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Section I: Your Dimension Results

This section will explain how you scored on each of the four dimensions of personality.

I am an Introvert
Your energy style is Introversion (in contrast with Extraversion). This dimension describes
how you manage your energy.

Introverts are energized by being quiet, reflective, and calm. They maintain a distance from
the outside world and prefer to conserve their energy rather than expend a lot of effort
seeking excitement. They enjoy:

Contemplating ideas and Reflecting on thoughts or feelings

Maintaining distance and privacy
Being in calm surroundings
Quiet and solitude
Exploring a subject in depth

I May Be an Intuitive or a Sensor

Your score was right on the borderline for the Intuition vs. Sensing dimension. We can't say
for sure what your style is for this dimension of personality.

This dimension describes how you process information. Have a look at both styles below,
and see if you can get a sense of which describes you best.

Sensors process information in a concrete, Intuitives process information in an abstract,

realistic way. They focus on observing and imaginative way. They focus on ideas and
recalling facts, experiences, and details. They like concepts that cannot be directly observed. They
to focus on: like to focus on:

Observing sights, sounds, sensations Observing patterns and connections

Noticing details Interpreting meaning
Experiencing the present moment Imagining potential
Concrete, provable facts Ideas and concepts
Realism and practicality Innovation and creativity
Knowledge from past experience Possibilities for the future
I am a Feeler
Your values style is Feeling (in contrast with Thinking). This dimension describes your
orientation to personal values.

Feelers value empathy, cooperation and compassion. They believe that everyone has a
responsibility to take care of those around them. They are concerned with:

Acting out their ideals Seeking harmony and

Engaging their emotions
Serving others
Considering the impact on people
Making authentic decisions

I May Be a Judger or a Perceiver

Your score was right on the borderline for the Judging vs. Perceiving dimension. We can't
say for sure what your style is for this dimension of personality.

This dimension describes how you prefer to organize your life. Have a look at both styles
below, and see if you can get a sense of which fits you best.

Judgers like structure and order. They keep Perceivers like freedom and spontaneity.
organized and plan ahead, resist distractions, They have a carefree attitude towards life and
and stay focused on their goals. They prefer would rather be flexible than structured. They
to: prefer to:

Create a plan and stick to it Be free to do what interests them in

the moment
See a task through to completion
Make the rules up as they go
Adhere to a schedule
Have the freedom to be flexible
Set goals and maintain focus
Brainstorm options
Follow rules and regulations
Do things when inspiration strikes
Set clear expectations
Go with the flow and enjoy surprises

Section II: Your Personality Type

This section will show you how your four dimension results combine to create your
personality type.

Discovering Your Personality Type

Your personality type code is based on the combination of your results for the four
dimensions of personality. Because we are not sure of your styles on all of the dimensions,
we are not sure of your four-letter code. We will show you all the personality types that may
fit you, and it is up to you to decide which describes you best.

My possible personality types:

INFJ: Creative Nurturer
INFJs are creative nurturers with a strong sense of personal integrity and a drive to help
others realize their potential. Creative and dedicated, they have a talent for helping others
with original solutions to their personal challenges.

INFP: Individualistic
INFPs are sensitive, caring, and compassionate, and are deeply concerned with the
personal growth of themselves and others. Individualistic and nonjudgmental, INFPs
believe that each person must find their own path. They enjoy spending time exploring their
own ideas and values, and are gently encouraging to others to do the same. INFPs are
creative and often artistic; they enjoy finding new outlets for self-expression.

ISFP: Gentle Caretaker

ISFPs are gentle caretakers who live in the present moment and enjoy their surroundings
with cheerful, low-key enthusiasm. They are flexible and spontaneous, and like to go with
the flow to enjoy what life has to offer. ISFPs are quiet and unassuming, and may be hard
to get to know. However, to those who know them well, the ISFP is warm and friendly, eager
to share in life's many experiences.

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