Democracy and Diversity: Activity: Talk Show

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Chapter: Activity: Talk Show

Democracy and To make the learners aware about several facets of

Diversity discrimination prevalent across the world and further
sensitizing them to the idea of diversity.
Democracy and Diversity
Activity: Talk Show

Please provide the rubric to the learners one day before conducting the assessment.

Ask the learners to get into three groups. Assign each group with one of the
following topics for the talk show:
Discrimination based on diversity of background is pervasive all around the
Caste discrimination: legally abolished but socially practiced
People are born equal, society makes them unequal
Instruct the groups to decide who will be the host for the discussion. The rest of
the learners will be the panel members for the discussion. Let them take the stage
and ask other groups to be an attentive and participative audience.
Repeat this exercise with other groups as well.

(Note: You may want to record this talk show to play back later for the class. They
can in turn assess themselves.)

Educomp Solutions Limited An Educomp Research Initiative

Rubric for Talk Show

Democracy and Diversity

Activity: Talk Show

Topic: A Story from Mexico Olympics overlapping and cross-cutting differences.

Parameter Proficient Standard Developing

Knowledge and My understanding of the My understanding of the My understanding of the

Understanding topic is in depth, topic is detailed yet it does topic is very basic.
of the Topic of thoughtful and analytical. not involve any analytical
Discussion approach. I divert from the topic
I am able to discuss the more than four times.
topic but also touch upon I am able to discuss the
the layered ideas related topic but divert just once or My standpoint is what I
to it. twice. think is right.

I am able to quote some I am able to touch upon the

clear and effective facts topics given in the
to validate my standpoint textbook.
that makes my argument
more substantial. My standpoint is clear and
more or less present a
My standpoint is a subjective viewpoint.
healthy mix of subjective
and objective views.

4 Marks 3 Marks 2 Marks

Role Enacted by Script and format of the Script and format of the Script is loose and does
the Panel and discussion is well discussion is prepared in not show any novelty
Host prepared and maintains advance but exceeds the required for the format of
the time limit. time limit. a talk show.

I use technical words I use simple words which I use very basic words and
keeping the profession in are clear but do not justify sound like a student.
mind yet the words my profession.
clearly convey my I tentatively put my views
viewpoint. I am not pushy and let forward.
others take over whenever
I am not pushy while they want to.
contributing to the
discussion but certainly I am able to put across my
assertive. viewpoints.

I am able to put across

my viewpoints to the

4 Marks 3 Marks 2 Marks

Educomp Solutions Limited An Educomp Research Initiative

Participation as As an audience I am As an audience I am
an audience in participative and making somewhat attentive but do
the discussion notes of the crux of the not ask questions.

I ask an important
question to the panel
without sounding

2 Marks 1 Mark

Learning Outcome

I am able to give arguments on the idea of diversity and its important in a democracy.

Educomp Solutions Limited An Educomp Research Initiative

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