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APLSTH Practice Exam #2 Ope Book |. Welders may be quai by RT of gsouve Wels, wth the exception af 2) SAW with siicne-ase has 1 GMAW elobulr tmser 6) GMAW puleshare 4) GMAW Siortcteitng 2. ured pipe desigued for 100ps is esto at 12Sp foe 8 hours. After 4 hours the ress has droppt Spi, andthe system is ped back ap to L2Spsi During the remaining 4 ho ofthe tes the pres chos psi. ccd bse in |ADI-S70, the inspector shou 2) Accopt the testa successful ') Fvacuate the pipe and conduct an extemal vss inspection ©) Reject the est and conduct farther nepctions 4) Visually inspect the pipe an Find the leak 3._ Pipe without cathodic protcetion in sil with a essvty of 1500 ohm-em, hati he ‘maximum ineval berween external inspections? 2) 25 years é ) Syeus ©) lO years 4) 15 Sears 4 An NPS & pipe operates st 675ps, 650°F. and the pipe is A-116 Grade B What isthe allowable tres value to he used in thickness caleulaions? 4) 16500ps ¢ ©) B62 inches © 8.72 inches 12. 16° pig cout rig ick witha coro eo 025" per er na awh ope The comet hicinss ©0313" low tick ili bergen (Gomme E=1A a 820000)" ? 2) 0.0895" ») 0200" ©) 02875") a) 0350" 13. When locally thinned area is teing evaluate far acceptability the evaluation ‘should be in aecordance ith the preps of a) ASME Section VIE b) APIRP S79 . ©) ASME Sects IN o 4d) ASME BBLS BAY Technical Associates. tne 5 asus APES ete Fain #2 Open Bow 1H. pining system comsincted of A106 GiB (A-2¥ Ge, WP fing) is designed for £25psiat 750" F, At wht presse sol he yatenhe teste st JU steam ‘ndensae is ose fr the test ne? ‘a 25psi 15, Min chloride conten fir potibe water sed ots SOD sie ties AY 230p0m ) S00ppm ©) 2509p {8 Siappb 16. When performing PF of soinless weld joints, which f the Fllring is core for sortying accepuable penevant maria? 2) Verify the cerifieation ofthe penctrnt and developer my floworine content 1) Check the material container for identification and batch numbers ©) Very the certiieation of penctant and devcloper materials fr sulfur content 42) Very certification of cleaner material for moisture content als fi eblorine oF 17 salve body has heen measured and found to havea remaining thickness of 0.56 The valve i ina piping system that is NPS Sehedule 10 and operates at 300psi ard 7S0°F. The valve material specification is unknown The proper procedure for etermining the valve's required tices is ae pipe sing the sess ofthe lowes material strength stl in the fferencing vn and utiplying the ness by 1S yy ofr to ASME B10 31 forthe spcifed minim dhvkness based un the valves classification Lf alee the valve ast were a simple sine using 7HW0psi fhe mati stest allowad, and then mullply he tele by 1.5. pps using 100} he teri stress le ws i wen as 18, What is the ttal umber of Face a rot atest rei uty a Welder on a sinh groove weld? a 0 a BAY Tectia Associates, ie 1 uso APLSn Practice Exam #2 Open Book 19. Whats the recommended masinnam inspection interval fo hikness measurements of offic wssoline piping system? 2) 1 year by Sears 2) Sets 1) Wye () 20, When cuopoter based inpeeton econds systems ar sed o evaluate piping ‘sien, articular cae mist be exerci when Apply statistic data, to ensure that they agroe wih the stu eondiion of the piping 1) Purtasig the softwave, to ensure hat itis not overly complicated snd hence prone to human etror ding input of the da Enering the data, to ensure hat they are reasonable forthe type of piping being inspected Purchasing de softvare, o ensure it is lexible and ean be madeled 1 he pips syst to establish the actual corosion ates, 6 21. When perfoing weld repairs, the preheat emnperature shal bein accordance with the code requirements excep in which case? 2) Adding» support attachment pate 1) Temporary repairs, with the approval ofthe inspector €)Temporiy sepais, wi the approval oF the piping engineer 4) Adiga non-presure bearing attachment pte 22. Whats the iim required hickness(netudingcorosion allowance) fr a4 inch stem (4.8 inch OD) if taperates a 525p at 40°F, the pipe watsia and the corrosion allowance fs 0.0625 Inch? Assume tat = 0.85 ta S = 13,8007) 4) 1.0989 ine 2) 14658 eh ©) 1589 ich {8 O6L4 inch 4 t £3) What ithe mason pass eh of weld sinincemen frag Wel in 7 severe cyclic servi ction piping having 4 wal thickness of 38 nf? a) iG ink 7 by Usinch 6) S32 inch «d) 316 inch BAY Tecteal Ascoeiates, Ine 5 0 APLSTO Practice xan #2 Ops Bonk 24, Fora longi rot end test, the weld locate 2) Parle the longa sof the specimen, snd te oot surtace is on the one side ofthe bet specie hy Perpendicular to the longi ass ot tk pceimen ad the the convex se of the ett specie ©) Parle ode nga ais ofthe esi, and the woot sua is on the ‘cone side of the het specimen 48) Perpendicular the longittinl axis f the specimen, a ther sunace ison te cancave sie of the bem specimen a Allo the following should e integral pts f safety procedures concerning pipe inspection exc 8) Segregating piping 1) Installing Binds ) Leak testing \d)Brecting seatfolding 26, Whats the inn hens for ab NPS 6 (6 628 inches OD) seamless pps, 106 Gr. B, used in a 400psi, 50°F process? 9) 056i ' 22 oti ae 9 Las int 301th 27. A magnetic parce exanination proce should specify tht the examination shall te 4) Performed only with ASNT approved und ASNT ested partil 1a) Performs hy the continous tbo ©) Applied under the dee supervision of an ASNT Level 3 spect tall ines {1 Applied with yoke leas spread tos main width oft inches 1 a piping opi the hase metal is 8 water the weld metal A-8 atrial and ‘he wall hcess e125 ates. What the mina bold ine for heat tet a) J hou 1B) Tho, 18 minates ) Ube vt None BAY Technical Ascites. te @ oso AIST Practice Eyam #2 pon ok 29, Whats the total numberof fs coupons (tension and en that mst he este to qua inch groove wold provers? » 3 o 4 Fina closure weld ina exif pine sytem eoasists ofa fll poneraion but ‘veld betiven wo sections pipe that lave Deen mie eu. The closure welds sccepable cay if 8) 100% radigaraphic eymninstion is peformet 1) The rot and surfaces posses are Filly examined using the magnetic patele method ce) Uleasnically tested with an angle beam os Let) pressure test is applied to the emire system 5S 41. A piping system has the folowing characteris: oe ‘Design presurwtemperatre o0psig'300°F Pipe description NPS10, A106 Gr. B CGstside ameter of pipe, “D” 10 %inches Allowable stress 20,000) ‘Longitdinl weld elficieney,“E 10 Thickness determined fromm inspection 0.30 neh CObeerved oerosion rate (02 inch per yea next planned inspection 5S yeas estimated coerosion less hy date of net inspection 0.10 inch thse dat, what isthe main allwle working presse of this system? a) 3729s 7 1) 7p ©) 967s 4) 1050 When slesting low strength bolting fora st of Chass S00 lags ina pining system designed fora tximunn temperature of 10°F, which ofthe following ASTM. ‘sywcfications should not be wed? fa) ASTM A193 Gr. BSC CL. by ASTMASO7 Gr 8) ASTM AS20Gr B8CLI {hy ASTM AL 20 Gi BSTCL [BAY Toctiical Associates, Ine sos _APLS0 Pratie Exam #2 Open Hon 33.A proces in which a ferrous metal is heated to sible temperature above the ‘cursfonmation range ans subsequently cooled in sl ar at ram tenpenite is nna 2) Ses relieving Fy Tempering ©) Nosmalizn 2) Annealing (pio te loving eh std eight of eid ae seton of 4 Chas 40 CONST aS tae 4) 0.06 net ) 0.100 neh ©) 0125 inch © 0250 inch 3 [A miter end for severe eyclic service shold have at angle wo no nore than a 2s ») 300° 3) 375° a) 450° 36, Whot isthe maximum: pressut ating for TT Defoe in Heat feted Zone Side Bend QW=H62 > Na Deters ‘Toughness Tests (QW-170) Specimen [Notch [Nove [Test [impact No._| Location | Type | Temp [ Values Ep Diop Welsh Mil Brak No Beak Fillet Weld Tests (QW-180) Rests Yes No—Penoration into Patent Meta Yes No Sitsactory Macro = Results Typeot Test Deposit Analysis Other Welder’ Name _Will Lee Mabeit Clock No, 43 Testcomdocted by” First Testing ng] ——_ Laboratory Test No. _ 37 We at hte aonb Bs cord ae Someta a Re ld ere rt. wc. IT tosince hrc egeramentvol Secon alte ASME Cae Manfostirer Date: October 11,2000 BAY Technical Assines, Ine Is oso ADIESTU Practice Exam #2 Open Book BAY Testnical Associates Ie le ose AAPIS70 Prctee Examination 2 1. When the body mir closure pressure tess on a salve are porn alter valves serviced thes tes should be conic in aecordance with a) APIO by APis20 ©) ALSO a) ASME BIOS 2. ‘the repair enzanization shall se welders quslified in wecodance with 8) ASME B3I3 only 1b) ASME B31/3 oF the WPS o which the png was built ©) The cunent applicable code 4) ASME B3I.TOrB5I.3 3. A piping sytem that eatries diesel fuel ono a river ba atleast every must be thickness measured 3) 3 yeas 0) 5 year 6) Tyas 10 years 4 Inservice UT measurements indicate thinning inthe HAZ ofan elbow-to-weld neck fangs on 130" vapor line. What is the best method to determine the exten of skeestoration during the next scheduled downtime? 4) Internal inspection 1) Ultrasonic seam oth elbow ©) Spot RT ofthe welds ) FaILRT ofthe elbow Which ofthe following snot iste in ASME Cou, Section IX. 98 method by whieh a welder may be quale?” 1) Radiognphic examination of inti production welds 1) Radiographic examination of atest compo 4) Ulasooic examination of production welds (0) ena tests taken feo test capt 6 Apipe mast ave what specified minim yield strength (SMYS) before temp laced pais cam Be tae? 8) 7000p by <40,000ps5 6) > 4000p 4) 40,000 kilopascats BAY Technical Associates, Ie ABIES7O Prctce Examination /> Ye montero chess memset atin (FMS sei high emperatre 4) Eshibit very’ niform comosion independent cation in the system 1) Arenot considered tobe a potential environment tsk 1), Comoe a sch a ast rae that they are considered constable and are replaced ‘on prdetermaned ime Sceles 44) Are constructs of highalloy materials hat are unlikely ere 1. During visual inspections of conctel-toair and asphal-to-e interfaces of buried Piping at isnot cathoially protected the piping inspector should look for evidence or 2) Galvanic corrosion 1) fate corosion ©) Caulking oF seal deterioration {4} A bulging pipe wall atthe intrtace recon foreach piping spstem shal he maintained bythe: 9. Appropr 2) Owners 1) Authorized API Standard S70 Inspector ©) Piping engineer 8) Repair onziizaton u An imperfection of type ar magnitude exceeding the avceptable criteria known as 4) niation NbyDoree 6) Disentinity Flaw A the eustlason of apres tes, it most important hl he 4) “Testing equine as been rermved and properly store 1) Piping x cined ad ey 6} Piping system s properly aligned or een 18) Presse relict devices have been restore te operations conition BAY Technical Associates, fe ADI-S10 PrastceLxaminaion #2 12 Theentent of verification of materials ws fr reps or alerations oF aley systems fs determined by the: 8). Material supplier 1) rst! ath 4e) Onneriuser or inspector Piping enginer 13. rete is being perfonmea 6 lotr the minima design temperate om piping system, Whiel of the following i equi” ‘iy Verity that system piping materials mict coke inion terperatne 1b) Calculate the test pressure using he at of allowable stresses «€)- Review the inspection record o crise that he piping sytem is adequately supported 4) Perform Brie hardness test on represcotatve samples 14 Thickness measurement location (TML) readings om piping system indicate that the onosion rate has increase, The inspector's mos appropriate espns i: 4) Recalculate the inspection interval ofthe sytem 1) Recalculate the piping cteit average comoson rate 6} Schedule the next inspection within st months 4) Report this change in eonition o maintenance 15. Foran NPS 12 pipe, the minimum required thickness forthe design condition is 0.162 loch, The inspection result incite the lowest measured thickness 0.189 inch. For know cosrosion rate of 0.08 inch year the remaining ie ofthe pipe a) 27 years ») Siysars ©) SA years 10 years 16 ‘Which impecton method is most appropriate for detecting extemal chloride stress sonroston cracking is austenitic saifes stepping syst? 2) Dry magnetic partite ) Liguid pentane 1) Longin ulnasonie 4) Radingzaphy HAY Tectmical Assists, le API-S70 Pract Fanimation 2 iy the lower he soi siti the 17, On baie piping, gener 1a}. the noe li eatbodic protection 1) Greater the inspection terval }- Lower penta for soil moisture retention {0 Higher the extemal eorosion rate 18 For ew systems or for syste tha will nero n change in serves the corrosion rite shal be dstermined sins: 8) ‘The vo most cent thickness ratings 1) ata rom equipment in the same o similar service as the new piping }- Data rom eigunent adjacent to the egupeat in question ‘9, Theditference between the nominal hieknoss and the actual measured thickness 19, Which ofthe following i ol required t be included in an inspection record system? 4) Piping system service, clasiication, 1D numbers, and intervals 1) The name ofthe person performing nondestmtive examination (NDE) ©) Results of a nondestuctive examination (NDE) 18) Total number of thickness measurement locations MIs) recorded in each piping system 20, Deus ia piping system should be: 4) Ingpcte at dhe sue interval a the est ofthe piping system 1) Eliminated whenever possible 6) Inspected every three years {2 Inspected tan ier that is al that ofthe rest ofthe piping system mvtalthichoess of eomponent being mcasurd under 0.125" thon i 4) Canmot be aeurately eased 1) Can coniibuie io rediced secur of digital uleasonic measurements ¢} Can coniibut 1 teduced secure of profile ridigrphy memurements {Should only he measured sin ed camentechnigues An insp indicates atthe eet readings indicate severe i Tine eines ce ta. tori inspecting asulfnie aid piping ecu whose piping specification ned carbo sts! A'S Uilasonie testing thickess 1 al Tos ast osenstroai fom lang junction £0 Pos ssaaaictoring methods have iced the al hickness in that aren 1h Joint misalignment as rece the wall dhickness in that area Vining itegity has feed {0 The wall loss expected in id service bas oct BAY Techical Assoeates, toe ' 23. For piping sais nd alterations, all propose methods of desig, execs atrial, welding, exarination, and testing must be approved by the 8), Consirastion contractor by Owneriuser {Piping inspector or piping engincer 4) Ping inspector 24. For temporary rear on-stream, fll encigtemen! welded spi sleeve isnot, reconnmended on a longitudinal erack unless the: 4), Crk tips are blond by ding 'b) Repair method has boen reviewed snd approved by the piping engincee 6} Line diameter does not exceed sx inches 0) Grk i smaller than seh ad is not with the beat acted zone of wed 25. Apiping sytem was installed in Febeusty 1989 with an iil thickness of 0.29 inch “Taickness measured 0.20 inch in August 1999 and 17 ich in February 2001. The Piping retirement thickness is 0.13 inch. The remtining life ofthe components 26, Which ofthe following ilare required in a repair welding procedure specification «qualified to ASME Section IX? 2) A recor of the welding data used to weld test coupon 1) description ofthe eauited repair #0) Allessemial, nonessential and supplementary variables {1 The positon ot the proove tobe weet 27. New connections installed om existing piping systems shall always be 41 Considered aerations 2} Locate dsensreun from any counol valves ._Designed per the applicablecade {1 100% rad graphod 28 The WPS and PQR are wed to determin: The welder’ ability to deposi sound weld mst 1) ‘The welder’ mechanical ability when operating welling eysipment 6) The welders sbi to proce welds that ane radiographic Thee of dels {1 That the weldipet will have the requ properties forthe intend application BAY Techuieal Associates, Ine APESTU Practice Examination 29, A outing bli’ stvey can he sod to evaluate 1) the effetivenes of eathodic pte by Coing repair needs 1) Costing teks {1 The noe ow akitional nodes 0 Tins, tepetate, and tess ine conditions tat can cause: 5) Bavitonmental cracking 1b) Creep erteking ©) Fatigne ereking {Stress comosin cracking u An exteral visual inspection of aboveground piping should always inch 42) Bellows expansion joints and pipe angers 1) Checking fr fugitive emissions ‘)Thikness measurements tll inspection points ‘8, Stripping insulation for corasion under insulation inspection x Surface conditions of buried pipstine pas shoul be visually surveyed ppreximaely every’ 2) Six months b) Year ©) Two yeas 4) Three years 5. Records te that an NPS 10 9° elbow pipe bas continually fed inservice de srooving This dials tha dhe elbow is Being sujec 10 a} Numerous inividalinpests of sid origi particles, eausing erosion 1) Sour water or steam containing hyeogen salle ©) oti salts nsing corion or sairaed steam aevompanied by poor naitenance on steam tas 4 Toei sls causing comresion ‘valntion of dts fom the ispscton of a injection pot yields 9 remaining ie of Te sears When should the nest et oF hikness meastement be performed? a VIvce ars 1) ive years Bight yeas a Tenyons HAY Testincal Ascites, te 6 API-S70 Pectce Examination #2 85, Evaluation ofa Hogitudimal weld (ith «quality factor oes han 1,00) reveals a nr azea rene eon Wek. An independ caltlation say he wed “termine 8) Wether he thickness atthe Weld that remate fromthe weld yovems the MAW? by ewresion rate has increase, since the previous inspection ©) Pan improper alloy was use nthe erga design a may be used 4 Be paraded 1) Which mates class should be sed forth tables in ASME: B31.3 3 Whit ordhe folowing would bean indication of leak in buried piping? 4) Operating pressure variation 9) Ground vibration ©) Soil hardening ) Noticeahe odor 37. ipe fabication welding may not be performed ifthe weld ara is 2) Frosted o wet ») Below 32°F ©) Above 120°F 4 Inaniner atmosphere 38, Yertica supports constructed of pipe components shouldbe check to detennine if they ae filed with water, because water idea support may cause; 2) Inter eoresion ofthe suppont 1) Internal eorosion ofthe pipe ©} External earosion ofthe sppost 19) Aaddional stress tobe placed on the support 39. Daring radioerphic examination ofa weld. the wire mage quity indicator shall be Paced 8} Adjacsnt to the weld 50 thatthe feat ofthe wite i pemercularto the weld 1) Aeon othe weld sth the length ofthe ite paral tothe weld On the weld so that the length of the wire is penpendulr to the weld <4 On the weld so date length ofthe wice spare othe Wel 40, Liles otherwise specified in API-S70, the NDE required fr welds daring an eta or rai shall be in accordance with which ofthe allowing” 81 The applicable ede and the owner users specication by ASME BSI, R313 ©) ASME Scion VULUW-SI 41 The requirements specified bythe inspects ad the piping engine BAY Technical Assocites Ine APIS Practioe Examination #2 41, A esse tet in acondance with APTS70 sal he ps competed, if osm necessary by whic ofthe Fllossing 4) Repair ongaization 1h) Maintnance foreman Se) Authorized inspector ‘l) Piping engineer 42, What isthe mest common forin eros wer insulation on eabon ste! pip 8) Sess convsion erick 1) Localized corosion| «€), Genet corrosion 9) Galvanic comosion 48. Which ofthe flowing i not reqniement of APE-STO fora piping system rete?” 8) Updating of appropriate engineering records 1) Resraing when there ia change in te process fluid }- Validating that pressure rele devices ate seta the appropriate pressure {)) Acceptance ofthe reat hy the ispoctor orth piping engineer 4 When notch toutnes testing is performed as pat ofthe qualiiestion of welding rocedive the tess perfouned Hsing which ofthe folowing? 9} Binal test 1) apa test €) Bend tes 42) Tension est the thinest hikess measurement location (TAM) ean ona piping sper 8 11212 inl Ifthe mini pp hikes is .182 se had the observed cenrsion fates BID inch per year the remsining le of the syser 2) 1.5 yea 1) 3 years a yeas 46 Favinnmental cacking uted dri an in-service examination of wei son he assessed BY the! 2) Piping engineer 1) Nondestricvy examiner } Piping inspector Cored welding inspector HAY Technical Associates, ne * API.STO Practice Esainaton #2 47.4 POR test made for an SMAW process used a plate with a thickness of 0625 inc ‘Whats the maxim prsetion el guid thickness? by Vinch ©) eine a) Dc 48. An cht font dep trench is du to expose a section of buried pipe on which UF easements are tobe taken. Which oF the fllossing must Be complet prior 6 performing the examination? 4), Remove all loose paint and seal on the etre ru of expused ping ') Ensue thatthe sds ofthe tench are prope sored ©) Confirm sol esstivity within en Tet ofthe exeavation 1) Verify te operating pressure, temperature, and service 49, Mosh patch used fo repair Css 1 piping system must meet al but which of the following conditions? a) Welds must be 100% tested by raiography or ultrasonic examination ') Thepatch must have rounded carers }Thepatch yield strength must be lest than 40,0005) 4) A fall penctation groove weld is required 50, When insccesibilty prevents placing the image quali indicatr(s)(IQD manually ‘on the source sie oF weld being radiograpved, what deniiction is placed onthe "udioaraph to indicat that Fim se 11s) were used, 3) “Qa > oF arse 51. Unuler which eitcumstance may a welde be qualified by a production weld instead of ‘ona caupon? a) When six inches ofthe welders fist production weld pass the specified phic examination Coupon is move rom one ofthe welder's production welds und passes mechanical testing ©) When de welder as welded on plat tet thn the past seve months {1 Nove. welders may not qualify hy ths metho! BAY Techical Assoriates, nc ° APIESTU Practice Examination 22 52, Acceptance o's welded repair or alteration should inch nandestrctive ‘xaminalion in aeeonfanes wile appeable code an ea) “The winstaperstor specification, ales specified differently in APL-S70 1b) 813 specications 1) ASME ANSI specification 10) the guidlines of the owneoperto's insurance cui valentin shoud be given to Fastener inir ts. Lac ofengagentent sh ‘While inspecting Mango joints, partic Fasteners should extend completely thre exceal which ofthe following? 18) More tha the thickness oF one side ofthe nat 1b) Moe than wo dreads 5) More than one head ‘1, Zero, the nu rust be faly engaged 54, Smal bore piping should e inspected in accordance with he roquitements for lager sized pining for hich ofthe following? 8) All secondary piping 1h) Al primary and Secondary piping ©) All primary piping | 10) Chass piping only 55. la ultrasonic testing of a wel, when must the instrument be checked and calbrated swith eabrtion stand? 1) At he sar and end of each slandard workday, andor during a change of shift 1) Ont when tansdcers have been changed or an inkertypdon in the power supply tothe instrent has oveutred jing of etch sil a after eh cumulative hours of examination nt elf ach exainatio, whe examination personnel ar ‘6. Win the maninnim allowable working pressine is vealelaed forthe continued use a piping system, what wall hiekness is sed? 2) Actual thickness 1) Actual thickness minus the estimated covosion los before the next inspection {} Acts isktese mine the esate correla Toss Before the Hest ingpeetion Acta thickness minus our i rwesions inspection 1s the corrosion loss expen since the BAY Teshieal Associates nc w _APIES70 Practice Examination #2 57, Measurements fn inspootion of a Class 3 pipe revel a actual metal thickness of 035 eh, The calla minim shicknes 0.28 inch, With a cosrsion ta 3 ane per seston souk he net thickness measurement nection be ‘etelled? 4} Three years 1) Five yours «}Tenyears 18) Tovey years 58, What isthe cams for rejection ofthe “B" image om a lm due to excessive Ickseater? 2) Any image 1) Noimage 6) Alightimage A duck image 59, ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC+1A is which ofthe following typeof sbeument? 2) manual covering NDE safety procedures 4h) A document covering NDE personnel qualifications 6) dcument covering NDE procedures {)§ procede forthe visual examination of piping systems 60. When piping inspector notices deformation of a pressure vessel wall in the vicinity Ca pipe attachinent, which ofthe followings the most appropiate action to tke? 2) Take no seton; vessels are not the responsibilty of the piping inspector semen an immediate suns othe wait ©) Check for piping misalignment {0 Calculate the allowable deformation secoing to ASME Section VIL, Division 1 {1am inspesion reveals thatthe pipe shes om line have moved of the primary (2° Stoports andre hanging onthe eas preventing the ine from returning t's cl penton. What isthe mow ana ation forthe inspector to take? 8} Consul piping eninecr wo evahate the tesss othe 1) Recommend replacement with longer shoes 6) Sposa odes ofthe supponts to allow more movement {0 Recomend anchors ant stp i the pip suppor system Pine BAY Techn 1 Asseiats, Ine u AAPLST0 Practice Fxansinaton # (62, When may temporary repairs he allow fo renin inservice beyond the next :intenance opportunity? 2) When approved by pi and properly documented 1) When approved by the omer ser management ©) When approve by x piping engineer and an inspector 40) When approved by an API-S7O inspector (68, Rewer thickness measurements loeatons (TM) aye siete for whieh spe oF ing syste? a) Paine piping ) Piping dats complex in tenns of fiting branches, deadews, and injection points ©) Insulated pining 4) Long strait run piping 64, Properly organized inspection records on piping systems canbe most useful as a pide in determining 2). Repair costs 1) The most suitable typeof repair procedure ©). Matera specifications 4) Corrosion rates, probable replacements, and repair intrvals 65. Inspection records contain the following information for a particular TNL Thickness (Ine) ‘Years since instalation 0375 (new) 0325 5 0300 o(Curen What x the sorter comosion rte fir the locaton? 8) 25 mils pr year by SU mils per years (©) 7S mils po year 4d) mils po year 66 Which of the following materials requires hyostati esting with potable water or sea condensite? 2) Casbon sted 1) Mone! ©) 100 seties sinless soe a) Sr 12 Meo AY Vechnial Assosates, Ine a APES Practise Examination #2 \When ean an inspector give prior general authorization fo repsitso pi without «piping engineers approval 2) When the repair oreanization follows al requited provisios of ASMIE BS1.3 1) Novo, repairs eamot be de piping system without prio pyioval fom a Piping engincer ‘When the reais are limited o routine, provided the inspectors sti with the competency ofthe repair ergaization ‘Whenever the owmertuscr makes any repair sired (68, Junctions where vibrating piping systems are retained ae ‘ofthe fllowing specific type of corusion or racking? cal places for which 2) Bile facture 1) Stesscomosion cracking 6) Environmental eraking 6 Which ofthe following isnot a required marking on 2 B-16.5 flange or flanged fing? 2) Pressure class rating 1) Temperature range 6} Material specification §) Manufactnrers name or marking 70, Whcn a replacement piping system has a strctural sypport that was inadequately

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