Legal Ethics Chap 8

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Based on the book

Legal and Judicial Ethics
By Atty. Ruben E. Agpalo
It is the courts duty to look
into dealings between
FIDUCIARY HIS POSSESSION. attorneys and their clients
and to guard and protect
OBLIGATIONS Rule 16.01A lawyer shall account for all the latter from any undue
money or property collected or received for consequences resulting
or from the client. from a situation in which
they may stand unequal.
A. EFFECTS OF FIDUCIARY RELATION Rule 16.02A lawyer shall keep the funds of While a lawyer is not
each client separate and apart from his own barred from dealing with
and those of others kept by him. his client in business
The position of an attorney enables him to transaction, the same is
put in his power, and opens him to the Rule 16.03A lawyer shall deliver the funds disfavored and his
temptation to avail himself, not only of the and property of his client when due or upon business dealings must be
necessity if his client but of his good characterized with utmost
demand. However, he shall have a lien over
nature, liberality and credulity to obtain honesty and good faith.
the funds and may apply so much thereof as The measure of good faith
undue advantages, bargains and
may be necessary to satisfy his lawful fees which an attorney is
The well-established rule that the relation and disbursements, giving notice promptly required to exercise in his
of attorney and client is highly fiduciary thereafter to his client. He shall also have a dealings with his clients is
and disinterestedness on the part of the lien to the same extent on all judgments and a much higher standard
attorney is designed to remove all such executions he has secured for his client as than is required in
temptation and to prevent everything of business dealings where
provided for in the Rules of Court.
that kind from being done for the the parties trade at arms
protection of the client. length.
Rule 16.04A lawyer shall not borrow
When there is a business
money from his client unless the clients
Dealings with client closely scrutinized transaction between an
interests are fully protected by the nature of attorney and his client, the
A fiduciary relationship exists as a the case or by independent advice. Neither burden of proof rests upon
matter of law between attorney and shall a lawyer lend money to a client except, the attorney to show that
client; when in the interest of justice, he has to the transaction is fair,
advance necessary expenses in a legal
matter he is handling for the client.
Based on the book
Legal and Judicial Ethics
By Atty. Ruben E. Agpalo

equitable and just, and that it did not proceed from receive by way of bequest is reasonable and no more
undue influence, and that the property so acquired does than what would be received under the law.
not belong constructively to the client.
Rebates and commissions
Abuse of clients confidence
A lawyer shall not, without the full knowledge and
A lawyer should refrain from any action whereby for his consent of the client, accept any fee, reward, costs
personal benefit or gain he abuses or takes advantage commission interest, rebate or forwarding allowance or
of the confidence reposed in him by his client. other compensation whatsoever related to his
A lawyer may not retain the money of one client to force professional employment from anyone other than the
a settlement of the disputed claim of another client client.
against the former. This is to secure the attorneys wholehearted fidelity and
An attorney, confronted with the situation of drawing a to prevent the situation where the receipt of rebates or
will for a friend or a relative who wishes to make a commission from another in connection with the clients
bequest to him or to a member of his family, should take business may interfere with the full discharge of his duty.
into consideration: Whatever the lawyer receives from the opposite party in
o The conflict of interests; the service of his client belongs to the client, in the
o The incompetence of a lawyer-beneficiary to absence of his clients consent made after full disclosure
testify because of a transaction with the of the facts.
o The possible jeopardy of the will if its admission A lawyer shall not borrow from, nor lend money to, client
to probate is contested;
o The possible harm to the other beneficiaries, and Rule 16.04.01 A lawyer shall not borrow money from his
o The undermining of the public trust and client unless the clients interests are fully protected by
confidence in the integrity of an attorney. the nature of the case or by independent advice.
The mere existence of a confidential relation between a o This is intended to prevent the lawyer from taking
testator and his lawyer who is beneficiary under the will advantage of his influence over the client. Even if
does not per se raise an inference of undue influence, he can borrow such as when the clients interests
but the inference only arises where the attorney acts as are protected, he should not abuse the clients
draftsman and other persuasive circumstances. confidence by delaying payment.
The attorney may draw a will in that situation where Rule 16.04.02 Neither shall a lawyer lend money to a
undue influence may not be inferred and what he may client except, when in the interest of justice, he has to

Based on the book
Legal and Judicial Ethics
By Atty. Ruben E. Agpalo

advance necessary expenses in a legal matter he is If the lawyer does not use the money entrusted to him by
handling for the client. his client for an intended purpose, he should
o This is intended to assure the lawyers immediately return the money to his client.
independent professional judgment, for if the The circumstance that an attorney has a lien for his
lawyer acquires a financial interest in the attorneys fees on the money in his hands collected for
outcome of the case the free exercise of his his client does not relieve him from obligation to make a
judgment may be adversely affected. prompt accounting.
o This may lead the lawyer to consider his own If duly authorized, an attorney may cash a money order
recovery rather than that of his client. belonging to his client and retain a part of it in payment
of his fees.

A lawyer shall not commingle clients funds

Rule 16.02 A lawyer shall keep the funds of each client
A lawyer shall account for clients funds
separate and apart from his own and those of others
Canon 16 A lawyer shall hold in trust all moneys and kept by him.
properties of his client that may come into his He should not commingle a clients money with that of
possession. other clients and with his private funds, nor use the
Canon 16.01 A lawyer shall account for all money or clients money for his personal purposes without the
property collected or received for or from the client. clients consent.
Such money or property include the following:
o The money collected by a lawyer in pursuance of A lawyer shall deliver funds to client, subject to his lien
a judgment in favor of his client Rule 16.03 A lawyer shall deliver the funds and property
o Money of a client not used for the purpose for
of his client when due or upon demand. However, he
which it was entrusted to his counsel
shall have a lien over the funds and may apply so much
o Any property redeemed with the clients money
thereof as may be necessary to satisfy his lawful fees
and registered in the lawyers name
o Any fund received by him from a judgment and disbursements, giving notice promptly thereafter to
his client. He shall also have a lien to the same extent on
creditor as consideration for his desisting from
all judgments and executions he has secured for his
participating in the public sale of the clients
client as provided for in the Rules of Court.

Based on the book
Legal and Judicial Ethics
By Atty. Ruben E. Agpalo

The failure of an attorney to return the clients money These four elements must concur:
upon demand gives rise to the presumption that he has o Attorney-client relationship
misappropriated it for his own use to the prejudice of and o The property or interest of the client must be in
in violation of the trust reposed in him by the client. litigation
There must already be an agreement between the o The attorney takes part as counsel in the case,
lawyer and the client as to the amount of attorneys fees and
and as to the application of the clients fund to pay the o The attorney by himself or through another
attorneys lawful fees and disbursement. purchases such property or interest during the
In case of disagreement as to the lawyers fees, the pendency of the litigation.
lawyer should not arbitrarily apply the funds in his Purchase or lease of the property in litigation is in favor
possession to the payment of his fees; instead, he may of a partnership, of which counsel is a partner
file the necessary action to fix and recover the amount of
his fees. Where rule inapplicable

Absence of any of the elements

C. RESTRICTION AGAINST BUYING CLIENTS PROPERTY Purchaser of the property in litigation was a corporation
even though the attorney was an officer thereof
Purchase of clients property in litigation An attorney may properly bid on behalf of his client at
auction sale of the clients property in litigation because
The law expressly prohibits a lawyer from purchasing, his participation is not for his own benefit
even at a public or judicial auction, either in person or Contract for attorneys fees contingent upon the outcome
through the mediation of another, any property or of the litigation. It neither gives nor purports to give to the
interest involved in any litigation in which he may take attorney an absolute right, personal or real, in the
part by virtue of his profession. (Art. 1491, Civil Code of subject matter during the pendency of the litigation.
the Philippines)
The prohibition which rests on considerations of public Effects of prohibited purchase
policy is intended to curtail any undue influence of the
lawyer upon his client on account of his fiduciary and Breach of professional ethics
confidential relation with him. The attorney may be disciplined for such misconduct.
The prohibition is absolute and permanent. The transaction is null and void.
The client is entitled to recover the property or interest
Application of rule from his attorney, together with its fruits. He should,
Based on the book
Legal and Judicial Ethics
By Atty. Ruben E. Agpalo

however, return the purchase price and the legal less than their face value, with intent to collect them at
interests thereon to the attorney, as he may not unjustly large profit for himself.
enrich himself at the expense of his counsel. However, he may properly acquire choses in action not
in his professional capacity but as a legitimate
Purchase of choses in action investment.
Choses in action is the right to bring a lawsuit to
recover chattels, money or debt.
It is improper for a lawyer in his professional capacity to
but judgment notes or other choses in action for much

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