Notes 1: Introduction and Definitions

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This first section of the notes will deal with the the introductory chapter of Saxes book Beginning
Functional Analysis. This chapter concerns itself primarily with the basic definitions including what a
metric space is, norms, some examples of sequence and function spaces, and a discussion on dimension.

Notes 1: Introduction and Definitions

Definition 0.1. Inner product space - an mathematical structure with the same general properties of
Euclidean space IE:
1. A metric which defines distance between two points.
2. A way of determining orthogonality.
A simple example of this is the metric describing Euclidean distance in Rn :
u n
d(x, y) = t (xi yi )2 xi , yi Rn (1)

Definition 0.2. A metric space is denoted as (M, d) is a set M along with a function d : M M R
which satisfies:
1. d(x, y) 0x, y M
2. d(x, y) = 0 x = y
3. d(x, y) = d(y, x)x, y M
4. d(x, y) d(x, z) + d(z, y)x, y, z M
Two examples of metrice spaces are the field of complex numbers where d(x, y) = |x y|. Another
example is a discrete metric such as: (
1 if x 6= y
d(x, y) =
0 if x = y
This notion of a metric space has several uses in proofs. For instance, we might use the definition of a
metric to show that a sequence {xn }
n=1 in a metric space (M, d) is said to converge to element x M if:

{ > 0; N Z+ : d(xn , x) <  when n N }

Note. This is the typical form of the convergence proofs for the methods I am testing.
Definition 0.3. Continuity for a function f is defined on a metric space (M, dM ) and taking values in
another metric space (N, dN ) at a point x0 M if for any given  > 0 there exists some > 0 such that:

dn (f (x), f (x0 )) <  whenever dM (x, x0 ) < (2)

Definition 0.4. Many (but not all, see next point) metrics arise from the concept of a norm. A normed
linear space (V, || ||) is a linear space V with a function denoted as || || : V R is a norm if it satisfies
four conditions:
1. ||v|| 0 v V
2. ||v|| = 0 v = 0
3. ||v|| = ||||v|| v, V
4. ||v + w|| ||v|| + ||w|| v, w V
triangle inequality
Some examples of normed linear spaces include the linear space V equipped with the absolute value norm
|x|. Another is the Euclidean norm we learn in elementary school. A third example is ||xn || which just
gives the maximum element of the vector xn .
Theorem 0.1. If (V, || ||) is a normed space and d(v, w) by

d(v, w) = ||v w||

then d is a metric on V

Proof. Validation of this quality is performed by showing that the qualitites for norms lead necessarily to
the qualities of a metric:
The quality of nonnegativity is held for both metrics, and norms.
Nondegeneracy is held between the two structures.
||x + y|| = ||y + x||
The triangle inequality holds for both structures.
Therefore, all norms yield a metric.

However, as mentioned, not all metrics are norms:

Proof. For instance, the discrete metric described earlier does not qualify as a norm. Consider the third
quality ||v|| = ||||v||. For any value of 6= 1, it fails. For instance, if = 5, v = 2:
||5 2|| = 1 6= |5| ||2||
Therefore, the discrete metric is not a norm.

Another important definition is that of an inner product which gives rise to many types of norms:
Definition 0.5. An inner product space is a liear space (R or C) with a function denoted h, i : V V
R or C which satisfies the first three requirements for norms including two other requirements:
Symetry:hv, wi = hw, vi Note that in the case that if we are dealing with a vector space of C symetry
becomes Hermitian symetry:
hv, wi = hw, vi
where the bar represents the complex conjugate v, w V .
Distributivity:hv, w + zi = hw, vi + hw, zi
Theorem 0.2. Inner products are related to norms through the equality:
||v|| = hv, vi
However, not all norms have an inner product associate with them. We can determine whether they do
or not using the parallelogram equality:
Definition 0.6. The parallelogram equality is:
2||u||2 + 2||v||2 = ||u + v||2 + ||u v||2
This law states that the sum of squares for the lengths of two diagonals for a parallelogram is twice the
sum of the squares for the sides.
Next, is the bread and butter of functional analysis proof: Cauchy-Schwartz:
Theorem 0.3. For inner product space (V, h, i), the following inequality holds:
q q
| hv, wi | hv, vi hw, wi

Alternatively, this can be phrased in terms of the norm associated with the inner product space:
||v + w|| ||v||||w|| (3)
Proof. The simplest proof occurs in R and employs the quadratic equation. For nonzero elements of a real
inner product space x, y V , and real number :
||x + y, x + y|| = 2 ||x, x|| + 2||x, y|| + ||y, y|| (4)
a = ||x, x||
b = ||x, y||
c = ||y, y||
Which makes the equation above:
||x + y, x + y|| = 2 a2 + 2b + c (5)
This equation is a quadratic equation with a minimum 2a
which is nonnegative. Therefore:

b 2 b b2
a( ) + b( )+c or c (6)
2a 2a 4a
Which translates to:
||y, y||
(||x, y||)2 (7)
4||x, x||

0.1 Sequence Space, Function Space, and `p Norms
The definitions regarding norm are now discussed in context to a slightly different topic:
Definition 0.7. A sequence space is a linear space composed of sequnces existing in R or C where addition
and multiplication are defined pointwise.
The definition of a sequence space flows into a more immediately useful concept:
Definition 0.8. An `p space is a space consisting of all sequences {xn }
n=1 :

|xn |p <

Which have a normed defined as:

X 1
||xn || = |xn |p p

Note that with these qualities that `p becomes a normed linear space.
An important question is which of the `p norms satisfies the the parallelogram equality and therefore has
an associated inner product? As it turns out the only case for this is the `2 norm which becomes:

hx, yi = xn yn x, y R
hx, yi = xn yn x, y R

Definition 0.9. A function space is a linear space consisting of functions where addition and scalar (both
R and C) multiplication are defined.
One definition of a linear space is as follows: Let [a, b] be a closed, bounded interval with:

V = {f : [a, b] R B 0 : |f (x)| B x [a, b]}

Then there is an associated subspace called the space of continuous functions:

{f : [a, b] R|f is continuous}
For brevity, this is denoted as C([a, b]). There are also equivalents for once and twice differentiable functions
C 1 ([a, b]) and C 2 ([a, b]).
Another worthwhile note is that on each sequence and function space there exists a norm which therefore
means that any function space is a metric space.
In the case of the `2 norm mentioned earlier, C([a, b]) becomes an inner product space with inner product:
Z b
hf, gi = f (x)g(x)dx x, y R
Z b
hf, gi =
f (x)g(x)dx x, y R

Another metric we may define for C([a, b]) is the supremum function which denotes the largest value
between two functions.
d(f, g) = ||f g|| = sup{|f (x) g(x)| x [a, b]}

0.2 Dimensionality
An n dimensional space denoted as Rn has a basis which can be given by a collection of vectors:
e1 = (1, 0, . . . , 0)
e2 = (0, 1, . . . , 0)
en = (0, 0, . . . , 1)
To review: a basis in R means that a set of vectors satisfy the conditions below:
1. Linear independence: For all 1 , 2 , ..., n R the linear combination of vectors:

i ei = 0 1 = 2 = = n = 0

2. The vectors span Rn ; en Rn can be written as a linear combination of the basis vectors.
Definition 0.10. A linear space is n-dimensional if the largest value of n exists.
Definition 0.11. A linear space is infinite dimensional if for any positive integer n there exists a linearly
independent subset containing n-elements.

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