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Srinitya Krishna

Having support and a companion by ones side can allow one to feel included, no
matter how different he/she is from them. One will feel a sense of comfort and
belonging if you have someone there by your side supporting you. In the short
film Be my brother, published in 2009 and written and directed by Genevieve
Clay, the main protagonist suffers autism and feels excluded by his brother due
to his illness, until a friend Amanda tells him that he is an entertaining friend and
through this, his brother realises what mistake he has done. Through the use of
many visual and literary techniques, Clay effectively portrays the main idea as
belonging and how anyone can belong somewhere if they have the support from
a companion.
Understanding the fact that you are different from someone is important as you
will realise that it will be hard to feel included. In Be my brother, the
protagonist does understand the fact that he cant fit in that easily. This is shown
in the voiceover I am who I am. I cant change it, when the protagonist listens
through his recording. The voiceover allows us to realise that Richard, the
protagonist does know that he is different from most of his community but he is
still trying his best to feel belonged. He also understands that he doesnt feel
accepted by his brother due to his illness and is shown in the recording when
Richard screams I dont like to be ignored. This recording also aids us in
realising that Richard understands why he doesnt belong as well as depicting us
that he wants to take action for it.
Having the right bond with someone will aid you in feeling included as bonds
form the feeling of inclusiveness. In Be my brother, the protagonist Richard
doesnt have an ideal relationship with his brother due to his mental illness and
explains them to his companion. This is shown in the wide shots of Richard and
his companion Amanda which portrays a friendly relationship and in contrast, a
decaying relationship between Richard and his brother, which is shown through
his brothers facial expressions when he replies no thank you after Richard asks
for a recording. Both these wide shots portray both the relationships that can
occur and how they can make you feel by having them.
Accepting that you are different from the rest is necessary as if you dont, there
can be serious consequences between you and the relationship with the other
person/people. In Be my brother, the protagonist accepts that his relationship
with his brother isnt ideal and he tries to amend it. This is shown through the
voiceover and full wide shot he never wants to be around me. He thinks he
doesnt want to be near me. The use of the voice over hints his view and
opinion on his brother due to bad relationships. He has accepted that he doesnt
have a perfect relationship with his brother and therefore finds it difficult to
belong and feel included with him. The tone used in the voiceover is rather dull,
further emphasising his sadness towards the feeling of detachment.
Having experiences that show positive relationships which make you feel
included as well as negative relationships with others can help you realise where
you fit in. Richard has experiences with both his companion Amanda when she
comforts him and this shown through the happy tone in both their voices in the
scene as well as his negative experiences with his brother which is shown
through the negative facial expressions of him and his brother and the loud tone
Srinitya Krishna

in Richard when he speaks. Through these experiences with his friend and
brother, he realises where he belongs. It also shows his identity as due to his
companions support, he knew that he was worth something and does belong
somewhere. This is why

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