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What is Horticulture?
Horticulture is the culture of plants for food, comfort, and beautification purposes
In Latin, the term horticulture means garden culture
However, advancements in horticulture science and technology have helped the
field of horticulture become more than just garden culture
How Does Horticulture Relate to Science and Technology?
The horticulture industryis the combination of scientific, technological, and production
activities that insure the satisfaction of the consumer
Science + Technology + Production = THE HORTICULTURE INDUSTRY
The Three Segments of the Horticulture Industry
The growth and use of plants for their beauty is the area of horticulture known as
ornamental horticulture
Ornamental horticulture involves the production and use of flowering and
foliage plants used both indoors and out.
The area of horticulture that involves the production of vegetable food crops is
Olericulture includes the planting, harvesting, storing, processing, and
marketing of vegetable crops
Sweet corn, tomatoes, and lettuce are examples of vegetable crops
Another food crop production area of horticulture is pomology
Pomology is the planting, harvesting, storing, processing, and marketing of fruit
and nut crops
Examples of fruit and nut crops include peaches, strawberries, and walnuts
The + One Major Segment of the Horticulture Industry
Viticulture is usually not listed into the horticulture it is differentiated as an industry
Viticulture is the planting, harvesting, storing, and marketing of grapes.
Processing could be divided different industry depends on the final product.
Examples of raisin, wines, juice or fresh fruit.

Tissue culture is the growth of tissues or cells separate from the organism. This is
typically facilitated via use of a liquid, semi-solid, or solid growth medium, such as broth or agar.
Tissue culture commonly refers to the culture of animal cells and tissues, with the more specific
term plant tissue culture being used for plants. The term "tissue culture" was coined by American
pathologist Montrose Thomas Burrows, M.D.

Historical usage
In 1885 Wilhelm Roux removed a section of the medullary plate of an embryonic chicken
and maintained it in a warm saline solution for several days, establishing the basic principle of
tissue culture. In 1907 the zoologist Ross Granville Harrison demonstrated the growth of frog
embryonic cells that would give rise to nerve cells in a medium of clotted lymph. In 1913, E.
Steinhardt, C. Israeli, and R. A. Lambert grew vaccinia virus in fragments of guinea pig corneal
tissue.In 1996, the first use of regenerative tissue was used to replace a small distance of a
urethra, which led to the understanding that the technique of obtaining samples of tissue,
growing it outside the body without a scaffold, and reapplying it, can be used for only small
distances of less than 1 cm.

Gottlieb Haberlandt first pointed out the possibilities of the culture of isolated tissues,
plant tissue culture. He suggested that the potentialities of individual cells via tissue culture and
also suggested that the reciprocal influences of tissues on one another could be determined by
this method. Since Haberlandt's original assertions methods for tissue and cell culture have been
realized, leading to significant discoveries in Biology and Medicine. His original idea presented
in 1902 was called totipotentiality: Theoretically all plant cells are able to give rise to a
complete plant.
Modern usage
In modern usage, tissue culture generally refers to the growth of cells from a tissue from
a multicellular organism in vitro. These cells may be cells isolated from a donor organism,
primary cells, or an immortalised cell line. The cells are bathed in a culture medium, which
contains essential nutrients and energy sources necessary for the cells' survival. The term tissue
culture is often used interchangeably with cell culture.
The literal meaning of tissue culture refers to the culturing of tissue pieces, i.e. explant
Tissue culture is an important tool for the study of the biology of cells from multicellular
organisms. It provides an in vitro model of the tissue in a well defined environment which can be
easily manipulated and analysed.
Plant tissue culture in particular is concerned with the growing of entire plants from small
pieces of plant tissue, cultured in medium

What is Mechanical Engineering?
Mechanical Engineering is the broadest of all engineering disciplines,
encompassing areas such as energy, fluid mechanics, dynamics, combustion, vibration,
design, manufacturing processes, systems modeling and simulation, mechatronics,
robotics, mechanics of material, rapid prototyping and composites.

What Do Mechanical Engineers Do?

Mechanical engineers are employed in virtually every kind of industry. They are
involved with seeking new knowledge through research, creative design and
development, and with the construction, control, management, and sales of the devices
and systems needed by society. A major strength of an education in mechanical is the
flexibility it provides in future employment opportunities for its graduates.


Marine Science is a multidisciplinary field of study and research of ocean life and
physics. Overlap areas between the different marine science disciplines are increasingly targeted
as in seems necessary to investigate these areas in order to fully understand the workings of the
marine environment. Basic marine sciences are:

Marine biology is the scientific study of organisms in the ocean or other marine bodies of
water. Given that in biology many phyla, families and genera have some species that live
in the sea and others that live on land, marine biology classifies species based on the
environment rather than on taxonomy. Marine biology differs from marine ecology as
marine ecology is focused on how organisms interact with each other and the
environment, while biology is the study of the organisms themselves.

Marine chemistry is influenced by turbidity currents, sediments, pH levels, atmospheric

constituents, metamorphic activity, and ecology. The field of chemical oceanography
studies the chemistry of marine environments including the influences of different

Marine geology is the study of the history and structure of the ocean floor. It involves
geophysical, geochemical, sedimentological and paleontological investigations of the
ocean floor and coastal zone. Marine geology has strong ties to physical oceanography.

Oceanography is the branch of Earth science that studies the ocean. It covers a wide
range of topics, including ecosystem dynamics; ocean currents, waves, and geophysical
fluid dynamics; plate tectonics and the geology of the sea floor; and fluxes of various
chemical substances and physical properties within the ocean and across its boundaries.
Paleoceanography studies the history of the oceans in the geologic past.

Marine ecology are among the largest of Earth's aquatic ecosystems, salt marshes,
intertidal zones, estuaries, lagoons, mangroves, coral reefs, the deep sea, and the sea
floor. They can be contrasted with freshwater ecosystems, which have a lower salt
content. Marine waters cover two-thirds of the surface of the Earth. Such places are
considered ecosystems because the plant life supports the animal life and vice versa.

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