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Key Commands

S etting up tool modifier keys

Setting up tool modifier keys

A tool modifier key is a key you can press to get an alternate function when using a
tool. For example, clicking and dragging an event with the Object Selection tool
normally moves it holding down a modifier key (by default [Alt]/[Option]) while
dragging will copy it instead.

The default assignments for tool modifier keys can be found in the Preferences
dialog (EditingTool Modifiers page). Here, you can also edit them:

1. Open the Preferences dialog and select the EditingTool Modifiers page.

2. Select an option in the C ategories list, and locate the action for which you
want to edit the modifier key.
For example, the C opy action mentioned above resides in the category D rag &
D rop.
3. Select the action in the Action list.
4. Hold down the desired modifier key(s) and click the Assign button.
The current modifier keys for the action are replaced. If the modifier keys you pressed
are already assigned to another tool, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite
them. If you do, this will leave the other tool without any modifier keys assigned.
5. W hen you are done, click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog.

The default key commands

B elow, the default key commands are listed according to category.

W hen the V irtual K eyboard is displayed, the usual key commands are blocked
because they are reserved for the V irtual K eyboard. The only exceptions are:
[C trl]/[C ommand]-[S] (Save), Num [*] (Start/Stop R ecord), [Space] (Start/Stop
Playback), Num [1] (Jump to left locator), [D elete] or [B ackspace] (D elete), Num [/]
(C ycle on/off), [F2] (Show/Hide Transport panel), and [Alt]/[Option]-[K ]
(Show/Hide V irtual K eyboard).

Key Commands
The default key commands

A udio category

O ption Key command

Adjust Fades to R ange [A]
Auto-G rid [Shift]-[Q ]
C rossfade [X ]

A utomation category

O ption Key command

Open Panel [F6]
R ead Automation for All Tracks On/Off [Alt]/[Option]-[R ]
W rite Automation for All Tracks On/Off [Alt]/[Option]-[W ]

Chords category

O ption Key command

C hord Pads [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[C ]

D evices category

O ption Key command

MixC onsole [F3]
Video [F8]
Virtual K eyboard [Alt]/[Option]-[K ]
VST C onnections [F4]
VST Instruments [F11]
VST Performance [F12]

E dit category

O ption Key command

Activate/D eactivate Focused Object [Alt]/[Option]-A
Auto-Scroll On/Off [F]
C opy [C trl]/[C ommand]-[C ]
C ut [C trl]/[C ommand]-[X ]
C ut Time [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[X ]
D elete [D elete] or [B ackspace]
D elete Time [Shift]-[B ackspace]

Key Commands
The default key commands

O ption Key command

D uplicate [C trl]/[C ommand]-[D ]
Edit In-Place [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[I]
Expand/R educe [Alt]/[Option]-[E]
Find Track/C hannel [C trl]/[C ommand]-[F]
G roup [C trl]/[C ommand]-[G ]
G roup Editing on Selected Tracks On/Off [K ]
Insert Silence [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[E]
Invert [Alt]/[Option]-F
Left Selection Side to C ursor [E]
Lock [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[L]
Move to C ursor [C trl]/[C ommand]-[L]
Move to Front (U ncover) [U ]
Mute [M]
Mute Events [Shift]-[M]
Mute/U nmute Objects [Alt]/[Option]-[M]
Open [C trl]/[C ommand]-[E]
Open Score Editor [C trl]/[C ommand]-[R ]
Open/C lose Editor [R eturn]
Paste [C trl]/[C ommand]-[V ]
Paste at Origin [Alt]/[Option]-[V ]
Paste R elative to C ursor [Shift]-[V ]
Paste Time [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[V ]
Primary Parameter: D ecrease [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[D own Arrow]
Primary Parameter: Increase [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[U p Arrow]
R ecord Enable [R ]
R edo [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[Z ]
R epeat [C trl]/[C ommand]-[K ]
R ight Selection Side to C ursor [D ]
Secondary Parameter: D ecrease [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[Left Arrow]
Secondary Parameter: Increase [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[R ight Arrow]
Select All [C trl]/[C ommand]-[A]
Select None [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[A]
Snap On/Off [J]
Solo [S]
Split At C ursor [Alt]/[Option]-[X ]
Split R ange [Shift]-[X ]
U ndo [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Z ]

Key Commands
The default key commands

O ption Key command

U ngroup [C trl]/[C ommand]-[U ]
U nlock [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[U ]
U nmute Events [Shift]-[U ]
W rite [W ]

E ditors category

O ption Key command

Show/Hide Editors [C trl]/[C ommand]-[E]
Show/Hide Info Line [C trl]/[C ommand]-[I]
Show/Hide Inspector [Alt]/[Option]-[I]
Show/Hide Overview [Alt]/[Option]-[O]
Show/Hide R ack [Alt]/[Option]-[T]
Toggle R ack Tabs [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Alt]/[Option]-[T]

F ile category

O ption Key command

C lose [C trl]/[C ommand]-[W ]
New [C trl]/[C ommand]-[N]
Open [C trl]/[C ommand]-[O]
Q uit [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Q ]
Save [C trl]/[C ommand]-[S]
Save As [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[S]
Save New Version [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Alt]/[Option]-[S]


O ption Key command

Toggle Inspector Footer Tabs [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Alt]/[Option]-[Shift]-[T]
Toggle Inspector Tabs [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[T]

M edia category

O ption Key command

Open MediaB ay [F5]
Open Mini B rowser [F7]

Key Commands
The default key commands

O ption Key command

Preview C ycle On/Off [Shift]-Num [/]
Preview Start [Shift]-[Enter]
Preview Stop [Shift]-Num [0]
Search MediaB ay [Shift]-[F5]
Toggle Attribute Inspector [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Alt]/[Option]-Num [6]
Toggle Filters [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Alt]/[Option]-Num [5]
Toggle Location Tree [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Alt]/[Option]-Num [4]
Toggle Locations [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Alt]/[Option]-Num [8]
Toggle Previewer [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Alt]/[Option]-Num [2]

M ID I category

O ption Key command

Show/Hide C ontroller Lanes [Alt]/[Option]-[L]

N avigate category

O ption Key command

Add D own: [Shift]-[D own Arrow]
Expand/U ndo selection in the Project
window to the bottom/ Move selected event
in the K ey Editor down 1 octave
Add Left: [Shift]-[Left Arrow]
Expand/U ndo selection in the Project
window/K ey Editor to the left
Add R ight: [Shift]-[R ight Arrow]
Expand/U ndo selection in the Project
window/K ey Editor to the right
Add U p: [Shift]-[U p Arrow]
Expand/U ndo selection in the Project
window to the top/Move selected event in
the K ey Editor up one octave
B ottom: [End]
Select bottom track in the track list
D own: [D own Arrow]
Select next in the Project window/Move
selected event in the K ey Editor one
semitone down
Left: [Left Arrow]
Select next in the Project window/K ey

Key Commands
The default key commands

O ption Key command

R ight: [R ight Arrow]
Select next in the Project window/K ey
Top: [Home]
Select top track in the track list
Toggle Selection [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Space]
U p: [U p Arrow]
Select next in the Project window/ Move
selected event in the K ey Editor one
semitone up

N udge category

O ption Key command

End Left [Alt]/[Option]-[Shift]-[Left Arrow]
End R ight [Alt]/[Option]-[Shift]-[R ight Arrow]
Left [C trl]/[C ommand]-[R ight Arrow]
R ight [C trl]/[C ommand]-[R ight Arrow]
Start Left [Alt]/[Option]-[Left Arrow]
Start R ight [Alt]/[Option]-[R ight Arrow]

P roject category

O ption Key command

Open B rowser [C trl]/[C ommand]-[B ]
Open Markers [C trl]/[C ommand]-[M]
Open Pool [C trl]/[C ommand]-[P]
Open Tempo Track [C trl]/[C ommand]-[T]
R emove Selected Tracks [Shift]-[D elete]
Setup [Shift]-[S]

Q uantize category

O ption Key command

Q uantize [Q ]

Key Commands
The default key commands

Tool category

O ption Key command

D raw tool [8]
D rumstick tool [0]
Erase tool [5]
G lue tool [4]
Mute tool [7]
Next Tool [F10]
Play tool [9]
Previous Tool [F9]
R ange tool [2]
Select tool [1]
Split tool [3]
Z oom tool [6]

TrackV ersions category

O ption Key command

D uplicate Version [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[D ]
New Version [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[N]
Next Version [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[H]
Previous Version [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Shift]-[G ]

Transport category

O ption Key command

Punch In [I]
Punch Out [O]
C ycle [ ] (W in)/[/] (Mac)
Enter Left Locator [Shift]-[L]
Enter R ight Locator [Shift]-[R ]
Enter Punch In Position [Shift]-[I]
Enter Punch Out Position [Shift]-[O]
Enter R ight Locator [Shift]-[R ]
Enter Tempo [Shift]-[T]
Enter Time Signature [Shift]-[C ]
Enter Project C ursor Position [Shift]-[P]

Key Commands
The default key commands

O ption Key command

Exchange Time Formats [.]
Fast Forward [Shift]-Num [+ ]
Fast R ewind [Shift]-Num [-]
Forward Num [+ ]
G o to Left Locator Num [1]
G o to R ight Locator Num [2]
Insert Marker [Insert] (W in)
Locate Next Event [N]
Locate Next Hitpoint [Alt]/[Option]-[N]
Locate Next Marker [Shift]-[N]
Locate Previous Event [B ]
Locate Previous Hitpoint [Alt]/[Option]-[B ]
Locate Previous Marker [Shift]-[B ]
Locate Selection Start [L]
Set Locators to Selection R ange [P]
Loop Selection [Alt]/[Option]-[P]
U se Metronome [C ]
Nudge C ursor Left [C trl]/[C ommand]-Num [-]
Nudge C ursor R ight [C trl]/[C ommand]-Num [+ ]
Panel (Transport panel) [F2]
Play Selection R ange [Alt]/[Option]-[Space]
R ecall C ycle Marker 1 to 9 [Shift]-Num [1] to Num [9]
R ecord Num [*]
R etrospective MID IR ecord [Shift]-Num [*]
G o to Project Start Num [.] or Num [,] or Num [;]
R ewind Num [-]
Set Left Locator to Project C ursor Position [C trl]/[C ommand]-Num [1]
Set Marker 1 [C trl]/[C ommand]-[1]
Set Marker 2 [C trl]/[C ommand]-[2]
Set Marker 3 to 9 [C trl]/[C ommand]-Num [3] to [9] or
[C trl]/[C ommand]- [3] to [9]
Set R ight Locator to Project C ursor Position [C trl]/[C ommand]-Num [2]
Start [Enter]
Start/Stop [Space]
Stop Num [0]
To Marker 1 [Shift]-[1]
To Marker 2 [Shift]-[2]

Key Commands
The default key commands

O ption Key command

To Marker 3 to 9 Num [3] to [9] or [Shift]-[3] to [9]
U se External Synchronization [Alt]/[Option]-[Shift]-[T]
U se Tempo Track [T]

W indow s category

O ption Key command

Inline: K ey C ommands [Shift]-[F4]
Inline: Settings [Shift]-[F3]
Inline: View Layout [Shift]-[F2]

W orkspaces category

O ption Key command

New [C trl]/[C ommand]-Num [0]
No W orkspace [Alt]/[Option]-Num [0]
U pdate W orkspace [Alt]/[Option]-U
W orkspace 1-9 [Alt]/[Option]-Num [1-9]
W orkspace X [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Alt]/[Option]-Num [0]

Zoom category

O ption Key command

Z oom Full [Shift]-[F]
Z oom In [H]
Z oom In Tracks [C trl]/[C ommand]-[D own Arrow]
Z oom In Vertically [Shift]-[H]
Z oom Out [G ]
Z oom Out Tracks [C trl]/[C ommand]-[U p Arrow]
Z oom Out Vertically [Shift]-[G ]
Z oom to Event [Shift]-[E]
Z oom to Selection [Alt]/[Option]-[S]
Z oom Tracks Exclusive [C trl]/[C ommand]-[Alt]/[Option]-[D own


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