies.

If you choose to follow his counsel (lies), then you will reap his reward, that is
eternal torment, but if you follow YHVH counsel (truth), you will receive eternal

10. Exodus 20:17 - The Tenth Commandment

You shall not covet your neighbours house; you shall not
covet your neighbours wife or his male servant or his
female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything that
belongs to your neighbour.
Covet is the word chamad dmx that means - to delight in,
beauty, greatly beloved, delectable thing, delight, desire,
goodly, lust, (be) pleasant (thing), precious (thing).
This word is first used in Scripture in Gen 2:9 where YHVH made all the trees
that are pleasant (chamad) to the eye, even the Tree of Life and the Tree of
Knowledge. The eye is what causes us to stumble and break this
Commandment, and as we saw previously, we should plead Yshuas Blood
over our eyes so that we will not stumble and covet, breaking this
Commandment. Breaking this Commandment caused the fall of humanity, that
makes this a very serious Commandment to keep.
This is the last Commandment and with the first Commandment that forms the
covers of a Book that contain all the Commandments, making the first and last
Commandments of paramount importance. The first Commandments is about
YHVH, knowing Who He is and having faith in Him. This is the intent of the
Commandments and makes it the most important Commandment. The Last
Commandment is the second most important Commandment because it is the
reason and foundation for breaking all the other Commandments. The last
Commandment, not to covet, is the furthest away from the first
Commandment, that causes man to move the furthest away from YHVH. If you
covet, you will murder, you will commit adultery, you will steal, and you will lie.

Luke 12:15 Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed. A
man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.
Rom 7:7 What shall we say then? Is the Torah sin? May it never be! On
the contrary, I would not have come to know sin except through the
Torah; for I would not have known about coveting if the Torah had not
Covetousness is associated with Materialism and is a sickness of our modern
society. Most people fall into this trap wanting more or better, in order to keep
up with the Joneses. People not only covet things, but they also covet through
their fleshly desires and indulge themselves in food, good times, parties and
worldly pleasures. We need to be led by the Spirit and not be enslaved by the
desires of the flesh following the lust of the eye.

Rom 6:16 Do you not know that to whom you
yield yourselves as slaves for obedience, you are
slaves to him whom you obey; whether it is of sin
to death, or of obedience to righteousness.
You will always be subject to some form of authority,
and the one you obey is the one you serve and
worship. People think they are free if they submit to no
one. Some believers actually think that if you follow
Jesus you are free from the all the Commandments of YHVH, including the Ten
Commandments, and only follow one, namely love. Love is the intent of the
Commandments and love is the motive behind obeying the Commandments,
making them inseparable. Some are of the opinion that Jesus Commandments
are different to the Fathers Commandments and Jesus Commandments
superseded YHVHs Commandments. If this is the case, then Yshua and the
Father is not One and Yshua cannot be the Word of YHVH Who became flesh.
The Word of YHVH contains His Commandments and Yshua is the living Torah
who came to show us how to walk in His Commandments, not change them or
take them away.
Mat 5:17-18 Do not think that I came to abolish the Torah or the
Prophets.1 I did not come to abolish but to complete (fulfil). (18) For truly,
I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away, one jot or one tittle
shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done.1 Footnote: 1
Rom 3:31 Do we then nullify the Law (Torah) through faith? Let it not be!
On the contrary, we establish the Torah.
Exo_20:6 but showing kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and
guard My Commands.
Joh_14:15 If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
Mat 11:30 For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.
Rom 7:12 So indeed the Torah (Law) is Holy, and the Commandment is
Holy and just and good.
We as believers should submit under YHVH and His Commandments and
through that, obey and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. His Commandments
are not burdensome and are there to protect us from the evil that sin brought
into this world. Allowing His restrictions (Commandments) on your life,you show
that you gave your life to Him and that He owns you. Doing His Commandments
is an act of worship and love towards your Father, and by doing this, you will
know Him more intimately.


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