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Global Workforce Survey Findings

January 6, 2017
Survey demographics Segmentation # %
- Approach: Online quantitative consumer survey of workers from 10 countries,
across skill levels and generations. Male 6,260 59.5%
- Sample: 10,527 respondents Female 4,187 39.8%
- Timeframe: November 25 December 9, 2016
- Geographical scope: Transgender 46 .4%
Australia (AU) Other 10 .09%
Brazil (BR) Prefer not to say 24 .2%
France (FR)
Germany (DE) TOTAL 10,527 100%
India (IN)
Italy (IT) High skill * 4,740 45.0%
Japan (JP) Medium skill * 2,850 27.1%
Turkey (TK)
United Kingdom (UK) Low skill * 2,937 27.9%
United States (US) TOTAL 10,527 100%

Baby Boomer (1946-1964) 2,411 22.9%

Gen X (1965-1978) 3,439 32.7%
Millennial (1979-1997) 4,644 44.1%
Gen Z (1998 or later) 33 .3%
* Skill Levels were organized by occupation categories from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, with
slight modifications based on education level for specific occupation categories. TOTAL 10,527 100%
Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 2
Workforce of the Future Labor Force Survey
Workers are excited about the future of work
Respondents are overwhelmingly excited for the changes technology will bring, a sentiment that is
highest amongst workers who are highly skilled, young and in developing countries.

Skill Level Generation Country

82% 77% 78% 77% 78% 81% 80%
83% 87% 84% 84% 88%
90% 93% 95% 95%

18% 23% 22% 23% 22% 19% 20%
17% 13% 16% 16%
10% 7% 12%
5% 5%
High Medium Low Baby Gen X Millennial Overall AU BR FR DE IN IT JP TR UK US
Skill Skill Skill Boomers

Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 3
Workforce of the Future Labor Force Survey
Anticipated impact of automation
Over two-thirds of workers expect some automation, though high skilled workers, Millennials
and workers in emerging countries expect more significant changes than other segments.

Skill Level Generation Country

19% 18% 14% 16% 14% 18% 14%

23% 21% 20%
25% 25%
33% 32% 37%
41% 43%
27% 24%
30% 30% 20%
31% 28% 23% 29%
34% 35%
40% 36%
38% 34% 41% 37%
37% 39% 41% 40%
35% 33% 41%
25% 26%
23% 27% 22%
18% 20% 21% 15% 15%
16% 14% 13% 15% 15% 12%
8% 7% 8%
3% 1% 1%
High Medium Low Baby Gen X Millennial
Skill Skill Skill Boomers

Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 4

Workforce of the Future Labor Force Survey
Learning to develop skills to succeed in the workforce of the future

Workers understand the importance of learning new skills and are ready to invest time, but there is an opportunity for organizations to continue to inform
workers about future skill demands

Importance of Learning New Skills Investing Free Time to Learn Awareness of skill needs
The vast majority of respondents across skill levels An overwhelming 85% are ready to The majority report that they know the
understand the importance of regularly learning new skills, invest free time over the next six skills they need to develop in order to
but this is even higher for high skilled workers. months to learn a new set of skills to remain relevant, but 42% responded
remain relevant in their work. not sure or not at all.

49% 44%


37% Critical 85%
Somewhat Important

7% Not Important
3% 5%
High Skill Medium Low Skill
Skill Q2.19 Q2.18 Q2.8

Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 5

Workforce of the Future Labor Force Survey
On-demand Workforce: Generational, geographical and skill level differences

67% of respondents are interested in self-employment or freelancing, but there are differences between skill levels, generations and countries.

Skill Levels Younger v. Older Emerging v. Developed

High skilled workers are more likely than Millennials and Gen Z are most likely to 67% of respondents overall said they
middle or low skilled workers to be be interested in self-employment and were interested in self-employment or
interested in self-employment and freelancing. freelancing, but this is even more
freelancing. pronounced in respondents in emerging

62% 60% 61%
75% 76%


40% 46%
38% 39% 41%
25% 24%


High Medium Low Baby Gen X Millennial

Skill Skill Skill Boomers
Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 6
Detailed Survey Findings

Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 7


Millennials and emerging country workers are more likely to

report technological change speeding up
How would you describe the pace of change in your job due to the advances of technology (e.g.,
robots, data analytics, artificial intelligence, connected devices, wearables like connected watches)?

Country Generation

Speeding Up
No Change
Slowing Down
54% 54% 49% 53% 54%
64% 60% 63% 65% 64% 61%
74% 71%
83% 85%

43% 43% 44% 43%
33% 37% 35% 32% 33% 36%
24% 26%
15% 14%
3% 3% 2% 3% 3% 2% 2% 4% 1% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%
Overall AU BR FR DE IN IT JP TR UK US Overall Baby Gen X Millennial
Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 8

Workers believe there will be significant changes in how the next

generation will work but are optimistic that the changes will result
in more opportunities than challenges
Do you believe that the way the next generation/your children will work will be significantly
different than the way your generation works due to advances in technology?

Country Generation

More Opportunities
More Challenges

45% No Significant Change

48% 52%
57% 58% 54% 56% 61% 60%
61% 66% 66%
75% 80%

35% 44% 37%
35% 33%
31% 40% 31% 32%
26% 26% 28%
23% 18%
8% 8% 11% 8% 8% 11% 7% 8% 11% 8%
2% 1% 2% 6%

Overall AU BR FR DE IN IT JP TR UK US Overall Baby Gen X Millennial


Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 9


Workers are overwhelmingly excited for the changes technology will bring,
a fact that is higher amongst younger workers
What best describes your feelings about the changes that technology is bringing and will bring
to your work in the next 5 years?

Country Generation


77% 78% 81% 80% 78%
84% 84% 84% 83% 87%
93% 88%
95% 95%

23% 22% 19% 20% 22%
16% 16% 12% 16% 17% 13%
7% 5% 5%
Overall AU BR FR DE IN IT JP TR UK US Overall Baby Gen X Millennial
Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 10

Workers across generations, and countries are overwhelmingly optimistic

about changes technology will bring to work in the next 5 years
Overall are you pessimistic or optimistic about the changes that technology will bring to your
work in the next 5 years?

Country Generation


78% 74%
84% 84% 84% 81% 87% 81% 85%
87% 90% 91%
97% 94%

22% 26%
16% 16% 16% 19% 13% 19% 15%
13% 10% 9%
3% 2% 6%
Overall AU BR FR DE IN IT JP TR UK US Overall Baby Gen X Millennial

Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 11


Most workers see positive impact of technology on efficiency and

learning of new skills, and negative impact on stress/physical pain
More specifically, what do you expect the impact of technology to be on your work in Negative

the next 5 years? No Change


Overall High Skill Medium Skill Low Skill

Efficiency 4%
22% 74% 4%
18% 78% 4%
23% 73% 4%27% 68%
Learning of new skills 5%
22% 73% 4%
18% 78% 5%
23% 72% 5%28% 66%
Quality of your work 6%
6%28% 66% 4%
23% 73% 6%
6% 30% 63% 7%
7% 35% 59%
Possibility to work remotely 6%
6% 32% 63% 5%
23% 72% 6%
6% 34% 60% 8%
8% 42% 50%
Customer service
8% 31% 61% 7%
7%26% 67% 9%
9% 32% 59% 9%
9% 37% 54%
Time spent on interesting work
8% 34% 58% 7%
7% 28% 65% 9%
9% 35% 55% 9%
9% 42% 49%
Flexibility in working hours
8% 36% 57% 6%
6% 29% 64% 8%
8% 38% 54% 10%
10% 44% 47%
Collaboration with colleagues
10% 36% 53% 9%
9% 30% 61% 11%
11% 37% 51% 11%
11% 46% 44%
Career opportunities
12% 37% 51% 10%
10%30% 60% 12%
12% 40% 48% 14%
14% 44% 42%
Autonomy / freedom to make your
own decisions 11%
11% 40% 49% 10%
10% 35% 55% 11%
11% 43% 46% 13%
13% 46% 41%
Job security 20% 37% 42% 18% 33% 49% 22% 42% 37% 22% 41% 37%
Wages/Level of compensation 16% 44% 40% 14%
14% 38% 48% 17% 49% 34% 18% 49% 34%

Stress/Physical pain 23% 44% 33% 23% 40% 37% 23% 46% 31% 22% 47% 31%
Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 12

Over two-thirds of workers expect some automation, though the extent

differs across generations and countries
To what extent do you expect part of your job to be automated in the next 5 years?

Country Generation

16% 14% 18% 14% 14%
21% 20% 25% 23% To a large extent
25% 25%
37% 32%
41% 43% To a limited extent
24% 27%
30% 30% 20% Not at all
23% 29%
31% 30%
40% 36%
34% 41% 37% 38%
39% 41% 40%
41% 31% 33%
23% 27% 22%
21% 15% 15% 13% 20%
13% 15% 15% 12% 14%
8% 7%
3% 1% 1%
Overall Baby Gen X Millennial

Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 13


Amongst workers who expect automation, an overwhelming majority

expect it will provide more opportunities
If automation expected What best describes your attitude about how automation will impact
your work experience in the next 5 years?

Country Generation

More Opportunities
More Challenges

72% 70% 66% 72%

80% 77% 75% 80% 79%
82% 80% 84%
87% 91% 92%

30% 34%
28% 26% 28%
20% 23% 18% 20% 20% 21%
13% 16%
9% 8%

Overall AU BR FR DE IN IT JP TR UK US Overall Baby Gen X Millennial


Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 14


Workers recognize the importance of learning new skills regularly

to stay relevant at work
How important will it be for you to regularly learn new skills to remain relevant during your
working life?

Country Generation

Somewhat Important
41% 36%
42% 45% 43% 42% Not Important
52% 53% 49% 52% 52% 51%

52% 41% 57% 48%

52% 52%
43% 41% 50% 46% 43% 45%
13% 14% 10%
5% 7% 6% 6% 7% 5% 5% 4% 3%
1% 0% 2% 0%
Overall AU BR FR DE IN IT JP TR UK US Overall Baby Gen X Millennial
Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 15

An overwhelming majority of workers, across generations and countries,

are willing to invest their own time in training to remain relevant at work
Would you be ready to invest your free time over the next 6 months to learn a new set of skills
to remain relevant in your work?

Country Generation


80% 82% 85% 78%
85% 86% 86% 85% 89%
97% 93% 94%

20% 19% 15% 22%
15% 14% 14% 15%
7% 6% 11%
2% 3%
Overall AU BR FR DE IN IT JP TR UK US Overall Baby Gen X Millennial

Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 16


Over four in ten workers are unsure what skills they need to develop to
stay relevant in their work
In light of the changes in technology, do you know the skills that you need to develop in order to
remain relevant in your work in the next 5 years?

Country Generation

Not sure
Not at all
47% 46% 50% 48%
58% 57% 56% 58% 56%
63% 65%
73% 70%

47% 43% 44%
36% 37% 42% 36% 38%
34% 31%
26% 30%
17% 17%
7% 11% 7% 6% 8%
6% 5% 1% 0% 2% 0% 3% 6% 4%

Overall AU BR FR DE IN IT JP TR UK US Overall Baby Gen X Millennial


Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 17


Workers of different countries identify different top three skills for

development in the next 5 years
What are the top three skills that you need to develop to remain relevant in your work in the
next 5 years?

Overall Australia Brazil France Germany

Technical Skills 43% 43% 40% 38% 43%

Ability to Change and Learn 41% 47% 42% 37% 45%

Complex Problem Solving 31% 33% 32% 25% 39%

Customer Service 30% 32% 30% 26% 28%

Ability to work with intelligent
machines (e.g., robots, AI) 30% 23% 39% 33% 29%
Judgement and Decision
Making 30% 33% 26% 28% 30%

Creativity 29% 23% 33% 35% 25%

People Management 27% 27% 23% 28% 21%

Collaboration skills 21% 22% 16% 28% 19%

Emotional Intelligence 19% 17% 19% 22% 23%

Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 18


Workers of different countries identify different top three skills for

development in the next 5 years
What are the top three skills that you need to develop to remain relevant in your work in the
next 5 years?

Overall India Italy Japan

Technical Skills 43% 52% 52% 31%

Ability to Change and Learn 41% 38% 42% 35%

Complex Problem Solving 31% 26% 35% 30%

Customer Service 30% 24% 30% 37%

Ability to work with intelligent
machines (e.g., robots, AI) 30% 37% 33% 27%
Judgement and Decision
Making 30% 32% 22% 39%

Creativity 29% 34% 25% 32%

People Management 27% 27% 19% 28%

Collaboration skills 21% 16% 25% 23%

Emotional Intelligence 19% 14% 17% 18%

Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 19


Workers of different countries identify different top three skills for

development in the next 5 years
What are the top three skills that you need to develop to remain relevant in your work in the
next 5 years?

Overall Turkey United Kingdom United States

Technical Skills 43% 45% 41% 43%

Ability to Change and Learn 41% 29% 45% 47%

Complex Problem Solving 31% 30% 29% 31%

Customer Service 30% 28% 33% 32%

Ability to work with intelligent
machines (e.g., robots, AI) 30% 34% 23% 23%
Judgement and Decision
Making 30% 23% 32% 34%

Creativity 29% 38% 24% 23%

People Management 27% 34% 31% 30%

Collaboration skills 21% 20% 23% 22%

Emotional Intelligence 19% 20% 19% 15%

Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 20


On-the-job training is cited as the most effective learning format across

skill levels
What would be the most effective format of learning to help you develop your skills? Rank top two.

Overall High Skill Medium Skill Low Skill

On-the-job training (job-shadowing, job
rotations, coaching) 69% 65% 69% 73%

Online (web-based on PC and mobile

devices) 54% 57% 56% 49%

Formal classroom 50% 48% 50% 52%

Short, training accessible from a

mobile device 27% 29% 25% 26%

Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 21


Most workers, across countries and generations, rate their employers

learning opportunities as fair, poor, or nonexistent
How would you rate the quality of learning opportunities provided by your employer?

Country Generation

22% 21% 20% 20% 22% Fair
32% 29% 29% 32% 29%
39% 42% 42% 39% Poor
56% Not applicable -
I do not receive
38% any learning
49% 46% opportunities
55% 61% from my
47% 50% 50% 47% 49%
42% employer
42% 47%
38% 17%
10% 20%
13% 9% 13% 11% 13% 14%
15% 8% 9%
8% 12% 4% 16% 15%
8% 10% 10% 8% 9% 7% 8% 8% 6%
4% 4%
Overall AU BR FR DE IT JP TR UK US Overall Baby Gen X Millennial
Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 22

56% of workers expect to stay with their current employer for 5 years or
lessa fact that increases to 63% for Millennials
How long do you expect to stay with your current employer?

Overall Baby Boomer Gen X Millennial

Less than one year 9% 8% 8% 11%

Between 1 and 2 years 19% 15% 17% 23%

Between 3 and 5 years 27% 29% 23% 30%

Between 5 and 10 20% 27% 18% 18%


Over 10 years 25% 22% 34% 19%

Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 23


Regardless of country and labor flexibility, a majority of workers plan to

stay with their current employer for 5 years or less
How long do you expect to stay with your current employer?


9% 11% 7% 10% 8% 9% 9% 6% 11% 8% Less than one year

14% Between 1 and 2 years
18% 17% 17% 15% 20%
19% Between 3 and 5 years
22% 26% 18% 23%
Between 5 and 10 years
23% 26%
28% 25% 25% Over 10 years
27% 23% 25%
29% 30%
18% 20% 25%
20% 20% 19% 22%
20% 17%
30% 29% 33% 28%
25% 26% 27% 26%
18% 19%


Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 24


High-skilled and younger workers are more likely to be interested in

becoming self-employed or freelance in the future
Would you be interested in becoming self-employed or freelance in the future? Yes

Country Generation Skill Level

53% 49% 48%

64% 61% 69% 57%
67% 67% 69% 67% 64% 67%
76% 75%
90% 88%

51% 52%
47% 47%
36% 39% 36% 31% 43%
33% 33% 31% 33% 33%
24% 25%
10% 12%

Overall AU BR FR DE IN IT JP TR UK US Overall Baby Gen X Millennial Overall High Medium Low

Boomer Skill Skill Skill
Copyright 2017 Accenture All rights reserved. 25

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