My Discovery Srinitya Krishna 9M

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Everyone in my class sat in a circular shape, their voices almost echoed

around the area. I just sat there and fiddled my hands, not saying a word.
They were really enthusiastic and excited for the place we were at but I
looked like I wanted to do anything to get out of there. I couldnt really
mingle with anyone as it would just be awkward. I felt invisible next to
anyone in the group. My classmates would move around without me
because I was so quiet. I would just sit next to them and try to look like I
was mingling with them but really, I was just day dreaming or observing
the pleasing nature. But I was fed up. It had been three hours since we
were at the school trip and it was just boring. Every time I tried to distract
myself from the class and eye the splendid scenery, I was interrupted by
the loud screams of joy from my classmates. I felt so insecure & lonely.
Our class was at an excursion to the Sydney Gardens. The scenery was
exceptionally picturesque. The dominant colour was a vibrant green with
hints of purple and red, representing the flowers. It created a serene
atmosphere. There were sheep, cows and horses scattered all over the
massive green field. Tall trees stretched incredibly high and almost hiding
behind intricately shaped branches, were tiny birds looking like they were
calling and interacting with each other. It instantly made me smile. Crystal
clear water shimmering and on top, a cliff that looked around 100 feet
high. It was ideal for a perfect sight- seeing trip.
Our teachers took us around the place. It was filled with greenery, flowers,
insects and water surrounding most of the area. It was probably the most
scenic place I had ever seen. Although the scorching sun made me slightly
irritated as I had forgotten my water bottle and the environment became
very arid. We were walking up steep hills and mosquitos & bees constantly
bit me. As it was a mufti day, we had the opportunity to wear whatever we
wanted to wear. I watched the girls in my class as they flipped their curled
hair rather stylishly and wore black or grey midriffs and trendy sport
shoes. And there was me on the other hand, wearing sweats and
fluorescent yellow sneakers.
Honestly, this trip was a huge bore. I wanted to go home and not
participate in this excursion. I wanted the rest of the class to do it without
me as they were more deserving. I fiddled with the ends of my shirt
constantly, depicting how bored I actually felt. I tried to communicate with
classmates but as it usually didnt end up too well, there was no surprise
this time too.
Um hi Its meAAmy Hows llife?
She slowly rolled her eyes and slowly stepped further away from me and
replied: Its none of your business okay! Weirdo
My heart sank and my cheeks went so red that I felt the heat enter and
exit rapidly. I was so embarrassed that I turned right and ran like the wind
so I wouldnt be seen by anyone else.

The class started walking in the same direction up narrow hills so I

followed them. I wasnt much of an athletic girl either so as the girls in
my class leisurely strolled up the hills, I awkwardly strode with my back
*huffing and puffing* Why do I have to do this? Im struggling to just walk
up hills!
We reached a certain point and I got a bit confused on why we stopped. I
moved forward while nudging my classmates and teachers and looked
down. My mouth and eyes widened as I now realised the stunt we were
going to complete Bungee jumping?
My legs trembled as I asked one of the teachers H. Hi miss. Um are
we. supposed to jump off this cliff? spoken in a shaky high pitched
Yep. Wouldnt it be fun?
Yeah. A LOT of fun
The teachers gave us safety equipment to prevent possible accidents
which jumping off the cliff. I heard the girls accompanying me cheering
very loudly and high fiving each other while I on the other hand, was
shocked as well as very petrified. In order of where we stood, I was going
Great!, I sarcastically whispered to myself. My tummy was spinning and I
felt dizzy while looking down at the what looked like 500 kilometres down
the cliff. I wanted to back out as I was too scared. I asked the teachers if it
was essential to complete it. They nodded a yes. I started
hyperventilating. My only chance to escape this was to not do it and back
out. Tears filled my eyes as I was confident that I wouldnt make it. By
now, the teachers understood my fear of completing this stunt and tried
their best to pacify me but I just couldnt calm myself down. I started
sniffling and my hands were trembling. The teachers advised me to close
my eyes, take a deep breath, count to three and just jump, so I followed
them and just did it as I didnt want to create any drama and wait any
I can do this. Just follow the teachers and you will make it I said to
myself while rubbing my hands against the essential safety equipment. I
bent down slightly rubbed my hands against each other and prayed for
the best. Before I knew it, I was flying. I screamed all my fear out and in
awe, looked at the splendid view. It was a matter of 1-2 minutes of flying
until I reached the ground. I sighed a relief and smiled the widest I have
ever smiled before. I completed something that took guts to do. I finally
trusted myself, ignored what others thought about me and accepted
myself of who I was and took on something that many people couldnt do.
I crossed my limits on doing something that I would have never thought

on doing. I never felt prouder and happier of myself. I never felt this
feeling of satisfaction and acceptance.
It was finally time to leave the venue. The sun was setting in a beautiful
mix of pink and orange hue. I boarded the train feeling prouder than ever.
Through this experience I learned to accept myself for who I was. Even
though I was a very insecure and introverted person, I was capable for
doing anything. I didnt need the boundaries set upon me. I am who I am.
If you dont like something, change it. If you cant change something,
change the way you think about it.

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