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Name: Mary Chris B.


Date: November 17, 2014

Activity: Museo de Oro Visit

Artifacts Information
1. Kinawew A kitchenware used for chicken
2. Barung Tausug single edged leaf blade sword
3. Sarimanok Messenger of Maranao
Cultural Artifacts
1. Gandang Agong Two headed drum, Maranao Gong.
2. Mansakada Deity Idol The replica of a doll they believe as
their Saint placed above their ritual
3. Bangkakaw Matigsahug-Manobo suspende
percussion log
Fr. Francisco Demetrio SJ Contribution
-June 17, 1951 he was ordained as a -Founded the Museo de ORO.
priest. -First curator of Xavier Folklore
-Born in Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City Museum.
on June 18, 1920. -Director of the Philippine Folklife and
-One of the first graduates of Ateno de Folklore Studies Center.
Cagayan High School in 1938. -Chairman of History Department at
-Finished his college education in XU.
Manila. -Had civic and social involvement.
-1945, he left for United States of -Introduced PETA trainings.
America to pursue his licentiate in -Brgy. Captain of Barangay 40.
Sacred Theology.
-graduated Cum Laude in Woodstock,
Maryland in 1952.

Personal Insight:

Last Thursday, November 13, 2014, we had our visit inside the
Museo de Oro with my blockmates during our FFP 10 class. It took
us almost an hour and a half to wander around the museum. The
museum is setup in chronological order for the CDO area. There is a
nice presentation of artifacts found in the area and artist
interpretations of how the CDO area has evolved over the centuries.
Since there are well written descriptions in every artifacts displayed
inside the museum, it it easy for all of us to get informations from
each of them.

Because of the Museum visit, I was able to gain more knowledge

about our ancestors and also I was able to realize that us, present
people of this generation must really thank our ancestors for their
contribution to what we all have right now.

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