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The '''Good Seven Pageants''' is a term that refers to the seven minor international

[[beauty pageant|beauty pageants]] for women.<ref name=wallstreet-

debris>{{cite news|title=Lost in Storm's Debris: A Beauty Pageant|
68|publisher=''[[The Wall Street Journal]]''|first=Kwanwoo|last=Jun|date=2003-12-
03|accessdate=2015-11-09}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|title=Beauty with scandals|
publisher=''[[Standard Digital News]]''|first=News|last=Kenya|date=2011-07-15|
accessdate=2015-11-09}}</ref> These are [
Miss Intercontinental], [ Miss Supranational],
[[Miss Globe International]]/[ Miss Globe], [[Miss
Tourism International]], [[Miss Heritage]], [[Miss Grand International]] and [[World
Miss University]]. Good Seven Pageants is minor counterpart of [[Big Four
international beauty pageants]] include major pageants of [[Miss Universe]], [[Miss
World]], [[Miss Earth]] and [[Miss International]]. Good is the term given to the
minor international pageants. It is some time called Second-tier pageants. They are
considered as Good because they are not so big and prestigious like beauty
pageants but not too infamous as national pageants and other dissolved
international pageants. They are quite publicized and influential because of its
impact to the world of pageant. They have also large number of contestants
nowadays from 50-80 countries. Some of these Good Pageants are sometimes
include in the Big category and considered as Fifth or Six <ref name=Grand Slam
Ranking>{{cite news|title=Grand Slam Ranking|
03-27}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|title= Philippines first to win all five intl beauty
03-27}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|title=Do we need a BIG 4 or BIG 5 classification of
27}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|title=Global Beauty Pageant Circuit Crowns
Philippines as Country of the Year in 2015|url=
publisher=''[[Elite]]''|accessdate=2016-03-27}}</ref> but still they
are waiting for the confirmation from the famous press and pageant organization.

== The Good Seven Pageants ==

The reasons why they still cannot considered as part of major international
pageants because of some it just founded in the late 2000s (Miss Supranational in
2009, Miss Heritage in 2012 and Miss Grand International in 2013), or some of it
founded in 80s or 90s but not well known because of lack of publicity (Miss
Intercontinental in 1973, World Miss University in 1986, Miss Globe
International/Miss Globe in 1988 and Miss Tourism International in 1994), or fans
confusion since these pageants same or related name with the other international
pageants (Miss Tourism International with Miss Tourism Queen of the year and Miss
Tourism Queen International; the International title which created peoples
confusion and Miss Globe with Miss Global) and some disputed in its internal
management (Miss Globe pageants separated in two and Miss Supranational was
supposed to be separated in two on 2013).

== Miss Intercontinental ==
[ Miss Intercontinental]

It official began in [[Oranjestad]], [[Aruba]] as Miss Teenage Intercontinental 1973

to promote tourism. The WBO or World Beauty organization produced the Miss
Intercontinental with other pageants like [[Mister Intercontinental]] and [[Top Model
of the World]] with based in [[Panama City]], [[Panama]]. It is sometime considered
as the fifth in Big Five international pageants because of its authenticity as one of
the oldest surviving international pageants. It has reached the maximum entrants of
68 which was happened on 2014 pageant.

== Miss Supranational ==
[ Miss Supranational]

The first Miss Supranational pageant began in 2009 in [[Plock]], [[Poland]] by WBA
or World Beauty Association. Also considered as fifth in Major international pageants
by some pageant site because of it highly publicity and large number of delegates
with maximum of 82.

== Miss Globe International/Miss Globe ==

{{Main|Miss Globe International}}
[ Miss Globe]

Considered as oldest existing pageant which has founded by Charlie See on 1925 in
[[Turkey]]. Some of the press didnt considered this fact because of its lack of
evidence. The earliest recorded pageant was in 1988 when it was restructured by
Rasim Aydin, CEO of RCA Global Entertainment Company and name the pageant
Miss Globe International. There is another pageant also named Miss Globe which is
based in [[Albania]] and run by Deliart Association, owned by Petri Bozo. The
separation was on 2010. Both Aydin and Bozo claim to be the "official" organizers.

== Miss Tourism International ==

{{Main|Miss Tourism International}}

The Miss Tourism International is famous of its coronation night during [[New Years
Eve]]. It is an annual international beauty pageant run by the D Touch International
Sdn Bhd Foundation. The contest began in 1994 in [[Kuching]], [[Sarawak]],
[[Malaysia]]. It has goal and effort in promoting the host nations tourism industry.
There was confusion to some international pageants who had its same title of
Tourism like its co-owned [[Miss Tourism Queen of the year International]], [[Miss
Tourism World]] founded in [[United Kingdom]] on 2000, [[Miss Tourism Queen
International]] founded in [[China]] on 2004 and [[Miss Tourism Universe]] founded
in [[Lebanon]] on 2000. Hence, Miss Tourism International surpassed all of it and
preserved its genuineness as the famous pageant that promoted tourism.

== Miss Grand International ==

{{Main|Miss Grand International}}

The Miss Grand International beauty contest is organized and founded in

[[Thailand]] on 2013 under the direction of Nawat Itsaragrisil and Yuphayao Teresa
Chaivisut. Rise in fame because of its premier which was participated by 71
delegates from all over the world garnering its record as the Most number of
contestants in its first event by an international pageant. In its second annual
pageant on 2014, 85 contestant joined the event. Because of this, Miss Grand
International is sometimes considered as one of the Big pageants.

== Miss Heritage ==
{{Main|Miss Heritage}}

Miss Heritage Pageant formerly known as Miss Heritage World was authored and
created by the Founding Former President Tare Munzara and Co Founder Ronald
Tisauke in [[Zimbabwe]] in 2012 now based in [[South Africa]]. It was founded on
the basis to incorporate all nations, all religions and all people from different
backgrounds to be involved in the process of initiating positive change the world
through the use of world heritage. Started in 2013 with entrants of 22 to 72 in 2015
pageant, the fastest earning delegates international pageant.
== World Miss University ==
{{Main|World Miss University}}

World Miss University formerly Miss World University is an international beauty

contest held annually in [[Seoul]], [[South Korea]] since 1986, with an average of
about 70 contestants every year. As an event was organized by the International
Association of University Presidents after the United Nations named 1986 the Year of
Peace. These days, the event is organized by World Miss University Organizing
Committee which has headquarter in [[Manhattan]], [[New York]], [[USA]].

== Most victorious countries ==

There was no country won all seven pageants. The nearest attempt are by [[USA]],
[[Philippines]] and [[India]] which won in Four pageants, and [[Venezuela]] and
[[Brazil]] which won in three pageants. Interesting facts, [[Brazil]], [[Venezuela]] and
[[Philippines]] are also countries to win all [[Big Four international beauty pageants]]

[[USA]] as the nearest country to win all seven pageants won five [[Miss
Intercontinental]], two [[Miss Globe International]], one [[Miss Tourism
International]] and three [[World Miss University]] with the total of eleven crowns.

The second spot is given to the [[Philippines]] which won one [[Miss Supranational]],
two Miss Globe International/Miss Globe (one for [[Miss Globe International]], one for
[[Miss Globe]]), three [[Miss Tourism International]] and one [[Miss Heritage]] with
total of seven crowns.

[[India]] in the third place produced two [[Miss Intercontinental]], one [[Miss
Supranational]], two [[Miss Tourism International]] and one [[World Miss University]]
with total of six crowns.

Although [[Venezuela]] collected ten crowns, it has reached just fourth spot as the
country which has the nearest attempt to win all seven pageants because they win
in just three out of Good Seven pageants. It includes five [[Miss Intercontinental]],
four [[Miss Globe International]] and one [[Miss Tourism International]]
Brazil ranked as fifth by reason that it has produced six crowns in total same with
[[India]]. Winning two [[Miss Intercontinental]], three [[Miss Globe International]]
and one [[World Miss University]].

{| class="wikitable" border="5" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="margin: 0

1em 0 0; background: white; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; font-
size: 95%;"
! style="background:#e4e4ea; width:20%;"| COUNTRY
! style="background:#cff0ff; width:18%;"| [[Miss Intercontinental|MISS
! style="background:#c8a2c8; width:18%;"| [[Miss Supranational|MISS
! style="background:#fbec5d; width:18%;"| [[Miss Globe International|MISS GLOBE
! style="background:#dfffcf; width:18%;"| [[Miss Tourism International|MISS
! style="background:#cff0ff; width:18%;"| [[Miss Grand International|MISS GRAND
! style="background:#c8a2c8; width:18%;"| [[Miss Heritage|MISS HERITAGE]]
! style="background:#fbec5d; width:18%;"| [[World Miss University|WORLD MISS
! style="background:#FFE6E6; width:5%;" | # of WINS
| '''{{flag|USA}}'''
| [[Miss Intercontinental 1973|1973]], [[Miss Intercontinental 1979|1979]], [[Miss
Intercontinental 1982|1982]], [[Miss Intercontinental 1994|1994]], [[Miss
Intercontinental 2011|2011]]
| [[Miss Globe International 1996|1996]], [[Miss Globe International 2002|2002]]
| [[Miss Tourism International 2004|2004]]
| [[World Miss University 1988|1988]], [[World Miss University 1991|1991]], [[World
Miss University 2011|2011]]
| align="center"|'''11'''
| '''{{flag|Philippines}}'''
| [[Miss Supranational 2013|2013]],
| [[Miss Globe International 2001|2001]], [[Miss Globe 2015|2015]]
| [[Miss Tourism International 2000|2000]], [[Miss Tourism International 2012|2012]],
[[Miss Tourism International 2013|2013]]
| [[Miss Heritage 2014|2014]]
| align="center"|'''7'''
| '''{{flag|India}}'''
| [[Miss Intercontinental 1978|1978]], [[Miss Intercontinental 1997|1997]]
| [[Miss Supranational 2014|2014]]
| [[Miss Tourism International 2001|2001]], [[Miss Tourism International 2008|2008]]
| [[World Miss University 1989|1989]]
| align="center"|'''6'''
| '''{{flag|Venezuela}}'''
| [[Miss Intercontinental 1974|1974]], [[Miss Intercontinental 2001|2001]], [[Miss
Intercontinental 2005|2005]], [[Miss Intercontinental 2009|2009]], [[Miss
Intercontinental 2012|2012]]
| [[Miss Globe International 1988|1988]], [[Miss Globe International 1990|1990]],
[[Miss Globe International 2000|2000]], [[Miss Globe International 2006|2006]]
| [[Miss Tourism International 2014|2014]]
| align="center"|'''10'''
| '''{{flag|Brazil}}'''
| [[Miss Intercontinental 1981|1981]], [[Miss Intercontinental 1998|1998]]
| [[Miss Globe International 2003|2003]], [[Miss Globe International 2007|2007]],
[[Miss Globe International 2012|2012]],
| [[World Miss University 2001|2001]]
| align="center"|'''6'''

== References ==

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