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The noun adhikra (and related forms derived lambhdhikra (competency in hitting a target;
from adhi + kr-, be or place over, aim at, or Ar. 7.17.2324).
superintend) denotes a range of personal capac- This term adhikra is also used for speech or a
ities and statuses, especially those conferred by textual passage to indicate its scope of reference.
religious or social convention. These may be clas- We encounter it thus in epic and literary narra-
sified in terms of whether they belong to general tive: The champions now began to spin tales,
usage or to one of the specialized spheres of most wondrous tales that bore upon war
ritual, politics, or law. (For adhikra [and com- (prtandhikrh ) (MBh. 1.184.11; trans. van
pounds beginning with adhikra], see An Encyclo- Buitenen, 1973, 360). In other words, they told
paedic Dictionary of Sanskrit on Historical Principles, tales on the topic of war or having war as their
vol. III, Poona, 1982, 15711601). concern. Similarly, Rma, passing through the
With regard to persons, the word adhikra crowds on his way to the palace, hears in the chat-
commonly denotes a capacity or fitness to do ter words pertaining to himself (tmdhikr . . .
something, whether an innate capacity or one vcah ; Rm. 2.14.24).
that is cultivated. Yayti in the Mahbhrata, In scholastic usage, adhikra becomes a tech-
explaining the process of rebirth to Asta ka, nical term for the scope the relevance or range
describes what happens to the spirit (vyu) after of application of a word or a section of a text.
insemination in a new womb: For example, in the Mmm s system of ritual
theory, adhikra is one of the six sorts of proposi-
sa tatra tanmtrakrtdhikrah kramena
tions: a definition, a metarule, a general injunc-
sam vardhayatha garbham
tion, a restricted injunction, a topic statement
There, endowed with the capacity for sense (adhikra), and an extended application. The
perception, he in turn makes the embryo grow. action implied by adhikra in this case is to estab-
(MBh. 1.85.14) lish a topic in need of explication. Commentators
This is an adhikra that arises naturally in the often like to say that the word atha (now, next)
process of coming into being as a person, and it is that begins many didactic works has the sense
thus common to all. However, this sort of gener- of adhikra (adhikrrthah ) that is, that it
ally shared adhikra has its limitations, and it is means taking up. Thus, in explaining the first
with some irony that Yayti describes the apti- words of the Yogastra ( Ptajala Yoga), atha
tudes of ordinary people as being qualified only yognusanam (Now the instruction in Yoga),
for vain pursuits: Vysa writes, This has the sense of introducing
[a topic: the instruction in Yoga, i.e.] the treatise
nnbhv bahavo jvaloke which is introduced (adhikrtam), [i.e.] which is to
daivdhn nasta cest dhikrh be known (ayam adhikrrthah yognusanam
tat tat prpya na vihanyeta dhro stram adhikrtam veditavyam). Vysa thus shows
dista m balya iti matvtmabuddhy that the seemingly unremarkable word atha is a
In the world of the living, the multitude of all speech act that simultaneously sets in motion and
sorts are subject to destiny, fit (adhikrh ) only validates the exposition of a teaching.
for futile endeavors. Whatever he may attain, the
wise man is not disappointed, since he knows
in his heart of hearts that destiny is stronger.
(MBh. 1.84.6)
Ritual Adhikra
But adhikra may also point to an acknowledged However, far from being merely descriptive, in
competency in a particular activity, as in the the more prominent applications of the term,
Arthastra attributed to Kautilya ( artha): it denotes a capacity or power with normative
vikramdhikra (competency in valor) and laksya- value. G. Jha once explained the Mmm s

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672 Adhikra
schools conception of adhikra as actions in a Medhtithi, commenting on this verse, under-
state of latent potentiality (Jha, 1907, 365). The lines the element of duty: Adhikra is to be
concept was first expounded in connection with understood to mean: I must perform this
Vedic ritual ( yaja). Adhikra to perform a (adhikro mayaitad anusth eyam ity avagamah ).
rite is predicated upon the existence of a By contrast, those to whom dharma remains
sacred injunction to do so. Ktyyanarautastra inaccessible, whether because of natural impair-
(1.1.110) begins by addressing the question of in ments (including ineligibility, on account of caste,
whom such a qualification resides. After consid- to undergo the initiation into Veda study that
ering the possibility that qualification to make constitutes the second birth) or ones belonging to
Vedic offerings might apply to all beings, it a non-Vedic religion, are said to lack adhikra in
excludes nonhumans, the physically impaired, it: A shameless [beggar-monk] or a fool, whether
those who have not learned the Veda, and a woman or a man, has no competence (adhikra)
dras (but accepts the ritual adhikra of women). to [observe] dharma he is just like a dra
Contact with impurity also temporarily compro- (MBh. 5.70.38). In fact, it was a matter of some
mises ones adhikra, which had to be restored debate in the Mmm s to what degree dras
through performance of a penance. may be said to have adhikra in dharma (as in
The medieval Mmm s tradition taught that MlVK. 5.4.20).
adhikra, ones qualification and duty to perform This double aspect of adhikra its combina-
the rites, depends upon three factors: ones prior tion of right and duty appears vividly in what is
knowledge of the Veda, ones establishment and probably the most famous use of the word, in the
maintenance of the ritual fires, and ones capacity second chapter of the Bhagavadgt, where
for independent action: Krsn a explains to Arjuna the basis of karma-
yoga, the yoga through [everyday] actions:
Seeking to know dharma is disallowed if one
lacks adhikra on account of not having studied You have adhikra only with regard to the
the Veda and not being able by oneself to per- act never with regard to its fruits. Do not be
form all the [ordained ritual] acts. (MlVK. motivated by the fruits of action, nor crave inac-
1.85) tion. (BhG. 2.47)
Consequently, injunctions to make offerings This eloquent indictment of both self-gratifying
apply only to those eligible to perform them. ritualism and ascetic withdrawal deploys the idea
dras, for example, are not penalized for failing of ritual adhikra to undermine the traditional
to make such offerings since they are disqualified premise of Vedic ritual: that a rite performed well
on the basis of caste from studying the Veda. bears fruit for the performer. Finessing the logic
In the 12th book of the Mahbhrata, which of the Mmm saka exegete, Krsn a proposes that
is mainly given over to instruction in dharma, being entitled (and thereby obligated) to perform
the special status of the Brahman is explained by rites and, according to the metonymy of the
reference to his being qualified to officiate in Bhagavadgt, ones duties more generally does
offerings (hotrdhikra), which sets him apart not imply that one can lay claim to any reward.
from members of the other two twice-born This form of yoga consists precisely in renouncing
classes (MBh. 12.229.67; see caste). This is not that further claim to entitlement, as well as any
just a right or eligibility, but an obligation or selfish attachment (sanga) to the renunciation
responsibility, a point made by R. Lariviere of action itself !
(1988). Likewise, the broader category of twice-
born defines the broader scope of dharma, as the
Manusmrti states: Political Adhikra
In this stra one should recognize the adhikra
With reference to a king, adhikra points to his
of him for whom the [ritual] rule is prescribed
[to be performed] with mantras, from insemi-
central royal duties. Bhsma, in describing the
nation rite to funeral and of no one else. duties of a king, cites an ancient maxim on the
(MaSm. 2.16) adhikra of a king: that he has the right and duty
to dismiss even his own (Brahman) teacher,
This implies that full ceremonial preparation is a should he deviate from good conduct (MBh.
prerequisite for both legal rights and duties. 12.57.67). This sort of adhikra is not merely a
Adhikra 673
personal trait, or even a caste-based privilege, but Legal Adhikra
a status conferred ritually in the royal consecra-
tion. Hence, the Vyavahramaykha (1.1) begins Intertwined with the notions of ritual and politi-
by asserting that a king is anyone who is [ritu- cal adhikra is the adhikra of the legal sphere.
ally] empowered (adhikrta) to protect his sub- Here again, aspects of both entitlement and obli-
jects, not just a Ksatriya. gation may be involved. Even outside of the legal
The king may also delegate a portion of his technical works, that is, in literary accounts, the
authority (adhikaroti) to another. This may be an legalistic conception of adhikra is sometimes
ad hoc arrangement to show honor or trust. Thus, evoked. For example, in the Daakumracarita
after inviting his Kaurava cousins to his royal sac- (The Deeds of Ten Young Men), the mother of a
rifice, Yudhisth ira tries to earn their affection by concubine defends herself from the charge of
appointing them to various offices: forcing her daughter into unseemly conduct by
Saying this, the first-born of the Pndavas, con-
arguing that she was merely fulfilling her respon-
secrated for sacrifice, next charged them all with sibilities as the mother of a concubine, which she
official duties (adhikresu) as appropriate: he lists at length:
put Duhsana in charge (-adhikresu) of food; Your reverence, this slave girl tells you that I am at
he told Avatthman to take care of the Brah- fault. But this fault is [really] the performance
mans; he entrusted Sam jaya with offering rever- of my proper adhikra. For such is the adhikra
ence to the kings, and wise Bhsma and Drona of a courtesans mother (esa hi ganikmtur
with reviewing what had been done or not done. adhikrah ), that from her birth onward, I have
(MBh. 2.32.35) adorned her limbs and nourished her body with
But that is also the term used in more formal con- a lean diet that increases her radiance, strength,
texts to denote appointment to administrative office. color, and intelligence, and balances the humors,
the internal fire, and the bodily constituents.
The status, or office, of persons so appointed may
(Da. 2.2)
itself be called adhikra (although many other
terms for appointment or delegation also occur), She understands her adhikra, then, to be what is
and titles of officers commonly end in -adhikrta expected of her her legitimate responsibility,
(appointee, [put] in charge). Hence, we learn that given her social position.
officers appointed to protect (raksdhikrta) the Adhikra can also be a more formal legal sta-
people of a provincial district are liable to be pun- tus, that is, one arising from an act that confers
ished for corruption or for shirking their respon- responibility. Vidura, the uncle and counsellor of
sibilities (MaSm. 7.123, 9.272; see also YjSm. the Pndava brothers in the Mahbhrata, enu-
1.338). It may also describe a military appoint- merates the sorts of people unworthy to be given
ment, as when Krsn a put Vsudeva naka- the responsibility to serve as a witness in a
dundubhi in charge of the troops (baldhikre lawsuit:
niksipya; MBh. 2.30.12; see also baldhikrta,
A sailor, a merchant who used to be a thief, a
commander in Bnas Harsacarita 7.2).
quack surgeon (alkadhrtam ) and a physi-
The Arthastra says that honest and effective
cian, an enemy and a friend and an actor one
officials should be entrusted with permanent
should not appoint (adhikurvta) these seven as
office (nitydhikra; Ar. 2.9.36), but it also witnesses. (MBh. 5.35.37)
speaks of one fallen from honor or office
(mndhikrbhym bhrasta h ; Ar. 1.14.2). One Any properly ordained king has the authority
may also speak of a king transferring all his own (adhikra) to judge and to punish in both civil
authority to a successor, as King Kaualya placed and criminal cases, although he cannot initiate a
his offspring Brahmisth a in his own [position of] civil suit. He can also delegate these responsibili-
authority (brahmisth am dhya nije dhikre . . . ties. Thus, when he grows weary of hearing cases,
svatanuprastam; RaghV. 18.29). the king may place on the bench (sthpayed
sane tasmin) a prominent minister who knows
dharma, wise and disciplined (MaSm. 7.141).
The classical definition of a court of justice
(often called a dharmdhikarana) includes men-
tion of such appointments:
674 Adhikra
When the king does not try a case personally, vidual or class of individuals. The prescriptions of
however, he should appoint a learned Brah- ritual restrictions and injunctions, which in some
man to do so. Entering the main court itself contexts are taken to be the content of dharma,
accompanied by three assessors, he should try apply only to those who have adhikra for them,
the cases brought before the king, either seated namely, the twice-born classes. This implication
or standing. The place where three Brahmans is made explicit in the Manusmrti:
versed in the Vedas and a learned officer of
the king sit, they call the Court of Brahman. For the dra, there is no mortal sin, nor does
(MaSm. 8.911) he merit sanctification. He has neither respon-
sibilities (adhikra) in dharma, nor prohibition
The assessors (sabhya), members of the council on account of dharma. (MaSm. 10.126)
(sabh) of learned Brahmans, representing expert
authority in dharma, are to be distinguished from From this declaration, it would seem that the
the kings officer (adhikrta, adhikrin), who wields dra is outside the moral universe of dharma.
his practical authority to render a decision, to That does not mean that dras have no stan-
bind or to loose, and to carry out the sentence. dards among themselves. Customary norms
The king could also be called upon to propose (cra) are accepted as another basis of dharma,
further penalties for the neglect of religious and and Mitramira in his Vramitrodaya (c. 1600)
social sanctions applied by other legal entities, goes so far as to argue that when the Manusmrti
such as the dharma officer (dharmdhikrin) or (2.6) refers to the conduct of good men, it
Brahman Council, or a caste or guild council. implies that
Besides the Brahman Council, other decision- the practice (cra) of faultless men, even if
making groups were considered to possess adhikra. they do not know the Veda, is authoritative
The related term adhikarana, in legal contexts, is (pramna). So too the practice of good dras
applied to law courts and administrative offices becomes authoritative for their sons and other
(Sircar, 1966, 6). (dras). (Mitramira, 1896, 9)
In property law, adhikra is the right and
Otherwise, though, it is simply asserted that obe-
responsibility to perform certain acts such as the
dient service to Brahman householders is their
sale of family property (Davis, 2004, 70). This
highest dharma (MaSm. 9.334).
adhikra arises from a combination of claim to
land rights (svatva) and authority to alienate the
property (svtantrya), which in the Indian joint
family did not always coincide in a given individ- Bibliography
ual (Derrett, vol. II, 1977, 86, 91). A similar form
Davis, D.R., Jr., The Boundaries of Hindu Law: Tradition,
of adhikra as is reflected, for example, in a Custom and Politics in Medieval Kerala, Torino, 2004.
17th-century record (Davis, 2004, 88) in which a Derrett, J.D.M., Essays in Classical and Modern Hindu
group of temple authorities were called the Law, 4 vols., Leiden, 1977.
adhikrapadrthamudayavarkal (the executive Jha, G., lokavrttika, Calcutta, 1907.
trustees of temple property). Government offi- Lariviere, R.W., Adhikra Right and Responsibility, in:
cials and temple authorities are frequently called M.A. Jazayery & W. Winter, eds., Languages and Cul-
tures: Studies in Honor of E.C. Polom, Berlin, 1988,
adhikrin or adhikrika in inscriptions, and
payments made to such officials are called offi- Scharp, A., Klidsa-Lexicon, vol. I/4: Raghuvam a,
cial pay (adhikravrtan; Tam. atikrapperu, Brugge, 1964.
atikrappon; Sircar, 1966, 67). Sircar, D.C., Indian Epigraphical Glossary, Delhi, 1966.
In sum, then, adhikra broadly speaking is
legal competence for a particular range of Timothy Lubin
actions, explicitly restricted to a particular indi-

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