Mainstreet - Ontario February 2017

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Methodology About Mainstreet

Mainstreet surveyed a random sample of 2,524 With 20 years of political experience at all three
Ontarians on February 12, 2017 through Chimera levels of government, President and CEO Quito
IVR. Landline and Cell lines were included. Maggi is a respected commentator on Canadian
Responses were weighed using demographic public aairs.
information to targets based on the 2011 Census.
Dierentiated by its large sample sizes, Mainstreet
The margin of error for survey results is 1.95 Research has provided accurate snapshots of
percentage points, 19 times out of 20. public opinion, having predicted a majority NDP
government in Alberta, a majority Liberal
government in British Columbia and a majority
Liberal government in Ontario. Mainstreet has
been the most accurate polling rm in several by
elections and the most recent Toronto mayoral
election. Most recently, Mainstreet Research was
the only polling rm to correctly predict a Liberal
. majority government in the 2015 federal election.

Contact Information
In Ottawa: Quito Maggi, President

In Montreal: David Valentin, Executive Vice


In Toronto: Dr. Joseph Angolano, Vice President

Find us online at:

February 17, 2017 (Ottawa, ON) A new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll nds Ontarios Progressive
Conservatives would earn the support of almost 1 in 4 voters if an election were held today as the Ontario
Liberal Party and Ontario NDP battle for second place. The Mainstreet/Postmedia poll has a margin of error
of +/- 1.95%, 19 times out of 20.

The PCs are leading in most regions of the province but still lag in Toronto, said Quito Maggi, President of
Mainstreet Research. In South West Ontario they are now in a virtual tie with the NDP, with the PCs at 39%
and the NDP at 37% among decided and leaning voters. These are improved numbers for the Liberals, they
are up 4% overall and continue to lead in the City of Toronto, but their regional number in the GTA (30%)
would lead to a virtual wipe-out outside Toronto and Ottawa city limits.

Most Ontarians continue to disapprove of the job Kathleen Wynne is doing as premier (18% approval, 65%
disapproval), awarding high marks to NDP Leader Andrea Horwath (62% approval, 29% disapproval).
Patrick Browns approval ratings have dropped but are still a healthy 47% approval compared to 31%

55% of Ontarians say US President Donald Trumps economic policies will negatively impact Ontarios auto
sector. In South-West Ontario these numbers drop substantially where only 32% say Trumps policies will
have a negative impact (34% will not; 34% not sure). 69% of GTA residents say Trumps policies will hurt,
and 63% in Toronto say the same.

Perhaps underscoring the diculty Premier Kathleen Wynne continues to face 55% of Ontarians say the
provincial government has not taken any action in the last year to reduce electricity prices. As Ontarios
Liberals continue to look for ways to shed this albatross they will not only have to deliver a reduction in
prices but will need to eectively communicate new policy to Ontarians if they want the political credit.

City of Toronto residents are the most likely to say that the province has been taking action on electricity
bills (28%) while those in South Central Ontario are the least likely (14%), nished Maggi.


For additional information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Quito Maggi, President,
David Valentin, Executive Vice-President, (514) 913-5524 -

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