Lack of Evidence of Association Between MTHFR C677T Polymorphism and Congenital Heart Disease in A TDT Study Design

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International Journal of Cardiology 105 (2005) 15 18

Lack of evidence of association between MTHFR C677T polymorphism

and congenital heart disease in a TDT study design
Alexandre C. PereiraT, Jose Xavier-Neto, Sonia M. Mesquita, Gloria F.A. Mota,
Antonio Augusto Lopes, Jose Eduardo Krieger
Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Cardiology, Heart Institute, Sao Paulo University Medical School, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Ambulatory of Pediatric Cardiology, Heart Insitute, Sao Paulo University Medical School, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Received 19 July 2004; received in revised form 22 September 2004; accepted 2 October 2004
Available online 26 February 2005


Introduction: Hyperhomocysteinemia is frequently associated with congenital defects of the heart and neural tube. A common missense
mutation in the MTHFR gene (C to T substitution at position 677 changing valine to alanine) produces a variant with reduced enzymatic
action, resulting in higher plasma levels of homocysteine. The aim of this study is to investigate whether MTHFR C677T functional genetic
variant is associated with an increased risk of congenital heart disease (CHD) development using a family-based case-control design and the
Transmission Disequilibrium Test (TDT) approach.
Methods: We selected 91 consecutive patients with congenital heart disease for the study. From these patients we were able to obtain samples
on 147 parents. The C677T polymorphism at the MTHFR gene was determined from each participant.
Results: A statistically significant association was disclosed in univariate analysis using a family-based case-control design ( pb0.0001
assuming an additive genetic model, pb0.0001 assuming a dominant genetic model, and p=0.01 assuming a recessive genetic model). This
association was explained by an increased frequency of the T allele in patients as compared to their fathers. However, by using a TDT
approach a highly non-significant result was obtained and no association could be defined between this locus and congenital heart disease.
Conclusions: We did not find sufficient evidence for an association between MTHFR C677T genotype and congenital heart disease in our
study group. Previous reports on such association may be due to population genetic structure.
D 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Genetics; Congenital heart disease; Homocysteine; MTHFR

1. Introduction An abnormality in homocysteine metabolism, appa-

rently related to methionine synthase, is present in many
Hyperhomocysteinemia is frequently associated with women who give birth to children with neural tube
congenital defects of the heart and neural tube and is a defects [4]. Conversely, folic acid (FA) therapy has been
suspected factor in atherosclerosis and neoplasia [1,2]. In shown to reduce the incidence of neural tube, cranio-
addition to association reports, a causal link has been facial, and cardiovascular defects and low birth weight
suggested by showing a crucial role of perturbed homo- [3].
cysteine/methionine metabolism in the etiology of congen- Interestingly, despite several epidemiological and exper-
ital cardiovascular malformation, neural tube defects, and imental evidences linking homocysteine/folate pathways
cardiovascular disease [3]. and congenital heart malformations, approximately 50% of
cystathionine beta-synthase deficient expectant mothers
with high plasma homocysteine levels (100 mM) have
T Corresponding author. Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Cardio-
logy, Heart Institute, Sao Paulo University Medical School, Sao Paulo,
given birth to infants with no apparent anomalies, indicating
Brazil. that there are individuals who are less sensitive to the
E-mail address: (A.C. Pereira). toxicity of homocysteine than others [5].
0167-5273/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
16 A.C. Pereira et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 105 (2005) 1518

Several known conditions can cause hyperhomocysteine- and their parents were also invited to participate in the study.
mia: genetic disorders, folic acid deficiency, vitamin B12 We were able to obtain DNA samples from 147 parents
deficiency, vitamin B6 deficiency, renal failure, hypothyr- from the selected patients.
oidism, increasing age and smoking. In particular, a common Venous blood was obtained for genomic DNA extraction
missense mutation (C to T substitution at position 677 from each participant of the study.
changing a valine to alanine) produces a thermolabile variant The protocol was approved by the Institutional Review
of MTHFR with reduced enzymatic action resulting in higher Board of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School and all
plasma levels of homocysteine. Individuals with the homo- participants read and signed an approved informed consent.
zygous T/T genotype have mildly elevated plasma homo-
cysteine levels and lower folate levels than individuals who 2.2. Genetic analysis
have either the heterozygous C/T or wild-type C/C genotype.
We recently showed that the Brazilian population has a DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes by
high frequency of mild folate deficiency [6]. In this context, a standard salting-out procedure.
MTHFR genotypes may show an increased penetrance Analysis of the C677T polymorphism at the MTHFR
regarding congenital heart disease (CHD) incidence, as has gene was carried out by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
been shown for hyperhomocysteinemia [6]. In addition, we The C677T polymorphism was determined as previously
and others have suggested that homocysteine reduction after described [9]. Two primers for analysis of the CT change
folate supplementation is predicted to be partially modulated are: 5VTGA AGG AGA AGG TGT CTG CGG GA-3V and
by MTHFR genotype [6,7]. Indeed, the possibility that 5VAGG ACG GTG CGG TGA GAG TG-3V. These primers
genotype-specific periconceptional use of folate supplemen- generate a fragment of 198 bp. The substitution creates a
tation reduces the rate of specific structural CHD has been HinfI recognition sequence that digests the 198-bp fragment
proposed as a potential clinical use of this genetic marker. into 175- and 23-bp fragments.
This hypothesis has been tested by some groups with
discordant findings [11,14,15]. 2.3. Statistical analysis
Genetic association testing is typically carried out as a
case-control comparison in which marker frequencies are Allele and genotype frequencies were calculated through
compared in samples of affected individuals and unaffected gene counting. HardyWeinberg equilibrium was tested
controls. Classically, case-control studies can be confounded with the chi-square test. The association between the
by population stratification. Genetic association studies are MTHFR C677T polymorphism and disease was carried
no exception to this difficulty, and various strategies have out first by comparing genotype frequencies from affected
been devised to control for stratification. An example is the siblings and their parents through the chi-square test.
Transmission Disequilibrium Test (TDT), which tests for Finally, the same association was also tested in a more
association by defining whether the genotype transmitted by robust manner by examining the transmission of markers
a parent to an affected offspring is concordant, or discordant, from parents to affected offspring using the TRANSMIT
with the expected frequency based on Mendelian segregation. algorithm [10]. p values less than 0.05 on a 2-sided test
This ensures that case and control genotypes come from the were considered significant.
same population, reducing the potential for stratification [8].
The aim of this study is to investigate a possible
association between the MTHFR C677T functional genetic 3. Results
variant and an increased risk of CHD development using both
a family-based case-control design and the TDT approach. We have genotyped 238 individuals, 91 being patients
with congenital heart disease and 147 parents of these

2. Materials and methods

Table 1
2.1. Study population Number and relative frequency of anatomical diagnosis
Number %
This is an observational cross-sectional study designed to Atrium septal defect (ASD) 2 2.2
ascertain different genetic variables associated with con- Ventricular septal defect (VSD) 5 5.5
genital heart disease. Study participants were recruited from ASD + VSD 1 1.1
Aortic coarctation 1 1.1
a tertiary care center specialized in the care of patients with
Atriumventricular septal defect 2 2.2
congenital heart disease. Aortic stenosis 1 1.1
We have selected 91 consecutive patients with congenital Ebstein anomaly 20 22.0
heart disease seen at the Heart Institute Ambulatory of Pulmonary stenosis 1 1.1
Pediatric Cardiology, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Patients were Patent ductus arteriosus 1 1.1
Tetralogy of Fallot 57 62.6
selected based on the diagnosis of congenital heart disease
A.C. Pereira et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 105 (2005) 1518 17

Table 2 maternal intake of supplemental folic acid of z400 Ag

Alele and genotype frequency in patients and parents compared with b400 Ag was considered, excluding dietary
Patient Mother Father intake [11].
Alele Indeed, several lines of evidence have been explored to
C67 69.0 65.3 77.3 explain the cellular pathways linking homocysteine to
T67 31.0 34.7 22.7
development defects. For instance, it has been suggested
Genotype that homocysteine-induced congenital defects are due to the
CC 47.8 43.5 62.5 specific ability of homocysteine to inhibit conversion of
CT 42.4 43.5 29.7 retinal to retinoic acid [12]. Another possible mechanism
TT 9.8 12.9 7.8 already explored is related to a maternal-to-fetal folate-
transport defect or an inherent fetal biochemical disorder
patients. The number and relative frequency of the that is neutralized by supplementation. In this scenario, it
anatomical diagnosis are shown in Table 1. has been shown that mice lacking the folic acid-binding
Allele and genotype frequencies are shown in Table 2. protein Folbp1 are defective in early embryonic develop-
Allele and genotype frequencies were in HardyWeinberg ment [13].
equilibrium. Interestingly, by comparing father genotype In addition, several reports have tried to associate
frequencies with patient genotype frequencies, a statistically polymorphisms in the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate
significant association was disclosed ( pb0.0001 assuming reductase gene (MTHFR) to folate-dependent neural tube
an additive genetic model, pb0.0001 assuming a dominant defects. Results, however, have been discordant regarding
genetic model, and p=0.01 assuming a recessive genetic both association and methodological aspects.
model). This association was explained by an increased Junker et al. were the first to search for a possible
frequency of the T allele in patients as compared to their association between congenital heart disease incidence and
fathers. MTHFR C677T polymorphism. Through the use of a case-
The possibility that an increased frequency of the T control design they found a significant association between
allele, associated with increased levels of homocysteine and the presence of the TT genotype and pulmonary valve
lower levels of folate in the Brazilian population [6], is stenosis, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, coarctation of the
associated with congenital heart disease in our population is aorta, aortic valve stenosis or subaortic stenosis [14].
tempting and biologically plausible. Nevertheless, we have Storti et al. genotyped 103 Italian mothers with
previously shown that allele and genotype frequencies in conotruncal defects offspring, 200 control mothers, 103
this genetic locus are highly dependent on ethnicity in the affected children and their fathers in the only study to date
Brazilian population. Therefore, a positive result in uni- that has used family control data to assort a possible
variate analysis, even in a family-based case-control study, association between this genetic marker and congenital heart
could be the result of population stratification and an disease. Like our data, no increased risk was observed for
unequal ethnic distribution. the prevalence of the 677TT genotype by itself in affected
We have decided to better explore this potential bias children and in their mothers [15].
through the use of a Transmission Disequilibrium Test. At least two possibilities may explain the discordant
Through the use of the TRANSMIT algorithm we analyzed findings between these studies. Firstly, population genetic
the 285 persons in the study following a case-parents structure in this locus has been reported in several
design. Following this design, there were 91 nuclear populations worldwide, including ours [6]. The existence
families. The resultant global chi-squared test, on 1 degree of population genetic structure may lead to false positive
of freedom was 0.11235, a non-significant result. genetic association studies due to unbalanced distribution
between cases and controls. The use of the TRANSMIT
algorithm, through its family-based TDT design, is a nice
4. Discussion alternative to this caveat since it can adjust for population
genetic structure, especially in admixed populations. In
Several reports have described a positive association addition, it is also possible that this genetic variant may be
between homocysteine metabolism and neural tube defects only associated with a particular type of anatomical
(NTD) [1]. Because neural crest cells contribute to the diagnoses. In fact, different studies have used patients with
outflow septation of the heart, one might assume that the very different sets of anatomical diagnosis under the
same hampered homocysteine metabolism may play the congenital heart disease diagnose. For instance, according
same role in CHD [5]. to Junker et al. a significant association was found in
Recently, Scanlon et al. reported that total maternal folate patients with pulmonic valve stenosis, hypoplastic left heart
intake of z245 Ag was inversely related to risk of cardiac syndrome, coarctation of the aorta, and aortic valve stenosis,
outflow tract defects among those with transposition of the but these diagnoses are the very minority of our patients.
great arteries, but positively related among those with In conclusion, we did not find any association between
normally related vessels. This difference disappeared when MTHFR C677T genotype and congenital heart disease in
18 A.C. Pereira et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 105 (2005) 1518

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