Ukraine A Shattered Country

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Ukraine: A Shattered Country

Map of Modern Ukraine

Voice of Sevastopol
March 31, 2015

Ukraine (Voice of Sevastopol) Click to enlarge image.

A year later, after an armed coup in Ukraine, we can say that the country is rapidly falling
into the abyss. Not so much the country has never been shattered, for all its short history.
Lets look at how many parts divided modern Ukraine.

Donetsk Peoples Republic (Voice of Russia)

1. Controlled by DNR [Donetsk Peoples Republic or DPR] and LC [Lugansk Peoples

Republic or LPR], in fact practically ceased to depend on the official Kiev authorities. Have
their own power structure. Not so long ago introduced a multi-currency settlement system,
in the course of the hryvnia and rubles. 90% of the population supports the DNR and LC.
Donetsk and Lugansk Oblasts

2. The remainder of the former Lugansk and Donetsk areas. Mainly controlled by the
APU [Ukrainian Armed Forces or UAF], as well as the National Guard battalions and the
Right sector. Active work partisan militias. DNR and LC consider this their territory.
Approximately 80% of the population support the LC and DNR.

Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, and Kharkov regions.

3. Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia region, as well as the city of Mariupol. Until recently, the
patrimony [billionaire oligarch Igor] Kolomoiskiy. Now controlled by the National Guard
battalions, numbering about 2-3 thousand soldiers, can be considered private army
Kolomoiskiy. Poor relations with the central government. About 50% against a military
solution to the conflict in the Donbass.

Gennady Kernes (

4. Kharkiv region. Holds in his hands Gennady Kernes, by some accounts maintained
Kolomoiskiy. After removing Kolomoiskiy subjected to strong pressure from Kiev. The so-
called work Kharkov guerrillas. About 70% against a military solution to the conflict in the
Donbass. Mass mobilization to flee from Russia.

Nikolaev, Kherson and Odessa Regions

5. Nikolaev and Kherson regions. Almost completely subordinated to the central
government in Kiev, but people are skeptical about it. Approximately 60% against a
military solution to the conflict in the Donbass.

Odessa (

6. Odessa region. Under the control of the right sector. Produced mass purge of the
population. 70% of the population against a military solution to the conflict in the Donbass.
Work guerrillas.

7. Central Ukraine. Obey the central government. Active supporters of a military solution to
the conflict in the Donetsk Basin, approximately 80% of the population. All the troubles
blamed Russia. The so-called common Coaches troops.


8. Western Ukraine. Obey the central government. Mass rallies against mobilization.
Support the so-called ATO about 60% of the population.

Transcarpathia (

9. Transcarpathian region. Live almost separately from the Ukraine. Mass protests against
mobilization, many fled to Romania and Hungary. Proponents of decentralization.
Approximately 70% of the population support a peaceful solution to the conflict in the

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