A Culture of Corporate Unity

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A Culture of Corporate Unity

New orientation training but to shoppers they are all viewed as The proprietary courses were devel-
employees who contribute to the overall oped specifically for the three career
puts Simon employees shopping experience. Simons goal is to paths. However, Simon wanted to provide
sustain a team environment among all a more general level of e-learning as a
and on-site contractors
personnel in multiple locations. To do springboard into the more advanced
on the same team. this, they provide a training program to training program areas. With a planned
reinforce the team focus, career ad- launch of a number of new initiatives
vancement philosophy, and other attrib- such as policy and procedure updates, Lo-
The Company utes of their corporate culture. tus Notes training, and benefit program
Were firm believers in training. Si- reinforcement on the horizon, Simon de-
Simon mon is interested in the growth of its cided to implement a new employee ori-
people, and putting training at the dis- entation strategy that would reach
posal of all employees is a tangible way everyone in the company. In addition to
to demonstrate commitment to our communicating various HR matters, the
workforce, says Carol Franket, director new training would demonstrate Simons
MORE/www.simon.com of HR field personnel at Simon. corporate objectives, culture, and history.
Simon decided to create an orientation
Creating e-learning success course to reestablish and promote a sense
As an early adopter of e-learning, Simon of unity among its workers, and to inform
has been delivering online training to its employees of the many long-term career
The Supplier employees since the mid 1990s. With Ele- training paths available to them.
ment K as its learning provider, Simon
Element K combines off-the-shelf training in desk- Building a team
top applications and business skills de- Simon outsources security, main-
velopment with various custom courses tenance, housekeeping, landscaping, and
designed to address proprietary systems a few other operational functions to
and career path objectives. Simon cur- agencies that perform these services as
MORE/elementk.com rently uses its training program to ad- their core competency. It is critical to
vance employees at all levels of the Simon that these agencies foster a strong
organization down three separate career team atmosphere among everyone
paths: management; marketing, which working at their locations, regardless
includes sales and guest services; and of who employs them. Every person
OPENING THE DOORS to approximately leasing, which covers financial opera- coming into our malls or shopping
2.4 billion shoppers a year, Simon Proper- tions and in-house systems training, as centers is a customer, so every person
ty Group understands the value of its well as policies and procedures for lease working to support those locations rep-
people. creation and management. Employees resents Simon, no matter if they are mall
Simon, a recognized leader in the can access training at any time through managers or security persons assisting
shopping center management industry, Simons online training portal. customers and ensuring their saftey,
oversees the ownership, development, The e-learning solution set provides says Franket.
and management of nearly 300 regional us with consistent training across our To create a team-oriented workplace,
malls and community lifestyle centers in portfolio. For example, we use e-learning the company provides new orientation
the United States and abroad. Simon at- to set clear baseline expectations for our training to outsourced employees upon
tributes its continued success to the guest services representatives, which im- hire. Simon wanted to ensure this train-
companys dedication and common fo- proves our service to guests and increases ing conveyed the corporate culture in a
cus of its employees. sales of the Simon Giftcard product. The way that was accessible and relevant to a
The organization retains 5,000 staff giftcard program nationally represents in wider audience. We needed to design
directly, and has another 8,000 workers excess of $465 million, and the majority of this course so that it fit a broad audience.
at its malls and centers. These additional our giftcard transactions take place at the It was crucial that the contractors view-
workers are employed by firms that spe- guest services booths in our malls, says ing the material felt like it was relevant
cialize in property security, mainte- Amy Noll, director of marketing informa- for them too, breaking down the barriers
nance, housekeeping, and landscaping, tion management. of title or employer, notes Franket.

Copyright ASTD, July 2006 TDJuly 2006 65


Providing consistency ple iterations, often sending copy to Ele- year, ensuring that every employee has
Because of the geographic dispersion of ment K after hours and getting new ver- the opportunity to see the program. Si-
their offices and the challenge of providing sions back for review first thing the next mon also plans to create an updated ver-
and maintaining current orientation ma- morning, says Franket. sion designed specifically for new hires
terials at remote locations, new hires often The training would also inform new to improve the original training.
learn about basic policies and corporate hires about Simons HR materials and As a next step in its enhanced em-
culture from a mentortypically their provide an overview of available training ployee training and communication ef-
predecessor on the job. Because some of- and access to its education site. In our forts, Simon plans to implement Element
fices operate with as few as five manage- experience, once people get acquainted Ks usage tracking and incentive-based
ment employees, mentors have limited with the training we offer, they are eager learning programs. Simon also has a new
time to devote to training and do not nec- to use it. The challenge is to create mall management training program be-
essarily possess specialized training skills. awareness about the program and ing designed for future rollout.
Stories associated with corporate ensure it is broadly accessible, adds Simons new orientation course un-
culture are often picked up from co- Irv Kravitz, senior vice president of hu- derscores its commitment to career
workers, instead of the channels that man resources. development, job satisfaction, and a
would give them a true picture of the Si- Employees utilize training either on- team-oriented environment. By deliver-
mon history. Simon wants a method to the-fly or via a set development path. Si- ing its corporate culture and history to all
ensure that every representative of their mons array of highly-focused, 15- on-site personnel regardless of employer,
company is exposed to a consistent mes- minute training courses, QuickTrain, is the scope of Simons training has reached
sage that in turn can be assessed and available for guest services represen- new levels of audience relevancy.
validated through a company-approved tatives to access as a just-in-time learn- With this orientation, people really
e-learning program. In addition, since ing resource. see that its not the employer, but the
the training is one hour in length, it is Employees pursuing the manage- goal that we all have in common, Fran-
imperative that it presents the material ment career path undergo a more exten- ket concludes.
in an engaging, interactive way. sive set of training modules, taking 12 to
18 hours worth of courses over a span of
Personalizing a learning solution months or years.This latter development
Having a long history with Element K, Si- path aligns training goals with practical,
mon outlined the new training goals and on-the-job objectives as managers move
immediately set to work with its learning from smaller locations to larger centers
partner. The orientation needed to be commensurate with their experience.
more than a training tool. It had to be a Regardless of their career path, Simon
vehicle for team unification spanning dif- employees now rely on the orientation
ferent organizations and job roles, and training for direction into future oppor-
serve as a resource that people could re- tunities within the organization.
fer to when necessary. Simon also made
it a priority to fill the course with pictures Ensuring success
and references from a large number of its For the orientation training, Simon re-
properties, adding a personal element to ported that more than 70 people took the
which all workers could relate. course before it was officially launched
While many of Simons more ad- at their annual convention in March.
vanced courses placed emphasis on Mirroring the positive internal re-
simulations and interactivity, the com- sponse, employees of the external agen-
pany felt that a purely narrated orienta- cies have also reacted well to the
tion would strike the proper tone with training, due in part to the well-paced
viewers. Due to the materials unique narration and integration of on-location
cultural component, the script for the references. Although those agencies
organizations welcome message and have somewhat different HR policies, the
segments on corporate culture needed to administrators appreciated the benefits
be precise. Simon looked to Element K to of a more team-oriented approach to
ensure a well-measured and engag- property management and actively en-
ing delivery. couraged their own employees to make
Being entirely narrated, the speaker use of the new training.
had to have just the right emphasis on All employees are required to com-
certain words. We worked through multi- plete the course before the end of the

66 TDJuly 2006
Copyright ASTD, July 2006

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