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Table of Contents
Welcome Note 03

Convening Committee 04

Module Heads 05

What Is Iba Iqra Society? 06

What Is Iba Inter Scholastic Tournament (IIST)? 07

IIST 2017 Theme 08

General Guidelines 09

Overview Of Modules And Competitions 10

Art 11

Quran And Knowledge 20

Writing 25

Oratory 31

Project Based 36
Welcome Note
Asalam o Alaekum Wa Rehmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,

Dear Participant,

Thank you for registering for the IBA Inter-Scholastic Tournament 2017. The Event
will take place from the 9th to 12th February, 2017, at City Campus, IBA. We are
very pleased to extend a warm welcome to you.

There are several competitions that we come across in our life. But what is it that
makes the IBA Inter Scholastic Tournament (IIST) different and why should you
participate in it? The purpose of this event is not just to make you participate in an
event, but to urge you to ponder over the purpose of life. We want you to have fun,
and at the same time reflect on the purpose of life. Man, was born to manifest the
glory of God. Be it photography, or oratory; you should aim to give in your best and
bring about a change in this world. Every single drop together makes an ocean. You
should be that drop and play your part. And that is what will make you stand out in
this world and in the hereafter!

Thus, at IIST we want you all to compete in a healthy competition, polishing your
skills, allowing yourself to grow intellectually and spiritually and pondering over our
Past Glory and Our Legacy which has been Lost. Indeed, the revival is to come from
within you! So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready for an exhilarating journey.

To help you prepare for the competitions, we are providing this detailed guidebook;
having information about each of the competitions and their respective
requirements. If you have any questions or queries, feel free to contact the
concerned department at the provided email addresses.

We hope that IIST becomes one of the best tournaments of your life and that it
uplifts your spirits and aspirations and gives you a lot to learn from and take home!
Hoping to meet you all soon, In shaa Allah.

Best Regards,

Manager IBA Iqra Society

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Convening Committee









| 4
Module Heads





ARTS ISRA ALI 0334 0121631



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What Is IBA IQRA Society?

IBA Iqra Society, which is one of the many student-led societies at IBA,
strives to play a positive role on the development of individuals at IBA and to
educate the youth about Islam in today's era. Iqra societys vision is to
inculcate Islamic practices and develop holistic skills in the student body
through various activities, events and talks by motivational speakers and
learned Islamic scholars. For a nation to prosper, it is vital for individuals to
understand that Deen and Dunya are two sides of the same coin. Hence,
the Society aims to educate the masses on how to balance the two together
perfectly. Thus, the events and workshops organized by IQRA Society not
only help in spiritual rejuvenation but also help to improve one's way of living
and built a positive mindset.

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What Is IBA Inter Scholastic
Tournament (IIST)?
The IBA Inter Scholastic Tournament is a
four day event comprising a series of
diverse competitions and workshops.
Being held for the first time in Karachi,
this one of a kind tournament is geared
towards bringing students across IBA INTER SCHOLASTIC
different schools, colleges and
universities together from around the
city to develop leadership,
communication, and other creative skills,
all while inculcating in them a deeper
understanding of Islam and Muslims.

The IBA inter Scholastic Tournament is designed to be a fun, educational and

interactive program so that it adds to the learning of the participants in an
innovative way! This tournament is a perfect blend of thrill, exciting and
learning- something which you've never seen before!

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IIST 2017 Theme
The 7th century to 13 th century is termed as The Islamic Golden Age, during which Muslim rulers
established one of the largest empires in the history. During this period, artists, engineers,
scholars, poets, philosophers and economists in the Islamic world contributed to literature,
economics, sciences, technology, industry and law, both by preserving earlier traditions and by
adding inventions and innovations of their own. This was an era where Muslim Rule spread as far as
Europe and the Subcontinent. This was a time when the Muslim world became a major intellectual
center for science, philosophy, medicine and education. This was the age of Glory for the Muslims.

During this era, Al Khwarizimi, IbnBatuta, Al Ghazali, IbnTaymiyyah, IbnSeena, IbnKhuldun and
SalahuddinAyubi are some names out of the many which are engraved on the golden pages of
history. These personalities were masters in their field. What made them leave a mark in history?
Why were they so special? These people had a goal in mind. They lived a life based upon morals and
principles. They made Quran and Sunnah their guide and determination their strength. Most
importantly, they were people who worked to bring a change in the society. They were people who
used their skills for the betterment of the Muslim World and thus, all of them are still remembered
as an inspiration today.

Keeping this glorious history and the efforts of our predecessors in mind, IIST 2017 is based upon
the theme The Lost Legacy where the event will take the participants on a tour de force through
the Islamic History which the masses are unaware of, inculcating in them a sense of pride and
honour for their legacy. Thus, IIST 2017 aims to bring to light how Islamic Civilization influenced the
world in several ways and how this powerful influence changed human destiny. However, there is
much more in store for the participants

As AllamaIqbal beautifully writes,

Have ever you pondered, O Muslim youth, On deep and serious things?
What is this world in which this you is only a broken star?

Amidst the pulse of competition, once each participant becomes familiar with the prestigious
Muslim Past, he/she will be compelled to contemplate over the current state of Muslims, as
compared to that of the predecessors and the glorious history. The end of the event will leave the
participants with renewed motivations, revived spirits and optimistic mindsets to bring about a
positive difference in the society, and change the way things are. This way, IIST 2017 aims to
establish a link between the Islamic Legacy and its contemporary relevance and leave the Muslim
Youth of today with concrete plans for a better future!

The goal of the Muslim lies beyond the blue sky;

You are the caravan, which the stars follow as dust on the road. - Allama Iqbal

O Muslim Youth, get ready for a journey that will enlighten your intellect, will make you excel and
will make you yearn for glory! A Great Awakening is on its way!

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General Guidelines
Throughout the event, participants are expected to maintain decorum
and observe all the campus rules.

Participants are expected to cooperate with the host team at all times;
any verbal or physical abuse may result in disqualification.

Use of any unfair means will lead to disqualification from the event.

The host team reserves the right to make changes in competitions as

per circumstances and requirements.

In all competitions, the judges decision will be final and will not be open
for contestation.

Although the guidelines give a gist of judging criteria, these are minimum
requirements. Judges may also mark the participants on aspects not
mentioned in the guidebook.

All competitions will start on time. Failure to reach on time can result in a
loss of marks.

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Overview Of Modules And Competitions

Modules Competitions Registration Round Details

Graphic Designing Individual Pre-tournament Submission

Round 1: Pre- tournament submission

Round 2: On tournament day

Short Film Team Pre-tournament submission

Round 1: Pre-tournament submission

Calligraphy Individual
Round 2 & 3: On tournament day

Qirat Competition Individual All rounds: on tournament day

Knowledge Nasheed competition Individual All rounds: on tournament day

and Quran
Knowledge Test Team All rounds: on tournament day

Round 1: Pre- tournament submission

Poetry Individual
Round 2: On tournament day

Writing Extemporaneous
Round 1: Pre- tournament submission
Round 2: On tournament day

Short Fiction Individual Pre-tournament submission

Grand debate Individual All rounds: on tournament day

Speak Up Individual All rounds: on tournament day

Elocution Individual All rounds: on tournament day

Bait Baazi Team All rounds: on tournament day

Project Business Venture Team

Round 1: Pre- tournament submission

Based Round 2: On tournament day

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| 11
I Graphic Designing
Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent.
- Anonymous

This competition is designed to unleash the participants creativity and engage them in proactive thinking along with skills
such as poster making and graphic designing. Under this competition, participants are required to submit a poster.

This is an Individual competition.

Participants are required to make their posters on any ONE of the following two ideas:

I. Highlight the Islamic Golden Era of the Muslims between 8th to 13thcentury. For example, you can make a poster regarding
the achievements of any famous Muslim Intellectual e.g. Al-Khwarizmi who enabled the Muslim Society to prosper through his
unique work in Mathematics.

II. Display any one good message which you would like to give to the Muslim Society of today that would help them in reviving the
The Lost Legacy of the Islamic Golden Era.

The Poster must not contain any female model or clipart.

Inappropriate language must not be used in the Poster.
The presentation of ideas in the poster and the poster itself must be original. Plagiarism of any kind may result in
Only one poster per participant is allowed.

Submission Guidelines:

All Posters must be submitted in .jpg or .png format

The poster should be named according to the following pattern: IDEA NUMBER SELECTED_ PARTICIPANT NAME
The size of the Poster should not exceed 20 MB.
Participants are required to email their posters to latest by 11:55 pm, 5th February 2017.
Each participant will get a confirmation email upon receipt of his/her poster.
Participants should keep at least one copy of their posters with themselves.

Judging Criteria:

Marks will be awarded by the Judges based on the following scoring criteria:

Content: The posters relevance with the idea selected

Creativity and Uniqueness
Design and Quality
Clarity of expressions. Has the poster been able to communicate its message across?
The importance of the message conveyed by the poster in the contemporary world.
To what extent have the listed guidelines been followed?

Final results will be announced in the closing ceremony of IIST 2017.

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II Photography
In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.
- Alfred Stieglitz

This is an individual competition.

Round 1 (Pre- Tournament Submission):

Participants are required to submit three photographs based on any three of the following Quranic ayahs.
Participants can not submit more than one photograph on one Quranic ayah. The three photographs should be
based on three different Quranic ayahs.

Is He [not best] who responds to the desperate one when he calls upon Him and removes evil
[An-Naml 27:62]

The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive
[Al-Hujuraat 49:10]

O you who have believed, fear Allah . And let every soul look to what it has put forth for tomorrow - and fear Allah .
Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do.
[Al-Hashr 59:18]

Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam.

[Al-Imran 3:19]

And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He
placed between you affection and mercy.
[Ar-Rum 30:21]

and say, "My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small."
[Al-Isra 17:24]

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And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you."
[Ghafir 40:60]

O you who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice.
[Al-Ahzab 33:70]

Competition in [worldly] increase diverts you. Until you visit the graveyards.
[At-Takathur 102:1-2]


O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire
[At-Tahrim 66:6]


And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous
[Al-i-Imran 3:133]

Each participant is also required to submit an outline for each photograph explaining how his/her photograph is
related to the Quranic ayah he/she has selected. Participants will not be judged on the quality of their writing.
However, they will be judged on the quality of explanation they have given in their outline regarding the relation
between the Quranic ayah and the photograph.
The photograph must not include any female.
If any child or person is present in the picture, their sattar must be covered properly.
The presentation of ideas in the photograph and the photograph itself must be original. Plagiarism of any kind may
result in disqualification

Submission Guidelines:

The three photographs must be submitted in .jpg or .png format

The three photographs should be named according to the following pattern: AYAH NUMBER SELECTED_
The size of each photograph should not exceed 8 MB.
The three outlines should be submitted together in a single file in .pdf format.
The pdf file should be named according to the following pattern: AYAH NUMBER SELECTED _PARTICIPANT NAME
Each outline should be between 80-120 words
Each outline in the pdf file must contain the ayah number to which it is related
The three photographs and the pdf file (containing the three outlines) should be submitted together in a .zip file.
Participants are required to email the .zip file to latest by 11:55 pm 5th February
Each participant will get a confirmation email upon receipt of his/her .zip file.
Participants should keep at least one copy of their photographs and outlines with themselves

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Judging Criteria:

All the photographs will be uploaded on the IIST 2017 Facebook Page and 30% of the marks will be given based on
the number of likes on the photographs. The photograph with the highest number of likes will be given full marks and
all the other photographs will be marked relatively according to their number of likes.
The remaining 70% marks will be awarded by the Judges based on the following scoring criteria:

Content: The photographs relevance with the Quranic ayah.

Relation between the photograph and Quranic Ayah explained through the outline
Creativity and Uniqueness
The Quality of Photograph and Editing
Clarity of expressions. Has the photograph been able to communicate its message across?
To what extent have the listed guidelines been followed?

The names of the shortlisted participants for Round 2 will be announced on the IIST Facebook page.

Round 2 (On Tournament Day):

Round 2 will take place at the IBA CITY CAMPUS
The shortlisted participants will be required to come to the IBA CITY CAMPUS along with their own DSLRs and
Cameras to take part in this round.
Participants will be given a surprise topic on which theyll have to submit three photographs each along with an
outline regarding how their photograph is related to the topic given to them.
Participants will be allowed to move around IBA City Campus to click the three photographs on the related topic.
The submission criteria for Round 2 will be the same as that for Round 1 listed above.
However, participants will be required to submit their .zip file for Round 2 latest by the very next day before 2:00
The Judging criteria will also be the same for Round 2. However, the photographs will not be uploaded on the IIST
Facebook page. All the marks (100%) will be awarded by the Judges. Marks awarded by the Judges will be based on
the same scoring criteria as that for Round 1 listed above.
The Final Results will be compiled according to the following criteria:

I. Marks scored in Round 1 will make 30% of the entire total.

II. Marks scored in Round 2 will make the remaining 70% of the entire total.

Final Results will be announced in the closing ceremony of IIST 2017.

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III Short Film
Filming is a funny combination of having a good time and not being able to wait until
it's over. - Nicole Holofcener

This competition is designed to unleash the participants creativity and engage them in proactive thinking along with skills
such as video making, video editing and story writing . Under this competition, participants are required to submit a short

This is a team competition.

Each team can have a maximum of four members. Each team should select a leader.
Each team would be allocated a Team ID after registration, which would be messaged to the leader/ or would
be uploaded on IIST's page.
Teams are required to make their short films based on any ONE of the following two ideas:

I. How has the Muslim Society adversely changed in terms of structure and character as compared to the Islamic Golden
Era and how can it improve itself as a whole?
II. Any good quality of the current Muslim Society which can act as a ray of hope in helping it to revive The Lost Legacy
of the Islamic Golden Era.

Each team is also required to submit an outline explaining how its video is related to the topic it has selected,
how it is linked to the contemporary world and the message it carries for the youth.
Teams wont be judged on their writing skills as far as the outline is concerned. However creativity will be judged.
The video must not include any background music, song, or sound effects. However, Nasheeds and Vocals
can be included.
The Video must not contain any female actor or the voice of any female.
The Sattar of all the actors in the video must be covered properly.
Appropriate language must be used throughout the video.
Inclusion of inappropriate scenes (e.g. discrimination against a particular religion/race/gender) can result in a loss
of marks or disqualification.
The presentation of ideas in the video must be original. Plagiarism of any kind may result in disqualification

Submission Guidelines:

All short films must be submitted in .mp4 format

All entries should begin with a 10 second title screen that includes the following information:

I. Team ID
II. Title of the video
III. Total running time (not including the 10 second title screen)

The length of the video must be between 3 to 5 minutes, not including the 10 second title screen
(See previous point).
The outline should be submitted in pdf format.
The outline should be between 120-170 words.
Teams are required to upload their short film and outline on Google Drive and share it with latest by 11:55 pm 5th February 2017.
Each team will get a confirmation email upon receipt of entry.
Teams should keep at least one copy of their videos with themselves.

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Judging Criteria:

All the videos will be uploaded on the IIST 2017 Facebook Page and 30% of the marks will be given based on the
number of likes on the videos of the respective groups. The video with the highest number of likes will be given full
marks and all the other videos will be marked relatively according to their number of likes.
The remaining 70% marks will be awarded by the Judges based on the following scoring criteria:

Content: The videos relevance with the theme

The quality of video, editing, background effects etc
Clarity of expressions. Has the video been able to communicate its message across?
The importance of the message conveyed by the video in the modern world.
To what extent have the listed guidelines been followed?

Results will be announced in the closing ceremony of IIST 2017.

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IV Calligraphy Competition
Calligraphy is an art form that uses ink and a brush to express the very souls
of words on paper. - Kaoru Akagawa

This is an individual competition.

Round 1 (Pre- Tournament Submission)

Participants are required to do Arabic calligraphy of a verse of their own choice from the Holy Quran, beforehand.
Participants are required to submit this piece of work on the day of the tournament, before the start of Round 2.
Calligraphy is to be submitted on an A3, White Card Sheet.
Participants are free to use any medium of their choice. (e.g. paints, markers, crayons etc.)
Participants should mention their name, school and the verse at the back of the card sheet.
40% weightage of participants score would be based on their work in this round.

Round 2 (On Tournament Day)

An ayah would be displayed on the screen and participants would be required to do calligraphy, within two hours.
More details regarding this round are going to be revealed later.
60% weightage of participants score would be based on their work in this round.

Final Round (On Tournament Day)

Participants would be shortlisted based on their weighted scores from the previous two rounds.
Shortlisted participants would be competing in the final round.
Participants would be required to do envelope calligraphy, in the given time frame of one hour.
Participants would be provided with envelopes and the text for calligraphy would be revealed then.
More details would be explained to the shortlisted participants before the final round. Participants are
recommended to research a bit about envelope calligraphy.
Some examples of envelope calligraphy are as follows:

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Note: participants are required to come up with their own designs
(These are just displayed to give the participants an idea)
Particpnats will be judged on creativity , orignality and calligraphic skills.

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I Qirat Competition (Qirat al Quran)
and recite the Qur'an with measured recitation.
- Al-Quran: Surah Muzzammil, Verse 4

Participants would be required to recite passages from the Holy Quran with proper tajweed and makharij, in a beautiful
heart melting qirat to enliven the event with the noor of the Words of Allah.

Participants have to register individually.

Round 1 and Round 2 will be conducted on separate days.
There will be separate competitions for males and females.

Round 1:
Participants are required to prepare for recitation, any ONE of the following Surahs from the Holy Quran.

1. Surah An-Naba
2. Surah An-Naziat
3. Surah Abasa
4. Surah Taqweer
5. Surah Infitar
6. Surah Mutaffiffeen
7. Surah Inshiqaq
8. Surah Al Burooj
9. Surah At-Tariqq
10. Suah Al-Alaa

Participants would be judged on perfection of Tajweed, Makhaarij and quality of their qirat.
Participants are required to memorize the Surah, as they will also be judged on memory.
Participants are also required to be familiar with Tajweed Rules. After each participant completes his/her recitation,
the judges will ask him/her short questions related to Tajweed Rules of the Holy Quran, which will also carry marks.

Round 2:
Participants shall be shortlisted based on their scores in Round 1.
At the end of Round 1, Shortlisted participants would pick chits to choose Quranic passages they would be
reciting for the round 2.
Participants would be given one day to prepare for the recitation and then would have to present their Qirat
before the panel of judges, (the next day).
This time, participants wont be judged on memory. They will be provided with a Quran to recite from.
More details regarding round 2 shall be revealed to the Shortlisted participants later.

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II Nasheed Competition
Under this competition, participants blessed with the gift of melodious voices would be required to showcase their talents
by reciting nasheeds (Islamic poems), and bring life to the competition with their heart melting melodies.

Participants have to register individually.

This is a bilingual competition. Participants may recite either Urdu OR English Nasheed.
Round 1 and Round 2 will be conducted on separate days.
There will be separate competitions for males and females.

Round 1:

Participants have to choose any ONE from the following nasheed (either Urdu or English) to prepare beforehand and
present on the day of competition for round 1.

1. Give thanks to Allah by zain bikha

2. Kalimatan by talib al habib
3. Light of dawnby talib al habib
4. Articles of faith by talib al habib
5. Al habib by talib al habib
6. Suna tha hum ne logon se by saim muhd ghauri
7. Main apne nabi k koche by sayyed nouman shah
8. Mera dil badal de by Junaid Jamshed
9. Ay taiba by Junaid Jamshed
10. Duniya k ae musafir by ehsan tahmid
11. Tammana muddatun se hai ehsan tahmi

Participants are required to memorize the nasheed they will recite, as there will be marks on reciting from memory.
They wont be allowed to carry any paper.

Round 2:
Shortlisted participants based on round 1 scores would proceed to round 2.
After the end of Round 1, these shortlisted participants would pick a chit that would name a nasheed. Participants
would be given one day to prepare for the said nasheed, and then recite it before the panel of judges.
Participants are required to memorize the nasheed they will recite, as there will be marks on reciting from memory.
They wont be allowed to carry any paper.
More details regarding round 2 shall be revealed to the Shortlisted participants later.

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III Knowledge Test
Knowledge without application is simply knowledge. Applying the knowledge to ones
life is wisdom and that is the ultimate virtue. - Anonymous

This is a team round. A team should contain four (4) members.

Each team is to select a team leader.
A team ID would be communicated to each team.
This competition is spread over three days.

Day 1:

Round 1:
The members of a team together (apart from the leader) will be required to pick a chit. This chit will have a word, which
will be related to the theme of IIST.
The team members, with mutual consultation will then give ONE hint (which can be a synonym for that word or a
phrase) to the team leader, who will be required to guess the word. (For example, if the word on the chit is
Hz.UmarFarooq, the team members can say Farooq e Azam OR the Sahabi which Shaitan was afraid of the most,
so that the team leader can guess the word.
Each team will be given 120 seconds to think of a hint and communicate it to the leader.
The team leader will be given 90 seconds to answer. Only two guesses will allowed.
A correct answer will earn positive points and an incorrect answer will result in negative points. The team leader can
pass the word to the other team, and get no points.

Round 2:
Each team is required to select ONE event, ONE place and ONE personality relevant to Islam. (For example, the
Conquest of Makkah, Masjid e Aqsa and Hz Salman Farsi respectively). The selection of these should be appropriate
and relevant; otherwise it can result in negative marking.
Teams will then be grouped together in pairs of two (Lets say Team A and Team B)
Team B will then ask around 20 questions per selection to guess the choices of Team A and Team A will then ask 20
questions per selection to guess the choices of Team B. The team which is answering will only be allowed to answer
the question in a Yes or No
Only three guesses per selection is allowed.
A correct guess will earn positive points. An incorrect guess will result in negative points. Passing is not allowed.

Day 2:
Round 1:
At the end of Day 1, each team will be assigned an Islamic State, by picking up chits.
On Day 2, two members from each team will be required to present a Travelogue based on the Islamic state
assigned to them.
Each team will be given a maximum of five minutes to present their travelogue.
The presenters can spice up their travelogue with maps, excerpts from explorers' journals, and digital photos
They can describe road conditions, foods eaten in the region, brief historical highlights, major cities--any information
that will paint a three dimensional portrait of the area.
Further details and guidelines related to the travelogue will be revealed at the end of Day 1.

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Round 2:
This is a buzzer round.
At the end of Day 1, teams will be provided with a precise 3-5 page booklet containing information regarding any
topic related to the theme of IIST.
Teams are expected to go through the booklet, critically analyze it and study it thoroughly. Teams will have around
one day to prepare.
In this round, teams will be asked questions from that booklet.
As the host asks the question the team who presses the buzzer first will be allowed to answer first.

Day 3 (Grand Finale):

Round 1:
At the end of Day 2, two teams with the highest and second highest cumulative scores (from all 4 rounds) will
proceed to the final round. Rest of the teams will be eliminated.
In this round, a short documentary will be screened and after watching that documentary the teams will be required
to answer questions related to it.
This time, questions will be asked individually. Each team member will be asked ONE question. The member wont be
allowed to take help from other team members.
However, the next question will be asked only IF the first one is correctly answered (for example, the first question
will be asked from the team leader. If the leader answers correctly, then only the second question will be asked from
the second member and so on.)
Three lifelines will be available for the assistance of team members:

- Audience poll: assistance from audience

- Be My Savior: participant from the rival team can answer the question
- Immunity Pin: earned on the basis of cumulative score till Day 2

Further details regarding this round and the lifelines will be revealed at the end of Day 2.

Round 2:
This is a visual + buzzer round.
A combination of 4 pictures will be displayed on the screen.
The teams will be required to guess the place, event or personality which is being depicted by those pictures.
The team to press the buzzer first will get the chance to answer first.
A correct guess will earn positive points and an incorrect guess will result in negative points.

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| 25
I Revive the Dying Tree: PoeTREE
Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood.
T.S. Eliot.

The IIST poetry competition has been designed to encourage participants to critically engage with the theme The Lost
Legacy and versify their thoughts and ideas in English and/or Urdu using any style of poetry. The competition will consist
of two rounds, the details of which are as follows:

Round 1 (Pre-Tournament Submission):

Participants are required to select any ONE of the following three topics:

Am I Lost?
Stranger Now, Stranger Then

Participants are allowed to submit entries for both Urdu and English topics if they wish. However, there should be
only ONE entry per participant for each language.
All work should be original. Detection of any kind of plagiarism will result in disqualification.
Use of inappropriate and abusive language/words will result in reduction of marks or disqualification.

Submission Guidelines:

Participants are required to submit their work in a Word Document titled with the participants name, age group, and
language of submission.
The first page should mention the participants name, topic, and age group. The main content of the submission must
begin from the second page.
Entries should be no longer than two pages (excluding the first page), singled spaced in Calibri font, size 12.
All entries are to be emailed to with the subject line POETRY, English/Urdu, Age Group
A/B by 11:55 pm, 5th February, 2017.
Each participant will get a confirmation email upon receipt of entry.

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Judging Criteria:

All entries will be categorized into two age groupsAge Group A: 16-20 years, and Age Group B: 21-24 years.
Each entry received in the first round will be judged on creativity, writing style, clarity, and the depth of its
connection with the IIST theme The Lost Legacy.
Five best entries from each age group and each language will allow their writers to proceed to the final round.

Final Round (On Tournament Day):

The final round will be conducted on the day of the tournament. The finalists will be required to be present at IBA. These
finalists will then be asked to write a poem on a topic (in the language of their first submission) which will be revealed to
them on the day. A winner will be chosen from each age group, and each language.

Further details for the final around will be revealed to the shortlisted participants after results of Round 1 are announced.

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II SAY Through EsSAY
Words are a lens to focus ones mind.
Ayn Rand

Writing is a process of self-discovery. The IIST essay competition aims to encourage students to evaluate, rethink, and
reflect on how identities vis--vis Islam have been shaped by modernity and manifest themselves in postmodern times.
The competition will consist of two rounds, the details of which are as follows:

Round 1 (Pre-Tournament Submission):

Participants are required to select any ONE of the following three topics:

My Islamic Identity Today: Local, Cultural, Global
Modern Muslim or Muslim Modern?
My Role in the Reconstruction of Tradition

Participants are allowed to submit entries for both Urdu and English topics if they wish. However, there should be
only ONE entry per participant for each language.
All work must be original. All referencesbooks, articles, online sources, etc.should be cited appropriately.
Participants are to use the latest editions of any ONE of the following citation styles:

I. Harvard,
II. MLA, or
III. Chicago

Detection of any kind of plagiarism will lead to disqualification from the competition.
Use of inappropriate and abusive language/words will result in reduction of marks or disqualification from the

Submission Guidelines:

Participants are required to submit their essay through a Word document, titled with their name, age group, and
language of submission.
The first page of the document should contain the name of the participant, the age group, the topic selected, the
word count of the essay.
The essay must be between 500-1000 words.
The essay must be single spaced in Calibri font, size 12.
All entries are to be emailed to with the subject line ESSAY, Age Group A/B by 11:55 pm,
5th February, 2017.
Each participant will get a confirmation email upon receipt of entry.

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Judging Criteria:

All entries will be categorized into two age groupsAge Group A: 16-20 years, and Age Group B: 21-24 years.
Each entry received in the first round will be judged on creativity, writing style, clarity, and the depth of its
connection with the IIST theme The Lost Legacy.
Five best entries from each age group and each language will allow their writers to proceed to the final round.

Final Round (On Tournament Day):

The final round will be conducted on the day of the tournament. The finalists will be required to be present at IBA. These
finalists will then be asked to write an essay (in the language of their first submission) on a topic which will be revealed to
them on the day. A winner will be chosen from each age group and each language.

Further details for the final around will be revealed to the shortlisted participants after results of Round 1 are announced.

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III Short Fiction
Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth
Albert Camus

The short fiction writing competition is designed to encourage the participants to unleash their creativity and weave a
riveting tale around the theme The Lost Legacy. The details of this competition are as follows.

Participants are requested to write a piece of fiction related to the IIST theme The Lost Legacy of no more than 100
The story must be in English.
Use of inappropriate content can result in a reduction of marks or disqualification.
All work should be original. Detection of any kind of plagiarism will result in disqualification.

Submission Guidelines:
Participants are required to submit their work through a Word document titled with their name, and age group.
The first page of the Word document should contain the participants name, age group, and word count of the story.
The document should be single spaced in Calibri font, size 12.
All entries are to be emailed to with the subject line SHORT FICTION, Age Group A/B by
11:55 pm, 5th February, 2017.
Each participant will get a confirmation email upon receipt of entry.

Judging Criteria:

All entries will be categorized into two age groupsAge Group A: 16-20 years, and Age Group B: 21-24 years.
The stories will be posted on the official IIST 2017 Facebook page. The grading scheme is such that 40 percent of
the weightage will be allocated to the number of likes received by the entry, while the judges will get to decide the
marks from the remaining 60 percent. The piece with the highest number of likes will be given full marks (i.e. 40)
and all the other pieces will be graded relatively according to their number of likes.
Entries will be judged on creativity, writing style, clarity, and the depth of their connection with the IIST theme The
Lost Legacy.

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I The Grand Debate
It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question
without debating it. -Joseph Joubert

The Grand Debate is a parliamentary style debate competition, whereby participants would showcase their persuasive
skills by debating on the motion passed in the house. (Pre-told)

Participants are to register individually, and they would be formed into teams (favour or against) by the oratory
The competition is bilingual i.e. for both Urdu and English languages.
Each participant is allowed to opt for either English or Urdu.
The topic of debate and which side the participants are on (for/against) would be disclosed to them on
1stFebruary 2017.
Competition details:
Participants of The Grand Debate (TGD) would be given the topic and their position (whether to speak in favor or
against the topic) prior to the competition and they would be expected to be well prepared for a fierce dialogue.
The individual participants will thus be balanced in two teams, the opposition and proposition, with each team
comprising 5-6 members.
The Debate will be moderated by a professional who would also serve as a judge for this particular competition.
All the individuals would be first given a time of 2 minutes each to present their case or argument on the basis of
their side.
Once all the individual participants have presented their initial argument the floor will now be open.
Each speaker would be recognized by the moderator and will be given 1-1.5 minutes to put forward his view or refute
the argument of the opposition. One speaker from each side will be recognized.
The debate will continue for the next 15-20 minutes depending upon the maintenance of the quality of the

Judging Criteria:

In order to avoid deviance from the topic, the moderator may intervene and question. In this way the moderator will be
assessing and analyzing each speaker on the basis of the logic, authenticity and impact of the argument and refutation
and the winners would then be decided. Detailed judging criteria would be disclosed with the topic.

Duration of the speeches:

Stance Construction: 2 Minutes

Open Floor Speaking time: 1-1.5 minutes

Total Time Duration: 2 hours

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II Speak Up
Oratory should raise your heart rate. Oratory should blow the doors
off the place. - Aaron Sorkin

Speak up is a free style speaking competition whereby participants would be given a theme on Day 1 of the event and they
would be required to prepare a speech and deliver it on Day 2. Participants are required to incorporate a story in their
speech according to their topic.

There would be no language barrier as it would be a bilingual competition. The main purpose of this style of public
speaking is to make participants speak their hearts out.
There would be a mandatory training session for the participants where detailed guidelines about Speak Up will be
revealed. Details about the training session will be posted later on.
Participants will not be given a topic but a theme after the training session. From that theme they themselves are
required to come up with a topic and present their speech. The topic should be related to the theme.
On Day 2 participants would have to deliver what they prepared.
The judging criteria will be revealed later on.

Speaking Time:

The timings for the competition might vary depending on the number of participants and so;
Round 1: 5-7mins per participant
Round 2: 7-8 mins per participant

Some Sample Topics/Themes:

The Fallen Legacy

Failure has 7 letters. So does Success
When a Flower doesnt bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower
Be a Warrior, not a worrier

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III Elocution
I took acting and elocution lessons to get rid of my Sicilian accent
- Maria Grazia

Elocution is a single day competition

It is a bilingual competition (both Urdu and English), and there would be separate competitions for both languages.
While registering, participants are required to choose the language they would want to perform elocution in.
The participants would be provided with the poem a week before the competition by the oratory management,
according to the language they have chosen.
Participants will be required to present their poem on the final day.
The criteria for judgment will be disclosed to all participants before the competition.

Time Duration:

2-3 min per participant

Sample Poems:

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

The Creation
Jawab-e-Shikwa (Part extracted)
Tulu-e-Islam (Part Extracted)

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IV Bait Baazi

- Allama Iqbal

Bait Baazi is one day competition in which participants would be brought together and made to compete against each
other like a traditional bait baazi competition.


Total Time Duration:

1-2 hour

This is a team based competition in which participants are required to register in teams of two.
Participants can register individually too. If individual participants register, they will be grouped in a team of two by
the oratory management.
Bait Baazi will be a round based competition and the rounds will be on continual basis.
Participants are required to maintain the quality of their couplets. Reciting inappropriate couplets can result in a loss
of marks.

Round 1:
In Round 1 participants will be playing individually.
Each participant will have to recite a couplet starting from the letter on which the previous participant ends.
Participants will be marked on the quality of their couplet.
No participant would be disqualified if he or she fails to recite; instead, the participant would have to face negative
The Teams with lowest totals will be disqualified in the end.

Round 2:
Participants would play as a team.
It would be a topic based round.
Participants would be required to recite a couplet based on the topic of the round which would be the theme of the
No team would be disqualified in this round too if they fail to deliver a couplet, instead the team would face negative
Teams would be judged on the basis of the quality of the couplet delivered.
The Teams with lowest totals will be disqualified at the end.

Round 3:
It would be the final round
Participants would play as a team.
This would be a continuous round. If a team fails to deliver a couplet on its turn, the team would be disqualified and
in this way a Winner would be selected.

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Business venture
Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a
team of people. - Steve Jobs

Under this competition, aspiring entrepreneurs are required to come up with business a plan as per the prescribed format
and requirements. The business idea should be feasible, Shariah compliant and must contribute to national or social
interests. The products and services to be offered should be Halal, legal, viable and should have a commercialization

This is a team-based competition.

Each team can have a maximum of four members.
Each team needs to select a team leader for correspondence.
The team ID will be communicated to the team leader.

Round 1:
Participants interested in this module should have a suitable business idea in mind.
Each team will be assigned a mentor after registration.
Teams should start working on their business plan as soon as they register.
Teams are required to report on Day 1 to IBA City Campus where they will have a one to one meeting with their
respective mentors regarding their Business Plan followed by an interactive training session.
After the meeting and training session, teams are required to edit and improve upon their Business Plan based on
the guidelines given by the mentor and the things learnt in the training session. Business Plan

Submission Guidelines:

The above mentioned Business Plan should comprise of the following:

1. Business Idea
2. Products/Services on offer
3. Target market
4. Competitor Analysis
5. Financial Forecasts
6. Financing Plan
7. Marketing plan
8. Investment Pitch

Teams are required to submit their reports in .pdf format titled with their business name and team ID, to, latest by 11.55PM, 10th February 2017.
The document should be single spaced, in Calibri font, font size 12.
The first page should contain the business name and names of all team members.
The business plan should not be more than 5 pages (excluding the title page, and appendix)
Any supporting data or information must be attached in the Appendix.
All ideas should be original. Plagiarism can lead to a loss of marks or disqualification.
Business Plans will be judged based on relevance, originality and practicality. The results will be announced next day
i.e. 11:55 AM, 11th February 2017.

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Round 2:
Shortlisted teams will from Round 1 will proceed to Round 2
Shortlisted teams will be informed the same day via email and text message (i.e. on 11th February 2017)
In this round, Shortlisted teams will be required to give a presentation based on their Business Plan on 12th February
2017 in front of an esteemed panel of judges and investors.
2-4 members from the group will be allowed to present.
The presentation should be 7-8 minutes long. This will be followed by a 2 minutes Q/A Session.
Further details of this Round will be communicated to the shortlisted teams once results of Round 1 are announced.
Teams in Round 2 will be judged based on the effectiveness and persuasiveness of presentations.

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So for this let the competitors compete.

Quran (83:26)

If you have any questions regarding the competitons that are not answered
within this guidebook, please contact us on the provided contact numbers or
email addresses. Special Thank you to Muzna Kamran and Maryam Tariq for
compilation of the Guidebook. All the best at IIST!

Follow us on Facebook Contact Us 0334-3919847 & 0331-0368567

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