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Installing Oracle Database 11gR2 Enterprise Edition on

Windows 7
1 CommentSQL and DatabasesNovember 26th, 2011Michael Helbig

Another vm for dev, another installation of Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (
Enterprise Edition, 64-bit version for Microsoft Windows (x64). This short description is not
intended for production installation, but for local installation for dev purposes. You can
download and use the database for dev purposes; excerpt from the OTN License Agreement,
which you have to accept:

[...] LICENSE RIGHTS: We grant you a nonexclusive, nontransferable limited license to use the
programs only for the purpose of developing, testing, prototyping and demonstrating your
application, and not for any other purpose. [...]

Summary: Quite easy with the exe-installer, but you need time: about 2-3 hours if you know
what youre doing (download of the GBs and installation), if not longer

At first you should check physical requirements: Hard drive 5.92 GB (+5GB for the installation
zips and its extraction), RAM 1 GB minimum or 2 GB minimum for Windows 7 (for further
details see the documentation)

Download and unzip

1. At the download page of Oracle Database, download the two parts (about 1,1 GB) (about 0,9 GB)

Optional downloads:

Documentation package, if you want offline all the db 11gR2 oracle
docs in html and pdf version.

Interactive quick reference, for which you

need a Flash Player. This gives a nice overview of dba views, architecture and
background processes.

Examples package

Client package

there are more downloads, e.g. Oracle Grid Infrastructure (necessary e.g. for Oracle Real
Application Clusters (RAC)), or Web Tier Utilities (for HTTP access to the database via
the Apache HTTP Server), etc.

sqldeveloper for sql-Development:

2. Unzip both files at the same directory level: I created C:\Oracle\db_11gR2\, put both zips
there, and chose Extract here with 7-zip. This will produce one directory of name database.

3. Double-click setup.exe to start the Installer

4. Follow the installation wizard, which will guide you straightforward through the installation.

Choose the desired installation: I choose database with configuration for a desktop (not
server) for a fast setup, and the Enterprise Edition.

I change the Oracle base directory and accept the other suggestions:

o Oracle Base directory: C:\Oracle

o software directory: C:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1

o directory of db file: C:\Oracle\oradata

o global database name: e.g. orcl.[domain name]

o administrative password for user SYS: for dev purposes you dont have to follow
the guidelines, its enough if its not empty and no user name.

You get a summary, which you can save as a file (good to have for later reference).
Check it, and hit Finish to begin the installation, which takes about 20-30 min., time to
have a cup of coffee

5. After Completion you get a report:

Log files are under [Oracle base dir]\cfgtoollogs\dbca\orcl

global database name : orcl.[domain name]

SID (system id): orcl

name of server parameter file: [software dir]\database\spfileorcl.ora

db control URL (Enterprise Manager): https://localhost:1158/em

Database Users / Schemas

Admin Users/Schemas

6. After installation only the admin-users SYS, SYSTEM, DBSNMP, SYSMAN are not locked. Still
in the installer or later (via OEM, sqlplus, or sqldeveloper), you can lock/unlock users and
change the default passwords. In my dev environment I changed the one for SYSTEM to the same
as for SYS. Later on I also change the password of SYSMAN to the same: Logon via sqlplus or
sqldeveloper as a dba user, and issue the command: alter sysman identified by [pwd];

SYS: You have already changed the default pwd change_on_install for SYS with the
Installer. It possesses the DBA role. All of the base tables and views for the database data
dictionary are stored in the schema SYS. To maintain the integrity of the data dictionary,
tables in the SYS schema should never be modified by any user or database administrator,
and no one should create any tables in the schema of user SYS.

SYSTEM: default pwd is manager. It possesses the DBA role. SYSTEM is used to create
additional tables and views that display administrative information, and internal tables
and views used by various Oracle Database options and tools. Never use the SYSTEM
schema to store tables of interest to non-administrative users.

SYSMAN: It is used to perform OEM administration tasks.

DBSNMP: default pwd is the same as its name. The management agent of OEM uses this
account to monitor and manage the database.

Sample Users/Schemas

7. All other users are locked: Sample schema accounts (e.g. SCOTT, HR, OE, PM, SH, IX,
BI, etc.); I unlock those, just to already have a few schemas and tables to experiment. There are
scripts for resetting those under [software dir]\demo\schema, if you messed them up

Internal Users/Schemas

8. Internal accounts (individual Oracle Database features or components can have their own
schemas); I dont change anything.

Exploring OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager)

. Now you can logon to OEM with an admin account https://localhost:1158/em
Windows Services
9. As you notice in the Windows task manager, some Windows Services are created. Ill explain
the three most important, to start up and shut down the db (alternatively you can use the
Enterprise Manager):

OracleService[SID], which is the Oracle database instance.

Oracle[ORACLE_HOME]TNSListener, which is your listener. The listener is required for

clients (e.g. sqlplus, sqldeveloper) to connect to your database.

OracleDBConsole[SID], which enables clients to connect to Database Control.

In our context SID=orcl and ORACLE_HOME=OraDb11g_home1, i.e., we have the services

OracleServiceORCL, OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener, OracleDBConsoleorcl. Start or
stop all three services through Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services: start/stop.
You can deactivate the other services for dev purposes.

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