Bag-Ong Lamdag Feb. 1-28, 2017 Issue

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FABC and the

Catholic Family
in Asia

see on page 2
Volume 7 Number 8 | February 1-28, 2017

Archdiocese Celebrates World Day for Consecrated Life

By: Sr. Teresita C. Espina, FSP

Most Rev. Antonio J.

Ledesma, SJ, DD, presided at
the Eucharistic celebration of
the World Day for Consecrated
Life on February 2, 2017, Feast
of the Presentation of the Lord
at St. Augustine Cathedral,
Cagayan de Oro City. It was
concelebrated by the clergy
and religious of the archdiocese
and attended by members
of the Association of Women
Religious in the Archdiocese of
Cagayan de Oro (AWRACO).
During the homily, Sr.
Mary Juelar, FI, shared her
insights on the talk, Culture
on Dialogue, Path to Peace,
Archbishop Ledesma with religious men and women
given by Ms. Amina Mambuay,
a Muslim woman who is on
peace advocacy. Sr. Juelar said
that everyone dreams of an
everlasting peace where there
is trust, understanding, love,
and unity. But how do we
connect our present reality
with our vision of peace?
For many of the Muslims, it
is proposed that a culture
of dialogue be developed as
a path leading to peace. If
we were able to develop the
culture of internet, facebook,
and other social media, I guess Sr. Mary Juelar, FI
we can also develop the culture
of dialogue, she said. She and proposal. To dialogue Christian or whatever faith you vision that each one is called to day of prayer for women and
stressed that everyone should entails a cordial reception, not a believe in; b) dialogue with the be an artisan of peace, uniting men in consecrated life. This
understand what dialogue prior condemnation. In order to self. Check your own prejudices and not dividing, extinguishing celebration is held on the Feast
really means. dialogue, it is necessary to know and biases towards others and hatred and not harboring it, of the Presentation of the Lord,
Pope Francis said that how to lower the defenses, yourself. How are you and what opening the ways of dialogue February 2nd. This Feast is
dialogue is born from an open the doors of the house, is the meaning of your life;? c) and not raising new walls! We also known as Candlemas Day,
attitude of respect for the other and offer human warmth. dialogue with others: one has must dialogue, meet with one the day on which candles are
person, from a conviction that She mentioned the four qualities of sincerity, sensitivity, another to establish in the blessed symbolizing Christ who
the other person has something pillars of dialogue: a) dialogue and solidarity; and d) dialogue world the culture of dialogue, is the light of the world. Like
good to say. It assumes that with God which is checking with creation, to save and the culture of encounter. him, those in consecrated life
there is room in the heart for the your relationship with God protect nature. It was in 1997 that Pope are called to reflect the light of
persons point of view, opinion, whether you are a Muslim, a She echoed Pope Francis Saint John Paul II instituted a Jesus Christ to all peoples.

Women Advocates for Peace in Fr. Nil Guillemette SJ: Priest,

Cagayan de Oro Author and Scholar
By: Sr. Pearl Balbastro, DC By: Fr. Mars P. Tan, SJ Vietnamese language at the
they may realize the meaning Here are the results of the College Pontificat in Vietnam
Six men and 12 through deeper reflection. For workshop: 1. What is peace Fr. Nil was born on and Indonesian language in
women came together on those who were not there, they to me, the family, the school/ November 6, 1934 in Ontario, Montreal.
the suggestion of ACDO can read on, understand with workplace and the bigger Canada. He grew up and did Fr. Nils first assignment
Archbishop Ledesma to start their minds, and opt with their community; and 2.What is
his studies in the same in 1968 was as an
a group of women advocates hearts to join the group, and unpeace?
realize how their respective Peace to Me meant among province graduating English teacher at the
for peace. They gathered at
the Archbishops House on God is calling them, too. others: simplicity, faithfulness, from the College of College Pontifical
January 3, 2017, and shared on The participants consisted contentment, responsibility, the Sacred Heart in Dalat, Vietnam,
what peace means for them: of a UCCP lady, a Muslim lady, integrity, wholeness. Peace of Sudbury with a and then as a
personally, in the family, in two lay Catholic ladies, eight in the Family indicates trust, Bachelor of Arts Sacred Scripture
the school/workplace, and in members of the Association openness, love, teamwork, (AB) degree. professor until
the bigger community. They of Women Religious of the generosity, respect, acceptance, He entered the 1975. After a
also shared the meaning of Archdiocese of Cagayan de equality, concern, forgiveness. Society of Jesus year of sabbatical
unpeace and its causes. Oro (AWRACO) representing Peace in the school/ in Montreal on leave, he was
It was a wonder for such six congregations, and six workplace signifies discipline, August 14, 1956 assigned for three
a small group to have such seminarians of Saint John sound structures, respect, and was ordained years in West
varied experiences, shared so Vianney Theological Seminary. commitment, teamwork, to the priesthood Africa to teach
openly, and arrive at a wealth The assembly started with a belongingness, solidarity. on June 10, 1967. Fr Nil Gullemette SJ Sacred Scripture and
of learnings. They realized getting-to-know-you activity Peace in the community
He took his final Religion at the African
the need to be strongly on the history and meaning means unity in diversity,
of each ones name and its concern, collaboration, vows as a Jesuit at the Institute for Economics
committed to let the seed/
bulb of peace germinate, grow, relation to peace advocacy. caring for the less. UNPEACE Pius X Pontifical College and Social Development.
flower and hopefully bear In a short time the distinct denotes: living in fear, hatred, in Dalat, Vietnam on the Feast In 1980, Fr. Nil came to the
fruit. The secret, which may be personalities became a group lack of trust, individuality, of the Assumption in 1975. Philippines and started his
discovered by those who listen with a united purpose, showing not contented, self-centered, Aside from the regular Jesuit long years of teaching, writing,
to the unspoken but intelligible the truth of the saying: There inordinate attachments, no training and formation, Fr. spiritual direction and other
words of creation, is that are no strangers among us, only full grasp of truth, insecurity, Nil took and completed his priestly ministries, mainly
the God of everything and future friends. In their case, walang paki. Open sharing Licentiate in Sacred Theology with the Jesuit scholastics and
everyone, in His great mercy they were new friends traveling followed the small group at the Scholasticate of the the diocesan seminarians. He
and foresight, generously towards the same quest: peace, reporting and the group agreed Immaculate Conception in lived in three different Jesuit
prepared all of them for and what they can do, no matter that all efforts for peace starts Montreal, Licentiate in communities in Manila: the
that great day, without their how insignificant, to hopefully with the self: self-awareness Scripture at the Pontificio East Asian Pastoral Institute,
knowing it. For those present, contribute to its realization. and self-refection. Instituto Biblico in Rome, Continued to p.7
February 1-28, 2017
Archbishops Page
FABC and the Catholic Family in Asia Archbishop Antonio J. Ledesma, S.J.

he Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences (FABC) held its Eleventh the blasphemy law that threatens ordinary believers. Under its
Plenary Assembly in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on 28 November 4 December present government, India is experiencing a movement towards the
2016. Held every four years, the FABC plenary assemblies have been creation of a Hindu state. Several missionaries working among the
a way of bringing together bishop-participants and co-workers from all over tribal communities have been violently attacked. Freedom of religion
Asia. In the Sri Lanka assembly, there were 137 participants, including 11 in Nepal is also being threatened with the move towards a Hindu
cardinals, 22 archbishops, 53 bishops, 31 priests, 2 religious, and 18 lay state.)
persons. poverty and migration (Bangladesh is undergoing growing poverty.
With its 20,000 Catholics, the church in Cambodia shares the countrys
The cardinals included: Cardinal TelesphoreToppo of Ranchi (Papal efforts at reconstruction after the many years of war; 40% of its
Envoy to the assembly); Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Mumbai (president of population are below the poverty line. The Philippines is currently
FABC); host Cardinal Albert Malcolm Ranjith of Colombo; some of the newly- waging a war against drugs, but mostly targeting the poor.)
appointed cardinals in Asia, Cardinal Patrick DRosario, CSC, of Dhaka and political, ideological and cultural conflicts (Myanmar has been
Cardinal emeritus Anthony Soter Fernandez of Kuala Lumpur; and Cardinal undergoing 60 years of internal conflict. The Church in Sri Lanka is
John Ribat, MSC, of Port Moresby (fraternal delegate to the assembly). still working for reconciliation after a bitter period of war that also
affected Catholic families from both sides of the conflict.)
I. Origins and Organization climate change (Myanmar, Bangladesh, and the Philippines have all
FABC traces its beginnings to the visit of Pope Paul VI to Manila in 1970. experienced recent calamities due to extreme weather disturbances.)
It also goes back to the friendships forged among Asian bishops meeting for tensions within the family (Family crises in South Korea are not
the first time at the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). FABC is composed uncommon, compounded by youth unemployment and economic
of 19 member episcopal conferences in South, Southeast, East and Central polarization. Sri Lanka also contends with the situation of arranged
Asia. The countries represented are: Bangladesh, India (with its Latin, Syro- marriages.)
Malabar, and Syro-Malankara rites), Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Erosion of religious and spiritual values (The Church in Taiwan
Laos-Cambodia, Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, confronts the LGBT issue and the legalization of arranged marriages.
Sri Lanka, Taiwan R.O.C., Thailand, Timor Leste, and Vietnam. It also includes Singapore is also coping with new ways of reaching out to its young
eight associate members such as HongKong, Macau, Mongolia, Nepal and four population.)
former Soviet republics in Southwest Asia. Notably absent in FABC is China. Despite these various challenges, the testimonies of three Sri Lankan
The Philippine delegation included: Cardinals Luis Antonio Tagle Catholic couples with their families also attested to the vitality of the Christian
and Orlando Quevedo, OMI (who drafted the message of the assembly); faith within this secularized and oftentimes turbulent milieu.
Archbishops Romulo Valles, Jose Advincula and Jose Palma; Bishops Emmanuel
Cabajar, Gilbert Garcera, Guillermo Afable, and Pablo Virgilio David. III. Vision and Pastoral Imperatives
Judging this complex situation in the light of Faith, the FABC message
The FABC Central Secretariat is assisted by the nine FABC Offices of: stressed that the Catholic family in itself ad intra should be viewed as a
Human Development, Social Communication, Laity and Family, Theological Eucharistic family, a sanctuary of love and life, a domestic Church of the
Concerns, Education and Faith Formation, Ecumenical and Consecrated Life. Poor, a family of missionary disciples, and a seed-bed of vocation. For
Under the Central Secretariat headed by Fr. Ray OToole, is the newly-created others, ad extra, the Catholic family is called to be a family-in-mission sharing
Climate Change Desk and the Documentation Centre. the mercy and compassion of Jesus. The Catholic family, continues the
Filipino bishops and co-workers in these FABC offices who were also message, has to become an icon of Gods love for the suffering and the
present in the assembly were: Cardinal Tagle (chair, Theological Concerns); needy, misera et Misericordia.
Bishop Broderick Pabillo (chair, Evangelization); Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara
(chair, Clergy, with Fr. Philip Lazatin, SDB, exec. sec.); Archbishop Antonio Among the pastoral imperatives pointed out are:
Ledesma, SJ (chair, Consecrated Life with Sr. Deanna Combong, RA, exec. countering religious extremism and violence through solidarity with
sec.); Bishop Joel Baylon (member, Laity and Family); Bishop Gilbert Garcera victims and defending the rights of the poor;
(Pastoral Leadership Program); Fr. William Larousse, MM (exec. sec., helping migrant workers and refugees through conscientization and
Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs), and Fr. Roderick Salazar, SVD (exec. collaboration at departures and arrivals;
sec., Education and Faith Formation). Working with the Central Secretariat responding to cultural conflicts by reducing biases;
were: Frs. Enrico Ayo and James Kroeger, MM, and Mr. PablitoBaybado, Jr. countering ideological colonialism regarding reproductive health by
systematically promoting responsible parenthood and natural family
II. Context and Challenges planning; and
The extensive message of the assembly focused on The Catholic Family answering the challenge of climate change by means of greater
in Asia: Domestic Church of the Poor on a Mission of Mercy. The assembly awareness and adopting simple ways of mitigation.
sessions included country reports, group discussions and general comments The Plenary Assembly listed several recommendations to episcopal
on the draft statement. It first described the pastoral context of Asia: conferences and local churches:
Catholics are small minorities in most countries of Asia. (The 15 regard the family as the focal point of pastoral programs;
dioceses in Japan constitute only 0.3% of the population; the Church establish a family ministry towards a culture of integral life;
engages in interreligious dialogue with 99.9% of the population. The include formation of conscience as a special concern;
Church in Mongolia is called a baby church at 24 years of age; it the youth ministry is of critical importance;
celebrated the ordination of its first native priest last August 2016. form the pastoral agents of the family; and
Only the Philippines and East Timor have predominantly Catholic engage in collaborative efforts.
Asian families still keep close intergenerational kinship ties and The conclusion, entitled Spirituality of Communion for the Family,
manifest a culture of caring. (Cardinal Toppo remarked that his tribal touched on various dimensions such as: communion with the triune God;
communities in Ranchi are natural Christians in their practice of communion in the family and mutual shepherding; prayer for building
sharing.) communion with God and in the family; Eucharistic spirituality of communion;
The sacredness of marriage and the family is preserved. (In Indonesia, and family-in-mission of mercy, sent by the Holy Spirit. The message ended
the sacrament of marriage is upheld by many couples who also strive with a consecration of the Catholic families of Asia to the Holy Family of
to adopt a culture of integral life. Family life in Vietnam has provided Nazareth.
the best environment for preserving the Faith vis a vis a communist The FABC Plenary Assembly ended with a closing Mass at the Catholic
regime.) Cathedral in Colombo, attended by representatives of the Catholic faithful
On the other hand, Catholic families face many challenges: from all the dioceses of Sri Lanka.
persecutions and discrimination (The Church in Pakistan is beset by

With Bp. Winston Fernandez, SSS, past chair, Office of With Filipino bishop Wenceslao Padilla, CICM, of With other Jesuit delegates Abp. Jean-Claude Hollerich of
Consecrated Life and Sr. Deanna Combong, RA, OCL exec. sec. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Luxembourg and Msgr. Enrique Figaredo of Battambang.
Archdiocesan News LAMDAG
February 1-28, 2017

Christmas Fellowship for House of Hope Celebrates

ACDO Ministries Our Lady of Guadalupe
By: Sweet Kristine Adorio and restriction of freedom. Catholic
families are encouraged to exemplify a
A Christmas fellowship for Ad communion of love and mutual caring.
Extra and Ad Intra ministries was held A family is seen as a Eucharistic family, a
on December 29, 2016 at Ajis Aqua sanctuary of life and love.
Beach Resort, Opol, Misamis Oriental He was thankful for the 90 active
in appreciation for all Archdiocesan Church workers for their spirit of
ministry workers. volunteerism. He commended their
The day started with a Eucharistic undying efforts and dedication,
celebration presided by Archbishop leadership, perseverance, and
Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ,DD, He talked commitment to help implement
about the Federation of Asian Bishops the programs of the Church to the
Conference in Asia (FABC) held in Sri grassroots.
Lanka on November 2016. He said that The fellowship was facilitated by
the family is a domestic Church who both directors of the commission: Fr.
spread the mercy of God, and the Holy Garry Igot, SSJV, Ad Intra Director, and
Family in Nazareth is the model for every Fr. Saturnino Lumba, SSJV, Ad Extra
family. He pointed out that there are Director. The participants enjoyed
many challenges that beset the family the parlor games, dance and carol
today namely: widespread poverty, presentations. At the end of the program,
global warming, decline of religious Archbishop Ledesma distributed simple
and spiritual values, persecution tokens for the volunteers.
By: Romeo O. Luzano Jr., BSN, RN As Msgr. Eutiquiano Legistimas, PC,
The House of Hope Psychiatric SSJV who presided at Mass said, Dili
Custodial Care Facility celebrated molahotay ang mga madre, nurses og
the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe tanang nagdumala sa center kung wala
on December 12 in a special way this ang panabang sa Dios. Ang debosyon
year. The House of Hope center is a ni Maria, mao ni ang nagpasustener sa
non-profit institution and the largest center og sa atong mga benefectors nga
acute-chronic mental facility in walay undang nga pagtabang.
Northern Mindanao. It is owned by Sr. Felicisima Daguinotas, MCM,
the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro the centers administrator welcomed
City under the ad-extra ministry and the visitors and devotees of Our Lady
is located at Upper Palalan, Lumbia, of Guadalupe from different areas.
Cagayan de Oro City. Packed lunch and other food stuff
The celebration started were donated by: Santo Nio Parish
Ad-Extra and Ad Intra ministries
with the Eucharist at 8:30 in the of Gitagum Misamis Oriental, Sylvia

Pasko sa mga Binilanggo morning in the centers chapel. It Fontanossa Sabal and family, Perfecto
was a wonderful day for all those Saliga and family, and lunch was
present, especially for the mentally served after the mass to all the visitors,
By: Gilda Pates ug malooy sa mga tawong nag basol sa ill patients, who received graces patients and staff.
Sa Deciembre 20, 2016, gisaulog ilang mga kasal- anan. Giawhag sila sa through Our Lady of Guadalupe.
ang Pasko sa mga binilanggo sa paghatag ug panahon sa pagpaminaw
Provincial Jail, diha sa Santos nga Misa sa ilang tagsa tagsa ka sugilanon sa
nga gipangunahan ni Fr. Julius Clavero,
ang kura paroko sa parokya sa Jesus
Human sa Santos nga Misa
Kapistahan ni Sr. Sto. Nio Gisaulog
Nazareno. misunod dayon ang kalingawan Sa Enero 22, 2017,
Diha sa iyang homiliya, miingon tinambongan sa mga volunteers in
gisaulog ang kapistahan ni Sr.
si Fr. Clavero nga ang Pasko dili lamang prison service (VIPS), mga pamilya sa
Sto. Nio, sa Limketkai Drive,
para sa mga tawo nga atua sa gawas, o mga priso, ug ang mga grupo ni Gov.
kadtong mga tawo nga adunay ikapalit Cogon, diha sa Santos nga Misa
Bambi Emano, nga naghatag ug mga
sa regalo, ug mga lamian nga mga regalo alang sa mga pasundayag ug nga gipangunahan ni Fr. Roel
pagkaon, kondili ang Pasko para sa nag-sponsor sa paniudto. Buntol, ang kura paroko.
tanan. Ang pagkatawo sa Dios sa belen Mapasalamaton si Gilda Pates, ang Diha sa iyang homiliya,
o pasungan nagpadayag nga ang atong Prison Ministry Coordinator kang Fr. nag-ingon si Fr. Buntol nga
Ginoo nagapuyo sa simple lamang nga Julius Clavero,SSJV, Sr. Julie CM, uban sa adunay 2 ka dagkong debosyon
kinabuhi busa atong sundon ang iyang mga Volunteers in Prison Service gikan ang mga Kristianos: ang Jesus
panig-ingnan, matod niya. sa mga parokya sa Nazareno, Bugo, Nazareno ug Sr. Sto. Nio nga
Miingon si Fr. Clavero nga ang mga Camaman-an, Eco Church Kauswagan, duol kaayo sa kasingkasing
binilanggo dili mawad-an sa paglaum Opol ug sa tanan nga miduyog ug sa mga Pilipino. Diha sa
kay ang Ginoo malooy sa mga tawong mitabang aron ang Pasko uban sa mga imahen ni Jesus Nazareno ,
may mapaubsanon nga kasingkasing, binilanggo mahimong malampuson.
atong ma-identify ang atong
Fr. Roel Buntol, SSJV
kaugalingong pag-antos ug
sakripisyo. Diha usab sa Sr. Santo masaligon, ug matinud-anon.
Nio, makarelate kita tungod kay Nagpaambit siya nga sa miaging
duol sa atong kasingkasing ang mga baha, daghang na-stranded sa Limketkai
bata, matod niya. ug sa ubang dapit ug nakapamalandong
Bisan gawas sa Pilipinas, daghan siya sa dakong gugma sa Dios alang
usab ang nagdebosyon kang Jesus sa tanan. Miabot ang mga dagkong
Nazareno ug Sr. Sto. Nio. Gipaambit sakyanan ug mitabang ug rescue sa
ni Fr. Buntol ang hagit ni Kristo nga mga nabiktima sa baha. Dili angay nga
kinahanglan nga mahimong bata aron mawad-an sa paglaom kay ang Dios
makasulod sa gingharian sa langit. nagauban kanato sa kanunay sa maayo
Batonan ang mga hiyas sa usa ka bata ug dautan nga kasinatian, matod niya.
sama sa pagkamasinugtanon, yano, (Bag-ong Lamdag News)
Fr.Julius Clavero,SSJV uban sa mga VIPS
February 1-28, 2017
Gisaulog ang Kapistahan ni Ang pangilin sa Pagkakabig
Sta. Maria de la Candelaria ni San Pablo Apostol
Gisaulog ang pangilin sa sa Maayong Balita. Si Pablo
Kapistahan sa Pagbag-o ni naglutos sa mga Kristianos ,
San Pablo diha sa santos nga apan nahimong tiunay nga
misa nga gipangunahan ni Fr. apostol sa dihang nahimamat
Cesar Violenta , SSP sa Fatima niya sa Kristo sa dalan paingon
Chapel, A. Velez St., Cagayan sa Damasco. Si Pablo ang
de Oro City. Gitambungan kini Apostol sa mga Hentil mao
sa membro sa Pauline Family ang instrumento sa Dios sa
nga gilangkuban sa Society pagsangyaw sa iyang gugma
of St. Paul (SSP), Daughters sa tanang katawhan.
of St. Paul (FSP), Association Ang pagbag-o dili
of Pauline Cooperators (APC) overnight nga hitabo sa atong
ug Institute of Our Lady of the kinabuhi kondili usa ka lifetime
Si Abp. Ledesma uban sa kaparian sa Arkidiocesis
Annunciation (IOLA). nga pakigbisog aron si Kristo,
Mabulokong gisaulog ang kabahin lig-onon nato ang atong Diha sa iyang homiliya, ang dalan, kamatuoran ug
Kapistahan ni Sta. Maria de la pagtoo, kusgon nato ang atong gisaysay ni Fr. Violenta ang kinabuhi maoy maghari sa
Candelaria diha sa santos nga Misa pagsalig sa Dios, ang tuburan, sa estorya sa kinabuhi ni San atong kinabuhi, matod niya.
nga gipangunahan ni Arsobispo tunhay nga kalinaw alang sa atong Pablo, ang iyang tawag Gihagit niya ang tanan
Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ,DD, sa sosyedad, matod niya. nga mahimong St. Paul alive
(call), ang iyang pagbag-o
Febrero 2, 2017. Gitambungan kini Giasoy sa arsobispo nga sa
(conversion) nga puno today diha sa ilangpagsaksi sa
sa kaparian sa Arkidiyosesis sa World Congress of Divine Mercy sa
sa drama ug ang iyang kinabuhi ug misyon. (Bag-ong
Cagayan de Oro. Bulacan, gitagaan gayod ug duso
Diha sa iyang homiliya, nag- madasigon nga pagsangyaw Lamdag News)
ang pamalandong sa kalooy sa
ingon si Arsobispo Ledesma nga Dios nga unta mailhan ang nawong
ang kapistahan sa Candelaria ni Jesus diha sa mga kabos, sa mga
nagpadayag nga si Kristo mao ang nabilanggo, sa mga masakiton, sa mga
tinuod nga Kahayag sa tanang gigutom og kadtong naapektohan sa
katawhan. Piesta usab ni Santa baha. Naghinaot ang arsobispo nga
Maria, ang Inahan sa kahayag sa unta sa pangama ni Santa Maria de
kalibutan. Giawhag ang matag usa la Candelaria, magpabilin gayod ang
nga maglamdag ug magpaambit matag usa nga tinuod nga sulogoon,
niini nga kahayag sa uban. tinuod nga nagasubay, nagatinguha
Nag-ingon siya nga diha sa sa pagpabilin sa kahayag sa Dios
katilingban karon, daghan ang alang sa tanan.
nabalaka, daghan ang nahadlok, sa Nagpasalamat si Fr. Enerio
mga polisiya nga ginapadayon, sa Tacastacas, ang kura paroko, sa tanan
pagkab-ot sa tinuod nga kalinaw, nga misuporta ug mitabang aron ang
apan ang kagubot ug ang gubat kapistahan mahimong malampuson.
nagapabilin gihapon. Mao kini ang (Bag-ong Lamdag News)
hagit alang kanato, nga sa atong Fr. Cesar Violenta, SSP uban sa Pauline Family

Clergy-Parents Christmas Party

The fellowship began with a
Eucharistic celebration led by the
archbishop assisted by Msgr. Perseus P.
Cabunoc, V.G., SSJV, Fr. Raul Dael, SSJV,
Chairperson of Commission on Clergy,
and with the other priests in attendance.
In his homily, the archbishop shared the
Christmas message of the Holy Father
Pope Francis to families. He highlighted
the importance of giving gratitude to
the family of a priest who has shown
sacrificial love in order to support their
vocation to the priesthood. He gave the
example of the parents of St. Therese
of the Child Jesus, Sts. Louis and Zellie
Martin. Their love influenced their
daughters in their vocation with great
faith, dedication, and commitment to
Jesus Christ. The inspiring words invited
the listeners to ponder how nurturing
and supportive relationships in the
family allow the members to be open to
Gods power.
It was an enjoyable program for
both the clergy and their parents who
took part in the parlor games, like the
electronic bingo, and received the many
gifts and prizes that were distributed.
Archbishop Antonio J. Ledesma, S.J., and to their parents/family through a was aptly themed: We love because They also lined up at the photo-booth for
D.D. held a Clergy-Parents Christmas Christmas fellowship and thanksgiving. he first loved us. (1 John 4:19). Indeed, some souvenir shots of the once-a-year
Party on January 3, 2017 at Chali Beach Almost 60 priests came with their parents without the love of a family, the life of family bonding activity. The gathering
Resort, Cugman, Cagayan de Oro City. or siblings who enjoyed the fun and the a priest will never be totally submissive concluded with a song of the clergy
This is an annual tribute to the clergy spirit of togetherness. This years event to God. entitled A Perfect Christmas.
Features LAMDAG
February 1-28, 2017

insight. Even in the midst of a couples

ordinary lives, it is very possible to
attain holiness. Holiness is not only
for people who are in the church; it is
for everyone. It is in the sacredness of
ordinary life that our living relationship
with God can be developed. We must
seek and find Gods purpose. God has
given us unique talents and gifts so that
we can fulfill His purpose for us.
The visit of the relics of Saints Louis
and Zelie Martin in the Philippines, and
in particular, here in the Archdiocese
is significant. The visit reminds us
why Jesus elevated marriage into a
sacrament. We see in Saints Louie and
Zelie, the great beauty of married life
when it is lived in response to God.
Their marital goal is to always seek
Gods will and Gods purpose for them.
The couple were generous to open
themselves to life. They decided to have
as many children as possible and every
time Zelie gave birth, she consecrated
the child to God. They had nine
children, four of whom died. The five
who survived became religious sisters
The relics of Saints Louis and Zelie Monastery, Upper Camaman-an, in the Carmelite Monastery of Lisieux.
attend the Mass and be present for the Zelie taught their children the morning
Martin, parents of St. Therese of the Cagayan de Oro City. Holy Mass was also scheduled veneration.
Child Jesus, arrived in the Philippines officiated by Fr. Garry Igot who shared offering of their hearts to God and the
After breakfast, the relics were practice of mortification at a young age
on January 2, 2017 in Manila and will be the life of the couple during his homily. brought to San Nicolas de Tolentino
in the country until February 28, 2017. After the Mass, Fr. Cornelio J. Jaranilla, to please Jesus. This is an indication
Cathedral and were met by the why St. Therese became a saint through
Sts. Louis and Zelie are the first couple OCD, from the Carmelite Monastery of parishioners with their flaglets.
ever to be canonized in the history Malaybalay Bukidnon, talked about the her little ways. For sure, the spiritual
Likewise, the Holy Mass followed and life of Louis and Zelie influenced their
of the Catholic Church. Archbishop Psycho-dynamics of Family Relationship venerations were made by the people
Socrates B. Villegas, CBCP President, especially the importance of Parent and children to grow in holiness. The
coming from the different religious Martin Family like other families had
hailed the visit a unique grace from the Child Relationship. He emphasized that organizations and other parishioners.
Lord as the country prepares for the parents must be interpreters of Gods their share of joys and sufferings too.
The following day, January 10, the They experienced tragedy and great
fifth centenary of the First Mass and love and must strive for the perfection relics were flown to Camp Naval in the
First Baptism in the Philippines in the of Gods love. After the talk, veneration loss that saddened family life. What
province of Leyte at 8:00 AM. makes them exceptional is their total
year 2021. started and the relics, stayed overnight The people who came to venerate
To share this bountiful blessing at the monastery, were flocked mostly submission in embracing the will of
the relics of the saintly couple visited God in everything, and their deep of
from God, Archbishop Villegas opened by the devotees of St. Therese of the can take away a very important
the local visit to everyone in the Child Jesus. faith in God.
country and four dioceses in Mindanao The following day, preparations
graciously requested to be part of were made at 8:00 AM for the relics
this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of transfer to Camp Evangelista, Patag,
giving homage and viewing the relics. Cagayan de Oro City. The relics were met
The Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro with a very solemn religious rendition
was visited by the relics on January of the Camp Evangelista Musical Band
7-8, 2017. In the morning of January 7, and the men in uniform lined up in two
2017, the organizing team of the Relics rows to welcome the relics. Likewise,
Visit of the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Holy Mass was celebrated and
Oro went to the Immaculate Heart of considering that it was a Sunday, the
Mary Parish, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon. St. Ignatius Chapel of Camp Evangelista
Together with the team from Manila, was packed. The people were mostly
the relics of Saints Louis and Zelie the parishioners and also soldiers with
Martin were brought to the Our Lady the officers of the Armed Forces of the
of the Rosary Parish, Agusan, Cagayan Philippines at Camp Evangelista. After
de Oro City and placed in a decorated the mass, it was a very touching site
caroza. when all the men in uniform gathered
There were four designated around the reliquary to venerate the
visiting sites in the archdiocese in relics of St. Louis and St. Zelie. The AFP
the official itinerary: At 9:00 AM of Management generously served the
January 7, the relics were brought to Relics Team with a sumptuous lunch
Camp Alagar and it was met festively through boodle fight. It was a unique
by the Camp Alagar Musical Band and experience for all those who came.
stayed in the St. Ignatius de Loyola At 2:00 PM of the same day,
Chapel, Camp Alagar for four hours. the Relics were transferred to San
Holy Mass was celebrated, officiated Agustin Metropolitan Cathedral.
by Fr. Garry Igot, SSJV, the Ad-Intra Series of masses were offered and the
and CFLA Director. In his homily, Father veneration started after the 8:00 PM
Garry shared the couples spirituality mass until 10:30 in the evening. Due
from their love story, and the beautiful to the advent of the typhoon Auring,
accounts of their married life with their the Relics Team decided to bring the
children (A Story of a Family); and how relics to Surigao City ahead of schedule
they were touched by Gods grace ( A for security and safety reasons. Before
Vocation to Home Making). Indeed, midnight, the relics with the team from
their lives are worth emulating by all Manila, the team from the Archdiocese
the married couples. After the Holy of Cagayan de Oro and some military
Mass, the people and members of men left in convoy and arrived at San
different Catholic organizations came Isidro Labrador Parish, Alegria, Surigao
to venerate the relics with a contingent del Norte at 4:30 AM. In spite of the
from the Philippine National Police bad weather, the parishioners of the
(PNP) of Region 10. said place were there to meet the
At 2:00 PM of the same day, the relics. The parishioners did not heed
relics were transferred to Mount Carmel the heavy rain and the cold weather to
February 1-28, 2017 Features
Lk.16:19-31 ni Pepoye
Unsa ba kini? BOOOOOORASKA?
Daghan ang ganahan ani. Daghan pud
ang gakaibog ani. Daghan pud ang
gakasuya ani. BOOOOOORASKA? Kana Ato na usab saulogon and adlaw sa gugma
gong labilabi gyud nga pagtagbaw lang Mga batan-on nag-andam sa valentino ug valentina
sa iyang kaugalingon. Boooooo Kon wala mora silag luya
raska! BOOOOOORASKA! Sobra sobra nga Dili gusto ma-firing squad na pod sila.
paggastos sa kaugalingon. Mahalon kaayo
ang iyang mga gamit. Mukaon didto gyud sa mga mahalon nga kan-anan. Dili musinina APAN KINI NGA PANAHON
kon dili kini branded. Adto sa mall kanunay parelax relax lang. Shopping -shopping DILI MAN LANG PARA SA MGA BATAN-ON
lang! Maluho nga kinabuhi. BOOOOOORASKA! Murag kusina lang ang laing nasud. Igo KON DILI PARA SA TANAN IGSOON
lang mangasilyas didto uli dayon. Gahupong lang sa kadaghan ang iya. Daghang balay, ARON PAGPAMALANDONG SA ILANG MGA RELASYON.
abundang pagkaon, ubay-ubay gyud nga mga sinina, garbosong mga sakyanan, lainlaing
asawa, papurapurang mga bana, sekretong mga kabit ug daghan pang iya. Naay imo?
Pagbantay lang mga batan-on
Alang unsahon man diay niya ang daghang sapi? Booooooraska! Grabe motrabaho
aron makatigom og daghan kay lagi gusto moBOOOOOORASKA! One day millionaire Sa mga gugmang malimbungon
daw ang tawag niya apan dili kay BOOOOOORASKA lang gyud siya. Panalagsa man lang Aron sa pispis pawikan dili makaangkon
daw lagi kuno nga perting gasto pero Booooooraska gyud gihapon. Mapanalagsa o Kay matag adlaw sa gugma daghan ang mapahimuslan.
mapermi Boooooo..raska lang gyud gihapon. Perting negosyo lagi perting ginansiya
pud di perting datung. BOOOOOORASKA! Buhat nga dili na gyud unta angay pang Di na madugay usab na bakasyon
buhaton apan ginabuhat gyud kay lagi gusto malipay. Kay lagi gihagoan pag-ayo Sa atong mga ginikanan kita magmatinabangon
magBOOOOOORASKA. Lipay lipay lang gud. BOOOOOORASKA! Kinsa bay dili malipay Ang mga barkada atong undangon
sa BOOOOOOORASKA? Kon ako aduna lay daghang kwarta kinsa ba gyud ang dili gusto Kinaiya sa anak nga mapinanggaon.
ani nga katagbawan daw sa kinabuhi. Apan kon buot hunahunaon kalas nga kinabuhi
kini. Mo-order og daghang pagkaon dayon dili diay hutdon og walay BH-BH ha kay Panggaon gayod nato ang atong ginikanan
BOOOOOORASKA lagi. Daghang sapi ang masayang sa sige sigeng pagpausab sa dagway.
Aron kon moabot ang pagtaliwan
Paritoki dinhi paritoki didto. Karon ipataas ang ilong ugma ipamubo na pud. Karon
Sa hilabihan dili nato hilakan
ipalabyog ang kilay ugma ipatiskog na pud. Karon pink ang buhok ugma blue-green na
pud. Karon ipabahog ang pilok ugma wala na gyuy pilok. Karon gapaputi ugma gapaitom Kon usa ning adlawa kita ila nang talikdan.
na pud. Unsa ba kini? BOOOOOORASKA! Bag-o pa gani ang sakyanan, palit ug ilisdan na
pud. Bag-o pa gani ang balay balhin na pud. Bag-o pa gani ang barko, palit ug ilisdan na Sundon gayod si Kristo
pud. Bag-o pa gani ang celfon, palit ug ilisdan na pud. Bag-o pa gani ang sapatos, palit Dili ang korap nga pangulo
ug ilisdan na pud. Kasayang ba! Unsa ba kini? BOOOOOORASKA! Usik kini alang sa uban Kon sugoon ka sa pagbuhat sa dili maayo
apan alang kaniya KALIPAY kini. Bout ka? Makatental gyud ang BOOOOOORASKA. Mao Ayaw pag-uyon aron di ka ma-impierno.
nang daghan ang gapangitag pamaagi bisan dautan na basta nga makakwarta lang gyud
aron lang makaBOOOOOORASKA. Mamaligyag shabu aron dali modaghan ang kwarta. O.k. ra kon sawayon ang pari o obispo
Baligyag unod aron unod-unoran ang bulsa. Baligyag armas aron mas mas mas daghan Kon sila nagbuhat sa dili husto
pa ang mahimas himas nga kwartang malabo. Mangutang lang og dako nga walay plano Apan kon ang gibatikos mo mao ang Simbahan ni Kristo
diay mobayad. Boooooo..raska! Hilabihan lang gyud nga pagwaldas sa katigayonan
Hinumdumi ang Ginoo maoy giaway mo.
aron mosikat ug magpaibog. Ibog mo da? Ibog mo nga hamis kaayo ang iyang kutis
kay gatas lagi ang ginakaligo. Ibog mo nga gakislapkislap lang ang iyang mga sinina kay
daghang diyamante ang nakakupkop. Ibog mo nga mas lami pa ang pagkaon sa iyang Kon batikoson mo ang Simbahan
Doggy Doggy ug Kitty Kitty kay sa imo. Ibog mo nga gwapa kaayo iyang asawa unya siya Susama ra nga gisaway mo ang tanang binunyagan
susmariahosep kay lagi bilyonaryo siya. Ibog mo da? Ibog mo nga siya maoy giatiman Ang pagsaway lang unta angayan
pag-una kay datu man gud siya. Ibog mo da kay siya BOOOOOORASKA? Kabahin siya sa Kon ikaw dili korap ug dili dautan.
giilang mga adunahan ug sikat sa katilingban hangtud abot sa tibuok kalibutan. Unsa ba
kini! Ang kalibutan gapaibogibog lang gyud kanunay sa kinabuhing BOOOOOORASKA. Apan sa Simbahan ikaw na nasabtan
Ang radyo, telebisyon, pamantalaan, internet, cable, instagram, facebook, twitter Nga may diperensya sa kaisipan Ikaw giampo
ug uban pa nga daw ginadani kita kanunay nga magBOOOOOORASKA. Mabuhong Lang gyapon ngadto sa Dios sa kagahuman
daw kita sa mga daghang butang nga lisud maangkon sa kadaghanan. Tinuod? Mao Nga makaangkon na sa kausaban.
nang ubang kabus pud intawon gadamgo sa kanunay nga ma-Booooooraska! Siya
ra dayon ang adunay swimming pool sa mansiyon. Siya ra dayon ang adunay boat ug
Ug kining mga pagpatay sa katilingban
submarine sa swimming pool. Siya ra dayon ang adunay helicopter sa kwarto. Siya ra
Ayaw pakahilum mga binunyagan
dayon ang adunay airplane sa sala. Siya ra dayon ang adunay elevator sa kusina. Siya
ra dayon ang adunay escalator sa kasilyas. Siya ra dayon ang adunay electric chair sa Barugi ang Dios nga Gamhanan
kan-anan. Siya ra gyud dayon! BOOOOOORASKA dayon! Siya ray makapalit og bisiklita Aron ikaw dili masudyaan.
nga tag-P1,000,000. Siya ray makapalit og pagkaon nga tag-25,000 euro. Siya ra ang Kon gusto ka mahimong bantugan
makasulod sa hotel nga tag-100,000 pound ang matag-adlaw. Siya ra ang makasuot Alagari ang mga hinikawan
og tag-$500,000 nga relo, tag-$1000 nga bra, tag-$2000 nga panty, tag-$1500 nga Ang gahum ug bahandi magdala kanimo sa kalaglagan
brief. Siya ra gyud! BOOOOOORASKA! Siya ra gyud ang makagamit og gold nga kutsara, Tinguhaa nga ikaw dili mailhan.
gold nga tinidor, gold nga plato, gold nga baso, gold nga toothpick, gold nga ngipon,
gold nga ilo ug gold nga arinola. Siya ra gyud! Boooooo..raska! Grabing pagpalami
lami sa kinabuhi. Gusto niya matilawan ang tanang lami sa kalibutan. Naghingapin
nga kaharuhay sa kinabuhi. Daghan kaayong alalay. Sugo dinhi sugo didto. Adunay
musudlay, adunay mohungit, adunay mohingoko, adunay mohingiki, adunay motulituli,
Do you have something to announce?
adunay motoothbrush, adunay moilo. Kahayahay ba gyud BOOOOOORASKA! Dili
na maabot sa uban ang kahamugaway sa iyang kinabuhi. Patuyang lang sa paglipay LAMDAG
lipay kay lagi BOOOOOORASKA! Lingaw lingaw lang sa kanunay. Kamapatuyangon sa will be more than happy to print greetings and announcements at reasonable rates.
pagkaon, pamisti, panimuyo, kalingawan. Walay lain mahunahunaan sa sapi mao ra ang
pagBOOOOOORASKA. Og kon pangutan-on nga aduna ba siyay kwarta? Og sa dihang Soft copies are especially welcome.
ang iyang kanunayng tubag: WALA! WALA! WALA! Walaaah! Booooooraska! To find out more, call the Social Communication Apostolate
NAKAPAMALANDONG ako nga hangtud nga daghan pa gani ang
BOOOOOORASKA dili ug dili gyud mabahin bahin ang grasya sa Dios ngadto sa tanan
sa tibuok kalibutan. Bisan nanghatag na kita ug padayon pang gapanghatag apan
kon aduna pay BOOOOOORASKA dili pa gihapon malipay ang Dios. Boooooo
Call for Articles
raska!Kon aduna pay BOOOOOORASKA padayon lang gihapon ang gutom, kalisud,
We invite parishioners, ministries, clergy and religious to submit
kakabus, gubat, baha, utang, 5-6, krimin, kawat, patay ug sala sa kaugalingon ug news stories. Just send us the details, and well give you proper
sa katilingban.. Alang kanako lang ha, bitaw kon BOOOOOORASKA ka wala gyud ka credit for your article.
manghatag og tarong. Bisan pa dagko kaayo na ang imong hinatagan sa mga kabus
apan Boooooo.raska ka lang gihapon wala gyud ka manghatag sa angay nga Email your submissions, along with your name, phone number, and
paagi nga gusto sa imong Dios..Booooooraska. parish/congregation to
Archdiocesan News LAMDAG
February 1-28, 2017

Kapistahan ni Sr. Sto. Market Christ

Nio Nagmalampuson By: Phoebe Parel the enemies of the Lord do not rest. Tito
CFC Singles for Christ (SFC) is one Emil was not certain what will happen
of the family ministries of Couples for when he comes home, but he remained
Christ (CFC). On Sunday, January 29, faithful to God that whatever he asked in
2017 176 members of SFCs from six His name, it will be given. The talk ended
different sectors of Misamis Oriental with a reflection song entitled You Said,
gathered at the covered court of reminding everyone that whatever we
Kauswagan Barangay Hall for the first ask from God He will give in His time, we
Provincial Assembly for 2017 entitled just have to have faith. In the afternoon, a
Market Christ. Program Appreciation was conducted for
The whole-day-event gathered the the first time, in order for the participants
Singles for Christ of Misamis Oriental to get to know the programs under their
to celebrate the victories of last year ministry.
and set the tone and direction for the The programs were divided into
SFCs this year. The CFC theme this year three groups, namely: The Evangelization
is Stand Firm in the Faith, which is Programs, The Ministry Support
anchored on 1 Cor. 16:13-14 Be on your Programs and Other Programs. Under the
guard, stand firm in faith, be courageous, Evangelization Programs are the Family
be strong. Your every act should be done Evangelizations, Missions, Mission
By: Aljun A. Fermo Nestor Caduyag, SSJV, kura paroko ug
with love. The assembly kicked off with Volunteer Program and Corporate/BPO.
Mabulokon ug mabungahon ang mga kauban. For the Ministry Support Programs are
Sa adlaw nga Lunes, Enero a talk by Tito Emil Lapus, a Sector SFC
kasaulogan sa kapistahan ni Sr. Sto. the Music Ministry, SFC Communications
16, gipahigayon usab ang Sakay- Couple Coordinator.
Nio sa lungsod sa Balingasag, Misamis and Information System while the Other
Oriental, Enero 14-15, 2017. Gidagsaan Sakay, diin usa kini sa tradisyonal nga The talk centered on some
important points from the verse, Programs are composed of the ANCOP
kini sa liboan ka mga katawhan aron sa kalihukan pinaagi sa Santos nga Misa
nga gipanguluhan ni Fr. Sonny Ricarde, elaborating on what it means to stand and CIO (Church Integration Office)
pagpasalamat sa milagrosong batang
SSJV ug pagprosesyon sa imahen gikan firm in ones faith. This was backed up which we adopt from the CFC Programs.
Sr. Sto. Nio.
Matag tuig saulogon kining sa plaza hangtod sa kadagatan, ug ang by practical examples, bible stories and These programs aim to strengthen
kapistahan agigg pagdebosyon sa pagbendisyon sa mga imahen ni Sr. personal life stories. What struck the and make tangible the SFC vision: Every
Sr. Sto. Nio taliwala sa parokya sa Santo Nio. participants the most in Mr. Lapus talk single man and woman all over the
Balingasag nga mao ang Santa Rita Mga pag-abiba ug pagdayeg ang world experiencing Christ. The aim is
was his story about being asked by his
de Cascia, apan gumikan sa kultura singgit sa katawhan.. VIVA PIT SENYOR to market Christ at home in our families,
boss to choose between his high paying
ug tradisyon nga nagpabilin gikan sa !.. Atol niining maong kalihukan at the work place with our boss and co-
mapasalamaton si Fr. Nestor Caduyag, job in Japan and his family. The choice
mga katigulangan kini gipadayon sa workers, and other areas of the life of an
SSJV, kura paroko, sa malinawon,ug he made, which was according to him
kasamtangang henerasyon. SFC. SFCs were encouraged to sign up
mabulokon nga pagsaulog sa a no brainer, was to leave his job and
Sa naandan, gisugdan ang maong under the different programs where they
kalihukan pinaagi sa novena hangtod kapistahan, sa tanang mitabang return home to the Philippines to be
with his wife who was then pregnant think they might be able to grow closer
sa adlaw sa kapistahan sa adlaw nga alang sa kalampusan sa kapistahan,
sa lokal nga pangagamhanan sa with their first baby. He reminded to God and be able to share their time,
Domingo, Enero 15, 2017. Gilangkuban
lungsod sa Balingasag sa pagduyog sa everyone to be on guard always because talent and treasure.
usab kini pinaagi sa Misa-konselebrada
nga gipangunahan ni Msgr. Perseus kristohanong kalihukan.
Cabunoc, Vicar General uban nila ni Fr.

Fr. Nil Guillemette SJ..... From p.1

Loyola House of Studies and San
Jose Seminary. In 1999, he moved
to Mindanao, in Cagayan de Oro and
taught college Sacred Scripture and
surprise and overwhelm us. His books
of commentaries on the four Gospels
are scholarly written detailed and
meticulous yet comprehensive for
Religious Studies at Xavier University. the practical applications of any
Editorial Consultant Managing Editor
He also spent most of his time writing reader. Not a few priests and bishops
are using his commentaries for their
Abp. Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ, DD Teresita Espina, FSP
books and commentaries of Sacred
Scriptures. homilies and retreats. No doubt Fr Nil
Last year, Fr. Nil celebrated was a fine scholar and his writings will
his 60th year as a Jesuit religious. remain his valuable legacy to present Writers
The local Jesuit community and the and future generations.
Xavier University community gave Third is his concern for the Fr. Rufino Cabatingan, SSJV
him tributes for his long years of students. Generosity could be hard to Fr. Fermin Tan Jr., SSJV
dedicated service to the Church and notice in Fr. Nil as he was protective
of his time and space even with his
Sr. Pearl Balbastro, DC
the Society as a priest, a teacher and
a writer. This 2017, he would have own brother Jesuits. But its a fact that Sweet Kristine Adorio
celebrated his 50th year as a Jesuit he had helped many college students Lolita T. Bacarrisas
priest, but his sickness caught up with their tuitions and allowances
with him in the early part of the year. from funds he received from his Gilda Pates
Many things could be said about family and the Canadian government. Aljun Fermo
Fr. Nil but perhaps four important A lot of things could be said for or
things will be most remembered against this practice of many foreign Phoebe Parel
by his students, readers, friends, Jesuit missionaries but what was Romeo Luzano
fellow priests and Jesuits. First is obvious in Fr. Nil was a heart for poor
Bohol Chronicle
his teaching a clear and exact and deserving students. Fourth is
presentation of the subject matter and simplicity, which may not be readily
his grading system approximated seen in Fr. Nil given his fondness for
beer, pizza, foreign films and classical Lay-out and Graphic Design Marketing & Circulation
and generous to the favor of his Association of Pauline Cooperators
students. Many students liked him music. But his spartan room and a few Banny E. Briones
Grace Fernan
because he gave high marks and also personal belongings could attest to
because he organized his lessons his simple living and simple lifestyle.
very well. Second are his writings, In fact, preparing for burial, it was Bag-ong Lamdag is a newsletter published monthly by the Social Communications
both the popular and the scholarly difficult to find presentable shirts and Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro, whose aim is to link the various
ones. He wrote and published a total pants inside his cabinet. His room in
parishes, ministries, and apostolates within this archdiocese. For inquiries and
of 56 books. A number of titles are Loyola House was always neat and
orderly; and it contained only the feedback, send us an email at You may visit us online and
still with two publishing firms as of
things expected of a Jesuit missionary leave a comment at
this writing. His popular books (God
Tales for Everyone series) clearly who for 61 years had vowed to live a
talk about a God whose love never life of poverty, chastity and obedience. Find us on Facebook: Search for Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro
stops to amaze, inspire, console,
Bishop Uy installed as new Tagbilaran
diocese bishop
graced the ordination were Archbishop his mission in the Lords vineyard. He ordained bishop. He was the parish
Auza, Bishop Antonieto Cabajog, will spend his first months listening priest of St. Michael the Archangel
Bishop Arturo Bastes, Bishop Crispin to his flock so he can discern the things Parish in Jagna, Bohol and Episcopal
Varquez, Bishop Zacarias Jimenez, and programs for the diocese. Vicar for the clergy of the Diocese
Bishop Romulo Valles, Bishop Elinito Bishop Uy served as a priest for of Talibon until his appointment as
Galido, and Bishop Soc Mesiona. more than 23 years. He was ordained bishop.
In his homily, Cardinal Tagle priest in the same church where he was Bishop Uy took up his
called on the new bishop to remain a philosophical studies at the
listening shepherd to his flock while Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary
strongly supporting Uys call of doing in Tagbilaran City, and theology at
everything for the sake of the Gospel. St. John Mary Vianney Theological
Tagle likewise appealed to avoid Seminary in Cagayan de Oro City,
factionalism while calling the entire where he finished his Bachelor in
clergy to support the programs of the Sacred Theology degree and Masters
young bishop. in Pastoral Ministry. He completed
Bishop Uy, while serving as his Licentiate in Sacred Theology
Most. Rev. Alberto S. Uy, D.D. episcopal vicar of the Diocese of at the Loyola School of Theology in
Bishop Alberto S. Uy, a native of Talibon, is known for his advocacy for Quezon City and his doctorate in
Ubay town, was installed as the new the poor with hundreds of volunteers Sacred Theology at the Pontifical
bishop of the Diocese of Tagbilaran on supporting a housing program for Gregorian University in Rome, Italy.
January 6, 2017, succeeding retired the less fortunate. He is also known (Bohol Chronicle)
for his advocacy against vote buying Archbishop Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ.D.D. lays
Bishop Leonardo Medroso. He was hands on the new bishop
installed bishop of the 75-year-old during the electoral
diocese by Archbishop Bernardito process and his call
Auza, Permanent Observer of the against corruption in
Holy See to the United Nations, with governance.
a throng of bishops, priests, religious, During the
and lay faithful at the St. Joseph installation rites, Bishop
Cathedral. Cabajog, who delivered
The 50-year-old Uy was ordained the homily, could not help
bishop by Luis Antonio Cardinal but stress the simplicity
Tagle at the Most Blessed Trinity and humility of Bishop
Cathedral in Talibon town, the day Uy which brought him
prior his installation. Joining Tagle closer to the masses.
in the ordination rites were Cebu He cited the charisma
Archbishop Palma and Diocese of of Bishop Uy which will
Talibon Bishop Patrick Daniel Parcon. help him immensely as a
Also in attendance were 29 bishops shepherd.
led by Archbishop Socrates Villegas, In his response,
president of the Catholic Bishops Bishop Uy appealed for
Conference of the Philippines (CBCP). support from the clergy
The eight Boholano bishops who as he vowed to continue

Bachelor of Science in Values Education Bachelor of Science in Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing

February Birthday Celebrants Sacerdotal Anniversary

February 7 - Fr. Juliano Retiquez February 12- Fr. William Salva February 22- Fr. Ramer Colanse
February 11 - Fr. Amie Balacuit Fr. Fermin Tan Jr. Fr. Renerio Sabuga, Jr.
February 12 - Fr. Othelo Polinar F r. Fredberto Ranan February 24- Fr. Floro Barsobia
Fr. Eleuterio Datoy
February 23 - Fr. Lino Macatol II Fr. Noel Ebana Fr. Wilson Legaspi
February 17 - Fr. Saturnino Lumba February 28 - Fr. Rufino Cabatingan
Fr. Aurelio Jaranilla Fr. Sacris Recoleto
February 19 - Fr. Joe Villamil February 29 - Fr. Floro Barsobia
Fr. Ruthenberge Develos
Fr. Cleto Taajura

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