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Core Stability and Bicycling

Chad Asplund and Michael Ross
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

ASPLUND, C. and M. ROSS. Core stability and bicycling. Curr. Sports Med. Rep., Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 155Y160, 2010. Bicycling
is a popular fitness activity in the United States and around the world. Because of the nature of the bicycling position, the neck and back are
at risk for injury. One method to prevent these injuries is to ensure that the bodys core is strong and stable. A strong and stable core also
provides a platform to maximize power transfer, improving performance. Core exercises also may enhance recovery from intense bicycling
efforts. Simple stability exercises can improve performance and may prevent injuries in bicyclists.

INTRODUCTION experience. A stronger core may be the answer in the pre-

vention of these cycling related injuries.
Participation in cycling has increased steadily over the past In the last few years, there has been a considerable
10 yr. Individuals looking for a low-impact alternative to run- increase in the emphasis on stabilizing the core of the
ning and other aerobic activities have found cycling to meet body. The bodys core, which includes the back and abdo-
these needs. In fact, the American Bureau of Transportation minal muscles, can be a weak link for many cyclists. Because
Statistics estimates that more than 49 million Americans ride of the extended aerodynamic positions, cyclists may be able
bicycles at least monthly, with over 5 million people riding to generate ideal power early in the event, but then low
at least 20 dImonthj1 (20). With more people riding for back fatigue and pain contribute to a loss of power. Most
fitness, there is a higher focus on performance, but with in- riders lose significant pedal power because of weak low
creased participation and intensity, the number of cycling- back and abdominal muscles. The legs perform most of the
related injuries also has risen. work in cycling, but a strong core will increase stability on
Neck and back pain is common in cyclists because of the the bike and increase power transfer to the pedals. In ad-
bodys positioning during riding. Several studies have dem- dition, a strong lower back will allow the rider to remain in
onstrated that neck and back injuries are some of the most a more aerodynamic position for longer periods of time
common overuse injuries evaluated following multiday long- without discomfort or injury.
distance bicycle tours (6,21,22). Wilber et al. found that Core stability is crucial in efficiently transferring power
44.2% of male and 54.9% of female recreational cyclists pre- from your lower body to your upper body and vice versa. In
sented for medical treatment of neck pain, while approx- other words, core strength prevents wasted energy by en-
imately 30% presented with back pain (22). Weiss also suring that any power exerted to move your body forward
reported that 66.4% of recreational cyclists reported neck isnt wasted by twisting or rocking of the torso. A strong and
and shoulder symptoms after an 8-d, 500-mile bicycle tour stable core allows one to maintain proper body positioning
(21). The prevalence of such injuries, especially in recrea- and form with fatigue, which translates to maintaining speed
tional riders, suggests that more understanding is needed by and power for longer periods of time.
riders and their health care providers to prevent such injuries
by proper education and fit and to treat these injuries when
they occur. A better understanding of the pathologic mech- WHAT IS CORE STABILITY?
anism of musculoskeletal overuse injuries, specifically in
cyclists, is important in developing good preventive and treat- Kibler defines core stability as the ability to control the
ment strategies for the neck and back injuries they frequently position and motion of the trunk over the pelvis to allow
optimum production, transfer, and control of force and mo-
tion to the terminal segment in integrated athletic activities
Address for correspondence: Chad Asplund, M.D., Assistant Professor, Family (12). Spinal stability has been defined as consisting of three
Medicine, Division of Sports Medicine, The Ohio State University, 2050 Kenny subsystems, passive components of the spinal column, active
Road, Suite 3100, Columbus, OH 43221 (E-mail:
control by spinal muscles, and neuromuscular control or coor-
dination. When the muscles in the hips, shoulder girdle, and
1537-890X/0903/155Y160 trunk work together, they form a functional segment called
Current Sports Medicine Reports
Copyright * 2010 by the American College of Sports Medicine the core (16).


Copyright @ 2010 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE. Plank time and assessment of core strength.
Time Result Recommendation

Less than 1 min Fair Minimal handlebar/saddle differential

1Y2 min Good Several-centimeter differential
More than 2 min Excellent Set handlebar height as low as can
be tolerated

Core muscle activity is best understood as the prepro-

grammed integration of local, single-joint muscles and multi-
joint muscles to provide stability and produce motion. This
results in proximal stability for distal mobility, a proximal to
distal patterning of generation of force, and the creation of
interactive moments that move and protect distal joints (12).
Figure 2. Note how some of the cyclists are able to maintain a stable
position when rising out of the saddle (A), which is a sign of a strong
DOES CORE STABILITY PREVENT INJURIES? core. Core stability is most apparent when standing out of the saddle and
keeping the nose, pelvis, and tire contact patch in the vertical plane.
It would seem to make sense that a stable core would pre- When the core is fatigued, the trunk deviates from this plane (B).
vent injury, but is there evidence to support this? On the
basis of observational studies that activation delay or weak- systematically designed investigations are needed to determine
ness of the core muscles is related to low back pain (LBP) their effectiveness.
and lower extremity injury, interventions aimed at restor-
ing core stability therefore should reduce the risk of injury
(8,13). Recent prospective studies suggest that deficiencies DOES INCREASING CORE STABILITY ENHANCE
in core muscle capacity may increase risk for lower extremity RECOVERY FROM INJURY?
injury. In a study of rugby athletes, Devlin et al. demon-
strated that fatigue of the abdominals was a contributing Research supports the theory that stability exercises pre-
factor in lower extremity injury (7). Another study in fire- vent recurrences of back pain. Athletes with back pain
fighters also suggests that development and implementation who participated in stabilization exercises were shown to have
of functional movement enhancement programs prevents nine times less back pain at 3 yr compared with con-
injuries in high-risk individuals (17). In a cycling-specific trols (10). Muscular strength is able to compensate for some
study, two groups of cyclists were observed, those with LBP structural problems, which is a premise behind exercise train-
and those without. The cyclists in the back pain group ing as the mainstay of treatment to improve stabilization (3).
showed a trend toward increased lumbar flexion and rotation The overall evidence either for or against the use of core
with an associated loss of stabilization of the lumbar spine. strengthening exercises for injury prevention or rehabilita-
These findings suggest that altered motor control and kine- tion is limited. Clinically, it would appear that core stability
matics of the lower lumbar spine are associated with the exercises are beneficial in the prevention of injuries; how-
development of LBP in cyclists (4). ever, further prospective studies are needed to determine
The overall evidence either for or against the use of core effectiveness.
strengthening exercises for injury prevention or rehabilita-
tion is limited. While clinical experience appears to be pro-
viding motivation for the continued use of such exercises, DOES CORE STABILITY IMPROVE PERFORMANCE?

Controversy exists as to whether greater core muscle sta-

bility actually improves athletic performance (9). Roetert
reported that core stability and balance are critical for good
performance in almost all sports and activities includ-
ing bicycling (18). A lack of core strength and stability also
is thought to result in an inefficient technique, which
predisposes to injury and poor performance (11). A recent
cycling-specific study by Abt et al. supports this concept.
The purpose of Abts study was to determine whether
cycling mechanics are affected by core stability. A weak core
potentially could inhibit power production, since the pelvis
is the lever for the cycling-specific power muscles. If the
lower extremities are not aligned properly and the lever is
Figure 1. Plank exercise: elbows directly under shoulders and body
in an incorrect position, then power output will be compro-
held in a linear position. The abdominal muscles and back muscles are mised (1). Improved core stability and endurance could pro-
contracted to keep the trunk parallel to the ground. mote better alignment of the lower extremity when riding

156 Current Sports Medicine Reports

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training programs not being functional enough to translate
into improvements in sporting performance (9).


Evaluation of the core should be dynamic and include

evaluation of the specific functions (trunk control over the
planted leg) and directions of motions (three-planar activ-
ity). Rehabilitation should include the restoring of the core
itself but also include the core as the base for extremity
function (12).
Core stability is more challenging to measure than core
muscle strength as it requires incorporating parameters of
coordination and balance. If we look to the definition of
core strength as proximal stability for distal movement, we
can think of ways to test the core. The simplest way to iso-
late the core is to have the core suspended with the limbs
anchored. For cycling specifically, the back should be hori-
zontal or as close to horizontal as it would be when riding.
To meet these criteria, we prefer a plank exercise. To per-
form a plank, the back should be horizontal. The elbows
should be under the shoulders, and the legs should be
straight, allowing a slight bend at the hips (Figure 1).
Once in position, have the patient hold this position for
as long as he or she can. Watch for sagging of the low back,
Figure 3. Swiss ball exercises. By stabilizing the body while the legs are
bent and straightened, the core is activated in three planes.
scapulae lifting off of the thorax, or lateral tilt of the pelvis.
Failure of the ability to maintain a plank position gives clues
as to which muscle groups need to be strengthened.
To assess which of the core muscles are weakest, look for
for an extended duration (1). Improvements in core strength fatiguing muscles, specifically, which way the back and limbs
could promote greater torso stability within the saddle and move during the plank. When the scapular stabilizers are
maintenance of lower extremity alignment to apply greater fatigued, the medial scapulae borders will separate from the
force transmission to the pedals (1). When the core is stable, back, and the shoulders will sink. Similarly, if the rectus
the peripheral muscles will require less forceful contractions to abdominus is weak, the lower back will sag. If the hip sta-
produce the same amount of power (2). bilizers (abductors) and obliques are weak, the back will tilt
As part of the study, the cyclists performed a core fatigue to one side. If the scapulae are the first to move, the scapular
workout prior to testing, which then was shown to alter the stabilizers need to be strengthened. Similarly, if the low back
mechanics of the lower extremity during cycling. Prolonged sags, the rectus abdominus and erector spinae need strength-
cycling with altered lower extremity mechanics as a result of ening. If the pelvis tilts to the side, work on the obliques and
a fatigued core might increase the risk of overuse injury from the hip external rotators.
malalignment. Abt suggested that cyclists should integrate a In our experience, those with adequate core strength can
year-round, core conditioning program into current training hold a plank for greater than 2 min. Those with a weak core
to promote better lower extremity alignment while cycling. will have difficulty maintaining this position for more than
A recent study by Navalta et al. showed that incorporation 30 secs (Table).
of core stability exercises into a cool-down period follow- The plank can frequently be used as a diagnostic test
ing muscular work may result in benefits to both lactate to elicit the cycling-specific pain that people may be ex-
clearance, as well as enhanced postural control (15). Further periencing. As fatigue sets in, and the weaker muscles be-
results show that a dynamic neuromuscular training program gin to fail, have the patients move their elbows forward
focusing on core stability, as well as including some balance a few inches. This is usually the position that most cy-
and movement training, not only decreases biomechanical clists keep their elbows when riding. Moving the elbows
risk factors, but also may provide performance enhancement forward will frequently reproduce the LBP that cyclists
effects (14). generally feel.
Currently, there is limited evidence to show that improv- The more dynamic way of evaluating core strength in a
ing core stability improves athletic performance or prevents cyclist is looking at how the cyclist rides. As with the plank,
injury. Most of the current scientific studies largely are based if their back is sagging while they ride, there is weakness. The
in the rehab setting and focus on low load, slow movements dynamic scapular stabilizer strength is assessed by watch-
rather than on sporting activities, which use high load, ing the shoulders. The shoulders should remain square to the
resisted, dynamic movements. The lack of specific perform- handlebars when pedaling in a seated position, keeping
ance effect observed in many studies may be from the core the nose over the front tire. Weakness is revealed when the

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Number 3 c
May/June 2010 Core Stability and Bicycling 157

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Figure 4. A and B. Several different Swiss ball exercises designed to reduce stability in an effort to promote use of the core and strengthening of the
core. Note how each exercise is made more difficult through the use of progressively decreasing stability rather than progressively increasing weight.

shoulders move left to right or when they tilt during seated elbow musculature contracts to support the upper body, and
climbing. Hip abductor/external rotator and oblique muscle medial and/or lateral epicondylitis frequently develops.
weakness is best evaluated by having the rider stand on the LBP is a frequent complaint seen in those who have a
pedals. When transitioning from sitting to standing, a stable position that is too aggressive for the erector spinae to
core will keep the torso in the same plane as the bicycle. If support. This can come from having the hands too far for-
the hips move from side to side during this transition, ward or the handlebars significantly lower than the seat.
oblique/hip strength is deficient (Figure 2). When setting up a rider on a bicycle, there are many
Diagnosing weakness often leads to the diagnosis of factors that come into play, such as pedaling style, flex-
cycling-specific problems. When the core is weak and/or ibility, and previous injuries. However, as far as the use
the position on the bike is too aggressive than the core can of core strength is concerned, it is our experience that
support (flat back, hands too far forward,) the hands take on a position of stability off the bike has to be reflected
the pressure of the upper body. This can lead to carpal tunnel by the same position on the bike. If a plank cannot be
and ulnar neuropathy symptoms. As the core fatigues, the maintained for 1 min, the arms should be placed on a

158 Current Sports Medicine Reports

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bench, stability can be decreased by sitting on a ball, stand-
ing on a Bosu board, or by keeping the feet on two differ-
ent Bosu boards.
Strengthening core not only involves using muscles in a
functional pattern and avoiding single joint exercise, but
adding the component of instability to the exercise before
adding weight. Frequently, body weight and instability will
be sufficient to strengthen the core for endurance sports.


Athletes must display appropriate core strength, stability,

and dynamic control of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex to
Figure 5. Bosu ball push-ups. Bosu ball shown here being used to work
on stability of the upper core or upper and mid back.
produce efficient movements. A strong core is necessary for
force absorption and transfer from a proximal to distal fash-
ion. A thorough evaluation of the core must take place to
platform approximately 1 ft high. If a plank cannot be determine areas of weakness, and these weak links must be
maintained in this position, the arms should be elevated corrected. An athlete with a strong stable core will be able to
again. Once a position is found that can be maintained, transfer energy efficiently with more power and less stress
the angle between the back and the horizontal should be distally V making for a productive, successful cyclist. An
noted. The handlebar height/reach should be set so that athlete with a stable core may decrease the likelihood of in-
this angle of comfort from the plank test is reproduced jury as a result of increased efficiency of movement.
on the bicycle.
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160 Current Sports Medicine Reports

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