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Issue 1 2014

The Arup Journal

3 Personal Rapid Transit: 52 The Corbin Building restoration,
implementing the ULTra Fulton Center, New York City
Heathrow system Ian Buckley, Craig Covil,
Tony Kerr, Martin Lowson, Ricardo Pittella
Austin Smith
72 The CIC zero carbon building,
14 Luton Dunstable Busway, UK Hong Kong
Kim Blackmore, Alan Dennis, Vincent Cheng, Tony Lam, Trevor Ng,
Steve Fancourt, Oliver Nicholas, Raymond Yau
Kulvinder Rayat 82 The John W Olver zero-net energy
24 Wire-free technologies for light rail Transit Center, Greenfield,
David Stuart-Smith
Julian Astbury, Matt Franks,
32 first direct arena, Leeds, UK Geoff Gunn, Michael Hovanec,
Jim Bell, Samantha Birchall, Leroy Le-Lacheur, Charles Rose
David Clixby, Ian Drabble,
Eoghan Given, Richard Greer,
90 A30: Autoroute 30 Montral
Neil Hooton, Susie Horsefield,
Southern By-pass
Douglas Balmer, Matt Carter,
Lee Kirby, Helen Marsh, Ben Watkins
Tim Hackett, Alan Phear,
Nick Sartain, Derya Thompson

Personal Rapid Transit:
implementing the ULTra Heathrow system
Location Authors
Heathrow Airport, London Tony Kerr Martin Lowson Austin Smith

Introduction The concept is not new, with the first

Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) is an proposals dating back to the 1950s1.
innovative form of urban public Studies were carried out in the UK in the
transportation, offering passengers trips with 1970s (Cabtrack) and for some 40 years a
no waiting and no stopping, direct to any group travel service using PRT principles
point served by its system. Small driverless has been in successful operation at
vehicles run on a dedicated guideway Morgantown, West Virginia, USA2.
integrated with stations, controls, and the However, interest has grown over the last
vehicles themselves to meet the overall 15 years as a result of urban road congestion,
design and operational requirements. the failure of efforts to curb private car use, 3.
the need for environmentally friendly
The PRT guideway network provides access transport, and the availability of computing
across the area served, with stations in their capacity to run reliable control systems.
own side-loops (offline) distributed
appropriately for the various origins and In response to these demands and
destinations of passengers (Fig 2). opportunities, three European PRT systems
Individuals or small groups travel separately now exist. ULTra (Urban Light Transit)
in vehicles which, once instructed, do not the subject of the present paper is in
stop until the destination is reached, when operation at Heathrow Airport, UK (Fig 3);
they become free for the next demand.
Condition 3
2getthere (Netherlands) is operating at
Empty vehicles are routed to stations of Masdar, Abu Dhabi3 (Fig 4); while Vectus
expected demand, and journey times are (Sweden) has installed a system at an
predictable between any pair of stations. eco-park in Suncheon, South Korea4 (Fig 5).
PRT is public transport, but personal. It does All three systems use similar-sized vehicles
not involve waiting for the service to arrive, and operating principles.
or for vehicles to be filled, and busyness
does not affect journey times. Implementing the Heathrow system, which
links Terminal 5 (T5) and a business car
park, was the most demanding of the three in
terms of guideway integration within an
existing built environment and the critical 5.
need for reliable operation to serve
passengers catching flights. 1. Rendering of the Heathrow PRT
system, with T5 in the background.
This paper focuses on the issues of guideway 2. Generic layout diagram.
design, design integration within the airport 3. ULTra Heathrow pod.
environment, and the operating system 4. The 2getthere system at Masdar,
requirements. It concludes with data from Abu Dhabi.
passenger experience and from operations 5. The Vectus system at Suncheon,
and maintenance records. The design of South Korea.
stations, maintenance, control room, and
Stations empty car management are not discussed.


The Arup Journal 1/2014 3

Table 1: ULTra requirements

Requirements5, 6 Delivered
Available on demand Average wait time: ~10 seconds
Goes anywhere Can go to any point on the network
Non-stop No stops
Environmentally sustainable >50% reduction in energy and emissions
Low cost Less than half the cost of other modes
Safe and secure Very reliable, fully monitored
Integrates with other modes Complementary to conventional transport

Table 2: Characteristics of the Heathrow system

Item Description Metric

1 One-way track length (including stations) 3900m
2 Vehicles 21
3 Guideway one-way potential capacity 600 vehicles/hour
4 Multi-berth stations three
5 Maintenance depot and control room one
6 End-to-end journey time five minutes
7 One-way length of elevated guideway 2347m
8 Total weight of steel in guideway superstructure 669 tonnes
9 Total weight of concrete (excluding piles/pilecaps) 602 tonnes
10 Discreet piled foundations 76
11 Length at grade or in multi-storey car park 1553m

Initial system requirements, and Arup was involved from the outset, the
prototype design firms Bristol office having been contacted
The ULTra system design concept originated by Advanced Transport Systems Ltd (the
in 1995 at the University of Bristol, UK. original name for ULTra Global PRT) to join
The original objective was to identify an in designing the infrastructure for such a
ideal system better than the car system. These requirements were considered
for urban transport in the 21st century. in depth when, in its initial involvement,
Requirements analysis showed that the Arup designed the structure for a prototype
optimum system should offer the features in test track. The team undertook stated
the first column of Table 1 (anticipating later preference evaluation of a PRT system for
discussion, the second column shows how Cardiff City Council, and partly as a result
these have been met at Heathrow). of this, the c800m test track, including a
three-span bridge, was built at Cardiff in
Recognising the integrated nature of PRT 20012002 (Fig 7).
systems is fundamental to their successful
delivery, and analysis suggested that Early guideway designs used parameters
inadequate consideration of this factor was developed from road, rail, and footbridge
the root cause of the failure of some earlier codes, and these generated heavy structures
PRT concepts. Infrastructure issues are a and resulting high costs. The overall loading
core consideration, with budget reviews from a PRT system based on first principles
showing infrastructure to comprise and actual applied loading from vehicles is
50%60% of the total cost. about 2000N/m2, compared with the 7.
5000N/m2 loading required in footbridge
design to cover passenger crush loads.
Designs which exploit this lower loading for 6. Pods in service bay at Heathrow.
PRT are significantly lighter and lower cost, 7. Cardiff test track.
and those used at Cardiff proved entirely 8. The Heathrow PRT layout.
satisfactory. This approach was therefore
used in the design for Heathrow.

4 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Car park stations

0 200m Condition 3

The Heathrow application

The ULTra system at Heathrow is based on a
foursix person car with a fully laden weight
of 13kN, operating at speeds up to 40kph
and at six-second headways. The system has
capacity for headways to be reduced to three
seconds, delivering up to 4800 seats per hour
per track. The car is 3.7m long, 1.4m wide Western Perimeter Road
and 1.8m high, with a single side door and
opposing pairs of seats, separated by space Heathrow Airport runway
Duke of Northumberlands River
for luggage or wheelchair. The car has four
rubber-tyred wheels and on-board batteries
powering electric motors for driving,
braking and steering.
Balancing reservoir
Client brief
The brief from BAA plc (now Heathrow
Airport Ltd) was for a system to operate
between T5 and a new business car park to
the north beyond the perimeter road, around
1km distant. It had to meet strict standards of
reliability and availability, and comply with
the T5 overall design and construction roundabout
standards. The instruction to commence
design studies for the T5 PRT came in 2006,
by which time construction of the terminal
Wellington Road
and its supporting infrastructure were well
advanced towards the March 2008 opening. Terminal station
The PRT works thus could not interrupt any
aspect of the T5 construction programme,
with which Arup also had a major
multidisciplinary design involvement79. Terminal 5

The brief did not specify an alignment or

details of station locations; the service
envisaged was simply to connect car park 8.
and terminal. Although less demanding than
a potential urban application serving
Design considerations Implementing this system at an operating
anywhere to anywhere over a broad area, the
The Heathrow system, as built, has the broad airport, and largely within the T5
Heathrow system includes three separate
characteristics set out in Table 2. contractors designated works area, imposed
stations and a complex structure of adjacent
significant restraints in terms of guideway
merge and diverge points. The fundamental It may also be noted that the guideway alignment, construction and programme.
route choice process which would be traverses two rivers and seven roads and has The ULTra/Arup team thus decided to
necessary for a larger system has therefore to avoid obstacle limitation surfaces and reduce site works by exploiting the basic
effectively been tested. Each station is in-ground services, while conforming to the designs modular nature and maximise
multi-berth, giving further control system T5 architecture and appear integral to the off-site fabrication of standard elements.
decisions as cars are allocated to berth slots. whole rather than a late addition. This would also reduce construction impacts
Route studies established that the guideway in this urban environment.
This demonstrates the inherent overall
could be a mixture of elevated structure and design flexibility of the system. Finally, the guideways detailed design had
ground running, and that the remote car park Design integration between the components to include features with which the vehicle
end lent itself to a two-station layout (Fig 8). of the PRT system and between the system control system would interface to ensure safe
and the whole airport environment was and reliable operations. These include the
For the T5 station, space was identified on
critical, and one of the most challenging vehicle-mounted lasers that use the vertical
the second floor of the adjacent multi-storey
aspects of the project for the guideway sides of the guideway (the upstand) to
car park. This had been designed to a floor
designers was to take into account and confirm vehicle position to the control
loading of 2500N/m2, so the low PRT system
evaluate the wealth of inter-relationships system. The guideway side upstand also had
loads were fundamental in enabling this
between vehicle performance, site features, to be aligned to provide adequate clearance
choice, though care was required to avoid
construction practicalities, and passenger for the vehicles width sweep on bends.
crowd loads building up in passenger
comfort requirements.
assembly areas on the car park floor.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 5


6 The Arup Journal 1/2014


9. The running surface is formed Passenger comfort The running surface pairs of finely
from pairs of finely engineered The issue of a passenger comfort standard engineered precast concrete planks gives
precast concrete planks.
was paramount, and parameters developed traction to the vehicles rubber tyres for
10. The structure in its crowded
urban setting.
with the guideway design were based on steering, acceleration and braking, and is
ASCE APM standards10 and experiments on wide enough to accommodate variations in
the test track. Relationships between speed vehicle positioning (Fig 9). Experience at the
and alignment radius were established, based test track had shown that small surface
on moving vehicle mechanics, a limiting irregularities transferred to the vehicle and
Design standards
lateral acceleration of 2.5m/sec, and an discomforted passengers, so at Heathrow
Design code angular velocity limit of 0.5rad/sec. vehicle suspension was introduced to
As this was the worlds first application of mitigate this. Against this was the need for
PRT as a public transport service, no specific This in turn translated into the lengths of the lasers to retain their ability to sense the
design code existed. Experience from the transition curves at entry to and exit from wall, making a firm suspension necessary.
prototype system at the Cardiff test track circular curves. Standards were specified for
informed the initial specification of design surface regularity and steps at adjoining In operation this firmer suspension was
requirements, and as the guideway design running planks, relating to a jerk standard found to increase passenger confidence.
progressed, the decisions taken informed a and the transmission of irregularities through The design and fabrication specifications
design code that ULTra and Arup developed the vehicle suspension system to the also included very tight control of tolerances,
in parallel with the design itself. passengers. One early design decision was to and measures to avoid cumulative effects.
avoid canting (super-elevating) the running
The aim was to capture these decisions and surface, and so minimise complexity and Constraints
the reasons for them, and thus establish an cost. This influenced the speed of travel At Heathrow the overall vertical and
authoritative basis whereby future checkers around turning radii. horizontal alignments had to be carefully
and reviewers could avoid taking questions threaded between fixed points, while still
back to first principles to be satisfied that the The internal vehicle configuration includes respecting ride comfort. Constraints to be
solutions offered would deliver a safe, two forward-facing fixed seats and two worked around included existing and
reliable and appropriate guideway. rear-facing seats. Early trials showed that planned structures, particularly roads serving
a direct forward view over and down an the terminal and its car parks, boundaries
Where relevant, the code refers to existing incline is discomforting for some passengers, between airside and landside (the alignment
UK or USA codes or standards, in particular so the forward view needed to be partly is largely landside within Heathrow Airport
concerning the expected properties of steel, obscured. This was provided in the car body Ltd property), clearances over roads, and the
concrete, and corrosion protection, and for design and by limiting gradients to 6.25%. virtual surface (obstacle limitation surface)
foundation and structural design parameters. radiating from the north runway (Fig 10).

The Arup Journal 1/2014 7


1600 250 1600 1600 250 1600


Cable tray

Precast concrete planks

250 Condition 3
450 450

Cross-head Long-span
deep beam

1500 500 1500 1975 1975

a) b)

Construction considerations Evaluation from the test track showed this The foundation construction was
Background form to be simple and easy to construct; significantly affected by the T5 building
The basic structural form for the elevated a standard 18m span was efficient in its programme, and access to carry out the
PRT guideway had been developed at the use of materials, and provided the very piling was taken when it became available.
Cardiff test track as a one-way route shallow profile and cross-section, with low As a result the foundations were in place
comprising a pair of side beams with visual impact, suitable for constrained urban long before the columns and superstructure
cross-members at regular 2m intervals. areas. The 18m length can be transported in were added, imposing a no change
Different forms of construction were one piece and will span over a typical UK discipline to the alignment design once
considered, including fabricated trusses, urban road at right angles. This basic foundation work had commenced. Airport
precast and in situ concrete, and composites. concept for the elevated structure was restrictions required the use of low profile
applied at Heathrow. The single columns that piling rigs in areas of height restriction, but
Steelwork fabrication data indicated that the support it are a constant 500mm in diameter. otherwise industry standards applied.
cost of cutting and welding for a fully
prefabricated structure would double the Simply-supported beam performance is
total cost compared with basic steel supply. affected by the wall thickness of the rolled
For its part, concrete lacks flexibility where hollow section (RHS) that forms each side
a variety of radii are used and has high beam a consequence of bringing together
mould set-up costs. On this basis the least load, design life, fatigue, and welding
costly option was to construct from steel considerations in the overall structural
using as little fabrication as possible. analysis. Adopting simply-supported spans
resting on bearings at each end avoids
The cross-members support the running on-site connections for a continuous
surface, cable tray, and drainage channels. structure, and is efficient in its use of a
The side beams form simply-supported foundation and column crosshead to support
spanning elements, as well as being the the ends of adjacent spans.
upstands to contain errant vehicles and
provide navigational direction. The side Foundations
beams also support the guardrail, and control The location of foundations influenced the
and safety equipment. As previously noted, superstructure alignment due to the need to
pairs of 300mm wide precast concrete planks avoid existing features in particular roads, as
form the running surface. (Fig 11). well as planned but not-yet-constructed
buildings and other infrastructure elements.
The PRT systems low loading results in a 12.
small footprint to support the structure,
generally a pile cap with four continuous
flight augured (CFA) piles (Fig 12). 11. Structural cross-sections:
(a) standard; (b) long-span;
By adjusting the pile cap shape or providing all dimensions in mm.
ducts, it proved possible to avoid diverting
12. Low loading results in a small
any buried services a major benefit of footprint to support the structure.
this transport system. 13. Typical columns and spans.
14. PRT between highway structures.

8 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Guideway structure components
The alignment was determined by local
constraints, by the aesthetics of the setting
and road approach to T5, and by operational
and ride comfort requirements. The design
had to take in this range of issues in parallel.
It was not practical or efficient for any one
consideration to take precedence, and so the
design was a complex and iterative process
involving several parties.

Alignment constraints at certain road

crossings led to spans up to 36m long.
Most of the guideway is double-track, with
edge beams common in dimension to the
single-track module, and a central beam of
varying depth (Fig 13). At the business car
park, as well as access to the two stations, 13.
provision has been made for future route
extensions towards hotels, offices and rental
car depots. This required several low-speed
curved elements, including merge and
diverge features.

The PRT route comprises the following

components of elevated guideway (Table 3):

From T5 to at-grade section: 571m of

double track in 30 spans between 8m36m
From at-grade section to business car park:
(1) 380m of double track in 21 spans
between 14m30m; (2) 445m of single
track in 32 spans between 4m19m.

From this it can be seen that alignment

variants from fitting a route into a
constrained site dominate, and repeated use
of the standard module amounts to only
29% of total elements used.

However the same design was used in

76% of the total number of elements.
The remaining 24% of elements (29% of 14.
one-way track length) were either fabricated
from plate due to curvature requirements, or
take another form to meet the requirements Table 3. Summary of elevated track components
of the span and shape. The detailed
alignment and span designation were No of Track length No of Track length
single (m) double (m)
selected to avoid the need for both vertical
and horizontal curvature in any member. Straight 18m standard 3 54 21 378
Straight, same design 13 192 6 88
A PRT system that forms part of an urban Other straights - - 9 247
regeneration programme, and thus has fewer Curved as standard 11 129 9 140
alignment constraints, should be able to
Fabricated curve - - 5 86
improve on the use of the standard module
and therefore realise cost savings. Merge/diverge element 5 70 1 12
Design reviews based on this experience Totals 32 445 51 951
have indicated ways to significantly increase
the number of standard elements in a future
design which, compared to Heathrow, is
projected to give cost reductions.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 9

Procurement of sections Transport and installation Table 4. Weight characteristics
Sections manufactured in rolling mills One determinant in selecting the standard
conform to dimensions established by the module length was the UK road vehicle 18m straight Single track Double track
industry or through national standards. regulations through which loads up to 18m track (tonnes) (tonnes)
Since rolling is a mechanical process, long can be transported without escort or Steelwork 5.3 8.2
tolerances are allowed for overall linear special timetabling provisions. The same Concrete planks 4.3 9.5
dimensions, section shape, and wall regulations indicate that loads up to 4m wide Total 9.6 17.7
thickness, and these variations must be are permitted without special provisions.
allowed for when assembling spans, in The double track is 3.97m wide overall.
addition to assembly tolerances on site.
In the UK the principal mills produce 15m On site, the responsibility for dealing with
lengths as standard, so the PRT systems the size and weight was with the contractor,
18m design standard module had to be to match the availability of cranes or other
formed with at least one factory butt weld to lifting equipment with height and access
achieve the required side beam length. constraints.

The long spans were prefabricated off site in The 18m standard module has the weight
manageable lengths, and joined using bolted characteristics set out in Table 4, which
splice connections prior to being lifted onto shows that the concrete running surface
the column heads. planks form a significant component of the
total weight. These may be added after 15.
Fabrication steelwork erection, so contractors have the
Off-site factory fabrication brought the option to assemble on the ground and lift as
benefits of production in a controlled one assembly or to order a lighter lift and
environment with access to lifting, rolling, place the planks once the guideway structure
and automated welding facilities. It was is in place.
found that the steel supplied complied
reliably with UK codes and standards and At Heathrow it was not possible to use
little straightening of supplied beams was cranes below an already constructed
needed to meet the design requirements. highway ramp, and this particular lifting
problem was solved by the use of a
The combination of fabrication tolerances transporter (Fig 16) to raise guideway
and rolling tolerances establish the range of elements into position. A further issue was
likely outcomes for the constructed that of airport operations, which limited the 16.
guideway. This combination of tolerances time available for installation to a four-hour
was a critical issue in establishing a period at night. Despite this very limited
comfortable ride, and was partly countered time window, 1000m of guideway was
by specifying the three dimensional location erected in one week. Once it was in place,
of points for each beam element at each all further construction and commissioning
column cross-head, and managing the was carried out from within the confines of
cumulative effect of construction and the guideway, avoiding any more
component tolerances working together. interference with ground-level activities.

Pre-camber was specified to allow for steel Commissioning and integration

self-weight and the impact of the additional The basic functionality of the vehicles and
weight of the concrete running planks. the full system was proved at the Cardiff test
track, which included fully geometrically
representative replicas of the stations at the
T5 and business car park ends of the route.
At the Cardiff track the central control
system was initially installed and tested to
the stage of multi-vehicle operations, and 17.
then at a convenient point in the programme
the system was moved to Heathrow, where it 15. PRT exiting its station in the T5
now forms the core of the systems full multi-storey car park.
operational control room. The Cardiff track 16. Specialist transporter.
was also used to undertake endurance trials 17. Mapping vehicle.
of a high time vehicle, frequently 18. Comparison of equal capacity
involving 24/7 running. transport infrastructure.
19. One of the car park stations.

10 The Arup Journal 1/2014

(5) Operational readiness: The satisfactory
multi-vehicle testing allowed development
towards operational readiness to begin.
This involved running increasingly
representative trials of the system carrying
passengers either members of the
Heathrow Airport Ltd/ULTra team acting as
passengers, or real passengers specially
selected for this trial process.

Safety is the major issue for any transport

engineering project and particularly so for a
system that relies on automatic control.
At Heathrow the initial development was
under the responsibility of the UK rail
regulator, HMRI (Her Majestys Railway
Inspectorate). Following development and
submission of a complete safety case, ULTra
received its initial Letter of no objection
from HMRI in 2003. Each development
stage involving the carriage of passengers
was subject to a separate safety clearance
process under the appropriate regulations.

Practical operating results

Since it opened on 18 April 2011, the
Heathrow pod system has carried well
over 1M passengers, and currently runs 22
hours on weekdays, 20 hours on Saturdays,
and 21 hours on Sundays.

Reliability and vehicle availability are

monitored. Since opening, the average
system availability has exceeded 99%;
typical availability figures for other London
transport systems in London vary between
94.8%98.6%. The combined effects of
professional operating procedures and a
robust testing and development programme
has delivered exceptionally high levels of
performance for the Heathrow system when
compared to other modes of transport.
19. The average waiting time for a vehicle to
date over all passengers using the system is
(1) System integration: This extensive series (3) Single-vehicle testing: This involved less than 15 seconds, with more than 80%
of tests of individual system components fully testing individual vehicles at Heathrow, of passengers having no wait at all.
ensured that each element satisfactorily met with a complementary complete check on This compares with an average waiting time
its key performance parameters and the functionality of the whole system and for the previous bus service of 10-15
confirmed the functionality and integrity of key systems interfaces. minutes. The system has taken 70 000 bus
the system interfaces. journeys per year off the roads, and is saving
(4) Multi-vehicle testing: This checked the 200 tonnes pa of carbon emissions.
(2) Mapping: The first requirement was to full system functionality, particularly
capture the as-built dimensions of the track including the station control software, and Though the scale of the PRT infrastructure is
for use in the laser control system. automatic vehicle protection (AVP) system. slender indeed compared to that supporting
This involved the use of a specialist mapping The initial multi-vehicle trials were carried conventional transportation (Fig 18), there is
vehicle (Fig 17). Loaded with the guideway out at Cardiff, with fuller trials using larger equivalence between the capacity of the
design model, then finely adjusted to account numbers of vehicles done at Heathrow. highway and the PRT structures.
for actual conditions, a data set was
established that was used to define the
reference track for the operational vehicles.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 11

The business case for future cities. Looking at the Swedish city of Huddinge,
the aim of the study was to show how a fast-growing

PRT systems urban area such as Kungens Kurva could be supported

by a high-tech, up-to-date and innovative PRT system.
Similarly, in Cardiff Arup conducted a Stated
Increasing land value Preference study, which showed that with PRT
A study for Network Rail by the transportation providing the last mile connection, there was a
consultancy Steer Davies Gleave on land values around propensity to shift to public transport for the whole
railway stations has indicated that commercial journey. This was a useful business case finding, but
properties located near them are significantly more clearly needs more research.
valuable. Research undertaken at T5 suggests that, with
the PRT system now operating, people perceive equal Other benefits
convenience between the business car park adjacent to Indirect benefits such as improved urban realm, lower
the terminal and the remote one accessed by PRT. noise and better air quality, can be investigated so as to
There is therefore potential for PRT to improve assess potential benefits resulting from reductions in
commercial land value when it is built to serve car vehicle trips. Health benefits and accident savings
existing airports and railway stations. from the modal shift to public transport enabled by
PRT, and mileage savings afforded by remote parking,
Improving efficiency in development can be quantified, based for example on the approaches
PRT offers masterplanners new opportunities to set out in the UK Department for Transport Green
maximise development potential and the attractiveness Book. PRT is also easily accessible for the disabled,
of the urban realm, though to date only the including blind people.
development at Masdar in the UAE has integrated PRT
planning and masterplanning early in the development. Another indirect benefit is that the batteries used by
A PRT system linked to remote car parks, either PRT vehicles can be charged at night when other
existing or new, reduces the area of on-site highway demands on the electricity system are low, or when the
infrastructure. As a result building spacing is less sun is out, or when high winds are blowing. One way
constrained, allowing more flexibility in locating new 20. or another, PRT is a very good match with renewable
construction and more efficient site development. energy sources.
Remote car parking allows surface car parking within
transportation hubs to be removed, allowing more Reducing car traffic also results in noise and air quality Assessment of risks
commercial and retail development within the area. benefits, particularly as PRT systems produce little Given the novel nature of the PRT industry, a robust
noise and no emissions at point of use. PRT can also be assessment and pricing of risk is essential.
Creating a better urban environment a catalyst for regenerating neighbourhoods, where Risk analysis based on project-specific knowledge
Urban design and sustainable travel will benefit from building form changes as a result of the location of will be required to determine the total expected costs.
the reduction in car use that PRT can enable, with stations and the guideway, and in response to the This analysis should be conducted using an industry
designs optimised for pedestrians and cyclists, benefits of the transport service in terms of movement best-practice approach, combining Monte-Carlo
potentially utilising shared space concepts, and and increased land values. simulation of key risks, risk workshops with the project
additional opportunities to install public squares, street In 2004 the EU commissioned a study to evaluate the team, supplier and construction industry engagement,
furniture, planting and public art. Existing buildings role that innovative transport solutions like demand- and incorporation of experience from previous projects.
can be adapted for use as PRT stations. responsive transport systems and PRT can have in

Bath Renaissance PRT design competition In 2009 ULTra (then still operating as Advanced
Transport Systems Ltd) held an open competition for
designs to provide solutions for the integration of PRT
into the city centre of Bath in Somerset, south-west
England, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Arup took forward the initial concept of a city centre
loop as part of a wider future network, including
connections to park-and-ride sites and major
employment areas on the urban fringe. The concept
alignment took account of constraints including the
citys historic buildings, the River Avon, the Bristol to
Bath Canal, various highways, and the Great Western
22. rail line. The firms urbanism and landscape team,
inspired by the citys Victorian railway bridges,
developed a vision using contemporary lightweight
mesh technology to produce an effortless flowing
structure designed to provide a unique, Bath-specific
solution (Figs 2122).
The Arup entry was awarded first place in the
competition, based on the judgment of an independent
review panel consisting of local politicians and
designers. Though not implemented, it serves as an
example of how a PRT guideway can be configured to
21. its environment.

12 The Arup Journal 1/2014

The TV personality James May has tweeted
I would happily travel the country in a
Heathrow pod, while unsolicited comments
from passengers are overwhelmingly
favourable. Typical social media comments
include The future has arrived!,
Super cool!, Fun!, Very impressed,
Greatest mode of transport known to man,
Awesome!, I love these things,
Amazing, A transport revelation,
comments supported by formal quality of
service measure data gathered by Heathrow
Airport Ltd. The score of 4.7 for frequency
of service is the highest of any element of
the Heathrow service, and this in a context
where T5 in itself is rated as the best airport
in Europe.
The successful operation of the ULTra PRT
system at Heathrow and the other systems in
Abu Dhabi and South Korea has highlighted References Project credits
the opportunities offered by this new form of (1) FICHTER, D. Invidualized automatic transit and the Client: ULTra Global PRT (formerly Advanced
transportation. PRT requires integration of City. BH Sikes, 1964. Transport Systems Ltd) Promoter: Heathrow Airport
(2) RANEY, S, and YOUNG, S. Morgantown People Ltd Civil engineering designer: Arup Ellie Atkinson,
vehicles, control and structure, with the Jon Best, Simon Birkbeck, Sam Burke, Neil Butcher,
Mover updated description. Transportation Research
guideway structure representing the systems Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2005. Tony Clifton, Greg Cooper, Trevor Cornman,
dominant cost and therefore of special Elena Costello, Christian Davies, Christina Fell,
interest. The light weight of the vehicles Ian Fiddes, Nigel Fletcher, Phil Harrison, Simon Hart,
(3) Stephen Head, John Herrett, Tim Hilton, Lucy Hirst,
allows new approaches to be taken to (4) Dave Hughes, Suria Ismail, Piers James, Piotr Janicki,
infrastructure design, with significantly Andrew Jenkins, Sam Jewell, Stephen Johnson,
(5) LOWSON, MV. Sustainable personal transport.
reduced cost, weight, embodied energy, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Rhys Jones, Heinrich Kaniude, Richard Kent,
and visual impact. Municipal Engineer, 151(1), pp7382, March 2002. Tony Kerr, Fabien Le Dem, Judith Leuppi,
Patricia Llabres De Prada, Richard Matthews,
(6) LOWSON, MV. A new approach to effective and Ryan McNeill, Lucille Michel, Saeed Mojabi,
The small scale of the resulting structure and sustainable urban transport. Transportation Research David Morgan, Piotr Muszynski, Damian Naumowicz,
the modular design provide considerable Record 1838, pp4249, 2003. James Norbury, Rachel Oates, Richard Patten,
design flexibility. This was fully exploited at (7) BEARDWELL, G et al. Terminal 5, London Paul Richards, Henrietta Ridgeon, Gareth Roberts,
Heathrow, demonstrated by the fact that it Heathrow: 3-D and 4-D design in a single model Garry Rolfe, Peter Sharp, Kerri Shields, Austin Smith,
environment. The Arup Journal, 41(1), pp3-8, 1/2006. Edward Sulivan, Tim Thorne, Mark Trajan,
was possible to design and install the whole David Watkins, William Weir, Paul White,
guideway in an existing highly complex (8) McKECHNIE, S. Terminal 5, London Heathrow:
The main terminal building envelope. The Arup Chris Woodman Main contractor: Laing ORourke
airport environment with no need for Journal, 41(2), pp36-43, 2/2006. Vehicle design consultant: Jones Garrard Move Ltd
highway or services diversions. The reduced (9) EDWARDS, J. Terminal 5, London Heathrow:
Vehicle fabricator: ARRK Station architect:
scale of the infrastructure also allowed Gebler Tooth Architects Ergonomics consultant:
The new control tower. The Arup Journal, 43(2), Davis Associates.
modular off-site fabrication, which further pp34-39, 2/2008.
reduced cost and enabled rapid installation. (10) AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Image credits
ANSI/ASCE/T&DI Automated People Mover Standard 1 Heathrow Airport Ltd; 2, 1213, 15-16, 2122
The Heathrow design was captured in a 21. ASCE, 2008. Arup; 3, 6, 910, 14, 1719, 20, 23 ULTra Global
design code that provides a starting-point for This article is based on a paper prepared for future Ltd/Heathrow Airport Ltd; 4 2getthere; 5 Vectus;
publication by the UK Institution of Civil Engineers. 7 ULTra Global Ltd; 8, 11 Arup/Nigel Whale.
further PRT projects. Lessons were also
learnt from the Heathrow installation itself, Authors
which will enable useful reductions in Tony Kerr is a retired Director of Arup, and led the
overall cost in future applications. design team for the Cardiff test track and the 20. Heathrow pod in operation.
infrastructure for the Heathrow system.
2122. Arup design concept for PRT
Practical operating experience of the Martin Lowson originated the ULTra PRT system and implemented in Bath city centre.
complete system has demonstrated excellent was President of ULTra Global PRT. He died in June
2013. 23. One of the Heathrow stations.
reliability and availability, greater than with
conventional surface transportation systems, Austin Smith is an Associate Director of Arup in the
Bristol, UK, office. He was design integration manager
and the exceptionally positive passenger for the Heathrow pod system.
response has been a significant feature.
Practical experience provides considerable
confidence that PRT systems will become
very attractive as a new element in overall
transportation provision in cities.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 13

Luton Dunstable Busway
Location Authors
Bedfordshire, UK Kim Blackmore Alan Dennis Steve Fancourt Oliver Nicholas Kulvinder Rayat


Background A year later Arup began to work with

Arup has been involved with the design of Cambridgeshire County Council, and in
guided busways in the UK for over 20 years. 2004 the firm developed the Guided
In 1992 it prepared a feasibility study for Busway Design Handbook2 for Britpave
one in Edinburghs western corridor1, (the British Cementitious Paving
and in 1995 undertook another study for a Association, an independent body
comparable link in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. established to develop and forward concrete
solutions for transport infrastructure3).
In 2000 the firm was commissioned to carry
out a further guided busway feasibility study, This handbook continues to be the only
this time on behalf of GTE for Oxfordshire guidance on this subject, and has been used
Ltd, a scheme to provide a fast, reliable and for guided busway design across the UK and
congestion-free route into the centre of throughout the world.
Oxford for public transport from surrounding
towns and park-and-ride sites.

14 The Arup Journal 1/2014

1. Bus in operation on the Luton Cambridgeshire guided busway PB was tender designer for the contractor
Dunstable Busway.
One of the recommendations of the BAM Nuttall (formerly Edmund Nuttall
2. Aspects of the Cambridgeshire
guided busway.
2001 Cambridge-Huntingdon Multi-Modal Ltd), and had developed the precast concrete
Study, which examined transport links guideway proposal. It was agreed that PB
between the two towns, was the creation continue to develop the tender concepts to
of a guided busway along the route of ensure a high ride quality guideway.
the disused railway that had once
connected them. Arups involvement Arup and PB carried out the detail design of
began with a commission to assist with the guideway and associated infrastructure
the projects business case and to assess for the entire route. The worlds longest
its economic viability. kerb-guided busway opened for public use
on 7 August, 2011, with passenger numbers
This required some value engineering of far exceeding expectations.
the concept so as to meet the clients vision.
The firm carried out a feasibility study Inception of the Luton Dunstable Busway
and Environmental Impact Assessment While the Cambridgeshire guided busway
including landscape and ecological (CGB) progressed, Luton Borough Council
mitigation plans and a preliminary advertised for expressions of interest/PQQ
qualitative flood risk assessment (pre-qualification questionnaire) in its
and became involved in early public proposed Luton Dunstable Busway (LDB).
consultations and liaison with stakeholders.
a) BAM Nuttall, Arup and PB decided to keep
In close collaboration with the Parliamentary their design-and-build team together and
Agents, work was done on the technical responded, with the unique selling point that
aspect of the Transport and Works Act they were the only team to have recently
Regulations 1992 (Rules 2000) in designed, and were building, a precast
preparation for UK Secretary of State concrete guided busway along a disused
approval. Arup defined the limits of railway line as part of the LDB was
deviation for the scheme and participated also planned to do. This matched all the
fully in a 10-week public inquiry that aspirations of the LDB promoter and made
finished on 4 December, 2004. the team a strong competitor both aware
of the pitfalls and with good ideas on how
The firm was subsequently commissioned to to improve on the already high quality of
b) carry out the reference design and continue the CGB.
liaison with stakeholders to ensure that all
concerns raised during the consultation were The LDB contract was duly awarded to
thoroughly addressed and any necessary BAM Nuttall in 2010, on the basis that the
mitigation measures put in place. This led to BAM Nuttall/Arup/PB team best understood
further detailed discussions with the the complexities of what was proposed.
Environment Agency, internal drainage One fundamental difference between the
boards, Network Rail, Cambridge City two busways, however, was that the CGB
Council, parish councils, local authorities was a rural route whereas LDB would be
and public utilities companies. an urban development.

c) Arup also led the procurement of the The CGB had few access points, which
topographical survey and ground resulted in a linear approach to construction,
investigation for the entire 26km route, with 15m long precast concrete ladder beams
and this was followed by preparation of the laid on foundations at 7.5m centres using a
technical content and specification of the bespoke gantry running on the previously
Contract Documents, as well as the Works placed guideway. This limited the rate of
Information for the guideway. progress on site due to the output of the
single gantry. LDB, by contrast, was planned
The scheme went to tender as a design-and- to have numerous access points, and it was
build project. It was intended that Arup be decided at the tender stage to keep the
novated to the successful design-and-build precast beams as short as possible and, in
contractor, but at the best-and-final-offer particular, not to use bespoke placing
d) stage, negotiations led to a design joint equipment that would inhibit progress.
venture (DJV) being formed with
2. Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB).

The Arup Journal 1/2014 15

Design overview
Overall, the LDB route extends some
14.5km from Luton Airport to Houghton
Regis (Fig 3). Within this dedicated transport
corridor is the Arup-designed 10km of
busway between the town centres of Luton
and Dunstable (Fig 4), comprising 7.4km
of guideway and 2.6km of unguided
carriageway. The link between these
communities improves connectivity as well
as travel times, and the scheme is seen as a
key catalyst for the urban regeneration of the
two town centres. Designed and built for
Luton Borough Council (and Central
Bedfordshire Council), the new busway
relieves traffic congestion by providing a
dedicated route for quick and efficient public
transport through the urban area along the
disused Luton-Dunstable railway corridor.
The project also features the added amenity
of a cycleway.

The work included seven new bridges and

the refurbishment/reconstruction of three
existing and four new high-specification bus
stops, and a major bus interchange at Luton
railway station. This provides links to Luton
town centre, the rail network, and easy
access to Luton Airport. Nine junctions
were also designed and built to allow the
guideway to pass along the route. Two of the
junctions are in locations where the disused

Kings Houghton
Middle School

3. 4.

N 3. The LDB route.

Houghton Regis 4. Part of the section that uses the
Guided busway former railway line at Clifton Road.
Unguided busway
Bus stop
Blackburn Road junction
Portland 0 1km
Ride College Drive

White Lion Skimpot Toland Chaul End

retail park Road Close Lane
Church Street
Way Telford
Way Luton Station
Dunstable Airport
Road Church Crawley Green Road

LUTON Kimpton Road

Luton Airport Parkway

16 The Arup Journal 1/2014 0.


Guide face


Guide face


5. 6.

railway used to pass over existing highways To create the busway route horizontal
in Luton town centre. Here, the route was curves, the beams were cast with the faces
cleared to street level by demolishing the of their upstands slightly concave in the
bridges and removing embankments. horizontal plane, the depth of the curve
This not only changed the street scene but corresponding to the radius of curve of
also freed-up peoples mobility. that particular section of the route (Fig 6).
The outer faces of these beams, however,
The design scope of work for the LDB was were still cast straight. To facilitate
distributed differently from the CGB, with construction, beams were delivered to the
Arup being responsible for design of the guideway site on standard flatbed trucks and
main bus alignment, the junctions, the offloaded into position by a Hiab loader
guideway structure, Luton railway station crane. Keeping the beam weight to no more
bus interchange, and all of the projects than 4.5 tonnes ensured easy and safe
environmental works. handling within standard equipment 7.
compatibility (Fig 7).
Guideway design
In the 7.4km guided section, the buses use a The design speed for the guided section is
2.6m transverse gauge corridor formed from 85kph, which reduces to 50kph near
6m long precast concrete beams. Standard junctions and pedestrian crossings to allow
buses, fitted with two small guide wheels to safe passage through the entry and exit
their front axles (Fig 5), can join and leave flares. Junctions are signal-controlled and
the track, and travel on it in both directions the buses are fitted with transmitters to
smoothly and safely. There is no need for trigger traffic light priority to the busway
specialised vehicles, and the modified buses as they approach (Fig 8).
can also drive on normal public highways.
The alignment design parameters were set Traditional highway transition curves were
out in the contract documents provided by eliminated, as it would not have been
Luton Council, with further guidance from practicable or cost-effective to make the
highway design standards in TD 9/934 and precast concrete beams fit to curves that
changed proportionally to their length, ie a 8.
the Guided Busway Design Handbook.
clothoid. Special series of beams could have
The beams and foundation pads were all been constructed for individual transition 5. Standard buses are fitted with a
cast on site in a temporary precast concrete curves, but this would have had a major pair of guide wheels.
factory, so as to minimise the environmental impact on the cost, programme, and 6. Plan and sections of typical beam
impact and also keep production of the key working tolerances. used in curved part of the guideway
(dimensions exaggerated for clarity).
components in house using direct labour.
To compensate for the lack of transition, 7. Beams delivered by standard
flatbed trucks.
To ensure cost-effective beam production, a series of larger radii curves was placed
8. Buses are fitted with triggers to
the number of horizontal alignment radii was before and after curves that would in theory control junction lights.
limited, and the design was rationalised to require a transition. The larger radii curves
four (550m1880m); as the terrain was assist passenger comfort by smoothing the
suitable, there was no need to consider entry and exit and gradually introducing the
vertical curvatures of running surface beams. lateral force exerted to the vehicle.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 17


Guided section Central reserve Guided section First, the horizontal alignment was designed
using a combination of the standard radii
Horizontal and vertical selected. As the beams were a uniform 6m
control point
long, all elements of the alignment needed to
Fall Fall
Fall Fall
A be multiples of 6. They also needed to fit
between the land boundaries, and to conform
to the requirements of the Guided Busway
Note: elevation of point A is equal to vertical control point elevation Design Handbook.
The horizontal and vertical control point of
the alignment was at the midpoint of the
R1, length 6.009m central reserve at the guideway running
surface level. However, the setting-out
information for the individual beams was
provided at the beam edges at the top of
R2, length 6.001m
the pad foundation level, 0.34m below
point A (Fig 9).

Using standard 6m straight beams to create

the horizontal curves would have increased
the gap width between beams on the outside
and decreased the gap on the inside. As this
was unacceptable, straights of different
R3, Length 5.999m
lengths (Fig 10) were defined so as to limit
the gaps between beams to an acceptable
range maximum 25mm and minimum
2mm. As the beam joints were 6m apart,
R4, length 5.991m the actual length of the beams was 5.987m.
Alignment centreline - Radius 2100m, design length 6m The initial gap in the joint was 13mm, based
on the following tolerance criteria:
10. 11. construction 7mm, thermal 3mm, and
settlement 1mm. The available tolerance for
the vertical alignment on the gap between
two beams was (25-(11+13)) = 1mm.

To achieve the acceptable gap between

beams, calculate surface irregularity, and
provide setting-out information, Arup
developed a process that became known as
segmentation. With the horizontal and
vertical alignment defined, this used a
combination of different software (MX,
AutoCAD, Inroads and Excel) to represent
the beams.

The process of spacing beams and checking

gaps was repeated until the acceptable gap
for each beam was achieved. Once the joints
were finalised, the process of creating the
drawings and an Excel sheet for setting-out
information commenced. The segmentation
drawing was produced with this and the
Excel sheet was submitted as setting-out
12. information for the joints and beam centre.
These drawings were passed to the
contractor and the precast units laid (Fig 11).
9. Cross-section of guideway, 11. Typical curved section under
showing setting-out points. construction. The finished result is a smooth running
10. Slightly varying lengths for 12. Completed guided section surface on which the buses provide
the four beams making up a between Toland Close and
2100m radius. Skimpot Junction.
maximum passenger comfort and excellent
ride quality (Fig 12).

18 The Arup Journal 1/2014

13. Beams are connected to pad Value engineering The increased effective span of the precast
foundations using elastomeric The beams sit on precast pad foundations via
bearings and steel brackets.
beams, from 3m to 6m, required some
elastomeric bearings, with steel brackets redesign with the revised loading.
14. Pad foundation being lowered
onto a layer of wet concrete.
restraining the beams and transferring all Arup added loose reinforcement to the
horizontal loads to the foundations (Fig 13). originally detailed prefabricated
15. Hatters Way section of route.
In the original design, the pads were at 3m reinforcement cages to keep crack widths
16. Bus speed vs elapsed time along
sections of the route.
centres. Each is supported on a layer of below the maximum limit, and this
concrete blinding with a minimum thickness enabled the contractor to use the cages
of 75mm (Fig 14). that had already been procured, fabricated
and delivered to the precasting yard.
At the end of the detailed design period, Deflections under static loads were also
Luton Borough Council found that it would calculated to be used in the dynamic design
need considerable savings on the capital cost of the value engineered design.
for the project to continue to construction.
Arup was asked to review the structural The primary concern of the value engineered
design of the guideway and associated design was its potential impact on ride
infrastructure, and to identify value quality, which was always the clients main
engineering options where the guideway driver. Changing from 3m to 6m spans
cost could be reduced by challenging the heightened this risk; the longer span not only
employers requirements, but without increased the maximum deflection of the
compromising the project objectives. beams, but also altered the passing frequency
of the bus axles over the supports, making
After consultation with the contractor, the resonant excitation of the bus subsystems
team agreed a prioritised list of actions to (tyres, suspension, chassis and seats) a
reduce construction costs. Key amongst concern due to its influence on ride quality.
these was to use a defined bus loading
regime to reduce the design loads from the Arup analysed the design using the
standard UK highways design loading non-linear analysis package LS-DYNA,
criteria. This was possible due to the modelling the bus chassis, tyres and
specific and predictable use of the suspension as an idealised connected series
guideway over its design life. of masses and springs derived from
manufacturer data. The team was able to
Arup proposed a new loading regime with employ LS-DYNA routines typically used for
the clients anticipated weekly total of train wheel to track interaction analysis to
journeys being used to calculate a total analyse the vertical accelerations that people
amount of journeys and loads to be used in sitting on the buses would experience.
fatigue calculations. Other vehicles that The results indicated that the effective
would use the guideway, eg for construction stiffness of the concrete beams, bearings
and maintenance, were also reviewed and and foundations had the most effect on the
included in the new design loads. sensitivity of the results.

Due to the reduced loads, the value-

engineered design made possible the 90
removal of the middle pad in all standard 80
areas of guideway, giving a considerable
saving in the amount of foundations and
bracketry. This saved the client capital cost 60

expenditure and protected the construction 50

programme. Non-typical locations, such as 40
areas of frequent braking, over bridges, and
pedestrian crossings, retained the original
design due to higher fatigue loads and to 20
protect the overall project programme, as 10
they would need more time to redesign and
redraw than the standard beams. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
TIME (sec)
By the time the value engineering was Guided busway Unguided busway Bus stop
carried out, the contractor had already
begun to cast beams and pads for the
original design, so these were redeployed
15. in the guideways non-standard areas.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 19

The analysis showed that the ride quality for issues. As the design manager during the Environmental design
single and double-deck buses at the top detailed design, the senior site representative With any large transport project, concern for
speed of 85kph was either in the highest brought a wealth of knowledge from the the associated environment and natural
band of comfort defined by ISO 2631-1: design phase and had already built up key habitat resource contributes significantly to
19975 (not uncomfortable) or marginally relationships on both the design and the success of the scheme and the lives of
into the second highest band (a little contractor sides. This worked effectively the people who use it. To achieve a balance
uncomfortable) depending on assumptions. when organising responses to key site issues. between the need for better transport and
This was deemed acceptable as the buses consideration of the landscape and wildlife
would only reach the highest speed for 10% Members of site support teams, in particular assets required a fully integrated
of the overall journey distance, and then just the senior site representative, must be good environment/engineering design team.
for very short periods of constant speed communicators in order to foster confidence
(Fig 16). The analysis demonstrated that the in and good relationships with the contractor. The abandoned rail corridor was notified as
design gave similar levels of comfort to the This enables the contractor to make contact a County Wildlife Site and passes by Blows
CGB, for which Arup had also completed and discuss issues, that might initially seem Down, a continuation of Dunstable Downs
on-site vibration testing and non-linear to be minor, before they turn into project- in the Chiltern Hills. Blows Down is a
analysis, and which was found acceptable to critical issues. designated Site of Special Scientific Interest,
passengers since it opened in 2011. due to its unique chalk grassland habitat and
Having a site team that had already been the species this supports. Dog Kennel Down,
By critically reviewing the employers involved in the scheme design proved very also nearby, is a further area of valuable
requirements and the dynamic analysis of the helpful, enabling reinforcement of the joint chalk grassland habitat.
revised scheme, Arup proposed a design that problem-solving approach fostered
saved approximately 3M of construction previously between BAM Nuttall and the This railway was a victim of the 1960s
costs. Waste was also minimised by enabling DJV during the design. This was especially reduction of Britains network known as the
the contractor to use all components important as some of the DJV site team and Beeching cuts, and since then statutorily
manufactured before the value engineering contractors site team had not worked on the protected species like slow worms and bats,
exercise concluded. project during the design phase. as well as badgers (whose setts are
protected), bird species, flora unique to
Site support Having a non-full time resident site team did grass chalkland and associated invertebrate
The provision of site support from the mean that the site representatives had to be assemblages, had all become part of the
Arup/PB DJV on the LDB was different flexible with their workload, and attend on wildlife mosaic extending along the route
from that on the CGB, where there had been days other than their rota days at reasonable and beyond into the surrounding Dunstable
a more prominent site team supporting the and practical notice if a site issue arose that Downs landscape. Mature vegetation and
contractor to ensure design intent was needed immediate attendance to resolve. trees (screening the corridor from
being carried out.

On the LDB there was no permanent site

team. In the fee negotiations with BAM
Nuttall, a lump sum fee was agreed to cover
the detail design and support roles, so the
site support was organised on a rota basis in
consultation with the contractors two-
weekly and four-weekly look-ahead
construction programmes. The contractor
was informed when Arup/PB would be on
site, and to allow the DJV to compliantly
certify that the works were constructed to
the design intent, the appropriate site
representative had to be on site at least once
a week during construction to review their
area of responsibility. They also had to
attend site for critical construction activities.

The senior DJV site representative was the

main contact with BAM Nuttall. He was
responsible for managing the site
representative team during the technical
query process, providing clarification and
information on the design and organising
experts to be on site when BAM Nuttall
required a quick response to any critical

20 The Arup Journal 1/2014


neighbouring houses) had grown to line it, To guide how the construction was to be
and invasive plant species such as Japanese undertaken in respect of the environmental
knotweed had become established. resource and then how the wildlife and
This naturalised rail corridor now formed landscape would be managed post-
a primary habitat corridor connecting construction, two documents were produced,
otherwise discrete areas of chalk grassland. both informed by the Route Biodiversity
Action Plan and the Landscape and Design
The challenge facing the Arup team was to Strategy. BAM Nuttall devised a
ensure that this diverse ecological and Construction Environmental Management
landscape resource identified in the Plan while Arup produced the supporting
Environmental Statement was fully Landscape and Ecological Management
considered in the schemes design and Plan. To ensure that day-to-day management
delivery. BAM Nuttall was responsible for was in line with the guidance in these over
19. ensuring that the construction works, and the two years of construction, the contractor
their maintenance and monitoring, complied appointed an environmental manager from
fully with all existing UK and EU legislation Arup and an environmental clerk of works.
concerning environmental protection.
The Landscape and Ecological Management
This demanded a carefully co-ordinated Plan guided the project for both construction
approach which protected notable flora and and operation, being developed to be
fauna as well as the surrounding landscape relevant for five years beyond completion.
features during construction. The approach It set out the basis for all ecological
also had to incorporate appropriate wildlife mitigation needed to compensate for partial
mitigation and compensation to ensure that loss of land and ecological resources from
there was no net loss, and preferably the railway corridor, and was supported by
introduced gains, to biodiversity. extensive pre-construction surveys of the
route corridor and surrounding habitats.
Prior to the design-and-build phase of works,
three documents served as the golden
thread that would guide the approach taken: 17. Telford Way.
the Route Biodiversity Action Plan, the Code 18. Upgraded railway corridor
of Construction Practice, and the Landscape and cycle route.
and Design Strategy. 19. Around 400 slow worms
(Anguis fragilis) were relocated.
This golden thread effectively extended 20. Area of chalk grassland near
the planning requirement for protecting and M1 bridge.
mitigating, or otherwise compensating,
biodiversity impacts from the construction.
It required input from Arup landscape
architects and Arup ecologists throughout
design development and construction.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 21

(1) DUNNET, G, and HENDERSON, G. Edinburgh
Western Corridor busway study. The Arup Journal,
29(2), pp5-7, 2/1994.
(2) ARUP, OVE, & PARTNERS LTD. Guided busway
design handbook: guidelines for the design of
kerb-guided busway infrastructure in the UK, by
Heather Ceney, et al. Britpave, 2004.
manual for roads and bridges. Vol 6. Road geometry.
Section 1. Links. Part 1, TD 9/93: Amendment No 1.
Highway link design. DfT, 1993.
STANDARDIZATION. ISO 2631-1:1997. Mechanical
vibration and shock Evaluation of human exposure
to whole-body vibration. Part 1: General requirements.
ISO, 1997.

Kim Blackmore is an Associate in the UK Midlands
Campus, and was guideway alignment and junction
design team leader for the Luton Dunstable Busway.
Alan Dennis is a senior engineer in the UK Bristol
office, and was lead guideway structure designer for the
Environmental aims and achievements thorough eradication of Japanese knotweed Luton Dunstable Busway.
The key aims for the five-year post- Steve Fancourt is an Associate in the UK Midlands
enhancement of nearly 4ha of semi- Campus, and was environment team leader for the
construction period were to:
improved chalk grassland at the Hay Luton Dunstable Busway.
Meadows, involving translocating several Oliver Nicholas is a senior engineer in the UK
protect existing and retained habitats along
hundred square metres of species-rich Midlands Campus, and was lead engineer junctions and
the guideway route site representative for the Luton Dunstable Busway.
grassland turfs known to support common
provide ecological mitigation and and pyramidal orchids Kulvinder Rayat is an Associate Director in the UK
enhancement measures targeting specific Midlands Campus, and was Project Manager for the
enhancement of reptile habitats at the Luton Dunstable Busway.
sites, habitats and specific species,
eastern extent of the scheme
especially protected species Project credits
installation of a network of bat boxes to Project owner: Luton Borough Council Client and
incorporate and record the design proposals
boost local populations contractor: BAM Nuttall Ltd Joint venture partner and
for the landscape and ecology mitigation bridge designer: Parsons Brinckerhoff Civil and
areas created design of badger-friendly exclusion fencing structural engineer, and environmental consultant:
along the length of the scheme Arup Rahul Bagchi, Yiannis Baltagiannis,
ensure that replacement and compensation Oliver Barnett, Jess Batchelor, Joseph Bearne,
areas contain appropriate species and wildlife tunnels from side to side beneath Chris Bellingham, Simon Birkbeck, Kim Blackmore,
habitats to replace lost resources in the the guideway to maintain permeability of Andy Boyle, Phil Brand, Grainne Breen, James Brock,
long term the infrastructure to wildlife, including Austin Brown, Carol Brownridge, Rory Buckley,
Andrew Clarke, Tony Clifton, Ian Davis, Alan Dennis,
reptiles and small mammals
set out management and monitoring tasks Ajminder Dhani, Jenny Dunwoody, Michael Evans,
and targets. a materials management strategy where Steve Fancourt, Ian Fiddes, John Griffiths,
James Hargreaves, Kate Harrington, Rob Harrison,
topsoil was re-used. Neil Harwood, Stephen Haynes, Darren Hickmott,
Local people travelling the busway today Rachel Hotston, Pat Howard, David Hurton,
now enjoy a green corridor that passes Opening Phil James, Thomas Johnson, Jim Keyte, Areeb Khan,
sensitively through the unique chalkland The Luton-Dunstable busway was opened Joe Kingston, Simon Lacey, Yi Jin Lee, Kieran Littley,
to the public on September 25, 2013, by the Angus Low, Neil Mackay, Jamie MacSkimming,
landscape of Dunstable Downs. Oliver Nicholas, Rachel Oates, Declan OShea,
Environmental successes less obvious to UK Transport Secretary, the Rt Hon Norman Allen Paul, Ellen Pickett, Ben Price, Richard Price,
passengers, but nonetheless part of this Baker MP (Fig 21). He noted that the Oliver Pye, Kulvinder Rayat, Henrietta Ridgeon,
projects sustainability credentials, include: busway would be beneficial to Luton, Jake Sidwell, Andy Turner, Gary Walker,
environmentally and economically, and Natalie Walker.
the translocation and safeguarding of went on to state that this new dedicated Image credits
around 400 slow worms (Fig 19) transport corridor provides a quick and 1, 45, 8, 12, 15, 1718, 2122 Ian Cooper 2a-d James
replanting with native tree and hedgerow efficient way for passengers to travel Prestage 3, 16 Nigel Whale 6, 9 Rahul Bagchi/Nigel
between two main town centres, and makes Whale 7 Oliver Nicholas 10 Kim Blackmore/Nigel
species to reinforce and reinstate the Whale 11, 1314 Alan Dennis 19 Natalie Walker
Busway as a green corridor, including good use of the disused Luton-Dunstable
20 Oliver Barnett.
continuous grass strips along the length of railway corridor. The busway now stands as
the guideway the second longest in the world and the
longest in an urban environment. 21. Opening ceremony at the Luton
station interchange.
22. White Lion retail park stop.

22 The Arup Journal 1/2014


The Arup Journal 1/2014 23

Wire-free technologies for light rail
Author Existing overhead encumbrances A wire-free solution relying on on-board
David Stuart-Smith In planning new or extended LR lines, energy storage will usually need little
existing low overhead structures like bridges infrastructure beyond the basic track-form,
and viaducts can significantly constrain route apart from stops. While adopting wire-free
What is wire-free? choice. Generally a minimum OLE height purely to avoid service relocations would be
Electric traction using overhead wires has above the road surface will be mandated for unlikely, if it is being considered for other
almost always been used for light rail (LR) public safety, and several factors contribute reasons the benefit in avoiding some service
systems since horse-drawn and steam trams to setting it. These will inevitably include relocations might reasonably be factored into
were abandoned. While some novel consideration of the tallest allowable road the decision-making. Conversely, a wire-free
solutions were trialled around the turn of the vehicle and the clearance from it to the wire. solution relying on energy transfer to the
19th and 20th centuries, the only significant A typical single-deck LRV has a significantly LRVs without OLE could require
enduring alternative has been cable operation lower roof height than the tallest allowable significantly more in-ground infrastructure,
(as famously in San Francisco) and this is road vehicle, so adopting a wire-free and so more service relocations, than a
not a serious option for new systems. solution, even for relatively short sections, traditional OLE-based system.
will allow route options to be considered
This paper focuses on new or reinvented that would otherwise be excluded. OLE unreliability at junctions
technologies that enable electric LR systems The complex geometry and inherent
to be operated without the need for overhead One alternative has been to compromise on compromises required for OLE through
line electrification (OLE) over some or all of the OLE height at such encumbrances, but in junctions on street-running LR routes
the route. These technologies generally fall Melbourne, Australia (Fig 1), for example, introduces failure modes not seen on plain
into two broad categories: those that use road vehicle wire strike at low bridges is a line OLE, and increased risk of failure.
on-board energy storage, and those that can significant cause of disruption and delay, If wire-free is possible for a system, making
transfer energy to the vehicles (LRVs) with obvious safety implications. In these its complex junction areas wire-free would
without needing OLE. increasing litigious times a more risk-averse seem a particularly useful way to increase
strategy is desirable. Similarly, a wire-free
For the present purposes, LR systems are solution can avoid conflicts with routes that
taken to be those that include some street are used by open-top tourist buses.
running, so conventional metro-style
third-rail systems are excluded. In addition, Existing clearance constraints
technologies that rely on liquid or gaseous Clearance constraints like preserved trees,
fuels as on-board primary energy, supplying historic shop awnings, narrow streets
either an internal combustion engine or a without space for OLE masts, etc, are
fuel cell, are not considered here. issues that can be avoided with wire-free.
Some may be side-stepped by pruning trees
Why wire-free? or altering buildings, but actions like these
can detract from the streetscape and cause
Aesthetics controversy to the point where a project
During the first half of the 20th century, may be delayed by protracted community
street tramway systems flourished, with the consultation. A wire-free solution can be
attendant wires tolerated as a necessary evil an easier path.
in the provision of good public transport.
Nowadays the visual clutter of OLE is far Service relocations for OLE masts
less tolerable in locales of high aesthetic In a mature city, the space beneath road
value, either historic precincts where the pavements and footpaths is usually crowded
buildings might predate the industrial use with generations of buried infrastructure
of electricity by many years, or modern (possibly including relics of long-since-
cityscapes where clean, uncluttered vistas removed tram systems). A portion of the
are valued by city planners. While other road reserve will generally be allocated for
reasons exist, as set out below, where a street lighting columns. Although this will
wire-free solution has been pursued, not be for exclusive use, and joint OLE and
aesthetics is almost always the primary lighting poles are practical, adding OLE 1.
reason given. poles will likely require some compromises
1. Very low overhead line with
regarding their positions, and inevitably minimum clearance to the
some service relocations. underside of a heavy rail viaduct
in Melbourne, Australia.

24 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Technologies Segmented contact rail
Several of these systems are presently
Sometimes the vehicle-mounted element
can be provided to fit vehicles from
the route length and the vehicle-
mounted part is also likely to be more

for wire-free available. All have a top contact third

rail (in one case a fourth rail) embedded
other vendors, but supply of these
elements is generally restricted to the
costly than a simple pantograph or
third-rail shoe system. This therefore

between the running rails at pavement fixed-system vendor. The implications of introduces a fleet-dependent element to
level. The contact rail is segmented and committing to a single-source supplier the total cost equation.
only those segments fully under the LR must be considered when procuring such
Introduction vehicle are energised. Switching can be a system; questions of system Interoperability with wired sections
Two broad categories of technologies either by active control of line-side obsolescence and vendors business No wire-free technology is inherently
switchgear or by a means inherent in the continuity through the networks incompatible with conventional wired
exist for wire-free operation: those using
contact rail design. lifetime must be considered. sections; systems based on on-board
on-board energy storage, and those that
energy storage can readily use normal
transfer energy to the LRVs without
Contactless (inductive) Marginal cost factors and pantograph equipment to draw power
OLE. The latter further divide into those power transmission from a wire or conductor rail to recharge
using ground-level electrical contact, scaling factors
At least one system, now only on a Generally, the investment in on-board the on-board stores. Controls will be
and those that transfer the energy demonstration track, has the energy required to ensure that the pantograph is
inductively without the need for energy storage directly relates to fleet
inductively coupled to the LRVs from size. However, while a wire-free section lowered and raised appropriately to
electrical contacts. coils in the track bed. Such a system can avoid entanglement or the unintended
by definition will not require investment
have continuous energy transfer, in overhead wire, charging points at operation of automatic lowering devices
On-board storage technologies although the more likely configuration designed to mitigate dewirements.
stations and other locations will still be
Those with potential application for would be to provide charging at stops The pantographs also need to be suitable
needed. As noted below, the load factor
LR include: and high power requirement areas, for frequent raising and lowering.
may have to be dealt with; the
electrochemical: various established and rely on on-board energy storage for parameters of the charging points will be
and emerging battery chemistries running between the charging points. Stray current
a function of several factors, including
Modern materials and techniques to
electrostatic: double-layer capacitor traffic density. Conversely, the cost of a
Open vs proprietary architectures insulate rails in street running systems
(supercapacitor or ultracapacitor) segmented third-rail system will largely
On-board storage systems that use have significantly reduced stray current.
scale with the track length that includes
flywheel conventional pantographs to recharge For on-board storage and inductive
it. While vehicle-mounted equipment is
from overhead lines when in wired areas coupling systems, the DC traction
compressed air. required, it is not anticipated to form a
are essentially open architecture. system electrolysis risk is further
As well as facilitating wire-free In these, vehicles can be mixed and large portion of the total vehicle cost. reduced to zero. These systems do not
operation, on-board storage can also matched from multiple vendors, whereas For an inductively-coupled system, use the running rails for traction return
improve energy efficiency through systems relying on segmented third-rail significant costs are likely on both sides. in wire-free areas, and should be able to
effective recovery of regenerative or inductive coupling are generally Clearly, major investment is required for operate with the rails earthed and
braking energy. proprietary single-vendor solutions. the fixed infrastructure scaling with insulated from the traction return.

reliability and reduce OLE maintenance. ground but may not contact the return rails resistance, this can have a very significant
The author is not aware of such strategies and thus not provide the low-resistance fault impact on energy store size. It should be
being deployed, and the incident risks needed to initiate fast disconnection of noted that gradient and speed of ascent are
associated with lowering and raising power by the protection equipment. less significant than change in elevation.
pantographs (the apparatus on LRV roofs to
draw power from the OLE) at the correct Broken wire incidents may stem from Even if the vehicle is not moving, the HVAC
points would also have to be factored into causes within the rail system, such as spark (heating, ventilating and air-conditioning)
any such decision. erosion of the wire at points of poor system will still be running, and the energy
geometry, or from external triggers like for it must also come from the on-board
Special events overheight road vehicles and falling tree store. Accordingly, local climatic conditions
Where part of a proposed LR route might branches. Adopting a wire-free system can and the amount of HVAC required for
accommodate a regular if infrequent event effectively eliminate public safety risk from acceptable passenger comfort must be
like an annual parade or a motor sport street fallen OLE conductors. factored into sizing the energy store, which
circuit, going wire-free might mitigate the has to be for the worst design case, not the
complications of such an event. System parameters to consider average. For a system with shared street
On-board energy storage running, the potential to be held up between
Safety: fallen conductor risk charging points by traffic congestion must
The amount of energy that must be stored,
Direct current (DC) electric railways often also be allowed for.
and so the viability of this approach, will be
operate with little margin between maximum
significantly influenced by the parameters of
load current and minimum fault current.
the particular system. First, large height Service frequency considerations
This makes detecting a fallen conductor Infrastructure-intensive solutions will be
differences along the alignment will require
quite challenging, particularly if it doesnt more affordable on sections with high
more energy, as the amount needed to climb
land on the running rails that provide the service frequency and thus high asset use.
an incline is directly proportional to its
traction return. While the catenary systems Conversely, if service frequency is low,
height. While it will likely be possible to
generally used by heavy rail may continue to on-board energy storage is more likely to
recover some of the energy through
support a broken contact wire above ground, be economic.
regenerative braking in descent, there must
a broken trolley wire will always fall to the
still be enough in the store to complete the
climb. As LRVs have a relatively low rolling

The Arup Journal 1/2014 25

Development of battery technology The energy stored is a function of the square
continues: Siemens3 offers two new Li-ion of the angular velocity of the flywheel, and
types, a standard iron-phosphate type so high energy densities are only achieved
battery and a premium lithium-titanate with very high angular velocities using
type. While these developments are positive, high-strength carbon fibre rotors. That said,
the finite availability of lithium is an the Parry People Movers service has been in
emerging concern in this technology. operation since 2009, using relatively
A significant increase in lithium demand low-tech 500kg flywheels working at
(as might be driven by growth in the private 2500rpm. Alstom also tested a demonstrator
electric vehicle market) could result in a on the Rotterdam Network over the Erasmus
sharp price increase. bridge. While this was successful, further
development did not proceed.
On-board energy storage technologies Electrostatic (capacitor) storage
While some of the earliest electrical Compressed air
Battery vs DLC
experiments involved electrostatic storage While often discussed as a theoretical
Historical battery applications
(the Leyden jar was invented in the mid- possibility, and previously implemented
Secondary (rechargeable) batteries have
1740s4), until fairly recently the volumetric using the Mekarski system9 in a few
been the default choice for storing electrical
energy density of electrostatic storage made first-generation French tramways (eg Nantes
energy from the early days. In particular,
it impractical for traction applications. 1879-1917), no operating examples using
the lead-acid battery became ubiquitous.
The development of the double-layer this technology are known.
More recently, nickel-metal hydride and
supercapacitor or ultracapacitor (DLC)
lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries have come to
around 10 years ago represented a Gradients and HVAC
the fore in portable devices like power tools
transformational change5 (Fig 2). Gradient and HVAC loads are two specific
and mobile phones. Batteries have a
issues to carefully consider when sizing
significantly lower energy density
DLCs can now provide around 10% of the on-board energy storage. The low inherent
(volumetric density and, in particular,
energy density (mass and volumetric) of energy losses of steel wheel on steel rail
mass density) than liquid fuels.
Li-ion batteries (though this is still only mean that a relatively modest input is needed
about 0.1% of the volumetric energy density to move a rail vehicle on a level track, even
The first trams in Bendigo, Australia, in
of petrol). However, they have two distinct less if the braking energy can largely be
1892 were battery-powered (but within
advantages: they can deal with charge and recovered. While gradient steepness does not
three months were replaced by horse-drawn
discharge rates (power) 10100 times that of appreciably change the energy needed to
trams)1. In New York City some minor
a comparable electrochemical battery, and negotiate it, the energy required is directly
lines also used storage batteries.
endure 100 times as many charge/discharge proportional to the height difference.
Then, more recently during the 1950s,
cycles without degradation. But notably the Given that what goes up must come down,
a longer battery-operated tramway line ran
low internal resistance of these devices this energy can be recovered, but there must
from Milan to Bergamo, Italy2.
results in a very high fault level, so this must be enough in the energy store to carry the
Battery technology be managed carefully to ensure safety. vehicle to the top of the incline.
To achieve energy storage, secondary
Hybrid systems Unlike traction energy which can be
batteries need also to use quite active
Considering the strengths and weaknesses recovered during slowing or descending
chemistries. This in turn leads to unwanted
of both Li-ion batteries and DLCs, the an incline, HVAC load is all one way.
reactions, so electrochemical batteries
development of a hybrid traction energy It depends on external ambient conditions,
generally have a limited number of charge-
store is a logical development. This path has the locally accepted conditions for passenger
discharge cycles before storage capacity has
been pursued by Siemens (Sitras hybrid comfort, and the numbers of passengers and
diminished to the point that battery life is
energy storage (HES) system)6 and CAF door openings. If traffic or other
considered to be at an end. This technology
(ACR Freedrive)7, bringing together the high circumstances cause the vehicle to stop,
is also inherently not ideal for high charge or
power rating and charge-discharge cycle while the traction load will be zero the
discharge rates high current flows tend to
capabilities of DLC with the higher energy HVAC load will continue, and such
mean high temperatures, which generally are
density of Li-ion batteries. With recent contingencies must be factored into
detrimental to the life of most secondary
significant advances in electrochemical and system design.
batteries. This must be considered in hot
electrostatic energy storage capabilities, it is
climates, as effective cooling of the battery
not unreasonable to anticipate that further Managing the empty tank contingency
may then itself require significant energy.
improved technologies will emerge. While it is entirely normal for a liquid-
fuelled vehicle to arrive at the end of its
While the lead-acid cell has been the
Flywheels journey with plenty still in the tank, the cost
mainstay of secondary battery technology
While there has been some interest in and density of both batteries and DLCs
for many years, more recently the emergence
flywheels for on-board energy storage, the necessitate only minimal reserve capacity.
of the Li-ion cell with almost 10 times the
only known working LRV examples are Accordingly, a real risk exists that the
energy mass density has been a step change.
those made by Parry People Movers8 combination of extended delay plus ongoing
the Stourbridge Town branch in the UK HVAC load will reduce the store to the point
West Midlands, and others. that the next charging station is out of reach.

26 The Arup Journal 1/2014

2. Alstom DLC module.
3. Rigid conductor rails supported
from cantilevers.
4. Rigid conductor rails supported
from head-spans.

2. 3.
equipment offered. Both batteries and DLCs
are usually supplied as modules and so
vehicle down-time for the replacement
would be relatively modest.

It would be expected that the charging

station equipment (with the possible
exception of energy stores) would be
essentially the same as conventional
substation equipment.

Skids | short OLE for charging points

Where wire-free sections are mixed with
conventional OLE sections, the pantographs
can provide connections for charging points
at stops and other intermediate locations.
This will require short lengths of OLE or
rigid conductor.

If the stops are accessible to road vehicles,

the conductor height must meet the normal
minimum OLE height over roadways, and
Good planning can readily address this Connecting charging points together via the stop design must include ways to prevent
contingency, either with rear assistance from insulated cables in ducts in the track bed can climbing to the tops of passenger shelters
the following vehicle or by using a hi-rail allow the temporal diversity of the loads at and making contact with the conductors.
(highway/rail) tow vehicle. the various charging points to be exploited to Controls will also be needed to automatically
produce a better load factor at a single raise and lower the pantographs so that they
Power supply and load factor supply point. While this approach reduces do not over-extend and the LRV does not
While the on-board power demand of a LRV the number of traction substations, power miss recharging at the point.
using on-board storage will be essentially the reticulation cables (typically 750V) between
same as for a conventional vehicle supplied stops are an added cost. If the rails between Short lengths of conventional OLE have a
from OLE, the infrastructure situation is charging points are to be isolated and earthed slender silhouette but require anchor bays at
quite different. The total energy used might to reduce electrolysis risk, then negative either end to terminate the wire on a mast.
be similar, but if it is delivered in short cables will also be required along the route. If the stop is immediately adjacent to a road
bursts while the vehicle is at charging points intersection the OLE may need to be carried
the instantaneous power could be higher by Another approach would be to include across the intersection inevitable if the
a factor of 10. energy storage equipment at charging system design requires the conductor in the
stations, allowing a relatively modest stop to extend into the acceleration zone.
This poor load factor and high peak demand continuous load on the network to be
may mean that the charging points cannot translated into a high-power, short-time, Rigid conductor rail has a larger silhouette
practically be supplied from the local charging supply to the vehicles. and might require closer-spaced supports,
distribution system. Notwithstanding this, but anchor spans may not be needed. Also it
the capacity of elements such as the Life cycle cost factors can carry higher currents with better heat
pantograph may limit the charging current to Unlike more conventional capacitors, DLCs dissipation both important when high
something similar to the maximum deteriorate with time and charge/discharge charging currents are involved. Figs 34
accelerating current. This will mean that the cycles; 10 years is a typical minimum life. show two ways that rigid conductor rails
charging load is less onerous, but will also Accordingly both batteries and DLCs will may be integrated with a LRV stop.
limit the energy that can be transferred while require periodic replacement and the vendors
the vehicle is at a passenger stop. will quote expected life cycles for the

The Arup Journal 1/2014 27

Contact-rail technologies
Historical examples
Non-segmented systems
History records several 19th century
examples of ground-level power for street
tramways. In Berlin, Germany, a Siemens &
Halske system was supplied at 130V DC
from a centre rail, although from the 1879
photograph (Fig 5) this appears to be more
like a fairground miniature railway than a
commuter operation10.

Two years later a full-size Siemens & Halske

two-axle tram operated in Lichterfelde
(Berlin), this time supplied at 160V DC via
both running rails (Fig 6). This system
operated primarily on a dedicated right-of-
way and at railroad crossings the rails were
5. dead or switched on only briefly before the
tramcar approached (though persons and
horses frequently received electric shocks).
In 1891 the track was equipped with an
overhead wire.

Clearly both these early systems represented

significant safety hazards for anyone
treading on the rails, and conversion to OLE
was an obvious development. However, even
then some strong drivers to avoid OLE must
have existed; in 1889 in Budapest, Hungary,
a Siemens & Halske system was built with
6. 7. slotted rail for underground power supply11
(Fig 7), with the connection being made by
5. Berlin, 1879: The worlds first means of a plough. Later systems in
electric railway with an external London, Manhattan, and Washington DC
power source, a 130V DC current used similar arrangements although the slot
supplied by the centre rail.
was between the running rails rather than
6. Lichterfelde (Berlin), 1881:
160V DC current supplied by
using slotted rail.
both rails.
7. Tram in Budapest, Hungary, Segmented systems
1889: slotted rail for underground Again in Germany, in 1899 a tram system
power supply. was built at Munich which used relay-
8. Tram in Munich, Germany, 1899: activated at-grade point contacts with a
(a) current collector collector ski under the vehicle (Fig 8).
(b) relay-activated at-grade Similar systems were popular for a while in
point contact.
the early 1900s, as communities objected to
the intrusion of OLE, and included the
Lorain, Dolter, and GB surface-contact
systems all magnetically operated
and the Robrow surface-contact system,
which was mechanical.

In practice, the performance of these

b) technologies was erratic. Studs did not
make contact when activated, or remained
8. live after the vehicle had passed over;
the systems tended to be replaced with
either OLE or continuous contact sub-
surface systems.

28 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Modern segmented systems
Actively switched
Alstoms ground-level power supply (APS)
system has been deployed in France at
Bordeaux (2003, 13.5km, Fig 9), Angers
(2011, 1.5km) and Reims (2011, 2km) with
further systems under construction in
Orlans and Tours. APS12 features a central
third rail in 8m long conducting segments,
separated by 3m long insulating joints, and
controlled by in-ground supply units at 22m
intervals. The conducting segments are only
powered when triggered by radio signals
from the system-equipped tram when
directly overhead.

The system has experienced reliability

issues; problems are said to have included
waterlogging of the in-ground power boxes
when the water does not drain quickly
enough after heavy rain, and also with
snow and rubbish on the track. APS is
deployed in conjunction with on-board
energy storage to provide some immunity to 9.
local loss of APS supply.

Inherently switched Reliability

Much like the early 20th century systems, OLE, conventional third-rail, and segmented
the Ansaldo STS TramWave13 is switched by third-rail all include a sliding electrical
direct-acting magnets on the vehicle that lift contact operating at the vehicle speed.
a flexible strip armature within the contact Segmented third-rail systems add further
segment module (Figs 1011). When the potential causes of unreliability including:
armature drops again, the segment is
connected to the return conductor for safety. The third rail is insulated horizontally, so
On the Poggioreale via Stadera line in the insulation will become contaminated
Naples, Italy, TramWave is being trialled on and wet when it rains.
a single track section of about 600m. Foreign objects on the road surface
can damage or become lodged in the 10.
Safety pickup shoe.
While no reports of electric shock incidents
with modern segmented third-rail systems Control equipment below the road surface
have come to light, the idea of allowing can become wet during rain.
personal contact with an electrical conductor The necessarily fail-safe fault detection
purely via an automated system is almost strategy will reduce reliability, as
unprecedented. Generally electrical safety previously noted.
systems require the supply to be isolated, the
isolation secure as prescribed, and the Life cycle cost factors
conductors normally energised at a Life cycle cost is a function of capital cost,
potentially lethal voltage proved dead and periodic maintenance and replacement.
before people make contact with them. While the collector shoes of segmented
third-rail systems may take more damage 11.
Clearly it should be possible to engineer a than a pantograph, the biggest issue for these
system with the required level of safety systems is likely to be the embedded third
integrity, but there are two challenges: rail. Damage to the contact surface or
9. Alstom LRV supplied via APS in
insulation could require a section of it to be Bordeaux.
conformance with present regulations, replaced, necessitating closure of that section
codes of practice, etc 10. TramWave contact segments.
of the network. The Bordeaux system now
11. TramWave module.
the supply unreliability introduced by has 10 years in service and it will be
systems designed to remove supply as soon interesting to see the timing of any major
as any possible faulty operation is detected. refurbishment of the contact rail.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 29

Inductively coupled systems can work for maintenance depots, this is Summary and conclusions
Bombardiers Primove system14 uses not the case for stabling areas, due to the Wire-free LR solutions now exist to help
induction coils between the running rails to HVAC load. preserve or enhance the aesthetics of
transfer energy to the LRV through what is cityscapes. Except for Bombardiers
effectively a split transformer (Fig 12). In a depot segmented third-rail would have Primove, all the modern versions can trace
There are no moving parts, sliding contacts, similar electrolysis issues to OLE but would their lineage to developments around the
or exposed conductors. The coils are only also bring safety concerns. Tow-vehicles turn of last century, but they cannot yet be
energised when under an LRV so there is no may be preferable. considered mature, and the technologies
electric shock risk, and Bombardier claims continue to evolve quickly. There is not yet a
that the electromagnetic field does not Overhead crane access clear winner between on-board storage
represent a safety hazard. The system would One recent depot for an OLE system features and segmented third-rail, although it is clear
generally be used in concert with on-board swing-away rigid conductor rail to facilitate that battery and DLC technology continues
energy storage so that the induction coils are crane access to roof-mounted equipment; to improve. This, combined with the
deployed only at stops and acceleration clearly systems without OLE eliminate the inherently open architecture of on-board
areas: Bombardier suggests 10-25% of the issue entirely. storage based and the reliability issues
route. Primove thus can potentially provide a accompanying segmented third-rail
very tidy 100% wire-free solution. The need for a stinger some driven by safety requirements
As with depots for third-rail LRVs where will probably give the energy storage-based
So far there are no commercial deployments they cannot draw power from their usual systems the edge.
of Primove, with only a demonstration track source, a pendant cable (or stinger) will
at Augsburg, Germany. This system must likely be needed to power on-board store- Regardless of the specific technology
overcome three challenges: based vehicles in a depot not fitted with adopted, the availability of wire-free
OLE. Due to earthing considerations, technologies to eliminate one significant
It requires much complex and costly the stinger will probably need a separate area of objection to providing or reinstating
fixed infrastructure. rectifier, but this may be smaller if it is LR systems is undoubtedly a good thing
only for slow charging of the stores rather and with some side benefits.
The component count and line-side
than to supply full acceleration current to
location suggest that reliability may be an
move the LRV.
issue (though a system also using on-board
energy storage would have some immunity c
Useful deployment strategies
to service interruptions from a single b
induction coil group failure). Wire-free sections in generally
wired systems
Primove is a proprietary (closed)
In all cases considered here, adopting a
architecture at present both
wire-free main line operation has been
infrastructure and vehicles must come from
proposed primarily for aesthetic reasons.
Bombardier. Such a single-supplier d
Once the decision has been made to go
solution may not be acceptable to many
wire-free, the extent of the wire-free areas
government authorities.
will be driven by cost/benefit considerations.
Maintenance depot considerations
Provided adequate charging is available, 12.
Earthing and bonding for on-board energy store-based solutions
In traditional LRV systems that use DC wire-free areas should be less costly than
OLE, the electrolysis risk is mitigated by wire. Conversely, OLE is cheaper than References
insulating the rails from earth. In depots, segmented third-rail, which would thus only
this would result in a potential difference be more broadly deployed if local OLE
between the LRV body, the building, and any constraints require other high cost (3)
earthed electric tools used to work on the mitigations. As well as locations with
LRV. One design solution, though costly, is aesthetic drivers for wire-free, it might also
to provide a separate rectifier to supply the be considered for sections through major (5) DUNOYE, D. OCL free technologies. AURECON,
Melbourne, 30 October 2012.
depot and to earth the rails in the depot area. interactions, with significant tree canopies,
with low over-bridges, and for depots.
If the LRVs are fitted for on-board energy (7)
storage and the depot is configured as Wired sections in generally (8)
wire-free, the depot rails can simply be wire-free system (9)
separated and earthed. This approach has With on-board energy store-based solutions, (10)
been adopted for the Gold Coast Light Rail steeply graded areas and those with high- (11)
depot in Queensland, Australia, which uses volume shuttle traffic might need to be wired (12)
Bombardier vehicles fitted with the Mitrac so that the energy stores can be of a supply
energy storage system. While this approach reasonable capacity, and to provide adequate (13)
recharge opportunity. (14)

30 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Wire-free technology structurally sound track slab. George Street
has some substantial subterranean structures
proposed for very close to the surface, including the roof
of Town Hall railway station which is only
CBD and South East
Light Rail

Sydney Light Rail about 450mm below the road surface.

Pedestrian zone
Inner West Light Rail
It is hoped that the Sydney Light Rail Proposed stabling
network will grow in future, so technology
The Sydney Light Rail project proposes the choice should be non-proprietary. Major bus interchange
construction of a new route through the centre An energy-storage solution contained
of Sydney and on to the inner south-eastern entirely on the vehicle is attractive, as Rail interchange
suburbs. It passes along George Street, future vehicle choice is then unconstrained.
which is the citys major civic thoroughfare. Ferry interchange
George Street is lined with many important Energy storage LRVs make use of the
energy storage equipment to maximise 0 1km
historic buildings such as the Town Hall,
St Andrews Cathedral, and the Queen energy recovery from braking, even when
Victoria Building, as well as several not in wire-free areas.
architecturally significant commercial Energy storage technologies are a fast-moving
buildings from the late 19th and early 20th area the main contenders are batteries and
centuries. As part of the project, a portion of super-capacitors. Both have been improving
George Street will be reserved for pedestrians rapidly and both are already deployed in
and light rail, together with restricted access commercial operations.
to other vehicles for deliveries. This new While the Reference Design has established
public space will include high-quality public that appropriate feasible solutions exist,
realm and a section of wire-free operation. the specification for the procurement of the
An on-board energy storage-based wire-free system will be non-prescriptive, and will
system was selected for the Reference be subject to further detailed design by the
Design prepared by Arup for the client, Public Private Partnership (PPP) appointed
Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW). to deliver the project.
This was preferred because: The intention is to allow suppliers to
The available systems which provide a offer Sydney the proposal which in their
continuous supply all incorporate substantial experience will be the optimum. As the
amounts of underground equipment. project is being procured under a PPP
This requires space within the track structure, there is a strong commercial
foundation and can increase construction incentive to deliver a reliable solution with
depth above the minimum required for a reasonable long-term costs. 13.

12. Primove infrastructure:

(a) inverter; (b) cover; List of sites
(c) detection loop; (d) cable support.
Site Vendor Technology Status
Author Qatar Siemens Hybrid energy storage Commercial operation being developed
David Stuart-Smith is a Senior Augsburg, Germany Bombardier Primove inductively coupled Demonstration
Associate in the Sydney office,
and is Arups Global Traction Gold Coast, Australia Bombardier Mitrac Li-ion battery Commercial operation under construction
Power Skills Leader. (wire-free operation depot only)
Nice, France Alstom Ni-MH battery Commercial operation
Image credits
Naples, Italy Ansaldo STS TramWave Commercial operation,
1 David Stuart-Smith; 2, 9 Alstom;
being commissioned
34 HASSELL; 5-8 Siemens;
10-11 Ansaldo STS; 12 Bombardier; Bordeaux, France Alstom APS Commercial operation
13 TfNSW. Reims, France Alstom APS Commercial operation
Angers, France Alstom APS Commercial operation
This article, based on a paper
presented at the 2013 LTAUITP Orleans, France Alstom APS Under construction
Singapore International Transport Tours, France Alstom APS Under construction
Congress and Exhibition (SITCE),
Paris, France Alstom DLC Demonstration
presents our present understanding
of the technologies and outcomes Rotterdam, Netherlands Alstom Flywheel Demonstration
that can reasonably be expected Seville, Spain CAF Supercapacitor Commercial operation
under typical operating conditions.
As the technology develops, Saragossa, Spain CAF Hybrid: supercapacitor Commercial operation under test
component lifetimes, energy storage and Li-ion battery
endurance, reliability, and other Granada, Spain CAF Hybrid: supercapacitor Commercial operation and Li-ion battery
characteristics are likely to change.
Up-to-date information should Cuiaba, Brazil CAF Supercapacitor Commercial operation under construction.
therefore always be sought before
providing advice regarding any
specific implementation.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 31


32 The Arup Journal 2/2013

first direct
Leeds, UK

Jim Bell Samantha Birchall David Clixby
Ian Drabble Eoghan Given Richard Greer
Neil Hooton Susie Horsefield Lee Kirby
Helen Marsh Ben Watkins

The 60M first direct arena in Leeds is the
most sustainable project of its kind in the
UK. With its fan-shaped seating bowl
terraced into a sloping site, the world-class
13 500-capacity venue optimises sight lines
by focusing every seat on centre-stage to
bring the public closer to the action (Fig 1).
It caters for a wide variety of shows,
from concerts to boxing, and comedy to
basketball, but whatever the event the
arenas inherent flexibility enables
unforgettable experiences for audiences.

The Arup Journal 2/2013

1/2014 33

The aim for the arena project was to enhance

Barrack Road
Woodhouse and regenerate Leeds city centre: by creating
a vibrant atmosphere and extending the
centres use into the evenings; by acting as
a driver for growth and development;

by creating around 500 new jobs; and by


University Lane

of Leeds

Leeds General

0 500m contributing 25.5M each year to the local


first direct




economy. However, its proximity to noise-




nt St

sensitive residential accommodation and


Leeds City

College Leeds Grand Theatre

position in the heart of the city (Figs 23),
Re g e

Town Hall & Opera House

sa Ri
ve oad
as well as the challenge of public funding in
nd rA gR strict economic times, made delivering the
ire The Headr
ow N e w York Roa d r Rin
In ne
Leeds railway project for Leeds City Council (LCC) a
L iv

St treet


unique technical and commercial challenge.



to n Street Le


l ed

a ilw
ay To the north and east, the site is bounded by
the Inner Ring Road (IRR), 5m down in a


deep cutting, and the building form was

conceived within and around tight physical
3. constraints (Fig 4). Critical issues for the
design were:

1. Elton John in performance at The site itself is small for a venue of this
the first direct arenas official scale, and slopes by 6m north to south.
opening night, 4 September, 2013.
2. The arenas close proximity to The adjacent student residential
other buildings in Leeds city accommodation led to stringent
centre led to design challenges. planning restrictions on noise breakout,
3. Location plan. thus making acoustics the key driver of
the engineering design.
It was to be the most sustainable venue
in the UK.

34 The Arup Journal 1/2014

As a world-class facility, the arena needed
state-of-the-art internal acoustics as well as
an intimacy to mark it out from other
comparable venues.
Finally, given its prominent location, and
with the desire for it to be a visible driver
for growth, the brief required the building 1 1
to form a landmark destination with a
striking aesthetic.

The projects delivery during stringent

economic times was a commercial success.
LCCs funding relied on its pre-let
agreement with operator SMG, and this 4 1
innovative procurement strategy put the
operator at the heart of the design process, 2
ensuring that it truly focused on the audience 3
experience. An 8M budget cut, resulting
from the demise of the regional development Key site constraints
agency (RDA) shortly before construction 1 Residential tower blocks
started, added to the challenge of successful 2 Inner Ring Road (IRR)
delivery, yet innovative value engineering 3 Arena access road
4 Service yard access for articulated lorries
kept the project on track.
5 Public realm in front of the arena.

As for its sustainability credentials, the arena

has achieved a BREEAM (Building
Research Establishment Environmental
Assessment Methodology) score of 61%, 4.
the highest of any arena in the UK.

Completed in March 2013, and with the first

concert performed by Bruce Springsteen at
the end of July, the first direct arena is being
heralded as setting new standards in project
creation for city regeneration in terms of
procurement, design and delivery
and with Arup at its heart throughout.

Project creation
Leeds had long been targeting the
development of an arena to strengthen its
cultural resources and planned social and
economic growth; indeed, the local public
and private sectors tried three times in the
1990s but failed. Making the arena finally
happen, through the worst economic
recession in living memory, took clear
vision from LCC, strong management, and
innovation at every stage of the project.

Arup, initially focused through its venue 4. The arena under construction,
showing key site constraints.
consulting offer and then its building
engineering practice, is proud to have been 5. The daytime appearance of the
arenas unique faade.
central to that innovation throughout the
project, which sets not only a new paradigm
in arena design and event-goer experience,
but also in the planning, finance and delivery
strategy for such a venue.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 35

Feasibility stage
In the early 2000s LCC procured, through
open competition, the finance and strategy
consulting company PMP Ltd (originally the
Peter Mann Partnership) to prepare, firstly,
a cultural venue strategy for Leeds and then
feasibility studies for an arena and potential
conferencing facilities. These studies
confirmed that it would be feasible to
deliver an arena focused on concerts and
family entertainment with a capacity of
around 12 500.

Origins of the implementation plan

Following the feasibility studies, in February
2006 LCC placed a notice in the OJEU
(Official Journal of the European Union)
seeking a consultant to advise on procuring
a consortium to develop the arena and
associated facilities.

PMP (which in 2009 became IPW...,

ie in partnership with...) was appointed, 6.
with Arup advising specifically on venue
consultancy and transport planning, and with
Donaldsons (now DTZ) as property adviser. Implementation plan recommendations was not a preferred site, but it was a
PMPs commission was to prepare an and innovations specifically noted location. Enough land was
implementation plan and then deliver it on (1) Prepare an indicative business plan from in LCCs ownership for it to be identified as
behalf of LCC. a private sector operators perspective, a site that could be made available to a
eg the target market and likely event developer who wanted to deliver the arena
Though the earlier studies had shown an programme (thus enabling the probable and a wider development, but who didnt
arena to be feasible, it would require gap income, operational costs and margin to be have a land holding in Leeds available for
funding from the public sector, with the estimated and hence also the scale of the the tender. (The competition documents were
return on that funding coming from the guaranteed rental that the operator could pay clear that any developer making a proposal
economic development catalysed by the for the benefit of operating the arena). based on the Elland Road site would have to
arenas operation (eg more people visiting include the cost of the land at fair and open
Leeds with increased spending on hotels, (2) Establish the minimum practical market value.)
food and beverage, shopping, etc). building cost by:
(a) upfront venue planning,
Key components of the
Leeds City Council was, and remained, (b) development of the minimum
implementation plan
clear in its objectives: accommodation schedule, and
Market test the business plan and the
(c) an associated draft set of facility
for the arena to be delivered in a interest in competing to become the arenas
requirements (in essence an output
reasonable timescale operator (Leeds was seen as a gap in the
specification for the building) focused on
market) and/or constructing it as part of a
for it to be developed and operated by operating the venue to maximise income
mixed-used development.
the private sector from event-goers, promoters and performers.
Run an operator competition and hence
to minimise the public sector gap funding (3) Establish design principles such as (a) maximise operator guaranteed rental,
(LCC with support from the then RDA). design life (to assist securing borrowing (b) enable the operator to finalise the venue
against the operator rental) and facilities requirements,
The IPW/Arup/DTZ team implementation sustainability/environmental performance (to (c) minimise arena capital cost, and hence
plan recommended that LCC follow an meet local planning authority requirements). (d) maximise the proportion of the projects
innovative split procurement route, build cost that could be leveraged off the
selecting an operator first against a (4) Establish the availability of feasible sites operator rental.
guaranteed rental (maximised by in and around the city that would support not
competition) and linking the preferred Run a developer competition to secure
just the arenas development but also wider
operator to a private sector developer. a private sector developer who would
enabling development around it (eg
(a) contract with the selected operator as
residential, commercial, or car-parking).
a pre-let tenant,
(b) deliver the arena, and ideally also
The implementation plan included land
(c) deliver wider development that could
around the Elland Road stadium (home of
be used to cross-fund the arena.
Leeds United football club). Elland Road

36 The Arup Journal 1/2014


Secure the minimum public sector gap This was to ensure that the selected operator
funding needed to bridge the difference could be introduced to the shortlisted
between the arenas cost and the funding developers, to test and ensure that the
otherwise available through borrowing operator could be contracted with the
against the operator rental, borrowing developer selected.
against other incomes such as car parking
and, for example, cross-funding from Both competitions were launched in June
enabling development on the selected site. 2007. Interest in the operator competition
The level of gap funding was demonstrated was very high, and competition between
to be entirely justified by the scale of the major global venue operators continued
arenas economic stimulus, eg spending by through short-listing to the final stage of
people coming into Leeds for events there. the process.

Arups long experience with performing arts In May 2008, SMG Europe was announced
projects highlighted the importance of as the preferred bidder and was temporarily
designing the venue from the inside out, contracted to LCC to guarantee fulfilling the
based on needs in terms of target audience terms of its successful bid until SMG could
and performers. The Leeds arena be contracted on the same or better terms to
implementation plan innovated the way to the selected developer.
this next stage, effectively procuring the
venue from the inside out. In addition to its guaranteed rental, SMGs
successful bid was differentiated by a range
Delivering the implementation plan: of innovations. These included the
the operator requirement for a fan-shaped auditorium to
Under the contract established, LCC provide the best possible experience for
6. Early 3-D model showing the commissioned IPW Ltd (then PMP Ltd) event-goers with all seats facing to a clear
overall massing of the building. supported by Arup and DTZ to deliver the view of the stage (Figs 79), a high level of
7. The fan shape gives a clear view approved implementation plan. Arup was front-of-house food and beverage offering
of the stage from all seats. technical advisor throughout this phase. both for events and at other times, and clear
8. Architects graphic. facility requirements to deliver these
9. Audience enjoying the Bruce This team developed the procurement innovative components at a fundable cost.
Springsteen concert. documentation which LCC issued as two
competitive tenders under OJEU procedures, For SMG, this project was an opportunity to
with the developer process intentionally meet its long-held objective to set a new
planned to lag a few months behind that paradigm in new-build arenas.
for the operator.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 37

10. Night-time faade lighting.
11. Oblique view of public realm
in front of the arena.


38 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Delivering the implementation plan:
the developer
Interest in the developer competition was not
as strong as for the operator competition,
but nonetheless two tenders were taken into
competitive dialogue. The first proposed a
mixed-use development including the arena,
using the prospective developers own land
holding of a gateway site on the city centres
south-western edge. The second proposal
was also mixed-use, but this time using the
land available at Elland Road.

In late autumn 2007 the developer

competition and the scale of the gap funding
sought was challenged by the credit
crunch. This began to adversely affect
developers ability to borrow private sector
money at reasonable interest rates and terms,
and diminish the value of other development
proposed by the bidders in addition to the
arena, hence the scale of any contribution to
the build cost that could be taken from the
margin on such enabling development.

To improve the developer competition the

consultant team recommended options to
LCC. The first, introduced in spring 2008,
was the offer for competitors to use
prudential borrowing, whereby the
developers would guarantee to pay future
private sector income from the arena
operation to LCC, which would then use this
guarantee to raise capital through the UK 11.
government Public Works Loans Board, and
fund the arena construction with this capital.
This site became available in April 2008, arena parking, and enabling the project to
In 2008 the interest rates for prudential and Arup confirmed that its two areas taken capture the parking income to help fund the
borrowing were much better than for private together could accommodate both the arena arena construction costs.
borrowing, so the scale of the capitalisation itself and the enabling development, and that
possible from the prospective operator rental there were no technical arena show- The developer competition was moved to a
could be maximised and the capital gap stoppers associated with the site. simplified, intended to be interim, stage to
funding from the public sector reduced. focus on value for money. This led to a best
In May 2008, LCC instructed the consultant offer submission by the final tenderers in
The second recommendation, which wasnt team to prepare a PSC based on SMGS early autumn 2008, which was compared in
accepted by LCC until May 2008, was to run facility requirements, for the Claypit Lane terms of value for money with the PSC.
a public sector comparator (PSC); this site; subsequently LCC asked the team also The consultant teams detailed evaluation
essentially tests whether better value for to prepare a comparable PSC for the Elland recommended that the PSC at Claypit Lane
money can be achieved by a local authority Road site. The shortlisted developers, in the provided the best value for money and, after
delivering a project itself. second stage of competitive dialogue, were scrutiny, LCCs Project Board accepted this
told about the PSCs as a way to increase recommendation.
One consequence of the credit crunch, which competitive tension and hence stimulate,
by spring 2008 was starting to be considered it was hoped, more proposals from them. In November 2008, papers were presented to
a recession, was that development proposals the LCC Executive Board which voted to
began to fail for several city centre sites, The PSCs were prepared that summer, and firstly cancel the developer competition
including some wholly or partly in LCCs for them Arup developed the masterplans as an action clearly allowed for in its original
ownership. One of them, Claypit Lane at the well as all the technical and cost estimates documentation and secondly to progress
very northern edge of the city centre, was needed for the on-site and off-site works. arena delivery at the Claypit Lane site with
occupied partly by a LCC surface car park This included transport planning, evaluating LCC taking the developer role.
and partly by a derelict building owned by the work and costs involved in preparing or
Leeds Metropolitan University. modifying adjacent car parks to handle the

The Arup Journal 1/2014 39

Arena design development, 200809 It was accepted that establishing a full that giving on-going technical advice to
In December 2008, LCC directly appointed delivery would require separately procured LCC, and that strict confidentiality
Arup to provide technical advice and a specialists. Firstly, a cost consultant was management processes were put in place and
check and challenge role while LCC needed, who could also provide project operated. As a result of this LCC then
procured the design development primarily management support. Competitive tenders launched another procurement process, again
through the Strategic Design Alliance were sought under OJEU regulations, and under OJEU rules, this time for a technical
(SDA), a private sector partnership with its this contract was awarded to Davis Langdon advisor to cover the period after the
in-house designers. The first steps involved (now AECOM). construction contract was awarded.
establishing inception and delivery plans.
Secondly, an architect for the arenas internal Through the end of winter 2009 and into
LCC led on developing the inception plan,
planning was appointed. A mini-competition spring 2010, the following milestones
which set project objectives, management
was run between the architects who had were achieved:
team, and governance structures.
advised those tendering for the previously
The objectives were confirmed as: Arup, as LCCs agent, secured outline
cancelled developer competition, and the
planning permission for the arena.
Level 1 contract, to act as a subcontractor to the
The main issues associated with the
control out-turn cost SDA, was awarded to the US-based practice
application were (1) the mechanisms for
Populous (formerly HOK Sport).
meet SMGs requirements securing detailed planning permission for
the external appearance; (2) noise control
ensure a deliverable project (get planning Arup provided the technical input to both
(not only from the arena itself but also
permission, licence to operate, etc). these procurement processes.
vehicles accessing and egressing the
Separately, the council sought competitive service yard at night); and (3) the taxi and
Level 2 coach drop-off and pick-up facilities.
tenders under the OJEU for a planning
maintain project momentum agent, and for this the contract was awarded The principles for the arenas external
minimise risk to Arup. design were established through a mini
design competition.
ensure quality of external design regarding Arena design development, 200910
place-making a landmark destination. Arup and IPW as advisors supported
Through 2009, Arup provided on-going
LCCs successful, but highly scrutinised,
technical advice, planning agent duties
Arup led on preparing the delivery plan, application for funding support to the then
(including a full environmental impact
including the following key components: RDA and in turn the RDAs application for
assessment) and check and challenge for
approval to central government to make
(1) establish a best in breed delivery team the SDAs developing arena design.
the funding.
(2) split the project into three parts: on-site A key part of the latter role was in venue The scheme design was accepted, with
(arena), on-site (other development), and planning skills to ensure that, working with some conditions, as compliant with the
off-site (car parks, public realm, highways) SMG, the SDAs design was consistent with project objectives.
the operators facilities requirements. At this
The design-and-build contract for the arena
(3) planning approach: the recommendation, time Arup also gave technical support to
was awarded to BAM Construction.
which LCC accepted, was for this to preparing and finalising the agreement for
progress in two stages outline planning lease between SMG and LCC. LCC appointed a new technical advisor.
followed by detailed planning. This was
unusual at the time for council projects but During summer 2009, as the scale of work Summary
was considered to best fit the needs of the on the arena delivery grew, the council Working with LCC, Arup had thus produced
arena development (see panel) appointed Davis Langdon, under its existing a business case to demonstrate that the
contract, to take on full day-to-day project Council could self-fund this important
(4) procurement approach: the full range of management duties. As part of this role it project by securing a pre-let with an
options were considered, ranging from was confirmed that the arena construction operator, and helped to procure SMG on a
turnkey solutions based on a high-level would be procured by competitive tender 25-year deal.
output specification, through design-and- under OJEU rules as a design-and-build
build options, to traditional construction contract, with the tenderers appointing their This innovative strategy put the operator at
contracts based on LCC retaining complete own detailed design teams. Davis Langdon the heart of the process, ensuring that the
design responsibility. Given LCCs prepared and ran the procurement for the arena design was truly focused on the
objectives for the project, the best option for main construction contract. audience experience. Based on this, the
controlling costs and risks, with the benefits Councils SDA produced a scheme design
of two-stage planning, was recommended to The UK contractor BAM Construction Ltd for tender, while Arup acted as technical
be design-and-build, with procurement asked Arup to join its team tendering for the advisor and delivered full planning services.
occurring at the end of scheme design construction contract. The firm sought
advice from LCC, who agreed that Arup In 2010 BAM won the construction contract,
(5) budgeting for the delivery and design could support the BAM tender provided that with full engineering support from Arup, and
team costs. it involved an entirely separate team from Populous as architect.

40 The Arup Journal 2/2013


Procurement review: flexibility to permit future design detailing as part of

the detailed planning)
During previous discussions, LCC Planning Services
had suggested that to ensure transparency it would be
workshops and other development on the site (and hence income and useful to appoint an external planning agent to promote
and submit the planning applications.
conclusions value generation)
stakeholder requirements for external design, materials This would reduce the risk of external challenges to
The workshops that Arup ran with LCC departments, and finishes (as a design code that would be such a high-profile project, where LCC was both
major project teams, and external advisors demonstrated enforced by planning condition). developer and planning authority.
unanimously the critical need to integrate planning and This approach, combined with the parallel Another facet of this approach was that it separated the
licensing into the arena design development from the development of a concept-level design for the arena, architectural and design development of the arenas
outset, both to ensure design quality and to de-risk the had several key advantages: internal elements from the external, the initial emphasis
programme. This was consistent with LCC Planning (1) close down principal off-site risks; on the former leading to a form follows function
Services planning performance agreement charter1. (2) confirm off-site costs; approach to the buildings overall design.
The procurement reviews strong recommendation was (3) establish with more confidence the monies available The external design principles were also strengthened by
to seek initially outline planning permission to confirm: to meet planning requirements; and the fan-shaped auditorium that resulted in a strong front
access requirements (and hence costs) (4) develop stakeholder understanding of the project door to the building, quite different from traditional
arena orientation, massing (as driven by SMG and site requirements and project understanding of the arena designs (Fig 12).
requirements), and location on site (with sufficient planning requirements.

The Arup Journal 2/2013

1/2014 41
In n e r R L ane N 1 Audience entrance above stage level. 4 Acoustic cavity.
i ng R
oad Pit
ay 2 Roof follows sightlines. 5 External air-handling units.
3 Roof zone, integrating roof structure, rigging 6 Access to stage from service yard.
grids, ventilation ductwork and gantry access.

3 4
Public realm

In n

1 5
2 7
n e 3
it La 4
1 Public entry 5 Service yard
2 Concourse 6 Performers entry
3 Auditorium 7 Access road 0 100m
4 Stage

13. 14

13. Site plan.

14. Building cross-section.
15. Structure viewed from:
a) the south-east, showing the
roof-top plant deck and the tight
service yard;
(b) the north-west, showing the
tracery steelwork, and how the
a) b)
structure is built into the
terraced site.

The structural design Initially, the access road was placed well recessed plant well, 54m x 15m, to conceal
Overall concept clear of the IRR to avoid overloading the six large air-handling units behind an
To provide an arena on this tight, sloping site large retaining structures. But this resulted in acoustic wall (Fig 14).
required the UKs first fan-shaped bowl, the upper levels of the bowl significantly
overhanging the road, creating dynamic It was tempting to have a radial roof grid to
overlooking a stage set into the slope.
issues with the structure and uplift on the mimic the scallop shell, bringing the roof
This innovation allowed the desired capacity
foundations, and making the turning access trusses together to a point above the stage.
to be achieved impossible with a
into the service yard excessively tight for However, this would have placed excessive
conventional in-the-round configuration
large articulated vehicles. load on a single element the proscenium
and thereby unlocked the commercial
arch (PA) truss, spanning 54m clear across
potential of this central location to host a
Greater efficiency could be achieved by the stage and the non-parallel trusses also
large venue, cementing LCCs belief in a
moving the road closer to the IRR. Detailed presented a buildability challenge.
city-centre location for the arena as a
structural investigation and back-analysis of Instead, 13 trusses up to 72m in length span
catalyst for growth and development.
the IRR structure enabled the access road to north-south at 9m centres, limiting the load
The arena then grew around the move adjacent to the wall, with a limited on the PA truss to a third of the total, better
auditorium: concourses to the north-west, strengthening of just its top 2m. spreading the load across the foundations
service yard to the south-east, performers and greatly simplifying the two-layer roof
Internally, the challenge to create an intimate construction. This also dramatically
entry from the south-west, and the access
auditorium with world-class acoustics and simplified the integration of services, rigging
road to the east creating a building
energy performance required a minimum- and gantries within the roof structure.
resembling a scallop shell in plan (Fig 13).
volume space, without interruption to
All areas were kept to a functional sightlines, while accommodating extensive Stability for the roof is separate from that for
minimum, and the building was rigging structures some 20m above the event the concourses to the north, enabling the
metaphorically shrink-wrapped by the floor, integrated with the ventilation system, cranked trusses to spread under load without
roof and the faade to minimise its volume. gantries and lighting. The solution was a impacting the overall structural efficiency.
This strategy, however, created many folded roof, falling towards the stage to The concourses themselves are steel-framed,
challenges for the structural design. reflect the profile of the site and the stabilised with concrete stair cores and
sightlines, and creating above the stage a shear walls.

42 The Arup Journal 1/2014


Acoustic cavity


Structure of acoustic insulation system 1m above. In this arena, however,

The greatest design challenge, however, without increasing the overall roof depth, the
resulted from the planning conditions roof trusses were pushed up into the air gap,
limiting noise breakout to 10dB below and an in situ concrete layer was poured on a
background levels. This dictated the metal deck, supported on purlins isolated on
structural form of the roof and faade. acoustic bearings. A second, built-up layer of
Solutions making use of simple technologies insulation and plasterboard created the inner
for affordability were combined with layer; the counter-intuitive approach of Concrete roof slab
extensive BIM (building information adding mass and building in situ saved 1M, Steel beams supported on resilient bearings
Roof truss top chord
management) co-ordination to solve the with no increase in truss weights owing to Secondary support to ceiling
complex geometry arising from the shrink- their greater depth (Figs 1718). Acoustic ceiling
wrap faade surround. A box-in-box Dimensions in millimeters
solution needs two layers with significant The faade required a similar concept
mass separated by an air gap so as not to (Fig 19). For the main entrance behind and
transmit vibration, particularly at low beneath the terracing, the front faade itself
frequencies. Given the adjacent residences, and the precast bowl (with joints carefully
the performance requirements were sealed) provided the mass; the concourse the
unusually demanding. air gap. The side and rear walls, however,
required two heavy layers resiliently
The roof solution was a major innovation, separated. The building overhang dictated 25
responding to the cost and performance that they could not continue to the ground,
issues of the cassette-based systems more and the detail developed uses precast panels
commonly used to mitigate such acoustic as an outer layer, supported on the primary
concerns. In these, a lower cassette layer frame, with an inner layer of plasterboard
rests on top of the roof trusses, and a further lining on a secondary frame resiliently
layer is supported from a secondary truss supported from the primary structure.

Acoustic cavity

Concrete wall panel

Steel restrained by wall panel with resilient ties
Primary column/frame
Stud support to plasterboard
Acoustic plasterboard wall
Dimensions in millimeters

16. Daytime view of the faade

from the west.
17. Roof construction, showing
layers of acoustic insulation.
18. Section through roof.
19. Section through faade.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 43

MEP design Step changes in occupancy patterns, from position diffusers to deliver uniform comfort
Capacity and resilience are essential pre-event drinks to mid-show interval, place for high-occupancy and low-occupancy
requirements across all the primary services, heavy demands on the domestic water event scenarios (Fig 23).
as failure in any of them electrical supply, supply, which is supported with 46 000 litres
ventilation, heating/cooling, or water potable water storage split over two tanks. At high level, a large over-stage rigging grid
would result in event cancellation. Demand profiling demonstrated the connects to two full-width arching services
This key consideration informed their robustness of water availability through gantries that give maintenance access to
strategy and design. various event scenarios, from a daytime lighting and ductwork service hatches,
conference to a sell-out concert. With a VESDA fire panels, and local switchboards
Through the day, the arena ticks over with a comprehensive suite of stars and band for use with event lighting.
low background demand on the services, but dressing rooms, the hot water demand from
in the period leading up to doors opening simultaneous shower use was the main So as not to distract from the overall in-show
and final audience exit, the full capacity of influence on domestic hot water sizing, with ambience, no permanent lighting is used to
all HVAC, public health and electrical two 540kW direct gas-fired water heaters illuminate the tiered access routes.
systems will have been tested in an arduous close-coupled to 1000 litre buffer vessels. Instead, photoluminescent edge strips are
four-hour workout. The increase in demand provided at each riser tread, charged via the
is rapid and extreme, with the electrical load Bowl and concourse pre-show house lighting. Should additional
rising from a nominal daytime maximum of These are the locations where most of the charging be required, some UV (ultraviolet)
100kVA up to 3.2MVA during an event. public enjoy their overall event experience. lights are located on the high-level gantries.
The bowl and the concourse are inextricably
Capacity and resilience linked through their ventilation strategy, Hospitality
Enjoying its city centre location with robust given that occupation of the concourse is The front-of-house space includes a couple
local infrastructure, the site is served by transient. There are ample toilet facilities of themed restaurant bar areas for on-site
single-feed HV (high voltage), gas, and here, plus 12 food and beverage concession dining and hospitality, each with dedicated
water supplies. Here, the electrical HV areas. These generate large extract kitchens and full comfort-cooled VAV
connects to a private ring main incorporating ventilation flow rates, equating to a nominal (variable air volume) and perimeter fan coil
two building-integrated HV substations, two air changes per hour. systems. At level 3, 24 hospitality boxes
each housing two 2MVA transformers open to the main bowl offering a
providing 100% spare capacity. One 330kVA By positively pressurising the bowl (out-of- commanding view of the stage area.
generator supports life safety systems, while balance supply and extract), acoustically Each room has its own void-mounted fan
the rear service yard incorporates connection treated spill chambers on either side of each coil unit and fresh air system, allowing use
to a 500kVA outside broadcast generator that vomitory transfer air through into the for daytime meetings or other events and
is brought in for live televised events. triple-height concourse to balance out the thus avoiding the need to activate the
extract. As there was no other means of primary bowl systems.
Heating is from a combination of modular providing concourse ventilation and cooling,
gas-fired boilers (2850kW) and two air the team undertook studies of the impact on
source heat pumps (250kW) with dedicated the internal environment during normal
80/60C and 50/45C heating circuits evening events and midsummer conferences.
respectively. Although hydraulically
separated, the systems are arranged to offer The multi-function bowl has a ventilation
additional reliance by sharing heat through a and distribution strategy designed around
plate heat exchanger interface. four modes of operation, covering a range of
event types and stage arrangements.
Chilled water resilience is spread across Six air-handling units (with full cooling,
three 950kW Turbocor chillers, selected for heating, thermal wheel and mixing box)
their inherent low-noise performance and (Fig 20), each providing a nominal 23m3/sec,
good seasonal efficiency. With limited are uniformly spaced over the stage roof to
external roof space, two of them are tucked allow the alignment of associated 1.8m 20.
away in an external stage left plant area, diameter supply and extract ducts through
shielding the adjacent residential tower from the proscenium arch truss and into the bowl
direct line of sight and airborne noise. services zone. Once in the bowl, fingers of
supply air ductwork radiate out, weaving
The remaining chiller is on the main south between the main roof truss sections to serve
plantroom roof, and as it overlooked by the 118 active core diffusers and twist nozzles
adjacent tower, it is fully enclosed in a (Fig 21). Different combinations of in-line
bespoke acoustic housing. A generously- motorised dampers enable the ventilation
sized buffer vessel with 7.5% chiller system to respond to pre-set event scenarios.
turn-down provides flexibility to meet
daytime office loads, rising to peak summer With air throws from 6m20m, CFD
daytime conference gains, via a common simulations carried out during the design
chilled water system. 21.
proved the need to carefully select and

44 The Arup Journal 1/2014


msA -1
20. Testing an air-handling unit.
21. The performers-eye view
reveals the careful co-ordination of
structure, ductwork and gantries.
22. BIM with the supply chain:
the Arup models brought together
with Creaghs precast, Fishers
0.4 steelwork and Rotarys MEP
0.3 installation models.
a) b) 0.2 23. CFD profiles for:
0.1 (ab) air movement/velocity;
0 (cd) temperature profile.

c) d) 20.0

The Arup Journal 1/2014 45

Delivering the detail and construction the
develops from a concept is a collaborative
effort. Procured through a two-stage
design-and-build tender, BAM and its supply
chain worked closely with the design team to
realise the project. Key to successful
completion was true collaboration between
all parties, supported by advanced BIM
throughout, with a focus on simple
construction using standardised components
where possible, and maximising repetition.

As the agreed design was finalised through

the tender period, Arups structural 4-D BIM
model was used for construction sequencing.
The model enabled visual illustration of
residual risks, and focused the construction
team on the detail of critical aspects such as
placing the 180 tonne, 54m PA truss.
The 75-hour continuous operation involved
two 500 tonne cranes lifting and holding it in
position whilst the restraints to the stage box
were installed for stability (Fig 24).

This lift enabled the roof trusses to be 24.

installed an operation that was on the
critical path, given the time required to Achieving high quality installations to meet
install the double-layer construction of the the noise transmission standards, while
roof itself. All the noise barriers had to be enabling rapid construction, required
constructed to extremely high standards, as simplicity in components.
any weak points would jeopardise the
buildings entire acoustic performance. This is particularly apparent in the design of
the seating bowl. Acoustic requirements
Early engagement with the supply chain, dictated that it should be concrete, rather
and the use of BIM to bring together and than a lightweight system. Working from the
co-ordinate information in 3-D between all architects parabolic seating and vomitory 25.
parties, were key to the projects smooth layout (Fig 26), a suite of elements capable
running (Fig 25). Picking up Arups of meeting the required structural
detailed model, which was shared freely performance in terms of strength and
with all parties and used by steel fabricator dynamics were defined, focusing on
Fisher as the basis of its final model, providing maximum repetition and allowing
BAM Construction led this process through realistic construction tolerances.
fortnightly online BIM sessions. The precast
bowl and acoustic cladding was modelled in A simple yet effective seal to provide fire,
3-D by the concrete contractor, Creagh, and acoustic and water resistance was developed
the three structural models Arups, for joints between components.
Fishers and Creaghs were co-ordinated
together and with the other installations. The dynamic design meets Event Scenario 4,
the Institution of Structural Engineers
BAM has measured the benefits of BIM on designation in structural design for dynamic
the arena as saving at least 1000 design loading that relates to high-energy situations 26.
co-ordination issues and 350 000500 000 with synchronised/co-ordinated dancing.
in site change costs against what would
24. Placing the proscenium arch
typically be expected on a project like this. Similarly, despite the irregular geometry of truss, November 2012.
the external acoustic walls, simple 25. BIM cutaway showing
rectangular panels were used, with careful interaction of roof structure and
attention to detailing of the joints to ensure service ducts.
tolerance of structural movements while 26. Architects seating layout.
meeting the acoustic performance.

46 The Arup Journal 1/2014

The front faade geometry was particularly
complex, and the design of the steel frame
supporting these elements was completed
entirely in 3-D through shared models
(Fig 27), including with the faade
subcontractor, Lakesmere. Integrated
drainage and colour-change lighting is
concealed within the faade to achieve a
dramatic effect that can be altered to reflect
the nature of the events on show (Fig 28).

Delivering to budget was a constant focus,

and became a particular challenge when
external factors influenced the project.
One such instance was a significant raw
material price increase for steelwork,
announced shortly after BAM entered into
contract. Arup successfully delivered the
3900 tonne steel frame design to an
accelerated programme to beat the price hike
with just eight weeks notice, saving an
estimated 150 000. Further value
engineering generated an additional 27.
350 000 to keep the project on track.

Acoustic design strategy

As already discussed, the arenas proximity
to high rise, naturally ventilated, residential composite roof system, replacing the
units necessitated some of the highest sound proposed costly acoustic cassettes and
attenuation levels of any similar arena saving over 1m.
worldwide, to comply with strict
environmental noise criteria. This made a Innovations introduced by Arup minimised
high-performance yet cost-effective facade the technical approval risk and ensured the
and roof system vital (which the inherited schemes commercial viability, which was
Stage D design did not provide), and as part seriously jeopardised by the tough
of BAMs winning strategy Arup radically economic conditions.
redefined the building envelope to ensure 28.
this happened. As for the internal acoustics of the bowl,
dB(A) the brief required quality sound for events,
The acoustics team took the issue back to < 30 with clear speech and music, even sound
basics, defining the internal baseline noise 3032
3234 level coverage, and freedom from echoes.
levels by benchmarking against rock 3436
All of these aspects were achieved through
concerts at various European venues. 3840 the detailed 3-D acoustic modelling, design
This baseline was then used to generate a 4244 development with the architect, and acoustic
detailed 3-D acoustic model of the arena 4446
4244 laboratory testing.
interior and faade attenuation and map the >46

sound pressure levels at the adjacent The controlled level of reverberance was
residential receptors (Fig 29). This approach achieved through the use of an acoustically
allowed the attenuation performance of the absorptive roof liner and acoustic treatment
faade and roof to be optimised, which also around the stage area and around the side
included value engineering of these elements and rear walls, all within the constrained
in an acoustic testing laboratory. materials budget.
Achieving the cost-effective roof build-up Upholstered seats were installed to enhance
previously described on page 43, was key, 27. The complex geometry of the the user experience and also to provide a
and the Arup team provided the series of faade structure. suitable level of reverberance, irrespective of
costed-out acoustic and structural options for 28. One of the many colour- the level of occupancy.
differing double skin roof constructions to change faade lighting effects.
meet the criteria. The study recommended 29. Sound mapping in the locality
introducing the mixed concrete and around the arena.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 47

Flexibility dependent on Public realm
risk assessment
Complete flexibility of Ordinarily a fire evacuation assessment
usage in loading rig assumes that once occupants reach a place
of safety outside the building, they can be
considered to have made their escape.
At the arena, however, this needed to extend
beyond the building perimeter to ensure that
the 13 500 capacity audience could be
Complete flexibility of
accommodated by the proposed landscape
usage in stage area design and restricted areas of the local public
realm. All occupants had to flow from the
building, without the excessive queuing that
could potentially expose them to a fire
Full flexibility for
30. foreseeable usage within (Fig 31).

Extending the fire and smoke spread and

evacuation analysis for the premises,
Fire strategy Basement Arup undertook evacuation modelling to
Achieving an efficient and working fire The unseen workings of a live building can review and assess the external conditions,
strategy required Arup to work closely with represent a heightened risk to the entering including traffic control and management
all stakeholders. This initially involved fire and rescue service. Basement storage implications, on the evacuating occupants.
redeveloping the original Employers space is one example where ventilation may This successfully demonstrated adequate
Requirements fire strategy, which was seen be limited and high fire loads exist. means of evacuation from seat to street,
to be based on an unsustainable management To address this, the team developed an as well as addressing wider planning and fire
regime. Arup set out to take into account the innovative natural ventilation approach. and rescue service concerns for the premises.
operational requirements of the arena A louvred plenum for initial pre-ventilation,
operator and provide a manageable solution prior to site arrival of fire and rescue
when the building went live. personnel, is provided, together with
traditional break-out panels, to increase the
The fire team worked to ensure that approval amount of ventilation if needed.
in principle was granted early in the design
to control approval risks. Changes during The initial qualitative review was backed up
construction were closely managed, and the by a quantitative assessment of the likely
fire strategy developed further as the design conditions, indicating that the approach
evolved on site. The full process focused on achieves a reduced likelihood for flashover
attaining a suitable level of safety and and backdraught conditions, versus the
sufficiently flexible operation, while limiting traditional break-out panel only approach.
cost and impact on sustainability credentials
for the operator and client. Roof
Contemporary fire safety guidance does not
Concourse require structures only supporting the roof of
In the original strategy, reliance had been the more common type of building to be
placed on the prevention of fire in the protected. At face value the new roof in
concourse. In the real-life operation of a Leeds would therefore not require
modern arena, this is considered restrictive protection, but the first direct arena is
and reduces potential revenue streams such anything but common. The roof provides
as merchandising. Working with SMG, Arup support to the external walls, and in turn the
identified flexibilities that could be enabled, walls support each floor.
and a zoned evacuation plan based on a
manageable use was developed. Previously unidentified and un-costed
roof-level fire protection was therefore
required, and represented a budget deficit to
the overall project. Arup set about agreeing
30. Internal flexibility enabling the required level of protection for the
risk assessment-based approach to
fire protection.
trusses. Of key importance for stage
productions, a risk assessment-based
31. Simulation of emergency
egress into the local surroundings: approach for the on-going use of the various
at one, six, nine and 11 minutes. areas close to the roof enabled optimisation
3235. The ever-changing of the structural fire protection to be
coloured faade. identified and implemented: costs mitigated,
operator satisfied (Fig 30).

48 The Arup Journal 1/2014
Lighting and faade panels, perforated mesh sections and
coloured glazed elements, stitched together
reflecting the energy of the stage bursting
outwards to the city. The undulating
with protruding tracery lines snaking across, illuminated tracery lines tie all these varied
The arenas fan shape creates a highly and acting to break down the vast faade. elements together and create continuity
prominent faade that looks west out over Arup proposed a layered lighting approach across the building.
the city. As the first interface between venue to enhance the varied faade elements, and
and visitor, it was vital that this primary provide a flexible treatment that could be Throughout the development of the faade
faade communicated the aspirations of the tailored to the arenas operating mode. lighting concept, adaptability was a key
arena and formed a strong part of the overall theme. The fully dynamic colour-changing
event experience. Arups lighting team in the Tall lighting masts frame the primary faade treatment would visually represent
Sheffield office developed an external entrance, illuminating the public realm and the arena being tailored to the event taking
lighting design concept, including the feature providing focused illumination of the solid place. RGB LED lighting was proposed for
lighting of the primary faade. coloured acrylic hexagonal panels of the the backlit mesh and tracery lines to
faade. Functional lighting from within the transform the faade to complement and
The concept was essentially to complement arena emanates out through the coloured promote the on-going event. This bold and
the architectural design with a dynamic and glass, giving views of activity within. Arup vibrant faade treatment creates a vast and
eye-catching frontage. The design presents a proposed a back-lit solution to the mesh ever-changing colour billboard that
kaleidoscope of materials, colours and panels to emphasise the texture and give transforms the building and makes each visit
textures, a combination of solid acrylic depth to the faade, with light from within unique and dazzling (Figs 3235).

32. 33. 34.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 49
Civil engineering The foundation design was driven by Beside its other roles, Arup was BREEAM
An initial enabling works package was CDM (construction design and management) assessor for this landmark project. The scale
needed to remove of an area of Japanese and by buildability. The founding stratum and building end-use meant that several
knotweed from directly behind the IRR wall, was too shallow for cost-effective piling, complex BREEAM requirements formed
and divert an existing sewer outside the but too deep to work in the excavations for part of the assessment, including acoustic,
building footprint. Drainage connections on spread footings. Mass concrete infill was thermal and lighting issues. Integrating these
the site had to be split into three for surface therefore used to bring excavations from on such a major project with a very tight
water and two foul sewers to match the rockhead to the working level, and the programme was highly challenging, and was
limited discharge at existing connection reinforced cages for the pads were then only achieved with proactive support from
points. A separate attenuated system was placed safely above (Fig 36). the whole design team.
provided for the adopted highway drainage
to one of the connections, and a further Utility and building services penetrations Conclusion
system of sustainable drainage was were concentrated adjacent to the access Delivering the first direct arena overcame
provided beneath the public realm in front road. The installation sequence was critical technical and commercial challenges, gave
of the main entrance. and so each one was modelled and co- the client a highly sustainable, world-class
ordinated in the BIM workflows. venue, and provided a huge catalyst for
To connect to one of the existing sewers, growth and employment in the city of Leeds.
the main attenuation system, taking well Sustainability The end result is an iconic building that met
over half of the main roof, was constructed To achieve the record BREEAM score for the requirements of the operator, and to a
above ground within a raised loading dock this kind of arena in the UK, the materials demanding programme in a difficult
inside the internal service yard. The yard is selection resorted to recycled products and economic environment.
limited to a small triangular area, so an sustainable materials. BREEAM credits
extensive analysis of turning manoeuvres were obtained for the precast structural Complex constraints and requirements were
was undertaken to design the loading bays at slabs, in addition to the use of recycled used to develop a unique response, with
just the correct angle to enable all possible cement replacement products and recycled innovative solutions at all stages of the
forward and reversing manoeuvres. glass sand for paving and external works. project, from the positioning of the arena on
Cut-and-fill was carefully balanced to the site to the creative use of concrete for
As previously noted, the arena access road dramatically reduce the export and import of acoustic containment on the roof.
was pushed tight against the existing material, and sustainable drainage systems Using state-of-the-art modelling and
retaining wall above a dual carriageway, were applied to the new public plaza to the collaboration between all designers and
providing turning access to the service yard front of the arena. Rainwater is also members of the supply chain, an integrated
and minimising the overhang of the seating harvested and used for toilet flushing. solution was delivered that minimised
bowl over the road. To assess the impact of problems and waste during construction.
the arena on the IRR retaining wall, the team BREEAM is the worlds most widely used
made a detailed investigation and analysis of environmental assessment method for Chris Coulson, executive officer at Leeds
the existing structure, enabling strengthening buildings. It sets the standard for best City Council Asset Management department,
works to be limited to just its top 2m. practice in sustainable design and has commented: Arups multidisciplinary team
The access road was designed to adoptable become the de facto measure used to and their ability to combine innovative
standards that included vehicle restraint describe environmental performance. engineering solutions have contributed
systems to prevent errant vehicles falling The interim BREEAM score for the first significantly to the success of this exciting
onto the IRR over 5m below. direct arena was 60.99% (Very Good). world-class venue. These services have been
delivered consistently to a high standard
and to the City Councils satisfaction.
The Council would be pleased to recommend
Arup to other clients on similar projects.

The arena has also received accolades from

some of its first superstar performers.
After his appearance in July 2013, Bruce
Springsteen remarked: This is a great
building, and a great place to play.2
Two months later Rod Stewart commented:
Its good to be here in your new arena in
Leeds... the acoustics here are better than
those at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.3

36. Excavation and foundation
construction in progress.
37. Bruce Springsteen in
performance, with the house lights
on so he could see the audience.

50 The Arup Journal 1/2014


References Eoghan Given is a senior engineer in the Leeds office, Andrew Dickinson, Ian Drabble, Cathy Edy,
(1) and led the fire engineering design of the arena. Keith Emmett, Mike Fletcher, Nigel Foster, Chris Gibbs,
Performance%20Agreements%20Protocol.pdf Richard Greer is a Director in the Leeds office, and led Chris Gauntlett, Eoghan Given, Alastair Gordon,
(2) the planning advice team and the venue consulting input David Green, Richard Greer, Llew Hancock,
for the arena. Jim Harbord, Nicole Harrison, Steven Hazlehurst,
(3) Andy Heath, Adrian Hides, Peter Holt, Neil Hooton,
Leeds-Arena Neil Hooton is an Associate in the Leeds office, and the Susie Horsefield, Ray Houghton, Will House,
multidisciplinary Project Manager for the arena. Justin Howell, Richard Hunt, Paul Irwin, Robert Issott,
Awards Susie Horsefield is a senior engineer in the Sheffield Richard Jackson, Phil Jagger, Matt Johnson,
Institution of Structural Engineers Structural Awards: office, and was a member of the structural engineering Laurence Kearsey, Rory Kenneally, Lee Kirby,
Winner design team and BREEAM assessor for the arena. Ian Knowles, Mike Kong, Angus Law, John Linnell,
Institution of Structural Engineers Yorkshire Structural Lee Kirby is a senior consultant in the Leeds office, and Dan Lister, Matt Lovell, Laura Marchant, Stu Marley,
Excellence Awards: Winner led the acoustic design for the arena. Helen Marsh, William Martin, Sandra Murray,
Yorkshire Property Industry Awards, Development of Robert Nash, Darren Parker, Chris Parsons,
Helen Marsh is a designer in the Sheffield office, and Owen Phillips, Gavin Poyntz, Alan Rowe, Judith Ruttle,
the Year & Design Excellence Awards: winner was a member of the lighting design team for the arena. Gary Smith, Hannah Smith, Jim Smith, Neale Smith,
YorHub Constructing Excellence Awards, BIM project Ben Watkins is an Associate in the Sheffield office, and Adam Smout, Martin Stanley, Ryan Taylor,
of the year: Winner led the structural engineering design for the arena. Pete Thompson, Nick Troth, Dave Twiss, Dave Wade,
YorHub Constructing Excellence Awards, Project of the Ben Watkins, Paul Wheatley, Gary White, Laura Wilson
year: Winner Project credits Architect: Populous Project manager: Davis Langdon
Institution of Civil Engineers Award First Direct Promoter: City of Leeds Clients: City of Leeds; PMP LLP Steelwork subcontractor: Fisher Engineering Ltd
Arena (shortlisted) Ltd (now IPW Ltd); BAM Construction Ltd; Yorkshire Concrete subcontractor: Creagh Concrete Ltd
Forward (due diligence review); SMG Europe Ltd Faade subcontractor: Lakesmere.
Authors (fitout) JV consortium partner: Donaldsons
Jim Bell is a Director and leader of the Sheffield office, Planning agent, technical adviser, civil and SMEP Image credits
and was Project Director for the detailed design of the engineer, acoustics, fire, lighting and BREEAM 12, 5, 7, 11, 16, 21, 28, 3235 Giles Rocholl
first direct arena. assessment services consultant: Arup Iain Adcock, Photography; 3, 13 Nigel Whale;
Gareth Ainley, Stuart Allinson, Pete Allison, Ben Aston, 4, 17 BAM Construction Ltd; 6, 8, 10, 12, 1415, 20,
Samantha Birchall is business development Mohd Bahardin, Susanna Bathe, Jim Bell, 2225, 27, 29, 31, 3637 Arup; 9, 26 Populous;
co-ordinator in the Sheffield office, and for the arena. Andrew Bradshaw, Ryan Brate, Adam Brown, 1819, 30 Arup/Nigel Whale.
David Clixby is an Associate Director in the Sheffield Jonathan Burton, Neal Butterworth, Rachel Capstick,
office, and led the MEP team for the arena. Lee Carl, Andrew Carter, Judith Chan, Josh Childs,
Ian Drabble is an Associate Director in the Sheffield David Clixby, Robert Collett, Anna Coppel, Ben Cox,
office, and led the civil engineering design of the arena. Richard Crabtree, Paul Davies, Derek Devereaux,

The Arup Journal 1/2014 51

The Corbin Building, Fulton Center:
rediscovering and renewing an architectural gem


Fulton Center

World Trade Underpass West improvements

Center to PATH and WTC New Dey Street to mezzanine
Headhouse East improvements
to mezzanine

Dey Street
The Corbin 135 William Street
Building Headhouse

New south Station Station

entrances rehabilitation rehabilitation


52 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Described by contemporaries as the father
of the skyscraper, the prominent NYC
architect Francis Hatch Kimball (1845
1919)2 designed the building in the highly
decorative Romanesque Revival style, and at
the time of construction in 188889 it was
Manhattans tallest (Fig 3). After training in
England, Kimball pioneered the use of
ornamental terracotta and metalwork, both
Location structurally and decoratively, in realising his
New York City, USA often extravagant designs.
Authors Austin Corbin (182796) commissioned
Ian Buckley Craig Covil Ricardo Pittella the building to serve as offices, bank, and
prominent symbol of his own success,
located as it was on Broadway squarely
downtown in the heart of the developing
financial district. Corbin, a famous robber
Introduction baron and President of the Long Island Rail
The Fulton Center transit hub in Lower Road, had consolidated his competition in
Manhattan is one of the most ambitious the 1870s, and his desire to display his
capital projects undertaken by the resulting wealth ostentatiously was a perfect
Metropolitan Transportation Authority match for Kimballs creative ambition. The 3.
(MTA) since its inception in 1968. The goal history and significance of his architectural
of the $1.4bn scheme is to connect and gem, however, were all but forgotten under
rationalise access to 10 separate New York the accumulation of more than a centurys
City subway services that converge in and dirt and neglect (Fig 4); ironically, it was to
around Broadway and Fulton Street, and to be saved more by chance than by intent.
enhance the experience of the 300 000
passengers who daily move through the This proto-skyscraper also pushed the
facility (Figs 12). boundaries of engineering design. The Great
Chicago Fire of 1871 had destroyed over
Central to the project is the redevelopment three square miles (8km2) of that city, and
of approximately one third of a city block examination of the NYC Building Code
adjacent to Broadway to create a new from this period reveals that preventing the
multi-level mixed-use station and retail spread of fire was the design consideration
destination, which opens in 2014, at the foremost in the minds of contemporary
intersection of the IRT Lexington Avenue architects. Kimball thus turned to the
line (4 5) and IND Eighth Avenue line (A C). Guastavino Fireproof Construction
The Corbin Building encloses the southern Company to help solve the technical
boundary of the new facility and forms a challenges of constructing a high-rise
highly visible main entrance at street level, building rapidly in light fireproof materials
as well as providing retail and commercial while also using the benefits of iron
space above grade and building services framing to provide flexible internal spaces
and utility space within its two levels of for his client.
existing basement.
The Guastavino Company was owned by a 4.
In 2003 MTA Capital Construction father/son team. The Spanish-born builder
appointed Arup as prime consultant for and architect Rafael Guastavino (1842 1. The refurbished Corbin Building
the Fulton Center redevelopment in a wide 1908) a contemporary of Gaud had forms part of The Fulton Center, still
range of multidisciplinary architectural and arrived in the US in 1881. He immediately under construction on the left (2013).
engineering design services (including the realised the potential of combining the 2. The Fulton Center is the focal
point of 11 NYC subway services.
analysis and design of the cable net that strength and flexibility of traditional Catalan
supports the huge art installation around the vaulted arch construction with the 3. The Corbin Building, c1910.
interior of the central oculus, described contemporary emerging iron-frame 4. The Corbin Building in the early
2000s, prior to redevelopment.
previously in The Arup Journal1). technology. He created the Guastavino
timbrel vault3, a tile arch system that he
One of the biggest challenges would be to patented in the US in 1885. This used
rehabilitate and integrate the Corbin multiple layers of thin terracotta tiles, laid at
Building within the development. angles with mortar in between, to produce

The Arup Journal 1/2014 53

slender masonry arches with an inherent
flexural capacity that significantly increased
their loadbearing ability.

Guastavino and his son Rafael III were later

to become famous for works at the Boston
Public Library (1891, Fig 5), and New
Yorks City Hall station (1900), Grand
Central Station Oyster Bar (1913) and Ellis
Island Main Hall (1917). In 1888, however,
this technology was radically new to a
5. sceptical New York City Buildings
Department, and Guastavino had to conduct
full-scale load testing of his unprecedentedly
5. Boston Public Library under thin timbrel arch system before he obtained
construction: Guastavino standing on approval for its use (Fig 6).
a partially constructed arch.
6. Load testing of timbrel arches for Following Austin Corbins sudden death in a
NYC Department of Buildings. horse carriage accident, his building lost
7. Photogrammetry as a base for much of its central importance and began its
producing the HABS documentation, slow decline. Early in the new century
showing the original pepperpot
roof on the right. (c1905), when New York Citys subway
6. system was being constructed, a portion of
the basement was acquired and converted to
staircase access direct from the street to the

This is not the kind of building you see

northbound platform of the IRT Lexington
Avenue Line, which runs directly adjacent

every day. For an engineer, this is the

to the buildings west faade on Broadway.
In the 1920s a further portion of the street

highlight for us... for our whole career.

level and basement was purchased by the
subway, which allowed the access stairs to
be moved inside and the dangerously
congested sidewalks reinstated.
- Uday Durg, Program Executive, MTACC.
As the century wore on the building lost
its distinctive pepperpot tiled roofs and
was split into individual stores and small-
scale offices. In the 1970s the ubiquitous
New York City iron egress staircase and
ladders were hung from the south faade,
and through-window air-conditioners
were installed.

HABS documentation and rediscovery

To make way for the new Fulton Center
pavilion, the Corbin Building was initially
scheduled for demolition along with others
occupying the west end of the block between
John Street and Fulton Street, and Arup
sub-contracted the historic preservation
specialists Page Ayres Cowley Architects
(PACA) to research and document the
building before it was demolished. Due to its
age, drawings had to be produced for the
Historic American Buildings Survey
(HABS), a national repository documenting
the history of construction in the US, so
PACA supplemented its document research
with photogrammetry of the building faade
7. to produce highly detailed drawings of the
architectural elements (Fig 7).

54 The Arup Journal 1/2014

PACAs investigations revealed what years
of neglect had masked: here was a highly
ornamented architectural gem of historic
significance. One outstanding feature was
the extravagantly decorative staircase,
formed using slate cantilever steps with
ornamental balustrading in brass and
copper-plated cast iron, a mass of intricate
relief and detail (Figs 8, 11). Also resonating
with the proposed redevelopment were the
buildings connection to the history of mass
transit through the original owner, builder,
and later conversion; the HABS survey
identified that it had one of the earliest Otis
passenger elevators.

As a result, late in 2003 the Corbin Building

was added to the National Register of
Historic Places, and momentum grew
through both public and government opinion
that it should be saved. The Fulton Center
design would be revised, and this was 9. 10.
formalised in a MoU (Memorandum of
Understanding) between the MTA, the State
Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), and
the Federal Transit Authority, which
provided overall funding for the project to
save and incorporate the Corbin Building
into the new Fulton Center.


The original structure internal floors and roof. Wrought iron beams
With a hybrid structure of loadbearing frame between the columns and perimeter
masonry and an ironwork gravity frame, walls and support the Guastavino tile arch
Corbin is wedge-shaped on plan, 40ft floors. The large projecting bay windows in
(12.2m) wide at the east end but only 20ft the south and west faades were formed as
(6.1m) wide at the west elevation self-supporting decorative cast iron
overlooking Broadway. Its overall length is structures. For all lateral stability the
152ft (46.3m), and it has two basement building relies on the masonry elements
8. levels, double-height retail space at street acting as shear walls.
level, and seven full levels of office space
above. The building ends were once crowned While the exterior was found to be more or
8. Elaborately decorated staircase. with fairytale towers but lost their peaked less intact (albeit suffering from its long
roofs in the early 20th century. neglect), the building interiors had been
9. Uday Durg, MTACC Program
Executive, examining decorative extensively redecorated and remodelled.
detail on Corbin. The faade is predominantly self-supporting But the grand ornate staircase still connected
10. The Corbin Building signature. masonry. Cast iron columns were used levels 2 through 8, and some elements of the
11. Detail of brass and copper-plated internally and are also embedded within the original Otis elevator remained.
cast iron balustrade. perimeter masonry walls as support for the

The Arup Journal 1/2014 55

12. Recreated pepperpots crown
the restored building.
13. Interior detailing around the
elevator doors, including reinstated
marble wainscot.

Plans for adaptive re-use

Although a limited restoration of the faade
would have met the obligations the MoU
imposed on the MTA, the client and design
team agreed on a more ambitious plan,
benefiting both the new and the existing
buildings, to integrate Corbin and the Fulton
Center pavilion into a single coherent design
that allowed each part to support and rely on
the other. Key design decisions were to:

use part of Corbins street level space

as the main south entrance to the Fulton
Center, so that the public would access the
building through the central arches on the
existing faade below a new steelwork
canopy into an escalator lobby, and pass
through a large new opening in the north
wall to the Fulton Center beyond.

install a new deep escalator, running from

the Corbin south entrance lobby through its
existing basement and sub-basement levels
to connect with a new concourse under
the IRT Lexington line on Broadway.
This concourse (effectively a below-ground
promenade) would access the PATH station
over a block away and allow passengers to
cross the existing subway line without
having to return to street level.

locate egress stairs for both Corbin and

Fulton Center in a unified space between
them, an interstitial building that would
require new penetrations in the north wall of
the former at every level above ground, but
enable removal of the typical intrusive and
ugly NYC external iron escape stairs from
the faade. This would also allow the
historic ornamental stair in Corbin
not compliant with modern codes due to the
height of the existing decorative handrails strengthen Corbins lateral system and had undergone significant weathering
to be kept unaltered. by a connection to the new Fulton Center due to its exposed location, it was decided
steel frame. As this could only be efficiently to rebuild the wall, improving its ability
share MEP systems between Corbin and achieved at the pavilions lower levels, due to cantilever (rather than just rely on its
Fulton Center, with basement and sub- to floor diaphragms becoming discontinuous own mass).
basement spaces in Corbin for incoming above level 3, this would also necessitate
electrical vaults, a PRV station for the steam lateral stiffening to Corbin above the roof reconstruct the fairytale pointed roofs
heating system, an escalator motor, and connection level. to the two towers that bookend the roof
control room. Multiple services would pass level. Code and safety concerns required
through, including generator fuel piping and replace the existing parapet structure a modern construction framed with
storm and sanitary drainage, and there would with a reinforced masonry backing wall pyramidal steel members and ring beams to
be a shared fire command centre at street tied to the roof. As the parapet is Corbins minimise vertical load and outward thrusts
level between the two buildings. most vulnerable element in a seismic event, on the existing masonry.

56 The Arup Journal 1/2014

a series of focused studies. These started
with visual inspections and then focused on
specific areas of interest, or later, as the
design progressed, on areas that showed an
important need for information.
Nevertheless, as with all existing-building
projects, there were information gaps that
could only be closed out once construction
began, requiring the design to react and
evolve rapidly in response to any unforeseen
conditions. The following summarises the
investigation work:

structural visual survey inside and outside

architectural spaces survey determining
size and configuration of internal walls
(many were later partitions masking the
original structure)
levels survey within the historic stair
core, agreed to be the location taken as
the datum for the building
3-D topographical surveying, including a
limited survey of faade alignment
photogrammetric survey of the faade for
HABS documentation
structural and architectural survey of the
13. external faade by hoist (requiring a
24-hour closure of the street in front of
the building)
expose the underside of the terracotta tile Survey and investigation
arch ceilings previously hidden behind Through most of the design process, Corbin structural probes:
modern suspended ceilings, so that users remained occupied by its various tenants. through partitions to determine
could experience the spaces as originally Even access to spaces owned by part of the walls behind
intended. This would necessitate burying all client body, New York City Transit (NYCT),
electrical power, lighting, and IT conduits was far from straightforward, as the subway at beam and column locations
within the building slabs. system typically operates 24/7 and most of at critical connections/interfaces
the areas owned by NYCT were egress (eg column brackets)
retain the existing elevator shafts, corridors or staircases that couldnt be closed
and renovate/upgrade the elevator and cabs without significant advance warning. Only to take samples for materials testing
to a period design with minimal impact to the basement and sub-basement could be through the Guastavino floor vaults and
the existing. Parts of the original Otis freely accessed with little nuisance or cinder fill above
elevator cage were found during construction disruption to tenants which was fortunate
to help determine critical masonry
and incorporated in the lobby design. as these spaces, which had remained without
wall thicknesses
finishes or decoration, provided much useful
relocate and consolidate historic features, information on the original construction. to establish sizes and thickness of
including the marble wainscot throughout beams to match against published
to level 7; replicate the historic floorplate/ Fortunately some of the original structural historical data and information in the
internal corridor; repair in situ the historic drawings had survived since 1898 (copies NYC Department of Buildings drawings.
wood partition office on level 7; display the obtained from the NYC Department of materials testing:
decorative terracotta from the parapet and Buildings), and these showed rudimentary
the existing cast iron boiler doors in the framing plans and beam loading data, existing masonry and mortar
escalator wellway; display the historic Otis together with some details of cast iron (compression)

elevator cage in the entrance lobby. column sizes. suspected cast iron columns (tensile,
chemical and weldability)
Arup submitted all details for the work to Some discrete field surveying and testing
the SHPO for its review and sign-off, as were also allowed essential for preparing suspected wrought iron beams (tensile,
the building had previously been designated the design documentation and the design chemical and weldability).
as Landmarked. team used these windows of opportunity for

The Arup Journal 1/2014 57

The measured size and strength of the Pursuing a solution, the team managed to
wrought iron beams gave the designers an access an area of floor slab in the basement
immediate problem: based on historic values for an in situ load test of the existing floor
of design strength for the period, the floor system, fully monitored by strain gauges.
beams could not carry the design floor loads. This was enough to demonstrate its capacity,
Testing showed the wrought iron to have a given typical office live loadings plus a 50%
tensile yield strength close to 30ksi factor of safety consistent with current codes
(207Mpa), but contemporary design would and standards. However, this also placed a
have limited the typical flexural design design constraint that existing office
capacity to 12ksi (83Mpa) (working loads) loadings should be maintained, as well as
due to variability in quality of manufacture. requiring that existing floor construction
This lower value was not enough to justify weights should be mimicked in the new
even the existing floor condition and loading design to avoid reduction in allowable
under current design codes. live loads.

Working with historic materials

One of the largest challenges in the
restoration was to effectively clean and
repair the wide palette of materials Kimball
had used in the decorative faade to express
his clients taste for opulence (Table 1).
The restoration required all these elements to
be cleaned, or replaced/repaired/repainted as
appropriate. Each presented specific
challenges to the team, whether through the
selection of appropriate lime putty mortar to
match existing; replication of the terracotta
bricks for spot replacements; sourcing new
stone to match existing; cleaning the stone
and terracotta; or patching the stone with
Jahn repair mortars.

The project was funded with money from

the American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act 2009, so this introduced additional
challenges to comply with the Acts
Buy America clause. This imposed a
general requirement that any public building
or works project funded by the stimulus
package must use only iron, steel and other
manufactured goods produced in the US.
14. As the contract documentation was mostly
prepared before this Act came into existence,
it presented the team with a huge challenge
Table 1. to achieve compliance, effectively requiring
Material Location redesign of many key components while the
Terracotta brickwork Typical south and west faades above level 2 works were under way.
Decorative terracotta Parapet, water table and window surrounds of
pieces south and west faades
Inside the building the team faced similar
issues, sourcing three kinds of wood for the
Red sandstone Banding of south and west faades below level 2
including street-level archways
window framing repairs, and matching
marble for the decorative wainscot panelling
Brown sandstone Banding of south and west faades below level 2
and floor tiles and slate for repairs to the
Decorative cast iron Large self-supporting windows spanning multiple historic stair core.
armatures levels of south and west faades above level 2
Wood windows Operable sash windows typical for all locations
other than within the cast iron armatures
14. Restored room interior.
Common brickwork North faade: replaced with facing brickwork
where visible in the final design. 15. Detail of restored cast iron
faade element.

58 The Arup Journal 1/2014


Cast iron faade repairs Faced with this, the team recommended a likely excessive cost of site containment and
The original design called for wholesale change of approach. While the multiple blast media collection. Although Vacu-Blast
removal of cast iron elements in the faade, small decorative elements fixed onto the face performed well in the shop, it did not
so that individual pieces could be of the windows would still be removed and translate effectively to the field due to the
documented, cleaned down to bare metal, either cleaned off-site or replicated if too quantity of decoration on the existing
and repainted. Damaged pieces were to be damaged, the cast iron windows and frames metalwork forming a high relief and
replicated. This approach was based on the would be left in place and repaired there. preventing a good seal between equipment
assumption that the cast iron was erected and working face.
bottom-up after the main masonry faade, This gave the team new challenges: to clean
as was common in many similar buildings and repaint the cast iron in situ, repair Fortunately the needle-gun (a drill-like
of this period. non-structural cracking in infill panels and device with multiple metal needles driven
window sills, and the in situ structural percussively by pneumatic action) proved
Work commenced with the careful removal repairs to load-bearing armatures. effective in cleaning but still avoiding
of the decorative cast iron leaf-shaped damage to the base metal decoration.
tracery elements that stood proud of the Solutions had to be rapidly developed while
window framing (Fig 15). Unfortunately, as engaging the contractor to perform necessary Meanwhile, PACA examined the paint on the
removal of the internal wood window field testing and mock-ups to ensure that existing ironwork and came to a startling
framing began, it was discovered that the both designer and client were happy with conclusion: it had not always been black as
original cast iron armatures were built into the final solutions. originally thought, but rather a bright red
and behind the decorative terracotta window color (somewhat ironically named shy
surrounds. It would be impossible to remove Cleaning and repainting cast iron in situ cherry). This was further backed up when
these elements without wholesale damage to The team conducted shop and field testing of PACA found a contemporary citation to
the terracotta, and extending the project several cleaning options, including Vacu- Corbin as the red building.
schedule by several months. Fortunately the Blast and needle-guns, to determine which
back side of the cast iron windows was would be most effective. Traditional blasting
found to be generally in excellent condition. was considered but dismissed, due to the

The Arup Journal 1/2014 59

Repair of non-structural cracking in
infill panels and window sills
Cast iron cannot be easily welded, and
material tests on the cast iron at Corbin
confirmed high levels of carbon in the base
metal that would precipitate cracking if
welding was attempted. An alternative
approach was needed, and research revealed
cold stitching, a common means of repair
Locator to cast iron engine blocks that could
potentially be applied here.
Metal block
drilling guide
for keys
17. Cold stitching consists of carefully drilling a
series of interconnecting holes through
Spacing of
templates that allow shear keys to be
keys agreed installed, providing tensile resistance across
after trial run
the crack. The crack line is then drilled out
with contiguous threaded holes which accept
inserts of slightly larger diameter so as to
a) b) achieve a compression fit. The system is then
Holes are drilled at Preformed high- polished down to be flush with the
right angles to the nickel steel locks are surrounding metal (Figs 1618).
crack and then fitted into slots to
extended into a slot. create ties across the The infill metal is a high nickel steel alloy
broken sections.
with the same coefficient of expansion as
Screw head cast iron, to avoid any stress cracking of the
breaks away
at full torque
18. repairs when subjected to the norms of
temperature cycles.

The method, although effective, is somewhat

empirical, so the design team worked with
c) d)
the sub-contractor on a series of field tests to
establish maximum allowable spacings and
After locks are fitted, Finally, the area is edge distances between the shear keys.
holes are drilled ground level to the Ultimately this solution proved very
along fracture line surface, then primed
for special screws to and painted to
successful for the areas of plain cast iron,
fill crack and make complete a seamless which could be polished down afterwards to
watertight. invisible repair. form a smooth finish without any signs of
the intervention. The system is difficult to
16. 19.
apply to decorative areas, so it was fortunate
that these were almost entirely intact, and
thus left as found.

In situ structural repairs to

loadbearing armatures
The structural repairs to the vertical mullions
(Fig 20) were probably the most technically
challenging impact of the decision to repair
the cast iron faade in place. The existing
armature comprised a hollow section built up
from flat and U-shaped cast iron pieces with
staggered joints.

16. Stages of cold stitching process.

17. Drilling holes for crack repair.
18. Completed repair to crack.
19. Damaged cast iron window
20. before repair.
20. Detail of armature repair.

60 The Arup Journal 1/2014

As these vertical elements were very long,
it was impractical to remove them without
wholesale deconstruction of the faade, but
typical corrosion patterns were only evident
at the base of the armatures coincident with
21. window sills (in many cases due to drains
from 1970s air-conditioning units).
21. Armature repair: first stage was
local removal of corroded elements. Arup worked with the specialist sub-
22. Colour matching tests of the contractor to develop an internal splint
terracotta: clay body and firing detail a series of stainless steel struts that
times were varied to achieve
near-perfect results.
could be inserted after the lower corroded
part of the cast iron mullion was cut away 25.
23. Recreating the detailed design
using originals as a guide. (Fig 21). The repair could then be reclad
24. Finished pieces ready to be fired.
with new cast iron pieces formed to the
original profile. The internal splints were
25. Close examination was needed to
ensure the fireskin was left intact. bolted to the armature above and below
26. Cleaning tests on the terracotta.
using flat head bolts in countersunk holes
and the join between old and new repaired
by cold stitching.

Terracotta replication and repair

Individually mapping each piece of
terracotta in the faade for cleaning, repair
or replacement was an exhaustive task
undertaken by PACA with the specialist
faade repair sub-contractor. Out of the total
of over 5000, around 500 were beyond repair
and needed to be replaced (including over
225 in the high-level parapet zone) (Fig 22).

22. Replicating terracotta is a complex process, 26.

and selection of the specialist supplier
(Boston Valley Terra Cotta) was probably
the most important decision in getting the The pieces not replicated needed to be
right result on site. Replication starts with cleaned. During design it had been
matching the clay body to give a close envisioned that a dry system called
colour match after firing. Similar clay can sponge jet bombarding the faade with
give a range of colour depending on the heat thousands of micro-sponges that are then
of firing, so a series of firing tests had to be collected and recycled would be an
carried out by the supplier. Even then the acceptably mild approach, but preliminary
natural variability of temperature in any kiln testing with this revealed the existing
means that within a single firing some colour terracotta to have a very fragile fireskin,
variation is to be expected. susceptible to mechanical damage.

Clay shrinks about 10% in firing, and the The team looked for alternatives.
implications were significant. Instead of Trials using the wet Prosoco alkali-based
being formed from original pieces from the cleaning agent were carried out (Fig 26),
23. building, new moulds exactly 10% larger with different dwell times and various
than the proposed finished article had to be degrees of agitation, until an acceptable
made. This is no mean feat of artistic skill, result was achieved. This had some
as the sculptor creates the clay master advantages in that a similar system had been
working by eye from an original piece specified for nearby areas of stone cleaning,
(Fig 23). Even when the moulds were so the contractor could readily adapt his
formed, the inability to press out any kind of means and methods of protection to extend
re-entrant detail required that the individual this approach.
pieces be hand-finished and stippled/marked
to match the originals prior to placing and
firing in the kiln (Fig 24). Given the level of
artisan skill needed, the typical price was
around $500/piece, uninstalled.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 61


The final results were generally very good,

although micro-analysis of the terracotta
surface showed that, despite the design team
and contractors best efforts, significant
areas of the fragile fireskin were lost. In fact
it was highly probable that beneath the grime
this had always been the case.

To extend the life of the newly cleaned

terracotta, a specialist KEIM coating was
used. Being a stone-based product, this was
relatively inert, and had the benefit of
consolidating the terracotta surface as
replacement for the fireskin, giving a more
uniform surface appearance without acting
as a cheaper sealant would, trapping salts
and moisture within the terracotta and
causing potential long-term damage.

As the different cleaning and coating

systems were considered a significant
change to the original details submitted to
SHPO, the design team had to detail
everything in a technical memo and seek
SHPO approval, which was duly granted.

2728. Details of restored terracotta

faade with wood windows.


62 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Condition 3

Engineering analysis and implementation

North wall lateral load-resisting masonry elements
Modelling masonry
Engineering investigation proved what was

already expected: Corbins iron frame was Escalator
designed as a gravity-only structure fairly wellway
typical for the time and it clearly relied
on the various masonry elements of the Lateral
faade for lateral stability. The plan (Fig 29) 29.
New lateral
shows the main stiffnesses of the lateral bracing frame
system to be along the length of the extreme T
north perimeter wall and in and around the
main building core at the wider east end.

Though lateral eastwest loads would

clearly introduce some torsional irregularity,
equally clearly there was enough solid
masonry (over 152ft (46.3m) length) to resist
any overturning. However, consideration of
lateral northsouth loads gave immediate
cause for concern: there was no significant
solid element anywhere close to the
Broadway end of the structure, as the only
wall present, the faade, was highly
punctured by window penetrations.
The desire to form multiple new
penetrations in the north wall (Fig 30),
the single strongest element of the building,
would also change the load paths within the
walls and potentially overstress parts of the 31.
historic unreinforced masonry.

To assess both the existing condition and

the proposed alterations, Arup built two
3-D ETABS structural models, one for the
existing and one for the proposed structure
(Figs 3132). These were accurately
detailed from topographical survey data,
including the north walls curvature by over As the internal floor plan is relatively small
1ft (300mm) in the middle (presumably (around 2500ft2 (232m2) per floor) and the
introduced at the time of construction as a wedge-shaped geometry further restricts
response to poorly surveyed lot lines). placement of walls (and the existing faade
is both original and decorative on both
This allowed the current stress regime in the faces), it was considered extremely
unreinforced masonry to be reviewed and inefficient and counter-productive to try
then compared to stresses after the proposed and reinforce the building within its own
removals. It was hoped to keep the change of footprint. The team therefore decided that
stress within elements to less than +10% tying it to the Fulton Center to resist
when considering lateral loads and less than northsouth loading would be more efficient,
+5% when considering gravity-only loads, and allow most of the new lateral load
as this would avoid triggering seismic structure to be outside Corbins floorplate
upgrade. (The building upgrade was where there was significantly less pressure 32.
designed in accordance with the NY State on the real estate.
Existing Building Code 2002, which allowed 29. Plan view showing narrowness
for these modest increases of stress for an It was still necessary to review the increases and plan irregularity, which dictated
existing building as a pragmatic approach to and concentrations of stress introduced by the need for lateral bracing.
managing old building stock). the many new penetrations of the north wall. 30. The north wall at the beginning
Analysis showed these could be controlled of the project.
But the news wasnt good. The results within acceptable limits without intervention 3132. 3-D ETABS structural model
indicated Corbin already to be performing above level 2. However, between level 2 and used to establish levels of stress
badly under northsouth lateral loading, and street level, the thresholds previously defined in masonry.
the proposed changes would make it worse. were exceeded.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 63

The solution was borrowed from a flexible
approach used to seismically upgrade
masonry buildings on the US west coast.
The walls between level 2 and street level
were encased in a shotcrete layer 4in
(100mm) thick on each face. This layer was
heavily reinforced in-plane to provide some
ductility, and anchored to the existing
masonry wall by resin-dowelling several
thousand L-shaped reinforcing bars at a
2ft x 2ft (610mm x 610mm) grid across the
surface (Figs 33-35). The 3-D ETABS model
was used to review and then rationalise and
reduce the overall amount of reinforced
surface to meet the code overstress criteria.

Lateral stability frame

Linking Corbin with the Fulton Center
pavilion at lower levels allowed much of the
lateral shear forces to be transferred to the
new structure, which could be designed to
resist them adequately without the
constraints on floor space in Corbin itself.
33. 34.
However, this only partially solved the
problem. As the structures could only be
effectively tied at levels 2 and 3 because the
Fulton Center had much reduced stiffness
due to its own geometrical constraints above
this level, a means was needed to convey the
lateral loads from roof level (9) to the Corbin
street level back to the ties. At street level
and below, introducing the escalator wellway
void also compromised the effective
diaphragm action of the floorplate, and it
was necessary to replace this action by a
series of lateral framing systems described
below (Escalator wellway).

The solution adopted for the above-grade

transfer of lateral loads was a concrete
moment frame, which:
(1) would allow eastwest passage of both
people and MEP services through the frame
(2) was a flexible form of construction that
could be field-adjusted to suit existing
conditions and potential variability of wall
35. alignment much better than steel
(3) could be easily formed into moment
33. Drilling of north wall to accept frames without expensive connections
epoxy-anchored reinforcement prior
to shotcreting lower portion of wall. (4) could interface easily with concrete
34. New in-plane reinforcement in floor diaphragms without difficult or
the north wall. expensive connections
35. North wall with completed (5) could wrap around existing structural
strengthening works up to level 2
and new egress connections members, allowing them to be retained in
(two per floor). situ; this reduced the need for temporary
supports to account for existing member
removals, and risk of structural movement
if existing members were removed.

64 The Arup Journal 1/2014

The frame was located on plan as close to Architectural
the west end as possible, while still allowing Piping and
electrical conduits Wood Wood
for a horizontal connection to the Fulton below floor sleepers floorboards
Center pavilion. The concrete frame was
added into the 3-D ETABS model and the
connection to the Fulton Center was
modelled as a series of springs.
Cinder/ash fill
Terracotta spreads point
The Fulton Center superstructure had been arch loading
modelled separately in GSA, so it was
15in deep wrought
necessary to iterate lateral loads and a) iron I-beam
corresponding spring stiffnesses between
the two models, adjusting framing and New lightweight
geometry in each until the results converged concrete slab
satisfactorily, limiting deflections in Corbin
to an acceptable level and at the same time
36. minimising additional steel tonnage in the
Fulton Center.
Level 9 Existing
One other advantage of the concrete lateral terracotta Remove existing
arch fill and timber flooring
frame was its own dead weight, which and replace with
cellular concrete layer
8 helped resist overturning forces and hence Existing15in deep
wrought iron I-beam
Step back in
frame to allow the force transmitted to the pavilion. b)
restoration of
historic corridor
However the frame also required support
from a suitable foundation. This had to be New lightweight Hilti mechanical
6 floorplates carefully co-ordinated into the design, as concrete slab
studs screw-fixed
to beam flange
reinforced to reinforcement
New concrete act as effective below the stability frame a new void had
stability frame diaphragm been introduced for the deep escalator
wellway, with one side of the frame actually
TRANSIT sitting on the wellway retaining wall.
At level 7 a step back in the frame was Existing
concrete infill
needed, as the architecture called for terracotta
3 arch
reinstating the historic floorplan which had a Reinforcement
in composite
Lateral restraint
by transit center
corridor running parallel to the north wall. Existing15in deep beam section
wrought iron I-beam
2 modelled as As this is almost the top of the frame it was
Existing transfer easily accommodated (Figs 3637). c)
beams encased Lower frame
at level 2 carries vertical
John Street 1
loads only As part of the lateral system upgrade it was
also necessary to strengthen the floor
Lateral weakness diaphragms at each level, which typically
introduced by
escalator comprised wood flooring on timber battens
wellway void on cinder fill over the terracotta Guastavino
Transit center
arches. As previously noted, upgrading the
floor diaphragms had to be achieved d)
without any substantial increase in floor
weight if allowable live loadings were to
underpinning be maintained.
36. New concrete lateral frame.
Escalator Contiguous A system in which most of the fill was
foundation secant pile 37. Lateral frame solution to
37. (sloping) retaining replaced with lighter cellular concrete reinforce weak end of building.
(a low-strength stiff material filled with
38. Forming the new concrete frame
micro-bubbles) allowed key elements at the at level 2: secondary beams were left
wrought iron beam surrounds, together with in place while large girder was
the final wearing surface, to be replaced with encased; original floor construction
heavier lightweight concrete, which also had can be seen in the background.
the strength needed to act as a diaphragm 39. Strengthening floor diaphragms:
(Figs 3839). Cellular concrete is relatively a) original Guastavino floor;
b) typical structural upgrade;
uncommon in the US, but had been used c) composite beam upgrade;
successfully in the past on UK heritage d) Hilti X-HVB shear connector.
projects by members of the Arup team.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 65

Escalator wellway
The structural modifications for the new
deep escalators (Fig 40) were probably the
most challenging aspect of the Corbin
renovation. The escalators have an overall
rise of about 40ft (12.2m), and terminate in a
pit nearly 20ft (6.1m) below the existing
foundation level. The excavations were
almost entirely within Manhattans notorious
Bulls Liver soil, a vibration-sensitive
stratified silt and fine sand that is prone to
consolidation, causing settlement under
construction vibrations, and rapidly loses
strength when disturbed or wetted. 40.

Firstly, the whole of the west end below this

Once the grouting was in place, a series of
level had to be underpinned. To counteract
traditional underpinning excavations in
potential issues with the liquefiable soils,
maximum 3ft (900mm) wide sections were
the entire perimeter of the underpinning
hand-dug (Fig 41), and the full perimeter of
zone had to be stabilised by a system of
external wall and internal spread footings for
contiguous jet grouting, which itself caused
the west half of Corbin were underpinned
some minor soil settlement that was
with mass concrete to a level below that of
reflected in the superstructure. Corbin was
the proposed escalator footings. These works
instrumented and regularly monitored by
alone took almost a year, and as before,
a series of real-time strain gauges in
monitoring supervised by Arup helped
combination with a conventional system of
ensure that they were carried out without
readings from static targets strategically
approaching an unsafe condition in the field.
positioned on the structure4.
41. The next step required excavation of the
Movements were reviewed daily throughout
soils between the underpinned footings
the underpinning to ensure that the building
within Corbins footprint, and construction
did not develop any unacceptable tilt or 40. The top of the new escalators.
of a profiled concrete wellway slab up
masonry overstress. The team was able to 41. Underpinning in progress.
through the building at a steep angle of
observe daily expansion, contraction, and 42. Creating the deep escalator.
around 30. This required removal of three
tilting of the building caused by cyclical
levels of internal floor diaphragm: at the
weather patterns, which were far greater than
street, basement, and sub-basement levels.
would have been imagined (up to 0.2in
All these floors carried substantial lateral
(5mm) vertically and 0.5in (13mm)
42. loading from soil pressure on the south
horizontally). As an additional safeguard
(John Street) masonry wall.
visual structural surveys continued in
parallel with the monitoring.
Historically these forces had been balanced
New floor
diaphragm at
by equal and opposite forces from the
street level basements of buildings to the north, but
John Street these were removed during construction of
New brick
the Fulton Center foundations. This created a
enclosure to much deeper three-storey bathtub, with
wellway Three-storey high
Lateral earth
void created by contiguous piled retaining walls that only
new escalator
pressures wellway aligned floor levels with Corbin at street and
sub-basement levels. It was thus necessary to
Transit center design a system within Corbin to transfer the
lateral loads from the south retaining wall
Retaining wall
Contiguous secant
into the new Fulton Center floor diaphragms
Steel ring beams pile retaining and consolidate three levels of loading into
two levels of support (Fig 42).
underpinning The street level support was relatively
straightforward, as here the two buildings
foundation matched and it was only necessary to create
a new steel and concrete floor to span the
width of the new opening in the floor and to
act as a horizontal beam (Figs 43-44).

66 The Arup Journal 1/2014

For the basement and sub-basement levels a columns are supported off a series of
massive ring beam was needed within the inverted masonry arches designed to spread
escalator wellway to match as closely as the superstructure loads back into the soils
possible the Fulton Center diaphragm level. more evenly (Fig 44); these are relatively
This ring steel was located slightly below uncommon, and wonderfully aesthetic at the
the existing foundation level in Corbin. same time. Instead of hiding the structure,
To get the loads from the south basement the architectural design incorporated the
wall into this ring beam a new concrete inverted arch foundations as the central
retaining wall was formed within the Corbin theme of the space and mirrored the existing
sub-basement as a collector element arches in the new masonry liner wall that
(Fig 43). The design for the wall was a needed to be formed to the south side.
delicate balance, as resistance to overturning
and soil bearing below the wall base needed The wellway is also a great place for the
43. to be controlled, but the wall geometry was public display of salvaged terracotta from
tightly constrained by the existing heavy the roof and the old cast iron boiler doors,
masonry superstructure and available space and these elements were incorporated into
at the buildings very narrow end. the new liner wall to the south side (Fig 45).

Inevitably, unforeseen conditions arose Guastavino floor strengthening

during construction. It transpired that the As discussed above, the typical floor
existing masonry sub-basement wall had a upgrade used a combination of cellular
series of projecting piers, presumably concrete fill and lightweight concrete slab to
incorporated as stiffeners, which greatly control overall floor weight, but part way
reduced available width for the new concrete through construction the client decided to
retaining wall behind. The geometrical change the proposed use of levels 2 and 3
changes were sufficient to make the original from offices to retail, with consequences for
design unworkable, as the lever arm for the floor loading. This decision was driven
44. new wall would now be too small. partly by the location at corresponding
The solution was to underpin the existing levels of retail space in the Fulton Center
basement retaining wall with concrete needle pavilion; this would enable connectivity
43. Construction of new escalator
foundations with temporary ring
beams projecting from the base of the new through both buildings for a larger retailer,
beam steelwork in place. retaining structure so as to mobilise the thus adding value to the project.
44. Creating the escalator wellway existing walls weight and effectively
through and below the original counteract the negative effects of the Individual strengthening of the wrought iron
foundations. shorter base. beams with continuous steel plates at
45. Down the deep escalator, with mid-span or similar would have been costly,
salvaged terracotta on the left and the A benefit of the escalator wellway beyond its visually intrusive, and inefficient, as the
original inverted arch foundation basic function was that the new shaft would weights of the remedial plates would have
exposed to view.
allow the public to see a vertical section impacted overall floor loads. A solution of
through the building. The masonry walls and minimal weight but increased strength was
needed, and the weldability test results
showed that it was also highly desirable to
avoid welding to the wrought iron, as the
necessary preheat would have proved costly.

The team developed a solution with a

proprietary Hilti product, originally aimed at
the new-build/metal deck market. By using
Hilti shear connectors screw-fixed to the
existing beam flanges by self-drilling screws,
the team proved a 30% increase in overall
beam capacity without changing any other
floor diaphragm details; the design was
verified using Arups in-house Compos
software. This was a flexible system that
could easily be installed by the contractor
without any site-welding. Hilti also made
field tests to verify that the anchor capacities
reached published values.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 67

Cast iron corbels
Upgrading the existing floor capacity from
75lb/ft2 (365kg/m2) to 125lb/ft2 (610kg/m2)
at levels 2 and 3 required the increased
forces to be successfully transferred back
to the vertical load-bearing structure.
The existing columns were square hollow
cast iron, with uniform wall thicknesses.
Arups field investigation had established
that the floor beams were typically
supported off cast iron corbels (or brackets),
cast integrally with these columns; they took
two distinct forms, either single T-section
corbels in the column face for secondary
beams, or double TT-section corbels
aligning with the column perimeter walls
for the primary beams.
Plastic strain
0 While researching contemporary design
methodologies for cast iron and wrought iron
sections, Arup had referenced the typical
1890s Engineers Pocketbooks a prime
source of information on safe design, in the
2.895 absence of any nationally-published design
3.539 codes or guidance. One such contemporary
4.182 guide referred to testing of similar cast iron
b) corbels by the NYC Department of
46. Buildings that had yielded surprisingly
low results, potentially invalidating the
perceived wisdom of the time (Fig 46a).

Given the critical nature of the connection,

this clearly required further investigation and
prompted Arups structural team to work
with its advanced technology group (ATG)
to try to replicate the unexpected failure
modes and gain further insight into the
problem (Fig 46b).

The results, to be published in a forthcoming

47. 48. paper5, demonstrate how the engineers of
1890 had limited understanding of the
behaviour of shear versus flexure, not to
46. Modern analysis compared with mention more complex biaxial and triaxial
historical evidence:
(a) Images of column testing carried
states of stress, and how this may have led to
out in 1890 by NYC Department of the under-design of similar connections in
Buildings engineers; thousands of buildings throughout the US.
(b) Arup LS-Dyna analysis of
corbel failure. The direct result for Corbin was to adopt a
47. Column head before restoration. reinforced concrete shear head detail cast
48. Restored cast iron central within the slabs, transferring a proportion of
columns and corbels in typical the loading between the relatively weak
interior space.
single T and the much stronger double TT
brackets. This also avoided any awkward
upgrade of the bracket detail, which would
be made doubly difficult by the lack of
weldability of the section, and particularly
undesirable as the brackets were to be left
exposed for aesthetic reasons.

68 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Building services co-ordination all incoming IT infrastructure from street
Although much of the Corbin restoration level to the Fulton Center
and upgrade focused on structural and
the escalator control room, in a sunken area
architectural elements, integrating modern
of the sub-basement to gain additional
MEP and IT systems within an irregular
headroom for the control panels
constricted structure that was difficult to
modify and lacked normal headroom in the escalator motor room at basement level,
many areas presented its own set of directly above the sub-basement control
unique challenges. room and below the escalator trusses, with
a direct drive to the escalators themselves
Space within both the Fulton Center and (the large uplift forces generated had to be
Corbin was constrained by an architectural tied down to new foundations)
vision for the pavilion that required a large rehabilitated electrical control and motor
slice of the volume to be dedicated to room for the historic Otis elevators
bringing daylight and a sense of openness to (Fig 51).
a traditionally subterranean space. This had
the impact of pushing all the back-of-house Above street level, most of the space was
spaces to the interstitial building and reserved for either commercial or transit use
perimeter of the Fulton Center, and put and was of high value, so most of the MEP
pressure on the design to use every available space was pushed below ground if possible.
corner of the Corbin Building next door.
Even though some two-thirds of the existing
The MEP programme in the final Corbin basement and sub-basement spaces were
building design included: allocated to MEP systems, in reality this was
50. only 2000ft2 (185m2) in total, and further
vaults for electrical service disconnect divided up by a split-level basement,
switching (supplied by Con Edison) hung below-sidewalk vaults, low headroom areas
from the new sidewalk structure throughout the sub-basement, and the
concrete-encased electrical duct banks that integration of the new escalator wellway into
drop from basement to sub-basement, the plan. What was left was a series of
then pass through the masonry north wall tightly constricted rooms divided by large
(Figs 4950), taking the 13.2kV electrical piers of unreinforced load-bearing masonry
feeders to transformer vaults on the sixth that could not be removed, and headrooms
floor of the Fulton Center that varied between 8ft10ft (2.5m3m) at
best. Fitting a lot of services within such a
a new steam service and PRV station (also
small space required considerable detailed
supplied by Con Edison) for distribution to
co-ordination between all disciplines.
both Corbin and Fulton Center
electrical distribution room containing Additionally, as the new escalator wellway
transformers and building electrical panels connected Corbin with a large underground
a fully addressable fire alarm system with network of tunnels, Arups CFD model for
its panel located in the historic lobby smoke control in the connected areas
required that, as well as extracting smoke
the fire command centre, at street level, directly from the bottom of the Corbin
for both Corbin and the Fulton Center escalator within the adjacent Dey Street
local IT and electrical closets on each floor concourses, large volumes of make-up air
had to be provided at the top of the wellway
mechanical plantrooms with individual in the event of an underground fire.
air-handling units on each floor
mechanical plantroom for street-level This required that a fan at the top of
commercial spaces, located in the east the Fulton Center supply more than
penthouse tower 15 000ft3/min (425m3/min) through a
tortuous route that entered Corbin at
combined storm and sanitary drainage for basement level through the existing north
4950. Conduits for main electrical the whole site passing through the Corbin wall and then split around existing and new
feeders through the north wall at basement structural columns to feed into the escalator
sub-basement level. wellway from the side (Fig 52). The makeup
diesel fuel line supply from sidewalk level,
51. Restoration of the Corbin
through Corbin, to backup generators on grills were selected to look antique in finish
Building main entrance lobby to match the historic brick walls.
required careful co-ordination of the the level 7 roof of the Fulton Center
new lighting design with exposed
cast iron ceiling.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 69

Within the commercial spaces to be restored
to their original open-vaulted appearance,
the Arup/PACA design typically
incorporated the electrical lighting, power
and IT conduits within the replacement
topping to the Guastavino vaults, or in the
dry-lining of the north wall, keeping it out of
sight. Lighting is controlled by occupancy
sensors to comply with energy conservation
codes. In the entrance lobby, the lighting is
Exit carefully concealed within the existing
52. passage decorative ceiling.

52. Plan view of new ductwork Air-conditioning systems were streamlined

for make-up air supply to the deep and minimised, and designed to thread
escalator, carefully co-ordinated with between the existing cast-iron framing and
tight headroom and plan constraints. the new concrete lateral stability structure.
5354. Inside and out, the restored Heating is provided by low-profile perimeter
Corbin Building now bears witness fin-tubes at each floor, replacing traditional
to both the craftsmanship of the
original and the care and skill of large radiators.
the restoration.
The Corbin restoration has been a striking
success, and exemplifies how Arup can
bring diverse knowledge, skills, and analysis
techniques, with a willingness to be bold
and experimental, to a historic renovation.
Many engineers perceive existing building
and renovation projects to be either limiting
or constraining by nature, and while there
are certainly a diverse range of existing
criteria that need to be fully understood and
accounted for in designs, this project shows
that they can be a catalyst for creative
thinking and innovative design approach
rather than an excuse for limited vision.

Also, designers should anticipate the need

to continue this responsive dialogue with
the building throughout construction,
in which they will be greatly helped by
the selection of the right contractor and
specialist sub-contractors.

Arups role as lead consultant helped

significantly in fostering a creative
collaboration between client, approving
authorities, engineer and the several
architectural firms that assisted with the
overall development. The depth of
knowledge from Arups structural skills
networks, with early and consistent input
from the firms ATG on the behaviour of
materials and the resulting local delivery of
international skills and approaches, formed
a great benefit for the client.

As for the New York City public, they will

be able to enjoy the Corbin Building from
late 2014 when the Fulton Center as a whole
is completed and opened.

70 The Arup Journal 1/2014


References In addition, the Corbin Building restoration was Patty Nordhausen, Elizabeth Perez, Clare Phillips,
(1) KOSTURA, Z, et al. The Fulton Center: the main contributing factor in MTA being given a Ricardo Pittella, Samantha Plourde, Lana Potapova,
design of the cable net. The Arup Journal, 48(2), special Stewardship Award in the 2013 New York Marie Reedy, Tom Rice, Robb Risani, Justin Rodriguez,
pp74-83, 2/2013. Landmarks Conservancy Lucy G Moses Preservation Arkady Rubinstein, Yet Sang, David Sivin, Nick Watkins,
(2) Awards, for the management and care of its many Chelsea Zdawczyk Architect: PACA (Page Ayres
historic properties. Cowley Architects) General contractor:
(3) Judlau Contracting Specialist sub-contractors:
(4) APPLEBY, J, et al. Fulton Street transit center Authors Brisk Waterproofing, Western Facades Group,
foundation design and construction in a dense urban Ian Buckley is an Associate in the New York office, and Boston Valley Terra Cotta Foundations contractor:
environment. Presented at the 2011 Pan-Am CGS was Project Manager and structural design team leader Skanska Construction.
Geotechnical Conference, Toronto, October 2011. throughout construction for the Corbin restoration.
(5) BUCKLEY, I, et al. Cast-iron columns and brackets: Craig Covil is a Principal in the New York office, and Image credits
an historic and contemporary study. To be presented at was Project Director for the Fulton Center and the 1, 1115, 2728, 40, 48, 54 MTA/Patrick Cashin;
APTI (Association for Preservation Technology Corbin restoration. 2 Anthony Cortez; 3, 6, 46b New York City Library;
International) Qubec, October 2014. Back cover, 4, 17, 19, 2224, 26, 30, 36, 38, 45, 47,
Ricardo Pittella is a Principal now in the So Paulo 4951, 53 Ian Buckley; 5 Boston Public Library;
office. He was the Structural Engineer of Record for the 7 Peter Aaslestad/Frazier Associates; 8 Geoffrey Gross;
Awards Corbin restoration while he was based in New York.
American Institute of Architects (AIA) New York 910, 25 PACA/Carlos Carrera; 16, 29, 37, 39ac, 42,
State Design Awards: Adaptive Reuse/Historic 52 Nigel Whale; 18, 21 Brisk/James Norberg;
Project credits 20 Brisk/Mike Radigan; 3132, Yet Sang and Ho-Yan
Preservation: Award of Merit 2013 Client: MTA Capital Construction Lead consultant Cheung; 3334 Lana Potopova; 35, 43 Joe Appleby;
American Council of Engineering Companies of New and multidisciplinary engineering design: Arup 39d Yet Sang; 41, 44 Skanska Construction;
York (ACEC NY): Diamond Award for Engineering Joseph Appleby, Leo Argiris, Liam Basilio, 46a Mark Nelson.
Rehabilitation 2014 John Batchelor, Gillian Blake, Mark Brand,
American Council of Engineering Companies Ian Buckley, Alison Caldwell, Bob Cather,
(ACEC): National Recognition Award 2014 Foram Chaliawala, Ann Chamley, Ho-Yan Cheung,
Anthony Cortez, Fiona Cousins, Craig Covil,
New York Historic Districts Council Design Awards: Casey Curbow, Carmen Danescu, Star Davis,
Honorable Mention 2014 Michael Deutscher, Nicola Dobbs, Jonathan Drescher,
AIA New York State, Excelsior Award 2014 Alex Engelman, Adam Friedberg, Bethel Gebre,
Structural Engineers Association of New York Tom Grimard, Gregory Hodkinson, David Jacoby,
(SEAoNY) Excellence in Engineering Awards 2014: Igor Kitagorsky, Tanya Kokorina, Marina Kremer,
Engineers Choice Award Steve Lasser, Deborah Lazarus, Adrian Lee,
Hillary Lobo, Andrew Marchesin, Cecy Martinez,
New York State Society of Professional Engineers Cliff McMillan, Kristina Moores, Mark Nelson,
(NYSSPE) Central New York Chapter 2014 Project of
the Year Award (for the complete Fulton Center).

The Arup Journal 1/2014 71

designing a zero carbon building for
a hot and humid climate


Location Introduction accelerate this trend. Pilot ZNE/ZC projects,

Hong Kong Buildings account for a large proportion of initially built in Europe through government
energy use over 40% in the case of the initiatives, are now widespread.
Authors US1 and over 60% for Hong Kong2
Vincent Cheng Tony Lam Trevor Ng so an emerging imperative is to reduce their In Asia, many challenges lie ahead in getting
Raymond Yau carbon emissions to zero. Zero net energy to ZNE/ZC for buildings, but blindly
(ZNE) and zero carbon (ZC) buildings are copying European or North American
becoming a global design trend, with the models can lead to higher consumption rates
goal of creating climate-neutral than conventional design. Ignorance of local
communities. In the UK, legislation calls for contexts in terms of climatic conditions and
zero carbon emissions in all new housing by building performance, and of appropriate
2016, and the European Parliament recently technologies for analysing and constructing
targeted all new construction to be ZNE by ZNE/ZC buildings, have hampered the
2019. In 2007, California energy regulators standardisation of low carbon practice in
set a goal for every new home to be built to Asia3. More effort is needed from
ZNE standards from 2020. Various government and industry to tackle the
initiatives and policies are in place to technical issues and to grow experience.

72 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Responding to the quest for low carbon Table 1. Types of accommodation within the CIC ZCB.
technologies applicable to Hong Kong, in Net floor area
2011 the Construction Industry Council Accommodation (m2 )
(CIC) commissioned the design and Entrance lobby Orientation/break-out/information 100
construction of ZCB, a showcase zero and reception
carbon building for industry to demonstrate Temporary Temporary exhibition zone with 150
these technologies in practice (Fig 1). exhibition area changing showcases from local
It was designed as mixed-use, so as to industry/stakeholders
engage a wide mix of specialists and users in Permanent Permanent exhibition zone on low/ 490
the common goal of creating a better, safer exhibition area zero carbon design and technologies
and more sustainable environment to the Multi-purpose Audiovisual presentation for 260
room organized visits, public lectures,
industry. The building features more than CIC seminars, and conferences
1. The completed CIC zero carbon
80 sustainable installations (Table 1). building.
Eco-office 1 Live showcase and active eco-office 230 2. Hong Kongs challenging range
for CIC itself
This article looks at how the most of climatic conditions for achieving
Eco-office 2 Live showcase and active eco-office 120 comfortable human occupancy.
appropriate building and systems design
Eco-home + Demonstration of low/zero carbon 150 3. Life-cycle approach for the
strategy was achieved, and the thinking display gallery home design, features and CIC ZCB.
behind the buildings core system, its involvement in low-carbon living
combined cooling, heating and power Souvenir shop Souvenirs/eco-products retail 10
(CCHP). Lessons learned are also discussed.
Eco-caf Ancillary catering facilities, with an 10
eco-theme of sustainable food
The ZCB design approach
Total net floor area 1520
Climate-responsive designs
Climate is the most important factor shaping
low/ZCB design. Hong Kong has very
distinct seasons: the summer months are 30 90 50
hot and humid, while winter is cool and dry


25 85

(Fig 2). People escape from the hot summer 20 80

into mechanically conditioned buildings, and 15 75
the typical cooling season is about 2000
10 70
degree-hours in Hong Kong, very different Condition 3

from Londons 200 degree-hours or even 5 65

Emissions embodied On-site renewable energy
San Franciscos 1300 degree-hours. Such a 0 60 in materials emissions reduction
cooling demand is a huge challenge to Emissions during

adopting the kind of passive architectural Average temperature (C)

Emissions during
designs common in Europe and North Average relative humidity (%) operation
America. However, it has been shown4 that 2. 3.
human response to the sub-tropical climate
can be significantly improved by blocking
direct solar heat (thus reducing temperatures) The building shape also enhances cross- produce enough energy to meet annual
and encouraging breeze (increasing skin ventilation. As wind flows over its sloped consumption demands, giving net ZC with
evaporation). This extends the year-round roof and leaves the sharp-trailing edge, all life-cycle emissions offset by on-site
natural ventilation period a key climate- a low-pressure region is created downwind renewables after 50 years service life.
responsive design strategy on this project. that sucks pre-cooled air from the urban The CIC ZCB is connected to the local grid,
woodland into the building. so energy can be exported from the on-site
In the mid-seasons there is good potential renewables, setting the grid power consumed
for buildings to be naturally ventilated; Life-cycle considerations on an annual basis.
massing them to allow free passage of air There is no standard global definition for a
can significantly reduce HVAC (heating, ZCB. The generally accepted practice is to The equation for calculating carbon
ventilating and air-conditioning) usage. estimate the components of the buildings neutrality annually is as follows:
The CIC ZCB was thus planned with carbon emissions and offset them with
cross-ventilation and microclimate renewable energy, using the stand-alone or Carbon neutrality =
enhancement in mind. It is set in a large grid-connect approach5. The CIC ZCB emissions reduction from excess electricity
open space with the prevailing south-easterly adopts the life-cycle concept (Fig 3), produced from renewables displacing
wind flowing across Hong Kongs first whereby carbon emission-producing grid consumption +
purposely-created area of urban native processes associated with the buildings
woodland, including 220 trees of over life-cycle are identified: materials emissions associated with electricity
40 species and a diversity of shrubs, manufacture, construction process, 50 years supplied to the site +
effectively reducing ambient temperature operation, and finally decommissioning. emissions associated with biodiesel
through evapotranspiration (evaporation + To achieve carbon neutrality, a buildings supplied to the site.
plant transpiration). own renewable facilities are designed to

The Arup Journal 1/2014 73

Carbon neutrality and energy cascade
The site has two major renewable systems:
photovoltaic (PV) panels and a small-scale
biodiesel CCHP plant. The area of PV panels
limited by the total roof area was
optimised for cost-effectiveness, but solar
only provides 66% of required renewable
energy for carbon offset. It cannot be relied
upon as a constant energy source to satisfy
the building demand, so the biodiesel
generator plays a crucial role. The decision
to use biodiesel was helped by the existence
of plenty of waste cooking oil in Hong Kong
as feedstock. The emission factor from this
is very low, as it not only displaces fossil
fuel combustion, but also avoids the
generation of methane gas at landfills.

Detailed analyses of how and when energy

would be used in the building led to an
energy matching strategy aligned with the
consumption pattern, and based on the first
and second laws of thermodynamics.
Energy is not destroyed, it just becomes
lower-grade when used, so usages are
aligned so that the lower-grade output from
one piece of equipment is used as the input
of another in an energy cascade (Fig 5).

The electricity generated serves the building

and landscaped area, with any surplus fed to
the grid. Waste heat from the generator is
recovered to drive an absorption chiller
and desiccant dehumidification system.
The energy generated and fed to the grid
are continuously monitored by intelligent
metering and transmitted to the building
management system (BMS).
Energy simulations
The design team conducted whole-building 70kW
energy simulations early on to predict the Desiccant chiller
ZCBs energy consumption, and used the
results to size the building energy systems
as well as the renewable systems needed
for neutralisation. This process was also chiller
important in evaluating the effectiveness of
different design strategies to reduce cooling
and electrical loads and energy demand,
helping the team to make its decision using
standard cost-benefit analysis. CCHP
143MWh ZCB
energy use

4. Main lobby, showing ceiling fans.

5. Schematic of PV and CCHP
systems operation. energy use
PV 15MWh
87MWh 99MWh


74 The Arup Journal 1/2014

The simulations were done with the Ceiling fans
cooling energy 3 Table 2. Key design assumptions for system
Integrated Environmental Solutions tool 7% 7% design and energy simulation.
IES V6.46 using two major inputs, hourly Thermal characteristics Design
weather databases and the ZCB architectural
Window-to-wall ratio 10%/80%/0%/6%
and building system designs. The TMY (NE/SE/SW/NW faade)
(typical meteorological year) method,
Shading coefficient 0.33, Double Low-E
developed by the US Sandia National window panes
Laboratories and the most widely used for Equipment
Visual light transmission 0.54
determining typical weather years7, was Cooling load
39% Internal design conditions Design condition
adopted in the study. A TMY comprises
12 typical meteorological months (TMMs) Space condition (in general) 25.51C DB;
5510% RH
selected from various calendar months
Lighting load (in general) 6W/m2
over a 25-year period (19792003) Lighting
measured weather database8. An 8760-hour 18% Equipment load (multi-purpose 5 W/m2/10W/m2/
room/exhibition/office) 20W/m2
TMY weather file was used to represent 6.
the characteristics of the prevailing People load (multi-purpose 95W/person/130W/
room/exhibition/office) person/130W/person
Hong Kong climate.

Base building Effectiveness of design strategies Table 3. Estimated cooling load and breakdown
New buildings in Hong Kong are becoming The energy simulations predicted the for the CIC ZCB.
more efficient, partially due to the mandatory effectiveness of passive and active energy Components Cooling load
2012 building energy code (BEC)9, which saving strategies in Hong Kong (Fig 7),
Fabric load 64.4kW
provides best practice design guidelines for the design considerations and performance
all new developments there. In addition, of which can be summarised as follows: Equipment load 18.4kW
BEC regulates the design of overall thermal Lighting load 6.0kW
transmittance values (OTTV)10 of the Faade thermal performance People load 20.2kW
building fabric and the minimum The envelope loads must be minimised to Fresh air load 53.4kW
requirements for major building services reduce heat build-up. The ZCBs peak
Total peak cooling load 162.4kW
systems, eg air-conditioning (AC), electrical, cooling load was calculated as approaching
lighting, escalators, etc. 163W/m2, with the general average being
around 80W/m2. Table 3 shows the cooling
BEC thus supplies the baseline and design load breakdown of this building if it were 6. Results of energy simulation
targets for practitioners. To achieve its constructed to BEC standards. Note that on the energy use of various
objective of ultra-low energy use, the ZCB fabric loads comprise the major portion, building systems.
was designed to substantially surpass such as the building has a high envelope-to- 7. Summary of energy simulation
baseline performance. floor area ratio. results for different design strategies.

The typical energy use intensity (EUI) range

for office buildings is 250350kWh/m2 11,
while the base building design per BEC is
around 157kWh/m2 (Fig 6). In other words, 250
adopting BEC requirements can effectively
Total energy consumption (MWh/year)

reduce energy use in a building. 200

Energy performance of ZCB 150

Table 2 summarises the design values of the

ZCBs key parameters, and the energy model 100

was performed with these values as the

design case. The predicted EUI of the ZCB 50

was 86kWh/m2, 45% lower than the BEC-

compliant baseline building. Due to its mix 0
line g ing ht vel
s n tro fan g ille
of uses (office, conference and exhibition) se din laz ylig sig on ng ilin ch
Ba ha eg da t le de tc eili ce vem
la rs c or l igh ti ng igh c ill ed t ion ro
and intensive application, the CIC ZCB is So an nf ed ligh ayl tio
n+ ch orp i mp
rm sig is y D tila ly+ Ab
s or
rfo de tim erg pp nf
relatively more energy-intensive than other h -pe zi ng Op - en al ven ir su la tio
Hig Gla ow tur ra nti
L Na o l ve
ZCBs in cities with similar climates, as in de
7. Un ec
Singapore, where the EUI of one ZCB is M
only 46kWh/m2 12. The building type and
operation schedule may cause the large
difference in annual energy use.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 75



76 The Arup Journal 1/2014

8. The CIC ZCBs profile is tilted
toward the north.
9. Illumination from skylight.
10. Skylight from above, surrounded
by PV panels.
11. Interior close-up of skylight.
12. Light pipes feed daylight to
inner areas.


Reduced window-to-wall ratio (WWR) Daylighting

Solar heat gain through windows is Tilting the ZCBs profile to the north
approximately 10 times that through opaque provided maximum daylight while still
faades, so minimising the extent of glazing reducing solar penetration (Fig 8).
is dramatically effective. Accordingly, there Effectively this was northlight design,
is no glazing on the south-west faade, and and gave the daylighting needed for most of
the buildings ramped cross-section naturally the spaces. To increase the amount of natural
reduces WWR on the south compared to light reaching the middle of the floorplate,
the north. The overall WWR of the CIC the building incorporates an active skylight
ZCB is 0.4, a value optimised to meet the (Figs 911) illuminating the upper and lower
daylight requirement. exhibition areas, and two light pipes above
the lower exhibition space.
Envelope absorptivity and faade insulation 11.
Minimising the flow of heat through the The active skylight comprises a standard
opaque walls is also important. Two steps skylight with moveable fins above, which
reduce this impact: are rotated manually from below to adjust
the amount of daylight passing through the
(1) Lowering faade absorptivity reflects skylight, thus allowing occupants to enjoy
more heat away from the building, control over the building around them.
reducing the surface temperature The light pipes are reflective light
(absorptivity below 0.3). transmitting tubes to guide additional
natural daylight into inner areas (Fig 12).
(2) Adding insulation to walls stops the flow
of heat through them, giving U-values Envelope airtightness
below 0.6W/m2K for the walls and under This is particularly important for low-energy
0.2W/m2K for the roof. design in the Hong Kong climate, because
dehumidifying high humidity infiltration
White walls or glazed finishes can give an has a disproportional impact on the size of
absorptivity of below 0.3. PV panels sitting mechanical plant and its energy use.
above the roof have high absorptivity, but Good airtightness also reduces condensation.
the ventilated air gap beneath them will Infiltration occurs primarily at window and
reduce heat flow to the building. To achieve door joins, so these features were detailed to
0.6W/m2K, the building was designed to reduce it to below 5 litre/sec/m2 of door area
incorporate 40mm50mm of high quality and under 2 litre/sec/m2 of window area.
polyurethane board or 80mm90mm of glass
fibre insulation. To achieve 0.2W/m2K, 12.
120mm150mm of high quality
polyurethane board or 180mm200mm of
glass fibre insulation would be needed.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 77


Optimising microclimate and Because the floors are radiantly cooled, the 13. Building massing and orientation
natural ventilation air temperature can be higher to achieve the optimising natural ventilation.
As previously noted, enhanced natural same level of comfort, and higher air 14. Wind catcher.
ventilation reduces the CIC ZCB energy temperatures also result in lower heat losses 15. CCHP biodiesel generator.
loads, as air moves through naturally for to the outdoors. And radiant cooling systems 16. Absorption chiller.
30%40% of the year (helped by ceiling are silent, enhancing occupant comfort.
fans). The building is oriented to receive
the sites prevailing south-easterly wind, so A limiting factor for the panel temperature
as to optimise natural air flow availability and the cooling capacity is the dew-point
(Fig 13). A thermal dynamic study showed temperature in the space. Standards
that in natural ventilation operation, cool recommend a limit of 60% or 70% relative
fresh air is brought in through orifices, humidity, which at an air temperature of
warmed by the internal loads, and exhausted. 26C corresponds to a dew point between
17C20C, ie lower than the floor
The internal temperature to be maintained is temperature (typically 21C).
25.5C, and for this level of internal gain
natural ventilation can function below The CIC ZCB radiant system is sized to
external temperatures of 20C, taking into deliver 50W/m2, accounting for 30%50%
account increased air movement due to of the total heat load. Energy savings occur
ceiling fans. This delivers a minimum of six through the reduction in fan-power (by
air changes/hour under typical conditions. 30%50%), though are slightly offset by an
increase in pump power additional energy
Radiant cooling for the chilled water circuit.
The radiant cooling systems rely primarily
on radiation heat transfer. Typically, chilled Given the risk of condensation, the radiant
water is circulated through ceiling panels or panels are located away from the perimeter,
beams to maintain comfort by collecting and with appropriate control methods outlined
removing heat from the space. Also, radiant below. The panels are provided with higher
systems are more energy-efficient than water temperature compared to conventional
air-based systems, requiring less parasitic fan coils, leading to higher coefficient of
(pump and fan) energy to deliver cooling, performance (COP) at the chillers.
and higher operating temperatures mean that The cooling energy savings are around
a chiller can operate more efficiently if it is 6%12%, with the corresponding overall 14.
not required to serve other, cooler, areas. energy reduction approximately 1%3%.

78 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Underfloor air supply Even complete coverage of the building
The underfloor systems mainly use the same footprint (which would amount to a total
equipment chillers, pumps, and air- 1015m2 of PV panels) would produce only
handling units as conventional AC 87MWh/year of electricity, insufficient for
systems. The main difference is the way the buildings needs.
the air is distributed. To avoid drafts, the
temperature of the supply air is higher in an As already noted, a biodiesel CCHP system
underfloor system (15C20C compared to was therefore chosen as a suitable additional
10C15C with conventional AC). renewable system13. The thermal energy
produced can drive an absorption chiller,
While jet-throw systems are considered providing cooling that reduces the chillers
semi-stratified, fully stratified displacement electrical energy use by 85%. Table 4
systems have a higher return air temperature, summarises the energy and carbon balance 15.
even though the exhaust inlets are at similar using the biodiesel CCHP and PV systems.
height, at ceiling level. The final temperature
difference between inlet and exhaust Combined cooling, heating and
depends on the detailed air-flow, but as a power system
reasonable starting point, the effect of The core element of the central system is the
increased stratification is assumed to be generator powered by biodiesel for carbon
exactly offset by the effect of increased offset (Fig 15). But commissioning a
supply temperature, ie the temperature generator and absorption chiller (Fig 16)
difference is 10C for both systems and so is complicated, requiring calibration of the
both will have similar volume flow rate. condensing water temperature to provide
the cooling design capacity and the supply
Energy savings arise in two key areas: temperature of the chilled water for
the AC systems.
(1) The plenum underfloor design and
low-velocity outlets minimise pressure drop
System selection The key considerations in evaluating
and hence fan power (15% reduction).
Four system options were investigated: them were:
(2) The higher supply air temperature allows (1) electricity generated by PV, cooling by
more free cooling, increasing from 200 electric chiller; (2) electricity generated by system sized to instantaneous
hours/year to 600 hours/year. CCHP, cooling by electric chiller; cooling demand
(3) electricity generated by CCHP and PV,
The overall energy reduction from the cooling by absorption chiller; and smaller central plant size
underfloor systems is 0.5%3%. (4) electricity generated by CCHP and PV, PV panels contained within building
cooling by absorption chiller and footprint and covered walkway
On-site renewable energy generation electric chiller.
After applying the passive and active design electric chiller increases resilience
measures described above, energy excess electricity exported during peak
consumption was greatly reduced: hours (high value)
Table 4. Life-cycle calculation of energy and
to 116MWh/year in the building and carbon balance in 50 years.
15MWh/year in the surrounding landscape. potential for waste heat for
To achieve net ZC, these energy demands Energy use Energy Carbon desiccant dehumidification
were met through renewable means. Embodied energy from 14MWh - optimised running cost.
construction materials
An additional 99MWh/year is exported to
Energy use from 4MWh - Option (3), which provides the opportunity
the grid to offset the embodied energy in construction process
major building materials and, if possible, for energy cascade, was concluded to be the
Energy use of ZCB 116MWh/year -
the embodied energy in other building most energy-efficient. In it, the central
components, water use, and the energy used Energy use of the 15MWh/year - cooling plant is an absorption chiller
landscape area and others
by the buildings occupants in various operating with a water-cooled electric
Generation chiller; the absorption chiller absorbs
transportation modes. This also gives the
opportunity for carbon trading of any such Output from biodiesel 143MWh/year - waste heat from the biodiesel generator
tri-generation system (100kWe)
energy output in the future. and produces chilled water with minimal
Output of PV panels 87MWh/year - electricity demand. The absorption chiller
The CIC ZCB site is surrounded by deals with the cooling load provided by
buildings, with one high-rise office tower to Offset underfloor AC and ceiling air supply, while
the south completely overshadowing it Surplus energy export 99 MWh/year - the electric chiller handles the remaining
during winter solstice. The expected power Carbon emission reduction - 7100 cooling load, as well as serving as back-up
output of the PV system, which includes by on-site renewable tonnes chiller to ensure system reliability.
energy (over 50 years)
both monocrystalline and polycrystalline
panels, is approximately 85kWh/m2.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 79

Design capacity 40 000 Conclusion
The CCHP system uses biodiesel to generate Heating/cooling priority Construction of the CIC ZCB was completed
30 000 control principle for
both electrical and thermal energy to run the CCHP to minimise in June 2012, and it officially opened in

Monthly energy balance (kWh/month)

heat wastage
chiller system and meet the building cooling 20 000
January 2013. The design had to consider the
and electrical loads. The size of the system is particular local context of Hong Kongs hot
100kWe and operates when a cooling 10 000 and humid sub-tropical climate, leading to a
demand is present. CCHP on in new kind of life-cycle concept and
0 summer months;
PV output higher;
the incorporation of a whole series of
This design marked a new approach to building in AC sustainable, passive architectural, and
chilled water production in a building, with a -10 000 CCHP off in energy-efficient active systems in the design
winter months;
concept of energy grading applied to PV output lower; and construction. These include the high-
-20 000
match renewable energies to the remaining building in natural
ventilation mode
performance faade with low OTTV,
energy demands. Energy grading ranks the effective airtightness, and optimised window
-30 000
full range of possible renewable sources J F M A M J J A S O N D design that allow natural ventilation and
against end-use energy needs, to generate a CCHP generation Electricity consumption daylighting. Energy-efficient AC systems
checklist of building design priorities. PV generation Net electricity consumption use desiccant dehumidification, and
The key issue is to match the lowest underfloor supply and radiant cooling also
possible grade of source against the grade contribute to achieving ultra-low EUI values.
of the end-demand.
2000 Over 45% energy saving is achieved
Monthly net carbon emisison (kgCO2-e)

Energy grading highlights interesting issues, 0 compared to the local standard, and the
like the inherent inefficiency of many -2000
energy cascade concept was introduced to
conventional systems that consume high- maximise the thermal efficiency of the
grade energy and deliver only low-grade biodiesel CCHP system. Overall this is 80%,
energy to building users. It shows that the -6000 a significant performance that helps to lower
high energy penalties of chilled water -8000 the buildings carbon footprint. The total
production can be supplied by waste heat -10 000
life-cycle carbon emission is offset by
rather than conventional grid electricity; on-site renewable energy generated by PV
-12 000
an annual energy balance can be achieved and biodiesel CCHP systems.
between consumption and renewable -14 000
generation (Fig 17). -16 000 Commissioning the building tested the
performance of the CCHP system;
Applying the general carbon conversion 18.
generator output power, absorption chiller
factor of 0.7kgCO2-e/kWh in Hong Kong14 cooling capacity, and supply and return
shows the carbon trade-off for the whole 120
CCHP power output chilled water temperatures were all logged
CCHP power generation

year (Fig 18); it can be seen that carbon 100 and investigated. Several rounds of
emissions in the cool season (November 80 condensing water temperature calibrations
March) can be fully offset in summer showed that the system delivers the design

(JuneSeptember). 40 cooling capacity and chilled water
20 temperatures. Further comprehensive
Commissioning 0 analysis is anticipated when more testing
.20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20
The CCHP was installed and commissioned 00 07 09 11 13 15 17 data are available.
to test the system performance. The results Absorption chiller cooling power
showed (Fig 19) that at the design power Since the CIC ZCB opened, a campaign of
Absorption chiller cooling

generation (100kWe), the absorption chiller 60 regular guided tours for both professionals
can deliver a cooling capacity of 70kW. 50
and the public has enabled visitors to

The COP is at 1.1 with overall thermal 30 experience the ZC built environment.
efficiency of 80%. The chilled water 20 This has raised the level of discussion about
temperature can achieve the design 0 and awareness of climate change, ZC
conditions, ie supply temperature of 9C and 00
.20 technologies, and behavioural change, etc.
return temperature of 12C. More testing Absorption chiller chilled water temperature
results are expected in the future after a The building was awarded the Grand
Chilled water temperature

longer period of occupancy of the building. 20 Award in the Hong Kong Green Building
15 Awards 2012.


5 17. Annual energy balance of

energy consumption and
0 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 renewable generation.
0 0.2 07 09 11 13 15 17
18. Annual carbon trade-off of the
Supply chilled water temperature
Return chilled water temperature
19. 19. Output of biodiesel CCHP.

80 The Arup Journal 1/2014



(1) US ENERGY INFORMATION Code of practice for overall thermal transfer value in Vincent Cheng is a Director in the Hong Kong office,
ADMINISTRATION. Annual energy review 2011. buildings. The Department, Hong Kong, 2011. where he leads the Building Sustainability Group.
EIA, 2012. He led the overall engineering team for the
DEPARTMENT. Hong Kong energy end-use data 2012. consumption indicators and benchmarks for residential, Tony Lam is a senior engineer in the Hong Kong office,
EMSD, 2012. commercial and transport sectors by December 2012. and was the lead building physics engineer for the
(3) HUI, SCM. Zero energy and zero carbon buildings: CIC ZCB project.
myths and facts. Proceedings of the International (12) SINGAPORE BUILDING AND Trevor Ng is a senior engineer in the Hong Kong office,
Conference on Intelligent Systems, Structures and CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY. The islands first and was Project Manager for the CIC ZCB project.
Facilities (ISSF2010): Intelligent Infrastructure and retrofitted zero energy building, Singapore. www.bca. Raymond Yau is an Arup Fellow. He was Project
Buildings, Hong Kong, January 2010, pp1525. Director for the CIC ZCB project.
(4) GIVONI, B, et al. Outdoor comfort research issues. (13) LIU, H, et al. Preliminary experimental
Energy and Buildings, no 35, pp7786, 2003. investigations of a biomass-fired micro-scale CHP with Project credits
(5) UNITED KINGDOM GREEN BUILDING organic Rankine cycle. International Journal of Owner: Construction Industry Council
COUNCIL. Report on carbon reductions in new Low-carbon Technologies, No 5, pp8187, 2010. Client/architect: Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong)
non-domestic buildings. UKGBC, 2007. Building physics, MEP, civil, geotechnical,
environmental, structural and traffic engineer:
Arup Chris Chan, Eddie Chan, Ray Chan,
(7) HALL, IJ, et al. Generation of a typical Winifred Chan, Vincent Cheng, Sam Chow, Gigi Kam,
DEPARTMENT. Guidelines to account for and report on
meteorological year. Proceedings of the 1978 Annual Samuel Ku, Kin-Kei Kwan, Mole Kwok, Desmond Lam,
greenhouse gas emissions and removals for buildings
Meeting of the American Section of the International Sandy Lam, Tony Lam, Barry Lau, Papko Lau,
(commercial, residential or institutional purposes) in
Solar Energy Society. Denver, CO, pp669-71. Gary Leung, Mike Leung, Tao Li, Alvin Lo, Patrick Lui,
Hong Kong. The Departments, Hong Kong, 2010.
(8) CHAN, ALS, et al. Generation of a typical Trevor Ng, Mark Richardson, Edward Siu, Candy So,
meteorological year for Hong Kong. Energy Conversion Erica Tang, Raymond Wong, Raymond Yau.
Image credits
and Management, No 47, pp87-96, 2006. 1, 4, 812, 1416 Damon Yuen;
(9) HONG KONG ELECTRICAL AND 23, 57, 1719 Nigel Whale; 13 Arup; 20 Marcel Lam.
practice for energy efficiency of building services
installations 2012. The Department, Hong Kong, 2012.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 81

The John W Olver Transit Center
Location Authors
Greenfield, Massachusetts, USA Julian Astbury Matt Franks Geoff Gunn
Michael Hovanec Leroy Le-Lacheur Charles Rose


Introduction The two-storey, 24 000ft2 (2230m2) OTC, the resulting patterns controlling the amount
Located in the heart of Greenfield in named after the long-serving Massachusetts of heat entering the interior in summer and
north-west Massachusetts, the new John W congressman John W Olver, is the first winter (Figs 12).
Olver Transit Center (OTC) is an intermodal zero-net energy (ZNE) building of its type in
depot for all of the areas fixed-route bus the United States. Embedded in its design The OTC is part of an ongoing effort by the
lines and private inter-city, taxi and are numerous strategies for energy Commonwealth of Massachusetts to foster
paratransit (community transport) services. conservation and generation. projects that use renewable energy systems,
and it is one of a handful of ZNE buildings
It also houses the offices of the Franklin One example is the textured brick cladding in the state.
Regional Transit Authority (FRTA) on the western side: a respectful nod to
the public transportation provider for this Greenfields past, but with green as its Working closely with Charles Rose
part of Massachusetts and client for the OTC main purpose a high-tech strategy for Architects (CRA), Arup provided a range of
and the Franklin Regional Council of managing the buildings exposure to services including mechanical, electrical,
Governments, the successor organisation to afternoon sun. In parts, the brick dissolves plumbing and lighting design, and
the Franklin County government. and the faade becomes a kind of screen, sustainability advice.

82 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Project goals
The project goals, developed early on by
the design team and the client, were
identified as to: (1) achieve a ZNE building,
(2) use energy-efficient, user-friendly
systems, (3) be sustainable in operation,
and (4) optimise capital and running costs.
These design principles were developed
from a review of the legislative compliance
requirements, from commitments by the
client and project team members, and the
identified additional project options.

What is zero-net?
To design the building and meet the project
goals, the team needed a clear understanding
of what a ZNE building is. Wikipedia1 has
an extensive series of definitions, while the
National Renewal Energy Laboratory in
20062 formulated as follows: In concept, a
net ZEB is a building with greatly reduced
energy needs through efficiency gains such
that the balance of the energy needs can be 2.
supplied by renewable technologies.

The Massachusetts Executive Office of Table 1. Indoor design conditions.

Energy and Environmental Affairs Zero Net Space Temperature Lights Equipment Ventilation rate
Energy Buildings Task Force, July 20083,
Summer Winter
concluded that: a zero net energy building
is one that is optimally efficient and, over the Administration 78F (25.5C) 70F (21.1C) 0.75W/ft2 1W/ft2 5ft3(0.14m3)/min/person and
(8.1W/m2) (10.7W/m2) 0.06ft3/min/ft2 (0.018m3/min/m2)
course of a year, generates energy onsite,
using clean renewable resources, in a Bathrooms 80/78F 68/70F 0.75W/ft2 NA 70ft3(2.48m3)/min/fixture
(1st/2nd floor) (26.6/25.5C) (20/21.1C) (8.1W/m2)
quantity equal to or greater than the total
amount of energy consumed onsite. Cafe 80F (26.6C) 68F (20C) 0.75W/ft2 NA 15 air changes/hour
The definitions are similar in intent but Conference 78F (25.5C) 70F (21.1C) 0.75W/ft2 NA 5ft3(0.14m3)/min/person and
(8.1W/m2) 0.06ft3/min/ft2 (0.036m3/min/m2)
with subtle differences; given the OTCs
location, the design team opted for the Mechanical 80F (26.6C) 60F (15.5C) 0.5W/ft2 Per 0.12ft3/min/ft2 (0.036m3/min/m2)
(5.4W.m2) equipment
Massachusetts Task Force terms of
reference and conclusions. Storage 80F (26.6C) 60F (15.5C) 0.5W/ft2 NA 0.12ft3/min/ft2 (0.018m3/min/m2)
Performance targets Waiting area 80F (26.6C) 68F (20C) 0.75W/ft2 8.6W/ft2 7.5 ft3(0.21m3)/min/person and
(8.1W/m2) (92.6W/m2) 0.06ft3/min/ft2 (0.018m3/min/m2)
Energy use
The goal was to reduce the energy
consumption compared to a typical code
compliant office building by 50%. A good Water consumption Table 2. Flow rate targets.
quality code compliant building would have To reduce water consumption, low flow
Fixture type Target flow rate
had an Energy Use Intensity (EUI) of water fixtures are used throughout the OTC.
around 60kBtu/ft2; the goal here was an The flow rate targets shown in Table 2 were Water closets 1.28gal (4.85 litre)/flush
EUI of ~30kBtu/ft2. set for the use of low flow fixtures. Lavatory faucets 0.5gal (1.89 litre)/minute

Materials and waste Showers 2.5gal (9.46 litre)/minute or less

Design conditions
The design conditions are 5.9F (-14.5C) The team selected materials that had a high Kitchen faucet 2.5gal (9.46 litre)/minute or less
for winter, and 82.5F (28C) dry bulb/ recycled content and low embodied energy
69.8F (21C) wet bulb for summer. wherever possible.
According to ASHRAE (American
Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Engineers), these temperatures 1. The largely glazed north faade.
are only exceeded 1% of the time during 2. The west faade, showing the
each calendar year and thus are the textured brick cladding that acts as
a sunscreen.
conditions to which system capacities
are matched (Table 1).
The Arup Journal 1/2014 83
Energy model
To deliver the ZNE building, the teams
approach was to design for ultra-low energy
consumption. With this achieved, the energy
that would still be used within the building
could be offset by renewable energy
notionally provided through a photovoltaic
(PV) array and a biomass boiler (Fig 3).

The design strategy (Figs 45) was to

estimate annual energy usage by energy
modelling, the inputs to which were based
on the building design and included
assumptions of anticipated occupancy and
owner-provided equipment information,
so that the results gave an estimate of
annual building energy consumption.
Energy modelling identified heating and
3. air-conditioning as major users; looking for
ways to reduce energy use and therefore the
size of the PV array, Arup worked with the
Reflective paint applied client to establish higher acceptable space
to enhance penetration Chilled
temperature set points during the summer,
Top of high roof
so as to reduce air-conditioning use.
Top of low roof Supply
For heating, the team opted to go with the
Corridor Storage
Open office
biomass boiler concept rather than natural
Meeting gas. Under the ZNE and renewable energy
Level 2 room
portfolio standards for Massachusetts3,
biofuels derived from waste products
Transfer duct including forestry and lumber milling and
Mechanical waiting processing residues are considered to be
AHU room area eligible renewable resources. So to eliminate
Level 1 natural gas energy from the ZNE equation,
the OTC design included a biomass boiler
4. fuelled by wood pellets made from lumber
milling waste sourced locally.
Top of high roof beams Energy modelling software is generally used
for system sizing and comparison purposes,
Top of low roof and rarely predicts accurately the actual
building energy demand and consumption,
Corridor Storage
Open office so the team needed to calibrate the model
Meeting and make sure all the building system
Level 2
components were included.
Diversion valve
HP waiting
area Fin tube Biomass
radiators boiler
Level 1

Reheat coil (from
ground source system)
Return Supply
Heating coil
(from biomass boiler) Return 3. Biomass boiler (left) and PV
Cooling coil (from array (right).
ground source system)
4. Building cross-section
showing air-side
5. conservation strategies.
5. Water-side
conservation elements.

7 boreholes 7 boreholes 8 boreholes

84 The Arup Journal 1/2014

The server room was determined as being entry Car
Public plaza entry
energy-intensive, so Arups IT specialists N

worked with the client to select equipment
that balanced the OTCs technological and

energy conservation requirements.
The site
When designing a ZNE building one of
the first design decisions to make is its
orientation, which can impact heating, Transit waiting area
lighting and cooling costs. For example,
maximising southern exposure takes Parking
optimal advantage of the sun for daylight Solar wall
and passive solar heating. Cooling costs will
be lowered by minimising western
exposures, where it is most difficult to Biomass
provide shade from the sun.
The OTC site is close to the centre of 6. wells
downtown Greenfield on the corner of Bank garden
Row and Olive Street, and the building
orientation was fixed by the size of the site
and the requirements for the bus driveway Bus
(Fig 6). This resulted in a long northsouth loop
axis and a short eastwest axis. Arup worked
with CRA to relocate elements such as 0 50ft
Railway PV array
storage, plantrooms and bathrooms to the (15.24m)
west side of the building, which insulated the
offices on the east from solar gain. For this
faade Arup and the architect developed a
perforated copper screen that reduces glare
in the office space (Fig 7).

Reduced loads
In the initial design, Arup worked closely
with the architect to improve the envelope
performance beyond code minimum
requirements (Table 3). By reducing the
amount of heat gains and losses through the
building envelope, the team was able to
reduce the overall mechanical plant required.

Lighting is a key component in the design of
low-energy buildings, and there are two
primary ways that it can influence energy
use in a space:

reduction in installed lighting loads, which

have a corresponding reduction in the
mechanical cooling loads
Table 3. Comparison between building code requirements and modelled results.
use of daylight and/or lighting controls
to reduce the amount of time the lighting IECC 2009 (code) Modelled
is activated. Wall R-value = R13+R7.5ci/U-value = 0.064 Wall R-value = 32/U-value = 0.031
Roof R-value = 20/U-value = 0.048 Roof R-value = 41/U-value = 0.024

6. Site plan. Fenestration: U/SHGC Fenestration U/SHGC = 0.4/0.3

(solar heat gain coefficient) = 0.55/0.4
7. Perforated screens reduce glare in
the office spaces.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 85

Passive strategies outside; office daylight factor targets are
Daylighting typically in the 2%5% range.
While reducing the installed lighting power
The initial study indicated that daylight
helps to contribute to a buildings efficiency,
levels in the perimeter offices were sufficient
a more direct way to reduce the impact of
without being excessive. The clerestory also
electric lighting on energy use is simply not
provided even lighting at an appropriate
to use it. If electric lighting is not used,
level, but only illuminated part of the interior
however, sufficient glare-free daylight must
floor area. So, to increase daylight levels in
permeate all spaces that are occupied for
the interior and reduce electric lighting use,
significant periods of time.
skylights were added, supplementing the
The daylighting strategy for the OTC ground light levels so that the entire space is
floor was fairly straightforward. Since the illuminated (Figs 9b, 11).
space primarily consists of a waiting area
To further understand the daylight
with transient users, the light level targets
performance here and provide accurate
were lower than in the offices. The glazed
input to the energy modelling, an hourly
eastern faade provides most of the light for
8. annual illuminance simulation was
this waiting area, while the larger plan of the
performed. This analysis determined the
buildings second floor creates an overhang
The OTCs lighting systems were designed daylight autonomy for each workstation
above it, reducing direct sunlight penetration
to minimise the energy used for artificial in the office space the percentage of
and glare, helping lighting levels and visual
lighting by extensive use of energy-efficient operating hours during a typical year when
comfort, and reducing thermal loads on the
LED sources (Fig 8). Lower overall light illuminance levels from daylight can be
faade glazing (Fig 10).
levels were used in open and private offices expected to exceed the light level design
so as to reduce the installed lighting power, The second floor comprises office space criteria, allowing electric lighting to be
but where required by individual needs, local on the north, east, and south sides, and turned off. Daylight autonomy is
user-controlled task lighting is provided. programme requirements dictated that expressed as a percentage.
The careful application of new lighting private offices occupy the areas near the
technologies and aggressive lighting power The project team defined 75% daylight
faades. A clerestory was included to
densities resulted in a 44% reduction of autonomy as an appropriate target, ie for
introduce daylight into the open office
installed lighting power compared with a 75% of all operating hours there would be
space in the centre of the floorplan.
code compliant building. enough daylight for electric lighting not
To assess the quantity of daylight throughout to be required. After the addition of the
The design approach of providing a the second floor, an initial daylight factor skylights on the second floor it was
relatively low level of ambient light in the study (Fig 9a) was completed. This is a calculated that 89% of the workstations on
office spaces, with supplemental task measure of the amount of daylight at a point the second floor met this criterion, and 100%
lighting at workstations if required, allows a inside compared to an unobstructed point achieved a daylight autonomy of >50%.
lower level of installed power by focusing
higher light levels only on spaces where it is
needed and locating those sources closer to
the surface. The reduced level of ambient
light illuminates the space evenly and allows
for circulation and orientation. Once again,
Arup worked with CRA to review fixture
selections and ensure that energy-efficient
lamp types and luminaire designs were used
while at the same time being sensitive to
the architectural design of the ceiling.

8. Lobby with LED lighting

minimising energy use.
9. (a) Initial second floor daylight 6.8
factor study; (b) revised second 6.0
floor daylight factor study 5.2
incorporating skylights. 4.4
10. South and east faades showing 3.6
second floor overhang shading the 2.8
9. a) b) 2.0
first floor.

86 The Arup Journal 1/2014


Glare control Active strategies and as a heat source in winter for chilled and
While one aspect of daylighting design is to hot water. The heat pumps are coupled with
Chilled beams
achieve appropriate minimum light levels, a geothermal well field and ground loop.
Compared to traditional all-air systems,
it is also important to ensure that measures
active chilled beams (ACBs) typically save
are taken to reduce daylight glare. The OTC has 22 closed loop geothermal
money on operating costs. These systems
Glare from direct sunlight or high sky wells, each over 400ft (122m) deep.
combine water-based sensible cooling at
brightness can not only be distracting, Arup worked closely with the geotechnical
the room level with latent cooling via the
but also increase energy use by encouraging sub-consultants to co-ordinate building
air-handling unit (AHU) system. As a result
users to close shades or blinds, which in loads and service connections between the
less conditioned air needs to be moved
turn requires electric lighting to compensate indoor heat pumps and the geothermal well
through the building.
for the reduced daylight. field. Geothermal heat pump systems
ACBs include a sensible cooling coil and typically use less energy than conventional
Each faade had different conditions, so a HVAC systems, are less obtrusive, and
high-velocity nozzles. As conditioned air is
different approach was taken on the north reduce water consumption by not requiring
supplied through the beam, the nozzles
faade compared to the east and south. a cooling tower.
create a pressure differential that induces or
The north faade is glazed, without
pulls room air into the beam. As it flows
additional shading, due to the minimal Transpired solar collector (solar wall)
through the beam the room air passes
level of direct sunlight striking it. Almost all the south-facing opaque faade
through the sensible cooling coil and mixes
forms (Fig 10) a transpired solar collector,
with primary supply air.
The east and south faades, on the other used to preheat ventilation air in the winter.
hand, have glazing protected by custom- As the collector absorbs solar radiation,
The central system is designed to circulate
designed copper screens with roughly 50% perforations in it allow fans to draw
only the amount of air needed for ventilation
openness (Fig 10). These reduce the daylight ventilation air into the cavity between it and
and dehumidification, with the ACBs
entering the spaces but maintain enough for the faade itself. This preheated ventilation
providing the remaining sensible cooling
internal illumination, and protect against air is then ducted to the central AHU for
through the induced room air and sensible
glare by reducing the average sky brightness further conditioning and distribution.
cooling coil. Fan energy is one of the largest
seen through the screen. They also reduce building energy uses, and ACB systems
thermal loads. As well as the winter energy savings, the
require less energy since they move less air
added cladding to the south faade reduces
throughout the building.
There is also automated shading on the west the summer cooling demand by shading
and south faades; this is controlled based direct sunlight. In the summer months the
Ground source heat pumps
on the time of day and exterior daylight transpired collector is bypassed so as not to
Primary cooling and auxiliary heating are
conditions, with an override capability for overheat the incoming air.
provided through ground source heat pumps,
local users.
which use the earth as a heat sink in summer

The Arup Journal 1/2014 87

Advanced lighting controls no processing prior to being burned.
To help meet the project energy goals, These are considered to be carbon neutral,
a comprehensive building lighting control as the amount of CO2 released when they are
system connects to occupancy and photo burned equals the amount absorbed during
sensors that automatically shut off the their lifetime.
fixtures when the space is empty, and
provide continuous dimming when The buildings HVAC system uses one
sufficient daylight is detected. This ensures 750MBH biomass boiler in lieu of traditional
that all spaces are adequately lit when fossil fuel-fired boilers. An important
occupied, and do not waste energy when consideration of this type of system is the
unoccupied. In addition, the system zoning, availability, delivery, and storage of the fuel
control, and set points can be easily source. Locally sourced woodchips and
reprogrammed from a tablet or smartphone 11. pellets are available in the Greenfield area
to cater to changing user requirements and and a reliable supply chain is in place.
allow for ongoing performance optimisation. The array is installed on a single stadium-
All regularly unoccupied spaces, such as style rack, minimising its overall footprint Water
plantrooms and storage closets, have on the already tight site (Fig 12). The domestic water usage was first reduced
occupancy sensors to ensure lighting in by using low-flow fixtures at flushometers
these areas is not left on when not in use. A total of 416 polycrystalline 235W panels for the WCs and urinals, and also for the
are divided into two approximately 50kW faucets at lavatories. The team analysed
Variable frequency drives sub-arrays, each linked to a dedicated 50kW the domestic hot water needs, and first
Building fans and pumps operate with PV inverter which connects to the main considered its generation from solar
variable frequency drives, allowing turn- distribution system at the building thermal panels and geothermal heat pumps,
down during off peak use. switchboard. The PV array is separately both of which require constant electrical
metered and reported to the building pump loads.
Energy recovery dashboard so that the arrays output can be
The central AHU includes multiple energy monitored, displayed, and trended. However, compared with other building
recovery technologies. An enthalpy wheel loads the total daily domestic hot water loads
transfers energy between the supply and An agreement with the neighbouring railway were found to be very low, and after further
exhaust air streams, recovering sensible and right-of-way was required to allow the investigation it was determined that serving
latent energy which would otherwise be project to remove overgrowth shading the them from the biomass boiler in winter and
wasted in the exhaust air, while a refrigerant- PV array. Post-occupancy measurement has from electric immersion heaters in summer
based wrap-around heat pipe heat recovery confirmed that the arrays actual energy would be more effective than trying to
exchanger is included at the chilled water output meets the estimated production. incorporate either of the other two seemingly
cooling coil. more green and sustainable alternatives. This
Biomass approach also keeps the systems simpler,
For the active chilled beam system, critical A relatively low-carbon renewable fuel with fewer pumps and water loops making
humidity control is provided by overcooling source is biomass, of which there are maintenance easier.
the air to condense out the excess moisture, three main types: woody biomass (energy
requiring reheat. Heat pipes wrapped around crops and wood), biofuel (from processed As the building has no basement, there was
the cooling coil pre-cool the supply air vegetable oil), and biogas (animal waste). no need for sanitary or sump pumps, which
before it hits the coil, allowing it to condense The term biomass is used to describe kept reduce plumbing power loads.
out moisture more effectively. The heat pipe biofuels that are solid and require little or
then re-heats the air on the rear of the
cooling coil to eliminate the need for reheat. 12.

Self-generation from renewables

Photovoltaic array
With building loads reduced as much as
possible through the designs and systems
described above, on-site renewable energy
generation offsets the remaining building
energy consumption. PV energy modelling
using local weather conditions was
performed to estimate the annual energy
output and determine the optimal array
size to meet the ZNE goals.

The resulting 98kW ground-mounted PV

array is sized to offset 100% of the
estimated building electrical energy usage.

88 The Arup Journal 1/2014

(2) TORCELLINI, P et al. Zero Energy Buildings: a
critical look at the definition. National Renewable
Energy Laboratory, June 2006.
Getting to zero: final report of the Massachusetts Zero
Net Energy Buildings Task Force, March 11 2009.

Julian Astbury is an Associate Principal in the Boston
office and was Project Manager for the OTC.
Matt Franks is an Associate in the New York office and
was a member of the electrical engineering team.
Geoff Gunn is a senior engineer in the Boston office and
led the BIM design.
Michael Hovanec is an Associate in the Boston office
and led the mechanical engineering design.
Leroy Le-Lacheur is an Associate in the Boston office
and led the plumbing and fire protection design..
Charles Rose is Principal of Charles Rose Architects,
Somerville, MA, which designed the OTC.

Project credits
Client: Franklin Regional Transit Authority
Architect: Charles Rose Architects Inc
Building services engineer and sustainability consultant:
Arup Julian Astbury, Fiona Cousins, Matt Franks,
Geoff Gunn, Michael Hovanec, Beth Iacono,
Carey Jones, Kevin Kresser, Leroy Le-Lacheur,
Nora McCawley, Anna Murray, Sasha Velic,
Mark Walsh-Cooke, Craig Webster Civil engineer:
McMahon Associates Geotechnical engineer:
McPhail Associates Structural engineer: Richmond So
Engineers Cost consultant: Faithful & Gold
Code consultant: RW Sullivan.
Image credits
1, 78, 11, 14 Charles Rose Architects;
23, 10, 1213 Peter Vanderwarker Photography;
Conclusion Arup is currently conducting a post- 45 Rebecca Hatchadorian; 6 Nigel Whale; 9 Arup.
The John W Olver Transit Center opened occupancy energy survey of the building to
on May 4, 2012, in a dedication ceremony confirm that the design goals have been met.
with Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, This is planned to be completed in 2014, 11. Daylight enters the second
Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray, to confirm that the team achieved the goal floor office space through
and other state officials present. At the of designing a high performance building overhead skylights.
time of ground-breaking in April 2009, with energy consumption reduced by 50% 12. The PV array.
the construction budget was $12.8M, but the compared to a typical code-compliant 13. Eastern elevation with second
building came in $2.4M under budget, with office building. floor perforated screens.
all its numerous sustainable and ZNE 14. Transit waiting area.
features intact and operating.

Zero-net energy design has revolutionised

the way we work, said architect Charles
Rose: We are creating buildings that are
highly integrated. In other words, the only
way to get to net-zero is by integrating
mechanical and electrical engineering
into the conceptual design phase. Its a
fundamentally different way of designing
a building. Our mechanical engineers
are serious collaborators now.
Thats very important. 14.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 89


Autoroute 30 Montral
Southern By-pass
Location Authors
Montral, Qubec, Canada Douglas Balmer Matt Carter Tim Hackett
Alan Phear Nick Sartain Derya Thompson

90 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Throughout the preliminary stages, studies
were undertaken that both helped to define
the project requirements and enabled most
of the land inside the proposed right of way
to be acquired in advance of the start of
procurement. In due course the decision was
taken to procure the eastern portion of the
project through a series of traditional
design-bid-build contracts, while the
governments of Canada and Quebc agreed
to procure the western portion through a PPP
contract the western portion forms the
A30 Southern extension.

In 2006 the Ministry of Transport of Qubec,

or Transports Qubec (MTQ) announced
that the A30 would be completed as a
southern bypass to Montral. The Request
for Qualifications was released in late 2006,
and in February 2007 three consortia were
shortlisted to design, build, operate and
finance the CA$1bn project: Infras-Qubec
A-30, SNC-Lavalin, and Nouvelle Autoroute
30 a consortium of Spanish contractors
including Dragados and Acciona, with Arup
as lead designer. The Request for Proposals
(RFP) process started in June 2007, and in
June 2008 the government selected as its
preferred bidder Nouvelle Autoroute 30.

The concession to finance, build, maintain

and operate this section of the A30 for
35 years was awarded to the consortium on
25 September, 2008, and the detailed design
commenced thereafter. The construction
itself was carried out on a design-build basis
by the Nouvelle Autoroute 30 Construction
Joint Venture (CJV). This PPP procurement
method is estimated to have saved the
Qubec government an estimated CA$750M
compared to the traditional procedure.
Introduction and outline history Several sections were constructed, including
This article presents the summary details a short length completed in the early 1980s Overview and Arups role
and Arups involvement on the 42km long to the south of Salaberry-de-Valleyfield on The A30 Montral project comprises 42km
A30: Autoroute 30 Southern By-pass the le de Salaberry, which did not connect of highway, plus 30 bridges two of them
PPP (public-private partnership) project. into the highway network until the whole major crossings of the St Lawrence River
The firms role commenced in 2007 with the project was finished in December 2012. and the Beauharnois Canal and a tunnel.
Request for Qualification process and was
concluded when the A30 opened on time on Growing road congestion in and around This was one of Arups longest and most
December 15, 2012. This major highway Montral led to pressure for the route to be complex highway projects, and a truly global
project had an exhaustive history of completed. Following public hearings in design effort with input from offices in the
development, as with most major projects, 1997, a recommendation from the USA, Canada, UK, Europe and East Asia;
and this is summarised in this article. Quebc Bureau daudiences publiques sur in 2009 the team size peaked at over 200
lenvironnement (BAPE) in 1998, and an engineers, technicians and support staff.
A new highway to bypass and connect the authorisation from the Commission de An Arup design co-ordination team,
municipalities along the southern shore of protection du territoire agricole du Qubec co-located in Montral with the A30
the St Lawrence River in Qubec was (CPTAQ), the project obtained the necessary construction joint venture (CJV) client,
originally mooted in the 1960s, and in 1968 certificat dautorisation de ralisation in managed and delivered the firms global
work began on this new 161km transport May 1999 from the Qubec Conseil des design input.
artery, the A30. ministres (provincial cabinet).

The Arup Journal 1/2014 91

1. Looking north-east at the design, lighting, communications, utilities, interchanges and for approach ramps to
Northern Interchange in Section 1 signalling, signage, landscaping, road the bridges throughout the autoroute.
(previous page).
marking, ship impact assessments, The highest embankments (up to 11m) were
2. Plan of Autoroute 30 Montral
Southern By-pass, highlighting the
seismicity, wind, river hydraulics, snow at the Northern Interchange, where the A30
five Sections. and ice analyses and studies, bridge joins the existing A20 and A540 autoroutes;
3. Western approach piers of the architecture and specifications. here the Champlain Clay is up to 20m thick.
Beauharnois Canal bridge Designing and building these embankments
(Section 4). Designing the major bridges across the St required careful co-ordination between the
Lawrence River and the Beauharnois Canal design and construction teams preferred
were significant challenges. This was methods and schedule, and was successfully
fast-tracked and, to meet the rapid schedule, completed on time.
the bridge foundations were begun before
The project was divided into five discrete completion of the superstructure design. Arup also provided Construction Phase
Sections (Fig 2): This approach required careful planning and Services (CPS); this essentially comprised
control to ensure that the superstructure an audit role to check that CJV had
Section 1: from Vaudreuil-Dorion to north scheme design, particularly the articulation, discharged its construction phase
of the St Lawrence River (including was sufficiently well-developed for the obligations, including detailed site
Northern Interchange) foundations to carry final design loadings. supervision in accord with the Arup design.
Section 2: St Lawrence River bridge Arup undertook an independent check of Data management
Section 3: A30 and A530 on the le de these works, with analysis and structural Intrinsic to Arups total engineering ethos is
Salaberry (including Southern Interchange) verification carried out by an independent the seamless delivery of holistic designs.
team not involved in the original design. With A30 design work going on in locations
Section 4: Beauharnois Canal bridge,
Additionally, MTQ appointed an around the globe, it was important to ensure
and finally
independent engineer to review and audit the that interfaces between the various teams
Section 5: from Beauharnois Canal to design and construction. Construction of the were managed and co-ordinated. In addition
Chteauguay. two major bridges began in May 2009 and to coherent design co-ordination by the
they were completed on time and opened to discipline leaders, regular interdisciplinary
The design was substantially complete in traffic in December 2012. design reviews ensured that each discipline
2010, though changes were needed later to took account of the needs of others as well
optimise it, as the construction methods were The ground engineering for the A30 project as its own speciality. In their simplest form
further developed by CJV. Arups scope was also particularly challenging, primarily these reviews involved engineers from
included structural, geotechnical, highways, because the route crosses a deep deposit of different disciplines critiquing sets of
pavement, environmental, bridge, and soft, sensitive and compressible Champlain drawings to ensure that any issues were
drainage engineering design, with the Clay. The largest geotechnical risks were clarified. At other times reviews were by
Montral project management team liaising associated with building on this clay the teleconference, with the drawings shared
with external sub-consultants for pavement high embankments needed for link roads at on-screen between all offices concerned.

540 N

Notre-Dame-de-Ile-Perrot Chteauguay

30 30
20 Chamberry Lake Saint-Louis
stream A540
over railway A20
es Canal
Soulang Toll plaza 30
Beauharnois on
t o M ay
on ilw
St Lawrence River 30 Tor ra
Section 1
Section 2 Northern

Section 3 Interchange

Section 4

St Louis A20

30 le de Salaberry Section 5
r no

0 5km



92 The Arup Journal 1/2014


Given the design teams geographical document but in a read-only format without Project correspondence also included
spread, regular data management protocols making changes to the master version. letters to and from the client, CJV. All these
would have been inefficient and risky, with This reduced the complications of documents were also stored on Projectwise.
large volumes of data and drawings being individuals updating different versions of
exchanged between servers in each office, the same document, and the changes having Both systems were made possible by the
duplicating storage, and bringing the danger to be consolidated at a later date. Arup also quality of the data network connections that
of working from out-of-date information. enabled its subconsultants to have access to Arup has in place between all its offices,
To overcome these potential problems, Projectwise, which helped the team to share a factor that was planned into the project
Arup adopted two key systems. and control data. infrastructure and links from the outset.

The main data management tool used was Email now being the default means of
Bentley Systems Projectwise, which communicating data and information on
enabled all the data to be stored in one projects, the second key application used by
location, accessible to all the design teams. Arup on the A30 was Mail Manager, an
Sensitive information was handled by setting add-on to Microsoft Outlook developed
up user permissions that could control read/ by Oasys, Arups internal software
write privileges allocated to users or, if development team. This simplified filing and
necessary, deny access. Approved users searching for emails with over 180 000
checked out documents or drawings to work generated on the project, the ability to store
on, and check them back in once any edits and recover any one within a few seconds
were made. Other users could open the same was a real asset.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 93



94 The Arup Journal 1/2014


4. The Northern Interchange in use The St Lawrence River bridge accelerations are substantial and the forces
in October 2012, prior to the from ice in the river during winter are very
official opening. Design constraints
Several constraints influenced the design of large. Permanent disturbance to the riverbed,
5. The toll plaza, between the south however, had to be minimised, due to
end of the Soulanges Canal tunnel the St Lawrence River bridge (now named
and the north end of the the Serge Marcil Bridge after the prominent environmental restraints.
St Lawrence Bridge. Qubec educator, administrator and
6. The St Lawrence Bridge, Last but not least, the CJV client sought a
politician who was tragically killed in the
December 2012. fast track design to start building temporary
2010 Haiti earthquake). They included, first,
works in the first construction season. As the
the low-level profile: this would require
river level was controlled by hydroelectric
short piers which, given the minimum
dams both upstream and downstream of the
practical dimensions needed for robustness,
A30 alignment, the design of the bunds and
would be relatively stiff.
cofferdams required close co-ordination with
Secondly, the rock in the riverbed, along the the construction team and early completion
bridge alignment, is at shallow depth with of the bathymetry and hydraulic studies and
little soil overburden, while seismic ground preliminary substructure design.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 95

General arrangement 12.57m 3.00m
230mm thick in
This reach of the St Lawrence River is not situ concrete deck
navigable, so the bridge could be designed Barrier
as a low-level crossing. It extends between
Les Cdres on the north shore and St
Timothe on the south shore, approximately
2m deep NEBT
1km downstream (east) of the Les Cdres precast beams
hydroelectric generating station and 4.5km
upstream (west) of the Pointe-du-Buisson
barrage. The river is almost 1.5km wide Cast in situ
here, requiring a total length of bridge pier cap
structure of 1.862km (Fig 7). Column (typical)
Approximate river
level (varies) Approximate river
Twin separate concrete structures carry bed level (varies)
Footing (typical)
two-lane carriageways (Fig 8), each
superstructure comprising five New England
bulb-tee (NEBT) 2.00m deep, precast, Approximate
prestressed concrete beams supporting a rock level (varies)
Plug (typical)
230mm thick concrete deck. The beams are
continuous except at the abutments, which
eliminates intermediate expansion joints, Blinding layer
removing a maintenance black spot. (typical)

The deck spans transversely, comprising 7. Micropiles

permanent precast concrete panels working
compositely with the in situ deck.



7. Early conceptual graphic.

8. Typical cross-section.
9. Columns and footings at low
water level.

96 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Each of the 42 spans is 45m long, with
expansion joints at each abutment and at
intermediate piers to divide the total into
six interior units of five spans each, and
two exterior units of six spans each.
Separate piers, all of them reinforced
concrete hammerheads, support each
carriageway, with solid circular columns
2.0m in diameter at Piers 2 through 34,
and 2.5m in diameter at Piers 35 through 42.
The larger-diameter columns are required to
resist higher wind loads due to the presence
of noise barriers on those spans.

Superstructure seismic isolation

The low profile grade, combined with
conventional bearings on short piers, would
have resulted in a bridge with an undesirably
short fundamental vibration period, placing
the structure in the region of the design
response spectra where accelerations would
be highest. Ductile design of the substructure
columns would have been difficult, if not
impossible, and the foundation demands
correspondingly high.

The solution to this challenge (as discussed

below) was to seismically isolate the
superstructure from the substructure with
friction pendulum (FP) bearings. There are
two per pier at continuous piers, and two on
each side of the expansion joints (four total
per expansion pier). Concrete shear keys 10.
between the end diaphragms of adjacent
spans at the expansion joints restrain relative
transverse movement between the spans, that ice forces control for all the piers in the
while two uni-directional single-pendulum river. Relative to the total cost of the bridge,
FP bearings (longitudinal) are provided at the cost of the FP bearings was small and
each abutment. well-justified in terms of corresponding
savings made to other bridge elements.
The FP bearings use a triple pendulum
mechanism which combines three different Another benefit of FP bearings was realised
radii of spherical sliding mechanisms to during construction. As the elevation of
control seismic forces. As the substructure sound rock varies along the length of the
imparts load, the superstructure, as restrained bridge, founding elevations varied from
by the FP bearings, is guided to firstly rise, those predicted from the limited pre-RFP site
dissipating energy, and then fall, with investigation. Isolating the superstructure on
correspondingly lesser horizontal movement; FP bearings makes the seismic demands on
this limit the displacements and reduces the the columns and foundations relatively 11.
accelerations, and the system re-centres after insensitive to the length of the columns,
the seismic motion stops. The bridges so that column length variation could
effective period is lengthened, the effective accommodate the final founding elevations
10. The completed deck.
damping is increased, and permanent offset by fairly simple linear checks of the
of the superstructure avoided. increased moments from ice and wind 11. Placing the deck structure.
forces, and avoid updated seismic analysis.
These beneficial effects were accurately
captured by the non-linear LS-DYNA seismic Lengthening the columns was more
modelling of the interaction between the economical than increasing the depth of the
sub- and superstructures during various tremie plugs, achieving cost-effective and
seismic events. A large reduction in the rapid design modifications to accommodate
seismic demands was achieved, to the point the field conditions.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 97


12. Conceptual graphic, showing on The Beauharnois Canal and

the left the navigation span over the St Lawrence Seaway bridge
St Lawrence Seaway.
13. 3.5% carriageway gradient, and General arrangement
38.5m clearance over the Seaway. The 24.5km Beauharnois Canal connects
14. Constructing the western Lake Saint-Francis and Lake Saint-Louis in
approach deck. Qubec, bypassing a series of rapids on the
St Lawrence River. The canal was originally
opened in 1843, but in its present form was
built between 19291932 as part of a
13. hydroelectric barrage development to take
advantage of the 24m drop in elevation
between the two lakes. To allow ocean-going
vessels to travel from the Atlantic to the
Great Lakes, a pair of locks bypasses the
barrage to the west, forming part of the
St Lawrence Seaway.

At the bridge location, the A30 crosses the

St Lawrence Seaway and Beauharnois Canal
on a structure 2.5km long in total, this length
being dictated by the need to provide 38.5m
of clearance above the Seaway plus the
maximum preferred gradient of 3.5% in the
approaches (Figs 1213).

The bridge utilises two structural types.

The first comprises precast NEBT beams
(similar to those on the St Lawrence bridge),
precast deck units and in situ topped deck
for the western approach (over land), with
24 spans of typically 45m (Figs 1415).
The total length of the western approach is
1095m, subdivided into three articulation
sections by intermediate expansion joints.

The second is a continuous steel-concrete

composite box girder superstructure over the
canal itself and the eastern approach; there
are 17 spans with a typical length of 82m,
14. plus the 150m navigation span, giving a total
length of 1457m (Figs 1516).

98 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Key constraints
1 4.22m 3.00m 1 4.22m
The major construction constraint that led to
2m deep NEBT the final scheme was a third-party agreement
precast beams
between MTQ and the St Lawrence Seaway
Management Corporation. This completely
forbids construction activities above the
Seaway except during the winter months
Western approach cross-section when the Seaway is impassable and closed
1 4.22m 3.00m 1 4.22m
due to ice. Faced with this constraint the
design team had to find an appropriate
construction method for building the 150m
main span quickly and in freezing weather.
The solution lay in launching a steel box
girder (Fig 18, overleaf).
Steel box girder
15. A second constraint was that the bridge river
Eastern approach cross-section flow obstruction footprint within the
Beauharnois Canal had to be minimised,
16. both to limit the loss of fish habitat area and
to reduce any head-loss in the river flow
from the bridges presence that might
impact the efficiency of the downstream
hydroelectric barrage. This was achieved by
designing the long 82m spans with the
pilecaps above water level (Fig 17).


15. Differing cross-sections of the

western and eastern approaches.
16. Constructing the eastern
approach deck.
17. The completed eastern approach,
showing pilecaps above water level.
18. Launching the steel box girder
navigation span (overleaf).

The Arup Journal 1/2014 99


100 The Arup Journal 2/2013

The Arup Journal 1/2014 101

Reinforced concrete 31
Launching sequence 26 27 28 pier head 29 30 32

The steel box girder was launched

incrementally over the Beauharnois Canal Restricted zone
using the east abutment as a reaction point,
with a 22m long launching nose used to
cross the typical 82m spans. This was paused
Hold point prior to closure of seaway
when the main navigation span was reached,
allowing a stay cable system to be erected to 26 27 28
29 30
31 32
provide additional capacity for launching
across the navigation span.

At the same time, precast semi-slabs were

placed in the part of the girder that would be
above the Seaway, so as to provide a safe Launching across seaway during winter season
working platform. These slabs were not
placed at the launching abutment so as to 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

avoid the temporary launching bearing loads

having to be designed to support the
additional weight. Steel haunch segment

When the Seaway was closed for the

201112 winter season, the box girder was Completion of bridge by installation of haunch segments
launched across the main span and into its 20.
final position.

The temporary forces during the launching During the bridge launch, snow loading on improve productivity, quality and safety
dominated the design of the steel section and the deck was a dominant design factor, as by maximising off-site construction.
to reduce these forces, the maximum launch over the course of a winter the weight of Though precast segmental piers have been
cantilever was reduced to 130m by snow could potentially exceed the decks used on other projects, care was still needed
supporting the bridge at two points on a self-weight. Close co-ordination between the to ensure that seismic performance and
concrete hammerhead at the top of each contractor and the designer was needed to durability would not be compromised.
main pier. Hydraulically-linked jacks ensure that appropriate measures were in
ensured that the reaction load was evenly place to clear snow from the deck and The seismic performance was ensured by
distributed between the two lines of support. confirm that the residual snow loading in the using in situ construction for the plastic
design was consistent with these measures. hinge zone at the base of the pier.
The tendon prestress that holds the segments
When the launch was complete, the deck together is anchored on internal blisters
19. Eastern approach under was made monolithic at both piers and an above this zone. The segment joints
construction. additional haunch segment was erected to themselves were designed as capacity-
20. Construction sequence of increase the girders structural depth at its protected elements to ensure that ductile
navigation span.
supports (Fig 20). This strengthening was yielding in the in situ base takes place before
needed to resist in-service loading. the joints reach their ultimate capacity.

Precast piers Durability is catered for by specifying

The piers on both approaches are zero tension at the segment joints under
3.6m diameter circular hollow sections serviceability loading, as well as by using
with a 400mm thick wall (Fig 21). an acrylic resin mortar instead of adopting
Their construction was originally envisaged dry joints. More traditional epoxy glue was
as being traditional in situ, but a precast not used because of its poor performance
segmental alternative was developed to in cold weather.

102 The Arup Journal 1/2014

Seismic design of the major bridges
Precast pier cap
Performance criteria
The seismic design guidance of the
Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code
Precast segmental (CHBDC) CAN/CSA-S6-061 is based on a
pier shaft
single-level procedure in which forces and
displacements are derived from analysis of a
475-year return period event.

Recognising that it is often uneconomical to

design a bridge to resist large earthquakes
In situ pier base
elastically, the CHBDC makes allowance
for redundancy and ductility in a bridge
Pile cap
Water level structure by dividing the elastic seismic
forces by response modification factors
Six 2m diameter drilled (R-factors) that reflect the ultimate capacity
shafts in permanent casing of ductile substructure elements in various
Riverbed (typical) configurations. This use of R-factors is
common in seismic bridge design.

The CHBDC is also performance-based,

Rock socket (4m long typical)
in that different levels of performance in a
Rockhead (typical)
seismic event are contemplated based on the
bridges importance category, again a
21. common element of seismic design codes.
The A30 major river crossings are classified
as lifeline bridges that must be open
immediately to all traffic after the design
(475-year return period) earthquake, and to
emergency traffic after a large earthquake,
eg a 1000-year return period event.

A similar concept is considered in the

American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
LRFD (load and resistance factor design)
specifications2, except that these combine
the ductility and importance factors, so that
the latter is not explicitly given.

The use of importance and ductility factors

allows performance under larger earthquakes
to be inferred from a single-level design
earthquake. However, the CHBDC notes that
for lifeline bridges a separate evaluation
under a larger earthquake may be more
appropriate than using the code method to
infer performance under the larger event.
An explicit evaluation of the performance of
the two A30 major bridges under a larger
earthquake was chosen.


21. The eastern approach piers and

river foundations.
22. Construction progress at
April 2012.
23. The navigation span complete.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 103

Design response spectra Eastern approach
The Geological Survey of Canada (GSC)
Navigation span
has developed site-specific uniform hazard
spectral accelerations, representing site
Western approach
conditions of rock and firm ground for all of
Canada for return periods of 500, 1000 and
2500 years. Based on the GSC data, a
site-specific bedrock response spectrum for a
1000-year return period was generated for
the A30 major bridge locations.
Soil section G
These spectral accelerations are significantly Main piers
lower than the 475-year CHBDC spectrum 28 and 29

at medium-to-long periods, but higher than 25.

the codified spectrum at short periods. Soil section F 24. Design response spectra.
Since CHBDC does not allow the ordinates 25. Central portion of the
of a site-specific spectrum to be less than Beauharnois Canal bridge time
80% of the codified values, a hybrid design history analysis model, showing the
response spectrum was developed by typical extent of the soil sections.
enveloping the GSC spectrum with 0.8 times
the CHBDC spectrum (Fig 24).
Analysis method The soil was then incorporated in the global
The design of the major bridges was based Both bridges had elements not readily analysis model, extending sufficiently far for
on elastic performance under the larger amenable to analysis by traditional multi- the motion at the artificial side boundaries to
earthquake, which was initially taken to be modal response spectrum techniques. be considered identical to those of the free
this hybrid spectrum. After discussions with As previously described, the St Lawrence field. The interaction between soil and pile
the Independent Engineer, it was agreed that River bridge incorporates seismic isolation elements was then modelled by nonlinear
the bridge designs would also be checked of the superstructure by FP bearings, a springs (Fig 25). For closely spaced piers,
under the demands of the GSC site-specific relatively inexpensive and effective way to where the free field boundaries would
2500-year return period spectrum, scaled up reduce the seismic demands on the bridges overlap, the foundations were included
by a factor of 1.35, and thus giving a short stiff piers, but requiring in-depth within one larger soil section.
greater level of safety than derived from analysis to model the bearings non-linear
international practice. For periods greater hysteretic behaviour. Five sets of design time histories were
than 1.0 sec, the ordinates of this extreme developed for each of the design response
design spectrum are still lower than the The Beauharnois Canal bridge is an irregular spectra (hybrid and 1.35 x 2500 years).
hybrid spectrum, but significantly higher structure with various span lengths and The RSPMatch2005 program takes an
for shorter periods (Fig 24). column heights, and significantly different actual recorded ground motion as input
soil conditions along different segments of and modifies its acceleration history so
the structure. These soil conditions in that the corresponding response spectrum
particular warranted special analysis, since matches a target design spectrum.
5% structural damping
0,9 amplification of the bedrock spectrum Since RSPMatch2005 makes modifications
0.8 CHBDC 0.8Cs through the soil varies along the length of in the time domain (as opposed to some
GSC 1000-spectrum the bridge. earlier programs that used approaches based
Spectral acceleration (g)

Proposed design
on white noise), it preserves the non-
GSC 2500-year To cope with these irregularities and stationarity of the original seed record and
0.5 spectrum x 1.35
non-linear elements, time history analyses does not add unrealistic energy content to
0.4 were carried out using LS-DYNA. the entire duration of the history.
0.3 The bridges were modelled in their entirety
0.2 and soil elements explicitly modelled. RSPMatch2005 can closely match a target
This allowed the input ground motion to be spectrum across a wide range of periods, but
consistently applied at bedrock level and for is most effective when the original seed
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 site response to be analysed directly, as record response spectrum has a reasonably
Period, T (sec) opposed to estimated from the CHBDC site close match to the target spectrum before
coefficients. Non-linear soil column models spectral matching. This ensures that the
were developed and analysed in isolation program can successfully converge, and that
24. with the results compared against Arups the modifications to the record are as small
in-house site response analysis software as possible. Seed spectra were obtained from
SIREN, so as to optimise the finite element UC Berkeleys PEER NGA database3 which
soil mesh density and validate the behaviour. contains over 3000 records, predominantly
from the western USA, but also some
international records.

104 The Arup Journal 1/2014


26. Looking southwards along the

A30 at the Northern Interchange.
27. Rolling sub-base, July 2010.


Ground engineering alongside the CJV team during the Several construction challenges were
Overview construction phase. The detailed inherent in the soils encountered on the site.
The ground engineering for the A30 project geotechnical design was carried out by Arup They included the Champlain Clay being
included embankments on soft ground, two teams in the UK and USA, as well as by sensitive soft clay, fairly typical of eastern
deep cuttings, the foundations for the two Aecom in its Montral office acting as a Canadian and Scandinavian glacial soft
major bridges as well as the many other design sub-consultant to Arup, and co- clays. When disturbed, either naturally
smaller bridges, and a cut-and-cover tunnel ordinated by the Montral Arup team. (river erosion or earthquakes) or by human
under an old but working ship canal4. activities like construction or excavation,
Geology and ground conditions the soft sensitive clay has the potential to
Also, the design solutions needed to be
The area through which the A30 passes is lose much of its strength, resulting in a
constructed by the CJV using a self-
relatively flat and predominantly rural. danger of retrogressive landslides.
certification procurement approach.
The ground conditions under the route
As with other aspects of the project, generally comprise deep Champlain Clay In addition, the very cold winters in this part
Arup drew on its expertise in soft ground deposits, overlying granular glacial till of Eastern Canada meant that earthworks
engineering, heavy foundations, seismic which in turn overlies bedrock. and other construction were generally only
engineering and highway earthworks to possible during the summer months as the
The Champlain Clay is marine clay and upper 2m3m of clay would freeze,
meet the short design schedule and project
comprises a stiffer weathered surface crust essentially forming a rock type material.
complexities. In addition, outside experts
of brown clay, typically about 3m thick,
with particular experience of constructing in
over unweathered softer, compressible and
the local Champlain Clay were identified and
sensitive grey clay. Bedrock is typically
brought into the team. Several experienced
strong or very strong quartzitic sandstone
Arup geotechnical engineers were brought
with beds of dolomitic sandstone.
into the Montral project office to work

The Arup Journal 1/2014 105

Desk study and ground investigation
Soon after being commissioned as project
designer, Arup carried out a geotechnical
desk study which collated existing
information from the pre-tender studies
procured by MTQ, and from other sources.
A key part of this study was to develop an
initial geotechnical risk register which
identified potential hazards for earthworks
and structure foundations arising from the
ground and groundwater conditions along
the route. The desk study was the first stage
of a geotechnical risk management process
that continued successfully throughout
detailed design and construction5.

The site investigations were procured in

three broad stages. The first was by MTQ
during initial project development before the
PPP contract was awarded. Then, as is
common on large infrastructure projects,
the second stage was procured by the CJV
for the detailed design, to supplement the
data from the pre-award investigations.
This was scoped by the designers, and CJV,
and targeted the risks identified in the
28. geotechnical desk study.

The third broad stage was procured by the

CJV during construction to support value
engineering initiatives, and it rendered
significant returns in terms of the resultant
cost and schedule savings. The total
combined cost of the site investigations was
some CAD$8M, or about 0.5% of the total
civil engineering construction cost.
Arup input the key parts of the site
investigation information into an electronic
geotechnical data management system, and
this proved an efficient resource for the
ground engineering design for use by all
members of the CJV and designer teams.

Most of the main line of the A30 is on
low-height embankments, typically 2m3m
high. As already noted, higher ones were
required at interchanges (Figs 2829) and for
side roads on the approaches to bridges over
the A30. The highest embankments, (up to
11m) are at the Northern Interchange, where
the A30 joins the existing A20 and A540
autoroutes. This coincided with the greatest
thickness (up to 20m) of Champlain Clay
along the route.

28. View looking west at Southern

Interchange, October 2011.
29. Height of construction activity
at the Northern Interchange, looking
north, October 2011.

106 The Arup Journal 1/2014

The greatest geotechnical hazards for the The embankment fill thickness was
earthworks design lay in the soft, sensitive calculated to include an allowance for
and compressible nature of the Champlain ground settlement up to 3.5m (for the highest
Clay which, if construction was not embankments) and also to provide some
implemented and managed appropriately and surcharge to the embankment to accelerate
carefully, could cause cost and schedule the primary settlements and reduce post-
over-runs during construction and construction secondary settlements.
inadequate performance of the earthworks
once in operation. The largest risks were The original design for the high
associated with building high embankments embankments at the Northern Interchange
on this clay; where they were greater than was for multi-stage construction with
2m3m high, large primary (consolidation) surcharge, berms (up to 25m wide), and
and secondary (creep) settlements were vertical drains to achieve the required
predicted, together with potential temporary vertical alignment. This design required
slope stability problems. Also, due to the vertical drains to be installed under most of
clays low permeability, the primary the footprint of the berms and permanent
settlements would occur very slowly. embankments (Fig 30) to achieve the
required degree of consolidation and
MTQ endeavoured to reduce the project risk strength gain in the underlying clay prior to
associated with constructing high surcharged placing the next stage; this design also
embankments on the Champlain Clay by required two settlement periods.
building an 8m high advance embankment
during the tender stage in 2006. This was As noted above, this solution would
constructed with vertical drains installed into usually be the most cost-effective option
the clay below to accelerate the primary for building high embankments on the
settlements, stabilising berms and surcharge, Champlain Clay if sufficient construction
and it was monitored for nearly a year. This 30. time and space were available. However, at
gave much useful information to the detailed each stage of the embankment construction,
design process on the magnitude of the 30. Installing vertical drains under there would have been uncertainties with
likely settlements, and the effect of vertical permanent embankments at the regard to the anticipated magnitude of the
drains on the rate of consolidation, but there Northern Interchange, April 2010. settlements and more particularly with
remained many uncertainties and thus risks. 31. Looking south-west along the regard to the time required to achieve the
A20 at the Northern Interchange. required degree of consolidation.
As well as the risks associated with the
Champlain Clay, other constraints needed to
be addressed:

The short construction schedule could only

accommodate one consolidation period for
the embankments built over vertical drains.
Existing interchanges needed to be kept
open to traffic throughout construction.
The permitted landtake was often
The CJVs preferred construction
methodology needed the flexibility for
embankments and bridges to be built

Where there was sufficient clearance from

existing roads and the construction schedule
allowed, the high embankments were built
using surcharging and settlement periods, as
this was the most cost-effective method.
Prefabricated vertical drains in the clay at 31.
close centres under the high embankments
were used to accelerate the primary
settlements. The team analysed the
embankments stability at each stage;
stabilising berms were usually required.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 107

As the project developed, it became clear
that the short Northern Interchange
construction schedule could not allow
more than one settlement period for the
embankments built over vertical drains.
During the detail design, therefore, Arup
developed an alternative value engineering
solution that required only a single stage of
construction for the high embankments.

It also only required vertical drains under the

footprint of the permanent embankments and
not under the berms, and so reduced the
amount of vertical drains by nearly
160 linear km. The embankments were
topped off with a relatively small volume
of lightweight fill, its cost offset by the 32.
reduction in the amount of vertical drains.
highway alignments, adjustments to St Lawrence River bridge foundations
This option was selected. It was cheaper; it construction sequences, and more
allowed completion of the section within the Overview
sophisticated geotechnical analyses. The St Lawrence River bridge has a single
available time; it was less complicated and
faster to construct; it was less dependent on abutment on each bank of the river, and as
The main type of fill used for the highway
weather; and it was less risky than multi- each of its twin decks is supported by
embankments was site-won brown clay
stage construction. 41 piers, there are 84 individual foundation
crust. MTQs specification effectively
units. The decks are supported on single
excluded it as highway embankment fill,
The embankments were monitored using columns supported in turn by pad footings
so using it here had to be enabled by a
settlement plates, piezometers and bearing directly onto rock. Each footing is
collaborative Arup/CJV value engineering
inclinometers through the settlement periods. anchored to the rock with drilled and grouted
exercise, which successfully combined
The settlement results indicated that the micropiles to resist lateral forces due to ice
Arups earthworks expertise with the CJVs
consolidation rate was lower than expected loading and to provide overturning resistance
experience6. Other earthworks-related Arup/
and, to maintain the allotted window of time, in the event of an earthquake. There are
CJV value engineering included reducing the
extra surcharge was placed on some between eight and 28 micropiles at each
amount of excavation required in an old
embankments to accelerate consolidation. footing, depending upon water depth and
municipal landfill, reductions in the extent of
column height, and altogether more than
excavate/replace ground treatments, and
The Arup team predicted the magnitude of 1400 micropiles were installed8.
optimisation of surcharge extents.
the final primary settlement which signified
that acceptable consolidation had occurred, The foundation design
and the extra surcharge was removed once it The reference design by others for MTQ
Two major cuttings were built for the A30
had been reached. The highest embankments formed the basis of the environmental
project. One, for the approaches to the
were then topped off with lightweight fill. impact study and approvals for the overall
Soulanges Canal tunnel (Fig 33), was up to
A30 project prior to bidding. Rock in the
11m deep one of the deepest ever
Expanded polystyrene (geofoam) lightweight vicinity of the St Lawrence bridge was found
constructed in the Champlain Clay.
fill was used for the higher embankments at depths from as little as 0.2m to roughly
The other, at Chteauguay, was up to about
(Fig 32) where constraints, primarily 5m below grade, and the reference design
6m deep. This was in the lower, siltier part
construction time or proximity to an existing included drilled shaft foundations socketed
of the Champlain Clay and was subject to
road, prevented a surcharged embankment deep into the rock to resist the design
liquefaction issues that were resolved by
solution. Lightweight fill was also used demands while limiting the plan area of
careful investigation, laboratory testing and
immediately behind bridge abutments to the foundations and permanent disturbance
geotechnical engineering analysis7.
permit bridges and surcharged embankments to the riverbed.
to be built concurrently and also to minimise
loads on the bridge piles (see below). 33.
32. Lightweight fill being installed at
the Northern Interchange, June 2010.
Value engineering by the CJV and Arup
33. The Soulanges Canal tunnel.
throughout design and construction enabled
the volume of lightweight fill at the Northern 34. Beauharnois Canal bridge eastern
approach piers under construction,
Interchange and elsewhere to be optimised. May 2011.
This was achieved through targeted ground
investigation, monitoring of the actual
settlement regime, amendments to the

108 The Arup Journal 1/2014


The CJV judged this foundation solution to Micropiles were installed efficiently with a In addition, two load tests were done on
be expensive, so suggested spread footings relatively small drilling rig, making them sacrificial, heavily-instrumented 1.18m
founded directly on the shallow rock as a far more economical than drilled shafts, diameter test drilled shafts using Osterberg
more economical alternative. The CJV even when many are used. A substantial load cells10. The results of the pile load test
additionally sought to avoid expensive reduction in the size of the footings and programme not only proved the method
over-excavation to recess the foundations reinforced tremie plugs was possible this of pile installation, but enabled the final
into sound rock to resist sliding way, achieving the CJVs goal of cost- design of the driven steel pile and drilled
a standard MTQ foundation detail. effective foundations while avoiding shaft foundations to be optimised and
environmental consequences. value engineered.
Despite the reduction in seismic overturning
moments realised by using FP bearings, the Beauharnois Canal bridge foundations The design of the piled foundations in the
horizontal forces and overturning moments river involved conflicting criteria. The piles
due to design ice and wind forces would still could not be too large in diameter or they
The Beauharnois Canal bridge twin
have required very large spread footings. would attract significant pressures due to
decks have single abutments at each end.
Early estimates found that the area of static ice forces. On the other hand they had
Each span is supported by single columns,
riverbed disturbed this way could be much to be strong enough to resist seismic loads
with pairs of adjacent columns tied together
higher than considered in the environmental without being so stiff as to increase the
at the waterline to form a single foundation
study, triggering the need for an updated loading. This led to heavy reinforcement
element (Fig 34).
environmental study with associated time cages within the piles near the
delay and the possibility of permit refusal. The 44 foundation elements for the bridge maximum allowable.
include: pad footings bearing directly on
The solution to reducing the size of the A significant enhancement in design strength
rock (in eight locations); piers supported on
spread footings and avoiding over- was achieved by successfully demonstrating
groups of 96 concrete-filled driven steel tube
excavation into rock was to stabilise them that strength reduction factors for drilled
piles (at 16 locations); and piers supported
against lateral forces by using micropiles, shafts should only be applied to the concrete
by groups of 1.85m diameter drilled shafts
150mm in diameter with 65mm diameter while the reinforcement itself should be
socketed a minimum of 4m into rock (at 20
high strength bar cores. The micropiles were considered to have its full design strength.
locations, with a total of 138 drilled shafts)9.
principally designed to act in tension in the
event of lateral movement of a foundation Testing and design
and they also contribute to controlling A comprehensive pile load test programme
overturning. The maximum tension load in was carried out to validate the foundation
the micropiles from the overturning design parameters for the bridge. Full-scale
moments was chosen to limit the elongation static compression and uplift tests were
of the bars to less than 10mm, and the performed on instrumented driven steel tube
embedment length of 7m was controlled by piles (subsequently filled with concrete).
grout-to-rock bond strength.

The Arup Journal 1/2014 109

The 28 other bridges by Section
Section 1: north of the
St Lawrence River (11 bridges):
A20/A30/A540 interchange
four bridges for links over the A20,
A30 and A540 autoroutes; a bridge
carrying one link over another link;
a bridge carrying the A20 over
various links/ramps; and three bridges
carrying the A540 and one link over
the Toronto-Montral railway
A30 over Chamberry stream
side road Chemin du Fleuve over
A30, immediately south of the
Soulanges Canal tunnel.

Section 3: on le de Salaberry
(six bridges):
side roads Chemin du Canal) and
Other bridges Monte Pilon over A30
The bridges in Sections 1 and 3 are one for each carriageway of A530
characterised by high curvatures and skews, over Boul Pie XII
generally because the interchanges had to fit
R201 at interchange with A530
into small land areas (interesting for a
country with one of the highest amounts of two links over A30 at southern
undeveloped land in the world). The Arup interchange with A30
team had to develop its own methodology
for the seismic design of walls and Section 5: from the Beauharnois
abutments backfilled by lightweight fill. Canal to Chteauguay (11 bridges):
side-road Boul St Jean Baptiste over
The Section 3 bridges were generally the A30
conventional, mostly square and straight,
while those in Section 5 formed a mix of side-road Boul St Joseph over A30
types. Generally these were also A30 over Chteauguay River
geometrically simple, but in terms of
structural type embraced decks of post- side-road Montee Bellevue over A30
tensioned in situ concrete, prestressed R205 over A30 at interchange
precast concrete, prefabricated steel girders,
and a steel truss pedestrian crossing. Most cycle track over A30
had lightweight backfill and piled supports. side road Chemin St Louis over A30

The choice of foundations was determined one for each A30 carriageway over St
primarily by the thickness of the Champlain Louis River
Clay at each location and most are in R236 over A30
areas where it is relatively thick.
R236 over St Louis River.
Following local practice, these bridges were
designed with 320mm diameter steel tubular
piles driven closed ended, either vertically or
raked to resist horizontal forces.

Typically the piles were driven either to the 35. Looking east along the A30
bedrock or, where the glacial till was thick, across the Chteauguay River bridge.
terminated in the till. The team undertook a 3637. Road bridges at the
programme of preliminary pile drives and Northern Interchange.
testing, and subsequent optimisation of the 38. Installing lightweight fill
transition to bridge over the
foundation design11. Toronto-Montral railway at the
Northern Interchange, early 2010.

110 The Arup Journal 1/2014


Soulanges Canal tunnel

The historic Soulanges Canal, built to carry
ships around some rapids on the St Lawrence
River, opened in 1899. The canal crosses the
A30 route north of the toll plaza (in itself a
substantial construction (Fig 5, page 94)
that had to incorporate many variable traffic
signs, as well as accommodation for the
operators that was appropriately built and
serviced to handle the climatic extremes).

The Soulanges Canal operated until

1958, when it was replaced by the enlarged
Beauharnois Canal and St Lawrence Seaway.
It sits a few metres above natural ground
level and is contained within two parallel,
water-confining, side earth embankments. 40.

As part of the A30 project, an 80m long, from the passage of canal ships without The requirement to reconstruct the canal
four-lane tunnel was constructed beneath the restriction. Finally, all of the works, embankments without inducing excessive
canal using a concrete cut-and-cover box including the cut-and-cover tunnel under the differential settlement was achieved by
structure founded in the Champlain Clay, canal, had to be designed to resist the intense incorporating expanded polystyrene
which (as previously noted) is normally freezing inherent in Qubec climate. lightweight fill within the embankments
consolidated, compressible and sensitive. immediately adjacent to the sides of the
A floating foundation solution was Watertight temporary bunds were first tunnel. To ensure watertightness of the new
developed by balancing the weight of the constructed to dam the canal on each side of canal water-confining side embankments, a
structure with the excavation of a significant the tunnel, the length of canal in between combination of mineral liner, geocomposite,
thickness of clay. was drained, and the water-confining side and high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
embankments removed. Then a cutting was liner was used.
The challenge consisted of temporarily formed to construct the tunnel section, and
cutting a section of the canal without the tunnel box structure was built in two
flooding the surrounding area, building high stages between temporary sheet pile walls 39. Construction of the Soulanges
retaining walls at the tunnel portals to make Canal tunnel, October 2010.
(Fig 39). The tunnel was backfilled, the
way for the walkway and for Route 338 water-confining side embankments were 40. High embankments contain the
alongside the canal, and tying the new canal Soulanges Canal above the tunnel.
replaced, and the canal was then reinstated
lining to the clay dikes of the 100+ year-old above the tunnel.
Soulanges Canal. In addition, the design had
to accommodate the design effects resulting

The Arup Journal 1/2014 111

Other project challenges on and off site As there is no clear winner between concrete (9) HEE, I, et al. Drilled shaft in strong rock-design,
For numerous reasons, the project as a whole and steel when considering embodied carbon validation, and construction of the Beauharnois Canal
Bridge, Autoroute 30 Montral. Proceedings of the 36th
had many unusually demanding aspects. content, for capital-intensive infrastructure Annual Conference of the Deep Foundations Institute,
At the most basic level, it was quite long; at projects such as these simple value Boston, 2011.
around 42km overall it took over an hour engineering goes a long way to reducing (10) CUSHING, A, et al. Osterberg load cell testing
simply to travel from end to end. The great carbon footprint. The A30 designs aimed for results and analysis for rock socket design validation
mix of engineering challenges throughout efficiency, economy, and environmental bridge over Beauharnois Canal, Autoroute 30,
has been covered in this article, but in responsibility without compromising Montral. Proceedings of the 14th Pan-American/64th
Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Toronto, 2011.
addition Arup had to work hard to ensure full function, durability and safety, together with
(11) DEAKIN, R, and SARTAIN, N. Determining the
compliance with the engineering laws in less risk and achieving the very tight end bearing capacity of steel tube piles driven to glacial
Qubec, while at the same time meeting the construction schedule. till in the Montral area of Canada. Proceedings of the
demands of a fast track PPP design-and- 36th Annual Conference of Deep Foundations Institute,
build contract. Also, as the contract ran in The ground engineering was particularly Boston, 2011.
French, some of the team had to polish their challenging, primarily because the route
language skills. Finally, the contractors crosses the deep deposit of soft, sensitive Douglas Balmer is an Associate Principal in the
workforce was highly unionised, and more and compressible Champlain Clay. Montral office. He was Project Manager for the A30.
used to traditional working practices. The largest geotechnical risks were Matt Carter is an Associate Principal in the New
associated with building high embankments, York office. He led the design of the Beauharnois
And then, of course, there was the climate. the design and construction of which Canal bridge.
Temperature extremes ran from +30C in required careful team co-ordination. Tim Hackett is an Associate Director in the UK
summer to -30C in winter, with high Midlands Campus. He led the design team for the
snowfall and restrictions on working caused Following the projects completion on time bridges in Sections 1 and 3, and was construction phase
services leader from summer 2011 to the completion of
by the frozen ground and temperature and opening, the Nouvelle Autoroute 30 the A30 project.
control on materials, especially concrete. consortium is now responsible for the Alan Phear is an Associate Director in the UK Midlands
The fact that the rivers froze prevented operation, maintenance and rehabilitation campus office. He led the geotechnical design of the
deliveries by water, while the spring thaw of all elements of the eastern and western earthworks, the Soulanges Canal tunnel, and the
brought weight limits on access roads, portions of the A30 corridor. foundations for some of the smaller bridges for the A30.
limiting the inflow of materials. (A more Nick Sartain is an Associate in UK Midlands Campus.
intangible benefit, however, was the beauty Upon completion of the concession period in He was the geotechnical design co-ordinator in
2042, the highway will be handed over to the Montral during the early stages of the project, and then
of much of the location, with the glorious provided design support to the completion of the A30.
colours of nature in the fall.) Government of Qubec.
Derya Thompson is an Associate Director in the Los
Angeles office. She was the Deputy Project Manager
Despite all these factors, the project was References and structural design co-ordinator based in Montral for
completed on time thanks to the huge and (1) CANADIAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION/ all the bridges on the project, and was construction
positive efforts from all involved. NATIONAL STANDARD OF CANADA. CAN/CSA phase services leader from the start of the project to
S6-06. Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code. CSA/ summer 2011.
NSC, 2006.
Conclusions Acknowledgments
Seismic loading dominated many aspects of (2) AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE
The authors gratefully acknowledge Autoroute A30
the design of the St Lawrence River and AASHTO LRFD bridge design specifications.
for its support and permission to present this paper.
Beauharnois Canal bridges, and it became They also gratefully acknowledge the support of Arup,
AASHTO, 1994.
and especially the Project Director Don Phillips, Bid
apparent that the CHBDC design spectrum (3) Manager Arnold Luft and first Project Manager Paul
has a very significant level of conservatism, (4) BARKER, CA, et al. Ground engineering for the Misson, throughout the Bid and Contract phases of
particularly for long period motion. Autoroute 30 PPP Project, Montral, Canada. the project.
The team regards the seismic design criteria Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Case
adopted for this project as conservative and Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Chicago, 2013. Project credits
Project owner: Transports Qubec JV Client and
it is hoped that future revisions of the (5) PHEAR, AG, et al. Benefits of using Eurocode 7
contractor: Nouvelle Autoroute 30 Construction Joint
standard will state more clearly for all risk-based procedures in geotechnical engineering on
Venture Lead designer: Arup Loay Abdelkarim,
infrastructure projects. Proceedings of the 65th
stakeholders the expected seismic Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Winnipeg, 2012.
Muhammad Abdullah, Kevin Acosta, George Acuna,
performance criteria for bridges and give Niyaaz Alikhan, Derek Anderson, Joseph Appleby,
(6) BARKER, C, et al. Nouvelle Autoroute 30: A Andrew Armstrong, Chris Armstrong, Sean Arnold,
designers more flexibility to adopt rational Champlain Clay crust earthworks case study. Canadian Dave Ashurst, Rahul Bagchi, Manoj Bahl, Jill Baker,
design approaches to meet those criteria, Geotechnical Journal (in press). Paula Balfoort, Doug Balmer, Jo Balmer,
using internationally recognised site-specific (7) SARTAIN, N, et al. The liquefaction potential of a Giovanni Banks, Jamey Barbas, Richard Bark,
hazard assessment methodologies. marine silt layer: a case study from Chteauguay, Chris Barker, Liam Basilio, Heather Beaumont,
Quebec, Canada. Proceedings of the 2nd European Paul Beckett, Virginie Bellengri, Chris Bellingham,
Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Lee Bennett, Joanna Bielecka, Kim Blackmore,
The two major river bridges adopted several Jason Boddy, John Border, Andy Boyle, Mark Brand,
Istanbul, 2014.
innovative design features to tackle the Grainne Breen, Matt Breidenthal, Fergal Brennan,
(8) CUSHING, A, et al. Design and construction of
complex design and construction constraints. foundations for St Laurent Bridge, Autoroute 30,
Dave Brogan, Mike Brookes, Luke Brotherton,
Although their individual spans are not Eric Brunning, Justin Buchanan, Ian Burwood,
Montral. Proceedings of the 66th Canadian
Savina Carluccio, Graeme Carlyon, Mike Carr,
great, their overall length required significant Geotechnical Conference, Montral, 2013.
resources to be expended in construction.

112 The Arup Journal 1/2014

41 Northern Interchange.
42. Beauharnois Canal bridge
western approach (overleaf).


The Arup Journal 1/2014 113

Terrence Carroll, Matt Carter, Matthew Casswell, Nick ORiordan, Chuck Ormsby, Simon Over,
Eun-Ju Cha, Nikos Chalaris, Carrie Chan, Simon Owen, Ender Ozkan, Keith Padbury,
Wayne Chan, Nathan Chase, Li Chen, Johnny Cheng, Michael Page, David Palmer, Leigh Palmer,
Key statistics
Cecilia Cheong, Ray Cheung, Noble Chevu, Hemal Patel, Allen Paul, Adrian Pena-Iguaran, 42km of dual two-lane highway
Nancy Choi, Daniel Chow, Tanya Clarke, Michael Penfold, Stuart Pennington, Alan Phear,
Harry Clements, Dan Clifford, Oliver Colbeck, Don Phillips, Ellen Pickett, Gareth Pierce, 23 road bridges
Adrian Collings, Mark Cowan, Ben Cox, Ben Crone, Gokul Pingili, Sam Plourde, Lana Potapova,
Wilma Cruz, Ross Cullen, Andy Cushing, Daniel Potts, Adrian Pragas, Tom Price, Richard Prust, seven river bridges of which two are
Artur Czarnecki, Kamil Daoud, Jacek Przysiezny, Mario Querol, Paul Quigley, major bridges
Bruno Gonalves Da Silva, Miguel Faria Da Silva, Ashutosh Rastogi, John Ravening, David Reichman,
Mark Darlow, Gary Davies, Rob Davies, Ying Ren, Gael Romestin, Michael Rowe, the 1.86km St Lawrence River
Richard Deakin, Mark De Melo, Simon Dean, Arkady Rubinstein, Christian Saad, Sunil Sangakkara, bridge (Serge Marcil Bridge),
Bob Della-Vedova, James DeMarco, Ajminder Dhani, Nick Sartain, Shoshanna Saxe, Anthony Scallan, the first new bridge crossing of the
Tarek Diab, Sherlita Di Bratto, Simon Dicken, Marcus Schodorf, Antony Schofield, Jesse Schoor,
Joseph Digerness, Andy Dodds, Chris Donovan, Andy Scott, Eric Sekulski, Peter Sherlock,
St Lawrence in almost 50 years
Jos Pedro Conceio Dos Santos, Kasia Drwiega, Anatoliy Shleyger, Mthandazo Sibanda, Harold Sich, the 2.55km Beauharnois Canal
Xiaonian Duan, Edward Durie, Marwa El-Cheikh, Tim Simpson, Will Sims, Mark Skinner, Mark Snow,
Keith Emmett, Dominic Evans, Martin Fairlie, Paulina Sobczak, Sergio Solera, Ink Song,
bridge, one of the longest launched
Klaus Falbe-Hansen, Jin Fan, David Farmer, Marty Spencer, Steve Spencer, Guy Stabler, roadway bridges in the world
Ross Ferrara, Ian Field, Chris Fiene, Mark Fisher, Thomas Stollery, Tammy Strong, Ivana Sturm,
Mike Ford, Peter Forsyth, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Summers, Richard Summers, Saeed Syed,
two highway-to-highway interchanges
Bob Freeman, Asim Gaba, Margaret Garcia, Jon Gerig, Rob Talby, Tim Taylor, Derya Thompson, eight interchanges between the
Barnali Ghosh, James Gibson, Rob Gilbert, Lee Gill, Gordon Thompson, Cyrus Toms, Cliff Topham-Steele,
Louis-Marc Girard, Ken Goldup, Gabe Treharne, Diego Tripodi, Dale Troth, Wendy Tse,
highway and the local road network
Mauricio Gonzalez-Quesada, Ken Gordon, Mia Tsiamis, Dave Turnbull, Andy Turner, Nic Turner, one 80m tunnel under the
Rob Gordon, Damian Grant, Mike Green, Mike Tyrrell, John Urquhart, Stuart Vale,
Richard Griffin, David Griffiths, Geoffrey Griffiths, Victoria Valershteyn, Anil Veernapu, Alessandra Villa,
Soulanges Canal
Michael Gunn, Ahmed Ghazi, Tim Hackett, Steve Vukas, Steve Waine, Gary Walker, George Walker, one toll plaza
Scott Hadgkiss, Nigel Hailey, Michael Hanbury, Jeff Walter, Pete Weston, Mel Wheeler, Karl White,
Jim Harbord, Simon Harris, Dawn Harrison, Michael Whiteman, Craig Wiggins, Natasha Wilkinson, over 900 precast concrete NEBT
Luke Harrison, Andrew Hayden, Mike Hayes, Barry Williams, Michael Williams, Heather Wilson, beams (representing 37km in length)
John Haygarth, Ivan Hee, Steve Henry, Ian Wilson, David Wolliston, Andy Wong,
Oliver Hofmann, Chris Hogan, Richard Hornby, Kin-Ping Wong, Thomas Wong, Jonathan Wood, 1.7Mm2 of asphalt
Justin Howell, I Robert Hsu, Jessie Huang, Alex Hucal, Matt Woodhouse, Cass Wu, Zifang Xiong, Spring Xu,
Gareth Highes, Erica Hui, Naeem Hussain, Dave Idle, Montadar Yaseen, Ray Yau, Fuk-Ming Yip, more than 6M man hours to deliver
Scott Ingram, Fraser Innes, Chris Isaac, Conrad Izatt, Stephen Young, Daniel Yoxall, Chris Mo Yung, the project.
Chris Jackson, Matt James, Piotr Janicki, Roman Zaytsev, Yongjin Zeng, Youxin Zheng,
Nurlan Jankobayev, Stewart Jarvis, Ian Jenkins, Ying Zhou, Annika Ziolkowski
Goby Jeyagoby, Shirley Jiang, Mark Jno-Baptiste, Sub-consultants: Aecom (Section 5 designer); Lemay &
Andrew Jones, Andy Jones, Dan Kang, Associs Architectes (Architecture); Wilkinson Eyre
Heinrich Kaniude, Karina Karina, Svetlana Kelly, Architects (Architecture during RFP stage);
Adri Kerciku, Rfanullah Khan, Yasir Khokher, NCK Construction (Buildings); INSPEC-SOL
David Kinskey-Lebeda, Matt Knight, Sam Koci, (Geotechnical sub-consultant); Professor Guy
Henry Kwok, Nelson Kwong, Hannes Lagger, Rio Lai, Lefebvre (Geotechnical advisor); HCCL (Hall Coastal
Sophie Lake, Franois Lancelot, Jeffrey Lau, Rica Law, Canada Ltd) (Ice and hydraulic studies); Beaupr &
Simon Lawrence, Charlotte Lawson, Michael Lazar, Associs Experts Conseils Inc (Landscaping); RWDI
Gareth Ledsham, Jessica Lee, Vincent Lee, Yi Jin Lee, Consulting Engineers and Scientists (Snow studies
Daniel Leung, Sunny Leung, Dong-Ling Li, and wind testing).
Carmen Ling, Kieran Littley, Karl Liu, Rob Livesey,
Jessica Lo, Angus Low, Ziggy Lubkowski, Arnold Luft, Image credits
Ziemowit Lukawski, Martha Salamanca Lumley, 1, 3, 56, 910, 13, 17, 23, 26, 31, 3537, 4042
Evan Ma, Jimmy Ma, Lewis Macdonald, Anthony J Branco; 2, 8, 15, 2021, 24 Nigel Whale;
Renee Mackay-Lyons, Rodrigo Magno, 4, 7, 12, 27, 2829, 3233 Nouvelle Autoroute 30
Lindsay Maguire, Matt Mahon, Edwin Mak, CJV; 11, 14, 16, 19, 22, 34 Simon Over; 25 Arup;
Raheel Malik, Juliet Mian, Harsh Manseta, 30 Alan Phear.
Monica Valls Marquez, Brady Mason,
Peter Matusewitch, Andrew McAlpine, Kate McCarthy,
Chris Mee, Alan Merrett, Robert Meyer, Nette Mijares,
Brandon Mills, Vahndi Minah,
Maria Mingallon-Villajos, Paul Misson,
Clayton Mitchell, Kelvin Moneypenny, Jessica Monk,
Tom Morris, Youssef Mossolamy, James Murray,
Peter Neville, Oliver Nicholas, Rachel Nicholls,
Graham Nicol, Andrew Nolan, Callum OConnell,
Chris ODonnell, Diji Oludipo, Khine Khine Oo,

114 The Arup Journal 1/2014


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Arup is a global organisation of designers, Arups core values drive a strong culture Printed by Pureprint Group using
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are fundamental to the way the firm is that are reinforced by positive policies on
organised and operates. The Arup Journal
equality, fairness, staff mobility, and Vol49 No1 (1/2014)
knowledge sharing Editor: David J Brown
Independence enables Arup to: Designer: Nigel Whale
the ability to grow organically by attracting Editorial: Tel: +1 617 349 9291
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in learning, research and development, to usefulness, sustainable development, and Tel: +44 (0)20 7636 1531
staff through a global profit-sharing excellence in the quality of our work. Fax: +44 (0)20 7580 3924
scheme, and by donation to charitable All articles Arup 2014
organisations. With this combination of global reach and a
collaborative approach that is values-driven,
Front cover: St Lawrence Bridge
Arup is uniquely positioned to fulfil its aim
Back cover: Corbin Building.
to shape a better world.
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