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CBSE-Class X


Important Questions Control and Coordination

Section A (1 mark each)

Question 1. Where is auxin synthesized in plants?

Question 2. Which gland is known as Master gland?

Question 3. Name the hormone that regulates blood sugar level.

Question 4. What is synapse?

Question 5. What are tropic movements? Give one examples

Question 6. Which part of brain is responsible for maintaining posture and balance
of our body?

Question 7. Which hormone has inhibiting effect on growth of plants.

Question 8. What is phototropism?

Question 9. What are the components of central Nervous System?

Question 10. What happens at synapse between two neurons?

Section B (3 marks
(2 - 4 marks

Question 1. Draw diagram of neuron and label cell body, dendrites and axon.

Question 2. What is reflex arc? Explain with the help of a flow-chart.

Question 3. Mention one function of each of the following

(i) Cerebellum
(ii) Pons.

Question 4. What is the cause of diabetes? How it can be controlled?

Question 5. Why it is advisable to use iodised salt?

Question 6. What are the different receptors present in our body? What are their

Question 7. What are plant hormones? Name a plant hormone that promotes
growth in plants.

Question 8. What are sensory and motor neurons? Write their functions.

Question 9. Why is Abscisic acid called as stress hormone?

Question 10. Why a plant appears to bend towards light when light is coming from
one side of the plant?

Section C (3 marks each)

Question 1. What is the significance of tropic movement in plants? Explain any

two types of tropic movements.

Question 2. (i) What are endocrine glands?

(ii) Name a gland which have both endocrine and exocrine
functions. Also write its endocrine and exocrine secretions.

Question 3. Which hormone is known as emergency hormone in our body? How it

helps in coping during emergency?

Section D (5 marks each)

Question 1. What are hormones (in animals) List four characteristics of hormones.
Name the hormone required for the following.
(i) Development of moustache and beard in human male
(ii) Lowering of blood glucose.

Question 2. Mention the functions of

(a) Fore brain
(b) Mid brain
(c) Hind brain

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