Project: Typographic Self Portrait Assignment Brief

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Typographic Self Portrait


Your assignment is to make a self-portrait using typographic Size: 8.5 x 11 mounted on 10.5 x 13 black or white board,
depending on final design.
characters. Use the letters, which represent sound, to illustrate
your face, thinking about how your design reflects you as a Use double sided tape to mount paper to board. NO GLUE.
Cover the final design with a sheet of tracing paper.
designer. Think about identity your own identity and
A Student Statement should be included with your final
study your face and its characteristics. Examine the forms of design. This will briefly outline your design process.
typographic elements closely to determine what will represent
All pre-drawings and thumbnails and student statement
you best. should be stapled together and placed in a properly
labelled envelope to be handed in along with the final
To manipulate type as a visual image.

Letters, numbers and alphabetic symbols such as parentheses
are allowed, as are combinations of different typefaces. You
may not manipulate or deform the letterforms. Your design
should be black and white, although you may use a different
background color if you wish.

GD121 Typography
Typography-Portrait-97490175 Typographic-Self-Portrait-136578230

There is essentially no right or wrong character to use, however you should take the opportunity
to experiment a little.

Note that using individual characters like the two examples above are most appropriate as they
give you the opportunity to experiment more with simplicity.

The image to the left uses whole words to simulate the hair. Also because you are supposed
to only use black and white type, vary the size and weight and style of type if you would like to
simulate shadows.

Avoid clustering the type as seen in the images below. It is a matter of simply arranging words
together in high contrast areas of a photo and does not allow for the skill development in
manipulating the individual character.

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