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Medieval Japan Questionnaire

30 questions (1 point for each question) Pass at 16/31

A-26-31 B-22-25 C- 16-21 D- 15-9 E- 8-0

What were the origins of the geisha? (1 Point)

What does the word geisha mean in Japanese? (1 Point)

What gender were the first geishas? (1 Point)

What are the geishas in training called? (1 Point)

What are the differences in appearance and roles of geishas and maikos?
(1 Point)

What role did the geisha serve for women in society? (1 Point)
What did the geisha costume consist of? (1 Point)

What was the role of the danna? (1 Point)

Sumo Wrestlers:

Where did sumo wrestling originate from? (1 Point)

What are the rules of a sumo wrestling match? (1 Point)

How does the sumo wrestling integrate Shinto beliefs into their matches?
(1 Point)

Kabuki actors and Kabuki theatre:

What is kabuki? (1 Point)

What did the plots consist of? (1 Point)

What are the different forms of kabuki acting? (1 Point)

What kind of foods did the Japanese not eat until the 18th century? What
was the cause behind this? (1 Point)
What staple food did the consume instead and why? (1 Point)

What is Japanese culture centred around? (1 Point)

Whatdoesthewordorigamimean?(1 Point)

granted?(1 Point)


Wheredidwoodblockprintingoriginatefrom?(1 Point)

What was Confucianism? (1 Point)

When did Confucianism reach Japan? (1 Point)

What is an important aspect of Confucian belief? Why do you think this is so? (1 Point)

What are the key beliefs of Confucianism? (1 Point)

What are the origins of Confucianism? (1 Point)

What are the influences of Confucianism on people in Medieval Japanese

society? (1 Point)

According to Shinto belief, where can Kami be found? (1 Point)

Describe the relationship between the Shinto belief and nature: (1 Point)

Buddhism and Zen Buddhism:

Explain the four noble truths of Buddhism in your own words: (1 Point)

Select four elements of the eightfold path. Explain why you chose them and what they
mean, in your own words. (1 Point)
Why were the Samurai attracted to Zen Buddhism? (1 Point)

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