Results Press Release For December 31, 2016 (Result)

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iStreet Network Ltd.

clN 151 900MH1 986?LCO4A232

5'13, Palmspring, Above Croma, Link Road, Malad West, lvlumbai 400064
Iel.: +9122 42576767 Email :
Februa(y 15,2017

The Department of Corporate Services
BSE Limited
Phio rze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Mumbai - 400 001

Ref; Scrip code : 524622

Dea r Sir/Madam,

Sub: Sharing the press release

We are pleased to share a press release dated February 1,5,2017 on the quarterly performance of
the Company for the quarter ended December 31, 2016

Kindly take the same on record.

Tha nking you,

Yours faithfully,
For iStreet Network Limited

Dipan kar Basu

Company Secretary
iStreet Network Limited
clN 151900M1-11986P1C040232
513, Palmspring, Above Crona, Link Road, Malad Wcst, Mumbat 400064
Tel.: +91 22 425f6161 Fmail: inlq@ isli_qgt:letlvo,li cont
Website: ![qry{_t"feq!LEJyLo{!t-qn.l

Release Fe b ruo ry 15, 2017

iStreet l.Jetwoi'k: Re - En rneefln Retail

Empowering Mom & Pop Stores

istreet Network Lrd. (BSE: lS tRNEIWt() ar its Board Meeting held on February 14, 20L7 has a p proved
the unaudited financial rcsulrs for the quartcr enclecl Dccembe t 31,,2ar6.lnvestors may review the fu Il
unaudited quarterly r.lsults at Company's website or at BSE website.

Key highlight of the Cornpany's performancc are as follolvs:

q3 qtz s1
FY 2016-1-7 l rV ZOrc-n FY 20'l_6-17

No. of lransactions (in Lacs) ' 4.79 I 16.38 10.5 3

Transaction Value - GMV (Rs. Lacs ) 3s9 i,.72 3


iStreet Bazaar Store Count (Cumulativ,e) tl,/g3 6.643 5,809


PM Narcndra Modi's bold ntove to dcntonetizc Rs.500 and Rs. 1OO0 currency notes has been a
welcome step considering thL' fact that it will help in curbing blacl< money, hawala and many
such iss u es
affecting our coLlntTy. However, the movc has had a short-term adverse impact on the Company's

The Company is an lr'llerr.let rt)tail company an.l operiltes through its networl( of Mom and-pop
who act as 'online bLrying poif ts' for cornmon pcoplc of India. As a major chunl< of orders placed on
website, and generally in retail, by the cornnron people is paid through cash, the announcement
demonetization has had a dctrimental effect on the number of orders placed. The Company,s business
due to this transition has dropped sleeply as comparecl to previous quarter. The Company has tal(en
steps and re defined its strategy to grow faster in the changed environment with focus on incorporating
digitalwalleis alorrg with casir. The Com pa f y continues to believe that th is effect is a te m pora ry on e.
The role of istreet Bazaar,s local assistance
in the urge for digitalization wlll continue
for last mile consumers. to play a vital role

Dipankar Basu 40i)a64
Company Secretary

About istreet Network Limited

istreet Network Limited is hased jn Mumbai
and is listed on the Bombay stock Fxchange.
to simplify and deliver eCommerce to the last rt,s mission is
mile of rndia. rt operates in the ,tnteriet
Retail' segment and has successfully incubated & Catalogue
it's lnternet Retail store project through
istreet Bazaar. For more information jog it,s network of
on to or www.

Safe harbor statement

stotements in this dacument relotinq
ta lLtlure,stotus (:vants, or circutltstonces,
obiecLtves llte praqres5 antl resul6 inclLt(ling but not linlited to storements
of tcsearch ottd developmenr, ,ur",,ir,t'n'roi,u, ,t,otocterisrics, obout plons ond
project reloted tssues ore praject parentior dnd totget dotes
fc'twa rtl'looktttg state,,ents hosed on estirnales and for
develaping circumstanccs Such stoteft)ents ;he anticipoted elt'ects o.t'Iuture events
ore subject to nun)eraus risk\ ontl u on current ond
resutts.Actuot resutts .ov dilt", .ot",ri"ttv yrom rnose onticipo-teiin *,":
to updote fatword loakinq stotements to ;:;;:;i::o;r;":r:i!;:::"i;:i:;:;::f:::::;,:;::t"r:;i,r;r,",
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